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Chapter 1: To you, 2,000 years from now

The Survey Corps are shown outside Wall Maria attempting to take down a Titan. They position their attack and
attackers go in for the kill. Inside the Shiganshina District, Mikasa Ackerman wakes Eren Yeager from a long dream
before they walk back to town. On their way back from gathering firewood they run into members of the Garrison
including their friend, Hannes. Eren remarks that they smell of alcohol and are unfit to guard the Walls before leaving,
angry. On the way, Eren and Mikasa watch the Survey Corps returning bloody and horrified much to Eren's shock. A
woman looking for her son is given only his arm by the commander as she asks if her son was helpful, but the
commander weeps and tells her they again learned nothing. When Eren and Mikasa arrive home, his mother, Carla
Yeager, scolds him for wishing to join the Survey Corps. Eren's father, Dr. Yeager, leaves for work, telling his son that he
will show him what is in the basement when he returns. Eren's mother scoffs at the idea and he runs off only to find his
friend Armin Arlert being beaten by bullies. After Mikasa scares them off, the three debate views on leaving the Walls
until they hear a loud bang and runs to town, only to see the Colossus Titan peering over the Walls at them as it kicks
through the gate.

In the year 845, humanity has been driven to the brink of extinction by the Titans, a species of giant, humanoid
monsters that feed on humans. The only remaining population of humans lies behind a series of Walls, ruled by a Royal
Government. The Survey Corps, the military's division for exploring outside the Walls, is in a Titan Forest chasing a lone
Titan on horseback. As they close in on it, they break into five groups, with one serving as a decoy, as practiced and
switch to vertical maneuvering equipment as they prepare to kill the Titan.Meanwhile, Eren Yeager sees his close
friend, Mikasa, bidding him goodbye, her hair strangely shorter than usual. He is suddenly woken up from a long dream
by the familiar Mikasa standing above him, who insists that he has been sleeping for a while. As the two return to their
village, Mikasa asks Eren why he is crying, but he is unaware that he had been doing so.

During their conversation, the two are greeted by their friend Hannes, a member of the local police known as the
Garrison. When Eren discovers that Hannes and his fellow soldiers have been drinking instead of watching the Walls for
Titans, he becomes angry, but is assured that there is no threat of a Titan attack; there has not been a breach for a
century. After angrily dismissing humanity's current state as pathetic, Eren continues his walk home with Mikasa. He
expresses a desire to join the Survey Corps, to Mikasa's dismay. As she begins to discourage Eren from doing so, the
Corps returns from their mission in the Forest.

Eren's excitement and anticipation to see the returning "heroes," is cut short when he sees that very few members of
the Corps have returned, the survivors bloody and broken. A panic-stricken woman rushes into the procession, shouting
for her son Braun. The other Corps members return his only remains to her: a severed arm. Miserably, the commanding
officer laments to the gathered crowd that their expedition has done nothing, as many in the past have, to the
bystanders' utter dismay and exasperation. Mikasa quickly drags an angered Eren away from the crowd and roughly
throws him against a building, asking if he still wants to join the Corps after seeing them return in failure. After a brief
pause, Eren diverts the question by asking Mikasa to help him pick up the scattered wood.

They head back home where Eren's father, Dr. Yeager, and his mother, Carla Yeager, are doing their usual daily tasks.
Not long after their return, Dr. Yeager announces that he must go to town for a couple of examinations. Against Eren's
wishes, Mikasa tells the family about his plans to join the Survey Corps, resulting in a sharp and terrified objection from
his mother. When his father asks why he wants to go outside the Walls, Eren says that he wants to know the outside
world, stating that he would hate to live the rest of his life as an "ignorant" person. He also passionately wishes to pick
up where others left off so their sacrifice would not be in vain. In response to Eren's answer, Dr. Yeager reveals a key
hanging from a string on his neck and tells Eren that when he returns, he will finally show him the room in the
basement which he has kept secret. Once Dr. Yeager leaves, Eren's mother again insists that he must not join the Survey
Corps and that only a fool would do so. Eren replies that buying one's safety at the cost of living like cattle is even more
foolish. Worried, Carla asks Mikasa to watch out for him.
Some time later, Armin, Eren and Mikasa's friend, is seen being bullied by a group of boys, who call him a "heretic."
Eren shows up and tries to stop them, but is instead targeted by the bullies as well. However, they disperse when
Mikasa arrives. Armin explains that the reason behind his assault was his claim that humans would eventually need to
leave the city, which leads to a conversation about how humanity, in general, is living their lives in constant fear of
another Titan attack. The conversation is interrupted by what appears to be an earthquake. The three friends head back
to the town and see what has caused the tremor: a Colossus Titan, standing taller than the Wall itself, has appeared.
Chapter 2: That day
The Colossus Titan kicks apart the Shiganshina District gate and Eren runs to his house, fearing that his mom was struck
by debris. He finds her trapped under the house and tries to lift it with Mikasa's help when Hannes arrives, claiming he
will kill the oncoming Titan, but, he succumbs to fear and takes the children away. While running, Eren sees his mother
crushed to death and then eaten. After, Eren strikes Hannes and blames him for the loss of his mother until Hannes tells
him they could not have saved her and takes both the children to the boats. While on the boats, the Armored Titan
appears and destroys the main gate of Wall Maria. Eren, horrified, vows that he will wipe out all the Titans. Five years
later, Eren, Mikasa, Armin Arlert, and their fellow soldiers graduate from the 104th Training Corps.

Five years after the attack on Shiganshina District, a training instructor gives a brief historical background on the Titans:
“As everyone knows, 107 years ago the entire human race, save for us, was devoured by the Titans.” — A training
instructor on the history of the Titans

Returning to the day of Shiganshina's fall, the Colossus Titan continues to destroy the outer gate of Shiganshina District
as Eren, Mikasa, and Armin watch, frozen in fear and shock. With a massive hole in the Wall and pieces of debris from
the impact being flung onto houses, the inhabitants flee in panic. Armin alarmingly shouts that they too must leave
Shiganshina before the Titans arrive. However, Eren, noticing the damage to the residential areas, immediately begins
to worry about his mother and heads back home with Mikasa following. Armin stays behind in a mental state of panic,
losing all hope. Despite seeing the widespread damage, Eren desperately hopes for the best.

Turning the corner, he sees that a boulder has landed on and destroyed their house with their mother still inside.
Finding her pinned under some rubble, he and Mikasa frantically try to pull her out. A roar from a nearby Titan adds
more stress to the situation, driving Eren and Mikasa into complete desperation. Deducing that the Titans have entered
the town, Carla insists that Eren take Mikasa and run. Eren, still struggling with debris, objects and continues his efforts.
She then tells him that her legs are crushed—even if he manages to get her free, she will not be able to run—and
screams for them to listen to her last request. The exchange is cut short when a Titan is seen moving closer to their
position. Among the scene of panic, with Carla pleading for her children to run and the Titan bearing down on them,
Hannes attempts to intervene by going after the Titan.

Eren's mother stops him and begs him to take the children and run instead. At first, Hannes refuses, saying that he must
repay his "savior" by rescuing the family. However, catching sight of the large Titan, he is stopped in his tracks, staring
at the horrendous appearance of the Titan before him. Without hesitation, he withdraws his weapons and takes the
children. With Carla grateful and Eren protesting, Hannes heads away from the Titan and towards safety. The Titan now
directly above her, she spends her last seconds hoping the best for the future of her children. As she is pried from the
debris by the looming Titan, the weight of her sacrifice sinks in, and she cries, knowing she will never see her family
again. In full view of Eren and Mikasa, the Titan devours her. In shock, Eren attacks Hannes, who then throws him to the
ground. Eren angrily insists that with a little more time, his mother could have been saved. Hannes delivers the hard
truth that Eren simply was not strong enough to save her. He then admits, guilt-ridden, that even he did not have the
courage to face the Titan and asks for their forgiveness. Mikasa, in her usual stoic state of mind, glances back at the site
of Carla's death and vaguely observes, "Oh...this again," while touching her forehead.

Afterward, Eren and Mikasa are seen among a large crowd of refugees trying to get to safety. A feeling of devastation
hangs in the air. Military officials are debating whether they should close the gate, trapping civilians inside but ensuring
the safety of everyone else in the inner Walls, or leave them open and risk Titans advancing further into humankind's
territory. The debate is short-lived as an Armored Titan that seems impervious to their weapons crashes through Wall
Maria. The gravity of the situation dawns on Eren when he realizes he can never go home again. Seeing the weakness of
humanity, he vows to erase the Titans from this world.
Five years later, in the year 850, the dire situation humanity faces is stated as they have paid for their 100 years of
peace. As a result of their unpreparedness against the Colossus Titan, they were forced to abandon Wall Maria and had
to seek protection inside Wall Rose. At the graduation of the 104th Training Corps, the graduates are also made aware
of their expectations. A military official announces the top ten graduates of the class, asks them to step forward, and
informs them they alone are eligible to apply for the Military Police: Mikasa Ackerman, Reiner Braun, Bertolt Hoover,
Annie Leonhart, Eren Yeager, Jean Kirstein, Marco Bott, Connie Springer, Sasha Blouse and Krista Lenz. Eren, as strong
as ever in his fervor, renews his vow, promising himself that it is time for humanity to "devour" the Titans.
Chapter 3: Night of the disbanding ceremony
As the members of the 104th Training Corps graduate and are disbanded, they are faced with the decision to join one of
three military branches. While many of the top 10 graduates are relieved to join the Military Police Brigade and live in
the safety of the inner Walls, Eren is determined to exterminate the Titans by joining the Survey Corps. Mikasa, equally
determined to protect him, and Armin, not wanting to be a burden to others, make the same decision. A brief exchange
with Hannes triggers Eren's memories of his father's mysterious disappearance. The next day, Connie Springer and the
other graduates reveal that they, too, will join the Survey Corps. Hopes for the future of humanity are high when the
Colossus Titan suddenly appears out of nowhere, just as it had five years before.

At the graduation ceremony for the 104th Training Corps, a military official explains the three branches from which they
can choose: the Garrison, who reinforce the Walls and protect the towns; the Survey Corps, who readily sacrifice their
lives outside the Walls to engage the Titans on their home turf with the hopes to gather information; and the king-
controlled Military Police Brigade, who regulate the population and maintain order in the interior. The graduates are
told to apply for their assignments the next day and with that, they are all dismissed.

In the mess hall, Jean and Marco are celebrating that they made it to the top ten and are therefore eligible to join the
Military Police Brigade. While Marco fantasizes about the honorable opportunity to work close to the king, Jean is
bluntly realistic. He maliciously states their real, unspoken motivation for joining the Military Police: to escape the
"shitty, suffocating, front-line town" and to be able to live in the peace and comfort of the Interior. As Jean boasts some
more, most of the trainees look away, shamed into silence. Bertolt and Annie say that they will apply for the Military
Police too, but the latter makes it clear to Jean that their similarities end there. Jean's outburst rubs Eren the wrong
way, who then points out their difference in motives and military paths. While Jean is pessimistic yet highly realistic,
Eren remains firmly behind his vow to exterminate the Titan and leave the confines of the Walls to explore the outside
world. Jean's defeatist view and Eren's optimistic view clash, and a fight erupts, until Mikasa, who is the best at hand to
hand combat among the trainees, breaks it up and hauls Eren outside, to his utter embarrassment.

A brief conversation between the two reveals that, whatever division Eren applies to, Mikasa will do the same. Eren
insists that she apply to the Military Police, as she is the top in the class, but Mikasa says that he will die very quickly if
she is not around and that she does not want to lose any more of her family. She also believes that she is in debt to
Eren because he brought her back to life, and it is something she will never forget. Armin joins them outside and firmly
tells them of his intention to join the Survey Corps. Despite Eren pointing out that his skill lies in theoretical classes, not
physical battle, Armin expresses his resolve: "If I died it wouldn't matter!"

Soon after, they spot and salute Hannes, who expresses his unending regret for not being able to save their parent but
is happy to see them after five years nonetheless. Hannes then reveals that before any of them were born, his wife
along with many others in the town had fallen ill. Dr. Yeager delivered the antibody that saved everyone, and he had
wished to return the favor. At Hannes's request, Eren attempts to remember his father's last known location, as he was
the one who saw him last, but immediately collapses with a splitting headache. A short flashback shows Dr. Yeager
trying to inject something into the arm of a struggling and terrified Eren. The memory ends and Eren wakes up in his
bunk, unable to recall what had happened since his collapse and with his friends standing over him, asking if he is

In the outermost town, life seems to be bustling, to Eren's amazement. Hannah and Franz remind him that life has been
peaceful for the past five years and hope aloud that the Colossus Titan is gone for good. Eren responds to their foolish
optimism with his usual fiery temper, calling them a "stupid couple." Hannah and Franz blushingly deny being
romantically involved. Afterward, while on top of the Trost Wall, Eren finds out Connie has decided on joining the
Survey Corps as well, though he asserts gruffly that it was only because he did not want to be in the same division as
Jean, not because he was motivated by Eren's speech. Thomas Wagner assures him that lacking the courage to do what
must be done is nothing to be embarrassed about. In the following humorous scene, Sasha joins them on the Wall and
shows them a ration of meat she stole from the officers' provisions, offering to share it with them later. Despite initial
hesitation and fear of potential consequences, Thomas, Samuel, and Mina Carolina take her up on the offer after
speculating about the surplus of cows and sheep that will be available once their land is reconquered.
Eren thinks back to the day at the water with Armin and Mikasa, remembering the conversation of venturing into the
outside world. He vows to himself that, after losing one-third of its territory and half of its population, the time has
come for humanity to strike back. Seemingly out of nowhere, the Colossus Titan appears and Eren and his companions
are blown off of the Wall. They are able to recover using their vertical maneuvering equipment, with the exception of
Samuel, who suffers a forehead wound from a piece of debris and is knocked unconscious. Quickly, Sasha saves him
with her vertical equipment grapple, lodging it into his calf.

With the Colossus Titan breaching yet another district Wall, Eren recalls the day his mother died and the vow he made
to wipe them out. Mustering his courage, Eren takes charge and coordinates the group for a counter attack on the
Colossus Titan: it is the only Titan capable of breaking the Wall, so humanity's future depends on their next actions. He
quickly maneuvers up the Wall, leaving his friends frozen in fear, and meets the Titan face to face.
Chapter 4: First battle
Eren immediately targets the Colossus Titan but is unsuccessful as it disappears in the steam. Chaos erupts at
headquarters, where newly graduated trainees are forced into battle due to the shortage of soldiers. Mikasa is
separated from Eren as she is assigned to the elite squad in the rear guard to protect civilians. A brief flashback to the
trainees' classroom reveals the little information humanity has obtained so far on the Titans. Afterward, Eren and his
group move out as the middle guard, foolishly confident. Things fall apart as they are eaten one by one. Armin, the last
one alive and uninjured, is paralyzed in horror until he, too, is grabbed by a Titan. Driven by their dream to leave the
Walls one day, Eren musters the strength to save him just in time, sacrificing himself in the process.

The Colossus Titan, which has not been seen in five years, continues its assault on Wall Rose. Using his vertical
maneuvering equipment, Eren alone climbs the Titan's arm. Along the way, he realizes that the Titan is not attacking at
random, but intentionally aiming for the canons and the vulnerable district gate. He deduces that, unlike any other
Titan, it may possess intelligence.

Knowing that this is a rare chance to eliminate the only Titan capable of destroying the Wall, Eren does not hesitate to
target its weak spot on the back of its neck. However, he is temporarily disoriented when the Colossus Titan suddenly
emits a burning gas from its body. When the smoke clears, the Titan has already disappeared into thin air, leaving
nothing but smoke and two large footprints―just as it had five years ago.

A panicked conversation between Eren and his comrades, who were paralyzed in fear the entire time, is cut short when
a member of the Garrison vanguard shows up and tells the trainees that the Colossus Titan strategy has started. He
then orders those who made physical contact with the Colossus Titan to report to headquarters. With the Survey Corps
out on exploration duty, the Garrison soldiers are the only military presence available to repair the Wall and prepare an
ambush. The city is once again in a panic. The shortage of soldiers puts the newly graduated trainees in the sink or swim
position of filling in the gaps.

Mikasa, still at headquarters, is among a crowd of frantic trainees and overhears Franz comforting Hannah. She finds
Eren and Armin, who analyzes the dire situation in a panic: there is an eight-meter high hole in the Wall, and the rock
meant to fill it in has not even been excavated yet. With the hole there, the city will be abandoned and Wall Rose will
be vulnerable. Briefly letting the fear get the better of him, Armin worries that the Titans could eradicate humanity at
any time. Eren calms him and he is able to gather himself and continue his work.

The trainees are given their instructions and divided into three groups: the front guard will be assigned to the Garrison,
the middle guard will work for the training corp, and the rear guard will serve under the Garrison's elite. The trainees
are made aware of their commitment; fleeing in front of the enemy will be met with capital punishment and they are to
give their lives if necessary. After they are dismissed, Jean despairs the fact that, had the attack happened just one day
later, he would already be safely in the inner district. Mikasa tells Eren to find her if things get confused in battle,
determined to protect him. However, she is then assigned to the rear guard due to her superior physical abilities,
making the request to Eren difficult. Angry, Eren tells Mikasa to stop trying to impose her own rules during a time of
crisis; she then apologizes for getting carried away. Distraught, Mikasa has one more request for Eren: do not get killed.

Eren thinks back to the teachings in the trainee classrooms and reflects on how little is known about the Titans. The
meager information they have is all thanks to the Survey Corps. They know that the Titans lack sexual organs, leaving
their mode of reproduction unknown. They show no interest in eating any creature other than humans but have lived
largely devoid of humans for 100 years, suggesting it is not for nourishment. What stands out, even more, is their
vitality and ability to heal from seemingly devastating wounds. The only spot they can not regenerate from is at the
nape of the neck; a blow which is best delivered using vertical maneuvering equipment.

Now on top of a roof in their assigned position, Eren and Armin, along with other trainees, prepare for the task ahead.
Eren, encouraging Armin, says that they should be able to rise through the ranks of the Survey Corps quickly if they start
practicing now. Not wanting to be outperformed like the previous encounter, Thomas and the other trainees suggest a
Titan hunting contest. Confidence is lost immediately when they run into Titans who have come through the hole in the
Wall. It seems that the front guard already have more than they can handle. As the group moves along the rooftops, a
Titan lunges for an attack. They scatter but unfortunately, Thomas is caught in a Titan's mouth. Eren watches in horror
as his teammate gets swallowed whole. In a rage, he recklessly rushes off to kill the Titan with its back turned, not
noticing another one below him. It jumps up and bites off Eren's leg below the knee. Watching Eren bleeding and
stranded on a nearby rooftop, Armin freezes in shock.

The remainder of the team unsuccessfully attempted to fight back. Mina's vertical equipment wire gets caught and she
is knocked unconscious against a building, while Mylius and Nac are devoured. Still, in shock, Armin watches as his
teammates are eaten or torn apart. A nearby Titan takes advantage of the trauma and grabs Armin, who is paralyzed
and does not put up a fight. Bleeding and barely conscious, Eren sees his friend in need and briefly flashes back to a
childhood memory in which Armin excitedly shows him a book belonging to his grandfather detailing the outside world.
Empowered by Armin's dream of leaving the Walls one day, he picks himself up and rushes to the aid of his friend.
Inside the mouth of the Titan, Eren grabs Armin before he is swallowed and throws him outside. With Armin now safe,
Eren attempts to escape, refusing to accept death with so much more to live for. As they reach for each other, the Titan
bites down, cutting off Eren's left arm. Armin watches in terror as the Titan swallows Eren.

In the distance, Mikasa is seen staring in the direction of her friends with an uneasy feeling.
Chapter 5: A dull glow in the midst of despair
Connie shakes Armin awake, who spaced out. Armin promptly remembers that his team was entirely wiped out by a
group of Titans and starts screaming frantically as a result. Armin apologizes for causing his friends trouble and leaves
to join the rear guard. Jean and Connie head to the front, leaving in the opposite direction. Armin's equipment fails to
grapple the Wall in front and he crashes into the Wall, sliding down and injuring himself. He mourns Eren's death,
blaming it on himself.

Meanwhile, Trost citizens are trapped because of an angry merchant ordering his men to push a cart through the gate,
blocking the villagers from fleeing. An Abnormal Titan rapidly approaches and the Elite Squad follows swiftly from
behind, but is unable to catch up. Mikasa speeds in front of the group and manages to kill the Titan before it kills
anyone. Seeing the cart, she then threatens the merchant to move and he reluctantly does so. When she is thanked by a
mother and her daughter, she recalls a dark time in her childhood.

Attempting to repair the damage from the Colossus Titan and deal with the Titans that have entered through the hole,
the Garrison and trainees are spread thin. Atop the Wall, troops unleash a volley of cannon fire on the approaching
Titans but to no avail. On the ground, the vanguard has been eliminated.

Connie finds Armin still in shock from what happened. As Connie tries to get answers, they are joined by Krista's
companion who wonders why they bothered to save Armin. This outrages Connie who lunges towards her only to be
stopped by Krista. She manages to defuse the situation and Armin gathers himself and joins the rear guard, while
Connie and the others join the front. Distraught, Armin tries to make sense of the situation. He recalls Eren and Mikasa
coming to his rescue while being bullied and wishes he could have had that kind of strength. Still, on his way to the rear,
he notices Hannah crouching over a bifurcated and clearly lifeless Franz. In disbelief, she is attempting to reanimate
him, to no avail. The sight is too much, causing him to break down again; Armin is at his limit.

In another part of town, citizens are turning on each other in the confusion. A fight breaks out when a merchant's wares
are too large to fit through the gate. Instead of stepping aside and letting citizens go first, he insists that the
merchandise goes through as he says it is more valuable. A Titan is seen quickly closing in on the crowd. Just as it seems
all hope is gone, Mikasa overtakes the Titan and makes short work of it. With her comrades giving their lives to protect
them, she sees the goods blocking the gate and asks why the evacuation is taking so long. The merchant sharply replies
that it is their jobs to do so. Reversing that line of thought against him, she counters that if their deaths save lives, then
perhaps his would as well. Briefly calling her bluff, he changes his mind when he sees she is serious. With the
merchandise out of the way, the grateful refugees are now able to escape to safety. When a mother and her daughter
thank Mikasa just before leaving, it causes her to recall her childhood.

In an isolated cabin six years earlier, in the year 844, Mikasa's mother is bandaging her daughter's arm and giving a brief
explanation as to the symbol of their clan. She tells Mikasa that one day she will pass it down to her children, which
causes her to ask her mother where children come from. Trying to avoid the awkward question, her mother attempts to
pass it off to her father, who then says to ask Dr. Yeager when he arrives. Just then the family hears a knock at their
door, presumably Dr. Yeager, and Mikasa's father goes to open it.

Eren stands outside the door while his father knocks. Dr. Yeager prepares to introduce his son to Mikasa in hopes that
they will get along, as there are few children in the area. When no one answers the door, Dr. Yeager begins to worry
and lets himself in, calling to see if anyone is in the house. As the door opens, he sees the lifeless bodies of Mikasa's
Chapter 6: The world that the girl saw
Eren and Grisha Yeager find Mikasa's parents dead. Grisha instructs Eren to wait downstairs while he calls for the
police. Meanwhile, Mikasa slowly gains consciousness in her kidnappers' hideout but is tied up.

A few hours before, three men locate Mikasa's home and kill both her parents right in front of her eyes. She is then
knocked unconscious and kidnapped. Suddenly, the robbers in their hideout hear a knock on the door and Eren comes
in, acting lost.

One of the robbers approaches him but Eren slits his throat with a dagger. Eren also kills the second robber as he
attempted to attack him. He then frees Mikasa from her binds but the third robber appears and lifts Eren up as he
strangles him. Eren frantically yells at Mikasa to fight otherwise the both of them will die. Mikasa comes to a realization
that the world has always been cruel and that she has to fight. She immediately stops shaking and stabs the man
squarely in the heart, saving Eren.

The police arrive hours after the scene along with Grisha, who hugs Eren and scolds him for his recklessness. Mikasa
asks Grisha where she can make it back home, although she has nowhere to go. As a token of acceptance, Eren gives
Mikasa his scarf and Grisha adopts her into their family.

In the present, Mikasa thinks about Eren.

Finding the dead bodies of Mikasa's parents, Dr. Yeager instructs Eren to wait for him downstairs as he calls the police.

In an unknown location, Mikasa is shown tied up and laid out on the floor. Turning her over to get a good look at her
face, her kidnappers discuss the prospect of selling her in an underground market. Taking note of her Asian ethnicity,
they imagine the price they could receive. Recalling the events, they remember Mikasa is not a pureblood because only
her mother was Asian. One of the assailants reprimands the other for killing the mother, saying they could have gotten
a higher price for her because she was the last pure-blooded Asian. The other defends himself by replying that he had
no choice because she was resisting and he had to kill her.

The missing chain of events that occurred before Eren and Dr. Yeager's arrival are then revealed. Expecting the doctor,
Mikasa's father opens the door when they hear someone knocking. Opening the door, one of the two men stabs him in
the abdomen. Immediately grabbing the closest available weapon, Mikasa's mother lunges at the two men and tells
Mikasa to escape. Too frightened to move, she watches as her mother is struck with a hatchet and drops to her knees.
With the parents dead, the men close in on Mikasa and threaten her not to give them any trouble. She wonders to
herself where she could have gone if she had fled when her mother told her to.

Meanwhile, Eren opens the door of the robbers' hideout. Surprised, they ask what he is doing here. He explains that he
was walking in the woods and got lost. One of the men squats down and appears to be attempting to console him.
Before the man can finish his offer to escort him out, Eren slits his throat with the knife he would be concealing. Mikasa
stares in disbelief, wondering if this is reality. With one of the men now dead, the other rushes toward Eren who is now
behind the door he just entered from. As the man opens the door, Eren reveals a makeshift spear he has created from a
broom handle and a knife. Charging towards the man, he thrusts the spear into the upper right side of his chest, laying
him flat on the floor but still alive. In a rage, Eren jumps on top of the man and using the knife from earlier, stabs him
repeatedly, yelling that he had it coming.

With the second man bleeding out underneath of him, Eren now gains his composure. Wiping his face, he walks over to
Mikasa cutting her ropes and trying to comfort her. He introduces himself and explains that he came with his father for
the examination. Interrupting him, Mikasa reveals that there was a third man who then appears in the doorway.
Shocked and angry at the sight of his friends, he attacks Eren, kicking him in the ribs and pinning him against the Wall
by his throat. Struggling to get the words out, he tells Mikasa to fight, otherwise, they will die. Mikasa grabs the nearby
knife, but can not bring herself to take a life. However, seeing Eren gasping for air triggers a flood of memories that lead
her to realize that the world is a cruel and callous place. With this, she stops shaking and calms herself, gaining perfect
self-control. Now knowing what she needs to do, she rushes toward the man with such force that she twists and breaks
the floorboard beneath her feet, piercing his heart from his back.
With the police now at the scene, they are astonished at what the children were able to do. Eren's father, however, is
less than pleased. Hugging and chastising him, he asks him if he realizes what he is done, to which Eren replies that he
"stopped dangerous beasts" who "only happened to resemble humans." He tells Eren that he was lucky; the police
might not have made it in time. When Dr. Yeager tells him that he threw his life away so easily, Eren tells him that he
only wanted to save her as quickly as possible. Still traumatized, Mikasa tells Dr. Yeager that she needs to go home,
asking for directions. Feeling the gravity of the situation, Mikasa says that she is cold and that she has nowhere to go
since she is now homeless. Eren responds by wrapping his scarf around her neck with Dr. Yeager extending an offer for
her to come live with them.

Back in the present, Mikasa is shown dispatching Titans with relative ease and wondering when the withdrawal signal
will sound. No sooner had the thought crossed her mind, the bell rings. As her teammates prepare to climb the Wall,
Mikasa heads to the front, thinking of Eren.
chapter 7: Small blade
The soldiers are low on faith if they are able to reach their supplies after a horde of Titans have surrounded the HQ,
trapping several inside. Mikasa arrives at the scene and finds Armin, asking where the rest of his team is. Armin breaks
down before answering that they have all been killed. Mikasa calms Armin down and tries to motivate the soldiers. She
promptly leaves them and eventually, everyone follows. The teams tail Mikasa, but after killing a few Titans, she runs
out of gas. Mikasa readies herself as a Titan approaches her, planning to give up if Eren is not with her anymore.
Somehow she remembers Eren's words to fight and she instinctively defends herself against the Titan. Before she is
able to attack it, right before her eyes, another Titan arrives to fight the Titan.

Desperate and running out of supplies, a group of soldiers uses tables and chairs in an attempt to fortify an upstairs
room. With Titans surrounding the building and peering at them through the windows, the situation is bleak. When a
Titan crashes its arm through the Wall trying to get at them, a trainee decides that suicide would be preferable to
getting caught and shoots himself.

Mikasa, reaching the front, joins Connie, Jean and other trainees on a nearby roof. With very little gas left in their
vertical maneuvering equipment, they are unable to escape or help their comrades in the upstairs room. Jean reveals
the reason for the supply shortage. Two trainees, charged with the task of supplying the soldiers, have barricaded
themselves in the headquarters, too scared to go out. In an attempt to motivate the others, Connie declares that they
should fight the Titans with the remaining gas, otherwise, they risk being in the same position as the upstairs group. In a
morose yet realistic response, Jean asks if Connie really thinks they can make a difference given their current
manpower. On another part of the roof, Sasha tries to raise morale, suggesting they pool their resources. She asks
Armin, but he is still in shock. Reiner, Annie and Marco converse about the situation. They are soon joined by Mikasa,
who asks where Eren's team is. The group reports that their whereabouts are unknown and point her to Armin.

Armin notices Mikasa running towards him, but cannot bring himself to look her in the eye as he thinks back on what
had transpired. Mikasa asks Armin if he is alright, but he continues to evade looking at her and does not answer. When
she asks where Eren is, Armin bursts into tears. He then mournfully announces the casualties of his entire team, ending
with Eren's name. This catches everyone's attention, especially those that were among the top ten in the 104th Training
Corps. Armin continues to cry and is comforted by Mikasa who dissociates herself from the news, appearing
emotionless. She then repeats the advice Eren gave to her years ago: if you want to live, you have to fight. After
lecturing the team about choosing to not continue fighting, they each follow her one by one into battle. Armin believes
that Mikasa is not her usual, clear-headed self and surmises that she is trying to take action so as to avoid reacting to
the news of Eren's death.

Mikasa runs out of gas and falls, fortunately landing on a cloth covering. Thinking about the news, she worries that she
is losing her family again. On the ground and without the mobility of the vertical maneuvering equipment, two Titans
start to close in on her. Remembering her friend, she says that she has had a good life, prepared for it to end. However,
recalling the day Eren saved her life and him telling her to fight, she rises to her feet and readies herself for battle. As
she is about to attack the oncoming Titan, the one behind attacks it instead, smashing its face with a single punch.
Surprised, Mikasa tries to figure out what is going on, as this Titan turns against its own species.
Chapter 8: Roar
Mikasa stands in bewilderment witnessing a rogue Titan killing another Titan. Armin comes in and picks Mikasa up.
Connie approaches them and advises they leave. They subsequently notice that same Titan killing others. While
formulating a plan, Armin plans to leave himself behind while Mikasa takes his gas. Mikasa discards that idea and
insists that they are not going to leave him. Connie announces that he will carry Armin while Mikasa covers them.
Before departing, Armin states that he has a plan.

Meanwhile, Jean leads a group of soldiers to HQ while the group of Titans next to them is occupied. When they reach
HQ, they find that Titans are swarming the building. The same rogue Titan kills off those around the building, and
Mikasa with Connie and Armin drop in. They advocate that using that Titan is their best chance of survival.

The fight is over and the rogue Titan is victorious, it stands over the Titan corpse and roars. Although confused, Mikasa
thinks of the scene as uplifting, considering it the fury of the human race incarnate. As she is focused on the scene,
Armin rushes to her side and brings her to a nearby roof.

On top of the roof, Connie panics at the sight of the Titan. However, seeing the rogue Titan knocking another's head off
causes them all to pause. Observing that it went directly for a weak spot, Armin notices that it does not seem to react
to humans like the others do and it seems to know hand-to-hand combat. With Mikasa completely out of gas, Armin
offers up all of his gas and dulled blades minus one so as to not be eaten alive if caught. Mikasa, thinking of how she
had given up, takes the blade from him and tells him that she refuses to abandon him. Armin's protests mean little
when Connie takes Mikasa's side. Worrying that more of his friends will die, Armin comes up with a plan and leaves it
up to Connie and Mikasa to decide.

Meanwhile, Jean Kirstein and a group of trainees try to make it to the HQ. On the ground, a trainee screams when he
runs out of gas and sees Titans moving towards him. Another attempts to save him, only to be caught and put in the
same situation. Jean and the others take the opportunity to dash toward the headquarters with the remaining supplies.
Briefly caught by the leg, Jean cuts off the Titan's fingers and continues ahead.

Managing to make it to HQ, he briefly questions his decision, until he spots the supply team. In a fit of rage, he grabs
one of them by the collar and hits them. Marco breaks up the fight. Still furious, Jean blames them for the deaths of his
teammates. When they tell him about the Titans in the storeroom, Jean tells them they should have made a plan to
finish their mission. Out of nowhere, a Titan rams its head through the Wall, revealing that they are surrounded. As
Jean is about to give up hope, Connie, Mikasa and Armin come crashing in through the window courtesy of an escort
from the Rogue Titan. With Armin's plan a success, Connie suggests utilizing it again, in the hopes that they can all
escape. Jean and the others' skepticism is countered by Mikasa, who informs them that it is the only plan they have.
Chapter 9: The beating of a heart can be heard
While the rogue Titan is attacking others outside, some of the trainees find weaponry against seven Titans which
infiltrated the lower-level of the supply room. Armin devises a plan for the trainees without relying on their vertical
maneuvering equipment; his plan states that a group of soldiers must be lowered down by a lift with firearms at the
ready, drawing attention to the Titans. While the seven Titans are distracted, seven trainees must jump down from
above and hit their weak spots. Sasha and Connie, who were unable to reach the Titans' weak spot, were saved by
Mikasa and Annie. Everyone refills their gas for their equipment and head outside. Mikasa spots the rogue Titan from
before killing other Titans. Eventually, the Titan runs out of energy and collapses. Mikasa notices a person emerging
from the nape - upon closer view she realizes that it is Eren. She runs to embrace him, listening for his heartbeat.
Hearing his beating heart, she takes him to the rooftops by the others and begins to sob while the others stand in

The rogue Titan is still tearing through the wave of Titans outside. Skeptical, Reiner questions Connie about how much
he actually knows about the rogue Titan. Connie replies that he does not care, as it saved their lives.

With seven 3-4 meter class Titans in the supply room, the trainees still are unable to restock their vertical maneuvering
equipment. Looking for anything that might help, the group finds some old guns in the headquarters. While some
question their usefulness, Armin is able to form a strategy. Using the lift, one group, armed with the guns, will be
lowered down into the room to get the Titans' attention. When the Titans move in, they will fire into their eyes,
temporarily blinding them. A second group, waiting above, will then jump down and go straight for their weak spot. The
significant amount of risk, causes Armin to second-guess himself; however, it is their only option. Mikasa comforts
Armin, saying that his ability to strategize has saved both her and Eren in the past. He starts to ask when but is cut short
on getting an answer when the lift is prepared. The second group goes over their part and gets into position. Group one
proceeds down the lift, quickly gaining the Titans' attention. Nervous, they anxiously wait until the Titans are close
enough. Nearly on top of them, group one fires their weapons into the faces of the giants. Group two then jumps down
with everyone but Sasha and Connie killing their target. The others rush in to back them up with Mikasa saving Sasha
and Annie saving Connie.

The room now clear and no more coming in, they move in to restock their dwindling supplies. As soon as their tanks are
full, the group moves out except for Mikasa. Armin goes to see what is wrong. She notices the rogue Titan getting
attacked and eaten by others and regrets that they could not learn more. Reiner, Jean, Annie and Bertolt join them on
the roof. Hearing the conversation, Reiner agrees with Mikasa and suggests helping it out. Jean is not sure he is ready to
risk his life for a Titan, especially since they just barely survived their last encounter. Annie also agrees with Mikasa,
especially with the possibility of having a Titan as an ally. Out of nowhere, Armin catches sight of the Titan that killed
Thomas. Suddenly, the rogue Titan bursts away from its attackers, lunging for that same Titan and bites through the
back of its neck.

In one motion, it slings the body in its mouth into another Titan, sending them both crashing through a building. With
that, it collapses, seemingly exhausted. Jean, again questions if it can become an ally, saying a Titan remains a Titan.
Without warning, smoke starts to rise from the back of the rogue Titan's neck. Out of the smoke, they see the body of
Eren Yeager. Mikasa rushes down to embrace him. After a moment, she puts an ear to his chest, hearing his heartbeat.
Taking him back to the rooftops with the other trainees, she falls to her knees with Eren in her arms and begins to sob.
Armin joins her, seeing that Eren's arm and leg that were missing have miraculously reappeared. The others, surveying
the dead Titans now see that it was the work of Eren and wonder if they do in fact have a Titan for an ally.
Special Chapter: Captain Levi
A brief summary about the history of the Titans is given, retelling that the Titans appeared around 100 years ago and of
the attack on the Shiganshina District by the Colossus Titan. Five years later as the Survey Corps prepare to leave for
another expedition, Captain Levi Ackerman is introduced as mankind's greatest soldier with Hange Zoë riding beside
him. As the expedition goes on, Levi tries to save a wounded soldier by killing the Titan that is trying to eat him. He then
orders his squad to take care of one Titan while he takes care of two others. Afterward, he speaks with the dying soldier
as Petra Ral tries to save him. Once the soldier passes on, the Commander, Erwin Smith, tells them that they are going
back to Trost District because he speculates that it has been attacked.

The beginning history of the Titans is explained and gives a brief synopsis of the events so far. One hundred years ago,
Titans appeared and threatened to wipe out all of mankind. Somehow, the humans were able to build a giant three
layer, Walled city and managed to live in peace for the next hundred years. However, five years ago, the appearance of
the Colossus Titan changed life as humanity knew it. With Wall Maria, the outermost Wall, destroyed twenty percent of
the population was wiped out, causing the remainder to retreat to the safety of the second Wall, Wall Rose. It was at
this time that Eren Yeager, after witnessing the death of his mother Carla at the hands of a Titan, vowed to kill all the

Five years later, Captain Levi is introduced, humanity's strongest soldier, said to have the equivalent combat force of an
entire brigade. As he and the others in the Survey Corps parade through the street on their way to the gates, Eren,
Mikasa and Armin stare at him in amazement. Fourth squad leader Hange Zoë jokes that his admirers would be
heartbroken if they knew what a clean freak he was.

Each time the Survey Corps go out, they typically lose thirty percent of their forces, which is what made soldiers like
Levi so important. While out on a mission, one of his comrades is caught by a Titan. Half engulfed in the giant's mouth,
he threatens it by saying that humans will overthrow them, particularly Captain Levi. As he says this, Levi appears and
attacks the Titan, killing it. With reinforcements arriving, he orders Petra Ral to take care of the wounded soldiers. He
then orders the other reinforcements to take the Titan on the right flank, while he takes the one on the left. Levi easily
takes out the first Titan and then move on to the second, blinding it by throwing both his blades in its eyes then killing
him. He then thinks to himself that they are all the same; with the same ridiculous faces. He gets blood on his hand
when he finishes off one of the Titans, causing him to take pause and immediately cleans it off.

Levi joins Petra and the soldier he saved earlier. Petra states that she is unable to stop the bleeding. With the soldier's
dying breath, he asks Levi if he has been useful. Encouraging him, he takes the soldier's hand and tells him he has done
more than enough and vows to eradicate the Titans, which allows the soldier to peacefully pass away. Commander
Erwin Smith approaches them on a horse, informing them that they must retreat. Levi states that he has yet to reach his
limit and asks if Erwin intend to let his subordinates die in vain. Erwin informs him of the latest attack on the city and
the movement of the Titans toward it. Worried that the Wall may already be broken, they leave and head for Trost
Chapter 10: Where's the Left arm ?
In the stomach of a Titan, Eren laments his defeat but does not give up. Somehow, a giant left arm appears out of the
Titan, and another Titan emerges from it. Eren, in his Titan form, begins consciously killing other Titans. When Eren is
back in human form, he wakes up to a group of Garrison soldiers surrounding them. Kitz Weilman interrogates Eren,
asking him if he is human or a Titan. Eren hesitates and answers that he is human, but Weilman signals the cannons to
open fire. Mikasa plans on fleeing by climbing up the Wall while Armin tries a way to reason with the soldiers. They are
stopped by cannon fire, and after remembering when his father told him about his power, Eren instinctively uses it to
protect his friends. Eren activates his power and deflects the cannonball using an incomplete form of his Titan as a

A Titan, with Eren in its mouth, bites down and severs his left arm and then eats him. Now in the Titan's stomach, Eren
is surrounded by the bodies of the dead and dying. In disbelief, he remembers all of his training and how he is changed
these past five years. Thinking of everything the Titans have cost him, he again swears he will erase them from this

Suddenly, a left arm appears and forces its way out of the Titan's throat, exiting its mouth. The Titan collapses and Eren,
in Titan form, bursts out of its abdomen. As he leaves the corpse, he encounters his first Titan. Strangely, it reacts to it
as it would a human, going in for an attack. With almost no effort, Eren punches a hole through its head, straight
through its weak spot. Seeing his new-found power, he wants to kill more.

Apparently dreaming, Eren wakes up saying that he wants to "kill you all." Noticing the situation, he sees that soldiers
led by Kitz Weilman have him backed into a corner, while Mikasa and Armin try to defend him. A couple of soldiers
overheard his statement and mistakenly believe he is referring to them. Looking at his left arm, he starts to realize that
what he saw was not just a dream. Weilman reveals the gravity of the situation. They are going to execute him and
because they came to his defense, his friends will be as well. He then questions Eren asking if he is a human or a Titan.
Not understanding, Eren asks what he means. Losing patience, Weilman states that there were numerous witnesses
that saw him coming out of the Titan, which in effect, makes him the enemy. Not wanting to risk any more soldiers, an
officer near him, Rico Brzenska, suggests that they kill him while he is still in human form.

Mikasa informs the surrounding soldiers that if they try to get close to them, she will demonstrate how good she is at
what she does. Ian Dietrich tells Weilman that Mikasa is one of their best and it would be a great loss if she was killed.
While Armin suggests fleeing, Eren tries to remember what has happened. When Weilman asks again what he is, Eren
knows that his answer will greatly affect him, and his friends as well. Telling them he is a human, Weilman orders the
soldiers to fire their cannons. Eren quickly tells his friends to leave him as Mikasa looks for a way up the Wall and Armin
tries to plea their case to the soldiers and change their minds.

Just then, Eren remembers a time with his father. His father hands him a key and tells him the importance of keeping it
with him. He explains that the injection he is about to give him will cause memory loss. He also reminds him of the
basement, saying that although it will be a harsh journey, the "power" would be useful and he would find answers
there. He tells Eren that their memories would teach him how to use the power. Time seems to slow down as one last
phrase rings through his head, "If you want to save Mikasa...Armin...and everyone'll have to control this
power!." As the cannon fires, Eren bites down on his hand. An explosion happens around Eren and his friends. When
the smoke clears, the onlookers are shocked to see the partially transformed torso of a Titan with Mikasa and Armin
safe inside.
Chapter 11: Response
A temporary idea from the technological squad is creating a giant net with harpoon heads over the breach in
the Wall to hoard away the Titans is working out for Trost District. While the trainees are briefly away from sudden
danger, some regroup to refill their gas, while others scale the Wall. Reiner, with Annie and Jean, hear cannon fire
coming from the other side. It is Eren shielding Mikasa and Armin using his Titan shifting ability. Eren plans on finding
more about his Titan shifting, and he must go to his father's basement alone in order to do that. While Mikasa protests,
Eren announces that he will let Armin make the final decision for them only if Armin can convince the officials that Eren
is not a threat. Armin steps forward and tries to convince Weilman, however his reasoning remains ineffective until
Commander Pixis steps in, willing to listen to what Armin and his friends have to say.

The technological crew's idea of building a net with harpoon heads sticking out, causing Titans to get stuck to it, has the
hole in Wall Rose successfully blocked for the moment. Captain Hannes, overlooking the caught Titans, worries that
something might go wrong, stating that they must be able to handle it smoothly.

A soldier under his command, asks about Mikasa, Eren, and Armin. Hannes grimly replies that they are on the front
lines, causing the soldier to quickly apologize. Hannes explains that they are tough kids and not to worry about it. He
believes that because of their individual talents, they are definitely still alive.

Now over the Wall and safe, Connie explains what has happened to some nearby teammates. Noticing that Mikasa is
not around, they ask if she was killed. Jean, replies that it is confidential but does not know how long it will stay a
secret. A surviving trainee starts to lose it, remembering how all of his friends were killed. Deciding to end his life on his
own terms, he attempts to kill himself only to be stopped by Marco. He tries to use Sasha as an example, but she has
started to lose her nerve as well, asking to be counted among the wounded.

Out of nowhere, they hear cannon fire from inside the Walls. Reiner notices what appears to be Titan vapor. He and a
small group, including Annie and Jean, scale the Wall to see what has happened. When they reach a nearby rooftop,
they are surprised by what they find. It appears to be the upper torso of a Titan, the abdomen is hollow and inside is
Armin and Mikasa. They seem to be unharmed.

The eyes on the head of the torso start to roll back, and Eren again emerges from the back of its neck. However, this
time his arm get temporarily stuck in the Titan's flesh and his hand gets slightly burned. Armin, shocked and confused,
runs through what he remembers. He remembers hearing the cannon shot, then another noise. Suddenly, the heat
from the torso starts to get to him. Mikasa explains that Eren protected them and that is all they needed to know for
now. Eren rushes over to them, telling them they needed to get away from the body as it was going to evaporate.
The Garrison, believing him to be a threat, fired the cannons at him at Captain Kitz Weilman's command. Unconsciously,
he shielded himself and his friends with the Titan skeleton.

Running out of time, he tells Mikasa and Armin that he is leaving. After remembering the basement in his old house and
his father's words that everything would make sense when he saw it, he says that is where he will try to go. Mikasa says
that she is going with him, but Eren refuses. As they argue, Armin thinks back on their childhood, all of the times they
saved him and regrets that he could not repay them. Armin is snapped back into the conversation when Eren mentions
a second option. He says that Armin will decide what happens. If Armin can convince the officials that he is not a threat
to them, he will stay, putting all of his trust into him. Mikasa agrees, saying that she will trust him as well. Questioning
why they have so much faith in him, they explain that they admire his ability to make good calls when things go bad.
Realizing that they have never thought of him as unequal, he promises that he will win them over or die trying.
Rushing out of the cloud of smoke, Armin tells Eren and Mikasa to look as nonthreatening as possible. As he gets closer,
he raises his hands to let them know he is not attacking. Armin begins to explain that they will give all the information
they have gathered due to this incident. Captain Weilman does not seem interested and accuses them of being Titans
that can change into humans and prepares for a second volley. The situation getting desperate, Armin salutes Weilman
and then passionately states that if he is to die that he will do it, but he will do it believing that Eren's ability will be a
powerful tool for humanity. A few soldiers around Captain Weilman seem to be swayed, but again Weilman will not
hear any of it. Armin continues his salute as Weilman moves his hand to give the order to fire. Luckily, just before he
can finish the order, Commander Dot Pixis shows up and stops him, swayed by Armin's salute and wanting to listen to
what they have to say.
Chapter 12: Icon
Armin formulates a simple plan for Eren to plug up the hole in Trost. Pixis gets all the soldiers' attention by introducing
Eren as a human with the power of the Titans, who will use his new power to carry a large boulder to plug the hole.
While some soldiers remain unconvinced, Pixis states that whoever is uneasy is free to go, but they risk giving their
loved ones that same fear. Eren and his group swing down from the Wall and use said boulder to plug the hole. Eren
transforms into a Titan and their operation to reclaim the district commences. However, turning to Mikasa standing
behind him, he violently swings his fist at her.

With reports coming in from the Survey Corps, the military finds out which direction the Titans came from. They
originated from the hole in the Shiganshina District, making the Trost District the next likely target.

Dot Pixis, Commander of the southern Garrison forces and the official that saved Eren, Mikasa and Armin from being
executed, starts his meeting with them. Known for being eccentric, he peers over the Wall, telling the three that he
would not mind being eaten by a Titan if it was a stunningly beautiful lady Titan. Inquiring about the basement in Eren's
old home, Pixis agrees to trust them and keep them safe, provided they can obtain the evidence. In the meantime, he
asks Armin if he really thought Eren's power could be useful or if it was just a plea for their lives. Armin answers,
"both." He suggests that Eren, in his Titan form, would be able to plug the hole in the Wall with a giant boulder a short
distance from the gate, allowing them to reclaim the city. Pixis asks Eren if he believes he would be able to do it. When
Eren answers yes, he calls for a staff meeting, to strategize. Armin, believing his plan to be overly optimistic and not
well thought out, Eren reassures him that Pixis knows the situation and will plan accordingly.

When the plan is announced to the soldiers, many are discouraged, believing they do not have the technology to get it
done quickly enough. Daz, once again, starts to panic. Marco tries to quiet him before he gets in trouble or starts to get
to the others. Unfortunately, a nearby officer hears him and says that he could be executed, to which he replies that
execution would be preferable to being eaten by a Titan. When others hear this, it starts to cause a little bit of a
rebellion, with others joining in the refusal.

Meanwhile, Eren and Pixis, unaware of the situation with the soldiers, continue to talk on top of the Wall. Hannes sees
him and is relieved that he is okay, but confused why he is standing next to the commander. As they move to the edge,
Pixis addresses the soldiers below, sharply getting their attention. He lays out the plan for the reconquest of Trost,
explaining its two parts. First, they must reach the hole, and second, plug it. The second part surprises the group below,
not knowing how it would be accomplished. At this point, he introduces Eren, saying that he is the result of secret
experiments and can purge and control the body of a Titan. Still not entirely understanding, they continue to listen Pixis
describe the rest of the plan. On top of the Wall, Armin explains in greater detail to three Garrison soldiers,
including Gustav and Anka. Using the information that Titans react to concentrations of humans, they will lure them to
the next Wall. They will be able to keep direct contact to a minimum and take out Titans with the cannons mounted on
the Walls. A small group will be assigned to protect Eren while he moves the boulder to plug the hole.

On the ground, the plan is being met with resistance and disbelief. Large numbers of soldiers begin to leave the grounds
in rage and despair, saying they would rather spend their last days with family and loved ones. As more and more start
to follow these examples, Captain Kitz Weilman attempts to impose capital punishment, killing the mutineers. Before
he starts, however, Pixis informs the group that whoever leaves will be pardoned, gaining the attention once again of
the crowd. Knowing that Titans are fearsome and fear is natural, he says they are free to go, but that they would also
be putting their loved ones in the position of facing that fear themselves. This causes them to give pause and after
thinking about it further, they turn around and go back to formation. Eren, now feeling the pressure of the request,
resolves that he must do his duty.

Pixis then talks about what happened four years ago at Wall Maria. The sound of reconquest had a nice ring to it, but it
ended up having an ulterior motive. The population could not sustain itself in the limited space that it had, so the
deaths that resulted from the mission were deemed necessary for the survival of humanity. It was a sin that all of
humanity was guilty of, including himself. However, if Wall Rose was breached, humanity would not be able to get off
with just twenty percent of the population being killed. With only Wall Sheena left for them to live in, less than half of
the population could be sustained, which is why reclaiming territory this time is so important.
With the operation underway, Eren, Mikasa and a small group of soldiers get into position. They head for the shortest
route and find no Titans in their way. Eren thinks back to all of the defeats and all of the land that humanity has lost. If
the plan succeeds, it will be the first victory they have had. As they near the boulder, Eren bites his hand and emerges in
his Titan form. As he walks toward the boulder, he looks over his shoulder and attacks the Mikasa, who is
accompanying him.
Chapter 13: Wound
Eren's Titan strikes a blow at Mikasa and misses, shocking the Garrison squad. Rico shoots a red flare, signalling mission
failure. In the end, they settle with defending Eren's position by killing off nearby Titans. Before Mikasa follows them,
she notices that Eren's hands have not regenerated yet. Soon enough, Armin finds Eren and plans to wake him up.
Mikasa states that it is futile, but Armin decides on trying anyway. Armin announces that she should focus on her
mission, so Mikasa entrusts Eren to him. Armin reminds Eren of his goal to exterminate the Titans, which Eren
absentmindedly forgets.

While on top of the Wall, one of Pixis' soldiers reports what has happened. They managed to lure the Titans into one
corner of the Wall, but not without losing about twenty percent of their men. Pixis clarifies that they died because he
gave the order. However, he says that he will gladly be branded a mass murderer from these actions if it means that
humanity will be saved.

Back at the boulder, Eren, in Titan form, has seemingly lost his mind and is attacking the soldiers assigned to escort
him. Mikasa jumps out of the way, narrowly missing Eren's attack but receiving a scar on her right cheek in the process.
The rest of the soldiers move in and Mikasa runs up Eren's arm and tries to talk some sense into him. With Mikasa
directly in front of his face, he tries to attack. However, she dodges and he only succeeds in nearly decapitating himself,
falling back on the boulder. Rico, considering the mission a failure, fires off a red flare signaling the complications. As
Eren is incapacitated, two Titans approach the group. Mitabi tells Ian that they should retreat, which causes Mikasa to
give a sharp look in disapproval.

Pixis and the others see the flare. A couple of officers suggest pulling out and cutting their losses, but he rejects the
proposal, hoping that the team escorting Eren can sort things out and accomplish the mission. When Armin sees the
smoke, he rushes to his friends.

Back on the rooftops, Ian and his team discuss their options. When Mitabi and Rico propose fleeing for the Wall and
leaving Eren, Mikasa draws her sword but is stopped by Ian. Ian then directs the team to deal with the two approaching
Titans; they must protect Eren until he is able to get up. Arguing that the potential he represents for humanity is too
great to just leave him there and abandon the mission, which causes a conflict with Rico. Angry, Ian asks her how they
should handle it, how do they defeat the Titans. Now on the spot, Rico sheepishly admits that she does not know of a
way. He then lays out the situation and their duties, even if it means dying because of it. Despondent, Rico agrees and
walks away. As Ian leaves to deal with one of the Titans, Mikasa thanks him. He tells her that he was scared, as he did
not know what she was going to do before he stopped her. He then states that there is no way they can continue with
the initial plan, which will give her a chance to use her skill in killing Titans, as she will be protecting the one she loves.
She blushes and tells him that he is family. She looks down at Eren; he still has not regenerated. She worries if the
damage he would already taken is putting too much strain on him or if he can return to his normal form. She tries to
focus, realizing that she can only do her job at the moment.

Eren, finally showing signs of slowly regenerating, does not seem to know what is going on. Suddenly, he imagines that
he is sitting in his old house, with his father, mother and a younger Mikasa. Armin shows up and tries to rouse Eren.
Meanwhile, the soldiers are dealing with the Titans that have wandered close to the area. With more coming, Ian
orders Mikasa to take care of the Titan closing in on Eren. Making short work of it, she sees even more on their way.
She panics as she comes to the conclusion that they must be drawn to Eren. Seeing Armin down near Eren, She tells him
to leave as Eren is not himself and more Titans are on their way. Inquiring about the plan, Mikasa tells him it failed, now
they are just protecting Eren and will probably die.

Thinking back to how Eren emerged from the Titan's weak spot, he gets an idea. Measuring out the area, he tells
Mikasa that he is going to get Eren out of there and to keep the Titans off of him until then. Nervous but trying keep
steady, he drives the blade into the nape of the Titan and hits Eren's arm, immediately getting a reaction. Mikasa,
worried, tells Armin that the plan is crazy to which he replies that she should leave and that he will take care of Eren.
Yelling down at the Titan, he attempts to get Eren's attention. He tells him about the situation and says that they need
to leave. Eren seems barely conscious. Armin tries to bring him around by reminding him about his mother and the vow
to wiping out the Titans. It is all to no avail; Eren is stuck in the illusion of his old home with his family.
Chapter 14: Primitive desire
While the soldiers are off fighting nearby Titans, Armin manages to wake Eren up from his dormant state in his Titan
form. Soon enough, Eren proceeds to continue his mission. The sight of him carrying the boulder gives the Garrison elite
soldiers hope, so they plan to continue defending him to ensure humanity's victory. After Mitabi and Ian meet their
deaths, Eren succeeds in plugging the breach in Wall Rose. Rico shoots a yellow flare, signifying mission success. Unlike
the other soldiers, Mikasa is only keen on leaving as soon as they retrieve Eren. Titans swarm behind them, but they are
saved when Captain Levi comes to their rescue, heralding the return of the Survey Corps.

As the soldiers fight the onslaught of Titans drawn to Eren, Armin tries to bring him to his senses, reminding him of his
desire to see the outside world. Slowly, Armin is able to bring Eren around in the nick of time. He asks Eren why he ever
wanted to see the outside world despite all the dangers he would inevitably face, to which Eren responds that it is
because he was born into this world. His senses regained, his Titan begins to rapidly regenerate from its wounds.

