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Comprensión Lectora de Artículos de Investigación Médica en Inglés


Research article abstracts Analysis – Ken Hyland’s model

I. Read the following RA abstract from the field of pediatrics and identify the five

moves: Introduction, Purpose, Method, Result and Conclusion.

Health related quality of life in children with congenital heart disease that undergo cardiac

surgery during their first year of life

Advances in diagnostic methods, surgical techniques and postoperative intensive care have

significantly increased the survival rates for children with congenital heart disease. In this

context, long term sequelae acquired greater relevance. Health-related quality of life

(HRQOL) is a concept that helps to measure the impact of chronic diseases. The purpose of

the current study was to describe HRQOL in children with congenital heart disease that

undergo cardiac surgery during their first year of life. A cross-sectional observational study

was conducted between August 2017 and December 2018 at a University General Hospital.

PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales were used. Children with congenital heart disease between

2and 4 years old who had cardiac surgery during their first year of life and healthy children

were included. Scores were compared with T-test or Wilcoxon according to the observed

distribution. p value < 0.05 was considered significant. A total of 31 children with

congenital heart disease (26 % with a single ventricle) and 62 healthy children were

enrolled. The first surgery was in the neonatal period in 61.3 %. Our study showed no

statistical differences (p = 0.10) between HRQOL Total Scale Score of children with

congenital heart disease compared to healthy children. However, lower scores were
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observed with statistically significant differences in social (p=0.0092) and school

(p=0.0001) scales. Our cohort of children diagnosed with congenital heart disease has a

global quality of life comparable with healthy children except in social and school

functioning scales.

Key words: health related quality of life, congenital heart disease, cardiac surgery, chronic



II. Answer the following questions.

Do you think the order of the moves you identified is “fixed”, or do you think it could be

changed? If it could be changed, in what way?

Comprensión Lectora de Artículos de Investigación Médica en Inglés


Research article abstracts Analysis – Ken Hyland’s model – Move 1: Introduction

I. Read the following RA abstract from the field of surgery and identify the

Introduction section. Then do the activities below.

Acute Diverticulitis in Patients Under 50 Years of Age

Acute diverticulitis typically occurs in patients over 80 years old. The last five years we

observed an increased incidence of acute diverticulitis in patients under 50 years. The aim

of this study is to evaluate the increased rate of patients under 50 years that are hospitalized

due to acute diverticulitis. Also, we aim to confirm the common symptoms for this disease

and the laboratory data, the changes in dietary history (Mediterranean diet) and lifestyle and

to calculate the differences in the treatment and the severity in the course of the disease,

between younger (<50) and older (>50) patients. From 2003 to 2008, 118 patients were

admitted to our Surgical Department for acute diverticulitis. 32 patients were under 50

years old. In the next five year period (2008-2013) the number of patients under 50 that

were admitted due to acute diverticulitis doubled to 183 with 102 patients being over 50

years and 61 patients under 50. For all these patients, the medical and dietary history,

laboratory and clinical examinations, radiographic and endoscopic findings were recorded.

For patients aged over 50 years there is a predominance in male sex. Symptoms were the

same in both groups and no difference in treatment was noted. Furthermore, readmission

and recurrence rates were the same for both groups. The condition was equally aggressive

in both groups. The only difference observed was increased obesity rate for patients under

50 and variation from the traditional Mediterranean diet to western diet habits. Although
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our study has limitations it seems that new cases of diverticular disease in patients have

increased due to dietary changes, but treatment and severity have remained the same.



II. Write the most important words or ideas from the Introduction section.

III.Now answer the following questions about the RA abstract

Was it easy or difficult to identify the Introduction section? How did you identify it?

Can you establish a relationship between acute diverticulis and age?

What has occurred in the last five years as regards this pathology?

IV.Match the research article titles with the correct Introduction sections in their RA

abstracts. They all belong to research articles about pediatric residency.



I.Social pediatrics: weaving horizontal

III Acquisition of knowledge and skills
and vertical threads through pediatric
in the care of surgical patients is defined
as an essential element of training by the

Pediatric Residency Review Committee.

The pediatric-surgical comanagement

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model of care is increasingly utilized,

yet its impact on residency training has

not been described.

