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eee rare eren ae Sr er area rere Er rR TE ETE Er SSRI EEE TEETE ETO OEIC ELEEIOTE Cy520 DESIGN AND DETAIUNG OF RC STRUCTURES Oe Te ee, UNIT-11 GENERAL FEATURES OF REINFORCE CONCRETE _——: Reltjoue conent Grerete Js a. composite watertal, ust ty vtade up 6 toicrete and Steel neflfoncertett> Rertonce ceviet couvrete ds a versatile coubructiod aatertal ushich Js Aenetg Sn compression os wed cx Ha eluiore ‘we mae & etaypueriert f4 the torercke wot Olly frvceares the stnengtls jock also helps in preventing: Ae, terporadine, ancl suaitkage 1%: Me Compestte action of Steel fe comutete a neinyoncentent certent Cotvrete Tb deperident 04 the fdlowiug jactons + YTre bod betwee Atecl and coumete «, 3 Puevartio 0] connossten A Steel bars evtbedded in the wusetee 3) Moral expamrion ef booth cousete ond: steele Outs 6 Sectoral dog Baste nequinement 4 atuckunal design One ) Soyery 4) Aesthiettos tee, 9) Feantbittty , Rracttealsitty ») Avaabsltty Acaptalstiy. Matetals for _netalpre jowurete_ For etaforce comvicke Wonk, the wort cesvtoly used grade of comsete ane M20- M4o. (he 1s 456-000 Presid, a0 as ‘tiatatuod quade oy wnvtete pi ietafpried Conmrete work wile Mio ond His quades wiay ve used “fer plavte comwete lovstnuction » \ Ondiviaay conve —» Mio, Mis, hg 2 Ste Gudoad coumete —y Ms, Meo, Mes, Huo, Mus, Ms0_& Nas Scanned with CamScanner 3 High- sksengttt couurete —* Meg, Mes, M0, Mac, aucl Mgo _ Note s- Refer Table ~2, Table~3 ,Talble~S ,Table-6;Fable 8 oud 9, Steel_t- Me Atel pase eh Aifjenert types aud strwergth ave ayy fo netiyonce cotuiete or eHAforl OMe OF uachaal wlertben ip went eBion SiMe Comurete Js, work wea si teHA%%( anes, anjenoers Awojecktel 40 COMPHeAsiO4 to enlace the Load comayieng capauity Retatponctang steel conatsts of baxg’ usually cfrculan rors -sectiey, Fe main types OY netuyoncemertt generally used Ju structural, embers ate? a Mila Ateel playbarg (counting to TS 43251996 partt) bs Atgh aged senengtlt daypured bang (generally) caled +4Ysp be) (Gnade FES, Fe Soo, FESSO, coulpriiug swoough 1silT86-I974) Tne wovtatal dtavieter oy steel wate geMetadry available im Judion MONK OHE BMMy lOrMy 12MIM1, LOM y [Burl BOHM JAS Zam Hoot Te vost stdely used type OH RelMponcertart 4s HYSD bars with Spectiied yd Atnenger op WBN[viot, Soon|H*, 55ON| HH whith Wave produding sibs em tne surface uslitcl helps to enhane tie bod svenghi berweer conurete od steele Note; disp base have Wigher peventage op Canbson ax compared? WA Ateel, bub the yield pout ws met deanty depucd ott yield port fs taker as Oe 2"/o Of pool abnor, — These Loads axe to be Suttally owned by the dosiguers Tue aciitunt values 19 be oom Soy the desigquen ane given dy sion Tsie75 -1987 (post D) sdk depods upot the tended use, Oh the doutlding. s)idiud Wood (WL) + fo aus Stoney Abuicurts water +aUks towers, catwinenys. ama OME typ, O ta stnucenes , usd loads Showa io wowidued Ju the designs wind toads ackiug ot the Aucune, ty diuyuuenced