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Vc-u ku, gu, su, nu, bu, mu, tu, [a,i,u,o]+u, [a,i,u,e,o]+ru; Vc-u (drop -u); Vc T

Vp: i-ta, i-da, s-ita, n-da, t-ta [vowel] stays {vowel + w + -a-}
kiku (hear, listen, T ask) oyogu (swimT) hanasu (talkT) sinu (dieT) tobu (jump;flyT) yobu (callT) yomu (readT)
matu (waitT) narau (learnT) iu /yuu/ (sayT) suu (smokeT) omo'u (thinkT) -te form song -u - te (-de).wav
naru (becomeT) kiru (cutT) tukuru (makeT) kaeru (go backT) heru (decreaseT) noru (ride inT)
Vv-ru -eru, -iru (drop -ru) deru (go outT) taberu (eatT) miru (seeT) hajimeru (beginT) kiru (wearT) Vv T
Irregualar: suru (doT); kuru (comeT); 行く iku (goT) t2: it-ta {same as 言う iu (sayT) Vp it-ta}
Copula: de aru, da, desu(de arimasu), datta, de wa nai, de wa arimasen (de wa = /ja/ in speech.) N+C, AN+C copula\!+
Auxiliaries: Vaux: iru (beT) aru (be, haveT) oru (be, humble) irassyaru (be, honorific.)
naru (becomeT), suru (doT) Vimp kure (kureru), kudasai (kudasaru); Aaux: nai, rasii (seems)
meaning: conjunctive 1 and 2; Vpresent, Vpast; Vtai; V(a)na-ide, Vtari + auxiliary
Barron's Table of English Equivalents (akeru+English).doc
Vc (V drop -u, Vv (drop -ru) A-i (drop -i) no person, no plural, no
Vp-past) -eru, -iru modal verbs
present Vu V-u V-ru A-i present/future, dictionary
form; attributive
past Vta Vp-ta (da, ita, tta) V-ta A-katta also attributive (=before N)
negative: -a/nai is an A-i
present V-anai V-nai A-ku nai also attributive
past V-anakatta V-nakatta A-ku nakatta
formal present respect for people spoken to
affirmative V-imas-u V-mas-u A-i desu A-i desu only polite
negative V-imas-en V-mas-en A-ku nai desu A-ku arimasen
formal negative desu only polite, no tense↓
present V-imasen V-masen A-ku arimasen A-ku nai desu
past V-imasen desita V-masen desita A-ku arimasen desita A-ku nakatta desu
1. (pre-masu) V-i V-0 (zero) A-ku (also adverb) V-i/0 also noun
2. -te form Vp-te, V-anaide V-te, V-naide A-kute, A-ku nakute change -ta to -te; do and....
-ba V-eba V-reba A-kereba if
-tara Vp-tara V-tara A-kattara past + ra (if, when)
sentence + to
sentence + nara
-tari Vp-tari V-tari A-kattari past + ri, do things like and
Volitional V-ou V-you I’ll, Let’s, shall I
Passive V-areru V-rareru all become V-ru verbs
(also honorific)
Potential V-eru V- rareru can, able to (= V-ru)
Causative V-aseru V-sareru make, let, allow (= V-ru)
-nagara V-inagara V-nagara while doing V1, doing V2
-tai V-itai V-tai want to V, -i/tai is an A-i
Imperative V-e V-ro do!
Prohibitive V-una V-runa don’t do!
nasai V-inasai V-nasai do!
tarou Vp-tarou V-tarou A-kattarou probably did; Vta darou
mai V-umai V-rumai probably don’t do

formal polite V-imas-u V-mas-u A-i desu A-i/AN/N + desu
(addressative): V-imasen V-masen A-ku nai desu respect for people spoken to
deference: respect for people spoken about
honorific o-1 ni naru o-1 ni naru about higher status
humble o-1 suru/itasu o-1 suru/itasu about yourself and in-group
-te iru progress or result
-te aru have been done, be done
-te kudasai do, please
-te kure M do, please
-te tyoudai F do, please
-te miru do V and see = try to V
-te oku do in advance (lit. do and put)
-te simau have done, finish doing