II.Point-of-Care Ultrasound Education

I Social pediatrics teaches pediatric
for Pediatric Residents in the Pediatric
residents how to understand disease
Intensive Care Unit
within their patients' social,

environmental and political contexts. It's

an essential component of pediatric

residency training; however there is very

little literature that addresses how such a

broad-ranging topic can be taught


III.A pediatric residency experience with

II Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is
surgical co-management
ultrasound performed by the provider at

the patient's bedside to answer a specific

clinical question. No guidelines exist for

teaching POCUS to pediatric residents,

and there are currently no pediatric-

specific POCUS resources

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V.Answer the following questions considering the previous exercise.

Which words or expressions have helped you match the RA titles and the Introductions in

their abstracts?

Are you familiar with the topics developed in the RA abstracts? Did your previous

knowledge help you to solve the activity?

Comprensión Lectora de Artículos de Investigación Médica en Inglés


Research article abstracts Analysis – Ken Hyland’s model – Move 2: Purpose

I. Read the following RA abstracts and identify the Introduction and the Purpose

sections. Then answer the questions below.

RA abstract I

Pregnancy Outcomes in Perinatally HIV-infected Young Women in Madrid, Spain: 2000-


An increasing number of perinatally HIV-infected women (PHIV) are reaching adulthood

and becoming pregnant. Most PHIV women have been exposed to a high number of

antiretroviral regimens, and they may have difficulties to achieve viral suppression.

Psychosocial problems are not uncommon and could be an important barrier for treatment

adherence. The effects of chronic HIV infection and long-term exposure to antiretroviral

treatment of PHIV women cause concerns on the developing fetus. The aims of this study

were to describe the prevention of mother-to-child transmission strategies in PHIV women

and the infant outcomes in the Madrid Cohort of HIV-infected mother-infant pairs. All

PHIV pregnant women registered in the Cohort that gave birth from 2000 to 2015 were

included in the study. Twenty-eight pregnancies in twenty-two perinatally infected women

were registered. Most women were Caucasian and heavily treatment-experienced. Nine

cases (32.1%) were at high risk of HIV mother-to-child transmission. Maternal HIV-1 viral

load was detectable close to delivery in four women (14.3%). The management of these
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cases was described, and the treatment strategies were discussed. None of the newborns

acquired HIV infection. Eight infants (28.6%) were small for gestational age. This study

included a large series of pregnancies among PHIV women attended according to a youth-

centered care model. The challenges in the management of this population by health-care

providers were described. Specific strategies to minimize perinatal transmission risks

should be addressed in future collaborative studies.



RA abstract II

Emotional exhaustion is associated with work related stressors: a cross-sectional

multicenter study in Malaysian public hospitals

Emotional exhaustion is an important component of burnout. Burnout is common among

doctors. It affects the physical and mental health of doctors, their performance and the

quality of care they provide. This study aimed to investigate the level and factors associated

with emotional exhaustion among doctors in pediatric practice in Malaysia. A self-

administered questionnaire was used in this multicenter cross-sectional study. It included

questions on the socio-demographics, work characteristics, Emotional Exhaustion,

Perceived Stress Scale and sources of job stress. Descriptive, univariate and multivariate

analysis were conducted using the SPSS software. A total of 197 doctors working in the

Pediatric department in eight hospitals returned complete questionnaire. High and moderate
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emotional exhaustion was reported by 25.4% and 24.4% doctors, respectively. In bivariate

analysis, 29 out of the 38 items of sources of stress showed significant association with

emotional exhaustion (p<0.05). The significant predictors of emotional exhaustion in the

multivariate analysis were: scoring higher on the Perceived Stress Score, dealing with

patient’s psychosocial problems, disrespectful interactions with colleagues/ subordinates,

lack of appreciation from supervisors, lack of incentives and promotions, time pressures

and deadlines to meet, and setting unrealistic goals of having them imposed on oneself

(p<0.05). The most common source of stress was dealing with difficult parents (80.2%).

Emotional exhaustion is associated with sources of stress in the workplace but not with

socio-demographic factors.


II.Answer the following questions

Is one RA abstract more difficult than the other? Why?

Which are the most important words or ideas in each RA abstract?