Elsewhere in the city, a single soldier remains under Rico Brzenska's command. As she orders a retreat, they stop at the
sight of Eren carrying the boulder atop his shoulders. Mikasa and Ian Dietrich are also prepared to retreat until they
spot Eren and the boulder. Armin approaches Ian's squad, informing them of their imminent success. With the mission
now on its way to success, Ian commands his soldiers to protect Eren even if it costs them their lives.

In an attempt to get the Titans' attention off Eren, a small group under Mitabi Jarnach approaches the Titans on foot.
The plan works, but puts them at a disadvantage when they need to escape. Ian orders his team to follow the others so
they can hand the target over to them. Meanwhile, Eren's body feels like it is being crushed under the weight of the
boulder. He sees Mikasa and Armin running on the ground and worries that they will fall prey to the Titans, and as Eren
struggles with the stone and moves toward the hole, the soldiers are barely able to keep them away. While he marches
towards the gate, Eren recalls Armin's question about the outside world and begins to think to himself, understanding
that the person to see the world beyond the Walls is the freest person in the world. For such a cause, Eren urges himself
to fight for this dream.

Many soldiers die around Eren as he makes his way step by step towards the breach. Mitabi had been caught, and Ian is
decapitated by a Titan who eats him. As one Titan manages to get right in front of Armin and Mikasa, Rico soars in and
stabs it in the eye, allowing Mikasa time to get behind it and kill it. Armin looks over his shoulder and sees Eren is only a
short distance away from the hole now. As Armin cries out in motivation, Eren seals the breach. Falling to her knees,
Rico remarks everyone did not die in vain. She fires the yellow flare, marking success.

Atop the Wall, Pixis, seeing the flare, orders for reinforcements to immediately be dispatched. With the Titans moving
towards them, Rico orders Mikasa to climb up the Wall. She replies that she will only withdraw after Eren is retrieved.
Armin, now at the back of Eren's neck, tries to pull him free from the flesh of his Titan form. Mikasa asks about his
condition. Armin informs her of his high fever and one part of his body still being stuck. Rico suggests cutting the limb
off. After Rico slices at Eren's hands, Eren and Armin fall to the ground, nearly at the feet of two Titans. Mikasa rushes
to their side, but cannot make it in time. As a Titan reaches out toward them, a soldier swoops in and dispatches both
Titans. When the bodies fall, Eren manages to open his eyes and sees the emblem of the Survey Corps, the Wings of
Freedom. The soldier, Captain Levi, turns to face the trainees, asking for the situation. On the other side of the Wall, the
Survey Corps ascends to join in the combat.

With the success of the mission, the Survey Corps and the Garrison Military Engineers hurried in and won the
battle. Wall Rose is sealed, protecting everyone from the Titans again. They delight in humanity's first victory against
the Titans, but acknowledge that it came with a high cost.
Chapter 15: One by one
Three years before humanity's victory at Trost, Armin along with Eren and Mikasa are in the fields overhearing a
triggering conversation between Military Police officers. Not long from then, Armin is in boot camp getting through
initiation by being intimidated by their instructor. Their instructor does the same to a few other trainees. At around
sunset, the group of trainees speculate Sasha running laps as her punishment for eating a potato in front of her peers.
Eren and Armin are quizzically asked by other trainees about their experience with the Colossus Titan. Jean decides to
pitch in, starting a fight with Eren. As soon as the dinner bell sounds, the pair decide to call it quits. Mikasa walks past
Jean, catching his eye, but after spotting her with Eren, Jean feels somewhat betrayed. Sasha finishes her running
and Krista offers her some nourishment before meeting a fellow trainee.

The next day, the trainees work on their vertical maneuvering equipment skills. Unlike most, Eren finds that he is
incapable of balancing.

Two years after the first attack of the Colossus Titan and three years before their graduation from the 104th Training
Corps, Mikasa, Eren and Armin are working in a field. A small group of Military Police officers are walking by and
discussing productivity. The officer in charge is complaining because the fields are behind schedule. His subordinate
says that most of the workers were kicked out and sent to recover Wall Maria, likely killed. Armin, glaring at the
soldiers, tells Eren and Mikasa that his parents were sent on that mission, not for recovery, but so the government
would have fewer mouths to feed.

A short time later, Armin is now in boot camp. The drill instructor, pacing through the ranks, singles out Armin, asking
his name. After a short, intimidating speech, the instructor moves on to another trainee. Two nearby officers recall their
time in boot camp, with one questioning the point of intimidation. The other answers that it is used to cultivate the
necessary qualities of a soldier. They notice that the drill instructor seems to skip Annie and some other trainees,
leaving one to say that these soldiers have been through their rite of passage. The instructor notices the look on a lot of
the faces, and assumes it was because of the attack from the Colossus Titan.

Now onto Jean, he asks why he is here. Jean answers to join the Military Police and live in the Interior. With that, the
instructor head butts Jean, causing him to fall. The instructor then adds insult to injury and says that he never gave him
permission to sit, concluding by stating that someone who folds in training will not be allowed into the Military Police.
He asks Marco the same, Marco answers that he is from the town of Jinae and wants to join the Military Police so that
he can be of service to the King, to which the instructor states that the King has got no interest in his scrawny body. The
next up is Connie, who mistakenly uses the wrong hand in his salute. When giving him a hard time, the instructor
notices Sasha, who is eating while in formation. He rushes over to her and asks what the big idea is. She is still chewing
her food which causes her not to answer, so he gets louder. He asks what she is eating. She replies that it is a steamed
potato, which she decided to eat before it got cold. The instructor glosses over the fact that it was stolen, instead
asking why she is eating a potato. As the situation gets tenser, Sasha breaks the potato in two unequal portions,
offering "half" of it to the instructor.

Now out of formation and at the barracks, Eren and others watch as Sasha runs laps well into her fifth hour and having
to skip lunch, her reaction about having to skip lunch being much stronger than having to run "'til she was almost
dead," which she took quite literally. They begin to talk more about where they are from. When the conversation gets
to Eren, he tells them he and Armin are from Shiganshina District, which surprises the others and causes him to
constantly be asked about the Colossus Titan.

Later during mealtime, Eren briefly describes the Colossus Titan and Armored Titan to those gathered around him. As
more and more questions come, Eren starts to think of his mother being killed and he gets nauseous. Marco and Connie
notice and apologize for making him talk about it. Regaining his composure, Eren dismisses it and says that he cannot
wait to fight and kill the Titans. At hearing this, Jean accuses Eren of faking it while actually shaking in his boots.
Deciding to let it go, the two apologize for the short argument. Mikasa walks by, which grabs Jean's attention. He tells
her that he has never seen a face like hers before and that she has beautiful black hair. She thanks him and walks away.
Outside, she catches up with Eren, with Jean following to watch Mikasa's departure. Eren denies almost getting into a
fight and tells Mikasa that her hair is getting too long; it could cause her to get into an accident. She asks him how long
she should cut it. Seeing this, Jean wipes his hands on Connie's shirt. Connie angrily asks why he is using his shirt as a
napkin and asks what he wiped on it. Jean replies that it was his faith in humanity.

Sasha, now done with her laps, is on her way to her bunk when she collapses. Krista walks nearby with a little bit of
bread and water, causing Sasha to lunge at her, grabbing the bread. Krista says that she brought it for her and asks if
she wants any of her water. Grateful, Sasha sees Krista as a goddess. Another trainee stops by, asking why Krista is
bothering to help Sasha and what the point of her "good deed" is. Krista replies that she wants to be thought of as
helpful. The trainee helps get Sasha to her bunk, but makes it clear that she is only doing her "good deed" to make use
of Sasha's stupidity.

The next morning, the students start their vertical maneuvering equipment training. Suspended by wires meant to
resemble maneuvering equipment grapples, they will test their balance. Mikasa, Jean, and Connie are doing well, but
Eren seems to be having problems, leaving him embarrassed.
Chapter 16: Necessity
Still having trouble with his vertical maneuvering equipment training, Eren tries the test on his own
with Mikasa and Armin, but quickly fails. Becoming anxious at the ridicule from his peers and Mikasa's diminishing faith
in his abilities, he asks Jean and Connie for advice, only to receive more ridicule. He then turns to Reiner and Bertolt,
who tell Eren and Armin the story of their town being attacked by Titans two years before. Having bonded with Eren
and Armin, and impressed with Eren's intense willpower, Reiner gives him some advice and motivation.

When the time comes for Eren's official retry, he successfully balances for a while before losing his balance and falling.
He begs the instructor for another chance, and the instructor orders Thomas to switch belts with Eren. After the switch,
Eren can balance perfectly. The instructor explains that Eren's belt had been broken somehow, and that he has passed
the test. As Eren rejoices, the instructor thinks to himself that Grisha's son has become a soldier.

Eren is still having trouble balancing in his training for vertical maneuvering equipment and tries to get tips
from Mikasa and Armin. However, it does not go well and he hits his head on the ground knocking himself out. After
some remarks from other trainees, they go to the mess hall to eat while Eren recuperates. Mikasa says that Eren may
not be cut out for being a soldier and suggests that he could get another job. This angers him and he reminds her of
what happened when the Colossus Titan attacked. Angry, Eren leaves the table. Mikasa tells him that if he were to quit,
she would follow. However, by the time she is done talking only she and Sasha remain in the mess hall. Sasha asks if she
can have Mikasa's unfinished bread. Taking the bread, Mikasa eats it in front of her.

Back at the barracks, Eren is asking people for advice. After a few dead ends with Jean and Connie, he is pointed
to Reiner and Bertolt. While they do not offer any advice at first, knowing where Eren and Armin are from, they ask
their reason for joining the military as they know what Titans can do. They both say that they could not just sit around
and do nothing. Bertolt tells them where they are from and how they got here. After the Colossus Titan attacked the
Wall, the Titans got to their village before the warning did. They barely managed to get to their horses in time to make
it to safety. He notices that Armin and Eren are not like the others, who for the most part joined out of ignorance and
because of expectations. Bertolt says that he joined the military for the chance to join the Military Police Brigade,
otherwise he might quit altogether.

Eren comforts him, adding that after what happened to him, no one could blame him for wanting that. Eren admits his
fear as well, but says that the hate he has for them is greater than his fear. After swapping stories, Reiner tells Eren to
check his belt and to make sure it is adjusted and that tomorrow it should work out.

The next morning, Eren is starting his test. The instructor tells him that this is the absolute lowest requirement of a
soldier and if he can not do it he can not be a soldier. He tries it again, initially keeping his balance but falling over after
a few seconds. The instructor then tells Thomas to exchange equipment with Eren. With the new belt, Eren keeps his
balance perfectly. The instructor sees that his belt was damaged. Eren, with a triumphant look on his face looks at
Mikasa. She comes to the sad realization that he is glad that he will not have to depend on her, but claims the opposite
to the others. The instructor is impressed that Eren was able to keep his balance, even if for a short time with the
damaged equipment, and thinks to himself that Grisha's son became a soldier that day.
Chapter 17: Delusions of Strength
Eren and Reiner are practicing hand-to-hand combat when they see Annie Leonhart slacking off and Reiner volunteers
Eren to challenge her. After they duel and she easily defeats both of them, Eren asks her where she learned to fight. She
states that all of this is pointless, and gives him a closer look inside the military system. Later on in the mess hall, Eren
hears Jean Kirstein bragging about his skills. Annoyed, this causes Eren to fight with him and flips Jean with Annie's
technique when he grabs Eren's shirt, lecturing him and saying he is a coward only joining the Military Police Brigade for
safety, catching Annie's attention. When the sound of the commotion attracted the instructor, Mikasa passed it off
as Sasha Blouse passing gas, much to her embarrassment. The next day in the training grounds, Annie and Eren notice
Jean working harder. When Eren asks Annie for her opinion on his kicks, Annie dismays them and offers to teach Eren.
When he turns her down she tells him he does not need to hold back and Eren agrees to the lessons.

Two years since the start of their training, in the year 849, the trainees are now practicing hand-to-hand
combat. Eren and Reiner are sparring together. Reiner charges at Eren with a wooden knife and Eren flips him almost
effortlessly. Surprised, Reiner asks how he is able to do that. Eren states that he had practice with a local big kid he used
to play with when he was younger. Eren also voices his concern about practicing fighting humans. Reiner then says that
it is better to be prepared.

As they finish their conversation, they both see Annie Leonhart who is slacking again and avoiding the instructor. The
two confront her and Eren ends up trying to practice with the wooden knife on her. As Eren rushes, she sidesteps and
trips Eren, who lands face first in the dirt. Going for another round, Annie grabs Eren's arm and disarms the knife.
Tossing the knife to Reiner, she tells him it is his turn. Hesitant, Eren reminds him that it is a soldier's responsibility.
Reiner charges and Annie takes him down easier than she did Eren. Curious, Eren asks her who taught her to fight. She
replies that her father did. Annie agrees with Eren about hand-to-hand combat, thinking that it serves no purpose.
Using other trainees as examples, she tells Eren that their score depends mostly on their aptitude with vertical
maneuvering equipment, the rest just about claiming privileges inland. Taking the wooden knife, she runs at Eren and
easily gets past his guard. Eren attempts to flip her as he did Reiner, but she reverses it and pins him to the ground with
the knife at his throat. She reveals that her father made her learn these moves and that she no longer derives any
enjoyment from playing soldier, with that she drops the knife and walks away.

In the mess hall, while Armin talks at length about the nature of the Military Police Brigade privilege, Eren
overhears Jean bragging about his techniques. Annoyed, Eren asks Jean why he is honing his Titan killing skills all in an
effort to get far away from them. The argument seems to be dying down until Jean sees Mikasa.

After that, he grabs Eren's collar, causing the situation to escalate again. Remembering Jean's attitude was similar to his
own, Eren uses the technique that he picked up from Annie, which catches both him and Annie by surprise. After hitting
the ground, he is angry with Eren for what he did and confronts him for that action. He then confronts Jean for his
behavior and does not think he is a soldier, but a coward for wanting to join the Military Police just to be safe from the
Titans. The sound of Jean hitting the ground causes the instructor to come to the mess hall. Fortunately, they are able
to get back in their seats before he sees the reason for the noise. Asking what happened, Mikasa answers that it was
just Sasha passing gas, much to Sasha's dismay. The instructor tell her to show some self-restraint, causing her even
more embarrassment. Eren comments that, had they been caught, it could have cost Jean his opportunity to join the
Military Police. Jean replies that he fears their score will never be settled. Eren suggests they fight during combat
training so it can be passed off as innocent sparring.

that Jean is working unusually hard. Annie tells him this is all in an effort to overcome him and does not see anything
positive out of it. For a brief moment, Annie thinks back on the days when her father trained her to fight in
her hometown. Eren asks about his form when he mimicked her throw. Annie replies that "it sucked," but since he likes
the move she offers to teach him. Not wanting to be beaten up by her again, Eren turns her offer down. She offers
again, and tells him that he does not have to hold back. Eren agrees and Annie teaches him the technique properly with
a firsthand demonstration.
Chapter 18: What should I do now ?
In the final steps of their graduation, Armin struggles with a weighted march through rain under the instructor's
supervision. Reiner takes Armin's pack to help him out, but Armin chooses to carry his own weight. The instructor
notices this brief exchange, noting the strengths and weaknesses of the trainees before him. This continues into
later vertical maneuvering equipment training in the forest. Afterward, the trainees begin discussing their results while
they rest. Eren notes Marco's behavior during the test, stating that he would make a great leader with the skills and
qualities he possesses. After the others leave, Marco turns to Jean to speak his mind.

Sometime later, two days after the sealing of the breach in Trost District, Jean finds Marco's corpse. After a moment of
shock, he gives his name and listing to a medic. Elsewhere in the city, Sasha comes across Titan vomit, and Annie is
apologizing to the corpses of the soldiers around her. Afterward, during the burning of the dead, Jean recalls Marco's
words to him about his ability to be a truly good leader. Jean turns to the others, saying he wishes to join the Survey

Three days after the sealing of the Wall, Erwin Smith and Captain Levi explain to Eren of the events that happened
during his coma. Erwin states that they could use Eren's Titan powers to seal the breach in Wall Maria as well. Eren says
that he simply wants to kill Titans, which impresses Levi. Levi agrees to act as Eren's supervisor, welcoming him to the
Survey Corps.

During a march, Armin is having a hard time keeping up with his fellow trainees due to the weight of his
pack. Reiner comes up behind him and takes his pack for him, but Armin quickly takes his pack back, choosing to carry
his own weight rather than letting others bear his burdens. The instructor notices this exchange. Looking to Reiner
Braun, he notes his great strength and willpower. He then turns to Armin, noting his lack of physical strength but
exceptional skill in strategy.

In the forest, the trainees are being tested on their ability to use their vertical maneuvering equipment by attacking and
"killing" wooden cutouts of Titans while the instructor notes their various strengths and weaknesses. Annie
Leonhart shows great precision, but acts as a lone wolf of sorts. Bertolt Hoover has mastered his training and has much
potential, but lacks the drive to make decisions. Jean Kirstein, who at the time is struggling to find a kill, is noted for his
excellent maneuvering skills and quick decision-making, as well as his regrettable aggressive personality. As Jean finds a
Titan prop, Connie Springer comes in to steal the kill. The instructor notes Connie's skill in maneuvering and balance, as
well as his slow wit and strategic shortcomings. Ultimately, Sasha Blouse lands the first blow before either can get to
the Titan. The instructor comments on her speed and remarkable instincts, as well as her conflict in situations involving
organization. Elsewhere, Mikasa Ackerman and Eren Yeager are finding their own kills. Mikasa is noted for her
historically unprecedented mastery of all skills required of her, while Eren is noted for his hand-to-hand skill and strong
sense of purpose.

Now back at camp, Jean complains about the targets stolen from him. Eren notices that Marco barely attacked the
targets. He explains that he thinks of a real-life situation, using himself as a decoy while others make the killing blow.
Eren says that he is a good leader, with Sasha and others agreeing. A comment from Jean nearly causes a fight between
him and Eren. Fortunately, the others are able to defuse the situation. When no one else is around, Marco stays behind
with Jean to speak his mind.

of the hole in Wall Rose, Jean is assigned to clean up dead bodies in Trost along with others. As he walks the ruined
street, he looks over and sees the body of Marco, half-eaten by a Titan. Shocked, Jean tries to find anyone who knows
about Marco's last moments. A nearby combat medic is taking the names of the dead, and asks Jean if he knows the
body. He pays little attention, which causes the medic to say that right now their duty is to clean up the dead bodies
before they contaminate the city. Jean, still at a loss, gives the medic Marco's name and listing.
In another part of the city, Sasha comes across a pile of partially eaten dead bodies. Not knowing what to make of it, a
soldier from the Garrison tells her that Titans must not have intestinal tracts, since when they get full, they regurgitate.
Annie sees a dead body and apologizes to it. Reiner, tells her that apologizing will not make any difference. In a hurry to
get the memorial service over with, he thinks back to all the training they have gone through only to have this happen.
At the memorial service, most of the remainder of the 104th Training Corps, stand in front of the funeral pyre. As Jean
crouches, memories of Marco, Eren and others come to mind. He recalls the time when Marco spoke his mind to him.
Back then, he said that Jean would make a great leader since he knew what it was like to be weak. He regrets joining
the military only because he worries about which of his friends will be next. Announcing it to his friends nearby, he
decides to enlist in the Survey Corps.

Three days after he sealed the breach, Eren wakes up from a coma caused by his last Titan transformation.
Commander Erwin Smith and Captain Levi explain to him that it took a full day after the sealing of the breach to kill the
remaining Titans with nonstop cannonfire, with two Titans being captured alive. Afterward, Eren realizes that he is
locked in a cell underground. Commander Erwin begins to question him and shows him the key they found on his
necklace. At the sight of the key, he is asked if it can give them the answers. Eren explains that if what his father said is
true, then it will. Levi comments on the convenience of losing his memory at around the same time that his father goes
missing, causing Erwin to correct him. Erwin then asks how he wants to go about getting to the basement. To do that
they would have to recover Shiganshina District and plug the hole in Wall Maria, which unfortunately would prove to
be a difficult task.

When Levi impatiently asks the same question, Eren, remembering his family and friends that have been killed, replies
that he wants to kill all the Titans. Amused and somewhat impressed, Levi says that he will vouch for him to join their
ranks, adding that if he shows a single sign of betrayal, Eren will be killed on the spot. With that, Captain Levi accepts
Eren into the Survey Corps.
Special Chapter: Ilse's notebook
A soldier abandons their damaged vertical maneuvering equipment and begins to run away. The soldier then starts
writing in a notebook, stating their name is Ilse Langnar and that her brigade was overrun by Titans and all her team
mates and horses had been lost, along with her maneuvering equipment breaking. She begins running north and takes
down all of her events in the notebook. While running she encounters a Titan that forces her up against a tree, she
presumes it is an abnormal Titan as it does not eat her right away. While Ilse is writing down her last words
the Titan begins to speak to her saying "a subject of Ymir" and "Lady Ymir...Well met," while bowing. Ilse is shocked and
documents all of this in her notebook and asks the Titan what it is, where it came from, and why its kind eat people.
When it does not answer she becomes enraged and lashes out at it before it starts tearing off its cheeks. Ilse runs away
terrified, only to be caught by the Titan before it puts her head between its teeth and crushes it. Ilse's lost notebook is
found a year later in a field by Levi and Hange who identify Ilse's body and her notebook.

A narrator speaks about the Titans, saying that more than a century ago Titans nearly devoured humans to extinction,
so humanity erected Walls to live behind in peace. The narrator then states that not everyone was content with living
their entire lives isolated behind the Walls and that there are those that venture into the lands swarming with Titans.
They are the members of a military division named the Survey Corps.

A soldier is seen removing their vertical maneuvering equipment and abandoning it on the ground as they run away.
The soldier then takes a notebook out of their pocket and begins writing. They introduce themselves as Ilse Langnar, a
soldier who participated in the 34th expedition beyond the Walls, in charge of the left wing of the second brigade. Ilse
states that on their way back her brigade encountered Titans and that all her team mates and horses were lost, and her
maneuvering equipment suffered irreparable damage so she had to abandon it. She writes that she is currently running
north and that she has lost her horse in Titan controlled lands and it is impossible to outrun a Titan on foot.

As she remembers the horrors of her comrades being eaten, Ilse claims that she is trying to return to the city, but her
situation is dire. As she runs through the forest, Ilse writes that she hopes she might be able to make it to the Walls
without encountering any Titans, and that falling to her knees and crying in fear is absolutely not an option, even under
the current circumstances. She states that ever since she joined the Survey Corps she was prepared for such an event.
She then claims that she is a proud member of the Survey Corps, the hope for humanity, and that she is not afraid to
die. She writes that even if she has to give up her life she will still fight until the end and that even though she has no
weapons, she can still fight. Still running, Ilse states that she will write her situation in this notebook, resolved to do
whatever she can with everything she has and that she absolutely will not give up. Ilse writes again that she will not
give up, just as she runs in front of a Titan.

Ilse stares up at the Titan, horrified, and it smashes down in front of her while she backs up against a tree sitting at the
face of the Titan. The Titan takes heavy breaths, as does Ilse, and she begin to cry. She vaguely speaks once more that
she will not give up and begins writing again, stating that she has encountered a Titan about 6-meter class and it did not
devour her right away. She then questions if it is an Abnormal Titan.

She begins writing her last words, stating her last moments have come and this is it for her. She writes that all she did in
life was act selfish and that she had never given anything back to her parents. She calls it disgusting and states that it is
all about to end now. While Ilse is writing, the Titan speaks to her the words "a subject of Ymir". Amazed, Ilse looks up
from her notebook and asks herself what has just happened. The Titan stares at her and then speaks the
words "Lady Ymir...Well met," as it bows its head.

She then writes in her notebook that the Titan is talking, and expresses her amazement that it uttered meaningful
words and writes down what it said to her. She asks the Titan what it is and then writes of it in her notebook. It makes
moaning sounds, and Ilse takes note that it is not speaking any more and states that she will try to ask it of its place of
origin. Ilse asks the question and the Titan continues to groan as Ilse writes down that it again did not answer. She then
asks the Titan why they eat people and writes down the action in her notebook. After it continues to groan Ilse quickly
boils over in rage and shouts at it. She screams asking why they have to eat people when they would not die even
without food. She says that they are senseless, worthless, lumps of flesh and then screams for them to leave this world.
As Ilse finishes screaming, the Titan grabs its cheeks and begins to tear them off. Ilse is shocked and backs up against
the tree more, questioning what is going on. She panics and begins to run from the Titan as it continues to tear its
cheeks off. The Titan looks her way and sees her running. Ilse continues to run away and as she looks behind her the
Titan jumps forward and grabs her legs, holding her upright. Ilse drops her notebook and screams in horror. As the Titan
brings her to its mouth, she tries to use her hand to stop it but it grabs her left arm and puts her head between its
teeth. Ilse continues to scream in fear until the Titan bites down on her head for a few moments before crushing it and
killing her. The Titan groans once more and then bites her head entirely off.

A year later, Captain Levi and Squad Leader Hange are seen in a field. As Levi picks up a notebook, Hange is looking at a
corpse and claims that it has the armband of the 34th expedition. Hange then states that it belonged to a soldier who
died a year ago by the name of Ilse Langnar. Hange proposes that they only take the jacket back and that staying where
they were any longer could be dangerous. Hange then sees Levi looking at something and asks what he is holding in his
hands. Levi, reading the notebook, then states that it is what Ilse Langnar died for.
Chapter 19: Still can’t see
Citizens of different areas are shown discussing the Titan that plugged the breach in Trost District with a boulder.
Meanwhile, Eren, still chained in a cell, contemplates his worth as a person and wonders of his friends' whereabouts.
He is then greeted by Hange Zoë and Mike Zacharias who take him from his cell and bring him to the military court
where he stands trial to be handed over to the Survey Corps or the Military Police Brigade. After much arguing, Eren
becomes frustrated and yells at the people in the courtroom until he is kicked and beaten by Captain Levi. After Levi
claims he can easily kill Eren if he gets out of control, Commander Erwin makes a final proposal and Eren is turned over
to the Survey Corps. Afterward, he is seen with Hange, Levi, Mike, and Erwin as Hange tends to his wounds. Erwin then
formally welcomes Eren into the corps and Hange asks to see the spot where Levi kicked out Eren's tooth. They are all
shocked to see it already growing back.

After the events that occurred in Trost District, the Interior is in a state of confusion. Many are skeptical of the Royal
Government's official information, turning instead to the word of the Merchants' Association. Some claim the news of
a Titan fighting for humanity is little more than propaganda, while others ponder the implications of a Titan on
humanity's side.

Still locked in the underground cell and dealing with hostile attitudes of his fellow soldiers, Eren starts to see himself as
a monster. He starts to wonder what his friends think of him, or if he will ever be allowed to leave the cell. Moments
later, Hange Zoë and Mike Zacharias show up and take him out of the cell. After brief introductions, they lead Eren to a

Walking in, he is shackled to a post in the center of the room. He looks around and sees Nile Dok, the Commander of
the Military Police Brigade, as well as Commander Pixis, Commander Erwin, Captain Levi, Mikasa and Armin.
When Commander-in-Chief Darius Zackly enters, the trial begins. As Eren begins to wonder what he is being charged
with, Zackly informs him that the usual rules are inapplicable in this situation, so there will instead be a military tribunal
with Zackly having the final say in regards to Eren's fate.

There are two opposing viewpoints about Eren. Some believe him to be a demon, while others believe he is a savior.
The trial will decide whether he will be entrusted to the Survey Corps or the Military Police Brigade. Commander Nile
believes Eren should be disposed of and his body examined. He also explains that doing so could potentially cause a civil
war due to the political weight his existence carries and the residents of Wall Rose regarding him as a hero. His solution
is to posthumously name him a hero after they have gleaned all the information from his body. Minister Nick, a leader
in a religious order that worships the Walls, is outraged at this notion and wants him to be executed immediately for
the heresy of circumventing the Walls' divine protection.

Commander Erwin wants to use his power to regain Wall Maria and asks that he join the Survey Corps. Zackly asks how
they would go about this, as the gate in the Trost District is permanently sealed. Due to the new situation, they will
have to leave from the Karanes District in the east of Wall Rose and work their way south. This causes an uproar with
one of the merchants present, who wants all the gates to be sealed up and hurling insults at the military. Levi speaks up
and reminds him that he is only safe because of the sacrifice of people in the military and that they need more land in
order to feed everyone. Nick speaks up again accusing the man of blasphemy for wanting to lay hands on the Wall. Eren
recalls that even mounting defensive cannons on the Wall initially took some time because of the widespread support
of the religion.

Zackly, silencing the outburst and getting back the trial, asks Eren if he thinks he would be a benefit to the Survey Corps
with Eren answering yes. Zackly then points out a report from the last mission that following his transformation, Eren
lost his senses and attacked Mikasa. In disbelief and not remembering anything from when he was a Titan, Eren looks
over at his friends and Armin realizes that his suspicions were correct. Zackly asks Mikasa if this is true and with
hesitancy she answers yes. However, she also points out that Eren, in his Titan form, had also saved her life twice.

Commander Nile believes that Mikasa's testimony is biased and should not be trusted. He also brings up the incident
from six years ago, in the year 844, when Eren and Mikasa killed the three men who had kidnapped her. While being
legitimate self-defense, he thinks it casts doubt on Eren's humanity and that he should not be trusted. Another outburst
from the courtroom has people believing that Eren is a Titan in disguise, and he should be executed before he turns
again. They also accuse Mikasa of not being human and call for her execution as well. Eren, defending Mikasa, states
that he may be a monster, but she has nothing to do with it. He wonders if he should stop speaking up, but decides to
say everything that is on his mind. He calls out the dissenters as cowards and tells the court that they should trust him.
Surprised at Eren's sudden speech, the Military Police get their guns ready, not knowing what to expect.

Out of nowhere, Levi delivers a flying kick to Eren's face, knocking a tooth out. After a few more blows, Commander
Nile cautions that he might cause him to become a Titan. Levi finds this caution amusing, since the Military Police were
so ready to dissect him earlier. He also states that Eren took out twenty Titans in his own Titan form; if he were to
direct his anger at the police they would not be able to stop him. Commander Erwin then suggests that Eren be under
the watch of Levi. If he turns into a Titan and becomes a threat, Levi will take measures to bring him down. Determined
to show the people that he is a hero, Erwin asks Zackly to let Eren join the Survey Corps on a mission and to postpone
his judgment until then. He agrees and says that he will return depending on the mission results.

Now out of the courtroom and in the custody of the Survey Corps, Commander Erwin explains that Eren's outburst gave
them the perfect chance to play the cards they had. Levi asks Eren if he is angry with him. Eren understands why it had
to be done. Hange scolds Levi, saying he took it too far by knocking his tooth out. Hange then asks Eren to open his
mouth and sees that his tooth has already grown back.
Chapter 20: Special operations squad
Now in the custody of the Survey Corps, Eren is taken to their headquarters under the supervision of Squad
Levi. Captain Levi quickly puts his soldiers to work on cleaning the fortress. Eren briefly talks with squadmate Petra Ral,
who tells him about Levi's shady past. Later at night, Squad Levi discusses the upcoming expedition and their need to
learn about Eren's power of the Titans. Squad Leader Hange then joins them to discuss the progress of
her Titan experiments. Eren asks about these Titan experiments, causing the others to quickly leave before Hange
begins a long discussion on her research.

Hange discusses her findings involving her research on Sonny and Bean, the Titans that were captured from Trost. Eren
discovers that Hange has a strange sympathy for the Titans she experiments on, and asks her about it. She explains that
her research has suggested that the true nature of the Titans may be more than what humans would believe, causing
her to see things from a different angle. Eren asks for even more information about Hange's experiments, leading her to
talk until dawn.

That morning, a soldier interrupts their discussion to alert Hange of Sonny and Bean's sudden deaths. Outside,
many Survey Corps soldiers are gathered around the Titans' steaming remains while Hange cries in dismay. As Eren
looks at the scene, Erwin suddenly appears behind him, asking him who he thinks the real enemy is. Eren cannot
answer him, and Erwin apologizes before leaving.

Now in the custody of the Survey Corps, Eren is escorted to their former headquarters. Oluo Bozado tries to intimidate
Eren, but ends up biting his tongue. Later at the fortress, Petra Ral scolds him and tells him he got what he deserved.
Arriving at the headquarters, Eren takes a look at the people around him. Levi's squad, also known as the Special
Operations Squad, are in charge of keeping an eye on him and will have to put him down if he gets out of control.

Seeing the state of the place, Captain Levi orders everyone to start cleaning it up. A short while afterward, Eren
approaches Levi and asks where his room is. Levi tell him the conditions on which he was released to their custody; he
is told he must stay in the basement. Levi says that if he was to turn into a Titan in his sleep, it would be easier to
contain him in the basement. He then leaves to check on the other rooms. Petra tries to comfort Eren. He says that Levi
is not what he expected, obeying the orders he is given rather than playing the rogue. Petra says that he used to be the
kind of person that did whatever he wanted, living a life of crime in the Underground until Erwin Smith convinced him
to join the Survey Corps. Moments later, Levi returns to tell Eren to clean the other room over again.

Sitting around a table later that night, the team discusses the plans for a large scale operation to the outer
lands. Another member of the team asks Eren what it feels like to become a Titan. Eren begins to explain that he bites
down on his hand, but stops once he realizes that he has no idea where that knowledge came from. Soon
after, Hange walks in and asks Eren if he can help with their experiments. While Eren is under the care of the Survey
Corps, he does not have control of his schedule and defers to Levi. After getting permission, Eren asks what kind of
experiments he will have to help with. After the rest of the squad leaves the room in a hurry, Hange explains the nature
of their studies of Titans.

Their first experiment was an attempt at communication. Unable to make any headway, they moved on the effect of
light deprivation. One Titan showed an immediate change, while the other was active for three hours before slowing
down. The next experiment was to find out if the Titans experienced any pain. This experiment seemed to affect Hange
more than the Titans. The larger Titan Bean, showed a slight reaction to having its eye gouged out. While the smaller
Titan, Sonny, showed no reaction to having a spear in his heart at all, besides trying to eat Hange mid-experiment.

Before Hange can continue, Eren asks why she can be so cheerful around Titans despite their horrid nature. Hange
explains that she lost many friends to the Titans and used to use her hatred against them, until one day she kicked the
head of a 10m Titan and noticed that it was much lighter than it should have been. She explains that Titans should not
even be capable of bipedal movement, but it becomes possible since their bodies are much lighter than they should be.
She then brings up the fact that all of Eren's Titan bodies materialized out of thin air. She concludes by saying that what
humans can see and the true nature of the Titans' existence are totally different things. Because of this, she chooses to
look at the Titans from a different angle despite the apparent absurdity.
Intrigued, Eren asks for more information, which Hange all too happily gives. Having stayed up all night talking about
their experiments, Hange admits that everything she discussed was probably old news to Eren. She begins to speak of
the strange situation experienced by Ilse Langnar when they are interrupted by a soldier who rushes in and tells them
that the Titans they were using have been killed. They rush outside and find smoldering lumps where the Titans used to
be. Levi says that the Military Police Brigade will take care of the investigation. Commander Erwin suddenly appears
behind Eren and asks him who he thinks the enemy is. Seeing that he is confused, Erwin apologizes for asking such a
strange question and walks away, leaving Eren wondering what he meant.
Chapter 21: Opening the gate
After the deaths of Sonny and Bean, all trainees of the 104th Training Corps have their vertical maneuvering
equipment inspected. Connie, Armin, and Annie discuss the situation and where they plan to enlist.
Later, Eren overhears that no culprit was found among the trainees, and he wonders which of his friends will want to
join the Survey Corps. After a brief discussion between Jean and the others, the trainees are called in for their
introduction to the Survey Corps.

Standing before the trainees, Erwin Smith tells them of the great losses the Survey Corps has faced in recent years as
well as their new advances in knowledge. Erwin gives out the information that the Survey Corps plans to ride
to Shiganshina District to locate the basement of Eren's home, causing Armin to wonder. Erwin makes it clear that those
who join the Survey Corps are likely to die, and that they must be willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of
humanity. Many leave afterward, but those who stay behind are welcomed into the Survey Corps.

One month later in Karanes District, the Survey Corps embarks on the 57th expedition beyond the Walls. The support
team keeps a nearby Titan at bay while the rest ride forth to Shiganshina.

After the killing of Sonny and Bean, six days after the mop-up operation in Trost, all of the trainees are having
their vertical maneuvering equipment inspected and the logs checked. Still recovering from the last attack, members of
the 104th Training Corps discuss what branch of the military they will join. Armin, Connie, and Annie discuss whether or
not they will join the Survey Corps. Connie is frightened at the possibidlity and asks Annie about her opinion on joining
the Military Police Brigade. She tells him that it is his choice to make and not hers. Despite his fears, Armin admits he is
joining the Survey Corps. Annie then asks him what he would do if he was told he would have to die and Armin states
that if the reasons are good, then he will gladly die. Annie thinks he is weak physically, but also admits he is strong at
heart. She states that she is joining the Military Police for a personal reason. Later, Eren hears the news that the
inspection has yielded no results, and he wonders which of his friends will join the Survey Corps. Jean, while making it
clear that he is nothing like Eren, informs the others that he is also joining the Survey Corps.

The trainees are called to an assembly where Commander Erwin is explaining the situation. He tells them that the
Survey Corps is short of personnel. He then brings out Eren and tells them the importance of their new weapon:
Eren's Titan powers. With Eren on stage, he tells the trainees the importance it means to mankind and gives a few
details of the upcoming mission, even going so far as to reveal the importance of the basement of Eren's
home. Reiner and the others are surprised by this information, but Armin begins to suspect the Commander has an
agenda in revealing this information so freely. Upon telling the crowd the survival rate of the next mission and the
Survey Corps in general, 90% dead in the past four years, he dismisses those that do not wish to join. With most of the
people leaving, Jean imagines a possible fate of himself and his friends, while Connie tries to talk himself into becoming
a police officer. Sasha tries to convince herself to leave and join another faction. However, her fear prevents her from
leaving, and she shares the same sentiments as both Jean and Connie in having to face Titans again.

When the crowd clears, there are twenty-one people who are inducted into the Survey Corps. Among them Mikasa,
Connie, Jean, Armin, Reiner, Sasha and most of the top ten of the 104th Training Corps. Jean is disgusted when he
finally realizes that he is now a Scout and not a Military Policeman. Connie does not seem to care anymore, while Sasha
is fearful that she might have to face the Titans again. Krista begins to tremble, which disappoints her
friend. Bertolt takes one last look as he watches Annie leave to join some other branch.

One month later, the Survey Corps is ready to begin their mission to travel to the Shiganshina District. Due to the
closure of the gate in the Trost District, they have to leave from the gate in the Karanes District and travel southward
around the Wall. As they depart, they immediately see a Titan, which is intercepted by the support squad. Commander
Erwin tells them all to keep advancing on their way to Shiganshina.
Chapter 22: Long-distance enemy scouting formation
Embarking on their way to Shiganshina, Eren recalls the moment not long ago when he and his squad went over their
plan for the mission. Shortly after that moment, he reunited with his friends and was informed of Marco's
death. Jean made it clear at that time that everyone was counting on him.

On the expedition, the Survey Corps' procedures go as planned according to what they learned over the previous
month. Sasha is nearly caught by a crawling Titan, while Armin witnesses his team encounter an abnormal Titan. His
teammates Ness and Siss succeed in defeating it before a Female Titan suddenly appears, killing them both. Realizing
that a Titan of such skill and behavior must be a human in a Titan body, Armin rides away in a panic, the Female Titan
following close behind. The Female Titan had come in from the right flank, causing great amounts of destruction.

The Survey Corps, while out on their latest mission, go over their plans and new formation. Commander
Erwin implements a new formation that allows the group to have a full view of their surroundings and significantly
increases the chances of survival. The soldiers are set apart at intervals, allowing them to see in all directions and
widening the detection range. At the sight of a Titan, they are to fire a red smoke signal. When the next set sees the
signal, they fire their own and so on. This will allow Commander Erwin to be alerted in a short amount of time and
adjust accordingly, firing a green smoke signal to indicate the course change. In the event that they come across
an Abnormal Titan, or one manages to break through the line, they fire a black smoke signal.

Before they depart, Eren goes over the plan of the mission with his squad. He later sees Armin and Mikasa. He is excited
to see his friends, especially since he has not been able to be around them since the trial. They greet each other and
Mikasa, worried about him, asks if they have mistreated him. Other members of the 104th Training Corps who joined
the Survey Corps come over to see Eren. Surprised to see so many, he asks if Jean and Marco joined. Jean walks up
behind him and tells him that Marco died in the last attack, much to Eren's dismay. Jean then asks Eren if it is true that
he tried to attack Mikasa the last time he transformed. As Eren does not have any memories of losing control, he can
only go off of the reports of that day.

Jean questions Eren about his knowledge of being a Titan and his turning on his friends. Mikasa sternly asks him what
his point is. Jean states that, like Eren, he wants to know what he is giving his life up for otherwise he might end up
hesitating at a crucial moment. He then makes a request of Eren. He pleads with Eren to remember all of the people
who are putting their lives on the line for him. Eren says he will. Soon after, the troops deploy in their new formation.
Eren asks Oluo if he thinks his friends will win against the Titans. Oluo says that it is not about winning but trying to
avoid them, just before biting his tongue again.

Now in formation and divided into smaller groups, Sasha's group encounters a Titan, sends up a red flare and makes
short work of it. Armin, noticing that no green smoke signals for a course correction have been fired, worries that the
formation is in disarray. Just then, he sees a black smoke signal and sees that an abnormal Titan is making its way
towards the center of the formation. Being at a disadvantage due to the flat lands and not being able to use
their vertical maneuvering equipment, Ness and Siss still manage to take the abnormal down. However, off in the
distance, they notice a Female Titan closing in on them.

The Female Titan is much faster than normal Titans and catches up to Ness and Siss in no time. They attempt to get at
its weak spot, but the Female Titan catches Siss in mid-air and crushes him. It then grabs the grapples from Ness'
vertical maneuvering equipment and slings him into the ground. Armin realizes that it has intelligence like the Colossus
Titan and the Armored Titan. With no one left but him, Armin is in a panic wondering what he should do.

On the right flank of the formation, the Female Titan has caused great amounts of destruction, wiping out all of the
right-flank soldiers in its path while the rest of the formation remains completely unaware of the dangerous situation.
Among the bodies of the Titan victims, a lone soldier calls out for help before being picked up by a hungry Titan.
Chapter 23: The female titan
As the lone survivor of his group, Armin Arlert fears the worst when the Female Titan catches up to him. Having
miraculously survived his encounter, he meets up with Reiner Braun and Jean Kirstein. They discuss their options, and
decide to act as bait in order to buy time for a retreat signal to be issued. In the process, Reiner is seemingly crushed in
the Female Titan's grip, but manages to break free. With survival on his mind, he runs for his life, carrying Armin with
him. Thanks to Reiner the Female Titan is retreating, but not in the direction they had hoped.

Now the last surviving member of his group, Armin is being chased by the Female Titan. She catches up to him in no
time and knocks him off of his horse. Armin, expecting the worst, is surprised when the Titan simply moves the hood of
his cloak to get a look at his face and then walks away, leaving him relatively unharmed.

Both in shock and relief, Armin is unable to move as he wonders what has just happened. After seeing the last smoke
signal, Reiner arrives on the scene and he and Armin ride off after the Female Titan. Reiner believes they are after
an abnormal Titan, but after witnessing the event that just took place, Armin believes otherwise. He believes the
Female Titan is someone very similar to Eren: a human with the ability to transform into a Titan. Getting ready to fire
a smoke signal, Armin is stopped when Jean catches up to them and fires it first.

Soon after, they see a series of smoke signals and discover that the lookouts on their right flank are gone. The Female
Titan gathered many fast moving Titans and led them directly to the formation. Still chasing the Female Titan, Armin
explains the reason he believes it is not an abnormal; it did not kill to eat, it just killed among other signs of intelligence.
He also deduces that the Titan is looking for someone, namely Eren. As they try to figure out where Eren is, they realize
they have all been given different information. Armin thinks about Commander Erwin and wonders if the
misinformation was on purpose. Considering the value of Eren to the Survey Corps, Armin surmises he must be in the
safest place in the formation, around the center. Without having a way to properly communicate the specifics of the
threat, Jean says that they must distract the Titan themselves in order to give the formation enough time to get the
retreat signal out.

Now set on what they must do, they quickly hash out a plan. Armin warns of her intelligence and tells everyone to keep
their hoods on. If the Titan is actually looking for Eren, she will not risking killing someone until she knows if it is him or
not. As the chase goes on, the Titan slows down allowing them to catch up to her. Jean tells them to cut the tendons in
her legs, but do not get reckless. As Armin gets close to her side, she notices him and grabs his horse and flings it into
the air. Armin is sent skidding to the ground, knocking his vertical maneuvering equipment off in the process. Reiner
and Jean look on in horror as the Titan crouches over Armin. Jean comes to Armin's aid and launches himself onto the
Titan. The Female Titan instantly reacts and swings at Jean, narrowly missing him. Jean takes the opportunity to swing
around to the other side and attack the nape of her neck. She reacts again, this time taking measures to protect her
weak spot, surprising Jean. Realizing the vulnerable position he is now in, he prepares himself to be thrown to the
ground. Suddenly, Armin begins to yell that Jean must avenge "that suicidal blockhead," referring to Eren. He yells that
she killed him in her rampage through the formation. Initially, Jean thinks that Armin has finally lost it until he sees that
the Female Titan has stopped moving allowing him a chance to escape. Armin continues his outburst, saying that she
crushed Eren as he saw the body stuck to the bottom of her foot.

Reiner rides up and believes there is an opening to attack. With his vertical maneuvering equipment, he propels himself
towards the Titan's head. Jean thinks the attack just might work, but just as Reiner gets to the side of the Female's
head, she catches him leaving Jean and Armin believing the worst. What at first appears to be the Titan crushing
Reiner's body, turns out to be Reiner using his blades to cut her fingers off, freeing himself. Reiner scrambles down,
scoops up Armin and says that they have distracted her as much as they can - If she is not going to eat them, she is not
going to bother chasing them. The Titan then regenerates its fingers and starts to run in another direction. Reiner
wrongly asserts that she is running away in fear, until Armin sees that the direction she is moving in is toward the
center of the formation.
Chapter 24: The titan forest
Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun and Armin Arlert are recovering from their battle against the Female Titan. They treat their
wounds and look for their horses. Finally Krista Lenz appears with their horses and they start riding while following the

Meanwhile, the Female Titan keeps killing soldiers and advancing towards the center of the formation. Erwin decides to
enter inside the Titan Forest, making the Special Operations Squad enter too and the rest of the soldiers guard outside
the forest. However, Squad Levi gets a horrible surprise when the Female Titan enters at the forest too, following them
at close distance.

Still trying to recover from their encounter with the Female Titan, Jean is trying to call his horse while Reiner tends to
Armin's head wound. Not wanting to stay exposed and vulnerable to attack, Jean worries that someone may have to be
left behind if his horse does not return. Armin, in deep thought, remembers the Titan crouching over him and focuses
on her face. He snaps out of it when Reiner calls out to him.

Reiner comes to the same conclusion as Jean and suggests that someone will have to be left behind. Armin wants to try
one more thing before they do it. He tells them that the formation is still headed in the same direction; if they fire
a signal flare another group could still be close enough by to help them out. After waiting a few minutes with no
response, Armin volunteers himself to stay behind on the condition that the others relay a message to
Commander Erwin personally. Fortunately, before Armin can continue, Krista Lenz, after seeing the signal, arrives with
Jean's horse. She found it after it was frightened away by the Titan. Everyone expresses their gratitude and they are on
their way. Riding along, they see a series of green smoke signals. The formation is not retreating, only changing course.
They wonder if the information about the right flank has reached Commander Erwin. At the moment however, the only
thing they can do is change course with everyone else.

Traveling with the Special Operations Squad, Eren finds it odd that they have not come upon any Titans before realizing
that it is because of his position in the formation. At that thought, he wonders if there have been any victims on the
front lines. A messenger arrives and tells the squad about the chaos in the right flank. Captain Levi orders Petra to relay
the message to the group on their left. Hearing the news, Eren is concerned about Armin. Shortly afterward, they see a
black smoke signal, indicating an Abnormal Titan has broken through the lines.

The Female Titan is making her way towards Eren and taking out anyone who gets in her way. A small group confronts
her in an attempt to finally stop her charge. They launch an attack from all sides, but she jumps into the air, dragging
the soldiers with her. As she lands, she crushes one, kicks another into a building and then swings another around by
his vertical maneuvering equipment until the force breaks his back, folding him in half. She runs the remaining
member down and kicks him through the air before continuing her search.

Word about the right flank is still only halfway through formation. Seeing that they are heading in the wrong direction,
a few groups wonder why there has not been a course correction. In the distance they see the Titan Forest and upon
reaching the entrance of the forest, Commander Erwin tells his subordinates to relay the message that only the central
column will be going through; the flanks will travel around. Now traveling on the path in the forest, Eren states the
obvious about the formation losing its ability to detect Titans early. He also expresses concern about being able to
protect the convoy of carts along. Annoyed, Levi tells him to look around. Being surrounded by the trees lets them use
their vertical maneuvering equipment to its fullest potential. Not wanting to answer any more of Eren's questions, Levi
tells him to think before he speaks. Noticing the worry on the faces of his squad he realizes that they do not know what
is going on either. The group is interrupted by the sound of something behind them. Levi tells his group to get their
weapons ready. Smashing her way through another group of soldiers, the Female Titan enters the forest.
Chapter 25: Bite
Standing by at the edge of the Titan Forest, Jean and Armin discuss the strange orders Commander Erwin has ordered.
Deeper in the forest, the Female Titan catches up to Squad Levi. The squad wishes to attack, but Captain Levi remains
quiet as other soldiers begin to attack the Female Titan, only to be quickly killed. Eren considers turning into a Titan and
fighting, only to be scolded by his squad mates. Levi says that the choice is Eren's to make, and that he should choose
whatever option he will regret the least.

Thinking back to the time before the expedition, Eren recalls when the squad made an attempt to have Eren transform
from the bottom of a well for examination. At the time, Eren is unable to transform for reasons he cannot explain. Later
that day, when Eren reaches out to pick up a dropped teaspoon, a Titan arm is suddenly and violently generated,
causing Squad Levi to panic. Levi stands between Eren and the now hostile soldiers, urging them to remain calm.

Waiting outside of the Titan Forest, Jean questions their new mission of standing guard and making sure
no Titans enter. After vaguely threatening the squad leader in front of Armin, he eventually admits that he is going to
follow the orders he was given. A 5m Titan approaches the edge of the forest, attracted by the soldiers in the trees.
Well out of reach, the soldiers do not attack, opting instead to let the Titans gather at the bottom of the tree.

Inside the forest, the Female Titan finally comes within view of Eren and Squad Levi. Petra tells Captain Levi that they
should switch to vertical maneuvering equipment and he readies his weapon. Before they start their attack, two
soldiers rush in from behind the Titan and attempt to get to the nape of her neck. As they are about to deliver their
blows, the Female Titan crushes one against a tree and then swats the other and tosses him behind her.

Looking back at the scene, members of the squad beg Levi to give the order for them to attack. Levi pulls out a flare
gun and tells them to cover their ears before firing off a sound grenade. He reminds them of their mission: they are
there to protect Eren, leaving him surprised as he thought they were there to protect others from him. With those
words, the squad decides to continue on horseback. Another small group of soldiers comes up behind the Titan. When
another soldier is killed by the Titan, Eren insists that they go back and help the others. They order him to keep riding
forward. Enraged and unable to bear the thought of anyone else losing their life, Eren prepares for transformation.
Upon seeing what he is doing, Petra tries to talk him out of it, but he ignores her and tries to transform anyway until he
hears Levi say he does not blame him. Levi tells him that there is no wrong decision in this situation but he has to decide
if he is going to trust his team and the people risking their lives or himself. One last plea from Petra causes Eren to
second guess transforming.

Thinking back on a time when he was still in the Survey Corps headquarters in the past month, Eren remembers Levi
devising a plan that would allow them to stop him from losing control without killing him. Similar to what Armin did
when Eren lost control, they will cut him out of the Titan body, albeit at the temporary loss of his limbs. Hange creates
an experiment to see if the new plan will work. Eren is put at the bottom of a dry well and will try to induce a
transformation when given a signal. He repeatedly bites his hands, hoping the pain will cause the change. However,
even after seriously injuring his hands nothing happens. Adding to his dilemma, his ability to quickly heal seems absent
as well.

Later that day, everyone is gathered for a meal and Levi tells Eren that their mission to plug the hole in Wall Maria, and
consequently getting to the basement of his old house in the Shiganshina District, will be scrapped. He orders Eren to
do something about it and then walks away, leaving Eren worried about the effects his failure could have on everyone.
He tries to eat his food, but due to his injuries, he drops his teaspoon. As he bends down to grab it, he explosively
generates a muscular Titan arm from his hand, surprising everyone, including Levi. Confused, Eren tries to free his arm
from the Titans torso he has just created when he sees Levi ordering his hostile squad mates to calm down.
Chapter 26: The easy path
In the Titan Forest, Eren sees a memory about the Special Operations Squad. He remembers a time when he
transformed by accident and the members of the squad tried to kill him. However, thanks to Levi, they finally apologize
and trust Eren. Back in the present, this gives Eren the resolve not to transform and fight the Female Titan, but trust in
his comrades instead. This allows the Survey Corps to capture the Female Titan alive and start the process to extract the
human body inside the Titan.

After Eren unexpectedly manifests a partial transformation, Hange and her assistant rush out of the forest to see what
the noise was. Seeing steam from a Titan transformation, Hange jumps around excitedly. Eren finds himself surrounded
by Squad Levi. With all of them making different demands, from explanations to threats of death if he moves, Eren is
unable to get a moment to tell them it was not on purpose. Captain Levi tries to calm his squad down, but Eren, losing
his patience shouts over the crowd and silences up. Just as he is about to clarify the situation, Hange excitedly runs over
to him and asks to touch the Titan arm. Upon touching it, the Titan flesh is extremely hot without skin, causing Hange to
take her hand off quickly after being burned. Eren, seeing that his hand is still stuck inside of the Titan, pulls it loose and
falls to the ground. Hange begins to panic as the Titan arm slowly evaporates, but stops upon noticing the teaspoon
unharmed in the hand's grip. Gradually, Levi is able to contain the situation and his squad lowers their weapons.

Shortly afterward, Eren is upset that the other squad members do not trust him. Levi discloses all of the squad members
records. All of them have very high Titan kill counts, both solo and as a team. He explains that to have survived that
long, they had to make quick, life or death decisions. The possibility that he was a threat was something they had to
react on. Even so, he explains further, that does not mean it was an easy decision for them to make.

Hange calls for both of Eren and Levi to meet her upstairs. She presents the teaspoon that had been found in Eren's
Titan hand. Asking Eren about it, he replies that he was reaching for it when he suddenly transformed. Hange then
makes the connection between all of the times he changed: he had a clear objective of what needed to be done.
Whether it was protecting his friends from the cannon shell or picking up a teaspoon, simply harming himself was not
enough. With this new information, Hange wants to do more experiments but with the mission coming up she does not
have enough time. As Eren leaves the room, he is met by members of Levi's Squad. They ask him about the
transformation earlier that day and, after confirming that it was not on purpose, they all bite their own hands. Shocked,
Eren asks what they are doing. They answer that it is their way of apologizing for their actions. Petra tells Eren that as a
team, they are stronger together, and they need to rely on each other. They will trust him, and they want him to trust
the team.

Now back in the Titan Forest, Eren is still trying to make the decision of whether he will transform and act on his own,
or continue riding and trust his team. Needing to answer quickly, he tells Levi that he will continue going forward with
the team. Immediately after, Eren hears the Female Titan kills another soldier. While he silently asks for the soldier's
forgiveness, the Titan accelerates to full speed and rapidly starts closing the distance. Eren starts to second guess his
decision until he remembers his friends and the support they gave him. He desires to have that kind of trust with his
new team. Directly overhead of Eren, the Female Titan reaches down to grab him. However, she fails to notice that she
is walked into a trap.

Commander Erwin and a number of his veteran soldiers are on both sides of the path, hidden in the trees along
with hundreds of harpoons directed at her from every angle. Erwin gives the order to fire, and she is quickly
incapacitated and unable to move, with only a split second to raise her hands and cover the nape of her neck. Levi tells
his squad to tether their horses up ahead and switch to vertical maneuvering equipment. Having a separate mission
from his team, he leaves Eld Jinn in charge with orders to stay away from the Titan and to hide Eren, then heads
towards Commander Erwin and the trap.

