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MHALL |ATI iG CLUB -RULES (Revised: November 19" 2019) 1, NAME OF THE SECTION AND DEFINITION OF MEMBERS 1.1 The name is Bramhall Queensgate Bowling Club (the Club), which is a section of Queensgate Sports Club (the QSC) 1.2 For the purposes of these rules playing members are defined as full, dual and life members. Dual members are those who are also active members of another section of the QSC. 1.3 Junior membership shall be open to persons under the age of 18 at the 1* March in any year. 1.4 Social membership shall be open to persons wishing to take part in social activities organised by the Club. Social membership shall not entitle such members to bow! on the green except in the role of qualified coach. 2. OBJECTS OF THE CLUB The objects of the Club are’ To organise and make arrangements for the members to play Outdoor Crown Green Bowls and Indoor Short Mat Bowls and participate in social activities, which may be agreed from time to time. 2.2 To develop a financially secure, long term sustainable future for the Club which balances the need for league, competitive, social bowling and fellowship events. 3. MANAGEMENT OF THE CLUB 3.1 The management of the Club is vested in the Committee. The Committee shall consist of a Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Membership Secretary, a Match Secretary, an Indoor Bowling representative, a QSC representative and up to three other committee members. Those additional Committee Members may be appointed at the AGM to fulfil specific roles or elected at the AGM and fulfil roles which may subsequently be designated by the Committee. A further committee member may be appointed to act as Vice Chairman, either by the Annual General Meeting, or an Extraordinary General Meeting or co-opted by the Committee and in the last case to act until the next Annual General Meeting 3.2 quorum shall consist of four members one of whom must be one of the Chairman Vice Chairman or Secretary. The Committee will meet at least six times per year and the dates of the meetings will be displayed on the Club notice board at least seven days in advance. The Chairman, or Vice Chairman (if acting as Chairman) shall have a casting vote at Committee meetings, 3.3 All members of the Committee shall be indemnified by the Club against all costs and liabilities of every kind arising out of, or in any way incidental to, their Management activities ‘except that any member(s) of the Committee who shall cause loss to the Club by fraud, or knowingly acting outside of their authority shall be liable to the Club without benefit of indemnity, and other members of the Committee shall not incur liability for this loss. 3.4 The Committee is responsible for the following:- 3.4.1 The appointment of a member of the Club committee to sit on the Bramhall Queensgate Sports Club (BQSC) committee. 3.4.2 The appointment of a second playing member to sit on the QSC committee 1 3.4.3 The endorsement of the selection of team Captains of all League Teams 3.4.4 The appointment of a Safeguarding Officer to carry out the role and responsibilities of that office as set out in the club's Safeguarding Policy. Those appointed under 3.4.2 3.4.3 and 3.4 above will be invited to attend Committee Meetings as required. 3.5 The Committee has powers to fill any vacancy on the Committee until the next AGM and to co-opt members from outside the Committee as required to form sub-committees for specific purposes. 3.6 A nomination sheet for proposals for membership of the Committee for the ensuing year (which must be duly proposed and seconded by playing members) will be placed on the notice board by 1* September each year until the last day of the bowling season. Nominees’ agreement to stand must be obtained before nomination. Nominees must be playing members. 3.7 The committee has powers to make such polici time to time for the good management of the Club. 'S oF guidelines as it sees fit from ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 4.1 An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of members shalll be held in late November or early December each year. At least two weeks’ notice of the AGM is given to all members. Notice shall be deemed to have been given if a notice is affixed to the Club notice board. Notice may also be given by email 4.2 The quorum for an AGM is 20 playing members. 4.3 The agenda for the AGM will include: a) Reports from the Chairman, the Hon Secretary and the Hon Treasurer, b) Approval of the examined accounts for the previous year, ©). Setting the level of subscriptions for the coming year, 4) Election of members of the Committee, €) Appointment of a suitable person to examine the accounts 1) Consideration of any resolution proposed by the Committee 9) Consideration of any resolution of which 28 days notice has been given in writing to the Hon Secretary and proposed and seconded by playing members. 