In the first RA abstract the word aims is used and in the second RA abstract the word

aimed is employed. Can you explain this difference?

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III.The RA abstracts above contain some instances of formal vocabulary. Can you

explain the meanings of the following words using more colloquial expressions? (the

sentence number is in parentheses). Then complete the activity below.

From RA abstract I

difficulties (S2)

uncommon (S3)

From RA abstract II

component (S1)

aimed to (S4)

associated to (S4)

Classify the words above into nouns, verbs and adjectives.



Comprensión Lectora de Artículos de Investigación Médica en Inglés

IV.Can you predict the Purpose section of the following RA abstracts? The three RA

abstracts belong to the field of vascular surgery.



There is an increasing recognition

and treatment of venous disease in

the United States; results of the

Society for Vascular Surgery 2014

membership survey showed that

venous disease represents 18.8% of a

vascular surgeon's current practice.

Despite this, there are no operative

objectives or case requirements

specific to venous disease for

vascular surgery trainees.

Patients undergoing vascular surgery

are under increased risk for

perioperative myocardial ischemia

and cardiovascular complications,

and optimal medical treatment is

therefore imperative for these

patients. Beta-blockade has been

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introduced as a cornerstone of

optimal management, and

standardized preoperative initiation

has been recommended in the past.

However, recent pooled data have

questioned prior recommendations

and have led to revision of

international guidelines.

Vascular surgery is a relatively

young specialty and its separation

from general surgery has raised

many questions about its cost and


Pause for thought. Think about the following question:

Which words or expressions have helped you to “guess” the Purpose sections?

V.Now you can read the Purpose section that corresponds to each Introduction and

compare your answers.


There is an increasing recognition and treatment of venous disease in the United States;

results of the Society for Vascular Surgery 2014 membership survey showed that venous
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disease represents 18.8% of a vascular surgeon's current practice. Despite this, there are no

operative objectives or case requirements specific to venous disease for vascular surgery

trainees. The objective of this study was to examine the current venous surgical training

experience of graduating vascular surgery trainees.



Patients undergoing vascular surgery are under increased risk for perioperative myocardial

ischemia and cardiovascular complications, and optimal medical treatment is therefore

imperative for these patients. Beta-blockade has been introduced as a cornerstone of

optimal management, and standardized preoperative initiation has been recommended in

the past. However, recent pooled data have questioned prior recommendations and have led

to revision of international guidelines. This review aims to highlight the debate on

perioperative beta-blockade for vascular surgery patients in order to produce useful

conclusions for everyday clinical practice.



Vascular surgery is a relatively young specialty and its separation from general surgery has

raised many questions about its cost and effectiveness. In this article the evidence for the

treatment of common vascular conditions is evaluated. The reasons for conflicting results

and opinions, together with possible solutions for the future, are also discussed.
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VI.And what about the titles? Match the RA titles below with their corresponding

abstracts. Then answer the questions below.

 Beta-blockers in vascular surgery patients: is the debate still going on?

 Evaluating the venous experience in vascular surgery training

 Economics of vascular surgery

Answer the following questions.

Which words are repeated in the sections and in the titles?

Which are the most important words or expressions in each RA abstract?

Comprensión Lectora de Artículos de Investigación Médica en Inglés


Research article abstracts Analysis – Ken Hyland’s model – Move 3: Method

I.Read the following RA abstract from the field of surgery and identify the

Introduction and the Purpose sections.

Surgical Intervention for Intestinal Typhoid Perforation

Typhoid perforation is the most fatal complication of typhoid fever in developing countries

and is most often caused by the bacteria Salmonella Typhi. There are conflicting views as

to which type of surgical intervention gives the best outcome. The aim of this study was to

determine the mortality associated with the different types of surgical interventions

employed in patients with typhoid perforation.

This was a retrospective review of the medical records of adult and paediatric surgical

patients treated in the general and paediatric surgical units of the Korle Bu Teaching

Hospital. Information was obtained from medical records at the Korle Bu Teaching

Hospital in Accra, Ghana, between January 2009 and April 2012. The data was analysed

using IBM SPSS Statistics version 20 and 22.

