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Fatima Jinnah Women University

[Islamic Studies]

Instructor: Ms. Nazia Zaman Instructor Email:

Course Title: Introduction to the Topics of Quran
Credit Hours: 3 Status: Foundation
Semester/Session: B. I Google Class Code: 3dbdsl5
Whatsapp: 03425129990 Prerequisite: N/A
Course Description:

The contents of this course include different topics of Quran to clear the concepts. It includes faith, Towhead, Belief in Prophethood, Belief in Hereafter,
Fasting prayer, hajj and zakat. This course also covers family life topics to current political topics.
Course Objectives:
This course aims to:
1. To aware students about the topics of Qur’an.
2. It is also to understand the different issues in Qur’an.
3. To create skills in the students through which they can able to meet the challenge of the contemporary world in the light of the verses of Qur’an.

Learning Outcomes:
1. The students will be aware about different concepts of Quran.
2. They will understand the significance of its authenticity through transmitted procedure.
3. They will get detailed knowledge of its all aspects necessary for humanity till day of Qiyamah.
Module-wise Breakdown of Course Contents

Sem Module Content Objectives of Online Activity Resources Assignment

Week Module
1st. Introduction to Islamic Faith To give students in Lecture & https://www.cia.go Discussion of
Oneness of Allah • Meaning and depth understanding interactive session v/library/abbottaba Tawheed by
Almighty Importance of Faith of Islamic faith and on whatsapp group d- different sects and
• History of Faith belief upon Allah compound/84/8457 study of Tawheed
• Quranic Verses 5EAC059788C5E8 discussed in Quran
regarding Islamic DFA51FEF117E4 & Hadith
Pillars of Faith A_The%20Funda

2nd Meaning and Importance https://yassarnalqu

of Tawheed ran.files.wordpress
• Quranic Verses .com/2010/10/tawh
about Tawheed eed.pdf
Quranic Verses about
Allah’s Oneness

3rd Topics on Beliefs Meaning and Importance To impart the Google Classroom for https://www.musli Concept of Belief in
of Beliefs in Prophet knowledge of basic material/Google-meet m- Prophet hood in
for interactive lecture
Hood Islam and in Other
• Quranic Verses concept of belief in /prophethood-in- religions: A
regarding belief I n Prophet hood. islam-and- comparative study
Prophet Hood hinduism/
• Specific Quranic
Verses regarding
Messenger Ship of
4th Topics on Beliefs Meaning and Importance To discuss the belief Google Classroom for https://cpsglobal.or Assesment related
of Belief in Hereafter upon Hereafter and to material/Google-meet g/content/seventh- to Module 1 & 2
for interactive lecture
• Quranic Verses understand its true article-faith-
regarding Belief in meanings mentioned %E2%80%93-
Hereafter in Quran belief-hereafter-
5th • Impact of Belief in
Hereafter on
Human Life
Quranic Verses regarding
Impact of Belief in
6th Introduction to Fasting To understand the Google Classroom for https://www.resea Assessment Related
and Prayer basic worships material/Google-meet to Module 3
for interactive lecture
Quranic Verses regarding mentioned in Quran ation/282603275_
Prayer, Fasting Fasting_in_Islam
7th Meaning and Importance To understand the Hajj and Zakat are
of Hajj and Zakat meaning of Hajj nowledge/zakat-in- due upon the people
• Commandments of and zakat quran/ who can afford it:
Quran about Hajj mentioned in Quran Discussion
Commandments of Quran
about Hajj
8th. Topics on Political, Importance and Meaning To understand the Google Classroom for
social and Creation in of Political and Social meaning of political material/Google-meet Assessment Related
for interactive lecture
Quran Life in Islam life and social life way-life-allamah- to Module 4
Quranic Verses regarding discussed in Quran abu-al-ala-
Political Life mawdudi/islamic-
Quranic Verses regarding political-system
Social Life


Dialogue, History Description of History in To learn the living Google Classroom for History of Bani
and Bani Israel in Quran style of Bani Israel material/Google-meet Israel in Quran
for interactive lecture
Quran Quranic Verses regarding mentioned in Quran 04/The-story-of-
10th Historical Evidence for better the-Bani-Israel-
Quranic Verses regarding understanding of running-away-
Historical Events the subject from-Pharaoh-
11th Meaning of Inter- Faith To learn the Google Classroom for https://www.jewis How Interfaith
dialogue and differences meaning of Inter- material/Google-meet dialogue is
for interactive lecture
of Invitation to Dialogue Faith dialogue and 2020/04/06/interfa mentioned in Quran
differences of ith-relations-in-
Quranic Verses regarding Invitation to the-quranic- and its Impact on
Dialogue and Its Rules Dialogue tradition/ society: Discuss
Principles of Invitation in

