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Japanese Kanji Flashcards Volume 1, 3rd Ed.

White Guide to the Cards and Index


⒈2 定休日 13 5

⒉2 一休みする 115 6
⒊ 休まる 体 7
1 body 8
⒋4 休む 1039

⒌4 休み 伏
⒍ 休日 crouch
3 6-2-4 ぐ 9

嫌 捲憲
1. Main kanji. The main kanji is written in large, brush type.
2. Kanji compounds. Six compounds containing the main kanji
character are shown here. Their readings and English meanings
are shown on the card’s flip side (see #14 below). The superscript
numbers indicate the JLPT level in which the vocabulary is likely to
first appear on the test. The JLPT progresses in difficulty from Level
4 to Level 1. Levels are cumulative, so if you plan to take the JLPT
Level 3 test, you should study both the Level 3 and 4 vocabulary.
Likewise if you are preparing for the Level 2 test, you should attempt
to learn all the material for Levels 2, 3 and 4.
In general, the vocabulary marked as with a superscript is taken
directly from the official JLPT test contents specification. However,
in a few cases the official book only lists a generative pattern, such
as ‘~語’, ‘~屋’, or ‘~月’. In those cases we’ve elected to show
concrete examples—such as ’英語’, ‘パン屋’, and ‘五月’—instead
of the abstract pattern.
When usage examples are shown with a superscript numeral, such
as ‘電話を切る’ (see card 126), only the word which contains the
main kanji (’切る’) is the official part, not the entire phrase.
3. Count of strokes. The hyphenated numeral consists of (1) the
total stroke-count, (2) the stroke-count of the radical portion, and
(3) the stroke-count of the non radical portion. The total of the
second and third parts equals the first part.
4. Stroke order diagram. Each card includes a stroke-by-stroke
guide to writing the kanji. You are encouraged to practice writing
each kanji as part of your studies. Kanji Practice Notebooks are
available for purchase from the White Rabbit Press web site.
5. Card reference number. A unique numeric identifier used in
the index and in look-alike cross-references.
6. Look-alike cross-reference number. The card reference
number of the look-alike character.
7. Look-alike kanji character. Kanji characters which look
somewhat similar to the main kanji are shown here. Briefly observing
subtle differences between these look-alikes and the main kanji can
help hone your abilities to discern, recognize, and recall kanji.
8. Meaning of look-alike. The English meaning of the look-alike.
9. Radical. The main kanji radical. Radicals are traditionally used to
order entries in Chinese and Japanese character dictionaries.

10 キュウ
11 やす・む/やす・まる/やす・める
12 rest, take a day off, relax

13 person tree 15
14 1.2 ていきゅうび a regular holiday {for a store}
2.2 ひとやすみする to take [have] a (short) rest
3. やすまる to be [feel] rested; to be relieved
4.4 やすむ to rest; to take a day off; to sleep
5.4 やすみ (a) rest; a holiday; (a) vacation; a day off
6. きゅうじつ a day off; a holiday

10. On (borrowed Chinese) reading. The Chinese readings of the

main kanji are shown in katakana script.
11. Kun (Japanese) reading. Written in hiragana script you will find
the Joyo yomi (readings) for the main kanji as designated by Japan’s
Ministry of Education. In a few cases the official readings were too
numerous to list in their entirety.
12. Meaning of kanji in English. We have selected the most common
meanings for display here.
13. Schematic of elements. We have selectively chosen to indicate
the composition of some kanji by breaking them down into separate
elements, indicated by these diagrams. These diagrams and their
associated English meanings are presented as memory-aids and are
not always an accurate reflection of the true origins of the kanji. For a
deeper understand of the origin and evolution of kanji we recommend
Kenneth G. Henshall’s A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters
[Charles E. Tuttle, 1998].
14. Reading and meaning of example compounds. The Japanese
reading is shown in kana script followed by the meaning in English.
15. Definition of element. Definition of the kanji or radical used as an
element in the entry meaning of schematic element. (See #13.)
16. Progress Bar. The progress bar indicates the current card position
within the volume one set. The extreme left position of the cross hairs
corresponds to the first volume one card; the extreme right position
corresponds to the final volume one card (card number 284).