fy ane Boucune, siape ound, size Othe Atnuctune « Me vetred a Colculating wind (oad, ot. tne Swuckwre Ss given Ju Is: as- 1481 (pant a) 4) Snow Road + fer dhe but Whenever aw ts {tke AENGS to be Located sia the eqtors ® YoU these Loads ane to He Scanned with CamScanner Conntderede Tne 40 loads acts vertitally doowwords , 1... (port IV) Aeads voit Snow loac oa nade of the buildtug. s)faxtiquake Loc + Depends upon ne place voliexe the butltig g oakeds AS per 8+ 1843-2002(poat I) , Paci. as “Alivided. tly for Selsitic zorese Me code gives necvontendations er Cantus Hesistaul desig a Coes 6)Svatukage Creep aud ‘enpesaune load + “Bre eects Abotstkay, creep ama tevipenature ane Utable to ofect Waretally the seety anc sewicabtltry of ‘he Arnucute, this shall be taker, trta Auourt Ja the caludatfons, Rete, rs; 815 81 (pont J) Potmor gues ama \ esc Foundation, woiertent, sl and {utd penny inal pte ‘vtpact wecioy loads a ACHES conotsaion eye due to point load, |= Load combinadtans |. Ta the design the loads one combiedls Te (astug covtst ection ose Hecommended by Ts’ codes, DEAL *ADLALLY EL ADL+LL +WL DL FIL and “ote conbtnatiy Desig Philoseplay Nenfous vtetieds uned ipi ne REC atmuachnes oad’ ay fpuiews | > Wonktrig stress wettod — Ublimate Load wettod — [amit state wethiod Scanned with CamScanner TUNIT-2 ‘PRINCIPLES OF LIMIT StRESS- STATE DESIGN AND ULTIMATE | STRENGTH OF RC STRUCTURES ee Lo eee asalysts shregth The working Atstws amretliod Giro sattsjrctony perpriance at wvonttg Joad fout wo cess Js given to the cotdttiow that ontse at the Hime GL collapse ey the stucue. The voonktug Anas Method docs mot qe erack anangin a sakety » Mis drawback yas take ttto\ adourt: dm te ubittate load wiethod | design but ultimate lent wlethod leads to excessive deflection amd oracktug. Me mone Hatfoudl appraac as gfven by Mutt state wiethad @ deigy value ds a Joatanced const nation BH wonking Strers aind wltlimate load design method. Te (tit - Stake metliod of AeIQ ds déscured Ulu | Section V Oh Ts 456-200 Types ans and Chast feakfou oy oat Mutt state Me afm of Wilt state wethod Je that he Atructune should be able to witstaud 4ajely all the Loads that’ axe’ Kable 40 act BM thy Hoouguout J, ihe Qua Sh also sakisty the sewvicabltity Aaguinement op detection aud racking. The most topontant Wit State that ane coustdered tat the ausigu, ane ) Mutt stoce G collapse %) Yinttt shake op eons ‘) Lett Bake oy collapse sas vata “the atrucune Je fs Stabile tebg Oud ultimate sto 8 the Gti state 9 OU. mblatumtentt kel) 4 4 lapses St selates to Sater Ane stauctiun oath exiqu 4p tlds it evtsures wt 4 cure port tellapre, The stauchaal failure b OM) OY the following typi i | Scanned with CamScanner - 0) Gllapse ay the ome or mone menisory ocuuning O8 Qe rity pre coring of tae mMerlber, exceeding ity atneagth b) Displacentent e te Atrengilh due to Lack @ equilibrtuy berweet artemnal yerce and the naststing Heaction, 6) Fatune a te wiertber could Be am axta Comprasion , arta tien 4 