Ave Maria College

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Ave Maria College

HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077

Weekly Exam 2

NAME: Mylene N. Esic DATE: _____________

COURSE/YEAR/GROUP: BEED-2A HPS: 20 Pts. SCORE: ____________

Directions: Answer briefly and concisely the following questions below. Use separate sheet
of paper for your answer. (4x5=20 pts)

1. Based on the Math curriculum, do you realize the importance of a primary pupil’s
mastery of the basic math concepts? Discuss your answer.
 Based on the Math curriculum, I realize how importance the primary pupil’s
mastery of the basics math concept it can create and help them to have a new
knowledge, to compute, analyze the problem with essential knowledge and
mathematical skills in numbers, that can be developed by knowing and
understanding; estimating, computing, and solving.

2. In your own understanding, explain the differences between content standards,

performance standards, and the learning competencies. What is the importance of each?
In own understanding the differences between content standards, performance
standards, and the learning competencies are:
 CONTENT STANDARDS- describes what the specific content should be learned
or taught to the learners in each grade level it can also guides teachers in
identifying instructions on the knowledge and skills that students should learn.
 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS- to clarify content standards by describing or
defining level of work that demonstrates achievement of standard. It can help
the teachers to assess the extent to which the students have acquired the
knowledge and applied the skills learned.
 LEARNING COMPETENCIES- Learning competencies are the main ideas or
skills that we expect students to reach the goals on how can learners defines
essential knowledge, skills and values that students are expected to know and be
able to demonstrate as indicators of understanding the content standard.

3. Expound why the constructivist theory is applicable in teaching mathematics.

 Constructivist theory is applicable in teaching mathematics to focus on what
learners can do to integrate new knowledge with existing knowledge to create a
deeper understanding of the mathematics. To help with teaching mathematics,
that can be highly relevant for teachers to be aware of the ‘mental models’ or
guide the students that are constructing the meaning to mathematical questions,
to the learners on how mathematics can works.
4. How well do you understand the constructivist learning theory? Consider the following
scenario and answer the questions that follow.

 A teacher told the students, “Four glasses of water will fill this pitcher.”
 A teacher provides a glass and lets the children pour water into the pitcher. They
are learning how much water it takes to fill the pitcher.

In which scenario do you think will the students learn better? Why do you think so?
 I choose the second scenario which is “A teacher provides a glass and lets the
children pour water into the pitcher” In which I think the students learned
much better on how much water it takes to fill the pitcher or learned to evaluate
how much water is in the pitcher and estimate how much should be poured into
each glass so that it can be equal, through this the learner can develop a
mathematical mind. And last, but certainly not least, the child has developed
small muscle control by moving from a whole hand to a pincer-grip movement
to develop and strengthen children's gross and fine motor skills, that can
enhance their gross motor skills and coordination.

Good Luck and God Bless You!

- Ma’am Rose
Ave Maria College
HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077

Writing Prerequisite Competencies

NAME: Mylene N. Esic DATE: _____________

COURSE/YEAR/GROUP: BEED-2A HPS: 45Pts. SCORE: ____________
Choose three learning competencies in Grade 2. In each competency, find the prerequisite
competencies in Grade 1 and the competencies in Grade 3 wherein your chosen Grade 2
competency is a prerequisite of. Use separate sheet of paper.

Prerequisite Grade 1
Grade 2 Competency Grade 3 Competency

The learners can counts the Illustrates the area as a measure of

Measures objects using appropriate how much surface is covered or
number of objects in a given set
measuring tools in m or cm. occupied by a plan figure.
by ones to ten.

Visualize, represents and To gives the place value and value

Compares length in meters or
compares two sets using the of a digit in 4 to 5 digit numbers
centimeters and mass in grams or
expressions of “less than” “more
than”, and “as many as”.
Identifies, reads and write Identifies ordinal numbers from 1st
Shows and uses the appropriate unit
ordinal numbers the 1st, 2nd, to 100th with emphasis on the 21st
of weight and their abbreviations g
3rd, up to 10th object in a given to 100th object in a given set from a
and kg to measure a particular
set from a given point of given point of reference.

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