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Alexithymia: Attachment, Self Perception, Interpersonal Relationship Style

and Anger

The aim of the research is to examine the connections between alexithymia and attachment,
interpersonal relationship styles and anger.



The study was conducted with participants between the ages of 18-60 in the sample. 591
people participated in the study. Of these, 298 are women and 288 are men. Five people did
not want to specify their gender. 7.4% of the participants are primary school graduates, 6.1%
are secondary school graduates, 23.5% are high school graduates, 40.4% are university
graduates, and 22.3% are university students.


Demographic Information Form. This measurement was used to obtain demographic

information such as participants' age, gender, educational status etc.

Toronto Alexitymia Scale (TAS). Participants who scored high on the scale showed higher
alexithymia trait intensity.

The Experiences in Close Relationships Scale (ECR). It is a 36-point-Likert-type scale

scored between 1-7. It stated three factors as “anxious attachment”, “avoidant attachment”
and “secure attachment”.

Social Comparison Scale (SCS). It is used to describe where the participant sees himself
when he compares himself with others.

Interpesonal Relationships Style Scale (IRSS). It is used to express ‘’nurturing’’ and

‘’inhibiting’’ interaction styles in interpersonal relationships.

Multi-Dimensional Anger Scale (MDAS). It was used to determine emotions, thoughts and
behaviors about anger.


It was observed that as the education level increased, alexithymia, anxious attachment and
avoidant attachment decreased. In addition, it was found that "nurturing" style scores
increased in interpersonal communication. It has been observed that calm behavior patterns
increase with age, and anger behaviors such as revenge and passive aggression decrease.
There was no significant gender difference in subscales of TAS, ECR or IRSS. However,
women had significantly higher scores on the calm behavior subscale than men.
Those who scored higher on the TAS had more anxious and avoidant attachment scores. In
parallel, they had a lower secure attachment score. Individuals with high alexithymia show
more aggressive behavior and show revenge, passive-aggressive, unconcern reactions in their
interpersonal relationships.


The reason for the more inhibiting communication style during and immediately after in
adolescence with decreasing age may be the stress of leaving home, the stress of establishing
relationships in new environments, the autonomy, the process of forming their personality,
the responsibilities in professional life or education, etc. People with alexithymia may have
difficulty communicating with others because they have anxious and avoidant attachment.
This may cause them to show more aggressive behavior. Due to their aggressive behavior,
they cannot establish a healthy communication. It's like a vicious circle.

Since this study is a correlative study, it is not possible to say anything definite about the
cause and effect relationship between the variables.

These variables, which were shown to be associated with alexithymia in the study, may be
useful in clinical psychology applications.

Since the data in the research were obtained with self-report scales, there are some
limitations of the research in terms of participants may showing oneself well and self-

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