bending, shear, tomsten amd tebe combinations, ' ix) Livi stake % sowaltltty - spi tof Yrit/syye seegpopo] ve] socashrg fap subyleAoph od oly of /exlopivle. agestion, Litt State ot Serv colility Helake to. Perponviauce a sehaviow Gy the. structure at wonkiag loads aud ane feasecl eu comes ayyeckiug sei calsiltty OL the Atwucture. (ay ane wiaiuly Bubdivided . into. = 0) Limit state ey Aetlection ; 2b) Kontt state oy wracking oud ©) Other Units (vibnation) a) Liwtit stake of Aetlection s- Deaign to tis limit state Aapegaurds Ave sewicabiltty OH the structure pom adverse etgect of extepive devlecttoy. ) Lit state a racking . Dosign vo tig, (iutt “state sept tas AON) & the Aouactine Oaatust Aawiage due CHLUnive cracking, Chonactetst Gone. Hoe ond, clanacent se had Te cuostactenistic Atneagth Js based on tine sxcestcal analy sts 4 tit MOUS becarye there one ventatibus Scanned with CamScanner ane stnengi Ob “laterial used. So ww onder to simplity the qualysis tt wlay be aspunted that ane vastatton du the | stnengt' follows a mowtal attribution curve uslide os aypintelrnical about the means Max. sincugla! ¢ wor Frequency bjgen The teu charadenistic stnengtt meaws that value 6, strengta o¢ wyaisital Ssclow wlaicly mot mone. tat 5+{. (ameptalie percentage) BL the test“ stesults” aie eatpeckédl to {ow als implies that Auou Js euly 5¢e Prsbalettey or chan athe actual stuengtht beiuig lems tha tie dadstackentsttc soteugih or Iu otrer-wondy Ant daanackent Stic atnengt Nas 457/. nella lity» Chostactentstte soeaglh = = eon Stneagtla — RCStanBies deviation) Whee & coustaut = (65 S~ standard deviation= Devtation, Of te imdividual est Strength ‘ ‘from the Mean Strength 5 Souuples, VACOM = XK = Ky+XatXst. “4 2 tXy Scanned with CamScanner Tre dresasatstte conyprestie Sbeugile ef COIALKE As det, ley faat stsengtl feclow Leltch, wot wlone that” OF Of the toy Hoults arte expected, to fart, (Le ws denote LE by fg and antl: Nf, Te value 6h hee (a aitpoeut grades % convute ane Spec dy able & eA {$1456 aovo \ Clioacicheatstic Strenget of steel 7 / Tae Charackeistc Abengih of steel us defined as that Atnvongh Ldow veliid wot wore than 91: e the deat sesulls au ea fee Ht ds denoted 6y fy. units geont™ que croscdierisite Atrevigl of steel ds taken as the wine yd Ainos or Ona p Of prrool stress sperifted fy Jndtay Standards, Notes 4a case of wild: steel, tt ds take equal to wine yield Ainertgna and iw Cae ef YS bars tds taken equal to Oaf4 Prool, Atatens. ( : The values of croracteistic strength aud wi. +h oy elougation ey aiorent Sypo of ete ane Oren Ze table tselous Type of ste Grade. Yiete servo 24 oh rcs 1 Hongeot Cohayactertstte strength (fy)] “(ott) Mild ste Feaso 50 Nhe = HYsD bans Fe this MSN |win? 143 /> Fe So ° rT a Boon 4 y® = Fe 550 550N Im 7 SOON |my2 IMT & (RS baw Fe 500 lof. Scanned with CamScanner qonact at atic foad rie Pac daaractertgtte load is the ultimate load that is expecteel to gone ont the Atruchwre duaing. th kyetile «The variation da the foading ts outed