133 patients (median age of 21 years, 72.2% males) with typhoid perforation were included

in the study. The typhoid perforation specific mortality rate was 12.8%. Males had a

significantly lower mortality rate (7.3%) compared to females (27%). Simple bowel closure

(85.7% of total) was the most common surgical intervention performed and patients
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operated upon with this method had a significantly lower mortality rate (9.6%) compared to

patients with bowel resection (31.6%).

In this study, patients treated with intestinal resection were more likely to die from typhoid

perforation and female gender was a risk factor for death. Simple bowel closure was the

predominant surgical procedure.



II.Now identify the Method section.

Comprensión Lectora de Artículos de Investigación Médica en Inglés

III.Read the following RA abstract from the field of obstetrics. The Method section

has been removed. There are three options below. Choose the correct one. Then

answer the questions below.

Safety and success rate of vaginal birth after two cesarean sections: retrospective cohort


Cesarean section is a lifesaving procedure with short and long-term consequences. Growing

rates of cesarean sections worldwide arise problems for subsequent birth. The aim of this

study was to compare safety of vaginal birth after two cesarean sections with repeat third

cesarean section to help healthcare providers and patients make well informed decisions

about mode of subsequent delivery. …... Trial of labor after two cesareans in comparison to

repeat cesarean section increases the risk of hemorrhage(OR: 10.84) and unfavorable

composite maternal outcome (OR: 2.58). Failed trial of labor increases this risk of

hemorrhage (OR: 15.27) and unfavorable composite maternal outcome (OR: 4.59) even

further. There were no significant differences in neonatal outcomes. 22 out of 35 trials of

labor ended in successful delivery giving a success rate of 62.85%. 5 of 7 labor inductions

ended in repeat cesarean section giving 28.6% success rate. There were no maternal deaths

and emergency hysterectomies. Trial of labor, especially failed trial of labor, is associated

with an increased risk of perinatal complications.

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I.Retrospective, observational, multi-center study. A new tool, a "First cesarean delivery"

checklist was built according American and French guidelines. Women with full-term of

pregnancy, nulliparous or multiparous with a first caesarean delivery including arrest of

labor, breech presentation or suspected fetal macrosomia were included. The checklist was

applied. Potentially preventable cesareans were analyzed.

II.This was a retrospective cohort study conducted in a tertiary reference hospital. Database

of all deliveries (2010-2017) after two previous cesarean sections was created from

electronic and paper medical records. Preterm deliveries, abnormal karyotype and neonates

with congenital anomalies were excluded from the study. The final analysis included 412

cases for maternal outcome analysis and 406 cases for neonatal outcome analysis.

III.We reviewed cesarean deliveries at our academic nonprofit hospital during 1992 (n =

1885). The indication for the procedure was abstracted based on surgeon operative reports

and discharge ICD-9 codes (International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification,

9th Edition).

Answer the following questions.

Which words or expressions have helped you to find the missing part?

Was it easy or difficult to find the correct part?

Comprensión Lectora de Artículos de Investigación Médica en Inglés

IV. The Method sections we have just read are written in “Past Simple”. Why? Do you

remember the different uses of this tense?

V.If we read the Method sections in depth, we will discover that some verbs are in

Past Simple Active Voice and others are in Past Simple Passive Voice. Why? Complete

the following chart using expressions in Past Simple Active Voice and Past Simple

Passive Voice from the three method sections.





Comprensión Lectora de Artículos de Investigación Médica en Inglés


Research article abstracts Analysis – Ken Hyland’s model – Move 4: Product

I.Read the following RA abstract from the field of obstetrics and identify the Product


Pain, Anxiety, and Fatigue During Labor: A Prospective, Repeated Measures Study.

