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Checklist Document

Learning online used by the teacher for analysis after conducting

documentation.The learning activity that the researcher will analyze is learning

activity through an online class application.Meanwhile, to find out whether the

learning delivered by the teacher is already use audio-visual media or not. So, the

researcher uses a checklist using a special format.To answer the research question

about what strategies are used by the teacher in teaching descriptive writing, the

researcher use a checklist document with a special format as follows:

Table 1. Checklist Document

No Aspect Indicator Yes No Description

1. Planning for 1. Planning
students content and
2. Brainstorming
3. Guiding task
2. Encourage 1. Encourage to
students draft
2. Encourage to
3. Encourage to
3. feedback 1. Respond/react
on student’s work
2. Reformulation
3. Peer response
The researcher also uses a checklist document for the second research

question regarding the use of audio-visual; therefore it needs to be arranged as


Table 2. Checklist Document

No Indicator Aspect Ye No Description

. s
1. The audio visual Material
used by the teacher accuracy
is in accordance Easy to
with the material understand
2. Accuracy of audio- Time
visual media Allocation

3. Presentation of Keeping up
interesting material with the times
through audio-
visual media
4. The material on the Material detail
audio-visual media
provided is
5. Presentation Accordance
according to the with real life
real concept situation

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