As Levi gets back to the trapped Titan, large spikes are shot through its knees and ankles to make sure it is immobilized.
Commander Erwin congratulates him on a job well done. However, Levi gives credit to the soldiers who sacrificed
themselves to give him the time they needed. Looking down at the ensnared Titan, he mocks her before making it clear
he is about to cut the responsible human at the limbs, and take them out from inside the nape of the Female Titan's
Chapter 27: Erwin Smith
The Survey Corps are waiting outside the Titan Forest while a small group of soldiers capture the Female
Titan within. Jean and Armin have a conversation about the Titans and their commander, Erwin Smith. Eren and
members of Squad Levi have a similar conversation inside. Both groups finally state that people that can change the
world must be able to do horrible things and reject their humanity in order to get a greater good.

Meanwhile, Captain Levi, Mike Zacharias and Hange Zoë are wondering how to extract the human body from the
captured Female Titan. While Erwin plans to blow away her hardened skin with explosives, Levi tells the Titan that he
will make her suffer. In answer, the Titan roars, making nearby Titans come to eat its body. The soldiers tries to stop
them, but the Female Titan is finally eaten alive, heavily surprising Erwin.

Still high in the trees, members of the Survey Corps begin to speculate what the real goal of their mission might actually
be. Armin and Jean watch as a Titan attempts to climb a tree to get closer to them, which leads Armin to believe that
they are capable of learning. However, having full use of their vertical maneuvering equipment, they are not in any
immediate danger.

Jean believes the true purpose of the mission was to lure out the Female Titan and capture it. Armin reveals that he
believes the same thing. He also reasons that Eren's existence suggests that there are others who can assume the form
of a Titan. Further, he believes that the Titans who brought down the Walls could be humans that live in the city, and
that their first priority should be identifying and stopping them. Hearing the sounds from the forest, they gather that
the plan worked and the Titan was trapped. Jean wonders why Commander Erwin used Eren as bait or how he could be
sure the Titans would come after him. Armin theorizes that their most recent attack and attempt at destroying the Wall
was stopped halfway for a reason. He also notes that they met with little resistance when Eren plugged the hole in the
Wall. He believes that their mission changed when they saw that Eren had the ability to transform into a Titan. Jean
then understands Armin's meaning; that someone in the group of people who saw Eren that day, was a spy. Although
understanding the plan, Jean still believes that more people should have been made aware as it could have saved lives.

Deep in the forest, Eren is having a similar conversation with Petra and others in Squad Levi. Eren can not understand
why even Captain Levi's subordinates were not made aware as it makes it seem they are not trusted. Petra and Oluo
Bozado get defensive, with Oluo asking Petra to knock his teeth out. Eld Jinn reasons that the only people who knew
were the survivors from five years ago. Letting that sink in, Petra and Eren remember Commander Erwin asking
them "What do you see? Who do you think the enemy is?" and wonder if that was a sort of screening process for who
would be made aware of the real plan. Oluo tries to boast that he knew the answer, but just did not say. When Petra
calls him out, he only replies that it is because they are not at his level. As they argue, Eren considers the benefits of the
plan if it is successful, but still believes that too many lives were lost to fully justify it.

Back at the forest's edge, Jean and Armin watch the Titan repeatedly climb and fall in its attempt to reach them. Still in
no immediate danger, they continue their discussion with Jean unknowingly taking the same position as Eren. To
support his view, he reminds Armin of the death of his squad leader, Ness, believing that he could have been saved if he
had known all the details. Armin disagrees, saying that it is easy to make decisions in hindsight but no one can know the
consequences beforehand. As an example of these blind spots, Armin asks Jean questions that the military has no
answers for yet. Armin believes the Commander thought of every possible course of action and in the end had to
choose between the lives of one hundred of his men or the lives of everyone living behind the Walls. In the forest, Jinn
echoes Armin's thoughts and both of them emphasize that changing the world will require sacrifices. Men such as Dot
Pixis, Ian Dietrich, and Darius Zackly come to Armin's mind. Armin concludes that those who will not throw anything
away will never change anything.
With the Female Titan trapped and completely immobilized, Hange fires a few more spikes into the Titan's joints just to
be on the safe side. Levi and Mike Zacharias swoop in and attempt to cut through the Titan's hands and into the back of
her neck. However, their blades break against her skin. Seeing this, Commander Erwin likens it to the Armored
Titan that he was told about. He also notices that she can not maintain it like the Armored Titan can. He wonders if the
skin would eventually wear down from repeated sword attacks, but not having the time for that he calls for a soldier to
plant enough explosives to take the hands off at the wrist. Standing on the Titan's head, Levi begins taunting her and
revealing the pleasure he is taking in this after she killed his men. He then asks her if she can survive without hands or
feet. Clarifying that he means her real hands and feet, he implies the process of cutting her out of the Titan's neck.

Upon hearing this, the Female Titan lets out a loud scream. The scream is heard at the edge of the forest and catches
both the attention of the soldiers and the Titans. The Titans begin to ignore the soldiers and start heading toward the
sound. A few soldiers attempt to stop them, but they do not seem interested in the potential meals at all and run past
them. Erwin wonders if this was an emotional outburst or if she is up to something and soon gets the answer when
Mike reports that there are Titans headed in their direction. When Mikasa attempts to head after them, Sasha cautions
her to be more careful than usual, saying that the sound they heard was that of a cornered animal that has lost all hope.
Commander Erwin orders the soldiers to intercept the Titans before they reach the Female Titan. Again, the Titans
completely ignore them and head for her. As two close in, Levi quickly kills them. Despite their best efforts, they get
through and start to eat the Female Titan. When Erwin sees her head ripped off, he orders his soldiers to withdraw.
Erwin looks on hopelessly, and is in awe of the fact that she would kill herself rather than let them get the information
they are after.
Chapter 28: Choices and consequences
Despite the Survey Corps best efforts, The Female Titan ends up being eaten by various Titans, but Erwin believes that
the human body may have escaped in the steam with vertical maneuvering equipment and orders Levi to prepare for
battle. Elsewhere, Levi's Squad have trivial conversations as they escape as per their orders. They see an unknown
soldier that quickly kills Gunther and then, much to their horror, transforms into the Female Titan. While Eren is told to
run away, Oluo, Eld and Petra fight but they are eventually overpowered and killed by the Female Titan before Eren's
very eyes. Feeling responsible for the deaths of his comrades, Eren transforms and blindly begins a fight against the
Female Titan.

As Erwin watches the Female Titan get devoured, he starts to order his soldiers to retreat to Karanes District. However,
seeing the vapor rise from the body, he is reminded of Hange's theory. They believed it was possible for the human
in Titan form to safely escape in the cloud of smoke created from the remains of the body. Remembering this, he
tells Levi to refill his gas tanks. Although not understanding the reason, Levi obeys the order while the remaining
soldiers continue the retreat.

Further in the Titan Forest, Squad Levi is relieved to see the signal, believing the mission to be a success. Eld Jinn, still in
charge, orders everyone to return to their horses. Petra thanks Eren for trusting them, attributing the success to his
choice. Oluo questions his involvement, saying that all he did was panic and manage to stay alive. Annoyed at the
bickering, Eld calls him and Petra out reminding them that they wet their pants on their first mission. Embarrassed,
Petra fears that knowing that will cause Eren to lose respect for her. Eld and Gunther clarify that they never wet their
pants, but tell them to save their discussion for later.

Hange asks Commander Erwin why he ordered Levi to refill instead of retreating with the rest. Erwin presents his
concern at the possibility of the person in the Female Titan's body escaping. Even though it was their theory, Hange
appears skeptical after seeing the limit of Eren's ability and his physical state after emerging from his Titan form. Erwin
reminds her that just because Eren is a beginner does not mean their target is. The Female Titan displayed skills they
never thought to anticipate, causing their mission to fail. So, they must adapt their strategy quickly if they hope to
outsmart her. He speculates that if the person was wearing vertical maneuvering equipment before they transformed,
they would be able to escape unnoticed while the smoke screen was up, making it easy for them to blend in with the
rest of the Survey Corps.

As Levi's Squad contniues through the forest, they see someone quickly moving through the trees. Initially believing it
to be Levi, they move closer. Gunther realizes it is not him as he closes in. Suddenly, the stranger attacks and Gunther is
killed in the same fashion as a Titan with a swift cut to the nape. Eren, in disbelief, is grabbed by Oluo as Eld gives the
order to protect him. Petra, in a rage, challenges the attacker who is now hidden among the trees. As Commander
Erwin continues to contemplate the Female Titan, he worries that it may go back into its Titan form. Without warning,
Eren and Levi's Squad hear an explosion behind them; the stranger has taken on a Titan form again and is chasing them
once again. Eren gets ready to transform as well, when Eld stops him. He orders him to head toward the Commander as
fast as he can, while they take care of the Titan. At first, he resists, wanting to fight, but when they ask that he trust
them he wishes them luck and heads out.

After dodging her first series of attacks, Petra and Oluo blind her by taking out her eyes. Now at a disadvantage, the
Titan covers the back of her neck and puts her back against a tree, waiting for her eyes to regenerate. Without saying a
word to each other, Eld gives a signal and the team cuts the rotator muscles in her shoulders, causing her arms to fall.
Eren, watching from a distance, admires their teamwork noting that it must come from the trust they have in each
other. However, he thinks back to Levi telling him that whether he chooses to rely on his own strength or to rely on
comrades, he never knows what the outcome will be. He glances back at his team again and sees Eld moving in to cut
the muscles in her neck in hopes of exposing her weak spot.
Just as he gets close enough to attack, the Titan reveals that she has regenerated just one of her eyes. Too late to stop
himself, she catches him in her mouth and bites him in half, then spits out his upper half. Petra, Oluo and Eren watch in
horror as Eld's body falls to the ground. Petra at first does not understand how it happened and then gathers that she
concentrated her healing ability on just one of her eyes, allowing it regenerate faster. The Titan charges after Petra and
Oluo warns her to move to a higher position. Petra, too shocked and terrified to move, watches as the Titan leaps
through the air and crushes her between her foot and a tree. Oluo, who is now behind her, tries to attack the nape of
her neck. Although he manages a direct hit, the Titan hardens her skin at the moment of impact, breaking his blades.
Before Oluo can even figure out why his blades shattered, the Titan turns and delivers a massive kick to Oluo in midair,
breaking his back and ribs and crushing him. Eren, stricken with the horror of his friends' deaths, regrets his decision to
not transform, and vows to slay her. Biting into his hand, he shifts mid-air and lands on the Female Titan ready to attack
Chapter 29: Crushing blow
Eren, transformed in a Titan, pushes the Female Titan on the floor and punches her, breaking his arms. Eren blames
himself for the death of his comrades and roars, making both Levi and Mikasa head in the direction of the roar. The
Female Titan manages to escape and the fight begins. The combat is matched, even when the Female Titan uses its
hardening powers to attack Eren. However at some point Eren stops fighting for unknown reasons, which allows the
Female Titan to defeat him with a critical strike. The Female Titan then picks up Eren's true body before Mikasa's eyes,
leaving her in despair.

After witnessing his teammates in Levi's Squad die at the hands of the Female Titan, Eren assumes his Titan form and
goes on the attack. Landing directly on top of her, Eren pins her to the ground and attempts to deliver a massive blow
to her face. The effort works against him when she quickly moves her head causing Eren to break his arm from the
impact. Unaffected, he draws back with his other arm to strike her, only for it to happen again, this time breaking his
hand. Staring down at her, he starts to blame himself for the deaths of his friends and the other soldiers. However,
even after thinking things would have been different if he had changed earlier, he ultimately blames her. Full of anger
at this realization, Eren gets close to her face and lets out a roar that is heard throughout the Titan Forest. Each in a
different area, both Levi and Mikasa know immediately that it is Eren and head in the direction of the sound.

Seizing the opportunity, the Female Titan breaks free from the mount and kicks him in the stoamch, sending him
crashing into a tree. Instantly recovering, Eren gets to his feet and directs an uppercut at her head, barely missing her.
Without any wasted movement, he uses the momentum to draw back for a left hook. She throws herself out of the
way, while the force sends Eren tumbling in the opposite direction. Eren regains his footing first and is on top of the
Female Titan before she realizes that she is hardly on her feet before Eren starts throwing a series of punches. She
manages to dodge the flurry and regains her stance while Eren lunges at her aiming for a straight cross. Receiving the
chance to counter, she hardens her fist and punches his jaw with enough force to tear it off. Undeterred, Eren skids his
teeth along her arm and uses the opening to deliver an uppercut to her stomach, hurling her into the air, then crashing
into a tree some distance away. As she sits there recovering, Eren lunges toward her with a flying knee. Barely making it
out of the way in time, Eren ends up hitting the tree instead.

They both stare at each other for a brief second and Eren notices something before a critical strike sends his head
hurling off at the base of the skull, splitting the tree behind it. Eren's Titan body slumps over helplessly at the tree as
the Female Titan walks over. Opening her mouth wide by tearing her cheek muscles, she bites Eren at the nape of the
neck, tearing open the skin and revealing Eren's human body. Mikasa arrives just as the Female Titan is about to take
him into her mouth. Seeing this, she calls out to him but to no avail. She gets up, wipes her mouth and walks away,
leaving Mikasa in despair.
Chapter 30: Losers
Captain Levi is heading to the location of Eren after hearing him roar from the distance, assuming he had turned into a
Titan. While traveling, Levi passes by the bodies of his fallen squad. After seeing the Female Titan rip Eren out of
his Titan's neck, Mikasa becomes enraged and attacks it, trying to free Eren. Levi appears and grabs Mikasa, telling her
to fall back. The two devise a plan and Mikasa distract the Female Titan while Levi prepares to attack it. When it tries to
swing at Levi he takes the opportunity to attack it. During his attack, Mikasa attempts to kill the Titan and it raises its
hand to hit her. However, Levi is able to intercept the hand but in doing so injures his ankle. Levi then uses this chance
to cut the Titan's mouth open and retrieve Eren, followed by the group retreating. During their return Eren awakes only
to hear that the mission had failed. When they return to the city they are hazed for doing a poor job. Petra's
father briefly speaks with Levi, much to his agony. It is later decided that Eren was to be handed over.

Captain Levi, on his way to find Eren, sees the mangled bodies of his squad. He takes a moment to visit Petra's corpse
and stares at her solemnly before carrying on.

After witnessing the Female Titan tear Eren from his Titan body and take him in her mouth, Mikasa has been chasing
her to exhaustion and attempting to attack her along the way. When the Titan collapses, Mikasa seizes the opportunity
and goes for her weak spot. However, she again hardens her skin, breaking Mikasa's blades. Determined to save Eren,
Mikasa reloads her sword and prepares for combat again. The Female Titan launches an unsuccessful attack and goes
on the retreat again. Mikasa attempts to pursue her, only to be caught mid-air by Levi who orders her to fall back. His
plan is to trail her from a distance for the time being.

Levi asks Mikasa about Eren. She insists that he is still alive, as the Female Titan could have simply crushed him but
instead extracted his body. With this information, she believes that her mission was to kidnap Eren instead. Levi makes
another comment considering Eren to be dead, which draws a dirty look from Mikasa. Angry from the whole ordeal,
Mikasa blames Levi for Eren's kidnapping. Seeing the closeness between the two, Levi says that they will have to forget
about taking the Titan down and instead put all of their effort into rescuing Eren. Initially wanting revenge for Levi's
fallen squad, she agrees that they must save him before the Titan leaves the forest. Levi devises a plan; he will focus on
cutting her up and Mikasa will draw her attention.

With everything planned, Mikasa charges out to distract the Titan and Levi quickly moves in from behind. The Titan
does not fall for it and turns to attack Levi. He dodges the strike and with astounding speed, slices her up nearly the
entire length of her arm. He then runs up her shoulder and stabs her in both of her eyes. With her briefly blinded, Levi
continues his assault, slicing through the muscles in her legs causing her to fall to the ground. Mikasa watches in
amazement at his speed, noting that the Titan does not even have time to harden her skin to defend against it.

Believing she has an opening, she moves in to attack the nape of her neck. Noticing what she is doing, Levi calls out for
her to stop. Either not hearing or not caring, Mikasa continues on course, too late in noticing the left hand of the Titan
moving toward her. Immediately, Levi is there to throw Mikasa out of the way and stop the left hand by kicking it,
injuring his ankle in the process. Mikasa looks up at him in amazement but also worry for his injury. In almost the same
instant, he takes advantage of the Titan's helpless state and cuts through both of her cheeks and the muscles in her jaw.
Unable to keep him hidden any longer, her mouth falls open and Eren starts to slide out. Levi swoops in and grabs him.
Carrying Eren's unconscious body, he orders Mikasa to withdraw. Noticing the worry on her face, he ensures her that
Eren is alive. As they head back to the other soldiers, Levi takes a look back and sees what appear to be tears in the
Female Titan's eyes.
Regaining consciousness, Eren finds himself in the back of a cart on his way back to the Walls of the city. Still reeling
from everything that happened, he sees Mikasa and asks what happened. After she delivers the upsetting news that the
mission was a failure, they reach Karanes District. With the soldiers visibly broken and mournful, the city is surprised to
have them back so soon, with many mocking and complaining that their taxes are wasted on the Survey Corps. Spotting
a young boy and girl on a ladder to see the soldiers, Mikasa and Eren are upset as memories of their childhood
surface. Petra's father, unaware of the news, spots Levi. He thanks him for taking care of his daughter and talks about
his future hopes for her. Other people in the crowd begin to yell at Commander Erwin, bringing up the soldiers that
were lost and making sarcastic remarks about his plans to recover Wall Maria. Eren begins to weep in the back of the
cart. Due to the massive failure, the Survey Corps loses supporters. Commander Erwin is summoned to the capital and
held accountable, while Eren is handed over to the Military Police Brigade.
Chapter 31: Grin
Annie awakes in her room within the Stohess District. While the citizens grow nervous due to the oncoming arrival
of Eren, Annie and the other Military Police recruits are given the mission to protect Eren and the Survey Corps as they
pass through town. Marlowe, a young soldier, is put in charge of the mission's details because his superior
officer singled him out for asking a question. He then gets angry, saying that the Military Police is full of lazy scum.
Some other soldiers then begin to make fun of him, but Annie defends him by saying that he is indeed a righteous
person. When the operation begins, Annie is found by Armin who asks her to help Eren escape. She initially refuses but
then accepts when she is told that he would be killed. She then travels with Armin, Eren, and Mikasa and they tell her
to enter into a tunnel, but she refuses. After much debate, the three reveal that they know her identity as the Female
Titan and she gives a disturbing grin, saying that though they may have won their bet, hers begins now.

In Stohess District, Annie Leonhart awakens after having overslept. Elsewhere, few citizens have a conversation about
the previous day's events. They get news that Eren will be passing through the town later in the day to be handed over
to the Military Police Brigade. Another worries that officials will use him to influence the King, while another still wants
them to seal up the Wall regardless. Upon hearing this, a fanatic member of the Wall worshiping religion accosts him,
saying that to seal the Wall would be blasphemy.

Annie meets the other members of the police force who are already at attention and ready for the day's
instructions. Hitch and Marlowe give her a hard time for being late, before another reminds them that she was present
for the attack in the Trost District, suggesting that she is still recovering. Moments later, a senior officer walks in and
gives them their orders for the day. Annie's interest is piqued when she hears that they will be escorting members of
the Survey Corps on their way to the capital. Marlowe questions the need for an escort. Not wanting to be bothered
with the responsibility, the officer leaves Marlowe in charge with a warning to not mess it up.

Outside, Marlowe complains about the attitude of the senior officers. He states that he wants to advance in the Military
Police Brigade, so that he can change it from the inside. After some jokes and insults from the other soldiers, Annie
speaks up. Hearing his speech, she is reminded of Eren and commends his courage for going against the majority and
says that it is rare. She also tells him that most of the trainees are what he would consider scum and trash as they
would put their own personal gain above others, even placing herself in that category, but that they are what is normal.
Her speech causes Marlowe to rethink how to change things.

As Annie walks through the town, she stops as Armin quietly calls out to her, hidden in an alley. Seeing that she is
officially in the police force now, Armin asks her for a favor. He wants her to help in his plan to get Eren out of the city.
At first, she refuses, thinking the plan is not well thought out. Armin pleads with her, saying that Eren will be killed if
she does not help. She asks Armin if she really seems like a good person to him, to which Armin responds that such a
claim would be subjective, but that if she did not help then she would become a bad person to him. After taking a
moment to think the offer over, Annie finally agrees, slipping a small silver ring on her finger out of Armin's sight.

Wearing heavy raincoats with hoods, Mikasa, Eren, and Armin make their way through the city, escorted by Annie. The
trip goes smoothly thanks largely to the Military Police's lack of attention to detail. However, they still have to hurry
before the cart reaches the capital and they find out that Jean has taken Eren's place as a decoy. Curious, Annie asks
Armin how they would have escaped had she not agreed to help. Armin reveals the reckless plan of using vertical
maneuvering equipment. Reaching an abandoned tunnel leading to the Underground, they start down the stairs but
Annie does not follow. Eren turns to ask what is wrong. She gives an unconvincing argument that she is just a scared,
frail maiden and that he would not understand. Eren, recalling her aptitude in hand-to-hand combat remarks that she
can not be that frail and insists that she come down. Still refusing, she says that if they go underground, her escort stops
there. Angry, Eren yells for her to stop messing around while Mikasa tries to quiet him. Annie, becoming suspicious,
says that his yelling does not matter, as they have not seen a single person on the streets since they got to the tunnel.
Out of her sight, members of the Survey Corps, some in civilian disguises, are hidden on rooftops and in the shadows of
the nearby buildings.
Her suspicion coming to a head, she feigns insult at the realization of Armin's real plan. Armin questions her about the
equipment she was using, confessing that he knows it was Marco's. He also tells Annie that he knows she was the one
who killed the Titans, Sonny and Bean, being used for research by the Survey Corps. She asks why he never said
anything until now. Armin explains that he did not want it to be true; he was hoping that his train of thought had
messed up somewhere. Armin also acknowledges that he knows she is the Female Titan and in turn, asks why she had
not killed him in the field the day of the mission. Eren, offering redemption, says that all she has to do is come with
them now. Fed up with Annie's games and realizing that the conversation is going nowhere, Mikasa takes off her
raincoat and readies her weapons. She calls her out as the Female Titan that attacked them earlier and will not let her
escape. With the secret out, Annie gives a big grin and prepares to take on her Titan form. While Eren and Armin are
shocked, Mikasa takes her stance, prepared to fight Annie. Annie prepares to bite her finger, letting them know that her
bet begins now.
Chapter 32: Mercy
After Annie reveals her true identity, Armin fires a signal for hidden soldiers to immobilize her. However, she manages
to wound herself with her ring and trigger a transformation, killing those restraining her. Eren, Mikasa and Armin are
then trapped under the tunnel where they planned to lead and capture her, fearing that Annie will crush them if they
go outside. After a little debate, Eren attempts to transform but is unable to once again. He remembers the details of
Armin, Erwin and other soldiers creating this plan and theorizing that Annie was the Female Titan. However, Mikasa
tells him that he must not hesitate and to remember what she has done. Because Eren is still unable to transform,
Mikasa and Armin split up and exit the tunnel from both entrances, even though Eren pleaded for them to reconsider.
Eren then realizes just how cruel the world is and is able to pull himself together. He then transforms into his Titan and
lands a strike on the Female Titan right away.

With Annie's secret out, Armin fires off a signal flare to tell the hiding surrounding soldiers to restrain her. They manage
to grab her but fail to restrain her properly before she flicks her ring, revealing a spike and then allows her to slash her
thumb and transform. Mikasa, noticing the ring, grabs Armin and Eren and pulls them to safety down the stairs. As they
round the corner, Annie explodes into her Titan form and sends the mangled bodies of her would-be captors flying
down the stairs.

Reacting quickly, Mikasa pulls her friends further into the tunnel as the Titan arm of Annie reaches in trying to grab
them. Starting to second guess his plan, Armin begins to lose confidence. Mikasa reminds him of the situation and gets
him to focus on what they should do next. Agreeing, Armin tells them to follow through with plan B and to meet the
next group in the tunnel to get it underway. As they approach the Team 3, they barely manage to give the order when
Annie stomps through the street above and into the tunnel, crushing Team 3 underfoot. Armin, seeing the risk Annie
took with collapsing the tunnel, realizes her desperation to capture Eren. They then realized that they are trapped. If
they move forward, Annie will see them through the hole she created and if they stay still, she could stomp down again
and kill them. With no other choice, Eren decides to transform to protect them as he did when blocking
the cannon shell. He grabs his hand and bites down, but nothing happens. Armin tells him to focus on his goal, but it is
no use. Mikasa wonders if Eren doubts that it is actually Annie and reminds him of all of their comrades that she killed.

Eren thinks back to a couple of days earlier in the aftermath of the failed expedition. He and Levi sit at a table together
and after a light conversation, Eren apologizes again for the decision he made. Levi tells him that there was no way they
could have predicted that outcome. Soon after, Commander Erwin walks in with Mikasa, Armin and few other soldiers.
He tells the two that they know who the Female Titan is and states their plan to capture her. In order to draw her out,
they will hand Eren over. Though the plan is risky, it is the only move they have left. Erwin tells Eren that it was Armin
who discovered her identity. She was the one who killed the Titans used for research, and she is a member of the 104th
Training Corps. The information triggers a memory of fighting her in the Titan Forest and then of hand-to-hand combat
training with Annie. He remembers that at that time, she had used her signature kick to land the critical blow that
defeated him.

Shocked, Eren cannot believe that Armin would accuse Annie. Armin solemnly gives his reasons: she knew what Eren's
face looked like, as she was actively looking at people's faces before she killed them, and she reacted to his nickname of
"Suicidal Blockhead" a name no one outside of their class would know. He further states that, when everyone's vertical
maneuvering equipment was inspected after the Titan specimens were killed, Annie turned in Marco's equipment
instead of her own. Levi, seemingly unconvinced, asks for more proof. Mikasa says that their faces look similar, causing
Eren to question the decision even more. In the end, Armin says that if they do not act on this information, Eren will just
become a sacrifice for the capital. Still in disbelief, Mikasa tells Eren to think back to his fight with her and to note the
similarities causing Eren to finally concede.
Still trapped in the tunnel, Armin comes up with a plan. He and Mikasa will both leave the tunnel at the same time and
head in different directions. This will cause Annie to have to choose one or the other and give Eren and the other
survivor their chance to escape. When Eren asks how they can go through with this, Mikasa replies, "What else can we
do? The world is a cruel place,". Eren, worried for his friends as they get in position, agrees with her. Now having the
motivation he needs, he bites down on his hand and bursts through the tunnel to the surface. Catching Annie by
surprise, he delivers an uppercut that sends her flying through the air.
Chapter 33: Wall
The people of Stohess District watch as a new steam explosion appears in the city, caused by Eren's transformation.
Eren starts fighting for the second time against Annie, who starts running while Eren and other soldiers follow her. The
battle takes place inside the city, where buildings are destroyed and many soldiers and civilians die. After Annie is able
to subdue Eren, she tries to escape by climbing the Wall. However, she is stopped by Mikasa who cuts off her fingers.
While the soldiers try to take Annie out, she recalls a memory of her father. Once she has the chance, she crystallizes
herself so she cannot be interrogated. Moments later, Mikasa freezes in place on the Wall after seeing a Titan within
the structure.

The vapor rising from Annie and Eren's transformation gets noticed by Commander Erwin and Commander Nile. At first,
Nile sends only Marlowe and Hitch with a few others to investigate, until Commander Erwin tells him to dispatch all
available troops and to act under the assumption that Titans have made an appearance. Given their location at Wall
Sheena, Nile is initially confused. However, he quickly begins to suspect that Erwin knows something.

Closer to the action, a small congregation of Wall worshipers are praying to the Walls. Suddenly, Annie crashes through
the ceiling, killing most of the building's occupants. Amidst the rubble, Minister Nick gets up and is in disbelief at the
sight of a Titan. Trying to escape, Annie makes a run for the Wall hoping to scale it, with Survey Corps behind her in
pursuit. As a small group of Scouts closes in, she desperately swats at them, knocking over a bell tower and sending
debris flying toward them. While she is distracted by the group behind her, Mikasa swoops in and slashes at her face.

Believing she is responsible for Levi's injury, she makes it her personal mission to take down Annie before she gets
away. She barely finishes the thought before she notices the clearing of flat land in Annie's escape route. Not wanting
to leave themselves vulnerable they consider going around, but fear that they will not be able to catch up to her if they
do. Fortunately, Eren shows up to fight Annie hand-to-hand, leaving Hange relieved to see that he is in control this time.
As Eren gets closer, Armin worries that Annie might make a last attempt at capturing him.

Noticing Eren, she quickly turns and readies herself. Eren thinks back to when they were trainees and notes that it was
the only time she looked like she enjoyed herself. He then wonders what her reasons were for turning on everyone. He
lunges at her, attempting a strong right cross, but Annie quickly counters with a low kick that cuts his leg off below the
knee. Without missing a beat, Eren jumps up with his remaining leg and puts all of his weight into a blow to her head.
The force drives her back, but she recovers and kicks Eren in the face, crushing the back of his head against a building.
She is surprised to see that Eren has clamped down on her leg with his teeth, trapping her there.

The soldiers see their chance and move in, while she desperately beats on his head trying to get away. The soldiers get
close, but she manages to get free and runs to the Wall. She unexpectedly hardens her fingertips into sharp points and
begins to climb the Wall, to the astonishment of the soldiers. Armin realizes that catching up to her by using vertical
maneuvering equipment would be impossible, and instructs Titan Eren to throw Mikasa upward, towards Annie. She
reaches Annie just in time, and slices off her fingers. She looks almost terrified as Mikasa does the same to her other
hand causing her to fall.

Plummeting to the ground, she remembers her father from her youth in her hometown. He says to her that he will not
ask for her forgiveness after everything that has happened. Instead, he requests that she should always remember that,
even if she makes the whole world her enemy, her father will always be on her side. When she lands, Eren moves over
to her body, along with the group of soldiers and removes her head. Nearly in her captors' hands, she finishes the
conversation from long ago. He asks that in return, she would promise that she will someday come home. Pulling her
out of the Titan's body, she has tears in her eyes and in one last act, she erupts in an explosion of light.

When the light fades, they find that Annie is now encased in crystal. Above the scene, Mikasa notices that the Wall is
crumbling from the damage Annie caused trying to climb over it. When the pieces start to fall, she is stunned to see the
head of a Titan inside of the Wall.
Chapter 34: Soldiers dance
Eren is pulled from his Titan body by Armin while Mikasa clings to the Wall, staring at a Titan within. Hange looks at it in
astonishment and then notices Minister Nick as he states to not let the sun hit the Titan.
Elsewhere, Marlowe and Hitch question the higher-ups and they give them no answers. After covering the Titan, Nick
does not give answers and Hange holds him over the edge. He tells her to let him fall and Hange, after a lengthy speech,
throws him back onto the Wall. Later, Jean, Armin, and Mikasa are with Eren while he rests. Armin theorizes that the
Walls were made using the Titans' hardening ability, Armin and Jean then leave for a meeting. Erwin is questioned by
higher-ups and states that he wants to find all the Titan spies living within the Walls. Thomas, a Survey Corps soldier,
then barges in and informs them of dire news involving Wall Rose. Earlier, Connie, Sasha, Bertolt, Reiner, Krista, and her
friend were left without equipment and stationed in the southern part of Wall Rose. Mike Zacharias smells Titans
invading and orders Thomas to report this to the Commanders.

Armin recovers Eren from his Titan body and Eren wonders what had become of Annie. Keiji tries to break open Annie's
crystal covering, when Hange orders him to stop the attempts. She asks them to tie up the crystal and move it to some
place underground where it will be easier to restrain Annie. While the soldiers were preoccupied with tying Annie up,
Hange notices Mikasa clinging to the Wall and staring into the breach on the Wall. The Titan, inside the Wall, moved its
eyelid, turning its gaze to Mikasa. Hange wonders whether the inside of the Walls were packed full of Titans,
when Minister Nick appears and urges the soldiers to cover the Titan before any daylight can shine upon
it. Marlowe and his group wonder about the two Titans and are dismissed by a superior officer for being just recruits. As
they leave, Hitch wonders where Annie has gone off to.

After covering the hole, Hange questions the Minister about the Titan inside the Wall and he apathetically denies giving
answers. Pushed to her breaking point, Hange grabs Nick by the collar and holds him over the edge of the Wall. She
questions him about the church's shady requests in the past, suggesting that they know more of the Walls than one
would expect. She reminds Nick of the purpose of the Survey Corps and all they sacrificed to get answers that
the Church of the Walls must have known about all this time, but could afford to keep quiet. Nick challenges her to let
him fall, saying that no matter the threat his church will not talk. After a moment, she throws Nick back onto the floor
of the Wall, lightly commenting that she was only joking. As her assistant comes to her side, she muses on how she has
not felt such terror since her first time outside the Walls.

The next day, Jean, Armin, and Mikasa are in a room where Eren is resting. They discuss Annie's Titan ability, the Titans
in the Wall and how the Wall was built in the first place, until a soldier requests for Armin's presence in a meeting
above. In the meeting, Commander Erwin states that currently they could not get any information out of Annie and
apologizes for the loss faced by Stohess District. He requests the higher authorities to allow them to track the other
spies down, stating that it is now their mission to find each and every enemy inside their Walls.
Suddenly, Thomas barges in bringing dire news about Wall Rose.

Twelve hours earlier, Connie, Sasha, Bertolt, Reiner, Krista, her friend, and other recruits were stripped of their
equipment and stationed in a location in the southern part of Wall Rose, close to Connie and Sasha's villages. Connie
and Sasha consider sneaking out to go see their towns while Reiner wonders worriedly at their situation, offering to
help Connie and Sasha if it comes to it. They discuss what could be happening when Sasha hears rumbles that sound
like heavy footsteps. Mike Zacharias senses a vast number of Titans that were invading from the south and orders
Thomas to report to the Commanders currently within Wall Sheena that Wall Rose has been breached. Not far away,
many Titans walk the countryside, led by a bestial figure in the distance.
Chapter 35: The beast titan
As the 104th Training Corps hear heavy oncoming footsteps, they are alerted by Nanaba that Titans are coming. They
then begin preparing to head out in search of a breach in Wall Rose. Mike Zacharias smells nine soon to come Titans
and warns Nanaba. Nanaba laments over the Survey Corps' apparent failure, but Mike offers her some hope. When
everyone sets out, the Titans begin to chase them and Mike volunteers to distract them while the other soldiers escape.
Later, Mike is seen on a rooftop. He has taken out five of the nine Titans and he decides it is time to retreat as he has
bought enough time. He worries about a strange beast-like Titan covered in fur that appears to be an Abnormal. Mike is
happy to see his horse return but is shocked when the Beast Titan picks it up and throws it at him. Mike falls off the
roof and is caught in a small Titan's mouth until the Beast Titan crushes its head and frees him. It then begins to speak
to him, asking about his vertical maneuvering equipment. When Mike is too terrified to respond, the Beast Titan takes
it off his hips and leaves, telling the other Titans that they may do what they want with Mike. Unable to maneuver
away, Mike is devoured by several Titans at once and dies.

Sasha becomes agitated after hearing multiple heavy footsteps from afar as Nanaba appears and informs
the recruits that a vast number of Titans are approaching from the south. She orders them to get onto horses and
evacuate the neighboring villages. On the roof, Mike senses nine Titans in the immediate vicinity. Fearing the breach of
Wall Rose to be the worst imaginable scenario, Nanaba becomes tense and assumes that the human race has lost. Mike
disagrees, believing that the human race will lose the moment when they stop fighting.

After everyone mounts their horses, Mike orders the group to split into four squads, each to go in a different direction
and spread the word about the Titan breach. Sasha joins the North Team, while Connie, Reiner, Bertolt, Krista, and her
friend join the South Team. A group of Titans spots the soldiers and begin running towards them. Mike confronts them
to buy everyone else more time, leaving command of the South Team to Gelgar. Gelgar assures the others that Mike
will be fine, him being the second-strongest soldier in the Survey Corps next to Captain Levi.

Some time later, Mike has killed five of the nine Titans. After calling for his horse, he notices a strange, 17m fur-covered
Titan in the distance, which he assumes to be an Abnormal. Mike's horse returns, but is suddenly grabbed by the Beast
Titan, which throws it at Mike. Mike dodges the attack but falls from his perch and is caught by another Titan, which
immediately starts eating him. The Beast Titan instructs the other Titan to wait, but it does not listen, prompting the
Beast Titan to crush it, to Mike's surprise.

The Beast Titan addresses Mike with human speech, asking questions about his vertical maneuvering equipment. Mike
is too shocked to answer, and the Beast Titan concludes that the humans' use of swords means they know that they are
in the neck. Receiving no answer from Mike, the Beast Titan strips Mike of his vertical equipment. As Mike remembers
his words to Nanaba earlier that morning, he attempts to get up to fight while the Beast Titan absentmindedly tells the
other Titans that they can move now. Mike calls out as the Titans grab him, and he screams in agony as they devour him
from all sides. The Beast Titan seems unsurprised that Mike could indeed talk. He inspects Mike's equipment with
amusement as the Titans continue to devour him.
Chapter 36: I'm home
Titans have been found in the southern part of Wall Rose and four messengers are sent to the major Wall towns. Dot
Pixis is notified of the attack and the north squad is shown approaching Sasha's village. Sasha remembers a time when
her father tried to take away some meat she was eating and told her that the forest was getting smaller and that they
may have to change their hunting ways soon, much to Sasha's dismay. While riding towards her village, Sasha sees Titan
tracks. In a new village, she finds a small Titan eating a woman's leg and when she is unable to kill it, due to lack of
weaponry, she takes the woman's child and escapes with her. When her horse runs away and the child does not take
her advice to run, she remembers a time Krista's friend Ymir criticized her way of talking and then urges the child to go
on ahead, speaking as she did those years ago. She shoots arrows at the Titan, one landing in its eye and she then stabs
her last arrow in its other eye. The Titan wraps its arms around her but she is able to slip away as the Titan is covered in
blood. Sasha runs to escape and then runs into her father and village members who have the girl and then give her a
horse to ride.

After Titans are discovered in the southern regions, four messengers are immediately dispatched to the districts
of Ehrmich, Yarckel, Krolva, and Trost. In Ehrmich District, Thomas warns the townsfolk of the breach before continuing
his ride to Stohess District to warn Commander Erwin. In Trost, Pixis is informed by another messenger that Titans have

Five hours after the Titans were spotted, the north team spots the last village on their route. Sasha mentions that her
own village is deeper in the forest, and she goes off alone to warn them. Sasha reminisces about the time many years
before when she spent time with her father. In her memory, she is eating emergency winter food supplies to her
father's dismay. They get into an argument about the number of people encroaching on their forest, refugees from the
attack on Wall Maria. Sasha feels that the people should leave. Her father, however, is more understanding and thinks
they should give up their family's hunting tradition. This appalls Sasha since it would mean giving up who they are. Her
dad would rather adapt as it means survival for him and the clan.

As she is riding to Dauper, Sasha spots Titan footprints in the dirt and is shocked that they have made it this far into
human lands. In a newly built village not far from Dauper, a small building is shown with a 3-meter Titan eating
a child's mother. The Titan continues eating as the child sits helplessly on the other side of the room. Sasha sees this,
grabs a nearby firewood axe, and heads into the house. She swings the axe and hits the back of the Titan's neck, but the
Titan regenerates too quickly for her to land a killing blow. She grabs the child and runs toward her horse, apologizing
to the helpless woman in the house. Her horse becomes afraid and takes off, leaving Sasha and the child to fend for

The Titan leaves the building as Sasha has remembers the time where Ymir, Krista's friend, is mocking her for talking
the way she does. Ymir tells Sasha that she should speak as she normally does because there is nothing wrong with
being yourself. Krista tells Sasha the same thing as Ymir, but scolds Ymir for being so harsh with her words.

Still running from the Titan, Sasha tells the child to run ahead until she meets up with people who will rescue her. She
then turns to face the Titan with a bow as her weapon. She yells at the child to run and fires the first arrow at the Titan.
Shaken by the Titan advances, she calms herself to fire the remaining arrows at the Titan's eyes. She hits one eye and
has one arrow remaining. Not wanting to risk missing, she leaps at the Titan and stabs its second eye with the last
arrow. Using the Titan's blood, she slips away, running into her father along the way. Her father is with a group of
people who ran into the child Sasha saved. Mr. Blouse comments on her becoming a fine woman for taking on a Titan
by herself to save the kid. Sasha smiles, happy to finally be home.
Chapter 37: Southwestward
In a horse pulled cart, Hange Zoë is seen fiddling with a rock and when Armin asks what they will do next and why they
are bringing Minister Nick with them. Hange explains that the Church of the Walls has known secrets about the Wall but
hid them, making Eren get angry at him. Levi then questions why Hange is playing with a rock, and she reveals it is a
piece of Annie Leonhart's hardened skin that did not disappear. Hange theorizes that it is what the Walls are made of
and if Eren can harden his Titan over Wall Maria, they may be able to take it back. Armin suggests a night operation
while the Titans are dormant. Once at Ehrmich District, Nick sees the sad faces of the civilians and Levi lectures him
about not telling his secrets. Nick later says that there is a girl going under a false name in the 104th Training Corps who
might choose to talk to them. Eren, Armin, and Mikasa run to find her. Earlier, Krista and Ymir are patrolling
with Nanaba. When she refuses to let the two leave due to danger, Krista questions Ymir on her reasoning for join
the military only to be told that it is for Ymir's sake alone. Later, Connie's squad arrives at his hometown, only to see a
Titan laying in the wreckage of his house. The squad then sees the Titan's tiny arms and legs and wonder how it got
there in the first place.

Sixteen hours after the Titans were spotted, sitting in a cart together with several other people
including Eren, Mikasa and Armin, Hange plays with a rock in her hand. Armin suddenly speaks up, wondering what
they should do now that Wall Rose has been breached and asks why they are bringing along Minister Nick.

Hange then reveals that Nick had previous knowledge about the Titans in the Wall but chose to keep it a secret,
prompting Eren to get angry at the minister. Levi then states that even though Nick may be capable of preserving this
secret he is not so sure about the other believers, he goes on to say that even though he is hurt he is capable of
watching over one person and that he would rather avoid hurting the minister. He then notes that Hange is playing with
a rock and states that he did not know she had such a dreary hobby.

Hange claims that it is not a rock, but rather a fragment of the Female Titan's hardened skin. When Armin notes that it
has not disappeared, Hange explains that she was also surprised it remained after Annie left her Titan form, and
therefore she decided to make a closer investigation. Hange compared it with a fragment of the Wall and came to the
realization that the two are very similar, leading her to conclude that the Walls are built around Titans using their ability
to harden their skin. This opens for a possibility of sealing breaches in the Wall using Eren's Titan abilities.

The group speculates on employing this strategy to recover Wall Maria, eventually Armin suggests going to Shiganshina
District at night to repair the Wall. Even with this new hope, there are still doubts regarding whether or not Eren will be
capable of using his abilities to this extent, but Eren assures that he will be able to do so.

When they arrive at Ehrmich District, Nick is shocked when he sees all the refugees gathered in the city. Levi lectures
Nick on the true gravity of the situation, and the reality of what they are facing. Levi and Hange press Nick to tell them
more, but he still refuses to divulge any further information. He does however reveal that there is someone who can
provide them with more information, a former member of the 104th Training Corps who has joined the Survey
Corps and is going under a false name. Eren immediately wants to go to the battlefield and find the girl, but Hange says
that she still does not know the names of all the new recruits. They try to describe her to Hange, eventually saying that
she is the girl who is always with Ymir, much to the surprise of Hange and Levi who recognize the name Ymir from Ilse
Langnar's notebook.

A few hours earlier, Krista and Ymir are patrolling Wall Rose along with Nanaba and Henning. Ymir asks Nanaba and
Krista to return because they do not have any vertical maneuvering equipment. Nanaba refuses her request, saying that
they need someone to help them relay messages. Krista then confronts Ymir about if she joined the Survey Corps for
her sake, Krista goes on to say that Ymir should have been in the top ten instead of her and asks her if her attempts to
protect her has anything to do with her family. Ymir confirms this, but states that she is there entirely for her own sake.
Nine hours after the first Titan sighting inside Wall Rose, Connie's squad arrives at his hometown. Connie rushes into
the village first despite the others' protests, only to find that the village is destroyed. Distraught, Connie shouts out that
he has come back home and starts running through the village, looking for anyone still alive. He soon comes across
what is left of his family's house, with a Titan lying in it.

Reiner pulls him back from the house and the other members of the squad advance on the Titan, but they quickly
realize that the Titan's frail limbs would be incapable of supporting the large body and that the Titan is in a position that
makes it unable to move, leaving the group puzzled as to how it got there.
Chapter 38: Utgard castle
Connie is seen standing outside of his house in his home village. There is a Titan laying in his now crushed house staring
at him while he grieves. They begin to leave for Utgard Castle with his Survey Corps squad when he hears the Titan in
his house speak to him, saying "Welc...ome...home..." but before he can draw attention to it Reiner urges him to hurry
up. At Wall Rose, Kitz Weilman's squad is shooting Titans with cannons while Rico Brzenska kills
them. Nanaba and Gelgar's squads have not found any breaches in the Wall and after the search they take shelter in
Utgard Castle. As the soldiers rest, Krista begins to speculate the nature of the Titans and when Connie speaks of the
Titan in his house resembling his mother he is loudly dismissed by Ymir. Later, Ymir is seen searching for food when
Reiner finds her and asks her what she is doing. As their conversation goes on, it is interrupted when Lynne tells the
troops that Titans are swarming the castle. The Beast Titan is seen in the distance climbing the Wall and as the only
equipped soldiers, Nanaba, Gelgar, Henning, and Lynne engage them. Hange's squad is seen elsewhere as Hange states
that they are going to head toward Utgard Castle, unknowing of the attack.

Investigating the ruins of Ragako, Connie stands in tears by his house, destroyed by a strange Titan lying immobile on
top of it. Reiner asks if he found any survivors, and Connie says that he has not. Reiner comforts Connie
while Gelgar becomes suspicious of the scene. Despite the wreckage, there are no bodies or blood to be found, and the
horses are still in the stable. Lynne, attempting to comfort the recruits, suggests that the town was safely evacuated. As
they prepare to leave to investigate the Wall itself, the Titan on Connie's house speaks out to
him, "Welc...ome...home...". Before Connie can stay and investigate, Reiner urges him to keep riding, ignoring his
comments on the Titan's speech.

Nine hours after the Titans were spotted, at the eastern line of defense at Wall Rose, Kitz Weilman and his squad, which
included Rico Brzenska, defend against the Titans inside the Wall. Elsewhere at that time, Garrison troops led by
Captain Hannes ride alongside Wall Rose, searching for any signs of a breach.

Eleven hours after the Titans were spotted, the teams led by Nanaba and Gelgar find no breach in the Wall to explain
the sudden appearance of the Titans. After sharing what information they could gather, they decide to rest at Utgard
Castle a short distance away for the night. They arrive to find some signs of previous occupation, speculating that some
hooligans must have used it as a hideout.

As the night drags on, Krista begins to speculate on the true nature of the Titans' appearance within the Wall. Gelgar
orders everyone to get some rest instead of worrying, saying that they will investigate more in the morning. The topic
of conversation shifts to Connie's home village. He uneasily repeats his connection between the immobile Titan and his
mother, but Reiner Braun quickly dismisses the theory. Ymir immediately begins to mock Connie for his height, and the
serious tone of the discussion dissipates.

Later in the night, Reiner comes across Ymir searching for something to eat. He commends her for making Connie drop
the subject and requests that she continue so that he does not worry about his family. Ymir complains about finding a
can of herring and hands the can to Reiner. He examines the can, commenting aloud on Ymir's ability to read the
seemingly indecipherable characters on the label. Just as Ymir turns to confront him, Lynne orders everyone up to the
roof. The clouds have cleared and the castle is overrun with Titans. The Beast Titan passes nearby, heading for the Wall,
but the troops are forced to focus on the imminent attack on the castle. Nanaba takes charge and leaps from the tower
to fight the Titans, accompanied by Gelgar, Henning, and Lynne, being the only other soldiers who have their vertical
maneuvering equipment. The Beast Titan then climbs Wall Rose and observes the battle from afar.

Seventeen hours after the Titan sighting, Hange Zoë's squad heads towards Utgard Castle, unaware of the battle that is
taking place.
Chapter 39: Soldier
The attack on Utgard Castle continues. While the soldiers fight Titans outside the castle, some small Titans manage to
enter the castle. The new members of the Survey Corps are told to stay indoors and create defenses against the
infiltrated Titans. Lynne tells them not to give up, while they start looking for ways to stop the Titans.

Reiner finds a small Titan inside a tower. He tries to stop it without success, he is saved by Bertolt, who promises him
that they will go back to their hometown. The other recruits then trap the Titan with an old cannon they find. However,
when another Titan tries to eat Connie, he is saved by Reiner, making Bertolt think how much Reiner has changed. After
some struggling, they finally throw the Titan out of a window. Suddenly, the surprised soldiers see their horses crashing
on the castle and a giant boulder that kills Henning and Lynne, launched by the Beast Titan.

As the Titans advance on Utgard Castle, some of them seemingly turn on each other. When the Titans start getting
closer to the castle, Henning, Nanaba, Lynne and Gelgar attack. A larger Titan is quickly dispatched and falls on some of
the smaller ones. Gelgar notes Nanaba's skill and the two have a short conversation regarding the battle in which
Nanaba tells Gelgar not to be so reckless and Gelgar says that Nanaba better count his involvement in the slaying of the
Titan as an assist.

A Titan that survived being hit by the other starts to make its way out from under the carcass of the large one,
prompting Lynne to swiftly finish it. Lynne, now at ground level, sees that the door has been breached. She quickly
warns the recruits of the danger and tells them to set up barricades to stop the advancing Titans.

The recruits go inside to start setting up barricades as Reiner runs ahead of the others while Connie and Bertolt note
that Reiner always takes the most dangerous tasks and that it is a bad habit of his. Reiner makes his way down the dark
staircase, eventually reaching an old door. Reiner opens it, only to find a Titan waiting on the other side. He quickly
closes the door and barricades it, however, within seconds the Titan starts beating on it. Reiner, trying to use his own
body's weight as a further means of keeping the door shut, shouts that he has found a Titan and needs further material
to barricade the door.

The Titan soon begins to force its way through the old and fragile door. As the Titan's arm breaks through, Reiner has a
flashback. He remembers that once when he was younger he was just about to be grabbed by a Titan, however, a friend
of his pushed Reiner out of the way only to be grabbed himself, leaving Reiner and Bertolt to watch in horror as their
friend was eaten alive. As the Titan manages to get through and starts to attack Reiner directly, Bertolt comes and
thrusts a pitchfork into its eyes. Reiner, telling Bertolt that they will survive and return to their hometown, is startled
when the others show up with an old cannon. Reiner asks if they are able to use it, to which they reply that they cannot
shoot but they can push it onto the Titan.

They let the cannon go and it hits and immobilizes the Titan. Connie wonders what they should do, stating that all he
found was a small knife. Reiner replies that they should just let the Titan be since it is already unable to
move. Krista says that they should go back upstairs, and notes that if one Titan managed to come in; others will do so
too. Meanwhile another Titan appears and attacks Connie, however, Reiner pushes away the Titan only to be attacked
by it himself. Reiner, with the Titan biting into his arm, hurls it onto his back and moves to a nearby window with the
intention of jumping out the window along with the Titan.

Before Reiner can jump, Connie slices away the Titan's jaw muscles, allowing Reiner to break free while Ymir kicks the
Titan out the window. Afterward the group blockades the door properly and Krista treats Reiner's arm. They discuss
Reiner's actions, eventually leading to Reiner saying that he only did what he had to do as a soldier. Connie comments
on this and asks Bertolt if Reiner always has been like this, Bertolt answers by saying that Reiner used to be a Warrior.
Reiner gives a vague and apparently confused answer to this.
Ymir, looking out of the window, comments on how strong the Survey Corps is when she sees how many Titans have
been killed. Outside, the battle continues. With most of the larger Titans dispatched, Nanaba notes how good an
environment to fight in they have. As some of them move to see how the newer soldiers are doing, they are surprised
by a strange sound. They then see a projectile hit the stable and kill their horses, a few seconds later another projectile
comes and hits Lynne and Henning on the rooftop, killing both instantly.

Connie notes that it has to be the Beast Titan they saw earlier who did this, he then spots a large number of Titans
heading in their direction. As Nanaba says that it seems as though the Titans are operating based on some sort of plan
and exclaims that it feels like someone is toying with them, the Beast Titan on top of the Wall roars.
Chapter 40: Ymir
The Beast Titan climbs down the other side of the Wall while many Titans are seen swarming Utgard
Castle. Nanaba and Gelgar continue to fight them off until Gelgar collapses, causing Nanaba to try to save him before
running out of gas in front of many Titans. The recruits watch as the two are devoured and then sit down, terrified.
While Krista throws stones at the Titans, Connie expresses regret for being unable to do anything in the situation. When
Krista also wishes she was able to help Ymir bashes her claims and states that their superiors did not die, so she could
commit suicide and then urges her to remember a promise they made during training.

Years ago, Krista is dragging Daz through the snow on a mountain tracing exercise. Ymir tries to tell her to leave him;
when Krista denies and tells her to leave, Ymir accuses her of wanting to die a legacy and sending her off with the story.
Krista denies and Ymir then takes Daz down a cliff by herself. When Krista returns to base she asks Ymir how it was
possible for her to survive the cliff drop, and she agrees to tell her on the condition that when she did, Krista would go
back to living by her old name. Back at Utgard Castle, the Titans are nearly demolishing the castle until Ymir jumps off
the roof and transforms into a Titan, much to everyone's shock. While the others are horrified, Reiner Braun and Bertolt
Hoover recognize the Titan as the one that ate their childhood friend many years ago.

Twenty hours after the Titan sighting, the Beast Titan is descending on the opposite side of the Wall. Dozens of Titans
are swarming around Utgard Castle, and Gelgar and Nanaba are engaging the Titans in combat with success. Nanaba
manages to take down a few Titans, even though she knocks down a convenient tower; Gelgar uses the little gas he has
to take out another. The two continue to take out Titans but they are low on gas and their blades are almost completely
blunt. Nanaba states the loss of the convenient tower may be a problem and both reiterate that they are out of gas.
Nanaba asks Gelgar how many Titans they think they have killed and Gelgar says he lost count. Gelgar states that he
could use a drink. Gelgar tells Nanaba he is sorry and that because of his injured head, he is unable to continue the
mission. He then releases his vertical maneuvering equipment and a Titan grabs him. Nanaba then jumps to try to save
him and succeeds in doing so by cutting out the Titan's nape. The dead Titan falls forward and smashes Gelgar through
the Wall. Gelgar is happy about this as he falls next to some wine. Gelgar puts the bottle to his mouth only for nothing
to come out, much to his dismay as a Titan is seen behind him. Meanwhile, Nanaba is back up against the Wall
surrounded by Titans. This proves to be the end for both of them. Gelgar is grabbed and wonders aloud who drank the
bottle of wine.

The recruits witness all of this and Krista throws stones at the Titans thinking it would save their superiors. They are
traumatized and all sit down. Connie Springer starts pounding on the Wall and wishes there was something they could
do to help. He then calms down and says his life had meaning, but displays regret for not being able to complete the
mission. Krista agrees and wishes she had a weapon, but Ymir calls her out on the remark. She tells Krista not to view
her superiors' deaths that way and that they did not die just so she could have an excuse to commit suicide. Krista says
that Ymir is wrong, but Ymir does not accept her lies. Ymir tells her that she should try to remember the promise she
made her while they were training.

Krista thinks back to some years before. Krista is dragging a body bag up the mountain. Ymir tells Krista to give up and
that Daz is standing at death's door. Ymir says that Daz was a guy who could not evaluate his physical capabilities. Ymir
says that if they keep walking at such a slow pace, all three will end up dying. She then gives Krista a choice: only her
and Krista live, or all three of them die. Krista says that her choice is that they make it to the mountain cabin and all
live. After a moment of silence, Ymir tells Krista that it would be easier if they both carry the bag, and why Krista has
not asked her yet. Krista does not reply. Ymir wonders if Krista was attempting to save Daz. She suggests that Krista is
only going through with her plan so that she can end up dying. Krista tells Ymir that she is wrong and that she was doing
it for the greater good.
Ymir tells Krista that she must have wanted her and Daz to die so that Ymir could return home and tell the world about
how Krista was a hero, which Krista denies. Ymir reveals that she knows Krista is the illegitimate child from
the house of mistress thrown onto the street, which she heard in a conversation between Wallists about trying to kill
Krista to make things easier. Ymir promises that she would not sell Krista out. Krista realizes that that was the reason
Ymir joined the Training Corps, since they have experienced similar things. Ymir then takes it back and says that herself
and Krista are completely different. She values life while Krista looks for any excuse to die. Ymir takes Daz and says that
if she throws him off the cliff he would land next to a cabin. Krista says that it is a bad idea as the cliff is too high. Before
she can stop them, Ymir and Daz go to the edge of the cliff.