Pain, anxiety, and fatigue are known to significantly influence labor; however, the

interacting relationships among the three symptoms have not been empirically shown. The

aim of this study was to investigate the interrelationships among intrapartum pain, anxiety,

and fatigue relative to the mode of delivery, with or without epidural analgesia (EDA). A

prospective, repeated measures design was adopted, and women with uncomplicated

pregnancies at term (N = 186) were enrolled. Self-reported visual analog scales were used

to assess pain, anxiety, and fatigue during the four phases of labor, as determined by

cervical dilation (e.g., Phase 1 = 2-4 cm, Phase 2 = 4-6 cm, Phase 3 =10 cm, and Phase 4 =

immediately after delivery of the placenta). Of the 186 participants, 48 received EDA when

their cervical dilation was 3-4 cm. Throughout the process of labor, pain, anxiety, and

fatigue were significantly correlated, no matter whether participants had received EDA,

especially during Phases 1 and 3. For the participants undergoing EDA, the level of fatigue

decreased more slowly than the levels of pain and anxiety. The participants who received

EDA had significantly greater pain and fatigue in Phase 1 of labor than those who did not

receive EDA. Mode of delivery was correlated with age, parity, and pain level in Phase 2 of
Comprensión Lectora de Artículos de Investigación Médica en Inglés

labor and anxiety level in Phase 2 of labor. Intrapartum pain, anxiety, and fatigue were

strongly interrelated. Intrapartum pain management (EDA) led to a significant decline in

anxiety and fatigue. Furthermore, fatigue accumulated during the course of labor and was

not easily diminished. These findings provide a reference for maternity nurses to develop

strategies for managing multiple symptoms.


II.Now identify the Introduction, the Purpose and the Method sections.

III.Read the different extracts from RA abstracts which belong to the field of cardiac

surgery. Match them with their more appropriate Product section.


R Robotic-assisted surgery is A. The 27 residents who

increasingly being used in participated demonstrated
thoracic surgery. Currently, improvement with
the Integrated Thoracic practice repetitions
Surgery Residency Program resulting in excellent
lacks a standardized final scores per module
curriculum or requirement (mean ± two SEs):
for training residents in cardiopulmonary bypass,
robotic-assisted thoracic 4.80 ± 0.12; coronary
surgery. In most artery bypass grafting,
INTRODUCTION circumstances, because of 4.41 ± 0.19; aortic valve
the lack of formal residency replacement, 4.51 ± 0.20;
SECTION training in robotic surgery, massive air embolism,
hospitals are requiring 0.68 ± 0.14; acute
additional training, intraoperative aortic
mentorship, and formal dissection, 4.52 ± 0.17;
proctoring of cases before and sudden deterioration
granting credentials to in cardiac function, 4.76
perform robotic-assisted ± 0.16. The transient
surgery. Therefore, there is detrimental effect of time
necessity for residents in away from training was
Integrated Thoracic Surgery also evident.
Comprensión Lectora de Artículos de Investigación Médica en Inglés

Residency Program to have

early exposure and formal
training on the robotic
This study hypothesized that B. There are twelve active
some skills could be learned accredited fellowship
efficiently and safely by programs, and 44 trainees
using simulation with have completed
component task training, accredited training. Each
deliberate practice, active program has
progressive complexity, and trained a median of 3
experienced coaching to fellows (range: 0-7).
produce safer cardiac Operative logs were
surgeons. obtained from 38 of 44
(86%) graduates. The
median number of total
cases (minimum 75) was
136 (range: 75-236). For
PURPOSE complex neonates
(minimum 5), the median
SECTION number of cases was 6
(range: 2-17). Some
fellows failed to meet the
minimum requirements.
Thirty-six (82%)
graduates responded to
the survey; most were
satisfied with their
overall operative
experience, but less with
their neonatal operative
experience. Of this total,
84% are currently
practicing congenital
cardiac surgery, and 74%
secured jobs prior to
completing their
Data were collected from C. Of the 26 programs
program directors, the surveyed, we received 17
ACGME, and the ABTS. In responses. Most
addition, surveys were sent Integrated Thoracic
to training program Surgery Residency
graduates. Topics included Program directors believe
program accreditation that it is important to
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status, number of fellows introduce robotic surgery

trained per year and per training during residency.
program, match results, Our proposed curriculum
fellow operative experience, is integrated during
fellow satisfaction, and post- postgraduate years 2 to 6.
fellowship employment In the preclinical stage
status. postgraduate years 2 to 3,
residents are required to
complete introductory
online modules, virtual
reality simulator training,
and in-house workshops.
METHOD During clinical stage
(postgraduate years 4-6),
SECTION the resident will serve as
a supervised bedside
assistant and progress to
a console surgeon. Each
case will have defined
steps that the resident
must demonstrate
competency. Evaluation
will be based on
standardized guidelines.