tp follow normal desutisuttorl. Cyaractertstic toad = Fiequeney Meat Meat load + kis loacl —> Cnosactolstte toad Js that value of load whtch has 45/+ propbability of mot being pee dusting the “er of the Stchute Note 1- Sn aUSeMe ef au) data, loach, Given du various standancls Srall be omunted os chooractertstic leads, ign eng gad aan lod buign Bacagta 9 watatals foe abength of any L guy wakatal abtafueel du a. Stnuchine Js generally lors than ae choaactaistte Shorgth 6] the matatale Jt JS fecawy ey the Ketrent BL Quality (odlaol du etanufactuais A tre matertals Te Hecereed value of strentytly whic i ‘sblateod Opplying poatfal Xu) q 2 0636Fc. * bA Xu { 2 Xu 4a My = 0°36F ey baa ( euaas) a a Manag 7 OSE Xuan ( 1-0 42 Mayne lied a a . fe =25° Ma tea = 0143 fee ba - Feats Majgy 0138 forba™ Fe= 500 May = 0188 Sus, fer 550 ha eta fal vat fc~ 600 Male = 0936 fy ba® oe Mu = Cx lever aay ~ TA Lever cary £0. 81 fey Ast (Ax 0 vu) 2 OG Tf Mat (I= ie) a Mg 70:81 Fu Acted fs 4y =) Fax, ba Peycevitage 4 Heed she pacouage af Bieel com be obtatted by equating forse 4 compressive jw. : CT 7 0° 3oSck b¥u = OT ig Ast Ast = 086feK Xa Ask = 0636fex «ky b ore fy ‘bd O81 fydy - Scanned with CamScanner PAP Ast x\00 ba Ast = % ba. {oo a falanced Section , Ageelstgay 9 Yue Xavian, Re P y Singhy netfee Sector v Analysts ef, sector Design ib Sec toy Tagad Hy eid leat Qo tad Ase {er gros eet por giver. section & cued condition Pree = Joctantine the dcp % vicubral cac’s nit Xw= 018] #y Ast 9636 bab W) Aetowrtice wma. dept oh weutral ants uustg Year * ie |? B MOane > 191° (code Look) 1160 fy + 0-81 Hyeesly | i) Compas Xu with Xanax. AY Xu Kumiay PF WRAr Heda, sectioy 4 AY>Xuwtay —P Walaueed +. 4 4 Xa ?Xupqqx PF HMR Note. A Sy Ku Paavo (ever seiasfoved) bound Ky =Xuway (balanced) but Code suggats tp atsi nedbrigu, Scanned with CamScanner eE fy Colualale worett oy resister Of the section usin My = 281 gy Ast (A - brtyayn) aver —sctuferced SMa > 06 86 Fck Att b Kaya, CA - OF Mar | falaweed | Kees Oves - s1¢2 | vey Mord “Fane atotty of booed os meqisrer for her spare G cia indy | Olotaty, My aud wa tails Wu oud L ond, equate it wit, (aloatated value oy Mu Fuytier, calatlate the wonktug Joad, (oom Meter» Ma= ut® € wa (Total tae) = Wwe Wit hye 7 be May = Wu-b oc _ Datgu Oh Section Bectio| 4) Detoviiote the ex depth 4 wetral axis 9 Ky 3/100 i {00+ 087) Ku = page 1 4 At book i) (aludlate Uniting vyortent ono vaiug, Mayen ~ 0°36 Fek by Xuqax (4-07-42 Xariax] it) Compote Mu with Maus, \-Ast s- Ah Mas Majo - Pee Hae O15 Ae (| ) cose ti 3h MAS Mite a a fo gud out aren of eel (Mit) A FORE og p ovale ld Cone wi-Bh Ma7 Miele 9 wre Msg = Pace PAG Patcay nonetes Moet. — a oer fy'4 Scanned with CamScanner Fy petaine tre Hotqeott Of Bane Oh Ae freer} ATEOY aeqre850 | WM The ane Of Steel cousist 6 Hace baa of vey elta (bra Paced ak a ARON Of Hole] prorl the Hotton a the bear4.Use Hao (enticke and -Fe500 comtt Steel | sel. Get beacon " D= 3004 Age = 3x7 (2)" 2 gequin? 