12th Introduction and

Importance to Bani Israel
• History of Jews in
Beliefs of Bani Israel
mentioned in Quran and
13th History of Christians, History and Introduction To learn about Google Classroom for
polytheism, of Christians History of material/Google-
meet for interactive
hypocrites & Quran • Quranic History of Christians, lecture
as miracle through Quran polytheism,
science Beliefs of Christianity hypocrites & Quran
mentioned in Quran as miracle through
14th Introduction and History What is Polytheism
of Polytheism
Quranic Verses Regarding ning-
Polytheism commentary-
15th Introduction and History https://www.thela Description of
of Hypocrites Hypocrites in
icle/the-topic- Quran
• History of hypocrites-
Hypocrites mentioned-in-
Quranic Verses Regarding quran/

16th Ijaz al Quran: The https://yaqeeninst

Miraculous Style of the
Quran -
• The Challenges of hani/introduction
the Quran -to-ijaz-al-quran-
• Aspects of the part-1-the-
style, Nature and miraculous-
the Ijaz of the nature-of-the-
Quran quran/
Miraculous phenomenon
and impact of the Quran
17th To understand the https://thequrana A comparative
The Quran and Science Quran & Science study of Quran
• The Quran and through Quranic ex.php and Science
Scientific Truth and Verses and
Discoveries explanation
The Prophetic statements mentioned in Hadith
concerning the future
Teaching Methodology
• The teaching methodology will be monologue and dialogue.

Assessment Methods
• Observation
• Questioning
• Self-Assessment
• Structured Activities

Outcome and Learning Grid

Sr. No. Learning Outcome Assessment
1. Fair Understanding of Basic Concept of Religion Assignment 1, 2
2. Compatibility with International Standard of Project
Research (ISR)
3. Development of interpersonal and presentation skills Presentations
4. Competent in Critical Thinking (CCT) Quizzes
5. Contemporary Challenges to Islam (CCI) Assignment and
6. Religious Tolerance (RT) Class activities
7. Embrace Islam with sense of Pride (EISP) Exams

Evaluation Criteria
Sr. No. Evaluation Break-up Marks Percentage
1 Assignments 10
2 Quiz 10
3 Mid Term 20
4 Projects (Research / Practical) 1
5 Class Participation 5
6 Final Term 40
Total 100

Recommended Readings
• Doi, Dr. Abd al-Rahman. (n.d.). The Sciences of the Quran. New Delhi: Sterling Publisher.
• Denfer, A. V. (1989). Ulum al-Quran. United Kingdom: The Islamic Foundation.
• Philips, Abu Ameenah Bilal. (1997). Usool at Tafsir. United Arab Emirates: Dar ul Fatah.
• Usmani, Muhammad Taqi. (2000). An approach to the Quranic Sciences. Karachi: Pakistan: Dar ul Ishaat.

Course Instructions
• General
• Attendance: A minimum of 75% attendance is required for successful completion of course. Student entering the venue after 15-20 minutes
will not be allowed to mark attendance.
• Plagiarism: Strict action may be taken against any student found guilty of submitting copied content without proper referencing.
• Smartphone: May please be kept on silent and may not be used without instructor’s permission. During class Audio or Visual recordings are
strictly prohibited.
• Student Contact Time: Students are instructed to follow the student visiting hours of respective faculty for course related consultations.
• Specific
• Email Policy: The instructor will use the email indicated on this syllabus. This will be considered as the official email to which all student
correspondence should be directed.
• On-Time Submission: Students are instructed to strictly follow submission deadlines as communicated by the Instructor.
• Assignments and Projects need to be submitted in-class, on the date specified on the syllabus. Late assignments will be assessed one letter-
grade lower for each day the assignment is late. Submitting the assignment on the due date, but after class time, is considered one day late.
Failure to submit an assignment four days after the deadline will result in a zero grade for that assignment. Please do not schedule your
medical examination or travel on the days the assignments are due. These will not be considered a valid excuse.
• Class presentation: All are required to give a presentation on any content of the course. The presentation may be of 15-20 minutes long,
after which other class members will ask questions by offering their reflections on the readings. It should be serious academic presentation
with full preparation which will be marked as class participation. Presentation topics may be given by Instructor.

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