Much later, Krista finds Ymir sitting outside a cabin, with Daz receiving treatment inside. When Krista asks about how
they managed to make it, Ymir offers to tell her as long as that she goes back to using her true name when her own
secret is revealed to the world.

Back at Utgard Castle, the Titans continue to demolish the tower. The dawn has come and Connie is relieved he can still
see the dawn before dying, when suddenly Ymir asks Connie if she can use his knife. Connie asks why, to which Ymir
replies that she is going to fight. She looks into Krista's worrisome eyes and asks for a wish, the wish that she lives her
life with pride. As she says this she starts running and jumps off the tower, despite Krista's attempt to hold her back.

In mid-air, she cuts her hand while thinking back her life. When suddenly just before she falls into the Titans clutches,
she transforms into a Titan herself and quickly disposes of a few Titans. The recruits in the tower are terribly surprised,
with the exception of Reiner and Bertolt, who look at the newly formed Titan with a look of fear. They both remember
that the Titan, Ymir, was the one which killed their friend.
Chapter 41: Historia
Ymir starts battling the Titans at the base of Utgard Castle while her comrades watch in shock. Krista wonders how this
can be the real Ymir and Reiner asks if Ymir is really a friend or a foe of mankind. When Ymir is overwhelmed, she
decides to fall off the tower so that it does not crumble, but Krista encourages her by saying that if the tower needs to
be destroyed. She then causes the tower to fall on top of the Titans and saves her friends. However, some Titans
manage to survive and Ymir is again overwhelmed by them. Ymir, Krista, and the rest of the recruits are saved by the
arrival of some of the Survey Corps. Krista then finally reveals her real name to Ymir, Historia.

In her Titan form, Ymir falls towards the crowd of Titans and goes in for the attack. A Titan is about to grab her but she
swiftly dodges and digs her claws into the Titan's back. Ymir is about to finish it off but another Titan intervenes, Ymir
she has no choice but to switch her attention to the other Titan and she swipes its eyes, blinding it. She is again about
to kill one but another Titan interferes once more. The third Titan runs at incredible speed towards Ymir attempting to
crush her against the Wall of Utgard Castle. However, she is able to spin and dodge the Titan and it runs into the tower.

The tower then shakes because of this, Krista is about to fall off but Reiner manages to catch her foot before she does.
Krista then thanks Reiner, but lets out a cry of pain because Reiner starts to squeeze her leg. Connie attempts to get
Reiner off of her and tells him to let her go. Still in shock, Reiner lets go of her and snaps out of it. He apologizes to
Krista and she comments that there is no need for him to apologizes as he saved her life. Reiner looks into Krista's eyes
and asks if she knew that Ymir was a Titan. Krista responds by denying any knowledge of Ymir's secret. She then
continues by saying she simply can not believe it, seeing as the two had been friends for three years. She then states
that she refuses to believe it whilst Ymir is shown clinging to the tower Wall and about to leap on to several Titan for
the second time. She leaps with her mouth wide open and her claws out and ready to attack.

Reiner and Bertolt calm down and start to think of Ymir as a traitor, saying she knew about the mystery of the Titans
and kept it from humanity. Connie tells everyone to wait, pointing out that it looked like she knew about her Titan
powers unlike Eren and Krista looks at her comrades in shock and fear. Connie then asks which side Ymir is on and
Krista asks him what he means. However, they become distracted when the Titans attack the tower. Ymir is on the
verge of defeat, when Krista encourages her to take down the tower. Ymir then takes this encouragement and takes
down the tower, then quickly saves her teammates by having them climb on her head and leaps out of the way as the
tower crashes.

The recruits land on the ground thinking the tower had killed the Titans until they come back and again begin attacking
Ymir. Having managed to kill one of them, she was overwhelmed by the others who began eating her and ripping her
apart. Krista starts running towards her, realizing that she had never told Ymir her real name, attempts to do so. One
Titan sees this and tries to grab her, but is killed by Mikasa. Soon more members of the Survey Corps arrive to take care
of the rest of the Titans. Eren makes his first kill as a soldier, despite being told to pull back.

Everybody is clearly surprised when it is revealed that Ymir is a Titan. Hange notices one of Ymir's arms and legs are
missing. As Ymir drifts in and out of consciousness, Krista finally tells her that her real name is Historia. This makes Ymir
smile before she passes out.
Chapter 42: Warrior
The soldiers come back to the top of Wall Rose, tired and wounded after their battle in Utgard
Castle. Hange and Historia are talking about Ymir and Eren talks with Reiner and Bertolt about what they have been
through. Remembering his hometown, Reiner confesses to Eren that he is the Armored Titan and Bertolt is the Colossus
Titan. Eren thinks back to some hours earlier in Ehrmich District when the Survey Corps began to suspect this possibility.
After confessing, Reiner understands that he must accept the consequences of what he has done and reveals his
regenerative power by taking the bandages off his arm. After this, Mikasa tries to kill both of them, but fails and is only
able to seriously wound them. The two then turn into their Titan forms and try to kidnap Eren. However, Eren also
transforms and begins a battle between himself and the Armored Titan.

While Ymir is still recovering from her previous battle, Historia is pleading with Hange to understand the truth behind
Ymir’s actions, despite the recent revelation that she has the power of the Titans all along. Hange accedes to Historia’s
plea, and also addresses her as “Historia” from there on, having learned of her true name and her background as a
member of the noble Reiss family.

Meanwhile, Eren, Armin, Reiner, and Bertolt are having a discussion related to their recent skirmish. When Eren makes
mention of them having passed their hometown, Bertolt exclaims to Reiner that it is time to return home. But just
before this peculiar declaration can continue, Captain Hannes regroups with Hange and the rest atop the Wall, to
deliver the report that there is, in fact, no breach in Wall Rose. This leaves them startled, as Hannes continues by stating
that both Trost District and Krolva District had no Wall abnormalities, as well as the fact that he has not encountered a
single Titan during the mission. In the end, Hange decides that the operation to plug the Wall should be called off, and
that the others and herself will position for standby in Trost District.

As Eren, Mikasa, and Armin stand perplexed over these bizarre events, Reiner calls to Eren, wishing to speak with him in
private. As Hange’s team leaves, Reiner readily tells Eren that he and Bertolt destroyed the Wall five years ago, that he
is the Armored Titan, and that Bertolt is the Colossus Titan. Eren is quick to reject this, and Bertolt is distressed about
Reiner’s sudden act. After revealing the details of their original mission, Reiner then claims that if Eren comes with
them, they will not attack the Walls again. Eren is argumentative towards this sudden circumstance at first.

Eren thinks back to the time a few hours before in Ehrmich District. Hange is reading the report concerning Annie
Leonhart's background. Hange reveals that Annie’s place of origin is similar to that of Reiner Braun’s and Bertolt
Hoover’s. The recruits say both Reiner and Bertolt were close to Eren during their trainee days in the 104th, but Annie
was comparatively reclusive. Armin, Eren, and Mikasa state that Annie was never close to Reiner and Bertolt. But then
Armin recalls his experience during Annie’s attack as the Female Titan on the Survey Corps' expedition. To respond to
Hange’s inquiry about their possible interest in Eren’s location, Armin admitted that he gave Reiner an estimated guess
as to his whereabouts. Not only that, but he theorized that when Reiner was in the Female Titan's grip, he must have
cut letters into Annie’s palm before he escaped, which would explain why Annie changed course while continuing

Back on Wall Rose, Eren tells Reiner that he is simply tired from all these recent events, to which Bertolt concurs. Reiner
then becomes restless, believing that he was “surrounded by idiots” all these years within the Walls, feeling as though
he had become feeble, having forgotten about his original mission. He removes the cast from his right arm and it
regenerates while Reiner declares that he must carry out his duty as a Warrior to the end. Bertolt panics at Reiner’s
decision to act at this point in time. Just as Reiner is about to make his move, Mikasa jumps in and lops off Reiner’s right
hand and strikes at Bertolt’s neck in an attempt to decapitate them both. Mikasa screams at Eren to flee the area
before being tackled off the Wall by Reiner. Armin and Hange’s team run to the scene. For one brief moment, Reiner
and Bertolt stand before Eren, until they transform into Titans, their forms exactly as Reiner said.

The Armored Titan takes hold of Eren, while a half-formed Colossus Titan snatches the still-unconscious Ymir. As Reiner
slides off the Wall to escape, Eren’s memories erupt, of his trainee years having been acquainted with them. Now
seeing them as traitors, he manages to free his left arm and bite into his thumb, transforming into his Titan form to do
battle with the Armored Titan.
Chapter 43: The armored titan
Eren begins the fight with Reiner Braun, the Armored Titan, by striking him. Mikasa watches and regrets not being able
to cut off Reiner and Bertolt's heads. On top of the Wall, Bertolt, the Colossus Titan, fights with the Survey Corps.
Having grabbed Ymir, along with another soldier, he drops them into his mouth. The soldiers try to fight him but are
pushed back by the steam released from his back and Hange orders everyone to wait until Bertolt can no longer
produce steam as they cannot attack him otherwise. Connie and Historia help rescue soldiers and Historia expresses
fear for Ymir as Connie does the same for Reiner and Bertolt, not knowing they are the Titans. Meanwhile, Eren lies on
the ground, regenerating his hand and part of his head. He remembers how trustworthy Reiner and Bertolt were and
realizes that Reiner had been going easy on him during their hand-to-hand training. He notes that they have caused the
most pain in the history of mankind as he remembers the fall of Wall Maria. Angry, Eren steps up and punches Reiner in
the face, only to receive another crushing blow back from him.

Eren punches the Armored Titan in the face while descending, hitting his head against the Wall. Mikasa observes this
and regrets not having cut Reiner and Bertolt's heads off when she had the chance and wonders why she was not able
to do so. She reflects that she will not get such an opportunity again. Bertolt, the Colossus Titan, swings his hand over
the Wall, breaking part of the top and forcing the soldiers to jump off it. He manages to capture an unknown soldier
and the already unconscious Ymir, then throws them into his mouth. Connie, Hange, Historia, and Armin are shocked,
and Hange directs her soldiers in an attempt to finally bring down the Colossus Titan. All of the squad members charge
all at once and Bertolt tries to defend himself; however, his movements are slow and the soldiers evade him easily.
They direct themselves towards the nape of his neck to slice it off, but he immediately releases a burst of hot steam
which throws them off and thwarts their attempt, burning the soldiers and forcing them to retreat. Armin notes that
because of the high pressure wave of steam, they will not be able to attack him without being burned. Hange orders
Squads 2, 3 and 4 to remain on standby near the Colossus Titan so that they can kill it when it stops releasing steam
while Hange, Armin and Squad 1 take care of the Armored Titan. At a distance, Connie, Historia, and some other
soldiers feel the heat of the steam and start taking care of the wounded and the burned. Historia express her worry for
Ymir and begs for a way to save her while Connie asks for help for Reiner and Bertolt because they did not have
any vertical maneuvering equipment, unaware that they are the enemy.

Meanwhile, Eren has been punched and knocked to the ground by the Armored Titan with his head and his hand
wounded, which are starting to regenerate. He realizes that Reiner had been holding back on him during their hand-to-
hand practice fights in their trainee days. Eren remembers how they were so calm and that they were considered
trusted friends by everyone. He reminisces about how he wanted to become strong like him and becomes disgusted
with Reiner's face overflowing with justice. Eren admits that they are the people that had caused the most harm and
pain in the history of mankind, while he remembers the day when Wall Maria was breached. Mikasa notes that her
blades were useless against him, just as they were against the Female Titan, but this time the Titan's whole body is
hardened and Eren's attacks also seem ineffective on him. Reiner heads towards Eren as he picks himself up, fully
regenerated, and attacks him with a powerful punch at his face. Reiner punches him in return, again, this time
obliterating half his head and making him lose balance.
Chapter 44: Strike, throw, submit
As Eren is being beaten down by Reiner, the Armored Titan, he recalls Annie Leonhart teaching him how to fight. At that
time, Mikasa challenges Annie to a fight to see which of the two is stronger. Annie accepts the challenge and the two go
into a battle stance. Back in the present, Eren gets up and continues his fight against the Armored Titan. The Survey
Corps tries to convince Eren to retreat to the Wall, but Eren ignores them and continues the battle. The tables turn as
Eren starts to rip Reiner apart with a series of strikes, throws, and submissions. Reiner unleashes a desperate cry for
help, which leads to Bertolt Hoover performing a 60-meter body press as the Colossus Titan.

Eren recalls their training days with Annie beating him to the ground. After a brief conversation, Annie throws a quick
left hook, surprising Eren. He attempts to shield himself as Annie switches her arm and throws Eren down to the ground
by an arm triangle. Annie continues to hold Eren in a choke while he tells her that he gives up. Annie instantly loosens
her grip upon seeing Reiner falling and eventually landing on top of Eren. Mikasa walks over and cold challenges Annie
to a fight. She accepts the challenge and they both go into their battle stances, with Annie wondering if her technique
will work on a 'beast'.

Now in present, Eren wonders why he is remembering all of this now as he stands up and continues to fight against the
Armored Titan. Despite Armin warning him not to fight, he ignores him and tries to throw a straight punch while
Reiner counters with a right cross. Suddenly, Eren dodges under Reiner's punch and throws him onto the ground by
mimicking Annie's arm triangle, which surprising the others.

He proceeds to mount him and Reiner attempts to escape the mount. However, as the Armored Titan escapes and
throws him down, Eren, making use of his martial art skills, extends his legs to lock Reiner in a triangle choke, saying
that he will not escape that easily. Again, he tries to break free but Eren transits the choke into an arm-bar and rips his
right arm off. Mikasa and Armin convince Eren to retreat to the Wall again, and he does so.

Running out of options, the Armored Titan sheds the armor at the back of his knees allowing him to move at a higher
speed. He then tackles Eren to the Wall, cracking it in the process. Before his punch lands, Eren barely escapes it by
tripping Reiner, causing him to fall off balance again. Hange manages to figure out that weakness of the Armored Titan
are his joints because, just like an medieval armor, he cannot harden the back of his joints. This allows Mikasa to cut
through the Armored Titan's legs as Eren grips him in a guillotine hold during Reiner's second attempt at tackling Eren

Unable to break free, the armor around his neck begins to weaken and Eren tries to rip his nape off. With his remaining
hand he crawls a small distance towards the Wall and then releases a powerful roar calling for help. Armin then realizes
their current position, right below the Colossus Titan, just when the body of the huge Titan falls down over the two at
great speed.
Chapter 45: The hunters
At the top of the Wall, Hannes watches the Colossus Titan for the first time after five years. Before anyone can act,
the Titan drops down the Wall, crashing above Eren and Reiner. Over in Trost District, Dot Pixis talks about the
supposed breach. Soon after, a soldier comes back to inform, saying that three people of the 104th Training Corps are
actually Titans.

After the crash, Mikasa wakes up. Armin tells her that the Armored Titan kidnapped Eren, and with Bertolt
and Ymir they ran off, both covered by the steam generated after the explosion. He says that nobody is following them
because most people are hurt. Mikasa gets sad as she could not protect Eren, but Hannes comes and cheers them both.
In a Titan Forest between Wall Maria and Wall Rose, Eren wakes up restrained along with Ymir by Reiner and Bertolt.

As the Colossus Titan is releasing great amounts of steam, Hannes and other soldiers come to their senses on top of
the Wall. Hannes asks Historia why the Titan was suddenly there and where Eren went. She tells Hannes that Eren and
the others were on the other side of the Wall. Looking over, Hannes sees Eren and Reiner in their Titan forms fighting
on the ground. Reiner let out a scream for help, and Bertolt comes to the rescue, falling from atop the Wall in an
attempt to capture Eren to stop him from defeating Reiner. The Colossus Titan impacts on the ground below, engulfing
the area in a deafening explosion.

In Trost District, a soldier comes and smacks a sleeping Commander Pixis over the head to wake him up, saying that he
was not young anymore and that she did not want to get stuck taking care of him. On a serious note, she told him
that new Titans had stopped appearing in the first and second line of defense and when they sent out search parties to
survey the area, they only found a few wandering around. Pixis says that if Hannes and the Garrison are still alright,
they would be showing up at the Wall soon enough after running into the party from the Krolva District.
Afterward, Commander Erwin from the Survey Corps comes in looking for Pixis and tells him that they had finally
managed to get the Military Police Brigade to leave the safety of the Interior and go to the areas under immediate Titan

On the ground below, Jean and Captain Levi accompany the Military Policemen preparing to leave. Jean wonders if his
friends are okay while some of the members of the Military Police complain to Levi about the location of their prey. Levi
apologized for not setting them up with any Titans and says that if they are so anxious to fight, they could always have
various opportunities in the Survey Corps.

Another soldier comes in and tells informs the commanders that there were no abnormalities or breaches in the Wall
but that the situation was terrible either way. They had found out that three members of the 104th Training
Corps turned out to be Titans. Erwin asks what had happened after their identities had been exposed. The soldier said
that the Survey Corps engaged the Colossus Titan in combat but by the time he and his group joined the battle, it was
too late, the Titan had disappeared.

Back at Wall Rose, Mikasa awakens from unconsciousness. She asks Armin where Eren is, and he says Eren
and Ymir had been kidnapped by Reiner and Bertolt and that it had been five hours since they escaped. Mikasa asks
Armin if there was anyone dispatched to look for them. He says there are not because there is no way of transporting
their horses to the other side of the Wall. They are currently waiting for the elevator to arrive so they can switch sides
and go after Eren but for the time being, Mikasa must rest because the extent of her injuries were not known. Armin
also informs her that Hange and others among their superiors had been heavily injured and could not move, further
delaying a rescue mission. Mikasa then tells Armin that when Eren was kidnapped by Annie, she and Levi teamed up
and somehow managed to recover him but that this time, a whole five hours had passed.

Mikasa puts her scarf back on and asks Armin what the reason is for Eren always ending up far away from them. Armin
notices that even when they were little, Eren always ran off on his own and left them behind, and perhaps such things
are his destiny. Mikasa tells him that all she ever wanted was to be by his side. While they talk together, Hannes brings
both of them some rations. He says that it was always the same, Mikasa always had to take care of the trouble that
Eren got into. He says it was like a bond that she could never escape, not even now, they still had the same routine as
when they were kids no matter the circumstances. He acknowledges Eren, however, saying that although he never saw
him win, he never saw him give up when he was losing. Hannes gives Armin and Mikasa consolation saying that Eren
would not stay still, he would raise hell with everything he had no matter who his enemies were until someone went to
rescue him. He goes on to say that he will go look for Eren with Armin and Mikasa and that he will not stop until he gets
the old days back. With that said, the three of them are ready to go into action.

Shortly afterward, the Survey Corps and Military Police ride to meet the others atop Wall Rose. Armin tells Historia that
he would rather her stay on the Wall, to which she disagrees, saying that she will not leave Ymir on her
own. Connie says that he will not believe that Reiner and Bertolt are their enemies unless he hears it from them
personally. Hange, now conscious, grabs on to Commander Erwin asking for the map. She says that because of
exhaustion and danger from other Titans, the traitors along with Eren and Ymir should be heading to a nearby Titan
Forest and that they can make it before nightfall if they hurried up.

Some distance away in the Titan Forest, Eren awakens alongside Ymir with Reiner and Bertolt watching.
Chapter 46: Opening
Eren, Ymir, Reiner, and Bertolt are seen together within a Titan Forest. Eren has had both his arms cut off and as they
re-grow he fumes with rage, trying to figure out why Reiner and Bertolt did what they did to humanity. As he is about
to attempt to shift, Ymir stops him and tells him that it is useless as they are in deep Titan territory, surrounded
by abnormal Titans, and trying to escape would lead to their deaths. Ymir then asks Reiner if the Titans around them
can move during the night to which Reiner replies that they cannot, along with an implication that Ymir is also aware of
why this could happen. The four then begin to discuss the giant "ape," the Beast Titan, and its importance in Reiner and
Bertolt's task to get to their hometown. Eren, who has had enough, begins to yell and scream at the traitors and calls
them "murderers." Reiner begins to get emotional. Ymir then asks Reiner which side he is on. Reiner ignores the
question and continues to speak about being a Warrior and not a Soldier. Reiner then tries to convince Ymir to join their
side by using Historia to persuade her.

Eren finally wakes up and he finds himself at top of some tree branches with Ymir beside him, in front
of Reiner and Bertolt. Eren sees in horror that he has lost both his arms, but Ymir notes that she also has lost her right
arm and leg and that they are in the same situation. Reiner blames himself for cutting Eren's arms, saying that he did
not have time to be careful. Eren understands that he had lost the fight and looks at Reiner with a furious glare.

Eren tries to shift but Ymir stops him, saying that they are in a Titan Forest, which is Titan territory, and that there is a
bunch of abnormal Titans relaxing and looking at them. She also states that Reiner and Bertolt are the only ones that
have the vertical maneuvering equipment, with Reiner using Eren's equipment, and that surviving in Titan territory is
hard even with the Titan powers. Reiner also says that even if Eren tried to shift, he would not be able to do it because
his powers now are focused on healing his arms. Eren insults him but Ymir asks Reiner about what they were going to
tell them when they were awakened. Reiner says that he and Bertolt are going to take them to their hometown after
nightfall. Ymir asks why they are not going to the hometown now, but Reiner does not answer the question.

Eren analyzes the situation but does not find a good plan. After Ymir asks Reiner about night walking Titans, Eren thinks
that Ymir knows something about the situation. He vows to get information from them and to escape from the forest.
Ymir asks them for something to drink but Reiner states that that is impossible and that they have not eaten nor
sleeping since yesterday. Reiner then thinks about a promotion, which surprises Bertolt. He continues to talk about
himself as a soldier, talking about Wall Rose's safety. This makes Eren incredibly angry because Reiner is acting like
nothing happened. After this, Ymir notes that something is wrong with Bertolt. He then tells Reiner that they are not
soldiers, they are Warriors. Reiner then sits down and starts thinking while he looks like very depressed.

Ymir then understands that Reiner started behaving as a soldier in order to shield himself of his past actions. Ymir
continues to talk about him but he orders her to shut up. Eren then becomes more angry and surprised than before: he
starts to remember the day when he told Bertolt that one of the rocks launched by the Colossus Titan trapped
his mother inside their house and lead to a Titan eating her. Eren asks what he thought, while Bertolt only said that he
felt sorry for Eren. This statement makes Eren realize that they are neither soldiers nor Warriors, they are mass
murderers. Reiner then answers him saying that he already knows that and also that the Reiner he knew is dead and for
that he can cry and scream if it makes him feel better. Eren finally vows to give them the most painful death that he

Ymir says that she will not follow Eren's method and instead asks Reiner about the "ape." She noted that back at Utgard
Castle, they were looking at it like excited children. She suspects that they are trying to find it before returning to their
hometown. Eren asks Ymir about who the enemy is, surprised by her recent knowledge, but when she is about to tell
him, Reiner asks her if this world has a future. He suggests that she should go with them. This surprises her because he
does not trust them and they do not trust her, but Reiner says that he trusts her because he wants to protect Historia.
This catches Ymir's attention, as Reiner says that Historia can be saved if Ymir goes with them. Eren ask her once more
about the enemies, to which she only replies, "Who knows...?".
Chapter 47: Children
Eren, Ymir, Reiner and Bertolt are still within the Titan Forest. Ymir has fully regenerated and Eren, semi healed, starts
questioning her about what they can do in order to escape and get information. Meanwhile, Bertolt is not sure about
trusting Ymir, but Reiner believes in her. They are talking about going back to their hometown and revealing Bertolt's
feelings towards Annie when they see signal flares, meaning that the Survey Corps are coming after them. They restrain
Eren and Ymir and escape with the vertical maneuvering equipment but Ymir stops them, saying that she knows
that Historia is coming and this is the time to bring her with them, as a proof of faith on her. Reiner finally accepts and
Ymir transforms into her Titan form. When she spots Historia, she swallows her and runs away. She lands on Reiner's
back as he had transformed into a Titan and is running away, while Hannes vows to bring Eren back.

Ymir's limbs finish regenerating while Eren is dissatisfied about being unable to get a good amount of information out
of Reiner and Bertolt. Bertolt asks Reiner if he really trusts Ymir, because her Titan form was small but fast and could
outwit them easily. Bertolt also reminds him that she was the one who devoured Marcel Galliard, their childhood
friend. Reiner reasons that because she became human again and that she cares a lot about Historia, they can trust her.
Bertolt doubts whether Reiner was normal or not, and Reiner asks him to relax as he was still a "Warrior." Reiner
reminds him that Annie had tailed some Wallist members and figured out that Historia was from one of the noble
families connected to the Church of the Walls. Thus, it would be easier to locate the "Coordinate" they are looking for if
Historia was with them. Bertolt wishes to finish their mission after bringing back Annie, Historia, and the "Coordinate"
and returning to their hometown. Reiner wants Bertolt to express his feelings to Annie.

Reiner notices signal flares from a distance and Bertolt exclaims that the Survey Corps should not have been able to
assemble their enemy detection formation without transporting a large number of horses over the Wall. Reiner
speculates that Commander Erwin may be present and jumps off towards Eren to subdue him. Eren tries to fight back
but to no avail. Bertolt asks Ymir if she remembers eating people in her Titan form. Ymir replies that she became human
five years ago and does not remember eating anybody. Ymir observes that Eren does not remember anything either,
and she wonders if Bertolt hated her. Bertolt asks her how long she was roaming outside the Walls to which Ymir
replies that she had spent about sixty years in her Titan form, which was like a never-ending nightmare.

Reiner and Bertolt carry Eren and Ymir respectively on their backs and set out to leave. Ymir wonders why they did not
wait until night, and notices signal flares behind her. Ymir notes that Historia was pursuing her and expresses her desire
to take her with them, to which Reiner and Bertolt turn a deaf ear. She grips Bertolt and blocks his eye so that he has
problems maneuvering. Ymir threatens them to fight each other to death if they do not get Historia.

The Survey Corps approaches the forest until they notice a flash of light inside it. Erwin assumes it to be from the
Titan transformation. Hannes and the others switch to the vertical equipment and enter the forest to retrieve Eren.
They hear a Titan's cry and subsequently see Ymir's Titan form clinging to a tree, waiting for them. Connie and Jean try
to talk to her, but she does not respond. Ymir surveys each of them one by one until she notices Historia, captures her
in her mouth and escapes with great agility. Reiner transforms into his Titan form and Bertolt and Ymir cling to his back
as they make their escape. Hannes and the others switch to riding horses and Hannes states that he would bring Eren
back even if it cost him his life.
Chapter 48: Someone
The soldiers continue chasing after Eren and his kidnappers. Commander Erwin decides to let the Titans follow him and
the other soldiers as he plans to use them to help in retrieving Eren. Armin and Mikasa begin to theorize about Eren
and Reiner when Mikasa states that she will kill anyone who stands in her way. Meanwhile, Ymir and Historia speak
and she explains that Historia must come with her. Historia then happily states that she will always be on her side and
is convinced by Ymir's words so she decides to go with her, however in that moment Eren regains
consciousness. Hannes and Mikasa see an opening on the Armored Titan and attack both Reiner and Ymir, but their
attempts are futile. Other soldiers including Jean and Connie catch up to them and try to convince Bertolt to release
Eren. However he refuses and before they can do anything, they are forced to flee due to a horde of Titans coming
towards them, lead by Erwin Smith.

The pursuit of Eren's kidnappers continues. Erwin, upon seeing Titans fleeing the Titan Forest, orders everyone to let
the Titans follow them. A soldier of Military Police Brigade accuses him of using them as a decoy again, however, Erwin
states that it is not his intention and tells them to fulfill their duty to save Eren.

Meanwhile, others also keep chasing Eren and others. Armin makes a hypothesis, saying that if Reiner were to remove
the armor from his joint areas, he would run faster. With a determined expression, Mikasa states that this time, she will
kill Reiner and Bertolt without hesitation, along with Ymir if she gets in the way.

At that time, Historia is released from Ymir's mouth. Ymir apologizes, but Historia questions her intentions, saying that
they had come to save her and Eren. Ymir opposes this and states that she is coming with Reiner and Bertolt, telling
Historia to come as well as there is no future inside the Walls. Historia mentions Titans, but Ymir states that they are
not so bad, much to Historia's surprise. She states that she does not understand Ymir's actions at all and wonders if she
is being threatened by Reiner and Bertolt. The latter says that it is the opposite. Historia begs Ymir to release her,
saying that they can fight together.

Bertolt notices that the soldiers are catching up and blames Ymir for delaying them by kidnapping Historia. He
questions Ymir, asking if she is going to leave Historia inside the Walls again for her own sake, but Ymir reveals the
truth, saying that she took Historia in order to save herself. She explains that her Titan powers were stolen from the
people of Reiner and Bertolt and states that with their immense power, she may get killed, but with Historia
cooperating, that may not happen. Ymir further reveals her feelings, stating that she is afraid of dying and begs for
Historia to help her. Historia tells her that no matter what, she is on her side. At that moment, Eren awakens just as the
soldiers catch up. Hannes attacks, but his blades prove ineffective against Reiner's armor. Without hesitation, Mikasa
strikes Ymir, while Bertolt, in fear, begs Reiner to protect them. Seeing the Armored Titan's hardened defense, Mikasa
decides to strike Ymir down first, but Historia attempts to defend her. Mikasa, however, states that she will kill Ymir
only if she gets in her way, having no more time to spare or room in her heart for more care.

Jean, Connie and Armin catch up as well just as Bertolt tries to subdue Eren. Jean states that knowing Eren, it is
impossible to keep him down, while Connie questions if everything was a lie. Jean continues to attempt to get through
to the traitors, bringing up their shared past. However, Mikasa states that there is no need to know their reasons,
advising the others to focus on killing the traitors and calling them a plague on mankind.

Hearing this, Bertolt finally breaks down and begins to shout, demanding to know who would want to kill others. He
admits that their crimes cannot be forgiven, but claims to have been happy during his time with the 104th Training
Corps and that not everything about him was a lie. He begins to cry and mysteriously begs for someone to "find us,"
causing even Mikasa to hesitate. She requests Eren's return, but Bertolt refuses and attempts to justify his actions by
stating that someone had to do it. Mikasa's expression darkens, but before she can respond they are interrupted by
Hannes, who warns them to get away. From the direction where Reiner and others were heading, Erwin is riding while
being chased by a huge group of Titans.
Chapter 49: Charge
As the Titans led by Erwin Smith come closer, the soldiers on the Armored Titan are forced to leave him. The Armored
Titan tries to run over them, but he is stopped because of their sheer number, forcing Ymir to fight. While Reiner and
Ymir are distracted, Erwin Smith orders the remaining soldiers to charge at them in order to rescue Eren.

Reiner also decides to fight the Titans. The charge continues even after Erwin gets trapped and some soldiers are
killed. Mikasa surpasses the Titans and attacks Bertolt, but is caught by a Titan then saved by Jean. Armin reaches them
and teases Bertolt, saying that Annie is being tortured non-stop. Bertolt is infuriated and Erwin uses this to free Eren.
The soldiers are then told to run away, also rescuing Historia. However, Reiner throws Titans at them. After being
knocked to the ground, a confused Eren and Mikasa see the Titan that killed Carla Yeager five years ago standing before

Seeing the approaching Titans, Hannes yells at everyone to jump off the Armored Titan. Determined, Erwin and the
soldiers keep leading the Titans so they clash with Reiner and others. He then orders the soldiers to pull away while the
Armored Titan attempts to fend off the attacking Titans. Much to Ymir's horror, Historia is about to be grabbed by a
Titan, but she manages to defend her. The Survey Corps watch this massacre from afar. At that moment, Erwin orders
the soldiers to charge, much to everyone's surprise. He claims this moment to be when mankind's fate is decided, as
without Eren, humanity has no chance. Meanwhile, a Military Police soldier calls the Scouts mad and even though
another soldier attempts to warn him, he gets eaten by a Titan.

As Reiner continues to battle the Titans, Eren wonders about the situation. Reiner decides that he cannot
cover Bertolt anymore as he needs his hands to get rid of the Titans. Seeing this, Mikasa immediately charges in, with
Jean questioning the possibility of getting through all the Titans. Erwin orders everyone to advance, but at that
moment, his right arm ends up in the mouth of a Titan, much to everyone's horror. However, Erwin keeps ordering
them to go on as Eren is right before their eyes.

They manage to get through the wave of Titans, albeit with numerous casualties and Mikasa charges at Bertolt, who,
tied to Eren, manages to dodge. Suddenly, a Titan grabs Mikasa, squeezing her ribcage, but Jean runs to help her,
stabbing the Titan's eye and causing it to let Mikasa go. Bertolt does not want to give up, intending to take Eren with
them to their hometown. Eren blames himself for the soldiers' deaths, but they are then approached by Armin. Making
up his mind on how to deal with this situation, Armin blames Bertolt and Reiner for abandoning Annie. He tells them
that she is being tortured far to the north in Utopia District, beyond their reach, which enrages Bertolt, who swears to
kill them. At that moment, Bertolt gets slashed by Erwin, freeing Eren in the process. Mikasa grabs him and Erwin
orders a retreat.

Meanwhile, Historia attempts to help Ymir and achieves her first Titan kill. She is then caught by Connie, who attempts
to bring her back. However, she argues that she has to go with Ymir, or Ymir's life will be in danger. Unable to believe
these words, Connie tells her that her life will be in danger as well if she stays here. Suddenly, they witness a Titan
falling on them as Reiner, in a desperate attempt to stop the soldiers, begins tossing Titans at them. One of those Titans
causes Eren and Mikasa to fall off their horse. Upon hitting the ground, Mikasa begins to feel the pain of her crushed
ribcage, and at that moment they witness the Titan which killed their mother right in front of their eyes.
Chapter 50: Scream
While recalling the past with their mother, Eren and Mikasa face the Titan that devoured her five years ago.
However, Hannes appears to defend the two, happy to get a chance to avenge Carla. The others attempt to help,
but Reiner continues throwing Titans at the soldiers while Ymir is unsure on which side to take. Meanwhile, Erwin finds
himself on his knees, with the soldiers around him dying as the Armored Titan finally reaches them.

At the same time, Eren and Mikasa witness Hannes being devoured by his foe. Eren despairs, still finding himself to be
useless as in his mother's case, but Mikasa claims otherwise, thanking him for teaching her how to live and giving her
the red scarf. Eren gets up in order to defend her with his bare fists, and with Eren's fiery rage, a sudden power causes
all of the other Titans to charge at the Titan, devouring it. This worries Reiner and his companions, and Eren warns them
not to come close, causing the Titans to attack the Armored Titan. The soldiers begin their retreat, but Ymir decides to
help Reiner and Bertolt, much to everyone's surprise. As they return to the Walls, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin recall their
time with Hannes. Elsewhere in Shiganshina District, Bertolt asks Ymir why she bothered to side with them, to which
she says that she owed them and did not want them to return home empty-handed. Bertolt thanks her as she reaches
out to the moon, saying that being a goddess is not so bad.

As the Titan from five years ago approaches Eren and Mikasa, he remembers the time when his mother was yelling at
him because he always got himself into trouble and Mikasa always had to save him. Eren then remembers when the
Titan cruelly devoured his mother. Mikasa tries to protect Eren as the Titan attempts to reach them. They suddenly
realize that Hannes has come to the rescue, and he is eager to fight the Titan. Mikasa wants to help Hannes defeating
the Titan but then Eren says that she can not fight with her injuries and asks her to untie his hands.

Meanwhile, Armin and Jean are heading to help them, but are suddenly stopped by the Titans being thrown at them by
the Armored Titan. Ymir is hesitating to cooperate with the Survey Corps while saving Erwin from the attacking Titans,
seeing that Reiner's power is far beyond humanity's. Seeing Ymir confused, Historia jumps to Ymir's head. Historia then
asks Ymir about her reason she gave of wanting to save herself, she then asks again if she is being protected again by
her. Historia asks Ymir to stop living for other people's sake and start to live for the sake of themselves. As Erwin is
laying on the ground, they realize that the Armored Titan has again started charging towards them, and throwing
another Titan, he knocks Jean off his horse. At the same time, Hannes is overcome by the Titan and is bitten in half,
killing him.

Eren and Mikasa witness in horror how Hannes is being devoured by the Titan, which causes them both to break down,
Eren cries and laughs out of frustration seeing that he is being useless, but Mikasa thanks him for teaching her how to
live and for giving her his scarf. Eren realizes his hands have completely healed and stands up, telling Mikasa that for
her, he would wrap her in a scarf again and again, forever. With a ferocious scream, he tries to fight the Titan with his
bare fists, causing the Titan to stop its movement. The moment his fist strikes the Titan's hand, Eren awakens
a newfound power, causing the nearby Titans come to rescue him and attack the Titan, devouring it. This allows Eren to
escape while carrying Mikasa on his back.

As Reiner sees that Eren indeed has the "Coordinate," he tries to go after him to catch him once again, thinking that the
worst possible person to have the Coordinate is Eren, but Eren yells at him not to come close or he will kill him, which
orders all Titans to attack Reiner on the spot. As the Armored Titan is surrounded, Erwin orders everyone to seize the
opportunity and escape. Ymir suddenly stops and bids Historia farewell, before rejoining with Reiner and Bertolt. As
they return to the safety of the Walls, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin remember times of their childhood they spent with

Additional Scene
Later that night, Reiner, Bertolt, and Ymir rest atop Wall Maria in the ruins of Shiganshina District, in shock and trying to
catch their breaths. A completely exhausted Ymir lies face up and is questioned by Reiner about her reasons for coming
with them. Ymir responds that it is because she is stupid, and volunteers to be something for them to hand over, since
she is aware that they can not return to their hometown empty-handed. Reiner warns her that if she returns with them
there will be no hope for her, and advises her to run now or never. However, Ymir dismisses his warning and tells him
that she is too tired to run.

Bertolt then asks her why she saved his life, and Ymir tells him she did it because she heard him screaming; and also
because she wanted to return the favor, because if they had not come to breach the Wall, she would be still trapped in
her "endless nightmare." She states that the only one who understands them is her, and the same can be said for her,
because if she were alone, she would be helpless. A touched Bertolt thanks her and apologizes for having misjudged her
before, but Ymir tells him that it is okay. She reaches her hand out to the moon above, concluding that being a goddess
is not such a bad feeling.
Chapter 51: Squad Levi
The soldiers finally return after Eren's rescue, albeit in a terrible state and with a lot of casualties. Eren blames himself
for getting captured, however, after Jean and others speak to him about the possible ability of him controlling
the Titans, he regains his resolve. Meanwhile, it is revealed that humanity would barely have enough food to support
the refugees for a week if Wall Rose were to fall. Dot Pixis reveals these details to Erwin. Levi expresses pity at Erwin's
lost arm, but Erwin claims it is a small price for all the soldiers that have died due to his orders.

They are joined by Connie and Hange who reveal the possibility of Titans being humans completely fused within their
body. This theory is supported by the events in the Ragako Village as all the humans have seemingly turned into Titans,
including Connie's parents, much to his sorrow. Levi then reveals to Erwin that his team has been remade with several
members of the 104th Training Corps members in order to watch over Historia and Eren. Far away from any civilization,
Eren is reminded of the original Levi Squad as his new team bickers among themselves.

Back from the rescue operation, the soldiers climb over the Wall. As Connie and Historia reach the top of the Wall, they
fall down, completely exhausted. It is stated that most of the Military Police Brigade soldiers have fallen prey to the
Titans. Nearby, Jean notes that the recruits have some luck to survive these events. They put down an
injured Mikasa who claims that she is fine, however, it is revealed that her broken ribs are in even worse state due to
the horse ride. Suddenly, just next to them, Erwin loses consciousness, much to the horror of the soldiers.

Eren then looks around, witnessing the terrible state of his friends and other soldiers. He asks how many people died
for his sake in the mission, to which Jean says that out of the 100 soldiers who went after him, Military Police included,
only forty or so returned, with the Survey Corps having lost most of its remaining veterans in the endeavor. Eren blames
himself for getting captured again and questions the number of the dead, with Jean revealing that more than half of the
soldiers were killed. However, Armin notes that on their way back, the Titans ignored them and headed straight
for Reiner and wonders if it was Eren's doing. Even though Eren claims he has no idea what happened, the rest
discusses the idea of Eren possessing such ability. Jean then tries to encourage Eren and eventually Eren thanks him for
it, regaining his resolve. He proclaims that he will control the Titans and seal the Wall Maria while capturing Reiner and
others to make them pay. They are then approached by Historia, who, after correcting them about her real name,
proposes heading to the other side of the Wall.

Afterward, Dot Pixis explains to an awoken Erwin that the humans had taken shelter in the underground city within
Wall Sheena and, according to the prediction, the food had lasted for about a week before it was announced that Wall
Rose is safe. He states that it is certain that it will not take more than a week for riots to start happening if Wall Rose
falls. Levi then comments the events and Erwin's loss of the arm, but Erwin claims it is a small price for all the soldiers
that have died due to his orders. After short jokes about hell and alcohol, Hange and Connie enter the room, with the
latter being praised by Levi for his work during the investigation.

Hange explains about the incident in Ragako and informs everyone about the details - that no villagers or their bodies
have been found and the number of Titans matches the number of the village residents that have disappeared. Connie
recalls the time when he visited the village along with Hange. At that time, they stand by the Titan that had seemingly
tried to talk to Connie before. Hange, much to her shock, realizes the similarity between the Titan and Connie's mother
as she looks at her photo. Connie then breaks into tears, knowing that he has nothing but the picture of his parents left.

Everyone is shocked to hear this and even though not everything is proven, they continue to discuss the theory, noting
that no human's organs have been found in Titan's weak spot. However, Hange considers the weak spot to be no
coincidence, implying that if humans can indeed become Titans, they are completely merged with the Titan bodies. Levi
does not like the idea as he realizes that he is been killing humans the entire time. He then attempts to talk to Erwin,
however, the latter is found with a creepy smile, which Levi mentions. Erwin notes that he is been called creepy ever
since he was a kid and Levi wonders if this was the reason for him to join the Survey Corps. The group then talks about
Eren and Historia, with Levi notifying everyone of his team being remade in order to watch over the two.
Far away from the other humans inside the Wall, Jean, Armin and Sasha carry the supplies into the house. They proceed
to make fun of Sasha due to her 'potato incident', warning her not to steal anything due to lack of the food. Eren then
appears, scolding them for not cleaning their shoes before entering. Jean complains about it and they continue
bickering as Mikasa and Historia arrive as well. While the group talks about watching over Eren and Historia as the new
Squad Levi and then continues feeling nostalgic about their time as 104th Training Corps, Eren, with a saddened
expression, remembers the original members of the Special Operations Squad.

Additional Scene
After proposing that they head over the Wall, Historia urges Eren to come back and rescue Ymir, but collapses of
exhaustion and wonders why Ymir chose Reiner and Bertolt over her. Connie and Jean guess that Ymir wanted to save
Reiner and Bertolt, but conclude that they really do not know her well. Historia declares that she will never forgive Ymir
and, after Jean comments that she is not acting like Krista, she laughs at the comment and reveals that she thinks that
"Krista" was a role given to her, based upon a girl in a book she read as a child, and that it was a role she assumed in
order to survive. She seems to have some difficulty recalling this book in her mind.
Chapter 52: Krista Lenz
Shortly after the new Squad Levi is formed, they discuss the plan to repair Wall Maria. The conversation deviates
when Levi notes a strangeness in Hange's behavior. Hange reveals that earlier that morning, Minister Nick was found
dead. She recounts finding his body guarded by Military Policemen led by a man named Djel Sannes, whom she
suspects was responsible for the murder. With this news, Squad Levi discusses what they perceive to be a conspiracy
against the Survey Corps, and decide that they must continue their efforts, taking down any who oppose them.

Later, the recruits of Squad Levi discuss recent events. Eren notes a significant change in Historia's behavior that started
the first day of their relocation. He recalls that at that time, she revealed her past to her new squad.

Historia was raised on a farm owned by the Reiss family, a noble family in Wall Sheena. She greatly admired
her mother, despite being largely neglected by her and others in her household. However, a few nights after the fall of
Wall Maria, she was visited by her true father: Rod Reiss, the head of the Reiss family. She and her mother were to be
taken away to live with the Reiss nobles, but they were soon surrounded by men in black trenchcoats. Their
leader asked if Historia and her mother were related to Rod, to which he replied that they were not. With that, the
leader killed Historia's mother and was ready to kill Historia when Rod called him off. In that moment, Rod gave his
daughter the alias "Krista Lenz." She would be sent to live on a settlement for two years until she would join the 104th
Training Corps, where she met her new friends.

A short while after the new Squad Levi formed, the squad is reunited with Levi. Together they discuss their plan to
use Eren's Titan powers to seal the breach in Wall Maria. Armin goes on to explain in detail the efficiency of the plan,
but notes that it may be little more than a "pie in the sky" dream. Hange agrees that the plan is very efficient, but she
pleads with the squad to have Eren lay low for the time being. Levi notes Hange's strange and uncomfortable behavior,
and Hange explains that earlier that morning, Minister Nick was found dead in the barracks of Trost District. She and
her assistant Moblit Berner had hid him in the barracks, and once they are notified of his death, they decide to

Earlier that morning, the two were stopped by Military Police Brigade members from the Interior. Their leader, Djel
Sannes, tells them that a robber had entered Nick's place and killed him, but Hange notices signs of torture on the
Minister's body, so she decides to interrogate the guards. Once she concludes that they were the ones who tortured
Nick, she and Moblit leave the scene. After hearing this story, Levi agrees that they not only have enemies outside
the Walls, but inside as well. After discussing what their next move should be, they concur that they should take the
route that Erwin himself would: advance with the plan to retake Wall Maria, and take down whoever stands in their

Some hours later, as Connie and Eren discuss their current situation, Eren remembers when Historia told them about
her upbringing. Being a lonely child, she worked in the farm in Wall Sheena where she was born, on a plot of land
owned by the noble Reiss family.

Her mother would not talk to her and her grandparents only would when they taught her chores. Other kids would
throw rocks at her, and she knew that she could never leave the farm. Due to neglect and her isolation from other
children, Historia felt lonely.

After learning how to read, she understood how mothers took care of their children, and she wanted to know how her
mother would react if she attempted to embrace her. As a result, her mother violently slapped her away, saying to
herself, "If only I had the courage to kill this girl...".

Afterward, a few nights after the fall of Wall Maria, Historia was introduced to her father: Rod Reiss, the head of the
Reiss family and the man who owned the land she lived on. He wanted Historia and her mother to live with him, but as
they attempted to leave, they were surrounded by a horde of men in black trenchcoats.
Their leader demanded to know if Rod Reiss had any relationship to Historia and her mother. He denied it, and the
leader slit the throat of Historia's mother, who in her last moments wished out loud that her daughter had never been
born. Before the leader of the men could kill Historia as well, Rod Reiss called him off, proposing that she change her
name to "Krista Lenz" and live in hiding. She lived on a settlement for two years until the time came for her to enroll in
the 104th Training Corps, where she would meet all her friends.
Chapter 53: Smoke signal
As an imperfect Titan form of Eren falls to the ground, Mikasa and Hange are forced to remove Eren's body from the
Titan by force. A day later, after Eren wakes up, not remembering anything, he is informed of the experiments' results,
learning that he has shown no signs of the hardening ability and even lost his intelligence after mysteriously recalling
about his father. After Levi describes their situation to be quite bleak and Hange suggests to focus on the Wallists, Eren
suddenly witnesses an image of a girl, not knowing her identity or where the memories of her come from.

In the capital city, Mitras, Erwin rides a carriage along with Nile, when the former questions the latter about Nick's
murder, much to the shock of the Military Police Brigade's Commander. It is revealed that the Interior Military Police is
not directly under the Brigade's command. The two then recall their past as they talk about Nile's wife, Marie, and
eventually Erwin's decision to choose Titans over her. Meanwhile, Levi's Squad receives their orders from Erwin and
they eventually reach the Trost District. After Levi is confronted by several villagers, Eren and Historia end up being
kidnapped. However, it is revealed that the two kidnapped are respectively Jean and Armin in disguise. Mikasa and Levi
easily track the kidnappers' location and prepare to act, the latter ready for action with his foot injury feeling better.

As Mikasa and Armin ride their horses, Eren, in his Titan form. falls down seemingly unable to move. From a near
location, Hange is attempting to encourage Eren, but to no avail and after getting no response from him, Mikasa
approaches him. Levi complains that she is not following the orders yet again, but Hange notes that they are done for
now. As Hange attempts to remove Eren from the Titan's body, they notice that he is way more attached to it than
before, to the point of fusing with it. Hange ponders about that and even has Moblit make a sketch of Eren's injured
face when Mikasa cuts through the flesh to free Eren. The experiment ends as the entire squad withdraws, with Hange
knowing that Eren's Titan transformation must have caught the attention of those watching them.

A day later, Eren finally wakes up. He does not seem to remember anything from the experiment and is upset to find
out that there were no signs of the hardening ability. Hange explains that since Eren transformed without being able to
employ the hardening ability, they decided to run intelligence and endurance tests. However, after one hour of simple
test concerning movement, speech, and writing, Eren suddenly, after writing something about his father, became
unable to perform the tasks and eventually left his Titan body. After thirty minutes of rest, he transformed again,
however, this time his Titan form was only 13m tall, contrary to the usual 15m, and could not perform any of the
intelligence tests. For the third time, the Titan was only 10m tall and was incomplete, with his human body being
attached to it more firmly than before. Eren takes this news as a proof that the operation to retake Wall Maria cannot
be performed at the moment.

Levi states that the situation is quite 'shitty' and although Mikasa tries to argue, claiming that Eren did his best, Levi
says that he is not blaming Eren, but in spite of his effort, the situation is still the same. He describes living inside
the Walls like garbage. Hange then attempts to translate Levi's words, saying that while they know that Eren cannot use
the hardening ability, they at least learned his Titan's limits and still need to continue fighting. Eren is upset with all the
burden put on him, not being sure whether he can pull it off. He wonders why he thought of his father during the
experiment, when suddenly, he recalls an image of a girl brushing her hair in a richly decorated bedroom, but
immediately forgets about her after seemingly getting a headache. Hange then states that they will focus on finding out
the information that only the Wallists and the Reiss family seem to have access to.

In the capital city, Mitras, Erwin Smith and Nile Dok are riding a carriage. Erwin notices a band of child thieves, surprised
that the capital city is in such a bad state and Nile notes that all the holding facilities are too full to take them in. The
two briefly talk about their days in the Training Corps before Erwin asks whether Nile knew about the Military Police
Brigade's Interior squad torturing and killing Minister Nick for information about Eren's whereabouts. Surprised, Nile
gives a negative reply and then explains that the Interior squad's chain of command is different - they are basically free
to do whatever they want. Erwin asks whether handing Eren over will solve the danger within Walls and when Nile does
not give a direct answer, Erwin changes the topic of discussion and asks about Nile's wife, Marie. He mentions that Nile
intended to join Survey Corps as well, but meeting Marie changed that. Erwin also notes that he was in love with Marie
as well, but in the end chose Titans over her, with Nile mentioning that there must be something wrong with him to do
Meanwhile, the members of Squad Levi read instructions from Erwin, with apparent surprise. Levi tells them to follow
him if they are stupid enough to believe in the Commander. Later, they watch as the place they were staying at is being
searched by the Interior Military Police. Eventually, they arrive at Trost District and as they walk through the crowd,
they are approached by people who blame Levi and the Survey Corps for losing jobs. They continue until Levi notices an
incoming carriage and while he ends up restrained, the carriage seemingly kidnaps Eren and Historia. However, it is
revealed that Eren and Historia are hiding in some other location while the kidnapped ones are Jean and Armin in
disguise. At that time, Levi and his squad arrive, standing on top of the roof where the two are being held. Mikasa
questions his injury and Levi states that his leg is moving pretty well.
Chapter 54: Location of the counterattack
Historia as a child sits with a mysterious woman, who teaches her how to read and how to be ladylike. As the woman
leaves, she asks Historia to forget about her, and Historia does not recognize her as she turns away. Waking up from
this memory, Historia is unable to remember her dream but knows it was important. She and Eren talk, and Eren says
he prefers her now to her when she was trying to be all perfect Krista.

In Trost District, the Reeves Company men go to make sure their captured Eren and Historia are the real ones, but are
ambushed by Levi and his squad. Levi takes their boss, Dimo Reeves, to sit atop the Wall where they talk, and Levi
convinces him to help the efforts of the Survey Corps. Levi says he will give them Eren and Historia under three
conditions: the Reeves Company will aid the Survey Corps, they will trust the Corps wholeheartedly, and the Corps will
have access to whatever goods the Reeves Company possesses; Dimo agrees.

A short while later, Squad Levi and Dimo Reeves succeed in capturing Djel Sannes for interrogation.
Elsewhere, Commander Erwin, returning from Mitras, meets with Commander Pixis. Together they begin to discuss the
need to overthrow the Royal Government.

Many years ago in her youth, a young Historia Reiss sits with the dark-haired woman from Eren's lost memories. The
woman compliments Historia, impressed by her skill, but Historia says that it is all thanks to her "big sister," the woman
in question. The woman playfully teases Historia to be more ladylike as a line of snot drips down Historia's nose.
Historia asks what it means to be ladylike, and the woman points to an illustration in her book of a girl offering an apple
to a hooded, malicious figure. She urges Historia to have the love of everyone around her to be able to work together
with others. Historia turns and says she wants to be like her sister, which causes her sister to panic. She clutches and
hugs Historia to her chest. Placing her forehead against Historia's, her sister asks Historia to forget about her. Historia's
expression goes blank as the woman leaves with her belongings. Historia looks after to her, confused - she has already
forgotten the woman's identity.

Historia wakes up from this memory with a jolt, startling Eren awake as well. She comments that she felt like she had a
very important dream, but can not remember it. Rubbing his eyes, Eren mentions that often happens to him. Shocked
that it is almost sunset, Eren wonders aloud if their opponent is truly the Reeves Corporation. Sliding into the chair
opposite Historia, Eren looks away and apologizes for failing to harden, forcing the Survey Corps into the current
strategy. Historia asks why he is apologizing to her; confused, Eren mentions Historia's wish to help Ymir as soon as
possible. Historia suggests her feelings have changed, that "help" is not the correct word.

She acknowledges that Ymir's choices were her own, and that all Historia has left now is her family she knows nothing
about - leaving her wondering if she is even able to handle such responsibility. Eren asks her what she wants to do.
After a brief pause, Historia tells him that she envies him, always knowing exactly what he wants to do, much like their
comrades in the Survey Corps.

Now that Ymir is gone, Historia no longer knows who she is or what she wants. Eren flippantly replies that he had no
clue when taking action; looking around at the state of their world, if he did nothing those he cared about would be
eaten and lost. In that sense, there is nothing else to do besides act. Bluntly, Eren suggests Historia should worry about
Armin taking her place, rather than her own woes. She apologizes, describing Krista in terms similar to how the older
woman described a "lady" and noting Krista would have been concerned immediately. Historia Reiss, however, was not
loved, did not wish to be born into her life, and is empty - like a character in a book, Krista and girls like her are nothing
but fiction. The real Historia is empty and has lost hope. Eren looks Historia in her eyes and waves away that comment;
he had always disliked Krista, seeing her as phony - but Historia is normal, a "stupidly honest, regular person."

At the warehouse, one of the Reeves men confirms they have captured Eren and Krista, but when pressed admits he
has not checked for disguises. As the three men enter the warehouse, they note the guard is missing. In a
flash, Levi and Mikasa subdue the three men and Armin and Jean tie them up. Mikasa shouts to the roof for
confirmation that all targets have been captured, and Connie affirms. At that moment, however, the leader of the three
men begins to pull out a pistol. In a flash, an arrow is shot by Sasha which pierces the gun and the threat is subdued.
Levi asks the man who drew the pistol if he was the boss; he stammers that he is the chauffeur, and that he does not
know anything. Mikasa takes a look at him and remembers his face: this is Dimo Reeves, the President of the Reeves
Company. Levi grabs Dimo, and orders the Survey Corps to leave his men behind in the warehouse. While adjusting a
hostage's gag, Armin is harassed, but Jean urges him to ignore it and move on.

Levi brings Dimo to the top of the former front gate of Trost. After discussing the situation of the Survey Corps, the
Reeves Company, and humanity in general, Levi makes a threefold proposition to Dimo. In exchange for handing over
Eren and Historia to the Reeves company, the Reeves Company must abide by three conditions: to fully support the
efforts of the Survey Corps, to wholeheartedly trust the Survey Corps, and to allow the Survey Corps to have access to
whatever Reeves Company luxury goods they please. Impressed by Levi's savvy and fortitude, Dimo agrees to his terms
and they shake hands.

In the night, Dimo leads a caravan on a road carved into a cliff. Two Brigade officers ask if he is positive both Eren and
Historia are in the wilderness. Reeves shouts back that he is keeping Eren in a cave. Suddenly, the Brigade officers'
carriage wheel slips off the path. Screaming, they plunge into the raging waters below. Another Brigade officer wheels
his horse around to request a search. Across the river, Dimo looks to see the Survey Corps has recovered the bodies.

While Eren gazes at his key with Mikasa while the other members of the Survey Corps gather around a small candle-lit
table, in another room Hange and Levi prepare their torture equipment for the Brigade officer Djel Sannes.