4 | | | | A= Gowuy A= 350-40= Borin Fog = 20 N\iy* fy= 360 ni Ay= O81 X fy Ast Xuwax qe 036 Fab ( 00+ Oe 1fy a = OT K6GOX334 =] _ 100 Ko \Wo0-+0€7X 500] 3} 0°36 Kan xasa = 81425 4h = 1436 Hy Kus Xan “Jue section i, wide, netted Mys 0-e1 fy Ast (4-o-Gaxy J My* 0:36 Fok bXu(d 0-42 Aa) = ON61 RSOOK384( S10-O4-2A Sleqas) = O'FGRBXASOXEIMI IG 2 oe 64 xio¢ N-mm (3lo-orax8t-q 25) “t = ho Gu. xto&y-imt Jortrteae wowmedk of yusistater Oh Peary hawt Atrleustous Zo0xs50 HO (eleckive) «Jae loca is Natura waith 196sWI> G Steel eu The sevwtoy zoe .Use M29 canvicte and fescosteel « a Scanned with CamScanner © sol, Bier B= oorrt oo’ Aessord Ag =taeseie? Fck = aon |rr® fy= 500 NIM Xy> 087 Ast fy Yawn | Joo A 100-0 0°36 fer THT Fy =0°81X (403X500 =/ 10 So —_ \too + 0°87 goo ‘ 0°36420X 300 = 345032 M4 Kaye 25Ore1 M4 Ku7 Aumax Mater = 0826 Fk . Xara [A= 0-42 Xuwar] =0536X20X 300% 250+5) [SSO —Or 2 + 250-81) May a7 er! 240 84 x10 N— Mi Majay = 0° 135Feq Wd* =0+133%90% 300 XSSD~ = tele aq xa SN RC beat ob neckougular | section asor4nt wide anc éoowsnt dep fa netayerecd isitly four loans Sf AOI Ata. ot, the, tenKtoys side ne cnenatatatte secvgt ef worviete ond steel ane asnjeirl” ad 500 Nimoy nospectively. Calulate wortett of existance of ne Section abo Gladate the Mar untfenly, atstabeted, L904 a asf Aye BooN|™ hue? fet us OMBLULE A COVA. Of, fou gt e4ovi" a= Doo A I Yyz O+8TMst ; uujax 7 00> 4 wee Wo +006 7y 036 foeb 100 = OISTX\2S6°6K S60 S60 —peunaen {199 + 098] xS02 0°36K25xaS0 =D 2eqQy iy 225531 Yu 098 1y Ase (A 0-42 tu) 500 - O18 85x J256-6 (S60 “Ord U 2-44) = Hei 250033 X10ON IA Muf bel LZ om My>4 lou f* 6 Wy Aso- 33x10 L=6M Y g 6XxIo Wu 255+ 6 2EN-Vy Assure FOS=LeS Ba 2 6562 = TI 0$ kN FST We Wu tL Scanned with CamScanner eee tee Jur Wop” DD 628 5 = per9x0r 6X25 = 3 1SKN|N hy the =31008 - 3915 = 3303 KN|M Doigu ) Arectauguler bean OOH Lote f hoor deep Upto tine cevetre 4 perayerceledt . Frud the orca of neraprcertertt nequtred ‘tt hays jueatse a ovtent 9 25KN-Y 10 Use Mao comwiete & FeSoo steel, . nen M= wovent she GOO" pe soc ge Huy lu factored =2004"| i400 , 1 gaovjeut M 2°29KN™ My = MeFos= 29 x\05 = 3175 ae foe = 20N[ny~ fy= soo n|e™ Mhotem A= OR Fs [oka \ £ Kamax= T00 2 A foo -+0'87 fy too ___ ) x Woo (ier Ore 1x S00 = ypaeh1 AA s Scanned with CamScanner 7 Maggy = 0°83 Fut pd? = O'188 x50 X 200 (yoo)? 6 = 8512xI0 N-MMA Mac Ma lig \ Mg = ors ty Ast (A care Fy Aste fecba sjis-osyk soo ie (9? - foxtsy K300x wa) mf Ast ~ e125 x6" Age] Yop Ade — oibsxt0" acy? Lunesta xi xa 7 31-5= 0181 ®& BOOXAst ( & 1- SdoAct 20X290A4od G08te Ask =9, DIS SIT= Ast 4125xi0 Age™ Ast 2 23zeleeel™ f 0155 bA epenn al p04 bA= Bama Aste O° Sfuk (1- Vie oz] bd zeMq aa fe ie AY = O20 [1 fie woxov08e Jac0x 400 = 81sX0° 500 AO XAGO'A Yoo L + aaqegg wr = goss ie Ari244 ie =M2*s {13004 ro Ace nna VA bans A (2mm dia. Scanned with CamScanner 2) Deowtine orca Bh qetnpercentent Heqjutvel for Re beaut 98 preadt Soorll & eigective depth boo to Harish a (tory sMoment 6) gookN-M , Use H20 gade counete % Fedo steels sott- Given “ b= 300" A=G00w%"1 My = 200kKN-M feck = Bon [met Fiy = SdoN| el Fics” c ) Mula ~ 09133 Fick bel ae Whoo +0 81 fy 4 real 4 fi ay = 981-29 N-44 = A136] 44 alas 2 jf Mu aoloe S00 < Ast Rete 1. 