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Table Of Contents


Introduction 1

Background of the study 2

Statement of the problem 2

Hypothesis 3

Significance of the study 4

Scope and Limitations 4

Definition of terms 5


Related literature 6

Related studies 10

Methodology 11

Materials 11

Procedures 11


Data analysis and interpretation 13

Summary 16

Conclusion 16

Recommendation 16


Chapter I

The problems of garbage especially plastics are really existing and we

always deal with it.

Plastic wastes cause the earth suffocated everyday because they block

the waterways, canals, drainages and causing the water to overflow creating


“According to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),

plastics make up more than 12 percent of the solid waste stream in every

Municipality”. Some plastics are toxic and hazardous to people’s health that is

why the eradication of plastic wastes needed to be minimized if not lessen.

By turning plastic wastes into tiles as alternative material for expensive

commercial tiles sold in the market, we will be able to recycle them and

produce affordable alternative household tiles and plastic wastes will not

become a problem but beneficial instead.

The researcher wants to create and transform plastic wastes into usable

tile materials so that consumers will no longer be buying expensive one, and

helping the government and environment to be plastic-free community.


Nowadays a lots of places having problems specifically about plastic

wastes. Some plastic wastes and other garbage are on the streets, canals

and drainages. The researchers in this study focused on how to use and

utilized plastic wastes to produce good quality and durable alternative tiles.

They did research also about the History of Cabuyao segregation, they have

a lot of problems and cases in segregation because they’re having trouble

about the schedule of collecting the garbage in every subdivision and

Barangay’s. The Municipality is lack of order on how to collect the garbage

properly in the whole City of Cabuyao because they’re also lack of garbage



This researched study seeks the used of plastic wastes as the main

ingredient to make a floor tile. The study seeks to prove if the plastic wastes

are as effective to use as materials to know the durability and quality of the

product. This product seeks to answer the following question;

1. Is the use of plastic wastes as the main ingredient is effective in

enhancing floor tiles in terms of;

1.1 Quality

1.2 Durability
2. Does floor tiles is made out of plastic are an effective alternative to

ceramic tiles in terms of:

1.1 Quality

1.2 Durability


Based on the study and objectives of the product, the researcher’s

hypothesis are as follows:

1. The plastic wastes are effective in enhancing floor tiles in terms of

Quality and Durability

2. The alternative household tiles made from plastic wastes is as effective

as the commercially sold ceramic tiles in the market in terms of Quality

and Durability.


This research study aims to utilized plastic wastes in all the places in

every country in order to produce alternative household tiles which are as

competitive as those sold in the market. It would be helpful and beneficial to

all consumers who had a limited or tight budget. It also helped to lessen the

garbage in the community and gives us knowledge and idea on how to make

a unique or alternative product. Some people could use it also as a business

and/or for the willingness to designed they’re own houses in the future.

The focus of the study is to use and utilize plastic wastes to produce

quality and durable alternative household tiles, it would also help the

consumer’s and community to make it easy for them to have a quality

household tiles even though they had limited or tight budget and to lessen the

garbage of the community.


Plastic waste- general term for synthetic materials

Tiles- materials used for covering the walls and floors

Quality- possesses high level of value

Durability- strong and good quality that last over a long period

Commercial- related to selling and buying

Alternative- option from something which is already available

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents related readings, literature and studies to

the readers, found on both local and foreign sources. This will present the

information, data and knowledge about the use, benefit that we can get from

plastic wastes. It includes also the historical background, statistical, laws

related to the study and characteristics and properties of plastics

(EPA 1990; Maria et al. 2011; Tazou et al. 2017).Waste is defined as

any material that is not useful and doesn’t show any value in the economy

and to its owner, the owner being the waste generator. Wastes can be

categorized into solid, liquid and gaseous depending on its physical state of

waste. To regulate the wastes, a solid waste management system is provided

in respective urban local bodies to ensure beneficial use or disposal of trash.

The effect of plastic on landfills is important, as it takes a very long time to

degrade, at that time it would make a big impact on society. It is important to

note that despite being man made, chemical product takes just as long to

decompose as any food or paper wastes. With this, plastic recycling is very

vital, as the carrying capacity of landfills is limited.

(Justo and Veeraragavan2002; Awwad et al. 2007; Momin 2014).