Finished with his business in Mitras, Erwin visits Dot Pixis and together they begin to discuss Erwin's new plan of action.
With their power, the Survey Corps will overthrow the Royal Government and take authority over everyone left within
the Walls.
Chapter 55: Pain
Erwin Smith presents Dot Pixis with his proposal to overthrow the Royal Government. The commanders discuss the
risks involved in doing so, and Pixis challenges Erwin to convince him of the value of his plan. While they wait for a
messenger to arrive with news crucial to the plan, Erwin reveals his backstory and the event that shaped his life:
his father's death at the hands of the government. Hange and Levi carry out the interrogation of the captured members
of the Interior Squad, brutally torturing Djel Sannes for information. His screams disturb the younger members
overhearing this. They realize just how far they may have to go to win. Sannes finally breaks and discloses a crucial
secret: the Reiss family is the true royal bloodline. Armed with this information, Erwin finalizes his plan by proposing
that they install Historia as the new Queen.

Erwin Smith begins explaining his proposition to Commander Pixis to dethrone King Fritz and displace the Royal
Government. After brief thought, Pixis admits that he knew one day when they would no longer have the capacity to
accept those seeking shelter in their world, the time would come when he would have to point his gun towards the
king. However he confesses that an old soldier such as himself does not have the power to lead his subordinates
towards a fight for mankind, Erwin then tells him that he is seeking Pixis' authority to judge him. Pixis agrees to listen to
Erwin's plan and if he is persuaded he will abandon his current position and join the Survey Corps with loyalty to
operations no matter how gruesome. However, if he is not persuaded he threatens to throw Erwin to the gallows.

Briefly, Pixis examines the idea of beheading the king and the reaction humanity may take to that. He mentions that
even during the fall of Wall Maria when over 20 percent of the population was destroyed, riots did not happen. He
theorizes that because everyone was forced into the same Wall, they shared the same fate. Starting a war would mean
bringing destruction to the world. The royal families, kings, and people that governed over humanity before the Walls
remained a peace symbol and a form of emotional support for the people. Pixis challenges Erwin to show him a world
without a revolution of bloodshed. Continuing with his explanation, Erwin proposes that they plan to exchange the
kings head without Military forces or killing. He admits that he does not have the key factor allowing that plan to work
and that if it is wrong then he will probably be killed. As he waits for the information to arrive, Erwin discusses some of
his childhood analogies with Pixis.

During Erwin's childhood, his father was a teacher. One day in his father's classroom, they were learning about history
and how they had managed to create a utopia within the Walls. After that, Erwin posed a question to his father and
without an answer, the class was ended. Later at his home, his father answered the question and stated that the history
textbooks provided by the government contained many mysteries and contradictions.

Even if these mysteries were not contained in the book, past generations would be able to pass them on and keeping
information regarding the outside world would be almost impossible. His father then shared a story with him and he
could not fathom the reason for it not being appropriate for the class. Erwin then told the other children of the story
and his father never returned home. It was revealed to Erwin that his father had been killed in an accident in a town far
away from home. However, according to Erwin's sources, his father had been killed by the government so his theory
could not be exposed. People became Titans, and Titans became Walls.

Erwin states that memories are erased too easily, and Pixis confirms he means to state that without a revolution the
community inside the Walls would never change. Erwin theorizes that the government wants to use Eren and his ability
to control Titans with his scream. Though Pixis assumes it would be to keep Titans away from mankind, Erwin discloses
that Eren's scream would be used to protect the royal families standings and ownerships. Just then, Nifa dashes into the
room with a message containing the information Erwin had been waiting on.

A few hours prior, Hange and Levi begin their torture of Djel Sannes by ripping out his nails for information.
Levi's squad overhears his screams and are visibly unsettled as they realize how far they will have to go to
win. Armin begins to theorize how to get the people on their side, he suggests possibly taking advantage of the
confusion caused by the repeated Titan attacks by rousing the public to shift responsibility on the monarchy. Armin
worries about putting lives in danger but states its for the good of mankind. He also proposes causing a significant
accident and making it look as though it were caused by the monarchy. Seeing the discomfort of his friends, he claims to
be joking. He states that they are now criminals and they may have to kill enemies with a different way of thinking. He
also claims that they are no longer good people.

Continuing the interrogation, Levi punches Sannes and Hange shows him all ten of his fingernails on a plate, smiling and
asking how many they would have to rip out to get as good as he was at it. Sannes explains that the peace within the
Walls was actually created by someone. He states that the Interior squad got their hands dirty by eliminating anybody
who challenged the order of the Walls with ideas, inventions, or actions seen as unfit, such as the death
of Historia's mother. Levi then grabs Sannes' face, stating he understands he did his best in his own way. He then
further breaks his nose and threatens to punish him if he does not answer his questions properly. He asks him who
the Reiss family are, to which Sannes responds by saying they are the kind of aristocratic family they would find
anywhere. Levi then asks if they have the right to disclose information about the Titans inside the Walls and if it is them
trying to keep people away from the Walls using religion, and why they are doing this instead of the royal family.
Sannes claims to have said all he knows and Hange quickly pushes a pair of pliers into his mouth and rips out a tooth
stating he took too long to answer. Sannes then proclaims that he has never seen someone enjoy hurting someone so
much and admits to enjoying hurting someone who can not defend themselves. He then implores them to torture him
to death. He claims that they are monsters and that he has the king and believes in the security of the Walls. He also
states that what they have done is not wrong, that he wants to believe but it was so painful. He again asks them to
torture him to death because his entire life is covered in blood. Hange and Levi then set down their tools and leave to
take a break.

As Sannes begins to say his last words to himself, he overhears Hange and Levi speaking with his comrade Ralph about
giving up the information so quickly, and he begins to panic. Levi is then seen holding a knife to Ralph's throat as he
explains that Sannes was always crazy and he does not care if he dies. Hange is then shown holding the script he is
being forced to read, and Ralph continues to say that they can kill him off and everything he told them so far was true.
As Hange and Levi re-enter the room, Hange states that they will begin torturing him to death as he wishes, asking him
which testicle he would rather lose first. At this threat, Sannes reveals his secret: the Reiss family is the true royal

Elsewhere, Erwin receives this crucial information from Nifa's message. He proudly states that his bet was true and it is
possible to change the king without killing anyone, so long as they can enthrone Historia Reiss as the true Queen.
Chapter 56: Actors
Eren continues recalling more and more about him confronting Reiner and Bertolt, so he rushes to write everything
down. Meanwhile, Hange talks to Djel Sannes and Ralph in their cell, revealing that Sannes has been tricked into
revealing the information. An angered Hange then meets Eren who hands her the notes about his experience. At the
same time, it is revealed to the members of Squad Levi and Reeves Company that Historia is to be the next queen. Even
though the girl is initially against it, after Levi's pressure, she agrees with the plan and according to Erwin's orders, the
Reeves Company is to hand Eren and Historia to the Military Police Interior Squad in order to find Rod Reiss. However,
the man who had previously slaughtered Historia's mother appears, killing Dimo Reeves and taking the two hostages.

Early in the morning, Eren suddenly wakes up, having remembered more about his encounter with Reiner and Bertolt.
While he rushes somewhere, before he forgets the information, Jean and Armin question his behavior. Meanwhile, Djel
Sannes enters the cell where Ralph is being held, much to the latter's surprise. Sannes begins choking his comrade for
betraying the king, but Hange reveals that Ralph has not been interrogated at all, the only thing he has been forced to
do was to read from a script. Sannes realizes that he was tricked into revealing the information and dubs his
imprisoners as demons, but Hange returns the favor and states that Minister Nick must have thought the same of his
murderers. After another exchange of words, a crying Sannes wishes Hange good luck, claiming that even if she
succeeds, there will be another one to take on her role later.

A visibly angered Hange then goes upstairs, kicking into a table which is seen by Eren. Hange masks it by saying that it
was a cockroach but then is surprised to see Eren giving her papers containing his conversations with Reiner, Bertolt
and Ymir.

At the same time, Nifa is thanked by Levi for her hard work. He then tells her to reveal Erwin's words to everyone
present. She hesitates, seeing that Dimo Reeves and his son Flegel are present, but Levi insists that they stay to listen as
well and Nifa reveals that Historia is to be the queen, shocking the members of Levi's squad. Levi notes that they have
not been told about this until now and states that the Reiss family is the true royal bloodline. A visibly surprised
Historia says that it is not something she is capable of doing and even though Levi understands that such position is not
something one can just agree to perform on spot, but continues claiming that it does not matter. He grabs Historia by
her shirt, telling her to run away if she wants, but also stating that such an act would be futile. Historia falls down and
Levi continues his speech, asking everyone if they know what they are going to do tomorrow, explaining that their fate
is uncertain so they have to fight against those standing in their way. He turns to Historia one more time, telling her to
decide as there is no time, after which the girl says that she will do it. Levi takes her hand to have her stand up, stating
that he is counting on her.

Nifa is then allowed to continue, revealing the plan that is to commence today - having the Reeves Company hand Eren
and Historia to the First Interior Squad. The true purpose is to locate the man with the actual highest authority within
the Walls - Rod Reiss. It is revealed that these are the words that Erwin relayed to Dot Pixis. Erwin also states that they
want to question Rod Reiss' motives for abandoning his people and continues by revealing the true purpose of the
operation - to change the system by having the current king acknowledge Historia as the true queen.

The operation starts with Dimo "capturing" Eren and Historia. His son questions why they continue following Levi's
orders and Dimo states that while Levi may be scary, he is a good person. After listening to his father's words, Flegel
goes out while Dimo equips Eren and Historia with small blades, meant to trigger Eren's transformation. Sooner than
they expected, Captain Ackerman from the First Interior Squad arrives, revealing himself to Historia to be the one from
five years ago who killed her mother. He takes Dimo outside for a talk, asking about "Levi Ackerman." Not knowing
about Levi's surname, Dimo continues to play by saying that the Survey Corps' captain is sure to be after him for
kidnapping Eren and Historia. Captain Ackerman reveals that he was the one to teach Levi and proceeds to slit Dimo's
throat. With Flegel hiding behind a tree, trying to keep himself silent, he is approached by his subordinates who reveal
Eren and Historia's equipment. Taking the two hostages, he states that it is time for the Anti-Personnel Control Squad to
show what they can do.
Chapter 57: Kenny the ripper
Erwin and Hange have a conversation about the fate of Eren. Hange theorizes that Titans can become humans with
the power of the Titans by eating others with that power, and that is what the Reiss family will try to do to Eren. The
conversation is interrupted when Erwin is told about Dimo Reeves's death. Before turning himself in, Erwin appoints
Hange to be his successor as Commander of the Survey Corps should something happen to him. The Survey Corps is
blamed for the murder, while Hange starts creating a plan to evade the authorities.

In Stohess District, Squad Levi is talking about their fare and Levi's plans while he spies on the Military Police Brigade in
search of Eren and Historia. The task is interrupted when Captain Kenny Ackerman and his squad show up, killing
several soldiers and engaging Levi in combat.

Hange bursts into Erwin's office, telling him that Eren had remembered the events that occurred when he was captured
by Reiner and Bertolt and gives him Eren's notes, where Ymir spoke with Bertolt about eating someone in
their Titan forms. Hange then proceeds to tell him about her theories: that the Reiss family intends to eat Eren, and that
Titans eat humans in hopes of consuming someone with the power of the Titans, so they are able to revert to their
human form again and have the power of the Titans themselves. Recalling the report from when the Survey Corps tried
to rescue Eren from Reiner and the others, Hange mentions how Reiner started throwing Titans at Eren. Hange
concludes that he was trying to make the other Titans eat Eren, hoping that another Titan would devour him and
acquire the ability to control Titans.

While Hange and Erwin are beginning to discuss the topic of the government's need for Eren, they are interrupted by a
soldier who reports that the Military Police has declared Erwin to be a suspect of a murder. Before heading out, he tells
Hange that if anything happens to him, she will be the next Commander of the Survey Corps. Erwin leaves a stunned
Hange behind and meets with the Military Police members outside who question him about the death of Dimo Reeves.
While Erwin is taken away, Hange meets up with Flegel, who tells her everything that happened with Eren, Historia, and
his father.

Meanwhile, in Stohess District, the members of Levi's Squad are in hiding, discussing Erwin's plans. Some are beginning
to doubt Levi, but Mikasa assures them that he can be trusted. Elsewhere in the district, Levi is up on the rooftops
with Nifa, spying on Military Police members with two caskets, which he believes Eren and Historia are inside of. The
pair begins to talk about "Kenny the Ripper," a fabled serial killer from the Underground when Levi states that Kenny is
actually a real person and that he even lived with him for a while. Without warning, Captain Kenny Ackerman appears,
shooting at them and killing Nifa. Keiji and the goggled soldier are also killed by two different members of the Military
Police working under Kenny. Kenny taunts Levi before engaging in combat with him.
Chapter 58: Gunshots
After a brief confrontation with Kenny, Levi begins his escape but is ambushed by several soldiers. Fleeing into a tavern,
Levi makes his escape after a short discussion with Kenny ended with Levi shooting him in the chest with the saloon
owner's gun. He then fools the soldiers with a decoy and makes his escape, killing many of them along the way.
Meanwhile, Levi's Squad hears the gunshots and eventually, Levi reaches them, abandoning the original plan and
ordering them flee and, if necessary, kill the enemy. He and Mikasa then begin to fend off the attacking enemy soldiers.
However, one of them reaches Jean and, after he hesitates to kill her, a gunshot goes off. After the enemy escapes with
them, Eren and Historia meet Rod Reiss as he and Kenny remove the covers to their caskets. Knowing that he is their
enemy, however, Eren is surprised to see Rod hugging Historia and apologizing to her.

Levi and Kenny clash, with each deflecting the other's attacks. Kenny continues shooting and Levi, and after
witnessing Nifa's corpse one more time, Levi decides to escape, according to Kenny's predictions. Levi is aware that
Kenny can read every of his moves and is worried about losing his team, as well as Eren and Historia. Much to his
surprise, Levi is then suddenly ambushed and, having injured his face while evading, flees into a nearby saloon. He is
recognized by the people there, but before he can do anything, Kenny appears at the entrance, ready to "shoot down
the bad guys."

Levi hides himself beneath the counter, leading Kenny to believe that he is not there. However, the two soon engage in
a discussion. They tease each other, with Levi wondering how it is that he is in Military Police after killing so many of
their soldiers. Kenny notes that hiding here was a bad choice as he is cornered now and, after throwing a chair Levi's
way, he states that he knows why Levi joined Survey Corps. Kenny speaks of how both of them struggled to barely
survive in the Underground before being overwhelmed when revealed the complexity of the world. As he picks up
another chair, he then says that like Levi, he had found a cause that he would pursue to the very end. Eventually, using
a reflection in the bottle of wine, Levi shoots Kenny with a shotgun "borrowed" from the saloon owner and, with the
use of a chair to confuse the other soldiers, makes an escape. While Levi fights through the soldiers, killing several of
them, Kenny, having been saved by the chair he was holding, gets up after his second-in-command teases him. Kenny
praises Levi by noting how Levi was able to use that fact that saloon owners were allowed to wield firearms for self
defense in order to turn the tables against his pursuers. He also laments the fact that his goal of achieving his dream
just got harder.

Elsewhere, Sasha recognizes the sound of gunfire and the group decides to change the plan, according to Levi's orders.
Not knowing how long they will be able to follow Eren and Historia, Armin continues his way through the town until
they happen upon the hearse where Eren and Historia are kept in.

At the same moment, Levi appears, being chased by the soldiers and the group is surprised to see them using guns in
the air. While evading, Levi kills several soldiers, much to his team's horror, and lands on his team's vehicle, revealing
that their plan has been leaked and they cannot follow the hearse any more. He gives orders to his team, telling them
to kill any enemy while he and Mikasa are to use their vertical maneuvering equipment to assist in the escape.

More soldiers soon appear and Jean is shocked to see more people dying. One of them manages to approach Armin,
however, Mikasa takes them down with a kick and Jean, still uneasy at killing other people, points a gun at them while
ordering them not to move. However, the soldier disarms Jean and, although Mikasa rushes to help, a gun is fired.

After the enemy escapes with Eren and Historia, they have the covers to the coffins they were kept in taken off by
Kenny and Rod Reiss. Eren finally meets Rod, the man he considers to be the enemy of humanity. However, he is then
surprised to see him approaching Historia and, in spite of her initial glare, hugging her while apologizing for all that he
would done.
Chapter 59: Soul of a heretic
Nile Dok ponders over whether the Military Police First Interior Squad will use the new anti-personnel vertical
maneuvering equipment against regular Military Police members while the press attempt to get answers. Armin comes
to terms with committing his first crime, murdering the soldier that nearly shot Jean, although Mikasa, Levi and Jean
encourage and thank him. Later, two soldiers, Hitch Dreyse and Marlowe Freudenberg, are caught when they stray from
their patrol group and are detained by Squad Levi. Hitch learns about what happened to Annie after the battle
of Stohess District, while Marlowe pleads to help Levi. When Jean is given custody of the captured pair and told to
release them, he tests Marlowe's honesty by having a brief fight, and Hitch tries to intervene. They both agree to aid
the Survey Corps. Using Marlowe's intel, the group locates the Interior Brigade Compound, where they
suspect Eren and Historia are being kept.

In the aftermath of the battle between the Survey Corps and the First Interior Squad in Stohess District, Commander
Nile speaks with the chief editor a popular newspaper. Peaure, the man's assistant, notes that the First Interior Squad is
a separate branch from the regular Military Police, but is stopped by the editor, who apologizes to Nile for Peaure's
inexperience and tells him that the newspaper will not report anything on the First Interior Squad. Nile requests him to
not report anything on the anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipment either. He then proceeds to leave,
wondering if the First Interior Squad will one day use such equipment against him as well.

Elsewhere, a traumatized and crying Armin kneels beside a tree, vomiting on the grass. Mikasa comes out of the stable
and hurriedly goes over to comfort him; Armin asks Mikasa if she had experienced such psychological trauma as well,
but then starts apologizing to her. Mikasa heads back into the stable, where Levi is getting stitches from Sasha on the
shoulder wound he received from the First Interior Squad's attack. She goes over to Jean and tells him that it is his turn
for guard duty, offering her rifle. Armin had saved Jean's life by shooting one of the Military Policeman on the carriage
in Stohess.

A few hours later, Squad Levi sits together, eating food beside a fire. Levi notices Armin's discomfort and asks him if he
can not stand eating in a filthy stable, which he denies. Armin recalls that he was the one to take the first shot despite
Jean's attacker having drawn and point her gun first. The attacker's hesitation to kill Jean saved his life. Levi comforts
Armin by explaining that had Armin not fired, Jean would not have survived the operation.

The next day, Hitch Dreyse, being ordered to accompany Marlowe Freudenberg in an attempt to capture wanted Survey
Corps members, patrols deep in a forest alongside him. Hitch expresses her opinions on the recent events that
happened in the Stohess District, and questions where Annie is, also telling Marlowe that she was her roommate when
Annie served in the Military Police. Their conversation gets interrupted when Hitch hears the sound of water and
silences Marlowe, asking him to get his gun ready. The two see Armin Arlert getting water from the nearby river.

Hitch and Marlowe both order Armin to put his hands up into the air, only to fall into his trap. Mikasa and Levi then
jump behind the two. They then proceed to take their guns away from them and rid of their other weapons and
uniforms. Levi questions Hitch and Marlowe about their current positions in the Military Police. Hitch, angry at the
Survey Corps, blames Levi and the entire military branch for the aftermath of Stohess and of Annie's apparent death.
Hitch and Marlowe soon learn that Annie was the Female Titan that was in Stohess and she is captured and still alive.
Marlowe tells Levi that he would like to help the Survey Corps, but Levi does not buy in and orders Sasha to escort them
someplace else. Jean interferes and offers to take the two instead. Taking Marlowe and Hitch to the area, Jean
threatens them with a knife along the way.

Arriving at the spot where Jean wanted them to be at, Jean admits he intends to kill the two of them with the knife he
had believing them to be a threat and cannot be trusted. As Marlowe explains that Levi did not want Jean to kill them,
Jean says that this was his own personal decision, and that none of the other members know about it. Jean raises the
knife in the air as the two beg for their lives to be spared about to stab them to death, but Jean trips and the knife falls
from his hands. Marlowe grabs the knife and tells Hitch to run. Jean and Marlowe are soon struggling for the knife
when Jean gets back up on his feet.
Jean tells Marlowe that he also has a gun that can hurt them, and that it would be of more use as it shoots faster than
how a knife can stab. Marlowe confesses that he really was on their side, and his personal view of the Military Police
Brigade. They both stop struggling when Hitch grabs a nearby stick and strikes Jean's head, sending him to the ground.
Hitch attempts to hit him again with the stick, but is stopped by Marlowe. Marlowe tells Hitch that Jean was only
testing him, and he never was serious on killing them after all. Marlowe questions Jean about why he trusts him so
much, and Jean responds by saying that Marlowe reminds him of someone he hated, which Marlowe suspects to be the
same person Annie spoke of. Marlowe reaches his hand out to help Jean up, and Jean confirms that Marlowe and Hitch
can be trusted and their strength could be of use.

Hitch and Marlowe lead Mikasa, Connie, Sasha, Levi, and Jean to the Interior Brigade Compound, where they are ready
with rifles. Levi says that it was thanks to Hitch, Marlowe, and Jean that they made it this far. They all continue their
way to the Compound, saying it is their time to strike.
Chapter 60: Trust
At the Interior Brigade Compound, several soldiers are seen wounded on the ground. Levi ties one up and begins
interrogating him, but as the soldier tries to get out of telling Levi anything he begins beating him and the soldier then
claims he does not know where Eren and Historia are. Before the interrogation can conclude, figures in Military
Police uniforms approach Squad Levi.

At the Berg Newspapers office in Stohess, writers Roy and Peaure discuss how false the paper is to make the MPs
appear better and that if the truth were written, people would be killed. Hange then appears with Moblit and says she
was going to maim their hands but then asks if they would write on them for just one day. Later in the Trost
District, Flegel Reeves runs from three MPs and before he is to be killed, asks why they killed his father, Dimo Reeves.
An MP tells him he betrayed them and if he had not agreed to kidnap the Survey Corps members he would be killed
anyway. Hange and Moblit then jump down and take out the MPs, revealing many Trost citizens to attest to their
words. Flegel then claims ownership over the Reeves Company and Hange asks Roy and Peaure to print the story until
Roy disagrees, saying his family will be killed. Over in the capital. Erwin Smith is presented beaten and kneeling in front
of King Fritz and the Assembly of the Royal Government.

Within the Interior Brigade Compound, multiple soldiers lie injured on the ground. Outside, Levi drags one of the
Interior MP soldiers alongside the rest of the Survey Corps members to interrogate him on the whereabouts
of Eren and Historia. The man, ignoring the captain's question, asks if his subordinates were killed, to which Levi replies
by telling him that they were only incapacitated, as killing them would have been unpleasant. Armin notices that Jean is
visibly shaken by the incident. The Interior MP member proceeds to criticize Levi for what he has done, claiming that
some of the people in the MP base were only servants and fell victim to the squad's indiscriminate attack. Levi, unfazed
from the man's words, kicks him in the mouth, breaking his teeth and causing him to bleed. Greatly angered, the man
insults the Survey Corps and berates them for abandoning their comrades, saying that they will all be executed,
including Erwin Smith. He then claims that if Levi and his squad turn themselves in, the lives of the others will be
spared. He then proceeds to stand up, hold Levi's shoulders, and offers to speak on his behalf.

Levi declines, and once again asks him about Eren and Historia's current location. The man still ignores his question,
mocking him for not caring about the lives of the other Survey Corps members. Levi grabs the man's hand, pulls it
behind his back and breaks it, making him squeal in pain. The soldier finally decides to speak, however, he does not
know where Eren and Historia are, claiming that Kenny Ackerman tells them nothing. Levi is surprised to learn about
Kenny's last name, and Mikasa also takes note of it, although she remains silent. Suddenly, Sasha hears sounds from the
distance, and the squad arms its rifles. Three figures wielding rifles, two of them wearing Military Police cloaks, are
shown walking towards the squad in the distance.

Elsewhere at the Berg Newspapers office in the Stohess District, one day prior to the incident, Peaure, reviewing the
report, expresses his disapproval for the false news being reported. He asks Roy, his superior, as to why he became a
journalist. As Roy explains why he chooses to do this, Peaure suddenly notices Hange Zoë sitting on a table, who
introduces herself to the journalists. Moblit is shown entering from behind. Hange explains that she initially wanted to
break both of their hands for spreading falsehood in their news, but after overhearing their conversation, she decided
to hold off. Roy apologizes for what happened to the Survey Corps members and sympathizes with her. Peaure quickly
starts taking notes about their conversation, but is interrupted by Moblit, who twists his hand. Hange takes Peaure's
pen, and tells Roy that she wants him to write a report on the Survey Corps in order to expose the Interior MP.

Later in Trost District, Flegel flees from three armed Military Policemen until he hits a dead end in front of an
abandoned building. One of the policemen mocks Flegel and claims that he would have been dead for not killing him as
well. He thanks Flegel and is about to shoot him. Flegel panics and quickly asks the policeman as to why they killed his
father Dimo Reeves. The policeman explains the entire incident to Flegel, who remains calm and tells the policeman
that he does not understand anything, and that he chose the side that his father trusted. Angered, the policeman
shouts at Flegel, saying that he should be begging for his life. Just before he is about to shoot, Flegel replies by telling
the policeman to look above.
Hange and Moblit drop down from the abandoned building, knocking two of the policemen unconscious. The remaining
policeman attempts to shoot Hange and misses; she proceeds to punch him in the jaw, knocking him on the ground.
Suddenly, a large crowd of Trost citizens emerges from the abandoned building. One of them remarks that they have
heard the entire truth of the incident behind Dimo Reeves' death, and that they will all attest to it. Angry upon hearing
this, the policeman who was about to execute Flegel insults the townsfolk, telling them that the news about Dimo
Reeves will spread for only a short time before being forgotten, and that the Military Police will not let them get away
with it. His ranting is interrupted by Flegel, who sits on his head and announces that the Reeves Company will protect
Trost and he takes on a new position as the CEO. The townsfolk smile and start clapping, promising to take care of him.

Hange and Moblit meet with Peaure and Roy, who are hiding behind cover with notebooks in their hands. Peaure
implores Roy to report this incident and expose the crimes of the First Interior Squad, but Roy nervously breaks down,
telling Peaure that if they do this, the entire news agency and their families will be killed by the corrupt government,
recounting a brief story of a miner who disappeared after digging beneath the Walls and the reporters who vanished
trying to report on it. He then asks Hange if she has the right to sentence his family to death.

Elsewhere, in Mitras, Erwin has been badly wounded, and is kneeling in front of King Fritz, surrounded by other men
from the Assembly of the Royal Government. An Assemblyman then asks Erwin if he has any final words.
Chapter 61: Reply
Erwin's public execution is being prepared. Meanwhile, he has a conversation with the King and the Assembly. Erwin
tries to explain that the Survey Corps defends mankind and that the fall of Wall Rose would cause a civil war but the
Assembly ignores him. Suddenly, a Garrison soldier reports that Wall Rose has been breached. The Assembly decides
that the refugees must not enter Wall Sheena. This confuses the soldiers, making Nile Dok disobey them. It is then
revealed that there is no breach and it was a plan made by Dot Pixis to show the nobles' true nature. The confusion
ends when Darius Zackly arrests the nobles and exonerates the Survey Corps. In another place, Levi's Squad are
informed by Hange accompanied by Hitch and Marlowe that they are being spared for the crimes they were framed for.
This allows them to carry on with their more important duties, rescuing Historia and the restrained Eren.

In the streets of Mitras, people are wondering what is happening, and what all the carriages and gallows are doing.
Some speculate the Survey Corps is about to be disbanded and Erwin Smith executed.

While Erwin is in the royal throne room, hands tied behind his back and on his knees, he appeals to the Assembly of
the Royal Government that humanity needs the Survey Corps to continue existing, because they are its most important
weapon: a spear that eliminates threats before they can harm the people. He uses the example of a sudden breach
of Wall Rose: if that were to happen, the people there would have no choice but to flee within Wall Sheena, where
because of meager food and supplies, civil war would break out. Being defensive all the time, Erwin argues, is only an
invitation for trouble. He then confronts the Assembly about whether they are hiding another, secret plan, to which
there is no response.

The Assembly members instead bring up Levi's killing of several Military Police First Interior Squad soldiers, stating that
unlike his comrades, Erwin is constantly trying to hide his treasonous acts. One of the four officials asks
Commander Dot Pixis, who is also present, whether he holds any fantasies of rebellion too because of the closely-knit
connection between the Garrison and Survey Corps. Exchanging glances with Erwin, Pixis dismisses any such
accusations, saying that humans fighting other humans would make it too easy for the Titans to destroy what is left.
The official, amused, takes back his accusation, saying that the monarchy is trying to prevent the same thing.

Previously, Erwin and Pixis were discussing revolution plans. At the time, Pixis states he does believe that turning
against the crown would uncover secrets and save soldiers' lives, but even if the revolution succeeds, they probably
would not be able to inherit all the knowledge and inner workings that the crown currently holds: Titans within the
Walls, the ability to alter memories, and any other forces at work. He is doubtful, saying it is safer for him to remain on
the monarchy's side.

In front of the Assembly, Erwin has run out of things to say and is being carried to the gallows as Pixis and
Commander Nile Dok look on. Suddenly, a Garrison soldier barges into the throne room, reporting that
the Armored and Colossus Titans have broken through the gates of Wall Rose, as well as at Stohess District, much to
Nile's surprise. Erwin looks him in the eye, and Nile recalls a visit to Erwin in prison. At the prison, Erwin asks Nile where
his home is, and how his family is doing. Nile tells him that they are all fine, and are currently living in the eastern
district of Wall Rose. Erwin tells him that he has left something up to Commander Pixis, and that it will be up to Nile to
decide for himself in the future.

In the throne room, Pixis orders his troops to secure an evacuation route and gather in the east district. One of the
assemblymen angrily interrupts him and orders them to instead close all of the gates in Wall Sheena and prevent
refugees from entering. Nile is shocked upon hearing this, stating that such a decision would lead to the death of half of
humanity's entire remaining population. The assemblyman does not pay any heed to what Nile says, saying that Erwin
was right about a civil war breaking out if the refugees come into the interior. Nile replies that it was only a theory, but
the assemblyman refuses to budge and repeats his order to seal the gates.

Pixis and his soldier exchange a glance, and she proceeds to nod and runs out of the throne room. The Assembly discuss
the current matter together. One of them says that there is a silver lining to this incident, ambiguously stating that they
only need to wait a few days until they "obtain it." The soldiers are at unrest, not wanting to go against orders by their
higher-ups. Nile, however, vows not to abandon the citizens of Wall Rose and goes against the command of the
Assembly. Darius Zackly suddenly enters the throne room, along with a large group of armed soldiers. Pixis asks him if
he was shocked by the response of the Assembly, which he denies. Darius explains to the nervous crowd that the entire
report of the breach was merely a farce, and that there had been no Titan attack at all. Pixis tells the mortified nobles
that he was the one who organized the plan, explaining that this was just a test to see how the nobility would react
when human lives are placed in great danger. If they had decided to help the refugees, everybody would turn
themselves in for treason. But if they decided to selfishly fend for themselves, then the military would overthrow them
as rulers of the Walls. An assemblyman claims that their actions will cause mass chaos, but Darius objects, informing
the Assembly that the Berg Newspaper has revealed to the world the true corruption of the Interior forces. In defeat,
the assemblyman wakes up Fritz, the false King, who had been dozing off the whole time. As the Assembly is put under
arrest, Erwin tells Nile that humanity is now in an even more dangerous position.

Back in the forest, Hange, accompanied by Marlowe and Hitch, delivers the news of the coup's success and the Survey
Corps' freedom to Levi and his squad, leaving them all shocked and filled with happiness.. Levi asks Hange about how
she managed to relieve them of their crimes, and Hange replies that it was not entirely her that saved the Survey Corps
but instead, the citizens of the city themselves, such as the Reeves Company and the Berg Newspaper who aided the
Survey Corps' freedom. Levi understands now, but he tells her as well as the group that they still have a threat to deal
with: Kenny Ackerman. Levi states that since Kenny is alive and still has Eren and Historia as hostages, the coup is not
over. Levi plans to rescue them and the group agrees with him as well, but they do not know where they are being held.
Hange intervenes, stating that she may have an idea where they are, holding up a letter. She states that their location is
in the letter, but they would have to take a risk since it might not be the real location and a trap instead. They decide to
take their chances and begin the search for Eren and Historia.

In some other location, Kenny inspects his knife while Rod Reiss and Historia are talking to each other in front of Eren,
half-naked and suspended in chains.
Chapter 62: Sin
The Royal Government has been forfeited and the nobles of the Assembly arrested, but Erwin Smith and Darius
Zackly still have doubts about their newly appointed positions. They discuss the direction humanity will take after their
drastic actions and contemplate the penalty it will ensue. Hange and the new Squad Levi attempt to locate Eren after he
was taken to a dungeon by Rod Reiss and Kenny Ackerman, with Historia Reiss as a front. Chained up and confused,
Eren is confronted by Historia and she reveals that Rod is not an enemy of humanity. Rod and Historia say that all will
be explained soon enough. Laying hands on Eren, hidden powers trigger a distant memory of Eren with his father, and
the aftermath of his very first transformation is revealed: Eren had eaten his own father.

After the success of the Survey Corps' coup against the Royal Government, a public proclamation is given to the people
of Mitras announcing that the former government has been conquered. Erwin and Darius announce this to the public
on the gallows that once had been prepared for Erwin's execution. Nile Dok is questioned by the crowd about the news,
and he proclaims that the Survey Corps overthrew the government because they would end up betraying their own
people if it meant their own survival. Nile says that the Corps have no interest in ruling within the Walls, explaining that
the Fritz family is not the true royal family, the real royalty being in hiding. Nile explains that with the situation
humanity has faced, the throne was unfit for a monarchy that endangered its own people. Nile goes on to say that the
military's mission is to crown the true royal heir and restore people's trust in the government, and that the former
corrupt monarchy are currently sitting in jail cells. A reporter reveals that despite the recent events being a good thing,
the people have expressed mixed, uncertain emotions about the whole ordeal. The reporter says that, though the true
royal heir will be crowned, within the hearts and minds of the people, the Fritz family will always be in power. This
shocks Nile, with the reporter going on to explain that no one knows what to believe in any longer.

Erwin and Darius sit in a wagon strolling through the city. Erwin confesses that he believes humanity was in better
hands with the old monarchy, saying that no matter how corrupt and frail it was, they were able to keep humanity
extant. He says that despite their plans to abandon half of their people, it still would have resulted better than the
extinction of the human race altogether. He explains that it would have been safer to entrust the former government
with Eren's Titan powers, the retaking of Wall Maria and even Eren's life entirely. The best choice for humanity would
have been for Erwin to abandon himself and his friends all while entrusting the government, remarking if humanity
truly is more precious than individuals.

Darius says that Erwin's mission is as perilous as ever, with Erwin questioning why Darius led them down such a
treacherous road. Darius says that if Erwin wanted to trust the government, he should never have planned the coup
with Pixis in the first place. Darius says that the reason his men pointed their guns at the government was because he
never liked them in the first place, expressing that they were disgusting, pompous rulers. He was their own loyal lapdog
and climbed his way into power, and laughs when thinking about how much he wanted to see them torn down. He says
that he was waiting for the day to see them fall for as long as he was in their hands. Darius says that whether the
revolution has a better or worse impact on humanity, it does not concern him, saying that the remark makes him look
like the bad guy. He says that Erwin must feel the same way, and Erwin agrees. Darius says that Erwin allowed others to
choose what path humanity followed, explaining that the both of them valued their own lives over the fate of mankind.
Darius asks the reason Erwin did this, and Erwin says it is because of a dream he has had since he was young, thinking
back to his father's classroom.

Back at the Berg Newspapers, Hange thanks Roy for distributing the papers. Hange tells him to take everyone from the
paper and their families to Trost District, just like they previously had prepared. Hange and Moblit head to the
rendezvous point, where they see Marlowe and Hitch. Hange and Marlowe briefly exchange code and prepare to meet
the person they discussed about. The group gathers their horses and ride to the point, seeing a crowd of people, and
the group is thrilled to discover their plan succeeded. Hange tells Moblit to message Erwin about the news.
Hange meets up with the Squad Levi and briefly explains to a confused Mikasa that Eren will be eaten in order to have
his powers stolen, based on a lead from a discussion overhead by Reiner and Bertolt. Hange says that she will explain
the whole situation as they move, and the squad takes the horses towards a dark path. Hange reads from a report
commissioned by Erwin about the Reiss family grounds, explaining that it is safe to assume that Eren will be taken
there. Survey Corps members disguised as farmers conducted a covert survey on the grounds, with the majority of the
report being about an incident that happened to the Reiss family five years ago.

It reads that the Reiss family was blessed with five children, a sixth being illegitimate, which came from the lord and a
servant. This was not an unusual thing and did not leave a bad reputation with the lord. The lord's eldest
daughter, Frieda Reiss, was loved by all for her genuine character, and was known to visit the fields to personally thank
the farmers for their work. You could ask anyone on those grounds and they would tell how that she was their pride
and joy. A tragedy struck the night Wall Maria fell, however, as marauding bandits who had taken advantage of the
Wall's destruction raided a chapel in the village. They went unnoticed and that night, the entire Reiss family was
gathered around in prayer and all of them died that night, save for Rod. This all happened days before Historia's mother
was murdered by the Military Police's Interior Squad. After the annihilation of his family, Rod attempted to contact
Historia, and ended up being the reason the Interior Squad surrounded Historia and her mother in the first
place. Levi and Mikasa question Hange about the Reiss bloodline, but Hange tells them the subject is for another time.
Hange moves onto why such a well structured chapel could have fell so easily as it did, and why the bandits needed to
level the building anyway. Hange questions why Rod, the only one to witness the bandits, rebuilt it immediately after it
fell. She wonders if Titans were involved in the situation, and say that any suspicious situation such as that is worth
looking into. The team decides that they will check out the chapel, where Hange suspects Eren will be taken to be
eaten. Armin recites in his head that when a Titan eats a human who can become a Titan, it gains their powers. With
that in mind, he wonders where and how Eren became a Titan, and who was eaten in order for Eren to gain his abilities.

Eren awakens chained in a crystallized dungeon, mouth gagged. While Rod and Kenny are talking, Historia approaches
Eren and explains that Rod is an ally of humanity, and was only previously misunderstood. She says that despite all of
the people he is killed, it was all for the benefit of humanity. Rod confronts the two and tells Historia that he will
explain the rest. Eren in his mind remembers the last thing seeing was the two reconciling, in his memory Rod asking for
Historia's forgiveness and told her that all he did was in order to protect her and he anticipated the day would come
when he would be able to warmly hold her. Eren asks to himself how long he was gone, and where the Corps' current
location is. Eren also questions what Rod has been telling Historia and why he keeps getting kidnapped. Eren
remembers the dungeon he was kept in, but the thought is cut short as Rod and Historia approach him. Rod says that it
is Eren's first time in the dungeon, but he would not be surprised if Eren is familiar with it. This further confuses Eren
but Historia asks Rod if he will explain all this to Eren. Rod says that he would like to try something first. He explains
that they need to touch Eren in order to resurface the memories of what happened in the dungeon. Rod and Historia
slowly place their hands on Eren's back, triggering a violent, rapid series of flashbacks.

In his mind, Eren sees someone else's memories of entering a passageway beneath the chapel. Below the chapel is the
crystal cavern, the members of the Reiss family standing within. They turn in surprise at the person, and Frieda Reiss
glares with anger. A feminine Titan is seen battling the person who is also a Titan, and the person slaughters the
children of the Reiss family. Eren becomes horridly confused and questions what is going on, seeing a man in a Survey
Corps uniform before the sight shifts to Eren in the forest from his father's point of view five years ago. Eren is injected
with the serum and is struck with immense pain before transforming into a Titan for the first time. The Titan aims Eren's
father, grabbing him and consuming him. The memory then shifts to the aftermath, with Eren in human form holding
Grisha's glasses and howling in terror beside his bloody remains.

With the memories concluded, Rod asks Eren if he remembers his father's sin.
Chapter 63: Chains
With Eren still held captive below the Reiss family chapel, Rod Reiss explains the history of Historia's half-sister, Frieda,
and her eventual fate after the family's encounter with Grisha Yeager during the fall of Wall Maria five years ago. Rod
reveals that Grisha, in his Titan form, fought and defeated Frieda and stole her Titan powers, with the intent on ending
the Reiss family bloodline forever. Meanwhile, with the success of the revolution fresh out of its core, an uncertain
tension arises between Erwin Smith, Pixis and Darius Zackly. With Rod in the final stage of his plans, Erwin, the
entire Military and Levi's squad prepare to lay siege against the chapel to rescue Eren and stop Reiss once and for all.

Historia's memories of the dark-haired girl Frieda Reiss come flooding back when she and Rod touch Eren's back.
Historia wonders how she forgot someone so important to her, since Frieda taught a young Historia to read, write, and
was overall very kind to her. Rod confirms that not only is Frieda her half-sister, but that she also erased Historia's
memories of her to possibly protect her. Historia then asks Rod where Frieda is now to thank her for being there for
her. Rod reveals that Frieda is no longer alive, and that Grisha Yeager killed Rod's family five years prior.

Rod tells that Grisha Yeager, appearing rather distressed, meets with the Reiss family in the cave below the chapel. Rod
claims that Grisha came to steal Frieda's the power of the Reiss family. After killing and eating Frieda, Grisha then went
on to kill other Reiss family members. Rod's wife, 10-year-old Florian, 12-year-old Abel, 14-year-old Dirk, and the eldest
son Urklyn, were all killed by Grisha. Rod is fled the scene above ground, with Grisha's Titan breaking out of the chapel.
After hearing this story, Historia wonders how Grisha could do such things, while looking at a wide-eyed
Eren. Kenny appears and reminds Rod and company that the Survey Corps' coup has succeeded and could be coming at
any moment now. After complaining that he needs to use the restroom, Rod pardons him. Kenny walks away
courteously before scowling out of sight.

Elsewhere, Zackly is humiliating an upside-down assemblyman, commanding him to digest his food in reverse. This
noble insinuates that "noble blood" like his is unaffected by Reiss mind wipes, while "slave blood" is susceptible. This
proves to Pixis that said mind wipes are real and can undermine the revolutionary efforts taken thus far with the
obtainment of Eren's "scream." Pixis also admits he knew of Zackly's torturous ambitions, and laments how humanity
has turned against once another so soon after the successful coup. Erwin asserts that such interpersonal abuse will
occur as long as there is more than one person alive in the world. Moblit arrives on the scene, informing Erwin that the
soldiers are ready to depart. They begin the rescue mission for Eren and Historia with Erwin leading his forces to the
chapel on the Reiss family grounds.

Squad Levi continues on their own route to the chapel. Levi makes it clear that Kenny Ackerman is too formidable of a
foe, thanks to the anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipment. Hange is hopeful that Levi and company have a
chance against him since Kenny had started using said equipment the day prior. Hange also wonders why Levi knows so
little about Kenny considering their apparent history together. Levi says he did not even know Kenny was
an Ackerman until yesterday, and then asks Mikasa if they are related at all. Mikasa says that her father's bloodline had
apparently been persecuted in the cities, forcing him unto the mountains near the Wall. Mr. Ackerman found
companionship in Mikasa's mother, who was also persecuted due to her race. Levi asks Mikasa if she ever felt a
moment where her body was imbued with power. Mikasa recalls the kidnapping event where she wielded a knife to
save a young Eren. Levi says both Kenny and he experienced a similar moment.

Back in the cavern, Historia looks at Eren with a disdainful expression. Once left alone with Eren and Historia, Rod
comes back with a black handbag. Rod retrieves a case with a serum that Eren instantly recognizes from the night
Grisha injected him. Rod tells Historia that Frieda is not exactly "dead" and still lives on as memories. Rod asks Historia
if she wants to meet Frieda, paralleled to Grisha entrusting a young Eren with the task of avenging Carla Yeager prior to
his injection. Aware that Historia is poised to experience the same event he did, Eren struggles to break free from his
Chapter 64: Welcome party
The battle for the power of the Reiss family comes to a head below the Reiss family chapel as Kenny and the Anti-
Personnel Control Squad face off against Hange and Squad Levi. Rod explains how Frieda Reiss acquired the power of
the Titans, as well as revealing the mysterious special Titan that built all three Walls a century ago. During the battle,
Hange becomes seriously injured after fighting Kenny's second-in-command before forcing them to flee. About to
turn Historia into a Titan, Rod is confronted by Kenny, who reveals his original plan to turn into one himself by
eating Eren.

Hange and Levi's squad are outside the Reiss chapel, planning their invasion. After preparing, Levi asks his squad if
they're ready to get their hands dirty, all revealing strained but determined expressions. Inside the chapel underground
cavern, Kenny's second-in-command does a mental headcount of the soldiers they will face. She notes that Levi will be
present as well, and she decides that they will first attempt to lure them out and fire on them all at once. She mentions
Squad Levi's skill at using the vertical maneuvering equipment versus their own numbers, and predicts that they will not
try anything reckless because of this.

She says that even despite running straight into an ambush, Levi escaped unharmed with twelve of her men dead.
Mentioning how the former monarch has fallen, she succumbs to her squad's eventual fate, expressing that dying in the
chapel would be preferable over living and being detained by the Survey Corps, indicating inhuman methods of torture
awaiting them otherwise. With the Titans capable of breaking the Walls at any moment as well, she questions why they
even joined the Military Police in the first place, with the reason being that they wished to find meaning in the world
inside the Walls. She concludes her speech with the fact that they must trust in Kenny's dream and fulfill their duty until

A foot kicks the entrance door open, catching the attention of Kenny's soldiers. Suddenly multiple barrels roll down the
stairs, all lined with gas canisters. Levi's squad rushes in, weapons ready, and Sasha aims a flaming arrow at one of
them, causing a bright explosion. With the vast and rapid spread of the fire, Kenny's second-in-command realizes the
barrels to contain bags full of oil. The fire emits smoke, blinding Kenny's men. Levi and Mikasa charge in sync, forcing
Kenny's men to shoot. Hange and Connie fire signal flares in the direction of Levi and Mikasa, with Armin, Jean and
Sasha preparing them for quick use, as to make it more difficult for Kenny's men to shoot accurately. Levi reveals the
spot at which Kenny's men are planted and orders them to keep attacking. Kenny's second-in-command counters by
ordering her men to strike individuals in groups.

Hange, Jean, and Connie head into the heart of the chapel, with Armin noting that it was exactly how Hange planned
out. In the air, Hange contemplates the size of the chapel, deducing that it is not man-made while also attempting to
measure the latitude. She thinks back to when she was with Armin and Sasha in the wagon as she prepared their part in
the chapel siege, just as in present time when Sasha fires another arrow at the barrels. Jean appears behind a blinded
enemy and thinks back to when Armin revealed that the anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipment's primary
weakness is the range of fire being restricted from backwards angles, leaving open an attack from behind. Jean appears
above the soldier and cuts his throat with his blade, and the two lock eyes before the man falls. A soldier spots Connie
and shoots several bullets, but misses. Connie sneak attacks another soldier and attempts to kill him, and manages to
maim his head, letting him fall below. To Connie's shock, Sasha kills the woman by shooting an arrow straight to her
heart, and Armin orders him to focus on the mission. Hange notes that, after having already shot two sets of bullets,
she can take the advantage as it takes a while to reload, and kills a soldier by striking their heart with her blade.

Kenny's second-in-command realizes Hange's ploy to divide her men as an attempt to kill them all individually. Just as
Mikasa kills another man, Kenny's second-in-command sees the enemy's advantage with their swords. As another
soldier attempts to fight Mikasa, calling her a monster and charging, Levi kicks him unconscious into a Wall. As Levi's
squad gains a substantial upper hand, Kenny's looks for an opening and shoots bullets at Hange. Hange however taunts
her, criticizing her off aim and claims she is rushing to her death. Kenny's second-in-command successfully punctures
Hange with a hook, catching her off-guard. She attempts to release it but it backfires, recoiling the both of them and
Hange is thrown below, to the horror of the entire squad. Kenny's second-in-command commands them to take the
advantage and retreat. Levi orders Armin to tend to Hange while he and the rest of the squad prepare to chase the
remainder of Kenny's men. Knowing Kenny is still in the cave, Levi questions his location.
Rod and Historia hear the fight close to them, and he ushers her to hurry. Frantically struggling, Eren is asked by Historia
as to why he is glaring at her, and Rod explains that it is because he realizes his fate. He says that Eren's Titan powers
that he stole will be returned and put into Historia. He goes into the history of the Walls, explaining that they were
created a century ago by a special Titan. This Titan wished peace for humanity and built Maria, Rose and Sheena as to
protect them from the roaming Titans outside. Rod explains it as a power reaching into their hearts, altering humanity's
memories, though some bloodlines were unaffected by this change. Despite still

retaining some of these memories, he concludes that neither these bloodlines nor their ancestors remember anything
about how the Titans came to be, except for Frieda Reiss.

As a ritual that occurred generation after generation for one hundred years, a Reiss would devour another in order to
obtain the power of the Titans and memories of the past world, as in the case of Frieda with her predecessor, her uncle.
Even though she knew the secrets of the world after the ritual and was allowed to disclose them, every Reiss monarch
within the century span never chose to. He says that humanity would not be in their current predicament if Frieda had
used her Titan powers, with her being capable of even wiping out all Titans forever. Historia questions him as to why it
did not happen, and he points to Eren, who stole the Titan's power, but is unable to use them because he is not a Reiss.
Hearing these words, Eren's expression turns to horror. Suddenly Kenny lands on the ground, confirming with Rod that
as Eren contains the Titan's power, he cannot use them due to his blood status. Rod agrees but wonders why Kenny
asked. Kenny asks if there is no point in him turning into a Titan himself and eating Eren, revealing his true colors.
Chapter 65: Dreams and curses
Kenny tells his grandfather's story that the Ackerman family and Asian clan are minority bloodlines and cannot have
their memories manipulated. He violently attacks Rod and harshly explains to Historia that Rod is a coward who never
wanted her in the first place. Rod frees himself and releases Kenny from his service but the Military Captain decides
that would not be very fun. Kenny frees Eren so that he and Historia can fight in Titan form. However, she is stopped
when Eren refuses to transform and instead tearfully asks Historia to eat him and save humanity. Levi's squad realize
they are running out of time.

Kenny Ackerman begins to tell Eren, Rod, and Historia a story form his youth. It begins with him entering a small room
and asking his grandfather to speak with him while asking if he is just about to die. Lying in bed, his grandfather asks
Kenny if he has killed more Military Police members. Kenny sits down and replies that the ones who were snooping
around are now fertilizing fields. Kenny tells his grandfather that he finally found his little sister, Kuchel. She is working
at a brothel in the underground city and has become pregnant while also desiring to keep the baby, which Kenny
advised her not to. He adds that another branch of his family moved near Shiganshina, but are being harassed so their
business has failed and they remain poor. Kenny then asks why the Ackermans are now hated since they used to be a
warrior family close to the crown. He goes on by saying that there are only a few Ackermans left and asks why the
monarchy hates them. After nothing but a cold look from his grandfather, Kenny whines to be told, asking jokingly if he
loves his grandson. His grandfather laughs and notes that this grandson is actually Kenny the Ripper, the capital's
monster. Sitting up, his grandfather says that he planned to protect the Ackermans by never telling this story but that it
has all been for naught. He begins by saying that the Ackermans are feared by the monarchy, not hated by it. He claims
it is because the King can not control Ackermans before saying that he does not know the whole story since he was
born inside the Walls.

However, he does know that the Ackermans were once closely affiliated with the monarchy and entrusted with the
survival of humanity. The rest of humanity, aside from a few groups of people, came from a single blood-line, meaning
that there is one majority race within the Walls. One of these smaller blood-lines is the Asian clan, who Kenny's
grandfather notes are vastly different from Ackermans. The problem is that these bloodlines stood in the way of the
King's desire to control humanity by manipulating memories and creating perfect order. Kenny is confused by this and
asks his grandfather to clarify, and he responds with the power of the Titans. Generations of monarchs inherited this
power and used it to not only build the Walls but also to erase the history of humanity outside of them, a practice they
are still doing. Kenny's grandfather returns to the Ackermans by saying that they are immune to memory manipulation
because they are not part of the majority blood-line. Two groups objected to the King's ideas and thus lost their status
which is why they are now being repressed: the Ackerman family and the Asian clan. Kenny's grandfather ends by
saying that his father's generation never told their children in order to protect them. Ultimately, he offered his own life
to ensure the survival of the Ackerman family but due to the recent harassment, it was likely pointless. Kenny
acknowledges his grandfather's story and says that he will believe it because things will be more fun that way.

Ending his story, Kenny says that those were his beliefs until now. He grabs Rod by the collar and lifts him into the air
while pointing a pistol at his eye. As Historia yells for her father, he asks if Kenny thinks that he is lying and, Kenny
responds that he does not think so. He adds that he has waited for this day to see if Rod would finally not lie. Kenny
accuses Rod of this being the Reiss succession ritual while also claiming that Rod manipulated him. Rod responds that
he is grateful and never knew why his brother took Kenny off the streets. Kenny interrupts and yells at him not to
insult Uri or Rod will lose half his head. Historia rushes for the pistol and pushes it out of the way before she demands
Kenny release her father. Kenny calls her a poor thing and says that she must understand by now that Rod is trying
to turn her into a Titan so she can eat Eren. Historia answers with determination that this is the mission she has been
given and that there is nothing sad about becoming a Titan and saving humanity. Kenny tells her that it is not her
mission and she ignores him by saying that she will eat Eren, bring Frieda back, inherit the history of the world, and
exterminate all of the Titans.
Kenny goes on to remind her that her birth was a tragedy. He adds that she was only conceived because Rod wanted to
have fun with a house servant, and the servant wanted power. He harshly tells her that everyone wished she never
existed, especially Rod. Kenny sarcastically says that Rod lost all his children and then decided to come save Historia
because he was a nice guy. The Interior Squad was ordered by the Assembly to kill Historia and her mother, but Rod
saved her by concealing her birth and sending her into the military, under the watch of the Church of the Walls.

Kenny rhetorically asks why Rod did this and says that perhaps Rod randomly decided to be a good father. He laughs
off that explanation and yells that Rod only cared about her blood as he shoves a large knife down Rod's throat. Kenny
continues his rant by saying Rod saddled his family with becoming Titans instead of himself, he covered up the loss of
the Titan's power in order to remain influential, and he only started talking after Eren saved Trost which resulted in
countless deaths. Kenny ends by shouting that Rod does not care about his family, humanity, and least of all Historia,
he is just a coward who only cares about protecting himself.

Kenny asks what Historia thinks now and is shocked when Rod pulls the knife from his throat while saying that Kenny is
wrong. Badly cutting his hands due to his grip on the knife, Rod claims there is a reason he can not become a Titan and
that Historia cannot trust others. Kenny releases Rod, who collapses to the ground, and asks if what Rod just said is
true. Rod responds that Kenny has served him well all these years and that he is proud of Uri's decision. While
admitting that Kenny's ambitions will go unfulfilled, he does believe humanity will see peace again. Rod tells Kenny that
he is free and should find something to live for. Kenny, with a blank expression, ascends the stairs to Eren while
remarking to himself that Rod's suggestion would not be very fun.

Rod and Historia, recovering from Kenny's rant, ask Kenny what he is doing and the captain ignores them by telling Eren
that he should turn into a Titan. He removes his mouth restraint, allowing Eren the opportunity to wound himself and
transform. Kenny announces that both Eren and Historia can become Titans and fight it out with peace returning if
Historia wins, and nothing happening if Eren wins. Kenny slices Eren's forehead open to help the latter transform. With
blood streaming down Eren's face, and Historia visibly worried, Kenny scoffs at Rod's suggestion and questions if one
can even call that living. Rod ignores the question and immediately gives Historia the Titan injection, telling her that it
will allow her to become a powerful Titan suited for battle. Rod again tells her to hurry but clarifies that she only needs
to ingest his spinal fluid, not totally devour him. Kenny uses his equipment to get a safe distance away as Historia stares
at her arm with needle in hand. She relaxes her grip as she notices that Eren has not transformed and she asks him why.
Historia reminds Eren that he will certainly die if he does not transform before he lifts his head to reveal blood and
tears. Rod urges her on from a distance and Eren quietly remarks that something never needed to happen.

Historia questions what he means, and Eren responds that Grisha stealing Frieda's power prevented her from saving
humanity and resulted in countless deaths, including Armin's grandfather, Thomas Wagner, Mina Carolina, Mylius
Zeramuski, Nac Tias, Marco Bott, Petra Ral, Oluo Bozado, Eld Jinn, Gunther Schultz, people in the Stohess District, the
soldiers who rescued him from the Armored Titan, and Hannes as well. Eren says that he could never atone for that and
painfully remembers training with those people and their dreams of what could be past the Walls. He then announces
that he never needed to happen as Historia looks on with tears in her eyes and remembers her own mother. Eren asks
Historia to save humanity by eating him. Eren then lowers his head and continues to cry as Kenny looks on from the
ceiling. Historia responds by saying that the day Eren called her a normal person made her very happy. Tearfully, she
puts the needle to her arm, preparing to inject herself with the serum.