Answer the questions below.

How did you identify the corresponding product sections?

Which words or ideas are repeated in both sections?

Which are the three main ideas?

Which one has been the most difficult? Why?

Comprensión Lectora de Artículos de Investigación Médica en Inglés

IV.Read the following RA titles and match them with their correct abstract extract


Congenital cardiac surgery fellowship training: A status update

Simulation-Based Training in Cardiac Surgery

Robotic Thoracic Surgery Training for Residency Programs: A Position Paper for an
Educational Curriculum
Comprensión Lectora de Artículos de Investigación Médica en Inglés


Research article abstracts Analysis – Ken Hyland’s model – Move 5: Conclusion

I.Read the following RA abstract from the field of pediatrics and identify the

Conclusion section.

Perinatal Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus: Defining the Cascade of Care

The US National Viral Hepatitis Action Plan calls for major efforts to expand hepatitis C

virus (HCV) diagnosis and treatment; prenatal care settings are potential venues for

expanding HCV testing. We aimed to characterize the HCV diagnostic cascade for women

and infants and investigate factors associated with linkage and follow-up.

We used electronic health records for a 10-year cohort of 879 women with opioid use

disorder from an obstetric clinic serving women with substance use disorders.

Altogether, 744 women (85%) were screened for HCV; 510 (68%) were seropositive, of

whom 369 (72%) had nucleic acid testing performed and of these 261 (71%) were viremic.

Of 404 infants born to HCV-seropositive women, 273 (68%) were tested at least once for

HCV, 180 (45%) completed the American Academy of Pediatrics-recommended perinatal

HCV screening, and 5 (2.8%) were diagnosed with HCV infection and linked to care. More

recent delivery date (2014-2015) was associated with maternal linkage to care (aOR, 2.5;

95% CI, 1.4-4.7). Maternal coinfection with HIV (aOR, 9.0; 95% CI, 1.1-72.8) and

methadone maintenance therapy, compared with buprenorphine (aOR, 1.5; 95% CI, 0.9-

2.5), were associated with higher rates of infant HCV testing.

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HCV prevalence among pregnant women with opioid use is high and infant HCV screening

is imperfect. Programmatic changes to improve both mother and infant follow-up may help

to bridge identified gaps in the cascade to cure.

Key words: linkage to care; pediatric hepatitis C; prenatal screening; vertical transmission.



II.Answer the questions below.

The Product section is written in “Simple Present” whereas the Conclusion section is

written in “Simple Past”. Why?

Do you agree with the suggested key words? Why? Why not?

III.Read the following four extracts from two different RA abstracts and identify the

Product sections and the Conclusion sections. Then match the two parts (Product and

Conclusion) that belong together in each abstract.

First eye cataract surgery was associated One hundred eyes of 96 patients, including
with a significant 61% reduction in crash 35 (36.5%) men and 61 (63.5%) women
frequency (P < 0.001) and second eye with the mean age of 63.1 (±8.3) years were
surgery was associated with a significant studied. Dry eyes were found in 42% eyes
23% reduction in crashes (P < 0.001), (p < 0.001) of patients at 1 week follow-up.
compared to the year before first eye Fifteen percent and 9% of the eyes were dry
cataract surgery after accounting for age, at 1 month and 3 months after surgery,
gender, marital status, accessibility, socio- respectively. There were 34 (53.1%) and 8
economic status, driving exposure and (22.2%) dry eyes in SICS and
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comorbidities. The estimated cost savings phacoemulsification groups, respectively at

from the reduction in crashes in the year one week postoperative follow-up which
after second eye cataract surgery compared was a statistically significant
to the year before first eye cataract surgery difference.Majority of eyes (27/42, 64.3%)
was $14.9 million. had mild dryness. There were significant
differences in TBUT at 1 week, 1 month
and 3 months postoperatively. At 1 week
review, the SICS group had mean TUBT of
10.0 (±0.55) sec as compared to 13.9
(±0.70) sec in phacoemulsification group (p
< 0.001).
Incidence of dry eye is higher in SICS than First- and second-eye cataract surgery were
phacoemulsification due to tear film associated with a significant reduction in
instability. The clinicians should be motor vehicle crashes, with first eye surgery
conscious about dry eye symptoms and having the greatest impact. These results
signs in an otherwise healthy eye after provide encouragement for the timely
cataract surgery. provision of first- and second-eye cataract
surgery for older drivers.