387 x10 Ase® fet > 841 SE mor (ober y900 oa) ok => Dias 167m oz 1.86. 2.0 RKC MEH 1389 00% i 9062829 h 6G ‘ o> 4.23 wg bau, Su nud 5. dae Oy DMRS Shor mally tt da providud Sn am comer rom so guint dinuien Be eompawnion ds outa by conte 3 Avie uordition, the ie 6) dhe concrete Bram cho So be yuki did vole to Lorkitedurel vand Spradical Suqpioements. Buk he Lame Aeon Js rpbred Jo > sade vo. moment gqreatn than datourd aabon ander Hes Condit on , vadda's onal nomant iu ey doy odding asia itm eboth Sarden and ompounion Gb Such va cectiem Ueith wrth? “duck worn omperetion vor dst vor tension it denouon var! Doubly Painyorerch Section’ | Adwonvages’ ee * the epth .o Ure Jaeom von dhe Stag _% Daptation soy uthe sbeam sduowares due eo proition O veempountion abut. eS * DuckUGy oy he “ubEN thetiaia due do Lomprenion Akuh with the Inoue, ctudiliby » tu ection Gn te Ud yptb\iby an trxmic varia. x WP 9) dts Beam anowarer, Scanned with CamScanner Doubly ottingmeid iAlattoncf rade wp “ora | | Settion ds; -ond \Axk on 2, | Matin (My | | | viunaion 0.87 Fist = hese aes } O36 bab ® Momus 4 uriakoner (Mi) | : Mu, = CUD coun Cotati) | ss Ene ee 1 = 0: 36ferb Hamar CA~ 0.42 re scnace) Mud, = Cox Save, crm > fee fic La-de) 3 yy | Scanned with CamScanner pet 0.36 fyb Mama (AO. 42244) + JscMsc (A-ddD ayo) tn A fay DA Oe poets te ted Muy = 0:8 py Asty {d-0. 2 Xuma) Ace, = 2M ss O37. jyrala- ©,U2r Lamar) Map = carga ete) ‘ Ast, = _ Mas 0.8 fey (d-de) : Ta2> & - BF Ly Pets > fschse Pree 20° ay Ast2, i ae ‘ : Take a sh eh Go © cogppusiorscil njparmant: fee Mem din cleubby soloed. Area 310,20, 329 340 3380 ne Ct wee Note \ Scanned with CamScanner Proudere (yor Anat): | *® Gluten 2h gy, i KFA bo Uting HAN F page la Spey fee Shawd not be great tron oad yy, a 1% Dakoumine vdieo sRuwtorad Vasey wing's > a> OB hy Ast — fee Ase \| 0-86 Fb . : — , d ; Dwrvumine Koo, xdeph 9, Brg ae Numa? |teo. : ay toads oe J *~ Pagr to F Compan oy wh maig MN SS 9g * Colusa | MOMMA Dy Sualltanes uring May = 0.86 pee bot (ad-o.us90 fee Aveld- BS) —S und es Musimn * ONS the ber 0. 27 sora) “tfecfleeA-&s) is ne ‘ Sere Procedure Costign 4) Subbu): : % Coben. A/a, rt fe uring and - Was & Gleatetr max. dipth 6 neubet go.,, fable F pag is Sco eer ao aco A 100 +0-91 Remon Pg Fo Scanned with CamScanner x odestels Matin Using , Makin = 0-36 fond Wasrax (A- 0.49 Laman) Ma 4 Mabem Cengty acinpowed, aaekion) Mu> Maken COorbly pean percod, tasbem) Mig? Me — Mulim x Coluteti arse. gy stub ting, Ase, > Mustin o.Brpy (ao 42 Ludi) Ase 2 Mee fay 0-87 yy (a- Ac) Ase > 0.8 pp Ase hee Age > Ast + Aste Probie’. Jp Dakouming ste foukoud moment gq serictance oy cine Bac 280X 4bO, mC ypsrd - she Wream ay sui ton a-ak Gy Isinmd on: dompsinnion wide: and: & Bary G20 mm b on Bo-cion Uso mm ys oe * 90 Vine Ree = Ax RUDE, LOrNZ ROG 2 904-25 mont ig BY 7 as WA et = yn Ase = be mS tose 4 ant A | al= Loman - y= 0.033 Scanned with CamScanner yh Row 2 -0.088 Cobevdatin | 0.0 Ot BES cen a4 | oomk 3393.52 . | 0. 