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Ave Maria College

HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
PED 203 Technology for Teaching and Learning

Weekly Exam 2
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________
Course – Year & Section: _____________________ Score: ________________

I. Multiple Choice - Directions: Read carefully the statements below. Choose the best answer from the
options given. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Give your rationalization
on the answer you choose on the space provided. (10x5 =50 pts)
1. What is the importance of an ICT Policy for teaching and learning?
A. It provides a road map in education where ICT is utilized.
B. It censors all the activities of schools so that it will be uniform in ICT use.
C. It is a requirement of the DICT in the Philippines
D. It serves as a basis for closing internet cafes near the school
The importance of an ICT Policy for teaching learning is the letter A, which it provides a
road map in education where ICT is utilized because an ICT can enhance our
knowledge, skills and understanding the concepts to pursue and can adopt by us.
2. Which of the following does not belong to the cluster of technologies?

A. Telecommunication technology C. Networking technology

B. Information technology D. Industrial technology

Industrial Technology does not belong to the group because an industrial can be
used for engineering jobs and technician jobs only for manufacturing to make all types of
production faster, simpler, and more efficient. Not just the telecommunication, networking,
information technologies that we can used anytime, that has not based on the job and it could be
known by us.

3. The DICT Policy statements include the creation of all the following programs, EXCEPT_____.

A. eQuality Program C. ICT Pedagogy

B. eSkwela D. iSchool WebBoard

ISchool WebBoard does not belong to the DICT Policy statement because it can only
empowers the teacher to engage the students to learn inside the Internet and the teacher is
provided with simple jumpstarting tool to develop the learning competencies of basic education
for all.

4. Which of the following issues on ICT id directly linked to climate change?

A. Freedom of expression
B. E-waste
C. Surveillance
D. Privacy
The issues on the ICT that directly linked to the climate change is letter B. E-
waste, because E-waste disposal contributes to climate change due to the chemicals
released when it is burned. It include computers, monitors, televisions, cellphones,
camera and many more electronic devices. E-waste has a horrible effect on the
environment and it is important to give your e-waste to a recycling facility or If not
controlled then, e-waste will tremendously affect climate change, damage human lives,
and overload the capacity of the earth in carrying solid waste.
5. As a teacher, how will you appropriately use technology for teaching and learning so that
your learners will benefit most?
A. Assign them to search in the web all the topics you are teaching
B. Maximize the use of technology tools as your support in teaching
C. Ask each student to buy a gadget that they can use
D. Make your lessons an open source all the time
So as a future teacher I will appropriately use technology for teaching and
learning so that my learners will benefit and learn the most by making a lesson an open
source all time through communication platforms like Facebook and messenger to
enable dynamic communication with students to help them improve their own instruction
and personalize learning.
6. A friend would like to ask for your email password, because your email address was used
for an urgent matter. As a rule in privacy, what action will you take?
I. Voluntarily give my password to my friend
II. Deny the request of my friend even if it is urgent
III. Open my email by myself and print the email that is addressed to my friend
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II, and III

So if my friend would ask my email password for an urgent I will deny his/her
request even if it is urgent because my email has an own privacy that means the right of
individuals not to have their home, private life or personal life interfered with. Think
about if I give the password then it has a big possibility that he/she can access to all of
my personal information that I have in my account.
7. Which of these is a minor infraction in the use of digital facility?
A. Unauthorized taking of pictures or images with mobile phone camera
B. Logging off when finished working
C. Making sure that lighting is adequate
D. Using anti-glare screen filters
The minor infraction in the use of digital facility is unauthorized taking of
pictures or images with mobile phone camera because taking photos of people

without their permission is not good, and try to be aware of your surroundings. If
you see someone taking your photo without your permission, it's your right to ask
him or her to stop.
8. Which is a risk in the use of ICT, thus a need to establish policies and rules for e-safety?
I. Prolonged exposure to online technologies, particularly at an early age
II. Cyber bullying in all forms
III. Lifestyle websites like self-harms and suicide sites, and hate sites
B. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II, and III
The risk in the use of ICT, thus a need to establish policies and rules for e-
safety is cyber bullying in all forms receiving sexually explicit images or
messages through online if the bullying is happening on a social platform,
consider blocking the bully and formally reporting their behaviour on the
platform itself or collect evidence text messages and screen shots of social media
posts to show what’s been going on.
9. Which is not true about e-safety in the use of digital technology?
A. Restricts the use of digital technology
B. Facilitates better understanding how to use online facilities
C. Protects young learners and adults from the digital risks
D. Helps user to understand the new technology
Restricts the use of digital technology is not true in e-safety digital
technology. E-Safety concerns safeguarding children and young people in the
digital world. It can only emphasizes learning to understand and use new
technologies in a positive way. E-Safety is less about restriction and more about
education about the risks as well as the benefits so we can feel confident online.
10. When working inside a computer laboratory, of all the choices except one, is allowed.
Which one is allowed?
A. Foods and drinks should be handy on the computer table
B. One external electrical outlet should have 5 computers connected
C. Fire extinguishers should be made available
D. Computer desks should be near each other to allow sharing of information
When working inside the computer laboratory, we should be aware of the
possibility of an accidental fire and know how to react. So it is very important to
have a Fire extinguishers because it play a very important role in   first aid fire-
fighting it can also provide first aid fire-fighting capability, in the event of a fire
incident, you'd certainly want the extinguisher to work as expected. 