The use of plastic has become a common practice for many purposes. The

material has an advantage with its unique properties such as lighter in weight,

transparency, flexible, resistant to moisture and other materials, durable and

versatile. With the increase of production of plastics and its usage, the waste

plastic is also increased dramatically. An approximate of about 70% of total

plastic consumption is generated as waste plastic in India which is about

15342 tons per day.

The disposal of these waste plastic materials is an emerging issue

which generates several environmental problems. There are many technical

options for reuse and safe disposal of waste plastics which can minimize the

problems associated with the environmental issues.

(Aubery et al. 2006; Pappu et al. 2007; Safiuddin et al. 2010;

Semanda 2014). Zainab Z. Ismail et al. [2007] Growth of population,

increasing urbanization, and rising standards of living due to technological

innovations have contributed in the quantity of a variety of solid wastes

generated by industrial, mining, domestic and agricultural procedures.

Globally, the estimated quantity of solid wastes generation was 12 billion tons

in the year 2002. Many authorities and investigators are lately working to

have the privilege of reusing the wastes in environmentally and economically

sustainable ways. The utilization of solid wastes in construction materials are

one of such innovative efforts. they have conducted comprehensive study

based on large number of experiments and tests in order to determine the

feasibility of reusing plastic sand as partial replacement of fine aggregate in

(Thompson et al. 2009) Plastic waste causes aesthetic problems, and it also

presents a hazard to maritime activities which includes fishing and tourism.

Floating plastic waste can rapidly become colonized by marine organisms

and since it can persist at the sea surface for substantial periods, it may

subsequently facilitate the transport of non-native species. Over 260 species,

including invertebrates, turtles, fish, seabirds and mammals, have been

reported to ingest or become entangled in plastic waste, resulting in impaired

movement and feeding, reduced reproductive output, lacerations, ulcers, and


Environmental impacts are wide ranging and can be both direct or

indirect. Direct impacts occur when marine life is physically harmed by marine

debris through ingestion or entanglement or marine debris physically alters a

sensitive ecosystem. Environmental impacts can also be indirect, such as

when a marine debris cleanup results in ecological changes.

(Northern European Museum) Denmark Public understanding of

environmental issues is critical for the active positions we need to take as

individuals and societies for transforming unsustainable to green economic

activities. Museums have the potential to contribute significantly to this by

communicating scientific knowledge on environmental issues. The study

examines the scale and character of environmental exhibitions and

collections in Denmark and surrounding countries. The study finds that the

scale far from exhaust in the potential. Exhibitions predominantly focus on

natural science dimensions with limited coverage of the social science

aspects of environmental problems and their solutions

Alexander Kumi-Larbi Jnr (a), Danladi Yunana (a), Pierre

Kamsouloum (b), Mike Webster (b), David C. Wilson (a), Christopher

Cheeseman (a) Recycling waste plastics in developing countries: Use of low-

density polyethylene water sachets to form plastic bonded sand blocks study.

In many developing countries low-density polyethylene (LDPE) sheets, bags

and water sachets are a major waste problem because local collection and

recycling systems do not exist. As a result, LDPE has no value and is

dumped causing aesthetic, environmental and public health issues.



Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saraswati College of Engineering,

Navi Mumbai, India.

Prof. M. D. Jagtap Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saraswati

College of Engineering where Plastics have opened the way for new

inventions and have replaced other materials in existing products. They are

durable, light and versatile, as well as resistant to decay, moisture and

chemicals. Yet these are the same properties that present environmental

challenges. This strategy seeks to achieve sustainable plastic waste

Chapter III


This chapter presents the materials and procedures used by the


In order to create the desired product that would satisfy the consumers and

the given hypothesis.


The materials used in this procedure are plastic wastes, mold

aluminium, baking paper, iron, heat gun, sand paper, and oven.


First, collect all plastic wastes and materials. Second, clean the

plastic wastes before use and cut it into small pieces. Third, draw a shape on

the paper by using 40x40 centimeter mold, and the thickness is 4 cm, then

create a side wall higher than the thickness to prevent the plastic not to go

over the edge. Fourth, draw a shape on paper and calculate the right

measurement, cut the materials and aluminum in the right shape, after you

cut the squares and bend the sides to create a box next, cut out the top of

aluminum and then proceed to the melting of the plastic wastes, you need to

press the mold in which you can add pressure for better result. Fifth, fix the

aluminum mold then heat up the oven to 200 degrees, add baking paper
because melted plastic could stick to the mold if you put the plastic directly to

it. Sixth, prepare the plastic wastes for the melting and molding process

make sure it is clean and dry, put them into the mold, let it melt in the oven

with the heat equivalent to 200 c degree, place the mold with plastic wastes

in the oven.