Elsewhere in the cave, Levi, Mikasa, Connie, Sasha, Jean, and Kenny's second-in-command notice the bright light that
indicates a Titan transformation. Levi observes that they are running out of time, Jean guesses that it is a Titan, and
Mikasa softly says Eren's name with a look of considerable worry on her face. A massive Titan begins to form, pushing
against the roof of the cavern.
Chapter 66: Wish
About to inject the Titan serum and transform, Historia recalls memories from her past involving Ymir, Frieda, and her
time as a trainee in the 104th Training Corps. After having a flashback of Ymir telling her to live her life with pride,
Historia abandons Rod's plan and instead attempts to release Eren. They reunite with Levi's squad and prepare to
escape, however Rod ingests the serum and begins to transform into a Titan. Faced with a crumbling Wall and a
towering Titan estimated to be larger than the Colossus Titan itself, Levi tells Eren to make his own choice. Eren
believes in himself and bites into a vial labelled "Armor," jumps off the ledge and transforms, facing the Titan before

Before she can inject the Titan serum into her blood, Historia recalls memories of seeing Ymir unconscious after
emerging from her Titan form. She also remembers seeing her sister, Frieda, after Historia climbed a fence and got a
splinter stuck in her hand. Frieda is horrified and scolds Historia for trying to climb over the fence to her side. She recalls
being a trainee in the 104th Training Corps while Ymir scolds her for trying to do a "good deed." Rod appears before
her, asking if Historia is scared.

Historia questions why Frieda did not fight. Kenny slides down from above and mumbles below his breath for Historia
to hurry and become the ruler of the world.

Historia asks Rod why the previous Reiss family members avoided saving humanity from the Titans. She recalls her
sister acting like a completely different person, almost as if she was possessed, calling them all sinners and afterward
looking depressed. Rod confirms Historia's suspicions of Frieda inheriting the First King's philosophy and the lost
memories of the world, explaining that the First King wished for the world to be ruled by the Titans and that the
reasons are only known to those who carry the memories of the world. Rod's father inherited the king's ideology and
Rod and his brother Uri Reiss asked him to free humanity from the Titans' rule, but never granted their desire or
disclosed the reason why. Rod's father eventually needed an heir to the role and Uri volunteered, and that in paying for
this debt, he requested that Rod pray. After the procedure was over and Uri gained the power of the Titans, Rod looked
into his brother's eyes and knew what it meant. Uri had become the creator of the world, an all-powerful being: God.

Rod explains that humanity's fate lies in God's hands, whether it be to perish the world or save it. Rod's eventual goal is
to revive God back into the world and pray to it, and apologizes to Historia for not disclosing this information earlier,
saying that he did not have a choice. Historia thinks to herself that she can either leave the fate of humanity in the
hands of Eren, who can not save it, or take the role of her ancestors and save it. Rod takes Historia's arms and says that
he prays, and she agrees in her mind. She remembers Ymir saying that she can not tell her how to live, furthering her
mission to eventually become God and save humanity, and that it is what Rod wants. Ymir tells Historia to live her life
with pride, and suddenly Historia angrily flings the Titan serum on the ground, breaking it. Rod is horrified and grabs
her, but she counters and flings him onto the ground, breaking Rod's back. Historia yells that Rod is telling her whatever
he can think of to make her do what he wants, and that he is not going to kill her. Historia grabs Rod's handbag and
heads towards Eren, meanwhile with Kenny excitedly saying that things are getting interesting.

Eren asks what Historia is doing as she unlocks the chains binding him. He yells that she is part of the chosen Reiss line
and must eat him, painstakingly saying that it is bad for humanity if he continues to live, urging her to eat him as he
says he says it is too painful to live any more. She hits him across the head, calling him stupid and a crybaby and berates
the idea of destroying the Titans, saying that she is the enemy of mankind. In a rage, she explains that she is letting him
escape and when it is over, she will destroy mankind. Rod, still slumped on the ground and no longer able to walk,
crawls over to the quickly evaporating serum. He licks up the serum as he mumbles about returning to his father,
brother, and Frieda. A giant spine explodes from Rod and a skeletal form appears, staring directly at Eren as the impact
forces him back. Kenny curses Rod for turning into a Titan while Eren yells for Historia to run and let Rod eat him, but
she refuses, unlocking his leg shackles. She says that despite being the enemy of humanity, she is Eren's friend. She also
says that she can not be a good girl and does not want to become God. Thinking of Eren, Ymir and Frieda, she vows that
if anyone in the world says they are not needed, she will let them know that it is not true and rescue them regardless of
the situation, successfully releasing all of Eren's leg shackles. The sudden pressure of hot steam forces her back towards
the hard cavern Wall.
Mikasa catches Historia before she can collide with the Wall, asking if Historia is okay. Levi, Jean, and Connie attempt to
unlock Eren's hand shackles. Levi urges Connie to hurry up with identifying the keys to the locks as Connie curses
himself finding them, and Jean warns Eren that they not only have to deal with Titans, but Kenny's incoming squad. Levi
notices the chapel ceiling is collapsing as they successfully release Eren from the shackles and escape just in time for a
large boulder to strike the place where Eren was chained. Levi curses as he realizes they are in trouble, estimating Rod
Reiss's Titan form to be larger than the Colossus Titan itself. The Titan arises above the crumbling ceiling as Kenny
meets up with his men and warns them not to come any closer before his words are suddenly cut off. Eren fervently
questions why Rod is not eating him as he is still in the same position, dreading everyone's demise.

He wonders if he should turn into a Titan, but realizes that his Titan form will be crushed regardless of its size and
everyone will die. Surveying his friends who are close to him, he continues to express his feelings of uselessness and
saying he was never humanity's great hope, but something catches his eye: a small vial labelled "Armor" that fell out of
Rod's handbag. The team considers their choices as all of them individually express their grim chances.

Historia mockingly asks if Eren intends to let them all hold hands before they die, because they are "enemies of
humanity," with a shocked look from Eren. Levi apologizes to Eren for always leaving him with the choice, but he tells
him to do what he wants. Remembering the Female Titan's chase of Levi's old squad in the Titan Forest and him trusting
in his friends, Eren apologizes in his mind and asks them for one thing: to let him, just once, believe in himself. Taking
the small bottle labelled "Armor" and eating it, Eren appears before Rod Reiss, transforming into a new Titan form as
hope expands.
Chapter 67: Outside the walls of Orvud district
Eren is extracted from his Titan form, which has hardened and supported the imploding cave. After he is taken
out, Connie secures an exit from the cave and Squad Levi leaves. The ground above the cave has cracked open and in
the distance a Titan can be seen. Levi then orders that everyone follow it and after retrieving Hange, they discuss
possibly making Rod Reiss gain the Titan's power, which Hange dubs the "Progenitor Titan", by feeding Eren to him, but
they instead go with Historia's idea that the Progenitor Titan power can be used without Reiss blood, which is
why Grisha Yeager stole it. They then plan to kill Rod Reiss and station a base in Orvud District where he is being drawn
toward. Reuniting with Erwin Smith and the Survey Corps, they halt the evacuation of the district to continue drawing
the crawling Titan towards the Wall. At the brink of dawn, the soldiers station themselves atop the Wall and ready for
the fight to kill Rod Reiss.

Eren appears in a strange, half transformed state, where his spine, ribs, head, and a single arm are developed with no
skin or muscles except for his head. He hears Mikasa calling out to him and snaps out of a daze as Mikasa
and Jean frantically pull him out of his complete Titan which sits within the underground of the Reiss chapel, completely
hardened. The solid Titan has large peaks of hardened flesh jutting out from it and its surrounding areas, supporting the
previously collapsing cave.

Connie happily tells Sasha that they are now able to escape the cave, and Sasha relays the message to Squad
Levi within. Sasha then realizes Eren has escaped his Titan and goes down to the ground to congratulate him on saving
them all, but mentions she was worried when he started wailing and running in a creepy way. Eren looks around at the
hardened Titan as Levi explains that it has hardened and did not disappear even after Eren was extracted from it. Eren
questions where the "Armor" bottle was before Historia shows him Rod Reiss's bag which contained the armor bottle,
along with other serums, however they had all been crushed or the liquid had evaporated. Levi explains that there may
be other serums somewhere else and that after drinking the contents of the bottle, Eren was able to harden for the first
time and protect his friends from heat and falling debris. He also states that while Eren lacked the knowledge to do
something like that, he was able to create a building in an instant and that the Walls may have been built that way as
well. With this, they may be able to fill Wall Maria's breach. Eren thinks to himself that if they take back Wall Maria
they will be able to reach his basement, but he then remembers his father, Grisha Yeager, killing the children and
mother of the Reiss family. Connie then exclaims that Levi must come out of the cave to see something.

As Armin helps Eren out of the cave, he states he is relieved Eren and Historia are both safe. Eren sees a huge split in the
earth with the pillars of the cave below supporting the ground above. Armin claims that the earth had cracked open
and a Titan had crawled out of it. Eren questions the Titan in the distance, which is crawling on it is stomach with its
head down on the ground. Armin states that the Titan looks twice as big as the Colossus Titan and that it must be very
hot due to the trees surrounding it lighting up in flames. He then says that it is surprising how the Titan is uninterested
with the squad. Jean questions if it is an Abnormal Titan and Armin says that it would be unless it was controlled by
Rod. Levi orders his squad to follow the Titan with him and to be careful that the First Interior Squad may be hiding in
the surroundings.

The squad mounts their horses and hitches their wagons as they walk towards the crawling Titan. Hange, lying in a cart
with Eren and Historia, holds her shoulder wound and tiredly says that they will consider the power within Eren to be
the "Progenitor Titan" and that the Progenitor Titan can only show its true value when used by someone with the Reiss
families blood. Hange also states that even if a member of the family obtains that power, they are controlled by the
ideology of the First King and humanity can not be freed from the Titans. Hange laughs slightly, saying it is really
interesting that according to the First King this would be real peace, and that it sounded funny. Eren says that they can
still choose to let him get eaten by the Titan, that Rod will become human again and that it is still possible to give him
the Progenitor Titan power. Mikasa is shocked as Levi agrees with Eren's statement, saying they can restrain Rod and
after he becomes a human undo the brainwashing and that if they can do that it may be possible to save humanity. He
then asks if Eren means to say he is prepared to do that, and Eren agrees. Mikasa begins to voice her opinion but is
interrupted by Historia who says that there is another possibility. Historia explains that there are issues with giving Rod
Reiss the Progenitor Titan powers, claiming that the Reiss family has been unsuccessfully trying to undo the
brainwashing for decades. She also claims that if Rod tampers with humanity's memories there is nothing they will be
able to do and that there are a lot of other things that they are unable to predict now that could go wrong. She states
that if anything, now that they have taken away the Progenitor Titan power, there is actually a one in a million chance
for humanity and that Eren's father had tried to save humanity from the First King.

Historia claims that Eren's father stole the Progenitor Titan power from her sister, Frieda Reiss, and killed the Reiss
family because he had no other choice. Shocked, Eren remembers his father saying that if he wants to save Armin,
Mikasa, and everyone he must find a way to control this power as he gave Eren the key and injected him with the Titan
serum. Armin agrees, saying there was no way Dr. Yeager would do something like that for no good reason, as Mikasa
agrees and states that there must be a way to save humanity without the Reiss family's blood and that was the reason
he left Eren with the key. Sasha states the basement's extreme importance and Connie agrees with her while Jean
states that they had finally found a way to cover the hole and that there was only one choice. Hange agrees with the
choice but asks if Historia will be alight with it, pointing at the Titan and stating that it can not be left wandering around
in the Walls or restrained due to it is size, and that she will have to kill her father. Historia blankly stares at the Titan,
remembering her father apologizing to her when she was first captured. She then apologizes to Eren, saying she really
did plan on killing him, but not for humanity's sake. She claims that she wanted to believe her father was right and she
did not want him to hate her. However, she then states that now she will have to part from him.

Several Survey Corps members surround the crawling Titan. Soldiers, including Erwin Smith, warn others to stay back
from the Titan and that they will burn. Erwin then notices familiar faces and a soldier exclaims that it is Squad Levi and
that they have managed to rescue Eren and Historia. Eren begins shouting at the Titan trying to use the Coordinate skill
to stop it. He does not succeed and Hange states that it is not reacting at all. Hange then questions if Eren did anything
else beside screaming the last time he used the skill and Eren claims that he was desperate. He remembers punching a
Titan's hand before it was devoured, he then tried to punch the air and stop the crawling Titan but again failing. Levi
notices Erwin in the distance and they regroup. Erwin questions how everyone is holding up, Levi states that only Hange
is wounded. As Hange excitedly greets Erwin, he states it does not appear to be too serious. He states that he did a
good job and Levi claims that Eren's screaming is not working and that he has countless things to report to Erwin. Erwin
then asks who the crawling Titan is, and Levi states that it is Rod Reiss. He then asks for the Commander's opinion on a

Within the Orvud District, the district's Garrison commander questions Erwin's motives for stopping the citizens from
evacuating, claiming the Titan will be there before dawn. Hange states that it is an Abnormal Titan and the soldier
questions the meaning towards that. Hange explains that the target is attracted by densely populated areas. Hange
explains that it is so extreme that it completely ignored small villages and came directly to the Walled town. She says
that if the people are evacuated, the Titan will destroy Wall Sheena to follow them and that in the end it will go for the
most populated areas of Mitras and bring about destruction there. Erwin claims that in other words, they must kill that
Titan on the outer Wall of the Orvud District and that the people must act as a decoy. He then states that it does not
change the fact that as soldiers, their mission is to protect people's lives and that even if they are unable to kill the
Titan, they will make sure no citizens are killed. He says they will use an evacuation test as an excuse so that they are
able to move fast into the inner part of Wall Sheena if needed. After brief thought, the Garrison soldier agrees if that is
the only way. Erwin claims that because the Titan is so large, it is slow and easy to hit and that the fixed cannons on the
Walls are capable but in the case that they are not, they will use the best team in the survey corps with Eren, Mikasa,
and Armin. The people within the room all glance toward them and Eren looks down slightly with a sweat.

Atop the Walls, Connie states that after waking the people up so early for an evacuation drill he is surprised there was
not an insurrection. Jean states that the military even took over the crown. Mikasa looks down at Sasha and asks why
she has not eaten anything, Sasha claims she is not hungry and Eren questions if she is okay. Connie claims he is not
hungry either, and Jean claims it may be because they have been killing people.

Surprised, Eren looks over at him and Jean states that a lot happened and even after it all, the day is still not over. Sasha
says she believes there is still hope if they can just pull through their current ordeal, while Armin counters saying that if
they do fail humanity will be forced to play the worst game of hide and seek against the Titan inside the Walls. This
prompts Connie to wonder why the king had to go and do something so stupid in the first place. Historia appears
equipped with her vertical maneuvering equipment, claiming that it was her fault. Jean asks why Historia is dressed like
that and states that she should not be here. Levi then calls out to her and says she can not participate in this fight,
claiming that they had ordered her to stay in a safe place and then asks what she is trying to do. Historia claims that she
came to settle a matter with her destiny. She says that Levi told her to choose whether to run away or fight when he
previously intimidated her into becoming the next queen. Levi then states that they are out of time as the crawling
Titan approaches the Wall and is almost within fighting distance.
Chapter 68: Ruler of the walls
The evacuation of the citizens of Orvud District continues while the Garrison uses cannons to shoot Rod with no
effect. Squad Levi prepares to fight and Historia joins them despite Erwin's request for her to withdrawal and stay
safe. Eren admires her strength while complaining of his own weakness. Soon after, Rod reaches the Wall and stands
up, causing both citizens and the Garrison soldiers to flee in terror. Squad Levi causes Rod to lose his balance by
destroying his hands with gunpowder barrels, and Eren shifts into his Titan form and is able to force gunpowder barrels
into Rod's mouth, blowing apart his head. Squad Levi then takes off and slices apart the flying pieces, trying to cut Rod's
true body. Historia is then able to find the right piece of flesh and as she cuts her father's nape, she sees past memories
of Rod, Uri and Frieda. The rest of Rod's body explodes and Historia falls to the ground. After regaining consciousness,
she finds herself surrounded by the shocked citizens who ask her who she is. She then stands up and tells them that she
is Historia Reiss, the true ruler of the Walls.

The Garrison continues the evacuation of the citizens of Orvud District under the facade that it is just a practise drill.
However, some citizens are suspicious about why there is such an exercise in the northern region of Wall Sheena, the
safest place within the Walls, and believe that the military is just trying to show off their power to the people after the
coup d'état.

At that moment, a large column of steam appears at the other side of the Wall as Rod Reiss gets closer, and the
Garrison begins firing cannons. Erwin and Squad Levi observe how the efforts of the military are useless since
the Titan recovers from all injuries and keeps approaching. Erwin comments that they will never hit the nape of the
Titan from that angle, and that the Garrison from the northern part of Wall Sheena is much less experienced than its
counterpart on the front lines of south Wall Rose, but that is the best they have for the moment.

Hange Zoë appears bringing a large amount of gunpowder, ropes and a net for Erwin, as well as wheelbarrows charged
with more gunpowder and equiped with spikes like if they were large versions of the vertical maneuvering
equipment. Levi, Jean, Sasha and Connie take their positions to attack Rod, while the others gather gunpowder barrels
into the net.

Erwin asks Historia to stay away, since she is going to be the next queen and it would be problematic if something were
to happen to her, but she questions if people are really so naive to obey a ruler in name only. She then states that she
has found for herself the mission she has to carry out and prepares to fight.

As they talk, Eren watches in silence and thinks about how strong she has become, and how weak he is for thinking that
he was special and that the sacrifices of the soldiers who died for his sake were "unavoidable."

He then notices three kids who are watching them from the distance and comments to Armin that if Rod reaches the
Wall, those kids are going to see the exact same thing they saw 5 years ago. However, Armin points out that unlike that
day, there are now soldiers that can fight back, and that they are those soldiers. As Eren remembers the time when a
Titan devoured his mother, Mikasa complains that it is no time to be standing around and Eren punches his own face in
frustration for being so useless and pathetic.

Rod reaches the Wall, and the Garrison prepares to shoot his nape now that the angle is adequate, but unexpectedly
the wind changes direction and they are covered by a cloud of hot steam. When they recover their sight of the target, it
is too late; Rod is stretching out his hands over the Wall and stands up. Eren's prediction comes true as the three kids
watch in horror as they see the smoky hand of the Titan over the Wall and then his deformed body standing.

The citizens flee in terror and even the Garrison retreats, but Squad Levi takes the command and pours barrels of water
on themselves to endure the heat emitted by Rod's body. The three children begin to flee but stop after seeing
Eren transform into a Titan on top of the Wall.

At Erwin's signal, Squad Levi launches the wheelbarrows with gunpowder to Rod's hands. The gunpowder explodes in
contact with the extremely hot body of the Titan, destroying his hands and making him lose his balance. Erwin orders
Eren to go next and he charges against the Titan carrying the net with more gunpowder barrels.
Shortly before the battle, Erwin and Squad Levi discussed the plan to take down Rod, and Erwin guessed correctly that
the gunpowder would explode due to the heat of his body, and because he was dragging his head along the ground, the
friction should have destroyed his face, leaving his mouth wide open and vulnerable to throw gunpowder into it, this
being the only way to destroy his head.

As Rod's Titan stumbles against the Wall, Eren follows Erwin's plan and throws the gunpowder barrels into the Titan's
mouth. Rod's head explodes and Squad Levi begins slicing the pieces that are flying around, trying to find the piece
corresponding to his nape and cut it. Historia joins in the attack and cuts the right piece, killing Rod Reiss.

As she slices her father's nape, she sees memories of a young Rod jailed while he demands explanations from
his father for not killing the Titans despite having the Coordinate, and of Uri and Frieda before inheriting it, expressing
their desire to save humanity. She sees Rod kneeling desperately before Alma, her mother, saying that she is the only
one who understands him, followed by a memory of a bloody corpse.

Rod's Titan body explodes, and a short while later Historia awakens on a cart. As she regains consciousness, she finds
herself surrounded by the shocked citizens, who recognize her as the one who finished off the Titan but wonder who
she is, since she is not wearing a jacket with her military uniform. She stands up and tells them that she is Historia Reiss,
the true ruler of the Walls.
Chapter 69: Friends
A dying Kenny Ackerman recalls significant past events of his life. He remembers the time when he met Uri Reiss and
how Uri spared his life after being captured by him during a failed assassination attempt. Uri even apologized to him for
the persecution the Ackermans suffered and for failing to save humanity, prompting an impressed Kenny to become his
bodyguard. After his sister Kuchel died of sickness in the Underground, Kenny takes in her son, Levi. Kenny, not wanting
to be a parent, teaches him only what he needs to know to survive and then leaves him some years later without
explanation. After much time has passed, Uri tells Kenny about the inherited power of the Reiss family, making him
desire to obtain it. Kenny starts his plan by becoming the captain of the Anti-Personnel Control Squad. After Rod Reiss's
Titan transformation, Kenny is hit by the debris of the collapsed chapel basement, and his squad is wiped out. After the
battle at Orvud District, the dying Kenny is found by Levi. Kenny talks about his life dreaming of obtaining power,
recognizes he was a bad uncle for Levi, and then dies after giving him the Titan serum he stole. Not long after, Historia is
crowned as the new queen. After the ceremony, she punches Levi as part of a challenge, but Levi just smiles and thanks
his team.

Some time in the past, a partially transformed Uri Reiss holds Kenny Ackerman in his Titan hand, who is surprised to
meet someone stronger than him and to see a Titan for the first time. Rod Reiss tries to shoot Kenny, since he
attempted to kill them, but Uri stops him, guessing that someone in the Assembly leaked their existence to the assassin,
and wanting to interrogate him first. However, he recognizes Kenny as a member of the Ackerman clan and knows that
his power will be useless on him. He also acknowledges that an Ackerman has justified reasons to hold a grudge against
the monarchy.

Kenny attempts another attack by launching his knife against Uri but the latter stops it with his human arm, though the
knife gets impaled into it. The assassin shamelessly begs Uri to release him and to give him another chance to set up a
proper ambush, and Uri releases him, much to Rod's and even Kenny's shock.

As Uri approaches Kenny, the latter points his gun at him, and Rod demands that they must kill him because his
memories cannot be erased. However, Uri bows before Kenny and apologizes for the persecution the Ackermans
suffered at the hands of the monarchy, and for failing to build a paradise within the Walls. He then begs him to spare
his life since he cannot die yet.

Kenny is shocked to see a king with that much power bowing before someone like him, and offers to help him; to Uri's
acceptance. In the next assembly, the mole Kenny talked to has disappeared, but Kenny has become Uri's bodyguard.
Kenny thinks on the irony of the events but feels calm that the Ackermans are no longer persecuted.

Kenny goes to the brothel his sister Kuchel was working at in the Underground and is surprised to find her sick in bed
with a haggard appearance. He tries to wake her up but a child curled up in a corner of the room informs him that she
has already died, and reveals he is her son, Levi.

Despite not being as heartless as to leave Levi to die alone, Kenny does not feel good enough as to act as his parent, so
he adopts him but without revealing his surname, simply telling him that he is an acquaintance of Kuchel's. For some
years, Kenny raises the child and teaches him everything he needs to survive in the Underground, including how to fight
holding the blades in his characteristic reverse-grip style.

In a meeting with the Assembly, Kenny talks to Djel Sannes, apologizing to him for killing so many of his friends of
the First Interior Squad and observing Sannes' admiration towards the king. Though Sannes questions if Kenny does not
feel the same, Kenny points out that his respect for Uri is because he acknowledges him as the strongest. As he
remembers this, he recalls the time when he abandoned Levi while the latter was in a street duel with knives, believing
he was ready enough to avoid meeting an end like his mother's.

Later in his life, Kenny talks with an aged Uri, who tells him about how he will pass on his powers and memories to one
of Rod's children and hence he will not die. He believes the world will end in a near future and reveals he wants to build
a paradise for the small number of mankind left. He expresses to Kenny his belief that what turned them into friends
that day when they were about to kill each other was a miracle.
In the aftermath of the ritual where Frieda Reiss consumed Uri, Kenny is present at the mass with the Reiss family and
recognizes Uri's presence after looking at Frieda's eyes. As he sees her, he wonders why both were always talking about
love and peace, and concludes it is because they have so much power that it gives them the freedom. He then wonders
what would happen if he obtained that power.

Two years after the fall of Wall Maria, Kenny introduces himself to the recently created Anti-Personnel Control Squad as
their new captain, revealing that he was "Kenny the Ripper," and believing they will be hesitant to work with him for
that reason. One soldier admits that she does not care who she takes her orders from, which amuses Kenny. He
encourages them by telling them that their purpose is not to oppose the Survey Corps as he told to the Assembly to get
their approval, but to reach a greater dream.

He afterward recalls his days fighting alongside the soldier who would become his second-in-command, and the news
that Trost District was saved by a Titan, followed by the moment when he ended Dimo Reeves's life. He ends his
memories by remembering the collapse of the underground of the Reiss chapel after Rod's Titan transformation, and
how he and his subordinates were all killed by the falling debris and the burning steam. He alone just barely escaped
with his life.

In the aftermath of the collapse of the cavern, he is leaning against a tree, dying from his injuries. He is found by Levi,
who informs him that all his subordinates have fallen and observes that Kenny will die soon too.

Kenny takes out a box with a syringe and a vial of Titan injection that he stole from Rod's bag before the ritual and
considers injecting himself to escape death. He philosophizes about how the only thing he always wanted was power
when he realizes that all people live for the same purpose, needing something to keep them going: booze, women, God,
family, the King, dreams, children, power; everyone, even Uri, was a slave to something.

He asks Levi if his reason to live is to be a hero, but Levi ignores the question and asks him why the Reiss family never
did something to stop the Titans, and what kind of connection he has with his mother. Kenny tells him he does not
know the answer for the first question but reveals he is Kuchel's older brother. This prompts Levi to ask why he
abandoned him when he was still a child, to which Kenny responds it was because he was unfit to be Levi's parent.
After giving him the box with the Titan serum, Kenny dies.

Not long afterward, Historia is crowned as the new queen among the admiration of the citizens, who acknowledge her
as their savior. Historia remembers when she asked Erwin to tell the citizens that she was the one that stopped Rod to
make people accept her before this was actually achieved. Erwin smiles at himself, surprised with his success in
defeating the King.

After the ceremony, Historia and her friends search for Levi, wanting to meet Dimo Reeves' challenge of punching
Humanity's Strongest Soldier after becoming the queen and daring him to hit her back. The group finds Levi leaving a
room and Historia punches him in the shoulder. She expects he is going to get mad but a still shocked Levi smiles and
thanks them all.
Chapter 70: A dream I once had
Two months after Historia's crowning, the Military now rule within the Walls with the monarchy acting as a display.
Historia opens an orphanage using the properties confiscated from the nobles. Eren has mastered his Titan hardening
abilities, and the Survey Corps are preparing a strategy to retake Wall Maria. All resisting members of the
old government have been arrested and their allies forced to pay high taxes. Confiscated technology was recovered and
the shining ore found in the Reiss chapel caverns was given to the citizens as an infinite source of light. With Eren's
help, Hange develops a guillotine-like weapon capable of killing Titans without the need to fight them, though at great
cost to Eren's health. Hange reveals the results of the studies made on the Titan injection. Because of the results, it is
left in the care of the most capable soldier with the highest chance of survival: Levi. Marlowe and some other members
of the Military Police Brigade join the Survey Corps. Eren recalls some memories of Grisha encountering their old
instructor, Keith Shadis, after the massacre in the Reiss chapel and makes plans to meet with him tomorrow morning. In
the Shiganshina District, Reiner is defeated by the Beast Titan. The human inside it emerges and orders him
and Bertolt to wait for the Survey Corps so the three can ambush them and retrieve the Coordinate when they come.

Two months after the crowning of Historia Reiss, Eren, Jean and Armin are reunited in a farm, watching Historia
scolding some children, and commenting the events that have happened in that time. The Military has successfully
taken over the government. Historia allows them to rule in her stead so that she can run an orphanage. This prompts
people to affectionately call her the "Cattle-Farming Goddess." Jean teases Eren saying that at this rate, people are
going to forget the one that sealed the hole in Trost District, but Eren ignores him and comments that this was what
Historia wanted since she became the queen.

All orphan children and people in need from every corner within the Walls are gathered in a farm to be taken care of,
using the royal family's budgets and the assets seized from the politicians. This was done with back up from Levi, since
he grew up in the Underground. The resistance from the aristocracy to the proposal did nothing more than strengthen
the support from the people.

At that moment, Historia finds them slacking and spots them, ordering them to carry some boxes and sacks before the
sun sets. Historia and Eren talk about the hardening experiments done to him. Eren states that he can block a cave now,
but they are not ready for the mission yet, and that they must hurry before Reiner and Bertolt return. He reaffirms his
intentions to kill them the next time. Historia comments about her decision to reject the First King's power, and looking
at the orphan children so happy, she cannot be wrong.

After the military took power, the former Assembly and their staff had their titles stripped, and were sent to prison
camps to pay for endangering humanity's future for their own selfish desires. Any nobles left were forced to pay taxes
to the new government, with those who opposed the Survey Corps being forced to pay more than those who
cooperated. Numerous technological advances have also been made thanks to the equipment left over that the Military
Police Brigade confiscated from anyone attempting to branch out, and the shining ore from Rod Reiss's underground
cave were given to the civilians as a light source that does not require energy.

While helping out at the farm that serves as Historia's orphanage, Eren has been steadily mastering his hardening
abilities thanks to training with Hange Zoë. In the past two months, Eren has used his hardening ability to reinforce the
hole in Trost District, as well as create a Titan killing device: it has a scaffold in the Wall to catch any Titans that attempt
to enter. Hange has also designed a battering ram on top of the Wall to execute the Titans caught in the scaffold
without risking the lives of soldiers.

Hange is thrilled to see that the ram is able to execute the Titans, but is distressed to see that repeatedly using his
hardening ability is taking a negative toll on Eren's body. Levi theorizes that there may be a limit to how many times he
can use hardening, as well as how much his body can handle. He suggests that Eren should slow down, but Eren insists
that they must continue preparing for their expedition to Shiganshina District.
Later, Erwin, Levi, and Hange participate in a meeting with Darius Zackly, Dot Pixis, and other military higher-ups to
inform them of their progress and preparations. Erwin informs them that the Survey Corps' night expeditions to clear a
path to Shiganshina have been going well thanks to the rocks from Rod Reiss' underground caves, and that the Corps
should be ready to leave for Shiganshina within the month. One of the officials is surprised by how quick the Survey
Corps is moving, and reminds Erwin that if their next expedition fails, the military will be left bankrupt. Erwin assures
him that the Corps is willing to do everything in its power to ensure that all of their comrades' sacrifice will not have
been in vain.

After the meeting, Pixis attends a private meeting with Erwin, Levi, Hange, and Zackly to discuss the Titan
injection given to Levi by Kenny Ackerman. Hange reports that all efforts to analyze the serum have failed due to their
lack of the technology necessary. Hange reports that although the contents of the serum appear to be based on fluid
from a human spinal cord, it vaporizes upon contact with air and so cannot be further researched. Without being able
to research it, it is decided that the serum, and the decision as to whether it should ever be used, will be entrusted to

Recently, members of the Garrison and the Military Police Brigade have begun to transfer to the Survey Corps to boost
its dwindling ranks. Among those who have transferred is Marlowe Freudenberg, who is ecstatic over Hange's new
Titan-executing ram. Claiming that using it, mankind will finally be able to wipe out the Titans. Jean is less than
convinced, claiming that it is hard to believe someone like Marlowe who has never seen a Titan.

Marlowe is undeterred, claiming that he is not the only member of the Corps to be excited over Hange's invention, but
Jean points out that only those who have recently transferred, like Marlowe, are excited. This attracts the attention of
some former 104th Training Corps members who have recently transferred from the Garrison. One of them claims that
they are not the only ones excited, and that everyone is ready to take back Wall Maria. When Jean brushes them off, he
questions what happened to him and the others to leave them the way they are, but leave when they do not get an

Marlowe notes that he had been acting like them, embarrassed, prompting Sasha to ask him why Hitch Dreyse did not
try to stop him. Marlowe notes that Hitch stayed with the Military Police and tried to convince him to stay for the
benefits they would be given for helping overthrow the government, but that he had refused, claiming he had been
wrong about her. Eren is the only person who is not appalled at him, claiming that what he said was true.

Connie Springer decides to leave early so that he can prepare for his trip to Ragako Village. After he leaves, Sasha
wonders if they will be able to change the village inhabitants back to human form. Eren recalls when he learned that
Titans were really humans, and notes that there have been times when he became a mindless Titan, but that he could
not remember anything about it, only knowing what his father Grisha saw. Jean suggests that Eren try to remember the
man he saw in Grisha's memories, to which Eren agrees, concluding that the man from Grisha's memories must have
known something. Eren notes that the man looked familiar, but that he could not remember where he had seen him

Jean's suggestion that he have their old drill instructor, Keith Shadis, head-butt the memory back into him leads Eren to
the realization that it was Keith his father encountered in the memory, and declares that he will visit Keith in the

In Shiganshina, Bertolt Hoover watches in horror as the Beast Titan stands triumphant over Reiner Braun's battered
Titan form. As Bertolt pulls Reiner from his Titan, the Beast Titan declares himself victorious, and that they should
worry about Annie later, as acquiring the Coordinate is their first priority. As a man emerges from the Beast Titan and
dons a pair of spectacles, he declares that if they wait, Eren will come to them.
Chapter 71: Bystander
Instructor Keith Shadis tells Eren, Hange and Squad Levi everything he knows about Eren's father, Grisha Yeager. About
twenty years ago, Grisha was found wandering outside Wall Maria with amnesia, and Keith, a member of the Survey
Corps at the time, took him in and introduced him to the life within the Walls. Grisha got a job as a doctor and some
time later saved Shiganshina from a plague, including Carla. They fell in love and eventually married. Keith became the
commander of the Survey Corps, but continued suffering great losses and had a discussion with Carla about it, during
which he met her baby, Eren. After years of disastrous expeditions, Keith resigned in favor of Erwin. On that day, Wall
Maria fell, and Keith found Grisha among the fleeing crowd. After finding Eren and learning of Carla's death, Grisha led
his son to the forest while Keith waited outside. Seeing the lightning of Eren's Titan transformation, Keith entered the
forest and found Eren unconscious with no trace of Grisha, so he took him back to the shelter and left. Back in the
present, Keith tells Eren about Carla's last words to him, and remembers the time when he sabotaged Eren's vertical
maneuvering equipment balancing test to prevent him from joining the military and save his life, but changed his mind
after witnessing Eren's immense will.

Eren Yeager, Hange Zoë, Mikasa Ackerman, Levi Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, and Sasha Blouse pay a visit
to Keith Shadis. Meeting privately, Keith remarks on how much his former trainees have changed in the few months
since they graduated. Levi remarks that Keith has also changed since the last time they met, prompting Keith to recall
when he had Erwin Smith replace him as the head of the Survey Corps. Hange asks Keith if he has figured out why they
are paying him a visit, and Keith turns his attention to Eren, commenting on Eren's similarities to his
parents Grisha and Carla. Hearing Keith mention his parents, Eren demands to know what Keith knows of them. Keith
reveals that he knows nothing, and invites those present to listen to a story with "no benefit whatsoever to humanity,"
if they would like.

About twenty years prior, Keith, while on a Survey expedition beyond the Walls, encountered Grisha Yeager outside
Wall Maria, near Shiganshina District, on a day when, strangely, there were extremely few Titans around. Startled,
Keith demands to know how Grisha got beyond the Walls. Grisha, in return, asks what Keith and the Survey Corps
members are doing outside the Walls, nervously asking if they are fighting. Keith is surprised by the question, but is
even more surprised to find that Grisha does not know what the Survey Corps is, or who he himself is. Keith decides to
take Grisha back inside the Walls so that the two of them can talk.

After returning inside the Walls, Grisha is arrested for venturing beyond the Walls. Keith is surprised, and while
watching Grisha's cell with Hannes, comments that he had not been aware that it was a crime to venture beyond the
Walls without permission, and that he has never heard of the law being applied before now. Hannes suggests that this
is because no one besides the Survey Corps is stupid enough to leave the Walls, prompting Keith to ask if there is a law
to arrest drunken soldiers such as Hannes. Hannes suggests that Grisha is an alcoholic who ended up outside the Walls
with no memory as the result of heavy drinking. Keith is not convinced of Grisha's story, and suggest that he is simply a
suicidal debtor who tried to falsify his family registry. Hannes points out that Grisha did not harm anyone, and he and
Keith agree not to tell their superiors about him.

After Grisha is released, Keith accompanies him as he leaves, asking Grisha what he will do now, and if he plans to
continue to use a name that does not show up in any birth registers. Grisha reveals that he also remembers that, other
than his name, he remembers that he is a doctor and asks Keith to show him to a hospital. He also asks Keith to teach
him about the world.

Keith would proceed to teach Grisha about everything he had forgotten, including the Walls' creation and history,
names of places within the Walls, and the concept of money. During this time, he noticed that Grisha took particular
interest in the way humans lived. Upon learning about lifestyle within the Walls, Grisha comments that although there
are economic problems, there is peace within the Walls, and that humans do not have to live in fear of the Titans.

Upon hearing Grisha's opinions, Keith reveals that he feels differently: while people like Grisha can be happy with food
and drink within the Walls, staying happy by never thinking about the world beyond, and that he does not agree. Grisha
asks if that is why Keith and the Survey Corps leave the Walls. Keith explains what the Survey Corps is, before lamenting
that, more than anything, the Survey Corps just seems to serve to remind the populace of their fear of the Titans. Grisha
encourages him, saying that he is wiser and stronger than those living within the Walls, and claiming that the Survey
Corps is the pride of humanity, to Keith's surprise.

Keith and Grisha are approached by Carla, who asks if Keith is trying to recruit Grisha to the Survey Corps, telling Grisha
that he should not let himself be talked into such things. As Keith adamantly tries to deny her accusations, Grisha
corrects her, claiming that he would not be of use to them, as the Corps needs more special people than him.

As Keith listens to officials criticize the Survey Corps' lack of progress during a meeting, he inwardly mocks them,
claiming that they do not realize that they are living in a rats' nest. He inwardly claims that if he becomes commander,
he will get results for the Corps. One day he will do something so great that no one will make a fool of him. They will all
understand how he thinks, and they will all recognize him.

Keith carries Carla into the hospital where Grisha works, screaming erratically that she has contracted the disease too.
Grisha instructs him to place Carla on a bed in the back of the hospital. Carla manages to grab Grisha, telling him that
her parents need help, but Grisha cuts her off, telling her that everyone will be fine. Grisha excitedly informs Keith that
he has found a cure for the disease, to Keith's delight. However, as he is leaving, Keith glances back, and is alarmed to
see Carla hugging Grisha in gratitude.

As time progresses, the commander of the Survey Corps is eaten outside the Walls, and Keith is named the next
commander. Soon afterward, Carla and Grisha get married. At their reception, Hannes ask them how they first met.
Grisha claims that it was when Keith took him to the store she worked at, but when he tries to ask Keith if he is
remembering correctly, he finds that Keith has left.

As the Survey Corps continues to lose ground to the Titans, Erwin Smith presents Keith with his new Long-Distance
Enemy Scouting Formation that will allow the Corps to avoid engaging the Titans on expeditions. However, Keith
refuses to use it, telling Erwin to use it when he becomes commander.

While returning from another mission, Keith listens as he is openly criticized for his strategies by onlookers, who
simultaneously praise Erwin, who has not lost a single member of his squad. Carla watches from the crowd with her
infant son Eren, and calls out to Keith. Keith approaches, noting that he had not heard about Eren because he was busy.
Carla informs Keith that Grisha is also worried, and asks Keith if he is going to continue doing what he is doing until he
dies. Keith grows angry, asking Carla if she knows why so few accomplish anything before they die. He claims that
because they lack imagination, they are never able to find value in anything beyond their own lives. He claims that
great deeds cannot be accomplished by ordinary people, and that he doubts that they would even be able to
understand such great deeds.

Over time, Keith begins to realize that he is not one of those capable of accomplishing great deeds, and asks Erwin to
take over as Commander of the Survey Corp for him. He informs Erwin that he will be returning to the capital to give
them a report, and that it will be his final mission.

However, on his way, the news that Wall Maria has been breached reaches Wall Rose. As Keith is swept along by a
crowd of panicked civilians, he is caught by Grisha. They are informed by another soldier that Shiganshina has already
been destroyed. Grisha tells Keith that his family must be in the shelter, and requests that they split up to search. Keith
begins searching for Carla, remembering how his last encounter with her, and wanting to apologize. As he exits one of
the shelters, he sees Grisha waking up an unconscious Eren. Keith arrives in time to hear Eren inform Grisha that Carla
has been eaten by Titans.

As Keith collapses in grief, Grisha instructs Eren to take revenge for his mother, before taking him away. Keith asks him
where he is going, and Grisha replies that they are going to the forest, and tells Keith not to follow them. Keith asks why
Grisha does not avenge Carla himself, saying that Grisha is special, and that if Eren is not special like Grisha, then Grisha
is just cursing him. Grisha replies that Eren is not like Keith because Eren is his son, and asks Keith not to get involved.
Keith is left speechless, but follows them after hearing what sounds like thunder and seeing a flash from within the
woods. Keith enters a clearing to find Eren curled up on the ground and Grisha nowhere in sight. Taking Eren in his
arms, puts him back on the shelter and leaves.

With this, Keith finishes his story claiming that is all he knows. Eren, stunned, asks if there is anything else, but Keith
remains silent. Hange claims that she now understands why he decided to retire to a training camp, claiming that he is
running away from reality for a very childish reason, and claims that he does not need to decide whether his
information is useful to them, telling him not to bring his feelings of inferiority into the matter, as that is what it means
to devote yourself to the greater good.
However, Eren agrees with Keith: Eren was not special back then, he was just the son of a special man, and that was the
only reason he was given his Titan power. Upon hearing this Keith recalls when his last meeting with Carla. He recalls
her asking him if being special matters, and if people have to recognize you, before claiming that she does not think so
in Eren's case. That Eren did not need to become great, and that he did not need to be better than everyone else. Eren
was already great because he was born into this world.

As Eren and the others leave, Keith recalls the time when, three years ago, he met Eren at the training camp. Upon
seeing the fire in his eyes, Keith decided to sabotage his balancing test by breaking the fittings of his vertical
maneuvering equipment belt, believing that Eren would be torn to ashes if he left the Walls, never knowing Carla's
wishes for his life. As Eren struggled with his broken equipment, Keith had believed that Eren did not belong in
the Military, and that he should live according to who he really was. However, Keith was taken aback by Eren's
persistence, and as he watched Eren momentarily master the broken equipment, he realized that he was once again a
bystander, powerless to change anything.
Chapter 72: Night of the battle to retake the wall
With the revelations involving Grisha Yeager brought to light, new questions are raised about what lies
in Eren's basement in Shiganshina District, and preparations are made for the next expedition beyond the Walls.
Meanwhile, as the Survey Corps celebrates the upcoming expedition to retake Wall Maria. After Connie subdues a meat
crazed Sasha, Eren and Jean once again come to blows, causing Levi to break up their fight. As they prepare for the
expedition, Eren and Armin make plans to see everything the outside world has to offer after they retake Wall Maria
and discover the secrets hidden in Eren's basement. As the Survey Corps begins their expedition to retake the
Wall, Bertolt and Reiner lie in wait in Shiganshina for the arrival of Eren and the Survey Corps.

In Trost District, Erwin holds a meeting with Hange, Levi, and the Survey Corps' squad leaders to discuss the new
revelations involving Dr. Yeager. Hange informs Erwin of Grisha's origins from outside the Walls, and his abilities, but
notes that unlike Annie, Bertolt, and Reiner, Grisha apparently desired to aid humanity. When one of the Squad Leaders
laments the fact that Grisha never helped out the Survey Corps despite his interest in them, Hange notes the possibility
of Grisha having knowledge of the Reiss family's abilities, and the likelihood that he never informed anyone of them so
that the Royal Government would not find out about him. She also notes, however, that despite this, Grisha
immediately sought out and killed the members of the Reiss family when Wall Maria fell.

Hange decides that Grisha was likely investigating the Government after he arrived inside the Walls, and notes that
Grisha also wanted to show his son, a boy who aimed to join the Survey Corps, their basement which, with his dying
breath, Grisha had claimed held the secrets to everything. Hange openly wonders if Grisha had been forbidden to tell
anyone what was in the basement, but Erwin disagrees, hypothesizing that Grisha had not been able to say anything,
and puts forth the possibility that the basement holds information about the outside world that was erased from the
populace's memories by the First King, but notes that there is no way to know for sure without checking the basement.
Erwin then declares that, with preparations complete, the mission to retake Wall Maria will take place in two days.

Erwin dismisses those present, but Levi stays behind to speak with Erwin in private. Levi asks what Erwin plans to do
after retaking Wall Maria, and Erwin reveals that he does not have a plan, and does not intend to formulate one until
after the Corps reaches Eren's basement. Levi reveals that, in light of Erwin's recent injuries, he does not want Erwin to
participate in the Expedition, and that he should leave Hange in charge. Erwin refuses, claiming that he does not care if
he is eaten, and even suggests that he be used as bait for the Titans, but reiterates that he will not stay behind, as the
Expedition is too important to humanity, and its chances of success will decline without him. Levi argues that this is
exactly why Erwin must stay safe, as he will be more valuable out of action, and forming more strategies for the Corps.

When Erwin once again tries to argue, Levi interrupts him, threatening to break Erwin's legs if he hears another "noble-
sounding excuse" from Erwin. Erwin, amused, notes that Levi is probably right to keep him out of the battle, but insists
that he must be present when the Corps discovers the truth about the world. Levi, surprised to learn that this is more
important to Erwin than even humanity's victory over the Titans, concedes, and declares that he will place his faith in
Erwin's decision.

Elsewhere, trouble brews among the Corps' soldiers as they are presented with meat for dinner, leading to fights
between the soldiers over the food. Jean and Connie are forced to wrestle a slab of meat away from Sasha, who, in the
presence of meat, has lost all sense.

As Jean attempts to take the meat away, a tearful Connie begs Sasha to stop, threatening to kill her if she does not, and
when they finally wrestle it away, Sasha blindly begins chewing on Jean's hand, confusing it for a slab of the
meat. Marlowe notes from everyone's reactions that the Survey Corps never eat meat, before being punched in the
face by Sasha. Mikasa instructs Connie to choke her into submission, but Connie incredulously notes that Sasha is
already unconscious, but is still moving. As the Squad Leaders look on, Hange asks who decided to give them meat,
and one of the Squad Leaders apologizes, admitting that he should not have spent the Corps' food budget for the next
two months on meat.
As Eren and Connie tie Sasha up, Connie notes that there was a time when Sasha would have shared meat. Eren,
incredulously, demands to know when Sasha ever shared food. Connie reminds Eren of the Colossus Titan's attack three
months prior, and how Sasha had attempted to share stolen meat with them, as well as Thomas Wagner, Samuel,
and Mina Carolina. Eren is surprised that only three months have passed since then, and Connie proudly notes that in
that time, they have both become members of Squad Levi. As Sasha regains consciousness, Eren and Connie return to
their table to eat. Jean and Marlowe are in the middle of arguing about Marlowe's position in the Expedition, with Jean
insisting that Marlowe and the other recruits form the rear guard, while Marlowe desires to participate in the front
lines. Jean insists that recruits should stay back, as they would only be cannon fodder on the front lines, and should
instead observe the veterans from a safe position. Jean uses Eren as an example of a useless soldier, as he only knows
how to charge headfirst into danger, prompting an argument between them.

Eren claims that he has recently realized that he is a "pretty normal person," and taunts Jean, leading to a fight
between them. The others can only sit back and watch as Eren and Jean fight, while the Squad Leaders ignore them.
During a lull in the fighting, Jean wonders aloud how many times Eren would be dead now without his Titan powers,
and how many times he would have had to be saved by Mikasa, threatening to kill Eren if he keeps taking suicidal risks.
Eren promises to keep what Jean said in mind, and in turn tells Jean to be nicer to his mother, before calling Jean by his
nickname, to Jean's anger. As the others watch, Armin wonders aloud if he and Mikasa should break up the fight, but
Mikasa refuses to. Meanwhile, Jean and Eren, now exhausted desperately wonder why no one is stopping them, before
the fight is stopped by Levi, who beats them both into submission, before instructing the rest of the soldiers to go to

Outside, Eren admits that he should take better care of himself, while Mikasa notes that she did not put a stop to the
fight since Eren's abilities would immediately heal him after. As the three sit together, Eren states that he is glad to
have met with Keith Shadis, and that he is now ready to do what is what needs to be done.

Eren admits that he had recently been worrying about things such as his not being as strong as Mikasa, revealing that
he had felt useless compared to her and Levi, but that he now realizes that everyone needs to find their own roles so
that they can join together to form one powerful force. Mikasa wonders if, after Wall Maria is retaken, the three of
them will be able to return to their former lives. Eren tells her that although they will be able to bring them back to
some degree, they will never be able to entirely return to their former lives, which is why the Titans need to pay. Armin
reminds them of the things beyond the Walls besides the Titans: the sea, "flaming water," "land made of ice," and
"snowy fields of sand," reminding them that he joined the Survey Corps so he could see such things. Seeing the look on
Eren's face, Armin tells him that they should go see the sea first, and commences to telling Eren and Mikasa about it.
When Armin accuses Eren of not believing him, Eren agrees to go with Armin, so he can confirm what the sea is like for
himself. They continue talking about the outside world as, out of their sight, Levi listens to them.

The next day just before sunset, the Survey Corps members take position atop the Wall, where they are seen off by the
rest of the Military and the Wall's citizens. Cheering citizens, led by Flegel Reeves, encourage Levi and the Corps to take
back Wall Maria. As Levi comments on how selfish they sound, Hange admits that it was unlikely they would be able to
keep the expedition secret. As Erwin and Levi observe the cheering masses, Erwin notes that, as far as he knows, the
Survey Corps has never received such a sendoff before, and in a rare display that surprises everyone, begins cheering
himself, before ordering the Corps to commence their final operation to retake Wall Maria.

Elsewhere, atop Wall Maria, Bertolt and Reiner watch the sun set over the eastern horizon.

Chapter 73: The town where everything began
The Survey Corps walk within a forest near dawn on their way to the Shiganshina District. Thanks to the darkness, they
are able to evade the Titans that move under the moonlight. Eren thinks on the responsibility that he has on his
shoulders, because if he succeeds in the operation, humanity will regain their hope on living. But, if he fails, everyone's
hopes are doomed. He finds that he is afraid and shaking at these thoughts, but after talking to Armin about how his
book gave him the desire to see the outside world, he regains his confidence. They soon reach Shiganshina and quickly
switch to vertical maneuvering equipment before flying towards the Wall as the sun is starting to rise. Knowing that
their enemies are aware of their intentions to use Eren to plug the hole and find Grisha's basement, Erwin orders 100
Survey Corps soldiers to fly around the hole with their faces hidden in order to confuse their enemies. As Eren looks
nostalgically at the ruins of his hometown, Armin finds the remains of a camp fire and warns the commander
that Reiner and Bertolt are nearby. While Hange notices that there are strangely few Titans around, Levi presumes that
they are playing into the enemies' hands, but they choose to continue the operation. As Eren jumps above the hole in
Wall Maria, Bertolt and Reiner await in unknown locations for the attack to begin.

Wall Maria holds great value to the people of the Walled Country, and there was great loss and emotional trauma
suffered by humanity when the Titans took one third of their land. Humanity’s fate is currently up to the Titans because
they have no way of defeating them, however, one boy was able to bring a Titan’s head to the ground and change the
way humanity looked at the big picture. One could question what humanity will think if Wall Maria could be taken
back, and whether it will make them believe that they can control their destinies and are allowed to live in this world. If
only Wall Maria could be taken back.

The Survey Corps journey on foot through a forest beyond Wall Rose, leading their horses and lighting their way with
fragments from the crystals in the Reiss chapel caverns. Levi mentions to his subordinate that it is almost dawn but he
responds by saying that they will be in the Shiganshina District once they are over the mountain they are scaling. Eren
apologizes to Mikasa for having to lead his horse but she and the rest of Squad Levi insist that he save his energy for his
role in the mission. Jean notices a Titan sitting down near the group and alerts the team as Hange examines the
situation. She then calls for them to leave the Titan alone as it is dozing off due to the lack of sunlight and the team
keeps moving. Eren exclaims how they could have not noticed the Titan until it was so close and Hange explains that
the darkness is what is protecting them and that she felt confident in her decision to choose a night with a new moon
for the operation in case newer Titans were able to gain energy from the small amount of sunlight reflected off the
moon. She then grins and states that she hopes they can capture one someday.

Eren realizes that he is shaking and begins to doubt his capabilities just then Armin grabs his wrist and asks him if he is
scared. Eren panics and tries to convince him that he is only cold, but Armin responds by saying that he himself has
been shaking for a while. Armin then asks Eren if he has ever felt afraid of the Titans and the two recall the time when
Armin was about to be eaten by a Titan but Eren changed places with him and saved his life. When asked about why he
did it, Eren explained that he remembered the day Armin showed him the book about the outside world and how it
completely changed his perception of life within the Walls. Eren thanks Armin and says that he feels better now as his
shaking subsides. Mikasa then realizes where they are and claims to have gathered firewood in the area before, as a
soldier yells to the group that they have found the foot of the mountain. The three then light up as they near the return
to their home for the first time in five years.

The Survey Corps rushes in and Erwin orders them to commence the operation and switch to vertical maneuvering
equipment. The soldiers begin vertical movement and fly over the inner part of Wall Maria, which was breached by
the Armored Titan, to see the Shiganshina District in ruins. Erwin reassesses his plans and notes
that Reiner and Bertolt will be aware that they want to seal Wall Maria and see what is inside Dr. Yeager's basement.
He then mentions to himself that the enemy will have a tough time figuring out which soldier is Eren as they are all
covered by hoods and he ordered 100 of them to rush the gate. Eren stares at the wreckage of his former home but is
urged on by Levi and continues moving.
Armin happens to notice the remains of a camp-fire that had been pushed off the top of the Wall. He then alerts the
commander that Reiner and Bertolt were camping there and are close by. Eren, still flying, nears the area where his
home used to be and remembers that everything was left behind, however, he states that it is okay because he will get
it back by completing the mission.

Hange begins to worry, stating that there has not been a single Titan around since they got there, and Levi says that
they are clearly playing into the enemies hands, but they both agree that they must continue the operation. As Eren
approaches the space needed to transform, he thinks on his friends and their ability to succeed in the mission because,
from the day they were born, they were free. He then flies directly above the hole in the outer gate and prepares to
trigger the transformation. As this happens, Reiner and Bertolt peer out at them from an unknown location, fully
equipped with vertical equipment.
Chapter 74: Mission objectives
Eren succeeds in sealing the hole in Wall Maria with his Titan powers, but it seems everything was too
easy. Levi reminds him that their enemies can breach the Wall again at any time, so until they find and kill them, the
mission is not over. Armin finds traces of a campsite and three empty mugs of some black liquid similar to tea nearby
not long ago, and Erwin leaves him in charge of the Survey Corps to direct their search mission. Under Armin's orders,
the Survey Corps search all over the district until Armin eventually leads them to search inside the Walls, thinking that it
may be their most plausible hideout. Armin's hunch is correct and they find Reiner, who quickly kills the soldier who
located the hollow spot within the Wall where he hid. Levi attacks and cuts Reiner's nape and chest, but fails to kill him
and the latter transforms into the Armored Titan, though still laying on the ground and appearing to be fazed by his
injuries. The Beast Titan then appears leading an army of Titans, and launches a rock aimed at the inner gate
of Shiganshina, blocking the only entrance and trapping the Survey Corps inside the district without their horses.
Planning to kill or be killed, Erwin and the corps ready themselves for an all out battle, as the Armored Titan rises and
the Beast Titan and his army approach.

Eren reaches the hole in Wall Maria and transforms into Titan as the rest of the Survey Corps watches. Using his
hardening ability, Eren seals the hole in the Wall before emerging from his Titan form, at which point he is retrieved
by Mikasa and they return to the top of the Wall. Hange Zoë asks if the process worked, and two soldiers on the ground
report from both sides of the Wall that the process worked. Mikasa begins to fret over Eren, and lends him her own
cloak when he notes that his cloak burned away during the transformation.

Eren assures Hange that he is fine after using his hardening ability, and the rest of the Corps begins to head towards the
inner gate of Shiganshina District to seal it too. As they leave, Eren expresses his disbelief that he has really closed the
hole in Wall Maria, but is reminded by Levi that they are not done yet, as Bertolt and Reiner will simply destroy the
Wall over and over again as long as they are left alive, and that the Corps' mission to retake Wall Maria will not be over
until they have killed the two. Eren assures Levi that he has not forgotten this fact.