4.4 All resolutions other than those to amend the Club rules (see rule 16) shall be passed by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote. The Chairman shall have a casting vote. 4.5 Only playing members are entitled to vote at General meetings. . EXTRA-ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (EGM) 5.1 An EGM may only be called by the Committee or shall be called following a written request signed by 12 or more playing members addressed to the Secretary 5.2 Within 21 days of a Resolution of the Committee or such written request by members the Secretary shall give 14 clear days' notice of the convening of an EGM and the 10. business to be considered. The Quorum for an EGM shall be 20 playing members. 5.3 All resolutions other than those to amend the Club rules (see rule 16) shall be passed by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote. The Chairman shall have a casting vote. MINUTES OF MEETINGS ‘Written minutes shall be kept of all General Meetings and Committee Meetings. SUBSCRIPTIONS 7.1 Membership Subscriptions shall be set at the Annual General Meeting. These become payable on the following 1% March. Any Member who has not paid their subscription by 25” April shall not be entitled to use any of the Club's facilities or be selected to play for a team. Any member who has not paid their subscription by 31% May shall be deemed to have resigned 7.2.No refund of subscription will be due as a result of resignation or any other reason, MEMBERSHIP OF THE CLUB 8.1 Membership of the Club is open to anyone interested in Crown Green Bowling, on application by completion of the current membership form and payment of the relevant subscription 8.2 However, membership numbers may be limited according to available facilities on a non-discriminatory basis which may include the use of a waiting list. The Club has Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) status and its membership policy is therefore governed by this scheme, 8.3 The Club reserves the right to refuse or revoke membership on non-discriminatory grounds where membership, or continued membership of the person concerned would be likely to not be in the best interests of the sport or the good conduct of the Club at the discretion of the Committee CODE OF CONDUCT 9.1 Members are expected to uphold the good name of the Club, to behave in a respectful manner to all club members and visitors, and to abide by these Rules and any policies or guidelines passed by the Committee, the British Crown Green Bowling Association Code of Conduct and those leagues and associations with which it is affliated. A similar standard of behaviour is expected from members towards members and officials of other clubs when representing Queensgate Bowling Club at other clubs. 9.2 All complaints regarding alleged breaches of the above should be presented and submitted to the Secretary. The Committee shall be empowered to investigate the same and if proved the Committee shall take such action as it may reasonably deem fit VISITORS Members are entitled to bring a visitor on three occasions and pay a green fee. 3 11. FINANCE 14.1 The financial year of the Club shall be 1" October to 30” September. 11.2 The Treasurer shall keep an account of all income and expenditure and submit the accounts, certified as examined by the properly appointed examiner, at the AGM 11.3 The bank accounts to be held in the name of the Club and cheques to be signed by the Treasurer and one other. 11.4 Any authorized expenses incurred in the furtherance of the Club business shall be allowed provided it is accompanied by a valid receipt. 11.5 The Committee shall be empowered to invest Funds not immediately required in suitable bank or building society accounts, or in other suitable securities. 11.6 The annual club budget should be set with the long term financial stability of the ‘lub in mind, 11.7 The Treasurer will ensure that appropriate insurances are in place to safeguard the Club and members of the Committee. 12. USE OF THE GREEN Use of the green by third parties is at the sole discretion of the Committee. 13. WORKING PARTIES Members are actively encouraged to help with general maintenance of the grounds and gardens surrounding the green, and maintenance of those parts of the bowling pavilion which can be maintained by the membership. The Committee shall be entitled to pay for such work to be done professionally 14, DRESS CODE Members must abide by the policies agreed from time to time by the Committee for the dress code for members. 15. LEAGUE TEAMS Members must abide by the policies and guidance agreed from time to time by the Committee for the way Queensgate league teams operate. 16. AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES 16.1 The above Rules may be altered at the AGM or at an EGM convened for the Purpose. Notice of any proposed alteration of Rules (except those suggested by the Committee) must be given in writing to the Secretary of the club at least 28 days before such a meeting, and the Secretary shall, in every case, post the proposed changes on the club notice board 16.2 No alteration shall take effect unless it is confirmed by a majority of not less than two thirds of those entitled to vote and voting, 4 17. OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES Any circumstances that may arise, and which are not covered by the foregoing rules shall be dealt with at the discretion of the committee.

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