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JSS Maha tha jj \' ISS JSS Science And Technolo iversi S gy University SCIENCE AND (Estabished Under 385 Science anc Techncogy Ur No. 49 12013) / ha NOLOGY (Formerty Knoam aa Soe) YN “3012012 \ NIVERSITY V Semester BE Semester End Examination, DECEMBER 2019 Branch : Civil Engineering Section: A&B Name of the Paper Setter: Dr. K.Prakash CODE NO: CV550 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Duration: 3 Hours Time: 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm Max. Marks: 100 Date: 20.12.2019 Day: Friday Course Outcome: The student has the | ‘CO-1 | Knowledge of us sub-surface exploration programmes during a soil investigation project and ability to apply them. ‘CO-2 | Ability to understand and apply the Darcy's law to the problems related with the flow ___| through soils. 2 =. | CO-3 | Ability to compute effective stresses in soils. cO-4 Knowledge of the compaction process and to determine the compaction characteristics of soils. Knowledge of the consolidation process, ability to determine the consolidation characteristics of soils and to apply them for solving geotechnical engineerin problems, Knowledge of shear strength of solls and to determine the shear strength parameters of CO-5 CO-6 Instructions to the Candidate: 1. Answer all the questions. 2. Assume missing data, if any and mention it clearly PART-A a | Cognitive ia Coe Question Marks 1a) | COT iy List any six objectives of sub-surface exploration roma 03 Ing (b) | CO1 | Remem- | What is R@D ? Expiain its practical significance. 03 bering (c) | CO1 | Remem- | Define the following terms with a neat sketch. Ie bering (i) Area Ratio (il) Outside clearance 04 2(a) | CO2 | Remem: | Explain any two factors affecting the permeability of a soil 1 bering YY (6) | CO2 | Remem- | Explain the falling head permeability test ~D the equation you | 06 | bering & | use to compute the co-efficient of permeability Applying iG = girata 6m thick is lying below a sand layer 5m thick. The oe water table is at a depth of 4m from the ground ‘surface, a nd has a porosity of 40% and a specific gravity of 2.7. 1m les of sand from the ground surface is dry and for the remaining cent upto water table, the sand is capillary saturated. Water content of clay is 60% and G of clay is 2.65. Compute the total, neutral and effective stresses at depths of 1m, 4m, 5m and 8m| 12 from the ground surface. : Explain the fogiog methed of determining the pre-consoliation | stress in the laborarory. Explain the basis for one-point method of determining Cy in the ie laboratory. A vane, 108 mm long and 72 mm in diameler, was pressed Into a soft clay at the bottom of a bore hole. A torque T was applied to fail the soil. The undrained strength of the soil is 42 kN/m?. Determine the value of T when (). both the ends of the vane are involved in shearing the soil. (®) only bottom end of the vane is involved in shearing the | 49 soil. If the Sensitivity of the soil is 2.5, what is the value of remoulded strength of the soil 7 PAR’ Question Na & ‘A permeameter of diameter 82.5 mm contains of column of fine éand 460 mm long. When the water flows through it under (Senstant head at a rate 191 miminute, the loss of head between ‘we points 250 mm apart in the sample of sand is 380 mm of water. Calculate the value of co-efficient of permeability of sana, I @ falling head permeability test is conducted on the same fame using a stand pipe of diameter 30 mm, determine the time taken by the water level in the stand pipe to drop from 1560 mm to 1066 mm above the out flow level, OR a. ion 10 A field pumping out test was conducted In-a Confined aquifer 30 m thick to obtain the following data Diameter of the well = £0 mm Radius of inuence = 350 m; Draw down uring the test In the test wel = Sm; Discharge = 0.08 cumecs. Compute the} 05 Svefficient of permeability of the acquifer in miday. - “TT - (1) [002 | Applying | in a variable head penmeabiity tect, the soil semple used is 20 | em long with a cross sectional area of 24 cm?. Calculate the time | fequired for the head causing the flow to drop from 250 mm to 100 mm. The cross sectional area of the stand pipe is om The soil sample is made of 3 layers. Thickness of the top layer is 8 cm which has k=2 x 10“ cmis. Thickness of the middle layer is 7 cm which has k=5 x 10° cmys. Bottom layer has k= 7 x 10 05 emis. Flow is normal to the layers oe) ee ee ng | Compute the compactive effect imparted to the soll in the case of Applying Indian Standard light compaction test. kes (b) | CO4 In a standard proctor compaction test on a silty clay, at optimum condition, the values of degree of saturation is 95.4% and | — percentage air void is 1.475. If the specific gravity of the soil is] 06 7 2.65, determine the values OMC and maximum dry density OR 9 [C04 | Applying [in an Indian Standard heavy compaction test, the test was conducted with an initial water content of 8% and with a ‘subsequent increment of 3% water content upto 21%. G=2.7 {() Plot the theoretical compaction curve, ¢ Y i) Plot 90% saturation line 10 & (ill) Plot 10% air-voids line a T Show one set of specimen calculations. 40. | COS | Applying | During a consolidation test on a clay sample in the laboratory, following readings were recorded when the stress was measured from 100 kN/m? to 200 kN/m?, tmin [0 [02 [1[2]74] 6] 9 [42] 16] 20] 2 | 36 | 49 | 00 Sd. | - | 20 | 30| 36| 45] 52 | 62 | 70 | 76 | 82 | 86 | 94 | 100] 105 10 The thickness of the sample at 100 KNim=17.08 mm. The thickness of the sample at 200 kN/m?=16.11 mm. Determine the value of co-efficient of consolidation of the clay by rectangular hyperbola method. ‘OR Following data refers to a laboratory consolidation test on a Clay sample of G=2.73 for the stress increment of 50 kNim? to 100 kiim*. The sample thickness at 100 kN/m? is 37.13 mm L.C, of dial gauge = 0.01mm. Determine the value of coefficient of consolidation by Casagrande method. Dae Oz5 (assim a 6 [15 [30 [60 WV) 793 | 115°) 198: 423 | 130 | 140 | 161 | 182 10 240 | 1180 | 1600 | 2625 175 | 195 | 187 | 190 Yor vay - Yug Ya= Ye 1 1 Yeo v4 48 (¥gad-1U) BF footing. Determine bylayer. Use 2V:1H spread lt Frg-! Ca-Ns-19)

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