Elsewhere, Erwin and a soldier look on as the latter notes that Reiner and Bertolt are not attacking, and wonders if they
are hiding because they can not handle the Corps' assault. Armin then arrives, informing them that he found a full set
camping equipment abandoned at the base of the Wall. Armin tells them that Bertolt and Reiner had apparently been
drinking something resembling tea, and that the pot they had been using had gone cold. He also shows them three cups
he found containing traces of the liquid, noting that there were apparently more than just two people atop the Wall.

Erwin notes that at the rate the Corps was moving with their horses and vertical maneuvering equipment, there was no
way that a freshly-used pot would have time to cool. Erwin deduces that Bertolt and Reiner must have had some way to
know that the Corps was approaching at least five minutes in advance, which would give them plenty of time to
prepare. Based on Erwin's observations, Armin realizes that there were possibly scouts in addition to the three atop the
Wall, and that the Corps may be facing far more enemies than previously thought. In response to this revelation, Erwin
informs Armin that finding any hidden enemies is now the Corps' top priority, and asks Armin to use his sharp mind to
help the Corps in their new objective.

As he waves over a squad of soldiers, Erwin instructs Armin to take as many soldiers as he needs and search the area
around the inner gate for any enemies. After being informed that they will be operating under Armin's command, the
soldiers immediately inform Armin that they have completely searched the Wall, and ask where they should search
next. Armin instructs them to split into two groups and search the surrounding buildings on both sides of the inner gate,
and to let everyone know if they have found anything with acoustic shells.
As Armin and his squad depart, the soldier accompanying Erwin notes that Erwin took a big gamble by giving Armin a
squad, but Erwin assures him that he made his decision based on Armin's accomplishments. The soldier informs Erwin
that Eren's group is approaching, and asks if the operation should be put on hold while they search for any hidden
enemies, but Erwin informs him that the operation will continue as the Corps cannot remain in enemy territory for long.
Erwin notes that the Corps' only option is to fight a quick battle, as they cannot beat their enemies in an extended fight.
As he speaks, Erwin solemnly notes that Reiner and Bertolt are not the only ones with something to hide.
As his squad searches, Armin desperately wonders what he should do, as his group has yet to find any of their enemies,
even as Eren's group draws nearer. Armin wonders if Reiner and Bertolt did not attack before Eren sealed the hole
because they intended to wait to attack until Eren was exhausted from using his ability, reasoning that if this were the
case, they would be hiding nearby so that they could attack immediately. However, his squad has yet to locate them in
any of the logical hiding places.

Armin begins to panic, noting that everything is riding on the operation, and that if they fail, everything will end. He
notes that Erwin will not stop the operation, and that even if the enemy is given the perfect opening, the Corps will
have no choice but to fight them. As he thinks, he notes that Bertolt and Reiner always find new and original ways to
attack, and that the Corps is always left at a disadvantage because they know nothing about the Titans. As he thinks
this, Armin remembers the Titan that was hidden inside Wall Sheena, and fires his flare gun, having come to a

As his squad reconvenes atop the Wall, asking Armin if he found anything, Armin orders them to search the Wall.
Bewildered, the soldiers protest that they already have, but Armin tells them that they must search the inside of the
Wall, because there must be a space inside the Wall for humans to hide. The soldiers rebuff this idea when he admits
that it is only a hunch, but Armin reasons that their enemies always use their Titan shifting abilities in improbable ways,
claiming that the Corps will never gain the upper hand if they constrain their themselves to common sense.

Erwin interrupts shooting a flare to silence everyone present, which is seen by Eren's group, who wonder if the
operation has been halted. Hange orders everyone to spread out atop the Wall. Erwin informs Armin's squad that there
are times to be rigid and times to be flexible, and orders them to follow the chain of command. Armin instructs his
squad to split into two groups and search the Wall again, this time carefully checking everything from the door up. The
soldiers are unsure, but obey, and begin searching the Wall.

Eren's group is confused to see Armin's squad searching the sides of the Wall, and Connie and Jean question whether
their squad should have stopped, while Eren wonders if Armin has discovered something. As Armin watches the
soldiers search the Wall, he notes that Bertolt and Reiner needed a position where they could always respond to Eren
approaching the Wall to seal it, and where they could keep a constant eye on the situation. He notes that if Bertolt and
Reiner do not know that the Corps knows about the Titans inside the Walls, then they will not expect the Corps to
search for them inside the Wall.

Suddenly, one of the soldiers finds Reiner hidden inside a hollow section of the Wall. The soldier fires a flare but Reiner
emerges and stabs him, to everyone's horror. Armin is too shocked to move, even as Reiner begins to approach him,
but Levi quickly attacks Reiner, slicing his nape and stabbing his chest. However, this does not kill Reiner, and Levi,
alarmed, kicks him to the ground below, wondering if Reiner's survival is another "Titan power" he possesses. As Reiner
shifts into his Titan form, Levi laments that he was not successful in killing him.

Witnessing Levi's fight with Reiner, Erwin begins to order the Corps to search their surroundings for any other enemies,
but is interrupted by a loud sound behind him. Turning, Erwin is faced with the sight of dozens of newly-transformed
Titans, led by the Beast Titan; who takes a rock and hurls it in the Corps' direction. The projectile hits the base of the
Wall, causing the soldiers to assume he missed them, but Erwin notes that the Beast Titan used the rock to block the
Corps' entrance to Shiganshina at the northern gate, leaving them trapped and without their horses. Erwin explains that
their enemies are planning to wipe them out by cutting off their escape route. As the Titans approach, Erwin declares
that the Corps is finally getting the fight they want, and that they will put an end to it here.
Chapter 75: War on two fronts
As the Beast Titan and his forces begin their attack, the Survey Corps finds itself trapped atop Wall Maria with no way
to retreat. Amid the chaos, it is revealed that Reiner and Bertolt may not be the only intelligent Titans among the Beast
Titan's army, and the Corps is backed into a corner by the Beast Titan's attack strategy. While Reiner targets the
Corps' horses in an attempt to take away their only means of retreat, Erwin devises a plan to save the Corps from the
Beast Titan's strategy by using Eren as bait to force their enemies to choose to either pursue and attempt to capture
Eren, or risk losing their only chance to capture him in favor of massacring the Survey Corps. Taking the bait, Reiner
pursues Eren, and the two engage each other in the middle of Shiganshina District. As Eren releases all of his
frustrations upon Reiner, the soldiers of the Survey Corps prepare to join in the battle with their new and improved

As the Beast Titan and its army advance, Erwin watches them, wondering who will win the battle: the Titans, or the
human race. As Levi informs Erwin that Reiner is approaching them, Reiner hardens the skin of his hands into sharp
points before charging toward the Wall. As Reiner begins scaling the Wall, Erwin instructs the Survey Corps to stay away
from Reiner and avoid engaging him. Hange's squad looks on, and Eren requests to know why Erwin has not issued an
order to attack. Hange explains that he is likely still watching their enemy's moves.

As Commander Erwin continues to observe the Beast Titan's forces, he notices a peculiar sight: a Titan crawling on all
fours behind the Beast Titan, with supplies strapped to its back. Deducing that this quadrupedal Titan is not one of the
Titans that just transformed, Erwin hypothesizes that it may be a Scout for the enemy, and that it may have been the
one that alerted Reiner to the Corps' presence. Erwin informs the soldiers that the quadrupedal Titan is intelligent, and
suggests to them that there may be even more like it present.

Erwin's deductions are interrupted by the Beast Titan when it, to everyone's surprise, commands the Titans to advance
by smashing its fist into the ground and uttering a battle-cry. As he watches the smaller Titans advance, Erwin realizes
that the Beast Titan intends to use the same strategy employed at Utgard Castle: it will cut off the Corps' only means of
escape by attacking their horses first. Erwin realizes that, if successful, the Beast Titan will not only cut off the Corps'
escape path, but will also cut off their supply route.

With no escape path, and no supplies, the Titans would simply be able to wait until the members of the Corps are too
weak from hunger, and then snatch Eren from them. Armin reminds Erwin that the Corps still has not been able to
find Bertolt, but Erwin is more concerned with whether the Corps should allow the Titans to kill their horses. After some
thought, Erwin instructs Squad Dirk and Squad Marlene to meet up with Squad Klaus and protect the Corps' horses,
while Squad Levi and Squad Hange fight the Armored Titan with their new weapons.

As the Squads deploy, Erwin stops Levi and informs him that he will not be accompanying his Squad in defending Eren,
and will instead help protect the horses and, if possible, kill the Beast Titan. Levi agrees, promising Erwin that he will
atone for his inability to kill Reiner by killing the Beast Titan. As Levi departs, Erwin speaks to Armin, and informs him
that he and Hange are the two that he wants to entrust the Corps' forces to.

Once he reaches the top of the Wall, Reiner surveys the battlefield, as the Survey Corps begins to engage the Titans.
Reiner thinks about his mission, assuring himself that killing the Corps' horses will be enough, and that no matter how
skilled Levi may be in battle, he is nothing compared to the Beast Titan.

As Levi's blade is dislodged from the nape of his neck, Reiner reflects on how close he had come with death,
acknowledging that if he had taken even a little longer to move his brain functions to the rest of his body, he would
have been killed instantly by Levi. Reiner wonders how the Corps had even thought to search inside of the Walls for
him, coming to the assumption that it had been Armin's idea before discarding the subject entirely in order to focus on
his mission. However, he is stopped in his tracks when he notices Erwin standing next to him atop the Wall, watching
him calmly. Though surprised, Reiner elects to ignore him and instead focus on killing the horses. He is stopped in his
tracks once again, however, when Eren transforms behind him.
Watching from atop the Wall, Reiner is alarmed to see Eren's Titan form watching him from the ground. Reiner tries to
deduce why Eren would reveal himself to his would-be abductors, but is surprised when, instead of attacking, Eren
begins to flee. Reiner realizes that Eren intends to escape the battle by scaling the Walls in Titan form, and begins to
panic as he imagines what would happen if Eren, who was able to master the hardening ability in two months, were to
escape and master the Coordinate. However, Reiner realizes that it would make much more sense for Eren to scale the
Walls with his vertical maneuvering equipment before changing into his Titan form, rather than changing forms in the
middle of Shiganshina District and calling attention to himself. It is at this moment that Reiner understands that Erwin is
using Eren as bait to lure Reiner away from the Corps' horses. Reiner is both appalled and impressed with Erwin's
strategy, but decides to pursue Eren.

As Reiner follows him, Eren remembers Armin informing Hange's squad of Erwin's plan. Hange agrees with the plan,
hypothesizing that Reiner will attempt to capture Eren, as allowing Eren to escape would give Eren the opportunity to
flank the Beast Titan, and defeat it with the help of Levi and his squad. Hange insists that even if the plan does not go
exactly right, the sight of Eren fleeing will throw the enemy off to the point that they will break their siege.

Eren agrees, testifying that Reiner will be smart enough to predict their plan and pursue him. Before they begin, Armin
reminds the squad that Bertolt is still hiding somewhere, and that Eren should engage Reiner away from the Walls so as
not to be ambushed like he was the last time he fought Reiner.

When Eren and Reiner meet in the center of Shiganshina, Eren recalls his previous fight with Reiner while in Titan form,
sure that he will be able to beat Reiner in a one on one fight again. The two begin to fight, each deftly avoiding each
other's blows until Eren finally lands a mighty punch to Reiner's face, which smashes through his armor. As Reiner
topples to the ground, Eren mentally notes that their battle ground is the town where he once lived, and that he will
take it back by killing every single Titan. As Eren and Reiner fight, Mikasa, Armin, and the rest of their squad approach,
carrying with them new weapons attached to their vertical maneuvering equipment.
Chapter 76: The thunder spears
While Levi tries to protect and coordinate the new Survey Corps recruits, Erwin finds himself tempted to abandon his
soldiers in order to reach Eren's basement and finally discover the secret to the world that his father had once tried to
find. On the ground, Eren and Reiner continue to face off, with Eren employing his new hardening abilities to effectively
fight Reiner. Realizing that he cannot hope to beat Eren on his own, Reiner prepares to take a different approach to
kidnapping Eren, but is blindsided by Hange's squad, and crippled by their new weapon, the Thunder Spears. Blinded
and unable to fight back, Reiner is powerless to stop Hange's squad from using their spears to destroy his nape, and is
engulfed by the explosion caused by their weapons.

Marlowe's squad is ordered to retreat west with their horses and protect their fellow recruits in Squad Dirk. As
Marlowe tries to determine where to leave the horses in order to engage the Titans, he is alarmed to see two Titans
approaching from the east. The recruits are saved by Levi, who orders Marlowe's squad to take care of their duties
before the Beast Titan makes his move.

As Erwin watches the battle unfold from atop Wall Maria, he notes that the Survey Corps is not as powerful as it once
was. Erwin begins to reminisce about his early years in the Corps, remembering how he would tell his fellow recruits
about his father's theories. However, soon after joining the Corps, Erwin had realized that he was the only person who
had joined the Corps for his own sake, while all of his fellow recruits had joined the Corps for the sake of humanity.
Soon after joining, Erwin had his own troops to command, and by telling them to devote their lives to humanity, he
fooled not only them, but himself, and leading to the deaths of many Corps members. As Erwin pictures the bodies of
those who have died fighting the Titans, he considers trying to reach Eren's basement to discover the secret Grisha
Yeager kept hidden even if Corps' plan backfires.

Eren continues to battle with Reiner, using his hardening ability to harden his fists and allow him to smash through
Reiner's armor. However, Reiner manages to gain the upper hand, slinging Eren into a nearby building. Reiner attempts
to crush Eren's head with a single punch, but Eren manages to dodge it. As they look on, Hange instructs Mikasa to wait
for their squad to surround Reiner before attacking him.

Some time before the expedition, Hange unveils the Corps' new weapon, the Thunder Spears, to the recruits. Hange
explains that the spears were designed using technology taken from the Military Police Brigade contraband, and that
they will hopefully prove effective against Reiner's armor, as the Corps' blades are useless against it. Hange reminds the
recruits that the main goal of their expedition is not only to plug the hole in Wall Maria, but to kill Reiner and Bertolt,
and that it will be difficult to do so with only Eren's new hardening abilities. A question from Mikasa prompts Hange to
volunteer to demonstrate the weapons' abilities to the recruits. Outside, the recruits are shocked by the Thunder
Spears' explosive power. As the recruits wonder if the new weapons will be enough to defeat Reiner, Hange admits that
the weapons have one weakness.

As Eren and Reiner continue to battle, Reiner seems to have the upper hand until Eren manages to lock his arm. Reiner,
having learned from their last battle, uses his leg to kick himself away and into a roll, avoiding Eren's grappling
techniques. Reiner speculates that he will not be able to kidnap Eren on his own, and decides that he will have to take a
different approach. However, before he can make his move, Hange and Mikasa attack, surprising Reiner. Bewildered,
Reiner wonders what the soldiers can do to hurt him, as their weapons are ineffective against his armor. By the time
Reiner realizes that Hange and Mikasa are wielding new weapons, it is too late for him to move, and he is blinded by
the two, who fire their Thunder Spears directly into his eyes. As Mikasa and Hange retreat, they detach the Thunder
Spears from their vertical maneuvering equipment, and the spears lodged in Reiner's eyes explode.

As Reiner doubles over in pain from the Thunder Spears, Hange looks on, noting that the Thunder Spears' only
weakness is that they can only be used in areas with high objects that can be used as an anchor for their vertical
maneuvering equipment, as anchoring their equipment in the Titan they attack would only result in them being caught
up in the explosion as well.
The rest of Hange's squad approaches Reiner's Titan Form, firing their Thunder Spears into the armor on its nape. The
resulting explosion strips away Reiner's armor, and completely exposes its nape for attack. Hange orders the squad to
attack once more, but Sasha and Connie are left frozen in place at the thought of killing their former comrade. They are
only convinced to join the final attack on Reiner by Jean, who reminds them that they were already prepared to face
this outcome. As the entire Squad fires their Thunder Spears into the Armored Titan's nape, Reiner is afforded only
enough time to quietly plead for them to wait before being engulfed in an explosion.
Chapter 77: The world they saw
Bertolt thinks back to when he, Reiner, and Annie were trainees during the recovery of Trost District. He and Reiner
contemplate what to do about the situation. Thinking they are alone, Reiner lets it slip that they have the power of the
Titans when complaining about the military trying to plug the hole Bertolt made. Appearing behind them, Marco claims
to overhear their conversation. Reiner assures him it was just a joke, but as Marco leaves to help with the recovery, he
is tackled by Reiner. Shortly after, Annie appears and Reiner orders her to remove Marco's equipment. The three leave
Marco behind in tears and watch in horror as he is eaten by a Titan.

Reiner recalls much later when Warchief Zeke, the Beast Titan, explained to his subordinates that Annie was probably
fine. Threatening them, he reminds them of their one goal, to regain the Coordinate and stop this "cursed history."
After confirming that the Survey Corps are on their way, the three get into position. Reiner reminds Bertolt to think and
act for himself, because he will not be there to tell him what to do. During the battle, Bertolt waits impatiently for
Reiner's signal unaware that the soldiers believe they have killed Reiner by blowing his head off. However, his Titan lets
out a massive roar, signaling Zeke and Bertolt. Zeke then picks up the barrel containing Bertolt from off
the quadrupedal Titan and throws it above the town. The soldiers watch in terror as they wait for the Colossus Titan to
burst out and lay waste to Shiganshina.

During the Battle of Trost District, Reiner and Bertolt comment on the likelihood that Eren will fail in his mission to
seal Wall Rose. When Bertolt brings up the possibility of Eren succeeding, Reiner brushes off his worries, pointing out
that Eren's success will not matter since they have found what they were looking for. Their conversation is interrupted
by the arrival of Marco who, to the horror of Bertolt and Reiner, has overheard their conversation. Disturbed, Marco
tries to rationalize that they were merely joking and suggests that they help the Alpha Squad fend off Titans. As he
heads toward the battle, Marco begins to suspect that the Colossus Titan is a human with the same abilities as Eren,
and fails to notice Reiner, who attacks him from behind.

Knocking Marco out of the air, Reiner begins to restrain him, saying that he can not let him leave. As Annie arrives,
Marco tries to ask her for help but is shocked when she refuses. Bertolt warns of an approaching Titan, and Reiner
orders Annie to take Marco's vertical maneuvering equipment. When Annie protests, Reiner reminds her of how she
saved Connie's life and demands that she prove that she and her father are still loyal to their cause and are different
than the cursed race in the Walls. As Annie reluctantly takes Marco's equipment, a sobbing Marco begs her to stop.
Disposing of Marco's equipment, Annie, Reiner, and Bertolt leave Marco stranded and watch from a nearby building as
he is devoured. While Bertolt looks on in horror and Annie begins to sob, Reiner goes into his dissociative state and
looks on in horror and says out loud that Marco is being devoured.

Three months afterward, in the early morning before the battle, the Warriors are camping atop Wall Maria. Bertolt
watches Reiner as Warchief Zeke, the Beast Titan, assures them that Annie is not being tortured. Reminding them that
any injury would trigger her Titan abilities, he suggests that Annie has simply gone into hiding, but Bertolt and Reiner
point out that everyone knows her identity. Annoyed, Zeke reminds Reiner of the beating he sustained during their
fight, and invites Reiner to fight him again. However, he informs Reiner that if he beats Reiner again, he will force
Reiner to give his armor to someone else. When Reiner refuses to fight, Zeke reminds him that the three of them all
have a common goal: to obtain the Coordinate, and put an end to their "cursed history." The quadrupedal Titan arrives
and informs Zeke that the Survey Corps is approaching. Putting out their camp fire, Reiner and Bertolt begin to go to
their positions.

As they run atop the Wall, Reiner reminds Bertolt that, as they will be separated, he will have to make his own
decisions during the battle. Reiner admits that he has never thought that Bertolt was reliable until recently, and the two
agree to finally put an end to everything. As they part ways, the two state their intentions to save Annie, and
retrieve Historia Reiss, as they promised Ymir. As he hides inside one of the barrels atop the quadrupedal Titan, Bertolt
nervously wonders why Reiner has not yet given him the signal.
The soldiers of the Survey Corps enthusiastically celebrate their defeat of Reiner, whose decapitated body now lies
exposed in his Titan's nape. Although Jean jeers at Reiner's damaged body, he is shaken by the sight of Connie
and Sasha crying, and hurriedly tries to get them to stop. As Hange orders the soldiers to prepare their
equipment, Armin attempts to rationalize the Corps' actions to Mikasa. However, Mikasa's attention is drawn to
Reiner's Titan form, which has begun to move. To everyone's surprise, Reiner's Titan form begins to roar. As the Corps'
soldiers begin to panic, Armin wonders if Reiner is displaying a new ability.

Hearing Reiner's roar, Zeke takes the barrel holding Bertolt from the quadrupedal Titan's back, and throws it
towards Shiganshina. As Hange orders the Corps' soldiers to attack Reiner again, Armin notes the possibility that
Reiner's roar was a signal for Bertolt to attack. It is at this moment that he sees the barrel containing Bertolt flying
through the air, and frantically informs Hange that Bertolt will be attacking the soldiers from above.
Chapter 78: Descent
As the soldiers of the Survey Corps attempt to escape the immediate area where Bertolt's Colossus Titan form will
land, Erwin laments that the Corps has been outsmarted. However, Bertolt aborts his attack in order to tend to Reiner's
mangled body. Seeing this as the last chance to negotiate, Armin intercepts Bertolt and attempts to talk things out with
him, but Bertolt is resolute in his belief that humanity must be destroyed. After a short battle with Mikasa, Bertolt
quickly retreats, and is pursued by Hange and her squad.

As the Corps' soldiers move to kill Reiner, they are shocked to see that his Titan form has positioned itself so that they
cannot reach his human form. It is at this moment that Bertolt transforms into his Colossus Titan form, with the
resulting blast engulfing Hange's squad. With all of their comrades seemingly killed, Squad Levi is left to face Bertolt

As Commander Erwin watches the barrel containing Bertolt fly into Shiganshina, he laments that the Corps has been
outsmarted by Zeke.

Hange orders her soldiers to evacuate the immediate area to avoid Bertolt, but Armin notes that they will not be able
to move fast enough to escape the blast from Bertolt's landing.

As he observes the ground below from his barrel, Bertolt prepares to transform into his Titan form, but is alarmed by
the sight of Reiner's mangled body. Putting a halt to his plan, Bertolt exits the barrel and uses his vertical maneuvering
equipment to approach Reiner's body, where he is relieved to find that Reiner is still alive. Deducing that Reiner
survived by transferring his consciousness to his nervous system, Bertolt notes his disbelief that Reiner would utilize
such a risky tactic. Steeling himself, Bertolt asks Reiner to either try to move, or brace himself for Bertolt's next attack.

Elsewhere, Hange notes that Bertolt has stopped his attack to check on Reiner, and to take the opportunity to attack
him. As Bertolt approaches, Hange leaves Squad Levi to protect Eren while her team fights Bertolt, but she is stopped
from attacking by Armin, who insists on trying to negotiate with Bertolt one last time.

When asked to negotiate by Armin, Bertolt states that he has two demands: for the Survey Corps to turn over Eren, and
for the complete destruction of humanity withing the Walls. In desperation, Armin tries to manipulate Bertolt by
reminding him of Annie's torture, but is surprised to find that Bertolt no longer believes his lie. Armin tries to flee, but is
stopped by Bertolt, who reveals that he knows that Armin is trying to buy time for the Survey Corps soldiers to
surround them while others go to finish off Reiner. A terrified Armin asks why Bertolt agreed to talk if he had deduced
his plans, and Bertolt reveals that he wanted to make sure he would not break down like he did the last time he faced
his former comrades. Armin asks if Bertolt and his people are trying to kill the residents of the Walls because they are
descendants of devils, but Bertolt assures him that they have not done anything wrong, they just need to die.

Mikasa attacks Bertolt from behind, but only manages to slice off his ear before being kicked away. Bertolt attempts to
kill Armin, but is stopped by Mikasa and quickly retreats. Mikasa stops Armin from pursuing Bertolt, suggesting that
they retreat so that they are not caught in the blast if he transforms into his Titan form. Armin argues that Bertolt
would not risk transforming with Reiner incapacitated and unable to escape the blast, but Mikasa points out that
Bertolt did not seem to be himself, and seemed to have something planned.

The soldiers sent to finish off Reiner prepare to kill him, but are surprised to see that Reiner's Titan form has rolled onto
its back so that they can no longer reach Reiner in his Titan's nape.

As Bertolt maneuvers through Shiganshina with his vertical maneuvering equipment, he calmly notes that he does not
feel any fear, despite the approaching Survey Corps soldiers. As he propels himself into the air over Shiganshina, Bertolt
notes that no one is at fault. Nothing could have made a difference in such a cruel world.
Seeing Bertolt ascend into the air, Hange frantically orders her soldiers to retreat, as Bertolt begins to transform. Squad
Levi takes refuge from the blast of Bertolt's transformation, as Hange's squad is engulfed in the blast from Bertolt's
Titan. As Mikasa and Armin reunite with the rest of Squad Levi, Jean demands to know what happened to Hange's
squad, and Armin reveals that they had been next to Bertolt when he transformed. As Squad Levi observes Bertolt's
Titan form towering over the flaming wreckage of Shiganshina, they are stunned to see that they are the only ones who
appear to have survived the blast.
Chapter 79: Perfect game
Having recently transformed, Bertolt begins to decimate Shiganshina, destroying and lighting ablaze all nearby
structures. With no idea what to do, Connie and Sasha ask Armin for orders. Rattled from his earlier encounter with
Bertolt, Armin asks Jean to take command. Jean devises a plan, but makes it clear that he is still counting on Armin to
devise a solution to their ultimate problem.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Wall, Levi surveys the situation. With nothing but smaller Titans left,
Squads Dirk, Marlene, and Klaus go to finish them off to give Levi a chance to rest. Not long after, with the help of
the quadrupedal Titan, Zeke begins throwing rocks at the Survey Corps. Levi orders those near the horses to retreat,
while Erwin informs them of their dire circumstances.

On the other side of the Wall, Jean orders Eren to yell in order to get Bertolt's attention. It works, but he intentionally
ignores them. So, with no other option, Mikasa takes Connie's Thunder Spears, and tells the others to distract Bertolt.
Jean orders Armin to stay back and observe, while trying to encourage him to have hope. As the others go off on their
separate tasks, Eren races towards Bertolt's leg, trying to hold him back. For a moment, it seems like he has got him,
until Bertolt pulls his leg back and flings Eren into the Wall. The others stare in shock at an incapacitated Eren.

As Bertolt's Colossus Titan rampages through Shiganshina District, Connie becomes hysterical, laughing at the flaming
debris Bertolt is throwing through the air. As Sasha and Jean silence Connie, Mikasaand Armin observe that Bertolt does
not know their position, and Eren grows enraged at Bertolt for further desecrating his home. Without Hange to lead
them, the team turns to Armin for leadership, and Armin suggests retreating over Wall Maria, beyond Bertolt's reach,
and wait until he runs out of power. Jean, however, disagrees with Armin's plan, pointing out that Bertolt will simply be
able to throw more wreckage over the Wall to attack, and the fact that the Survey Corps' lack of supplies would leave
them unable to wait for Bertolt to become exhausted. Realizing that a fight with Bertolt is unavoidable, Armin asks Jean
to take charge, and lead them. Jean reluctantly accepts, but he makes it clear to Armin that he will not be able to
formulate a plan to fight Bertolt, and will need Armin's help.

Atop Wall Maria, Erwin observes Bertolt's advance, wondering if everything is going according to Zeke's plan.

As Levi watches Zeke from the battlefield, one of the Survey Corps' Squad Leaders arrives to report that his Squad has
finished off their section of Titans. Observing that Zeke has not made a move yet, the Squad Leader volunteers to finish
the rest of the nearby mindless Titan while Levi rests. As he waits, Levi begins to wonder what has happened to Hange's
group, noting that Bertolt did not immediately transform after being thrown into Shiganshina. It is at this moment that
Levi is assaulted by a barrage of rocks. Turning his attention to the battle again, Levi is horrified to see Squads
Dirk, Marlene, and Klaus being torn apart by a barrage of rocks being launched by Zeke. As Levi takes cover, Erwin
attempts to warn the remaining soldiers of the attack.

Surviving the attack, Levi returns to the base of Wall Maria, and meets up with the recruits who have been tasked with
guarding the horses. As they take cover from Zeke's attack, Erwin arrives and informs them of the losses incurred by the
Corps at the hands of both Zeke and Bertolt. As the recruits begin to panic at the prospect of being the only remaining
soldiers, Levi asks Erwin if he has another plan.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Wall, Eren attempts to get Bertolt's attention to draw him away from Wall Maria,
but he and his comrades are surprised when Bertolt chooses to ignore them. Desperate to halt Bertolt's advance, Jean
decides to commence a direct attack on Bertolt, ordering Armin to stay back and observe, while Mikasa takes
Connie's Thunder Spear. As his comrades spread out around Bertolt, Eren attempts to stop Bertolt's advance by
grabbing one of his legs. For a moment, as they watch, Squad Levi begins to believe that Eren has halted Bertolt, and
that they will be able to defeat him. However, their hopes are dashed when Bertolt calmly flings Eren off with a kick,
sending him flying across Shiganshina, and into Wall Maria, leaving him incapacitated.
Chapter 80: The nameless soldiers
The Survey Corps watch in shock as the motionless body of Eren's Titan is stranded atop Wall Maria, wondering if he is
still alive, but they avert their attention from Eren and focus on the Colossus Titan who continues to approach the
Wall. Jean orders his comrades to draw his attention while Mikasa shoots Thunder Spears into the Titan's nape,
but Bertolt easily sees through their scheme and releases a burst of hot steam, deflecting the Thunder Spears and
burning the Special Operations Squad. Armin goes to help a wounded Mikasa and admits that he still does not have any
plan to save them from their predicament. A loud explosion occurs shortly after and the soldiers watch in horror as a
fully recovered Armored Titan stands up, ready to rejoin the fight.

On the inner part of the Wall, Levi urges Erwin to order the retreat and save the few survivors, but Erwin reveals that he
still has a strategy to defeat Zeke, though at the cost of his and the new recruits' lives. He admits that the only thing
that stops him is his desire to live long enough to see the basement, but Levi prompts him to forget his dreams and
sacrifice himself for the greater good.

Erwin leads the recruits into a direct suicide attack against Zeke to serve as decoys while Levi sneaks through the
surrounding horde of Titans, using them as trees to maneuver with his equipment as he approaches Zeke in order to
land a surprise attack. Erwin and his troops continue riding towards the enemy, using signal flares to obstruct his aim.
As Zeke launches a barrage of rocks towards them, Erwin and all the soldiers are struck by the debris.

Atop Wall Maria, Eren lies immobile after being brutally slammed there by the Colossus Titan's
kick. Erwin and Levi watch the scene in shock while Mikasa wonders if he is still alive. However, Jean assures her that
Eren is alive and shouts for everyone to focus on the Colossus Titan, who continues on his way to attack the Wall.

Jean orders Connie and Sasha to help him draw Bertolt's attention while Mikasa shoots Thunder Spears to his nape. The
three attempt to distract him with insults and nicknames, but Jean realizes they are being too obvious and Bertolt
probably has already realized that Mikasa is behind him; though still hopes that she will be able to hit him. Mikasa
launches the spears, but Bertolt responds by releasing a massive burst of hot steam, which deflects the spears as well as
blows away the grapple hooks of her maneuvering equipment and violently pushes everybody back, causing them
superficial burns.

Armin comes to help Mikasa, who was hit in her right arm by a Thunder Spear shrapnel, though she replies that the
wound is not deep. She asks him if he has devised a plan to counterattack, but Armin admits that he still does not have
any. At that moment, they and Jean hear a sound at their backs, and watch in horror that the Armored Titan has fully
recovered and is standing ready to return to the fight.

Meanwhile, Zeke continues launching rocks at the Survey Corps' hiding spot. Levi tells Erwin that at that rate it will not
be long before he turns it all into rubble, and urges him to order the retreat if he does not have any counterattack
method left, using Eren to carry the few survivors.

As Erwin and Levi speak, the new recruits are overcome with terror. Marlowe tries to calm down a fellow who allowed
a horse to escape, but is taken aback when the recruit lashes out, claiming that they will all be killed and therefore did
not need horses. The recruit begins bemoaning his decision to join the Survey Corps due to it leading him to a
meaningless death.

Levi volunteers to battle Zeke while the rest of the Corps escapes. Erwin tries to convince him otherwise, but Levi insists
that all hope will be lost if Erwin and Eren do not escape. At Levi's prompting, Erwin reveals that he still has one last
plan to defeat Zeke, and that he did not reveal it to Levi because it would result in the deaths of all of the Survey Corps'
recruits and Erwin himself. Watching the recruits panic, Erwin notes that although most of them will likely die
regardless of his decision, they will only willingly give up their lives if he leads them into battle. Erwin notes that this
will mean he will be the first to die, and quietly laments that due to this he will never get to see Eren's basement, a
statement which draws Levi's attention.
Erwin reveals to Levi that the reason he did everything he has done is that he desires to reach Eren's basement, and
discover the secrets within it, so that he will finally be able to answer all the questions he is had since his father's death.
He bemoans the fact that, after staving off death so many times, he will have to sacrifice his life before discovering
these secrets, which are now within his grasp. Finally, he asks if Levi can see them: the fallen Survey Corps soldiers, who
want to know what has happened to their hearts, which they devoted to the Survey Corps' cause. Levi assures Erwin
that he has done his job leading the Corps well, but advises him to abandon his dream. His only job now is to lead the
Survey Corps' recruits straight into hell, so that Levi can engage the Beast Titan.

As Zeke crushes another rock in preparation for his next attack, he is surprised to see the Survey Corps coming straight
at him in a direct attack. Amused, he notes that while he had not expected to give up without a fight, he had assumed
they would have a better strategy than a frontal assault. The soldiers, under Erwin's command, fire their signal flares all
at once, and Zeke observes the scene with curiosity as he prepares to throw his next volley of projectiles. Watching
Zeke, Erwin warns the recruits that another attack is coming, while reflecting on how he convinced them to agree to his
frontal assault.

Erwin ordered the recruits to line up, informing them that they will be charging the Beast Titan from the front, and
using their signal flares to disrupt his aim as much as possible, while Levi uses the diversion to kill him. After his speech,
he instructed a bewildered Levi to use his vertical maneuvering equipment to approach the Beast Titan, using
the Titans surrounding him to maneuver into a position where he can kill him.

During the charge, Levi advances his way to the Beast Titan's position, slaughtering mindless Titans as he goes, and he
sees Erwin's forces firing their signal flares and silently apologizes to them as he recalls the recruits' reactions to
learning of their impending demise.

Upon hearing Erwin's plan, one of the recruits had approached him, noting that they will die whether they obey their
commander's orders or not, so they will die a meaningless death no matter what. Erwin confirmed his observation,
noting that getting crushed by a rock would result in the same experience for all of them, and that everyone would die
sooner or later. However, this did not make their lives, or the lives of their fallen comrades any less meaningful. They
would remember the lives of their fallen soldiers, while the next generations of soldiers would give meaning to their

Leading his soldiers into battle, Erwin continues to encourage them. Even as he and his comrades are torn to pieces by
Zeke's projectiles, he encourages his soldiers to let their blood boil, to let their voices be heard, and fight.
Chapter 81: Promise
Erwin is taken down by a rock flying through his side, but the recruits push on and are attacked by a second
barrage. Zeke expresses what a shame it is that they continue to die and make mistakes due to King Reiss wiping their
memories. As the soldiers are killed, Zeke rejoices in victory before noticing all the Titans to his right had fallen. A hook
is shot into his shoulder and Levi attacks him, ripping apart both his arms, feet, and eyes before cutting Zeke out of his
Titan's nape. Levi interrogates Zeke and shoves his blade into his mouth and out of his eye. Levi ponders if he can find
one person alive so that they may take the Titan injection and eat Zeke. However, he is interrupted when
the quadrupedal Titan steals Zeke away in its mouth. Zeke orders his Titans to kill Levi and proclaims victory while Levi,
determined to fulfill his promise to Erwin, begins to attack the Titans and chase after Zeke. Far back, one soldier is seen
alive among the bodies and looks for survivors. On the other side of the Wall, Armin realizes that they can kill Bertolt in
a drawn-out fight and orders Jean and Mikasa to distract Reiner while Eren and himself attack Bertolt. Everyone
scatters and Armin flies up to Eren and shoves his blade into his chest, waking him and telling him they are going to see
the ocean together.

As the barrage of rocks takes down many of the Survey Corps' soldiers, a rock is shown flying through Erwin's side and
his horse's head and neck. In pain and near death, he throws his head forward in determination before his horse
collapses on the ground as his subordinates watch. Marlowe then urges his comrades forward despite their commander
falling. Zeke expresses how sad it is that people do not learn from their past mistakes and comments what a tragedy it
is that King Reiss took their memories, causing them to constantly make the same mistakes and run straight to their
death. Out of anger, he crushes the rocks in his hand into dust and remarks how he must not be like his father and
should enjoy life. He then sends out a second barrage of rocks and the recruits fire their second wave of signal flares.
Marlowe sees his death rushing at him, and remembers his enthusiasm for this mission, wondering what Hitch is doing
right then. At that moment his thoughts are interrupted when one of the rocks flies through the right side of his head
and kills him, along with many other recruits who are barraged. Zeke relishes in his victory throw, but, when he sees
three recruits still alive and trying to blind him, he becomes angry and barrages them for the third time. After killing
them off, he grows quiet and shows sympathy for them.

Zeke turns and sees that all of the Titans to his right have fallen. He is then hooked in the shoulder by Levi and before
he can defend himself, his right arm is sliced to pieces and cut off at the biceps. Zeke recalls a memory
of Reiner and Bertolt telling him that Captain Levi is dangerous. As he tries to defend his nape, Levi cuts out his eyes and
then slices apart both his ankles, causing the beast to fall. Flying above him, Levi comments on how much fun Zeke
appeared to be having and then claims he will put a damper on it as he swings down and butchers the Beast Titan's
right hand before he can harden. Levi then moves in for his final strike and cuts Zeke out of his Titan's neck, slicing off
all his limbs except for his left foot. Levi drives his sword into Zeke's mouth as he lays there unable to move or
transform while he heals. When Levi questions Zeke about the healing and he does not respond, Levi pushes his blade
up through the roof of his mouth and out his eye.

Levi thinks to himself that he can not kill him yet and that if he could find even one person still breathing among the
fallen soldiers, he can use his syringe of Titan injection to turn someone into a Titan so that they can eat Zeke and gain
the Beast Titan's power. As the thought of saving Erwin crosses his mind, Levi is shocked to see the quadrupedal
Titan lunge at them from behind and snatch Zeke away in its mouth as Levi barely escapes out of the way. Levi is
startled for a moment as the quadrupedal Titan runs away with Zeke hanging out of its mouth. He then shouts to the
remaining Titans and orders them to kill Levi, thinking his weapons are running low. As Zeke declares victory and the
Titans charge Levi, he changes his blades and claims that he swore to Erwin that he would kill Zeke. Levi then begins his
attack once more and starts taking down the Titans and chasing Zeke.

A single recruit stands up among the dead bodies and wonders how and why he is the only man left standing. He then
begins to walk through the wasteland of corpses and search for any survivors.

On the other side of the Wall, Jean remarks that Reiner really did come back to life and wonders what they must do to
kill him for good. Just as he suggests to Armin that they get everyone to safety on Eren, Armin notices that the Colossus
Titan is thinner after expelling steam and remembers Hange saying that it was susceptible to a drawn-out battle.
Remembering that during their experiments Eren could only transform three times in a row and harden his entire body
twice, Armin notes that his power would taper off and his abilities would not work as well. He figures that since the
Colossus Titan is so much bigger, it will be much less efficient at using its energy. Armin claims that he needs to
consume flesh to create that burst of steam and after a while, he will be just a skeleton and be unable to fight. Armin
then tells Mikasa and Jean to draw Reiner away and says that Eren and himself will defeat Bertolt. Everyone agrees and
they take off toward their destinations. Armin lands on Eren's Titan's chest and remembers a time on their way
to Shiganshina earlier when Eren said that the thought of freedom filled him with strength. Shaking, Armin wonders
why he feels courage welling up inside him when he thinks of the outside world. He then stabs his blade through the
front of Eren's chest and demands he wakes up, saying that they are going to see the ocean together as Eren opens his
eyes inside his Titan.
Chapter 82: Hero
With Eren finally awake, Armin concludes their discussion of a plan to defeat the Colossus Titan. In
the city below, Jean, Mikasa, Sasha, and Connie plan to defeat the Armored Titan, but Reiner flees. Mikasa cripples him
with her Thunder Spear, and the others start the attack. Reiner is dazed, having lost his memory of everything after his
farewell to Bertolt. Bertolt laments at his failure to kill the recruits and wonders what Armin is planning.

Before executing their plan, Armin reminds Eren of their promise to see the ocean. Eren pretends to fall to the ground
in defeat while Armin jumps to the Colossus Titan. Mikasa and the recruits continue their attack on Reiner, and Sasha is
injured. Armin manages to grapple onto the Colossus Titan's teeth, causing Bertolt to send out great amounts of steam.
Seeing Armin's perseverance, Bertolt increases the power of his attack to kill Armin quickly. As Armin is burned alive, he
remarks that Eren must see the ocean in his stead.

As the plan to defeat Reiner is on the verge of failure, Hange returns to assist as Mikasa lands the final blow to Reiner,
sending him flying out of the Armored Titan's nape. As Bertolt inspects Eren's fallen Titan form, he realizes that it is only
a hardened shell. With his vertical maneuvering equipment, Eren strikes at the Colossus Titan's nape, pulling Bertolt
out. He lands on the roofs next to Armin's corpse, noting that Armin was the bravest of his comrades.

As Eren regains consciousness atop Wall Maria, Armin explains his plan to trick Bertolt. To try to buy time for Eren and
Armin, Squad Levi tries to distract Reiner but are shocked when he chooses to ignore them. In order to stop Reiner from
reaching Eren, Mikasa chooses to attack him with her Thunder Spear, blowing apart his knee and leaving him crippled.
As the Squad moves in to engage Reiner, Reiner is left bewildered at what was able to penetrate the armor covering
him. He also finds himself unable to remember anything that has happened since he and Bertolt split up, save for
Bertolt's instructions to lie on his back to save himself from Bertolt's transformation. Unsure of what is going on, Reiner
comes to the conclusion that they can still win as long as he and Bertolt escape with Eren, and prepares to fend off his

Bertolt observes Reiner preparing for battle, and notes with some displeasure that he would have liked for his
transformation to have killed all of them, before turning his attention back to Armin and Eren, curious to see what they
will do in their final moments.

As Bertolt approaches, Armin absent-mindedly notes that the success of his plan will depend on "how much" he can
take. Noticing that his words have concerned Eren, Armin hurriedly reassures him that he will not die before he can see
the ocean, and orders Eren to stick to his plan no matter what happens. However, as they prepare to face Bertolt, Eren
slips off the Wall and falls to the ground below. Seeing this, Bertolt notes that Eren likely has a concussion and will not
even be able to stand. Bertolt attacks Armin, but Armin dodges the attack and attempts to get close to Bertolt with
his vertical maneuvering equipment. Commenting that Armin has fought well, Bertolt begins expelling steam to repel

Mikasa notices Bertolt's attack, but forces herself to focus on fighting Reiner, as she gets into position for the
fight. Jean attacks first, acting as bait to draw Reiner's attention while Connie and Sasha use their opening to strike
Reiner's jaw with their Thunder Spears, and force it open. However, they are caught off guard as Reiner destroys a
nearby house, sending debris flying in their direction, and only Connie's Thunder Spear finds its mark while Jean and
Sasha are incapacitated.

As Bertolt continues to attack Armin with his steam, he is unable to discern why Armin's anchors have not yet lost their
grip on his Titan form. Armin, on the other hand, is glad to know that his hypothesis that Bertolt's bones, which he fired
his anchors into, would not disintegrate with the rest of the Titan's muscle, was correct. As Bertolt watches Armin
attempt to withstand the heat of his steam, he is awed by the fact that the best plan Armin could think of was to simply
let himself be burned to death. As Armin continues to endure the steam, Bertolt decides that if Armin truly has no other
plan, then he will simply put Armin out of his misery quickly, and lets out one last burst of steam. As Armin is burned
alive, he orders himself to keep going, and not to let go. He will entrust all of his dreams to Eren, as the only thing he
has left to give is his life. As his anchors are burned away and he falls, Armin notes that he is sure that Eren will make it
to the ocean one day and fulfill both of their dreams.
Although Reiner's mouth is not completely open, Mikasa decides that she will have to carry out her part of the plan
anyway. However, she and her comrades are all shocked by the return of Hange, who quickly uses her Thunder Spear to
destroy the other side of Reiner's jaw, and force his mouth open completely. Seizing her opportunity, Mikasa quickly
moves in, and fires her Thunder Spear directly into Reiner's mouth, blowing the shocked Warrior out of his Titan's nape
from the inside.

Gazing at Armin's scorched body on a building below, Bertolt notes that their battle is over, before turning to Eren.
However, he is shocked to see that Eren's Titan is only a hardened shell, and fails to notice Eren's human form behind
him. As Eren ferociously cuts him out of his Titan's nape, Bertolt realizes that Armin's strategy had been to distract him
while Eren flanked him and attacked his exposed nape. Dragging Bertolt from his Titan, Eren immediately rushes to
Armin's body, which has been scorched beyond recognition. Remembering Armin's promise to go see the ocean
together, Eren remarks that Armin was always the bravest of his comrades.
Chapter 83: Cleaver
As Eren mourns for his deceased friend Armin, he is confronted by Zeke. Zeke recognizes Eren, attempting to tell him
about his father Grisha brainwashing him, but is interrupted by the arrival of Levi Ackerman. Before he leaves, however,
Zeke promises to rescue Eren. As Eren prepares to give Levi his gas tanks, he hears Armin cough.

Hange attempts to interrogate a captive Reiner, but when she is unable to get any meaningful information from him,
she attempts to behead him but is then stopped when Jean suggests taking his Titan powers from him. Unconvinced
that the Titan injection should be used yet, Hange tells Mikasa to check on Eren and Armin, and to alert her if Reiner
should be killed. However, shortly afterward Zeke and the Quadrupedal Titan appear and rescue Reiner, nearly killing

As Eren frantically tries to keep Armin alive, he begs Levi to save Armin's life with the Titan serum. Levi agrees, but is
stopped by the arrival of the surviving Survey Corps recruit who is carrying Erwin's near-lifeless body. Seeing that Erwin
is still alive, Levi announces that he has changed his mind, and will instead use the serum to save Erwin. The others
object to this and turn on Levi while Zeke watches from atop Wall Maria with Reiner.

Several years ago in Shiganshina District, Armin sits against a building crying while bullies walk away laughing. Eren,
peering from around the corner, asks Armin why he is allowing the bullies to treat him that way. Armin claims that he
has not lost, since he is not running away. Stepping forward, Eren asks him what his name is.

In the midst of the fight for Shiganshina, Eren looks down upon the burned body of Armin. Realizing the horrific
situation, he falls to his knees, admitting that he expected the outcome. Acknowledging Armin's hand in their success in
defeating Bertolt, he wonders why Armin never ran away from his fights. While he mourns, Zeke, riding upon
the quadrupedal Titan, falls into the district, having climbed over Wall Maria. The Titan leaps towards Eren and Bertolt,
and Eren grabs Bertolt, holding a blade to his neck. Ordering Zeke to stay away, Eren notices the signs of Titan
shifting on Zeke's eyes, concluding that he must be the Beast Titan. Zeke asks Eren if he is indeed Eren Yeager, but
instead of answering Eren begins to cut into Bertolt's throat. Before Eren can finish Bertolt off, Zeke remarks that Eren
looks nothing like his father. Zeke claims that he understands Eren and wants to help, saying that both he and Eren are
victims of Grisha, who Zeke claims has brainwashed Eren in some way. Eren looks to Zeke in shock, noticing a striking
resemblance between Zeke and Grisha.

Before their conversation can continue, Zeke notices Captain Levi standing atop Wall Maria, drenched in the blood of
slain Titans. As Levi descends from the Wall, Zeke abandons Bertolt and promises that he will return to rescue Eren
some day. Levi lands on the rooftop beside Eren as Zeke flees, and Levi asks for Eren's gas and blades so that he can
pursue him. While Eren prepares to do so, he notices Armin coughing.

Elsewhere in the district, Hange questions Reiner, limbless and blindfolded after his defeat, about the contents of a
metal case he was reaching for. While Mikasa treats Jean's wounds, Reiner tells Hange that the case contains a letter
from Ymir that must be given to Historia. Hange tells him that they will check the contents of the letter before
delivering it. Drawing her blade, she asks Reiner if he is willing to answer her questions. When he declines, she prepares
to kill him. However, Jean urges her to wait, reminding her that they may be able to steal his Titan powers instead.

Before the expedition, Commander Erwin had informed the entirety of the Survey Corps of the nature of the Titan
serum possessed by Levi. Erwin declared that their primary objectives to defeat the intelligent Titans and reclaim Wall
Maria have not changed, and that the Titan serum will be prioritized for those who are most grievously injured. He
emphasized that only one dose of the serum is in their possession.

Hange tells Jean that she does not believe the requirements of the serum's use have been met yet. Jean notes that
Hange's hesitation is unlike her normal attitude. After some hesitation, Hange orders Mikasa to check on Eren and
Armin, telling her to fire a signal flare in case of an emergency so that she can know when to kill Reiner. As Mikasa
leaves, Hange tells Jean that the decision was her own, and that he only provided her the facts. She wonders who the
serum should be given to, since Sasha is not fatally wounded and there may be someone else more heavily injured.

As Mikasa arrives with Eren and Levi, Eren frantically tells Armin to keep breathing. Turning to Levi, he asks for the
serum so that Armin can be revived by eating Bertolt. Levi agrees, and Mikasa fires off her signal flare.
As Jean notices Mikasa's flare, Zeke arrives on his Titan to rescue Reiner. As the Titan lunges at Hange, Jean quickly pulls
her out of the way while Zeke and his Titan mount take Reiner away. Connie attempts to pursue them, but Hange
orders him to stay since his gas is low and he could be defeated easily if something were to go wrong. Jean punches the
ground in frustration, but Hange assures him that the decision was her own. Hange then tells the others to regroup with
Levi and the others.

As Levi is handing the serum over to Eren, the surviving recruit from Erwin's charge arrives, carrying a fatally wounded
Erwin on his back. Seeing Erwin's condition, Levi hesitates in giving up the serum. He checks Erwin's breathing, and
confirms that Erwin is indeed alive. While the others look on with worry, Levi declares that he is going to give the serum
to Erwin. Eren steps forward with tears in his eyes, reminding Levi of his choice to save Armin. Levi tells him that he
plans to save the one who will save humanity. While the recruit looks on in confusion, Mikasa draws a blade, stepping
forward with tears in her eyes as Levi looks her way.

From atop Wall Maria, Zeke looks down at the ruins of the city, letting Reiner know how lucky he was to be alive.
Chapter 84: Midnight sun
As Armin and Erwin lay dying, Levi argues with Eren and Mikasa over who should be given the serum to be revived.
When things become aggressive, Eren argues that Armin has done more for humanity in the course of the battle than
Erwin. Floch, the surviving recruit, believes that Erwin deserves the second chance. Before further conflict can
ensue, Hange, Jean, Connie, and Sasha arrive. Hange holds Mikasa back and comforts her, sharing sympathy with her

When Levi is ready to inject Erwin, Eren reveals Armin's dream to see the ocean. Levi orders everyone to leave. He
remembers overhearing Armin's enthusiasm over seeing the ocean, and recalls Kenny Ackerman's final words about
people clinging to their dreams. Erwin, in a moment of exhaustion, raises his hand on reflex and away from the needle,
to ask his father back in the classroom about investigating the truth. Levi makes his choice.

Bertolt Hoover awakens as Armin's pure Titan form is generated. He cries out in fear as he is taken and eaten alive
while the others watch. Levi explains his choice to his comrades, believing that Erwin deserves his long rest. Hange
confirms that Erwin Smith is dead, and the recruits gather around as Armin Arlert emerges from his Titan alive and well.

Levi, appalled at Eren and Mikasa for suggesting that Erwin be sacrificed, orders them to stand aside so that he can save
Erwin. When Eren attempts to bar his way again, Levi loses his patience and strikes Eren, to Mikasa's outrage. Grabbing
Levi, Mikasa prepares to threaten him, but is surprised by how weak he is. As Floch, the surviving recruit, tries to
convince Mikasa that Levi is right, Eren attempts to sway Levi by reminding him of all of Armin's past contributions in
the Survey Corps' struggle against the Titans. Floch, angered, informs Mikasa and Eren of the deaths of their comrades
at the hands of the Beast Titan, and informs them how Erwin's suicide plan was what enabled Levi to get close enough
to engage the Beast Titan, despite the corner they had been backed into. Floch announces that, after finding Erwin's
body after their charge, he had realized that the only way to defeat the Titans would be with someone demonic, like
Erwin, and that he will not allow anyone to interfere with Erwin's revival.

Before Mikasa can react, she is pulled off of Levi and restrained by Hange, who has just arrived with the rest of Squad
Levi. As Levi prepares to inject Erwin with the Titan serum, Mikasa becomes hysterical, and Hange tries to remind her of
Erwin's value to humanity. When this does not calm Mikasa, Hange admits that she also has comrades that she wishes
to save, but that she has accepted that they must move forward despite how painful their losses are. Levi continues to
prepare the serum, but is given pause by Eren, who tells Levi about Armin's dream to see the ocean. Floch restrains
Eren and Levi orders everyone to leave.

As he grabs Bertolt, Levi remembers overhearing Armin's enthusiasm over seeing the ocean before the mission, having
been sitting behind the three unseen. He recalls Erwin's wish to see the secrets of the world hidden in Eren's basement,
before recalling his last conversation with Kenny. As he is about to inject Erwin, Erwin lifts his arm, away from the
syringe. Levi is surprised, and watches as Erwin deliriously believes he is back in the classroom, having raised his arm to
question his teacher about the apparent certainty that there are no humans beyond the land they know of. As he
watches Erwin, Levi recalls his order to Erwin to give up on his dream and go to hell with the Survey Corps' new recruits.
As memories of Kenny, Erwin, and Armin continue to plague Levi, he finally makes up his mind.

Bertolt awakes to find himself being set upon by a large Titan. His limbs severed when Eren cut him out of his Titan
form, Bertolt can only scream in horror as the Titan grabs him. Seeing his former comrades watching from afar, he begs
them to come and help him, but quickly realizes from the sorrow on their faces that they are only going to sit by and

As the Titan begins to bite down on his head, Bertolt only has time to plead for Annie and Reiner to come and save him,
but realistically he knows it is too late for him; a final expletive is cut off as his head is crushed by the back molars.

As Bertolt is devoured by Armin, Floch asks Levi why he chose not to save Erwin. Levi notes that Erwin became a demon
just as they had wished, and that he deserves to rest, rather than be brought back into their hellish world. As he
watches Armin's Titan, Levi apologizes to Erwin for breaking his promise to kill the Beast Titan, admitting that it will
take a bit longer. Hange announces that Erwin has succumbed to his injuries as a saddened Levi watches his Squad go to
greet a newly resurrected Armin
Chapter 85: The basement
Armin awakens from a dream of the Colossus Titan, and Eren informs him of the Survey Corps' situation. Armin is
shocked at the news that he received the Titan serum instead of Erwin and that he had eaten Bertolt. Levi explains the
circumstances which led Armin to receiving the serum, and Hange informs him of his new responsibilities in taking the
place of Erwin's life; as well as her own as the new commander. With the news given, Eren, Mikasa, Levi, and Hange
make their way to Eren's old home while the others stand guard.

Arriving at the wreckage of their home, they clear a path to the basement, but discover that Eren's key is not to the
basement door. Levi breaks the door down, and the four find what appears to be a normal doctor's office. At Grisha
Yeager's desk, Mikasa discovers a locked drawer. Eren uses the key, and they discover three well-preserved books.

At Trost District, Commander Nile Dok recalls making fun of Erwin's questioning of the history books about the no
existence of humans beyond the Walls, and Commander-in-Chief Zackly suggests Nile should apologize for his doubts to
Erwin in person. They are then told that the Survey Corps has returned as the nine surviving members arrive at Trost.

In the basement, the four come across an incredibly lifelike image of Grisha with another family. On the back a note is
written, identifying the image as a photograph and revealing that humanity lives beyond the Walls in luxury, having
never truly gone extinct.

As Armin recalls the results of Bertolt's transformation in his sleep, he is suddenly awakened by a vision of
Bertolt's Colossus Titan, hearing a voice calling out that it is hurting. Armin is left shaken by the vision, but is distracted
by an unconscious Sasha, who quietly groans in her sleep that her injuries are hurting her. As Armin tries to check on
her, Eren arrives, relieved to see that Armin has finally awakened. Levi, seeing that Armin has awakened, fires a flare to
call everyone back, and orders Eren to tell Armin what has happened.