II. Essay
1. What are the safety issues that are needed to be addressed by safety policy and
guidelines? As future teachers, do you need to know all of these?
The safety issues that are needed to be addressed by safety policy and
guidelines are Electrical equipment should be safety tested at least once a year,
there should be adequate space around desks for people to move, bags and
obstacles should be stored out of the way so that people can't trip over them,
Food and drink should not be placed near a machine and many more safety issue.
As a future teachers it is very important to know all the safety issue in order to
become aware of how to safeguard learners in the school communities where they
spend most of their waking hours and also in their homes or facilities that provide
opportunities to use digital technologies can be aware.
2. Nowadays, everything that we do in the modern world is influenced by new
technologies. Would your life as a teacher be also influenced by the new
technologies? Should you leave your life to be controlled by technology or should
you control the utilization of technology in your life? How?
I think yes, my life as a teacher can be influenced by a new modern world
technology because as we all technology has great impact and it plays a large
role in many aspects of day-to-day life, and it can help us to make our work fast
and easier especially on making some assignments. But I would not live my life
controlled with technology instead I should controlled the utilization of
technology in my life by limiting the hours that I used technology, don’t sleep
with my smartphone so that I’m not addicted much or give my eyes the benefit of
the doubt stepped away from the technology or relax my eyes by seeing outside
through this technology cannot controlled me.

Ave Maria College
HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
PED 203 - Technology for Teaching and Learning

Activity No.2
Schools ICT Policies and Best practices

Name: Mylene N. Esic Date: _________________

Course – Year & Section: BEED-2A Score: ________________
Directions: Individual Research on ICT Policies and Best practices of Schools in the
Philippines. Fill the table for your responses. Research at least five schools.

Name of School and Address ICT Policies and Best practices

CARAGA REGIONAL Disseminate information via fax and e-mails, approve the school-
SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL based ICT trainings, tap the trained ICT and master trainers, monitor and
(Purok 10 evaluate ICT integration in lesson and consultants on ICT integration
Brgy. San Juan
Surigao City, Philippines) The best practices is communications via e-mails, use the web in
researching and locating resources, create online groups and build wikis,
participate in online collaborative activities, and apply technology-
enhanced/web-based lessons in the classroom.
Cranbourne Primary School High levels of student engagement, access and equity in learning
(Cranbourne) through the effective use of technology, safe and ethical practices online,
educating students for safe practices within and beyond the classroom and
working the with parents and the broader community to raise awareness of
student safety on the internet

To establish appropriate codes of Codes of Practices re

acceptable internet use for staff, parents and the students to follow which
enables all the community member to get from the best in the internet
while protecting them from harm
Diplahan National High To motivate, engage and prompt students to learn and achieve.
School Thus, the school community gives its splendid support to the Best Practices
(Diplahan) resulting to a positive impact, improves school’s performance indicators.

Computers and the Internet are a great resource for classroom

teachers! Teachers can find suggestions, lesson plans, practical support,
information, and materials through the Internet. In fact, using a computer
can make a teacher's life easier and more efficient.
Ateneo de Manila University The Philippines is one of many developing nations that have
(Quezon City) turned to information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool to
improve teaching and learning. Unfortunately, implementation suffers from

several shortcomings: the absence of information on how ICT is actually
used; a lack of coordination between public and private sector efforts; and
insufficient teacher preparation.

Developing countries such as the Philippines are committed to

infusing schools with ICT. There is great faith that these technologies will
improve teaching and learning, and consequently afford these countries a
greater stake in today's knowledge society. Consequently, the Philippine
government and the private sector have initiated programs to provide
schools with computer hardware and software, Internet connectivity, and
teacher training.
Malayan Colleges Mindanao To provide students with the technical skills, competencies in
(MCM) using tools and equipment that allows individuals to interact in the digital
(Matina, Davao City) world. Students enrolled in this strand will learn different skills in various
disciplines like illustration and web designing. Under this strand, students
can become digital animators, graphic artists, and programmers.

The best practices to provide students with skills and

competencies in designing and building an executable computer program
for accomplishing a specific computing task. Students enrolled in this
strand will engage in activities like designing program logic, applying
object-oriented programming language skills, analysis, generating
algorithms, profiling algorithms’ accuracy, and implementation of
algorithms in the chosen programming language (coding).


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