35S on. | fee = 85352 Win? Ha > O8TbYy Ase bse Ase. 0.36 bend o @sauuEexi9s6.a@) — (35. ©.B36X20K% 230 i oe WHE Heme ese ee ‘ pe oo iY a ) eo Fh ee Maman | 100 $0.8 C415). Lamoy 7 220.39 mm MS kalim va +0 e z bral pra hse’ Rela Ae) we maw ¥ ————— Scanned with CamScanner af Find de monunk 9 -cusiatore of 0 2inported veonouty ) beam Boormm x wsomm Cepeetive) The boom us seinyresd oh 4 Bara, 0, 26 mm dn cancion zone ond 2 Par on Compaarriom Zeng , Lith On eff adive % peer’ convats and Fe 500 haul evr a BOM. Uxce Mro ocl> b> 300m™M ee a> usomm S a! 2 7 7 OM Zo > nie Age > ax Elo 2. 628-8 2.179 Ase? 4& RLS" 2 1963.5 mm ee ie, Wye t BEHLO * yuna IMSPASS Bet 32 Somm fer > 20 WAmm? a 7 un py 880 What” ; a pes BOM ooo. wen ofS, HORE NV ent dn = (OSA RSO0% 1963.5) — (408-6 xX6IE-32) SA Ambo (TESS (HOGS x EOE: PP) 0.36 X20 ¥300 Hay aber tees agnniares Tumor? |e a > Qod.ay ’ looxosr(soo) “2 SSE Ea) Hee Maemo : Malm > © Sb hey OXumay Ck=0. 62 Leia) 4 boofecla-cte) i= 10.86% 20%)300 K 205.21 (uso—0.u2v255.2)) + 408.6x628. 92 “ Corb} Cuso- 20) Scanned with CamScanner fi Darign 4 oeinperced sheamg goomm wide» ard 350m i dup do Lavvry & fhomunt « QF kgo- tH: OA Mae Cong and Fes AG. Ayam an Syste ren 05 omg q fou bots Aide. sot b> 300mm x Ser 26.) Deseo mm M = 225 kw~m en * 363 Niwas : ’ Mus 23 OK eS . an i| > IS Eom’ co ecm? Oued > 246m Loner Pee Rowe i] Wy? ns Leon ~ Thai 2 6falumen Ca ~ “Oka tain) “AG > O.36x90% Boor auo(Sed* Sunland ‘ I Ii Cana -eha,) | 2 _20 EX 10% ees Ae ok "0.20% tS (Soo=-a.Urx Bo. mee 2 © Bet, 2 wee Mag Mase Matin * 205-6 kvm 2b Dee pa 16S ARD > =- Scanned with CamScanner ~ ee ee Re > Rely + Asko > Wu3e byD6F = DAO) Ma ee 0 arty Ask2_ 5 O.BTKUISKIDES se asa Age = 1993.8 1S ge copes hee 9.20: MT X 600 mm ew & eye per 4 Sm ae CORN impored ion on cthy Boom de 50 kvm. Eypastive over SuiNforesd uy Jaren at Somm. Use Me He Fe yc Het. so be 20 mm = De 600mm 4 Wit 50 uf. we Wit Wor 3 Wor 0:23 40.6K25 > B4F ym WF For aus fw = 53.45 kW/m = mM = war my Ms xo? 3 1 M > 167.03 kwem My» 16.03 XLS 2-25ASS jyv-m- an Scanned with CamScanner [ Aolged sectous A dno corvrete souctral Aynter, the slat lala sr Corted togethers Sycatourtuciot aportion 6 tue slab _ beat behaves Abyuchurally os a peat eb the beam Sy “he Comprmion. 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Jn case eb ylonged gectfows, the, bolle cighy corres, curser departing wpe depth ef flange ou nelertfortaldp with depth of neutral ayis | Flange 4 O36 Fek be Mu Sore ify Ast (A-O42 Ku) "uncer nefuforted May = 036 fe Maan (4 ~ o. Pheer) = Balanced foversiecuforee ear dp Pela sore Ost seven, & Ros trs0:36 cE ha Ku Th = O8TFy Act iG F=G> O45 fet (bp-bu) Dy Ts OS THY Rst,s = Cy ~ Scanned with CamScanner er S 0756 Fog bus XUrOrO5 Fick (bg-bus) DE =O-B7 fy Ast. ~ = DBTfy Act 0" 45 Fux (og-bo ) De 0°36 fe bw Muy = 0:36 