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{ Mental health is essential in our lives}

Mental health defined by world health organization. It refers to how

people think and feel. Our mental health affects how we handle stress and relate.
All aspects of our lives are affected by our mental health. Mental health includes
our emotional, psychological and social well Being.
Health is important because it can help you to cope with the stresses of life, be
physically health, your mental health is also important because it can affect your
physical health. Health is important for development of the country.
There are many different factors that can affect your mental health including
family history of mental health problem, life experience and your life style such as
diet, physical activity and substance use.
The mental health change over time depending on man y factors such as you may
be dealing with a difficult situation.
Tips to Boost Your Mental Health such as set up a getaway, keep it cool for a good
night's sleep, relax in a warm bath once a week, spend some time with a furry
friend and be a tourist in your own town.
There are warning signs that you may have a mental health problem including a
change in your eating or sleeping habits, having low or no energy and feeling
helpless or hopeless.

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