IV.Both abstracts belong to the field of cataract surgery and their RA titles can be

seen below. Can you identify the correct title for each RA abstract?

The impact of first- and second-eye cataract surgery on motor vehicle crashes and

associated costs

Incidence and pattern of dry eye after cataract surgery

V.What are the key words in each RA abstract?


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Research article abstracts Analysis – Ken Hyland’s model

The 5 Moves: Introduction, Purpose, Method, Product and Conclusion

I.Complete the table below taking into consideration the activities carried out before.








II.Read the following extracts from a RA abstract which belongs to the field of plastic

surgery and identify the different parts.

The Use of Emotional Artificial Intelligence in Plastic Surgery

In this prospective, observational INTRODUCTION

study, the authors aimed to delineate
which plastic surgery-related topics PURPOSE
evoked a significant emotional
response within the study population METHOD
and to assess the utility of
motivational artificial intelligence PRODUCT
within the field of plastic surgery.
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This analysis by Cognovi Labs is the INTRODUCTION

first quantitative effort to use the
plethora of data on social media to PURPOSE
interpret patient motivations and
subsequent behavior. Moving METHOD
forward, artificial intelligence
technology will make it possible to PRODUCT
predict which plastic surgery
products, procedures, and practices CONCLUSION
will be successful. The findings
presented in this article describe the
unique viewpoint and power that
this technology can deliver.

Of the search terms examined, "nose INTRODUCTION

job" had the most awareness during
the study period, and the topic that PURPOSE
most engaged consumers
emotionally was "liposuction." METHOD
Interestingly, "liposuction" ranked
only fifth in terms of awareness. PRODUCT
Consumers showed the strongest
positive motivation toward the CONCLUSION
subjects of "plastic surgery" and
"cosmetic surgery," and the lowest
motivation toward the topic of
"tummy tucks."

The use of social media to discuss INTRODUCTION

topics related to and within plastic
surgery has become widespread in PURPOSE
recent years; however, it remains
unclear how to use this abundance of METHOD
largely untapped data to propagate
educational research in the field of PRODUCT
plastic surgery.

Over a 4-month period (January to INTRODUCTION

April of 2018), Cognovi Lab's
artificial intelligence technology was PURPOSE
used to search and analyze
emotional reactions to several
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commonly hashtagged words. This METHOD

innovative software uses several key
metrics to describe its findings, PRODUCT
including awareness, engagement,
and motivation. CONCLUSION


III.The RA abstract below is from the field of obstetrics. The different parts have

been jumbled. Can you put them in the correct order?

Domestic violence screening in pregnancy

The objectives of this study were to compare the prevalence of prenatal screening
for domestic violence in a hospital-based resident clinic setting with screening
practices in private obstetric offices in Honolulu, Hawai'i and to explore physician
attitudes towards domestic violence screening during pregnancy.
A total of 270 charts were reviewed. There was a statistically significant difference
(p < 0.01) between the number of antepartum patients from the resident clinic (2.4
percent) and antepartum patients from private obstetric practices (39.3 percent) that
were screened for domestic violence. While the majority of respondents (77.6%) to
the domestic violence survey were aware that the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends domestic violence screening in
pregnancy most respondents (69.0 percent) indicated that they "never or rarely"
screened their patients for domestic violence.
Domestic violence is an important health concern that has been shown to have
adverse effects on maternal and neonatal outcomes.
Despite professional recommendations and an awareness of these
recommendations, between 2003 and 2004, routine prenatal screening for domestic
violence was markedly lacking for patients in this study population.
A retrospective chart review was conducted at Queen's Medical Center in
Honolulu, Hawai'i in women who delivered between 2003 and 2004. A 6 item
written survey was also given to all attending and resident physicians with obstetric
privileges. Descriptive statistics including frequency measures were generated and
chi square tests were used to compare categorical variables.


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