Make sure the temperature doesn’t exceed to 200 c degrees.

Seventh, wait until the plastic wastes are melted and shiny, then remove it

from the oven after 2-3 hours, depends on the desired thickness of the tiles.

Put it in a dry place and let it cool until it becomes hard. You can use clamps

to add pressure by pushing its corner part of the mold.,. Eight, remove the

melted plastic wastes from the mold when it cooled down, take the tile from

it. To nicely finish the tile, use an iron or heat gun or even sand paper to

polish the texture of the tiles.

Chapter IV


The collected data and its analysis are shown in this chapter

and how the researchers proved the hypotheses presented in the study.


For the first experiment of the product, the researchers used 5

pieces of plastic wastes put into aluminium mold for the melting process and

heated in the oven for 30 minutes for about 100c degrees, after the

experimentation the result is not the expectation that the researchers wished

to have because the thickness of the tile is not ideal. and the tile is soft.

For the second experimentation, the researchers put 15 plastic

wastes into the aluminium mold for the melting process again using oven

heated for 150 c degrees but when it cooled down after 1 hour it broke down

easily because it is quiet brittle.

The third experimentation was somehow gave better result

because the researchers got the ideal thickness of the tile by putting 20

pieces of plastic wastes into aluminium mold and heated in the oven for

about 175c degrees for about 1 hour and 30 minutes until it was melted but

the tile is as not hard as the researchers wanted to produce because it is

kind a rubber.

The last experiment the researchers put 25 plastic wastes into

the aluminium mold and heated in the oven for about 200c degrees and

removed after 2-3 hours, after it cooled down, the researchers got the ideal

thickness of the tile and it is hard enough to use as household alternative

floor tile.

The table below shows the comparison of the four experiment

that the researchers did to get the better result of their study.

Experiment Number of Number of Degrees plastic

plastic hours heated wastes heated Thicknes Hardnes
wastes in the oven s of the s of the
used Tile Tile
Experiment No. 1 5 30 minutes 100 c degrees 1 1
Experiment No. 2 15 1 hour 150 c degrees 1 1
Experiment No. 3 20 1 hour and 30 175 c degrees 3 2
Experiment No. 4 25 2 -3 hours 200 c degrees 4 4

Legend for the thickness and hardness of the alternative floor Tiles

3-Very Good

The table above shows the different experimentation and different

results as the researchers conducted to prove the study. Experiment

numbers 1 and 2 shows that the thickness and hardness of the tile is poor

because it did not meet the ideal tile needed Experiment number 3 shows

that the thickness is very good but the hardness of the tie is good, but the

ideal result was shown in experiment number 4 because the thickness and

hardness of the alternative floor tule made from plastic wastes gave

excellent result as conducted by the researchers.


The experiment was recorded thoroughly and the comparisons were

carefully analyzed. For the four experiments conducted the achieved mean in

terms of thickness is 2.25 and in terms of hardness the achieved mean is 2,

the overall mean for the four experiments is 2.125 or good which clearly

states that the first hypothesis of the study is accepted and the second

hypothesis is null and rejected

Chapter V


This chapter shows the summary of the study and the

conclusions that the researchers found out based on the experiment and the

given hypotheses and the recommendations for the future related study.


The study aims to produce an alternative floor tile using plastic

wastes as main materials for the study. The group did a little research about

how plastic wastes can be recycled and utilize those plastics as main content

of alternative household floor tiles which are as competitive as those sold in

the market in terms of quality (thickness) and durability (hardness).


Based on the findings, the researchers conclude that the

utilization of plastic wastes material can make and create an alternative

household floor tiles as good as the commercialized ones in terms of quality

(thickness) and durability (hardness). Therefore the study is considered

accepted based on the results.


For further study, the researchers recommend the use of other

alternative recyclable materials aside from plastic wastes which can be

transformed into helpful products and eliminating environmental problems at

the same time. Use different experimentation process in order to make and

create best alternatives.

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