Table V A English.doc this document

Barron's Table of English Equivalents (akeru+English).doc

Sentence endings (no audio):

Nihongo no kiso Zdania wzorce.doc Basic sentence forms, FOLDER VOCABULARY audio
Makino - Appendix 4 Connection Forms of Important Expressions.doc no audio
Kaiser - Sentence endings.doc no audio

!0 Japanese What’s to learn BEGIN HERE.doc

Verb Forms (Tables with audio and text links):
In Polish:
J Tabela V i Virr kolumny wersja najnowsza.doc do druku, linki do dalszych przykładów
J Tabela formy analityczne V.rtf (f. złożone)

In English:
Table V A English.doc Verbs and A-i + links
Barron's Table of English Equivalents (akeru+English).doc
Barron's 501 Verbs SelectionPLUS.doc Conjugation tables, pitch accent, explanations, audio links
AMB_Japanese_Verbs Wikipedia.pdf (cheat sheet: verbs, i-adjectives, copula – forms, no audio)
Essential Stuff Verbs PLUS.doc
{More verbs here: TABLE
Essential Japanese Verbs list.doc Essential Japanese Verbs.doc.(kanji-hiragana-English + FOLDER AUDIO) 250 V
Vc.doc (consonant verbs, V-u verbs, godan verbs) a list, -u and -masu + playlist FOLDER AUDIO
Vv.doc (vowel verbs, V-ru verbs, itidan verbs) a list, -u and -masu + playlist FOLDER AUDIO
dousi.jpg (pitch accent marked) 動詞 【どうし】 (n,adj-no) (ling) verb; (P) .mp3
dousi\!NHK Akusento dousi.m3u FOLDER

A-i (i-adjectives, keiyousi) 形容詞 【けいようし】 (n) (ling) (true) adjective; i-adjective; (P).mp3
coscom Words and Phrases Essential Stuff Adjectives PLUS.doc
J Tabela przymiotniki A-i A-na.rtf
Adjective Conjugation.htm

C Copula.doc (である de aru, だ da, です desu)

Kaiser - Table 7 Forms of the copula.doc
Forms of the Japanese Copula.htm
Copula – playlists: FOLDER
copula\!+.m3u ! de aru.m3u ! da.m3u ! da ja nai de wa nai.m3u ! datta.m3u ! desu.m3u ! desita.m3u
! de wa nai ja nai de wa arimasen de wa nakatta.m3u ! de .m3u ! darou.m3u ! deshou.m3u
! dattara.m3u ! de gozaimasu de gozaru.m3u ! na no desu, datta no desu.m3u
Not to be confused with Verbs: ! V-masen A-ku arimasen desita.m3u
Basic grammar explanations with line-by-line audio:
Table V A English.doc + more tables with links to audio, explanations, etc
Basic Sentences.doc FOLDER AUDIO
Essential Stuff Verbs PLUS.doc
Essential Stuff Adjectives PLUS.doc
Essential Japanese Verbs list.doc FOLDER AUDIO 250 verbs, forms + example sentences and dialogues
Essential Japanese Verbs.doc FOLDER AUDIO ! All files VF SD KS PU 3942files 7h 15min.m3u
Visualizing Japanese Grammar.doc FOLDER ! 1-66 1h20min.m3u8
Hugo Japanese In Three Months.doc FOLDER AUDIO ! Grammar 1-135 231files 1h 17min.m3u
JP101Grammar Bank wsio.doc ! 44min.m3u 1437 files FOLDER AUDIO
Particles joshi 助詞 【じょし】 (n) (ling) particle; postposition; (P).mp3
!Particles index introduction.doc FOLDER AUDIO + T
Kaiser - Table 19 Personal pronouns and suffixes, Family.doc

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