Please see the free downloads section of our web site for additional
information about this product.
Yomi Index 2
別 ベツ................ 127 円 まる・い............ 20 見 み・る................ 84
便 ベン................ 118 回 まわ・す.......... 141 民 ミン................ 206
勉 ベン................ 129 回 まわ・る.......... 141 六 む...................... 19
歩 ホ.................... 204 万 マン.................... 3 六 むっ・つ............ 19
母 ボ...................... 65 味 ミ.................... 137 村 むら................ 196
方 ホウ................ 182 三 み........................ 4 室 むろ................ 157
外 ほか.................. 38 見 み・える............ 84 目 め...................... 75
北 ホク.................. 24 右 みぎ.................. 33 名 メイ.................. 34
木 ボク.................. 60 短
みじか・い....... 230

明 メイ................ 186

発 ホツ................ 225 水 みず.................. 68 飯 めし................ 279

ホン.................. 61
ま.................... 227 x c

みずか・ら....... 242
みせ.................. 52

モク.................. 60
モク.................. 75
間 ま...................... 96 見 み・せる............ 84 用 もち・いる....... 219
妹 マイ................ 153 道 みち.................. 93 物 モツ................ 214
毎 マイ.................. 66 三 みっ・つ.............. 4 持 も・つ.............. 178
前 まえ.................. 23 南 みなみ.............. 29 元 もと................ 121
正 まさ................ 203 耳 みみ.................. 79 本 もと.................. 61
町 まち................ 221 都 みやこ............ 265 物 もの................ 214
待 ま・つ.............. 171 名 ミョウ.............. 34 者 もの................ 240
学 まな・ぶ............ 44 明 ミョウ............ 186 森 もり................ 198

Stroke Index
1 一..........1 4 切...... 126 5 去...... 133 6 年........51 7 究..
2 七..........2 4 区...... 131 5 古........32 6 早...... 185 7 花..
2 九..........8 4 午........27 5 台...... 134 6 有...... 193 7 見..
2 二..........9 4 友........30 5 右........33 6 死...... 205 7 言..
2 人........11 4 天........41 5 四........35 6 毎........66 7 赤..

2 入........17 4 太...... 151 5 外........38 6 気........67 7 走..
2 八........18 4

o d u少........47 5 左........50 6 池...... 207 7 足..

2 力...... 128 4 引...... 167 5 市...... 162 6 百........74 7 車..
2 十........25
a l p 4

f ll
心...... 172
5 広...... 164 6 考...... 239 7 近..

Act des a nt
3 万..........3 4 手........54 5 本........61 6 耳........79 8 事..
3 三..........4 4 文...... 180 5 正...... 203 6 肉...... 241 8 京..

3 上..........5 4 方...... 182 5 母........65 6 自...... 242 8 使..

incl ke cou g
3 下..........6 4 日........56 5 民...... 206 6 色...... 243 8 味..
3 千........26 4 月........59 5 生........71 6 行........82 8 国..

stro readin x
3 口........31 4 木........60 5 用...... 219 6 西........83 8 夜..
3 土........37 4 止...... 202 5 田...... 220 7 低...... 113 8 妹..

and i) inde
3 夕...... 149 4 水........68 5 白........73 7 住...... 114 8 姉..
3 大........40 4 火........69 5 目........75 7 体...... 115 8 始..
3 女........42 4 父........70 5 立........78 7 何........15 8 学..
3 子........43 4 牛...... 213 6 休........13 7 作...... 116 8 店..
3 小........46 4 犬...... 216 6 会........14 7 別...... 127 8 所..
3 山........48 5 世...... 105 6 先........16 7 医...... 132 8 明..
3 川........49 5 主...... 106 6 光...... 123 7 図...... 142 8 服..
3 工...... 161 5 仕...... 110 6 合...... 135 7 声...... 146 8 東..
4 不...... 104 5 代...... 111 6 同...... 136 7 売...... 147 8 林..
4 中..........7 5 以...... 112 6 名........34 7 弟...... 168 8 歩..
4 五........10 5 兄...... 122 6 回...... 141 7 村...... 196 8 注..
4 今........12 5 写...... 124 6 地...... 143 7 来........62 8 物..
4 元...... 121 5 冬...... 125 6 多........39 7 男........72 8 画..
4 六........19 5 出........21 6 好...... 152 7 町...... 221 8 知..
4 円........20 5 北........24 6 字...... 156 7 社........76 8 空..
4 分........22 5 半........28 6 安........45 7 私...... 232 8 者..

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