Fa bu Xu (A= Dele-o xu) Mus 045K ( bebo) Pp (4-H /,) Ma = 0'36fck busta (4 —ofe Xu) 045 Fk ( ty-buo) De (A - Dr) Mate = 03 6Le uty (4-04 2X ax) 0/5 (bho) D, (A Ot) i D at 1 +O ‘ Perea OW (05 ky $53) Sane procedure, Heplace De boy Ip e2T 3 bLck buku TOT Kc (bp-bio ) Up cor TF] Ast OF bua Hay = ©S6fek bys Xu (4 ote) Mua = O45 Fey (be-bw) De (Am Yl) Ma = 0136 fdr bw Yu (4-04 2%) + OMS Fee (be bis) 4y (4 K) “eteg =O36F bo Man (0 4? Keoas) HOU Fre Lop buy Ll 4) Asti a Gat 0+ Sof; boku > O81 yet, a6 Sek, bw X Ast = 06-Fck rw Xu otig << Scanned with CamScanner Ase = At Kee G-h Or455ck (bp -ba) De = O8Tty Ast f Ay 208 Fo (oboe OvsTty Awalysis of the sectioy cee cael eweeeinee i) Detamtine dept of cubed axi’s ustug Ky = 0°87 top Ast 036 Fk bd D Derawiiae WAX: depth ef wcubral axts usiug ia tod "age Noo+ 0187 fy Ww) (Compote Xu we De Cone it KucDz > (neckaugular section) Ma +087 fy Ast ( d-ore2¥u ) Mata = 0136 Fee bp (A- 0°42 Xy) < Gases or Kur De» De” Ma Big KIO No =(2hhog oe SAT bot lor systet figy 0a} duck Blaby Supported on beavus. The width ob bear is Se0v4"1 aural efiective depth, 580,-v1sThe bean Js ickay enced, with” § boos 8) AON dates She beau, ane Spaced, ok Bvt cet to Cette . Src epgective Spas Of the bea 44 Bos Use M20 Conoucte and felis steels Sol Give Dy = trove et, . bus = S004 uy A Seon, Fee= don fay zi fy= asf ponent Ag = 8X7 (20)" 2 2513214 qe era bere L thy to 454 6D¢ Je)\ 44 ‘ Bodo +4 300+.6 (120) = 3000 "Ss 300) be, Kur 061 4y Mee eS 036 fue bp Kastan > Tod nt hn \i90 +O°8Tfy eens Scanned with CamScanner Hue YasDe Hu= 08TH ME aor 2x) 3) Aor SSolakeed Stouply supported F Gear Laas a woicltle oF ayoving € (lorge Hatckuers of 1aoile The ebgective span Of tee bea is 36645 She epyective clepth of heart & se0-14 4 WS widtlr soos te ue neinjorceed cotth Bhars O dant ate, Detoviine the wmoett OF reslstane ef the sectind «Use M20 commiele aud Fe His steele sols. GCM. be phony De = 12044 ete pan = 36a" a= 58044 by = S0OM4 Age = 882gett 4 e sqngenay™ Bouyl +06 Fee =20N]0" Fy? 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Give "be = 4 50rm4 Be = Loony 4 = S504 . ; bi = 23044 ‘ 3 Ast = Ux (2s) vr. : 2 nd uv) 201625944, fas 204 Fy Hon |ty™ Xy = 0+ BTA fy Dex ong (| Kajy 20° 46 4 = 2olbyy anes = 333-184 Ma Phas nm 036 Fek boty (A242) ors fer (5 bo) ee) Wy. = 24 0°11 x10 NY A Derenine the Utevtting Moment Of steristauce aud the Limi anes op steel (Pr a netufencel mpuniete Tea (raving jane, cota 8, (6o0r4r| sefgeative depth 35014 AUNTCEUENS ef flange worn, AMA BL yoed asorivt, Use M20 crviele and FeFoostecle salt s- Given be = Néoorie Q= 3504 pag = lor 2 2 bos 2904 shade 1097 fee > 20MIAA™ y= Poon Xue OrbEA (+2 by= 500) = HYEX350 SEF MSL Fr OtgD, = lotr} *sqe5 De « 100 = 0°28(20+) : 380 Majey = (O'36Lck bushy. ( gor bi ( wo Mya ( ano Xn) | HOUSE bp-be) % as] = 129 66 Aloe nwa ; O«SofcK byxuity TOUS FcR H-bor) yp = 0 614 Hct inet a dsp = 3156025 A= 25044 n= 1 baw a Scanned with CamScanner

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