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Laboratory Plate No. 05


Introduction Learning Outcomes
This plate will test the student knowledge and skills By the end of this activity, the student
in performing a Two-Point Perspective. should be able to demonstrate a Two-
Point Perspective on a figure with medium

Materials Required Expected Duration of Activity

1. 1 pc of 15” x 20” Tracing 6. Triangular Metric Scale 540 Minutes
Paper (70/75 or 80/85) 7. Compass with Pen
2. Sharp Graphite Pencil Adapter
3. 0.10 mm, 0.30 mm, 0.50 mm, 8. White Cartolina as
and 0.80 mm Drawing Pen Backing Sheet
4. T-Square 9. Masking Tape
5. 45° X 45° & 30° X 60° 10. Drawing Platform

Terms of Reference/Instructions
1. Secure a backing sheet on a drafting platform. After securing the backing sheet, secure a 15” x
20” tracing paper in landscape orientation on the said backing sheet. Make sure that the tracing
paper is oriented properly using a T-square and check for perpendicularity using a triangle and
a T-square.
2. Perform the “Title Block” as shown on the Title Block section of the Laboratory Plate Primer.
3. No paneling will be required for this Plate, however, the figure must be centered on the drawing
space while maintaining a margin of 3/4" on the top and right side of the page and 1 1/4" on the
left side of the page. The top of the title block will be the bottom limit of the drawing space.
4. Use the same figure used on Plate 04: Orthographic Projections
5. Draw a Perspective of the given figure using a Drawing Scale of 1: 50 Meters and the following
a. The figure is rotated 30° counterclockwise from a horizontal line using point A as the pivot
b. Point A coincides with the Picture Plane.
c. The View Height is set at 3.00 M from the Ground Line.
d. The distance from the Station Point to the Picture Plane is set at 20 M.
e. Show the Horizon Line on the background when finalizing.

2021 Edition Page 1 of 2

CENG 113n
Engineering Drawing and Plans

6. Finalize the drawing using the following alphabet of lines.

Line Linetype Linewieght
i. Object Profile Lines Solid Line Medium, 0.50 mm Drawing Pen
ii. Object Lines Solid Line Light, 0.30 mm Drawing Pen
iii. Hidden Lines Uniform Short Dashed Very Light, 0.10 mm Drawing Pen
7. Erase all construction lines and projection lines upon completion of work.
8. Submit your best possible work to the instructor before the deadline. Follow the submission
procedures stipulated in the Laboratory Plate Primer.

Evaluation Criteria
The Exercise will be evaluated using the following criteria:
1. Panel Content and Titles (85 Points)
The figure shall be assessed based on their completeness, quality of line work which includes
the consistency of each line and variation of the line thickness as instructed, and line accuracy.
2. Paneling and Title Block (10 Points)
Paneling and Title block will be assessed based on its completeness and quality of works.
3. Instructions (5 points)
Instructions shall assess whether the submission process was followed or not.

Note: Deduction for late submission shall follow after the evaluation score has been computed.

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