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Chapter 8 Worksheet: Magnetism

Name:_______________________________ Class: ________ Date: ________

Multiple-choice Questions

1. At which of the positions marked on the bar magnet below is the force of attraction the strongest?


2. Which of the following is a magnetic material?

A Aluminium B Cobalt
C Copper D Lead

3. The North pole of a freely suspended magnet always points to the ____________.

A East B North
C South D West

4. Magnets are used in ____________.

A compasses B drinking cans

C kettles D mirrors

5. The South pole of a magnet ____________ the South pole of another magnet.

A attracts B has no effect on

C magnetises D repels

6. Iron filings sprinkled around a magnet show all of the following, except the ____________.

A lines of force present in the magnetic field

B pattern formed by the magnetic field
C positions of the North and South poles of the magnet
D strength of the magnetic field

7. The way to show that an object is a magnet is to test if it ____________.

A attracts another magnet

B attracts magnetic materials
C is able to conduct electricity
D repels another magnet

8. Which of the following statements about magnets is true?

A All magnets have two poles.

B Magnets are made of iron or steel only.
C Magnets attract all metals.
D Magnets attract both ends of a compass needle.

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9. Which of the following show(s) the correct magnetic field pattern(s) around the magnets?

1 S S 2 N S

3 N N 4 N S

A 1 only B 3 only
C 1 and 2 only D 3 and 4 only

10. If one end of a metal bar attracts the North pole of a compass needle, which of the following
conclusions can be made?

A The metal bar is made of a magnetic material.

B The metal bar is made of a non-magnetic material.
C The metal bar is made of aluminium.
D The other end of the metal bar would also attract the North pole of the
compass needle.

Structured Questions

1. a) Describe how magnets are used in:

i. refrigerators;


ii. ATM cards


iii. car scrapyards.


b) How can you show that a compass needle is a magnet?





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2. a) State three examples of magnetic elements.


b) State two properties of magnets.



3. The diagram below shows two ring magnets, X and Y. Ring magnet X slides off when it is placed on
top of ring magnet Y.

a) Explain this observation.



b) The North pole of magnet X is shown in the diagram above. Label the poles of the ring
magnets X and Y.

4. Label the poles of the magnets in a) and b) based on the magnetic field patterns shown.



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5a) Draw the magnetic field pattern around the bar magnet.


b) Draw the magnetic lines of force between the two magnets shown in the figure below.


c) Draw the magnetic lines of force between the two magnets shown in the figure below.
Use X to mark the neutral point.


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