Armin is shocked to learn that only nine soldiers survived the battle, but he is even more horrified at the knowledge
that he became a Titan and devoured Bertolt. Armin demands to know why he was chosen to receive the Titan
injection and not Erwin, and Levi informs him that Mikasa and Eren were so intent on his survival that they went
against direct orders to save him. Hange makes it clear that Eren and Mikasa will be punished for what they did, and
Levi admits that he also let his personal feelings affect his decision to let Erwin die. Hange admits that she would have
preferred that Erwin lived, but will accept Levi's decision, as he was the one Erwin entrusted the serum to. However,
she makes it clear, to Armin's horror, that he will be expected to contribute to humanity even more than before, now
that he has been entrusted with both Erwin's life and the Titan power. Levi assures Armin that he is not expected to
replace Erwin, but reminds him that he will have to use his new powers so that no one regrets the decision to keep him
alive over Erwin. Hange admits that she is in the same position as Armin, having to succeed Erwin as commander of
the Survey Corps, before announcing that she, Eren, Mikasa, and Levi will go Eren's basement on their own, while the
others keep watch from atop Wall Maria.

Arriving at Eren's old home, Hange notes with relief that the fire from Bertolt's transformation has not reached it. As he
helps clear away debris, Eren recalls the numerous times he asked his parents if he could see the basement, and being
denied every time. Finally clearing a way to the basement, Eren recalls the last conversation he had with both of his
parents, when his father promised he would finally let Eren see the basement. Arriving at the door to the basement,
Eren tries his father's key, and is horrified to find out that it does not work on the basement's lock. Levi, growing
impatient, simply kicks through the door and forces it open, allowing them to enter. Inside, they are greeted by the
sight of what appears to be a normal doctor's office. Levi notes that there is nothing in plain sight that would arouse the
suspicions of the Military Police Brigade, and orders Eren and Mikasa to find the secrets that are hidden. Mikasa
discovers a keyhole in the side of Dr. Yeager's desk, which fits Eren's key. Opening the hidden drawer, Eren is shocked
to find it empty, but Levi points out that it has a false bottom which hides three journals. Hange notes the odor of mint
oil and charcoal, possibly treatment to repel insects and prevent moisture respectively. Anxious to see what his father
was hiding, Eren opens one of the books with Mikasa.
In Trost District, Nile tells a group of Military officials about a time when he and Erwin were children, when Erwin
pointed out to his father in class that, as humans are not able to freely leave the Walls, it should not be possible for
anyone to say definitively that there are no humans alive outside of the Walls. Erwin believed that the fact that all of
the Walls' history books stated so definitively that no other humans were alive without proof meant that the books'
publishers, the Royal Government, wanted to trick the inhabitants of the Walls into believing that there were no other
living humans. Nile sadly admits that at the time he had ridiculed Erwin for believing such a far-fetched idea, but Darius
Zackly and Dot Pixis both assure him that he can apologize once Erwin makes his triumphant return. Their conversation
is interrupted by Anka, Pixis' assistant, who informs them that the Survey Corps has returned.

As the citizens of Wall Rose cheer for the returning Survey Corps, Eren, Mikasa, Levi, and Hange solemnly reflect on
what they learned from the basement. Inside of the first notebook they had inspected, they had a stunningly lifelike
image of Grisha standing beside a fair-haired woman and young child. On the back of the image had been a message
from Grisha claiming that the image was not a drawing, but an image burned onto paper called a photograph. He then
went on to write that he came from outside of the Walls where the human race persists in a refined existence; and that
humanity has not perished.
Chapter 86: That day
In one of Grisha Yeager's books, he recounts his childhood and young adulthood beyond the Walls.

Decades ago, Grisha and his sister Faye wandered outside of their internment zone unauthorized, and they were caught
by soldiers of Marley. Grisha was punished, and Faye was guided home. However, she was found dead the next day.
The military explained the situation to Grisha's parents, who submissively accepted the tragedy, while Grisha realized
the fault of his actions. At the Marleyan military's orders, Grisha's father explained their history to Grisha, telling him
of Ymir Fritz, the rise and fall of the nation of Eldia, and the Yeager family's place as Eldians forced to live in ghettos.
Grisha realized that the Marleyans were lying about Faye's fate, but his father silenced him.

When Grisha was eighteen, he learned of his sister's fate and joined the Eldian Restorationists, who desired to retrieve
the Founding Titan and restore their nation. Grisha met Dina Fritz at this time, and they married the following year and
had a son named Zeke.

Several years later, the Marleyan government announced a program to train Titan Warriors from Eldian children with
the promise of liberating families who offer their children to the cause. Seeing the opportunity to reclaim the Founding
Titan with their child's royal blood, Grisha sent Zeke into the Warriors hoping to make him into a double agent.
However, when Zeke turned seven, he handed his parents and the Eldian Restorationists over to the Marleyans, who
sent them all to Paradis Island to wander outside the Walls as Pure Titans.

In the first book found in Grisha's basement, Grisha recounts the day he was first confronted with the cruel world he
lived in.

When he was a child, Grisha took his younger sister Faye to see a blimp that was flying above their home in Liberio.
Before leaving their home, Grisha's mother had reminded the two to wear their armbands, and instructed them not to
leave the Walls surrounding their District. Faye was delighted by the blimp, and when it finally flew out of sight over
their district's Walls, Grisha decided to disobey his mother and proceed outside after the blimp. They followed the
blimp until it finished its flight, at which point they were found by two soldiers. While one soldier disciplined Grisha for
leaving Liberio, the other took Faye away. After his punishment, Grisha attempted to go home, but was stopped by the
soldier, who insisted that Grisha watch the blimp with him.

Faye never returned home, and her mutilated body was soon found by the authorities. The soldier last seen
accompanying Faye insisted that he had taken her back to Liberio, and pointed out that she never should have been
outside in the first place, questioning whether Grisha's parents had been teaching their children of the ancestors' sins.
Grisha was convinced that the man was lying, and was disgusted by the way his father sucked up to the man.

Grisha's father attempted to educate Grisha on the sins committed by their ancestors. 1,820 years ago, their
ancestor Ymir Fritz made a contract with the "Devil of All Earth," and gained the power of the Titans. After Ymir died,
her soul split among the "Nine Titans," who created the Eldian Empire, which annihilated Marley. After that, the people
of Eldia, the "Subjects of Ymir," began to persecute other tribes they considered "inferior," and began a wave of ethnic
cleansing that lasted for 1,700 years. However, Marley began to conspire against the Eldians, and were able to
overthrow them in the Great Titan War by taking control of seven of the Nine Titans. The Eldian king, Fritz, built
three Walls on Eldia's only remaining land, Paradis Island, to protect his people. However, some Eldians, including
the Yeager family, were left behind. Marley was generous enough not to kill the Eldians left behind, and instead gave
them land to live on.

Grisha, unconcerned with his history, demanded to know why the soldier lied about Faye's death, to his parents' horror.
His father tried to keep him silent, but Grisha did not see any connection between his ancestors' actions and his sister's
death. When he continued asking questions, his father explained that even if they did not do anything directly, they
must stay quiet to appease those who they once subjugated, and pleaded with Grisha not to bring Faye's fate upon the
rest of his family.
Grisha found his purpose when he inherited his father's clinic at the age of 18. One of his patients was a member of
an Eldian resistance cell, and recruited Grisha after revealing the true nature of Faye's death. After learning that Faye
had been torn apart by dogs for the soldiers' amusement, he swore to show the entire world that his ancestors' actions
were, in fact, righteous by overthrowing the Marleyan government.

The resistance had a spy in the Marleyan government known only as "The Owl," who provided weapons, funding, and
historical documents to the resistance. The documents provided revealed that the Eldians' ancestors did, in fact, obtain
the Titan's power, but that she had used it to bring prosperity to the world. Although he had not been able to read the
ancient documents well, Grisha and his compatriots chose to believe that what they had been taught of their ancestors
since they were children was false. As they discussed these revelations, a woman named Dina Fritz arrived, having been
sent by the Owl. She was a descendant of the Fritz royal family. The information brought by Dina corresponded with the
documents from the Owl, and Grisha was able to deduce that the "Founding Titan" power possessed by King Fritz
would be enough to overthrow Marley. When questioned as to why her ancestor had chosen to retreat despite his
power, Dina claimed that it was because of his distaste for violence, and revealed that the war between Eldia and
Marley began because of his decision to close himself away on Paradis Island. Hearing this, Grisha declared that it was
the resistance's job to reclaim the Founding Titan power for Dina's family, who had stayed remained with their people
rather than flee.

The following year, Grisha and Dina married, and had a child they named Zeke. Grisha was confident that his child, who
had inherited king's blood, would lead his people to victory.

As the years passed, the Marley government declared that it would be selecting "Warriors" from the Eldian people to
fight King Fritz, who had issued a declaration of war against Marley. Only children between the ages of five and seven
would be chosen, so as to guarantee that they would be worthy of adopting the power of the Titans, and the families of
the children would be made honorary Marleyans. No one in the Resistance was able to determine why Fritz would
declare war, until it was revealed in a letter from the Owl that the Marley government had fabricated the declaration so
that they would have an excuse to attack Paradis Island for its large deposits of fossil fuels. There was no news
regarding how Fritz's response to this aggression, other than the warning he had made 80 years earlier when he first
retreated: if anyone should ever attack his people, he would set loose the tens of millions of Titans within his Walls to
"flatten the entire earth". In the face of this warning, the Marleyan government had decided to infiltrate the Walls
secretly to take Fritz's power and control the Titans themselves.

With the knowledge that the Marley government was after the same power as them, Grisha decided to give Zeke to the
government to become a Warrior so that he would be able to retrieve the power for them. Grisha attempted to
educate his son on the pride of being Eldian while simultaneously teaching him to be a loyal Marley Warrior, but when
Zeke was seven, he exposed Grisha and Dina's plans to the Marley government, and as punishment they were sent to
"Heaven," where they would roam as Pure Titans for the rest of eternity.
Chapter 87: Borderline
In his journals, Grisha continues to explain his past.

After Zeke exposed the Eldian Restorationists, Grisha and the others were subjected to torture by Marley officers in
order to reveal the identity of "The Owl." But when the officers got nothing, the group was sent to the borderline
of Paradis Island to be transformed into Pure Titans as sentence for treason. On top of the Wall, Grisha
recognized Kruger and reunited with Grice, who blamed Grisha for Zeke's betrayal. Annoyed by Grice's outburst,
Sergeant Major Gross threw him to the sand dunes below. Grisha recognized Gross as the official who killed his sister 15
years ago, and several Restorationists were kicked off the wall and transformed into Titans, which then began chasing
Grice. Grisha saw Dina being brought next to him to be transformed. He tried to protect her by shouting that she had
royal blood and therefore was important to Marley, but he was silenced by Kruger, and Grisha noticed he was covering
up that fact. Dina was injected and transformed into a Titan.

Eren wakes up screaming in a cell. Not remembering where he is, Armin reminds him that he and Mikasa are serving
punishment for violating military law. Having connected to his father's memories after reading the books, Eren is
disturbed by the notion that the Titan who ate his mother was Dina.

In Grisha's past, Dina's Titan went after Grice like the other Titans. Grisha reproached Gross for this and for his sister's
murder, and Gross recognized Grisha as well and decided to transform another Restorationist into a Titan and have fun
by making Grisha fight him. As the Restorationist was transformed, Grisha questioned Gross about the reason of his
cruelty, and he explained that he considered Eldians alike to rats and wished for them to be eliminated from the world.
Grisha complained that the story spread by Marley was false, but Gross did not listen and tried to throw him from the
Wall. However, Kruger threw Gross instead, and as Gross was eaten by the Titan, Kruger revealed himself as the Owl.
Kruger asked Grisha to pay attention as he injured his own hand, triggering a transformation into Titan and destroying
the Marleyans' ship.

In his journals, Grisha Yeager continues to explain his troubled past, reprimanding himself for his poor treatment
of Zeke as a tool for the Eldian cause.

Many years ago, Grisha and Dina taught Zeke of their intentions of setting him up as the King of Eldia, insisting that
everything the Marleyans teach him is wrong despite the necessity to follow their orders. After joining the
Marleyan Warrior program, Zeke turned his parents over to the Public Security Authorities, and the Eldian
Restorationists were arrested.

The Marleyans tortured a naked Grisha, demanding to know the true identity of "The Owl." Grisha insisted that he
knew nothing of the Owl's identity, but despite this they continued to cut off his fingers as punishment for
disobedience. When Kruger arrived to oversee the torture, his subordinate expressed his concern for the threat of an
Eldian spy within their own military and informed him of their knowledge of the Eldians' plan to obtain the Founding
Titan and gain the support of the Eldians of the Walls. With this information, Kruger blindfolded Grisha as he was taken
to Paradis Island by steamboat. Grisha felt that he recognized Kruger, and spent the duration of his journey trying to
determine where he saw him before.

Upon arriving at the shores of Paradis Island, the Eldian Restorationists were lined up atop a thirty-meter Wall. Kruger,
who oversaw Grisha, informed him of his fate: to become a Pure Titan, destined to a subconscious existence of seeking
and eating humans with no hope of death. Grisha finally remembered Kruger as the man who beat him when he
and Faye left their internment zone long ago. Kruger seemingly recognized Grisha as the child from that day as well. As
they finished speaking, an officer brings Grice forward, the man who introduced Grisha to the Restorationist
movement, and Grice spotted Grisha atop the Wall. He frantically demanded to know why Zeke would betray their
cause, placing the blame on Grisha for the failure of their movement. As Grisha apologized, Sergeant Major
Gross became tired of Grice's yelling and chose to let him go free, kicking him to the sand dunes below the Wall. Gross
taunted Grice, advising him to run north to the Walls. He explained afterward that this method was effective for
drawing their newly created Titans away from the shore. Seeing his face, Grisha recognized Sergeant Major Gross as the
man that fed his sister to dogs fifteen years ago.
At Gross' order, the Marleyans injected the Restorationists with Titan injections before kicking them over the Wall.
Grisha watched in horror as his old friends transformed explosively into Titans. As a Titan spotted Grice, they
immediately began pursuing him as Grisha desperately tried to call them back to their senses. Gross told Kruger to
inject Grisha, but Kruger insisted that he wanted to interrogate Grisha for a little longer. Next, Dina was brought
forward. Grisha was confused, believing that he already told the Marleyans that she could be useful for their cause due
to her royal blood. Kruger quickly silenced Grisha, claiming that he was tired of his nonsense. Grisha realized that
Kruger must have covered up the information of Dina's heritage for his own reasons. As Dina was injected with a serum,
she attempted to comfort Grisha, saying that she would find him no matter what happened to her. With this, Gross
kicked her from the Wall, and on the sand dunes below Dina transformed into a grotesque, smiling Titan.

In a jail cell, Eren wakes up screaming. This wakes up Mikasa in the cell next to his, and Armin sitting in the hall. Eren
walks over to Armin, asking why he is there. Armin reminds him that he and Mikasa have been detained for violating
military law. Armin and Mikasa note a strangeness in Eren's speech, and Eren explains that he feels as if he has had a
long dream. However, he realizes that this dream is in fact his father's memories, and that the Titan who ate
his mother was Dina all along.

On the borderline of Paradis Island, Gross taunted Grisha as Dina's Titan wandered away, saying that she must have
been more interested in Grice all along. Grisha expressed his realization that Gross was the man who killed an eight-
year-old Faye fifteen years ago. Gross turned to his subordinates, telling them that he would handle Grisha and the rest.
The officers complied, talking among themselves about Gross' behavior. Gross chose to let Grisha continue being
human, but would have him duel a Restorationist who would be transformed into a 3-4 meter Titan. Grisha asked the
man why he did what he did, and Gross explained that it is human nature to be entertained by sights such as humans
being eaten after such a long peace in freedom from the rule of the Eldian Empire. He claimed that unlike others in
society, he was prepared to die when his time comes, and considered feeding Faye to his sons' dogs as a form of

As he kicked the serum-injected Eldian over the Wall, Grisha wondered whether or not Gross' heart hurt from his deeds.
Gross admitted that his heart ached at the thought of his sons meeting their fate at the hands of Titans, but felt no
remorse for killing an Eldian child. Pointing to the new Titan below, he told Grisha that the Titans were the true forms
of the Eldians. Gross explained that the Eldians are the only race capable of becoming Titans after being injected with
Titan spinal fluid, and that it was a necessity to exterminate such beasts in human skin, as was the wish of all humanity.
Gross compared the Eldians of Marley to an infestation of rats that, if tolerated, could lead to an epidemic. Gross then
asked if Grisha's heart would ache at the deeds the Restorationists were planning in bringing back the Eldian Empire.
Grisha insisted that Marleyan history was false, and that Ymir Fritz accomplished great deeds for the world with the
power of the Titans. Tired of Grisha's talk, Gross prepared to throw him to the mercy of the Titans below. However, at
the last moment, Kruger held Grisha as he pushed Sergeant Major Gross over the Wall.

As Sergeant Major Gross is slowly eaten by the Titan, Kruger asked Grisha if he was amused at the sight. At Grisha's
confusion, Kruger revealed that he was the Owl all along. At the docks, Marleyan officers began making their way back
to the Wall, hearing Gross' fall to the Titans below. As he drew a knife and slit his hand, Kruger advised Grisha to
observe him and learn how to use the power of the Titans. With that, Kruger transformed into a large, muscular Titan,
picking up the Marleyan steamboat and crushing it over his head as Grisha watched from atop the Wall.
Chapter 88: The attack titan
After "The Owl's" Titan slaughtered the Marleyan soldiers and scattered their remains into the ocean, he left the Titan
and ascended the Wall to Grisha. The Owl formally introduced himself to Grisha as Eren Kruger, an Eldian and inheritor
of one of the Nine Titans. Kruger congratulated Grisha on his near success in the Eldian Restorationists, despite its
failure, and Grisha became angry that he was the only one spared. As Kruger grew weaker, he explained that he wants
Grisha to carry on with his plan. He said that Grisha possessed a hatred of Marley that he too felt when his father and
an Eldian resistance army were killed. Kruger told Grisha of his plan to take the Founding Titan from the Walls. When
Grisha asked why Kruger did not do it himself, Kruger explained that due to the "Curse of Ymir," all inheritors of the
Nine Titans die in 13 years, and his time has run out.

In his jail cell, Eren Yeager recounts his memories to Armin, who records them. Along with Kruger's words, Eren speaks
of "paths" invisible to the eyes which connect all Subjects of Ymir and create the bodies of Titans. Eren recalls Kruger
telling Grisha of the same fact: that all invisible "paths" coordinate at the Founding Titan. At this news, Grisha
wondered what the truth of Eldia's history is. Kruger told him that Ymir Fritz gained the power of the Titans after
finding the "source of all organic material," and that other legends were falsehoods from either side. Grisha wondered
if Dina's royalty was false, but Kruger assured him that it was true.

When Grisha admitted that he did not feel the hatred against Marley that he used to, Kruger assured him that his
actions were what gave Eldia the chance to reclaim the Founding Titan in the first place. Kruger gave Grisha his old
family photograph before passing on his Titan power, which Kruger revealed is named the "Attack Titan."

After the Marleyan soldiers ran out of ammunition, "The Owl" used his Titan to destroy their ship, murder them, and
spread any remains throughout the ocean, which Grisha describes in his journal as a body of water covering seventy
percent of the planet's surface. The Owl made sure that all evidence of what had transpired was gone.

After returning, the Owl freed Grisha, and formally introduced himself as Eren Kruger, a holder of the power of one of
the Nine Titans, and a Subject of Ymir. He explained to a confused Grisha that he had had a doctor forge his blood tests
to pass him off as a Marleyan. Kruger complimented Grisha for leading the Eldian Restorationists at such a young age,
for having a child with Dina, and for his idea to make Zeke a Marleyan soldier, but admitted that Grice's harsh words
had been correct. Grisha agreed, and demanded to know why Kruger did not save Dina instead, for her royal blood, or
simply use his Titan form to save everyone. After collapsing, Kruger admitted that he had tortured and turned many
more Eldians, in order to ultimately serve Eldia. Claiming not to have much time left, Kruger told Grisha that he would
be entrusting the rest of his mission to him.

As they conversed, Kruger admitted to Grisha that, had he not stopped him on the day they met, Grisha might have
been able to stop his sister's death, though Grisha admitted that he would only have died alongside her. Kruger told
Grisha that it was the hate for the Marley he saw in his eyes that day had been what impressed him that day. Kruger
explained that he had felt the same hatred as a child, after his family was burned alive when it was discovered that his
father was a part of a resistance cell. The only survivor, Eren Kruger, had sworn revenge, and helped subjugate his own
race in order to keep his identity a secret. Kruger told Grisha that he wanted Grisha to use the Titan power to
invade Paradis Island and steal the Founding Titan power. When asked why he can not do it himself, Kruger admitted
that those who possess the Titan powers die after thirteen years, and that his thirteen years are up. He never told
Grisha this information because he knew it would affect Grisha's decision to give Zeke to the Marley.

Eren relates Grisha's story to Armin, explaining that those with the Titan power cannot live more than thirteen years
with it, because Ymir Fritz only lived for thirteen years after she obtained her powers. Armin muses that this time span
matches up with the timeframe of the Reiss family's succession, before noting that he only has thirteen years left to
live, while Eren only has eight. Eren informs him that if a holder of the Titan power dies without transferring it to a new
host, then the power is automatically transferred to an infant Subject of Ymir, and muses that all Subjects of Ymir seem
to be connected by something invisible. He mentions that one successor claimed to see "paths," which transferred the
Titan powers to new successors and from which the flesh and blood of the Titans is formed, as well as occasional
memories. And all of these paths cross at a single Coordinate: the Founding Titan.
Kruger explained to Grisha that the "Coordinate" was the Titan Biology Research Society's latest theory on what
connected all Subjects of Ymir. Grisha, upon hearing this, demanded to know whether the Marleyans' or the Eldians'
version of history was true. Kruger mused that there is no such thing as "truth," and that likely neither version was true.
When asked if Dina's heritage had been true, Kruger sadly confirmed that Dina was a true Fritz. When asked why he let
her be turned into a Pure Titan, Kruger told Grisha that, considering Zeke would tell the Marleyans of Dina's heritage,
he had felt it would be a better fate for her to be turned into a Titan, rather than enslaved by the Marley government
and likely forced into becoming a baby factory to produce more royal descendants. Kruger told Grisha that he had not
been strong enough to save everyone, and so could only choose one. Despite Grisha's protests, he insisted that Grisha
would finish his mission.

Grisha observed Gross' abandoned, partially eaten corpse, and admitted that, despite his hatred for the man, he had
not taken any pleasure in watching him die; noting that hearing him scream was horrible and frightening, as was seeing
Kruger kill the other soldiers. He claimed that, had he known how much he would lose, he never would have tried to
take back his freedom from the Marleyans. Kruger, in response, told Grisha that his father had been a smart man for
acting subservient to the Marleyans, in spite of his daughter's death, in order to keep the rest of his family alive.
Despite that, his son had still managed to go down the wrong path in life, and send his own family to hell. Kruger
ordered Grisha to stand and fight, and promised to give him more information in exchange for a promise: that Grisha
will continue to work to bring back Eldia's freedom and dignity.

When Grisha still refused, Kruger took out his final incentive: Grisha's family photo, which he had retrieved from his
home. When Grisha refused to look at it, Kruger began insulting his cowardice, but Grisha informed him that it would
be pointless to try to rekindle his hatred; all he had left was his sins. Kruger, fed up, told Grisha that he did not choose
him for his hatred. He chose Grisha because he chose to leave his internment zone. If it were not for that, Grisha would
never have inherited his father's clinic. He never would have met Dina. He never would have fathered Zeke. His sister
would still be alive. But Faye, and Grisha's fellow restorationists have all paid the price for Grisha's quest for freedom.
All of the deaths Grisha and Kruger have caused will follow them until the day they die, and likely even beyond that.
Inspired by Kruger's words, Grisha accepted the photo, and his mission.

Before Grisha ate Kruger and was later encountered by Keith Shadis, Kruger divulged one last piece of information to
Grisha: each of the nine Titans have a name. Kruger's Titan, which Grisha is to inherit, is a Titan that is always moving
ahead, seeking freedom. Its name is the Attack Titan.
Chapter 89: Meeting
After Eren and Mikasa are freed from their jail sentence, they visit Queen Historia, who reads Ymir's letter to herself in
which Ymir reveals her past as an Eldian beggar who became a figure of worship in a cult. Together, they all attend
a military meeting in which Commander Hange Zoë reveals all of the findings from Grisha Yeager's basement.

During the meeting, Eren remembers his father's memories of when Kruger told Grisha of the true nature of
the Founding Titan and how King Fritz ended the war by making a vow with the Founding Titan. Hange connects this
vow to the ideology of the King which consumed the Reiss family successors, but reminds the meeting that Eren was
able to use the Founding Titan in the past. Eren realizes this was because he was striking the hand of Dina Fritz's Titan, a
member of the royal family, but he stays quiet fearing for Historia's safety.

In Eren's memories, he sees Kruger preparing to inject Grisha with a Titan serum, telling him to find love within
the Walls and to complete his mission for the sake of Armin and Mikasa. Grisha did not know who these names
belonged to, and neither did Kruger.

Outside of Eren and Mikasa's jail cells, Hange, Levi, and Armin arrive. Hange asks Eren about his talk of the "Attack
Titan" which was seemingly to himself, though Levi stops Hange's questioning when Eren begins to show discomfort.
Hange continues to wonder, and Armin insists that he will explain things later. Eren asks why the others have arrived,
and Levi and Hange inform him that his sentence has been cut short in order to maintain morale after their victory
in Shiganshina District with Commander-in-Chief Darius Zackly's approval. As Eren notices Mikasa has seemingly lost
weight during her imprisonment, and Levi announces that they are to meet with Queen Historia Reiss has come to Trost

Elsewhere in Trost, Historia reads the letter from Ymir. Within the letter, Ymir apologizes for leaving her to
aid Reiner and Bertolt two months ago before explaining her past. Her letter states that she was a beggar as a child that
was given the name "Ymir" by a man who brought her into a cult where she was worshiped. Others received happiness
because of her, so she continued to play the role of "Ymir." However, when the cult was discovered by the authorities,
the leader of the cult claimed that Ymir had deceived him. Ymir held true to her name thinking that it would help her
followers, but it was to no avail. Ymir and the other cultists were dragged through the streets in chains before they
were sent to the borderline where all of them were turned into Pure Titans. She muses that the meaninglessness of the
world is one of the things that makes the world incredible. After Ymir had consumed Marcel Galliard in her Titan form,
she awoke to freedom she had never expected and vowed from that moment to live as she wanted without regrets.
Ymir closes her letter expressing her one regret being her failure to marry Historia.

After finishing Ymir's letter, Hange asks her if any hidden messages could be found within it. She says that nothing
stood out, and that Ymir would not have attempted such a thing. Historia dwells on Ymir's letter as the remaining
members of the Survey Corps arrive, greeting her formally. Historia insists on casual conversation, stating that her title
has not been made official yet. After briefly catching up with her friends, Hange urges the others to make their way to
the scheduled military meeting. Elsewhere in Trost, Sasha recovers from her injuries.

In a military meeting room, Darius Zackly states that only the members of the meeting are aware of the existence of the
three books found in Grisha Yeager's basement: "The Early Life of Grisha Yeager," "The Extent of Our Knowledge of
Titans and Their History," and "Information About the World Beyond the Walls." Zackly commends the Survey Corps
members, living and dead, for their accomplishments in retrieving the information before letting Commander Hange
inform the meeting of their findings. As Eren thinks back to his question to Ymir in the Titan Forest of their true enemy,
Hange states that the enemy of walled humanity is the world. Hange announces to the room that the humans of the
Walls are the "Subjects of Ymir," inhabitants of the nation of Eldia who ruled the world in ancient times and could rise
to power again. Hange states that due to the infamy of the Eldians, the world wants them eradicated. Hearing these
words, Eren recalls a memory of his father.
Atop the borderline of Paradis Island, Kruger said to Grisha that the Founding Titan in the hands of Marley would mean
the end of all Eldians. Kruger explained the nature of the Founding Titan as an ancient weapon of war and said that
Marley kept Eldian citizens within the internment zones for the purpose of using them as Titans when the time came.
However, Kruger stated that many Marleyans wished for the Eldians to be exterminated rather than weaponized,
though the conversation had died out until the time comes when Marley possesses the Founding Titan. When Grisha
noted that the King of the Walls would not allow for such a thing, Kruger informed Grisha that King Fritz made a vow
with the Founding Titan renouncing war, and that the ultimatum to flatten the earth with the Colossus Titans was
simply a deterrence to end the Great Titan War. Despite the King's desire for a paradise, the King also felt the necessity
for Eldia to be destroyed. Therefore, it was Grisha's duty to take the Founding Titan from the cowardly King.

In the meeting, Hange states that the vow made between King Fritz and the Founding Titan must have been the suicidal
thoughts that consumed the royal inheritors of the Founding Titan. Zackly notes that humanity's best course of action is
to unleash the Colossus Titans, but the vow prevents humanity from doing so. Hange states that Eren was able to use
the Founding Titan in the past, though the reason is unknown. Eren recalls the moment when this happened, wondering
why only in that moment he was able to do so. Eren remembers striking the hand of the Titan that killed his mother,
the Titan who was in fact Dina Fritz, a descendant of the royal family. Eren shouts out in the meeting room, making the
connection that Dina must have been the reason he could use the Founding Titan, but he stays quiet once all eyes are
on him. Hange looks knowingly at Eren before dismissing his outburst in front of Zackly and the meeting. Eren thinks to
himself that it may be possible for him to use the Founding Titan if he were to touch another member of the royal
family after turning them into a Titan, though bringing up this idea in front of the meeting could put Historia's life at
risk. Eren dismisses his thoughts as Armin looks at him knowingly.

Atop the borderline, Kruger prepared a Titan serum while urging Grisha to start a new family within the Walls. Grisha
was hesitant, and wondered if his memories of their conversation would disappear after turning into a Titan. Kruger
told him that someone else may see his memories some day and urges Grisha to find love in the Walls lest history
repeat itself. Kruger told Grisha that, in order to save Mikasa and Armin, his mission must be completed. Grisha
wondered at these names, and Kruger admitted to not knowing who they were or whose memories they belonged to.
Chapter 90: To the other side of the wall
At the military meeting, officers of the Military Police Brigade mention the inevitable social chaos that will erupt if the
truths of the basement become known, though Pixis believes spreading the truth is a necessity. Historia sides with Pixis,
and the meeting concludes. Later, Hange and Levi speak with Roy and Peaure of the Berg Newspapers about the mixed
public response to the new information. While Roy is proud of the Survey Corps' accomplishments, he is afraid of the
implications the basement's information brings.

Later, Hitch meets with the 104th recruits in the Survey Corps and learns of Marlowe's death from Floch. He argues with
the others about the decision to save Armin over Erwin, and the situation grows tense. Armin sides with Floch,
but Eren insists that no one can know what would have been better and reminds Armin of the freedom they seek
beyond Wall Maria. Shortly afterward, Historia hosts a ceremony for the survivors of the battle of Shiganshina District,
and Eren sees a memory of his father in the Reiss Chapel when he touches Historia's hand.

That winter, the Executioner from Hell was used to eliminate all the Titans in Wall Maria, confirmed in the last weeks of
the season. By springtime, transport beyond Trost District was made possible through elevators along the Wall. Finally,
one year after the battle of Trost District, Shiganshina was repopulated and the Survey Corps set out beyond Wall Maria
for the first time in six years. Following the trail of a Titan dragging itself on the ground, they reach the borderline
of Paradis Island and come to the ocean. As the others play in the water, Eren contemplates the freedom they will
achieve when they kill their enemies across the sea.

Upon hearing the Survey Corps' testimony, military officials begin to worry that releasing such information about the
outside world to the public will lead to chaos within the Walls. Pixis disagrees, pointing out that keeping information
from the public will make the current government no better than the one they overthrew. Historia, swayed by Pixis's
words, announces that the information recovered by the Survey Corps will be made public.

Sometime later, Hange and Levi pay a visit to Berg Newspapers. Roy and Peaure inform them that the secrets
from Grisha's basement has been publicized. When asked how the news has been taken, Roy admits that not everyone
is willing to believe what they have been told, and that chaos has descended as a result. Roy questions what they
should do next, given the knowledge that the entire outside world wishes for the inhabitants of the Walls to be

As the remaining members of the Survey Corps prepare for a ceremony in their honor, they are approached by Hitch,
who has come to watch the ceremony. Jean assures her that Marlowe acted bravely on their mission, and asks Floch to
recount the events to her. Floch praises Marlowe for staying calm and encouraging his fellow recruits, even after they
had given up hope. However, he then admits that Marlowe likely regretted his actions his final moments. As Hitch
leaves, an appalled Jean demands to know why Floch said such a thing to Hitch, and Floch tells him that someone
should be honest about what happened.

Armin admits that he knows Floch wanted Erwin to live, and Floch claims that everyone who has read the Corps' report
believes Erwin should have lived. Eren tries to defend Armin, but Floch accuses him, along with Levi and Mikasa, of
allowing his personal feelings to keep him from making a rational choice. Floch accuses Eren of behaving childishly, and
praises Mikasa for having the maturity to give up on saving Armin. Before things can escalate further, Jean intervenes.
Floch, growing agitated, asks that they inform any future recruits of what they are truly signing up for, so that no more
cowards like him join. Armin agrees that Erwin should have lived, but Eren insists that there is no way of them knowing
for sure what the future has in store.

During the awards ceremony, Eren reflects on what he has learned, noting that, while he would gladly lay down his own
life, he would not want to sacrifice Historia. As he kisses Historia's hand, Eren is granted a vision of his father's memory
from the night Wall Maria fell. Upon arriving at the Reiss Chapel, Grisha revealed his origins from beyond the Walls to
the Reiss family, and begged Frieda to destroy the Titans before they devoured everyone in the Walls.
One year after the Battle of Trost District, after 9 months of work clearing Titans out of Wall Maria, citizens are finally
permitted to return to Shiganshina District. Soon after, the Survey Corps mounts its first expedition beyond Wall Maria
in six years. Levi observes that, as Hange hypothesized, most of the Titans had been inside of Wall Maria, leaving the
area outside the Walls mostly empty. The Corps encounters a single Titan, which is unable to stand upright due to its
disproportionate body. Eren notes that the encounter with the Titan means they must be close to the spot
where Marley turns Eldians into Titans.

The Corps arrives at the site of the Eldians' transformations and the ocean in short order. As his comrades inspect the
water, Armin is left mesmerized. Armin is thrilled to have been proven right about the ocean, but Eren is melancholic.
He reminds them that the freedom they thought was beyond the Walls will not exist until they kill all of their enemies
in Marley.
Chapter 91: The other side of the ocean
Four years after the battle of Shiganshina District, the Warriors of Marley besiege Fort Slava of the Mid-East Allied
Forces. Falco, a Warrior candidate, is saved by his brother Colt who returns him to the trenches nearby. As his comrades
patch Falco up and remind him of their goal in the battle, Colt reports the situation to Marleyan Commander Magath.
He suggests sending their Titans Porco Galliard and Pieck to attack, but the presence of the anti-Titan artillery prevents
this strategy.

Candidate Gabi offers to destroy the armored train carrying the artillery, and the commander reluctantly agrees. Gabi
approaches the bunker in plainclothes while secretly carrying a bundle of grenades. When the train approaches, she
collapses to the ground and throws the bombs on the tracks, putting the weapon out of commission. As she returns to
the trenches, Galliard transforms into his Titan and shields the Warrior candidates from machine gun fire before
charging the bunkers and wiping out the Allies' defenses.

It is the year 854, Marley has been at war with the Mid-East Allied Forces for four years, and as a result, has been forced
to put its mission to retrieve the Founding Titan from Paradis Island on hold. The Marley fighting force consists largely
of Eldians under the command of Marleyan officers. In order to finally win the war, Marley's forces intend to
capture Fort Slava, which will allow them to invade the port where the Mid-East Allied Forces' fleet is currently residing,
and destroy it.

A young soldier named Falco is injured on the battlefield, and has to be carried to safety by his brother Colt. Arriving in
the safety of a nearby trench, Falco's comrades begin giving him first aid as Colt reports to his superior,
Commander Theo Magath. Colt reports that digging another trench will be impossible due to artillery fire, but his
superior is unwilling to listen to him.

As Falco receives medical attention, one of his fellow soldiers, Gabi, reminds him of their mission to capture Fort Slava.
Falco asks why they as candidates are fighting on the front lines, and Gabi explains that they are being tested to see
who will become the next Warrior. The battle is being used to determine who will inherit Reiner Braun's Armored Titan.
Fellow candidates Udo and Zofia muse that Gabi will most likely be chosen, due to her high scores, but Gabi insists that
her scores are not the reason she will be chosen. She will be chosen because of her determination to exterminate the
evil Eldians living on Paradis Island, and prove that the Eldians living in Marley are good ones, whom she desires to free
from the internment zone.

Colt informs Magath that the soldiers will not have the power to destroy the fort's rail tracks, and that if they do not
move soon, they will be wiped out by artillery fire. When Magath asks if he has an idea, Colt suggests releasing their
two Warriors Porco Galliard and Pieck, the Jaw Titan and Cart Titan respectively. Magath rejects the idea, not willing to
risk using two Warriors yet. As the two are discussing, another soldier informs them that the fort is bringing out the
Mid-East Allied Forces's new weapon mounted on an armored train: the anti-Titan artillery, a 100mm-shell cannon that
can kill any Titan, including one of the nine original Titans, with one shot. Colt argues that Galliard and Pieck's Titans are
fast enough to evade any shots. Magath, unwilling to risk losing more Titans after the loss of the Colossus and
the Female, orders the soldiers to prepare to fight. Colt tries to protest, but Magath stops him, reminding him that he
will need to change his attitude if he hopes to inherit the Beast Titan.

As the armored train begins to move closer to their position, Gabi asks Magath to allow her to destroy the artillery
herself. Although Magath is reluctant, Gabi convinces him to allow her to try her plan, if it will prevent the loss of
hundreds of troops. As part of her plan, Gabi takes off her uniform before leaving the trench in plainclothes. As Gabi
approaches the Fort, two Union soldiers spot her, failing to notice the small bomb she has tied to her ankle. Colt points
out that use of plainclothes soldiers violates international law, but Magath notes that it will not be reported if no
enemy is alive to tell about it. Afraid that might be an Eldian with the power of the Titans, the Mid-East soldiers prepare
to shoot her, but are surprised to see her collapse on the ground. Gabi waits for the anti-Titan artillery on the armored
train to draw closer before throwing her bomb onto its tracks, destroying it. Enraged, one of the soldiers begins firing at
Falco, seeing Gabi is in trouble, leaves the trench to stop her, to Colt's horror. However, as he reaches Gabi, Galliard
appears on the battlefield, using his Titan to physically shield the two from fire, before charging forward and destroying
the outpost the two Mid-East soldiers are in.
Chapter 92: Marley's soldiers
Above Fort Slava, Marley prepares an airstrike as Porco Galliard's Jaw Titan and Pieck's Cart Titan lead the 800-Warrior
Unit in a charge against the Mid-East Allied Forces. Falco attempts to save an Allied soldier's life, though the soldier is
ungrateful and disgusted towards the Eldians. As Commander Magath and Colt survey the situation, the signal is given
for the Marley airship to begin the next phase of the attack. From above, Zeke transforms parachuting Eldian captives
into Titans with his Titan power, creating a devastating airstrike. The Warrior candidates look on as Titans begin eating
the soldiers.

Reiner Braun joins the battle as the Armored Titan, destroying the remaining anti-Titan artillery as Galliard assists. Once
the coast is clear, Zeke joins the ground forces as the Beast Titan and uses leftover artillery in the fortress to destroy the
Mid-East naval fleet stationed in the nearby bay. The fleet is destroyed, but artillery fire from the ships heavily damages
the Armored Titan. A peace treaty between Marley and the Mid-East is later signed, but the outcome of the battle
reminded Marley of the growing need to acquire the Founding Titan.

After receiving word that Fort Slava's armored train has been disabled, Zeke and Reiner are ordered to begin their plan
to parachute into Fort Slava.

As Marley's Eldian soldiers begin to advance upon Fort Slava, the Mid-East Allied Forces begin to retreat in terror
as Porco Galliard uses his Titan to massacre them. Some Mid-East soldiers begin firing at the approaching Eldians, but
are quickly dispatched by Pieck, whose Titan has been outfitted with artillery allowing four soldiers riding her back to
fire upon their enemies. As Pieck and Galliard continue fighting, Falco drags an injured Mid-East soldier to safety, to
his superior's ire. Gabi assumes that Falco intends to use the soldier to prove that she broke international law, and
disqualify her from inheriting the Armored Titan, which Falco denies. Falco asks Udo to translate what the injured
soldier is saying, and his Marley superior is delighted when Udo reveals that the soldier is calling the Warrior candidates
"demons." As the Marley superior continues laughing, Magath asks Colt for his opinion of the battle. Colt advises that
all ground troops be called back so that Reiner and Zeke's forces can attack, to which Magath agrees. Receiving the
order to withdraw, the Eldian soldiers on the battlefield begin to retreat as Zeke's forces exit the airship flying above
Fort Slava.

After all of the captive Eldians inside the airship are dropped out, Zeke lets out a roar causing them all to shift into Pure
Titans. Dozens of Titans rain down on Fort Slava, crushing soldiers and building alike. Although some of the Titans die
from the impact of their fall, those remaining begin to rise and devour the remaining Mid-East soldiers inside the Fort.
As the Warrior candidates and their superiors watch, one of their superiors muses that many Marleyans were devoured
in the same way that the Mid-East force are being annihilated before their eyes.

As he parachutes into Fort Slava, Reiner takes note of where the remaining anti-Titan artillery is stationed, before
noticing the wall that surrounds the Fort. Recalling his time on Paradis Island, Reiner angrily notes that he is tired of
seeing walls, and transforms into his Titan form. He begins to destroy the remaining artillery, but quickly comes to the
realization that the artillery can penetrate even his armor. Before he can be pinned down, however, Galliard comes to
his aid, and the two begin working in tandem to destroy the remaining artillery. After they are done, Reiner signals

Zeke, noting Reiner's signal as he parachutes in, reflects on the fact that the Warriors' defeat on Paradis Island was the
reason for the war between Marley and the Allies. Transforming into his Titan form, Zeke gathers up some unused
artillery shells and throws them in the direction of the Mid-East fleet. However, he is caught off-guard when the fleet
turns their weapons on him and open fire. Zeke is unable to react in time to dodge the fire, and is only saved when
Reiner uses his own Titan as a shield to protect him.

The shells Zeke threw successfully destroyed the Mid-East fleet, and soon afterward, the Mid-East Allied Forces agreed
to a peace treaty with Marley, bringing the two nations' four year war to an end. However, the revelation that there
was weaponry in existence that could harm even the Warriors' Titans made it clear that Marley now needs the power of
the Founding Titan more than ever.
Chapter 93: Midnight train
After the surrender of the Mid-East Allied Forces, an outraged general demands answers concerning the world's slander
against Marley's Titans. Magath explains that the modern age is leaving the power of the Titans obsolete, and Marley's
inferior technology leaves them at a disadvantage. Zeke proposes that Marley must acquire the Founding Titan as soon
as possible to gain full mastery over the Titans while also focusing on improving conventional weaponry. The general
takes Zeke's advice and the meeting concludes. Afterward, Colt marvels at Zeke's influence in Marleyan matters and
wonders at how Zeke is able to use his spinal fluid to create and control Titans despite not having royal blood. As Zeke
suggests Colt will inherit a secret upon receiving Zeke's Beast Titan, Magath arrives to congratulate Zeke on his meeting
conduct. He reveals to Zeke that in the past three years, many scouting ships sent to Paradis Island have gone missing.
Zeke believes it may be the doing of Eren's Attack Titan and another Titan. Zeke warns that in any future conflicts with
Paradis Island, Marley must watch out for anti-Titan weapons as well as the Ackerman clan.

Reiner awakens from a nightmare elsewhere with Porco Galliard at his side. Galliard is cold towards him, feeling that
Reiner was responsible for his brother Marcel Galliard's death. He says that when he inherited the Jaw Titan from Ymir,
he could see her memories but not Marcel's. Pieck arrives and tells Galliard to go easy on Reiner, whom she tells to
meet with the Warrior candidates. Reiner leaves to meet the candidates on the dock, who are watching traumatized
Allied soldiers get sent away as a reminder of the Eldians' demonic nature. The children are excited to see Reiner, who
sees his old comrades in the faces of the candidates, and together they walk around the town. Afterward, the Marley
soldiers take a train back to their homeland. Colt praises Gabi for her heroic deeds during the battle at Fort Slava,
and Falco is bitter to see she will likely inherit the Armored Titan and die an early death. Reiner demands for Falco to
correct his views on the power of the Titans, and Falco quickly apologizes. Reiner suggests that if Falco wants to save
Gabi, he must work hard to surpass her and inherit the Armored Titan in her place.

Following Marley's defeat of the Mid-East Allied Forces at Fort Slava, Zeke and Magath attend a meeting with their
superior officers, who are furious to know that information of the Armored Titan's defeat is spreading to other
countries. When asked for his opinion on the matter, Magath is forced to admit that the use of the power of the
Titans in their soldiers may no longer be a viable tactic in battle, citing the fact that much of Marley's recent conflicts
with the Mid-East have involved naval warfare, where Titans cannot actively contribute. Furthermore, other countries'
advancements in aerial technologies opens up the possibility of Marley being attacked from the air, in which case Titans
will be completely useless as a fighting force. As the general in charge of the meeting muses at Marley's fall from
power, Zeke offers to make a suggestion.

Zeke argues that, in light of Marley's predicament, the Paradis Island Operation should be resumed. Although his
superiors are unwilling, Zeke argues that the best way to keep hostile countries at bay while Marley rearms its military
is to retake Paradis Island and announce to the world that they have gained the power of the Founding Titan at their
disposal. The general notes that Zeke only has a year left before he must pass on the Beast Titan, and asks if Zeke
intends to spend that time making up for his previous defeat on Paradis Island, which Zeke confirms. Furthermore, Zeke
expresses his desire to put an end to the chain of events that his father Grisha Yeager began over twenty years ago.
Impressed, the general agrees to talk to his fellow officers about Zeke's suggestion.

After the meeting, Colt marvels at Zeke's ability to speak to Marleyans as equals and Zeke's unique abilities as the Beast
Titan, noting that his ability to create and control Titans never existed in any previous holders. Zeke assures Colt that he
might one day find out once he receives the Titan, and his memories, before being interrupted by Magath, who
congratulates Zeke for his conduct during the meeting. Magath reminds Zeke that, in the years since he has returned to
Paradis Island, all of the naval ships Marley has sent to the island have disappeared, and asks him for his opinion on the

Zeke accounts that Paradis Island currently possesses four Titans: the Founding Titan, Attack Titan, the Colossus Titan,
and the Female Titan. While the Founder and Attacker are accounted for in Eren Yeager's possession, Zeke says that it is
possible that the Colossus and Female have been killed and lost. However, if this were the case, Eldian babies would
have been discovered with the power of the Titans, something that has not occurred in recent years. Zeke hypothesizes
that all of the ships sent to Paradis Island were destroyed by Eren Yeager's Attack Titan, and at least one other person
with the power of the Titans. Magath agrees, and suggests using warships when attacking the island, but Zeke reveals
two other advantage the Paradis Island forces have: devices that allow them to fly and handheld explosives designed
for the sole purpose of killing Titans, and two members of the Ackerman clan, the byproducts of Titan science which
were thought to be only a legend in the royal family.

Awaking from a nightmare of the battle in Shiganshina, Reiner is greeted by his fellow Warrior Porco Galliard. Recalling
Galliard's role during the Fort Slava battle, Reiner attempts to thank him for rescuing him, but Galliard callously tells
him that he was simply trying to keep Marley from losing the Armored Titan. Galliard proceeds to muse that, had he
been given the Armored Titan instead of Reiner, his brother Marcel Galliard would not have died on Paradis Island
saving him. Reiner, surprised, asks if Galliard has inherited Marcel's memories, but Galliard reveals that he has only
inherited Ymir's memories after consuming her and inheriting the Jaw Titan. Galliard notes that in all of Ymir's
memories involving Reiner, Reiner seemed to be imitating Marcel's personality by acting like someone who his friends
in the 104th could count on.

Their conversation is interrupted by Pieck, who chides Galliard for being harsh to Reiner after the latter was heavily
injured in battle. Reiner is concerned to see Pieck walking with a crutch, but Pieck explains that she simply forgot how
to walk on two legs after spending two straight months in her Cart Titan form. Pieck suggests that Reiner go visit the
Warrior candidates to let them know he is fine, to which Reiner agrees.

In Fort Slava's harbor, Udo and Zofia talk with each other while Falco tries to assure Gabi that Reiner will be fine. As
they talk, the candidates notice a group of visibly distraught Mid-East soldiers being escorted onto a boat. Udo
hypothesizes that they are the soldiers who survived Zeke's Titan air-strike on the fort. Noting that their eye-witness
accounts of the battle will only further sully the world's opinions of Eldians, Udo grows angry and begins kicking nearby
objects until Reiner arrives to stop him. As all of the candidates, save Falco, rush to greet Reiner, Gabi excitedly tells him
that they will soon be returning to Liberio, and asks him to explore Fort Slava with her. As the candidates begin to argue
with each other, Reiner becomes unnerved by how similar they are to his friends when they were candidates. He leads
the children through the town as an Eldian soldier, who has his armband on the wrong arm, watches them.

That night, a drunken Colt and the surviving Eldian soldiers praise Gabi for her hand in destroying the the armored train
during the Fort Slava battle while on a train back to Marley. As Reiner and Falco watch the festivities unfold, Reiner
notes that Gabi will likely inherit the Armored Titan from him. Falco, dejected, notes that this will mean Gabi will only
live to be twenty-seven, assuming she is not killed in battle before then.

Reiner, angered at Falco's attitude, threatens to report Falco for speaking making light of the honor that comes with
inheriting one of the Nine Titans and reminds him about its cruel consequences. Falco, terrified, quickly reaffirms his
commitment to Marley in front of Reiner, and his desire to inherit the Armored Titan. Reiner, satisfied, asks Falco to
work hard to inherit his Titan, so that Gabi will not have to.
Chapter 94: The boy inside the walls
The Warriors return at long last to their hometown, reuniting with their families. At the Braun family residence, Gabi's
heroism is praised and Reiner tells of the horrors he experienced living among the devils of the island.

Later that day, Reiner recalls his youth when he trained as a Warrior so that his Eldian
mother and Marleyan father could live together. Faced with many struggles and shortcomings, Reiner's dream kept his
resolve alive.

Arriving at the outskirts of Liberio, an ecstatic Gabi celebrates returning to their hometown while an
uneasy Falco observes Deputy Chief Reiner. Falco recalls that Reiner's failures on Paradis Island were overlooked
because of his unquestionable loyalty to Marley, and he is perplexed by Reiner's plea to "save" Gabi from inheriting
the Armored Titan. He begins to question whether he can be trusted. Gabi taunts Falco, noticing his suspicious
behavior, and the others are amused at their banter.

The Warriors march through the streets of the main city, watched by the disgusted townsfolk until they arrive at the
internment zone where they are greeted by their families. Zeke reunites with his grandparents, who are proud of his
accomplishments, though Zeke says he is not finished with his duties yet. Reiner and Gabi are greeted by their relatives,
who praise Gabi for her heroic accomplishments at Fort Slava, and Falco is distracted by the sight of a large number of
wounded Eldians who are being escorted away. Koslow explains to Falco that they were left traumatized by the war
and are being taken to a nearby hospital for treatment, as they have no families to return to. As the officer happily
begins tormenting the soldiers, Falco asks his family to go one ahead of him, and he attempts to help one of the injured
soldiers, noting that the soldier's armband is backwards.

Later, Reiner and his family have dinner at their house. Gabi recounts how she single-handedly destroyed the armored
train at Fort Slava, and Reiner's mother, impressed, asks Reiner if she will become a Warrior. Reiner assures her that,
based on Gabi's record, she will likely become the next Warrior. Karina is delighted to hear that a second member of
their family will become a Warrior, noting that all that is keeping them from being happy is the inhabitants of Paradis
Island. This prompts a number of questions for Reiner from his family about the people of the island. Although Gabi
insists that Reiner should not be forced to answer any such questions, Reiner agrees to tell them about his time in
the military on Paradis Island.

Reiner informs his family about the hardships he endured while among the evil Eldians on Paradis Island. He begins by
recounting his experience with one Eldian who had stolen a potato and attempted to bribe her instructor when she was
caught. He describes the people he met during his time on the island: an idiot, a hypocrite, and an over-responsible jerk.
Reiner makes special mention of an Eldian who had been obsessed with revenge, and the people who followed him no
matter what he did, and concludes by saying that it had been a nightmare for him, Bertolt, and Annie to be stuck with
such a differentiated group of people.

Gabi is puzzled by Reiner's choice to describe the people of Paradis Island as "different" but his mother is quick to
remind her that all of the inhabitants of Paradis Island are evil. She tells Gabi that the people of Paradis Island could
choose to leave the island at any time and destroy the world with their Titans, and that they, the good Eldians of
Marley, are the only ones with the power to stop such a thing from happening.

Later, Reiner lies in his old room and recalls his childhood. Reiner never knew his father, a Marleyan man, as
intermingling between Eldians and Marleyans was strictly forbidden. As a result, he chose to join the Warrior program
in the hopes of becoming one of the Nine Titans so that he and his mother would become honorary Marleyans and
would finally be able to reunite with his father. Despite performing unexceptionally in the program, Reiner was among
the seven children chosen to be a Warrior candidate.
One day after a training run, Zeke, another candidate, announced to the candidates that an attack on Paradis Island was
being planned to commence in a few years, and that the time for the next Warriors to be chosen was drawing near.
However, only six of the seven candidates would be chosen to inherit their Titans all at once. Reiner was ecstatic to
hear that he would soon become a Marleyan. Porco Galliard, annoyed at Reiner's optimism, reminded him that the only
positive trait he had demonstrated as a candidate was his intense loyalty, which would not be enough to gain one of
the seven Titans in Marley's possession.

Reiner, believing Galliard to be making light of the Warriors' mission, threatens to report him for treason, resulting in
Galliard angrily striking him. As Marcel separates the two, Galliard proceeds to mock Reiner before leaving with Zeke.
Bertolt helps Reiner up, who despairs at the thought of not being chosen for one of the Titans. Bertolt reassures him
that there is still a chance for him to be chosen based on his loyalty. As the two go to catch up with their fellow
candidates, Bertolt asks Reiner if he is okay with becoming a Marleyan if it means he only gets to live thirteen more
years. Reiner responds that, in thirteen years, he will be a hero for having defeated the devils living on Paradis Island
and will make his parents the proudest of all.

Elsewhere, on Paradis Island, a young Eren Yeager watches the sky and hopes that something interesting will happen.
His friend Armin approaches with a book in his hands.
Chapter 95: Liar
While Gabi and the Warrior candidates train, Zeke and his fellow Titans discuss Eldia's situation, and Zeke informs them
that the Tybur family will use their status order to boost Eldia's reputation in the eyes of the world when the time
comes to attack Paradis Island once again.

Afterward, Reiner recalls his final days in Warrior training when he, Bertolt, Annie, and Marcel were sent to Paradis
Island to reclaim the Founding Titan. On their journey, Reiner learned that Marcel set up Reiner to inherit the Armored
Titan instead of his brother. Reiner's shock was worsened when shortly afterward, a Titan consumed Marcel.

As they walk through the streets of Liberio's internment zone, Reiner and Gabi are greeted warmly by their
fellow Eldians, who all praise Gabi for her accomplishments. Arriving at the gates of the internment zone, Reiner
informs the Marleyan guards that they are on their way to the Warriors' headquarters. Reiner discusses the possibility
of another war with one of the guards, and the other pesters Gabi for details about her role in the Marley Mid-East
War, but is surprised when Gabi appears reluctant to talk about it. When Reiner asks her about her unusual behavior,
Gabi accuses him of acting strangely, noting that his mother had also noted his strange behavior since his return
from Paradis Island. Reiner attempts to explain away his behavior as a natural change that came with him growing
older, but Gabi insists that he tell her the truth one day, noting that, should she receive the Armored Titan, she will
receive all of his memories due to their blood connection.

Outside of the Warriors' headquarters, Udo and Zofia complain about being forced to wake up so early
while Falco trains, determined to surpass Gabi. Seeing her arrive with Reiner, Falco attempts to taunt her by claiming
that he will inherit the Armor, but is silenced when she headbutts him.

Inside the headquarters, Galliard arrives for a meeting with the current Warriors, and is surprised to find Pieck crawling
on the ground, emulating her Cart Titan form. Entering Zeke's room, the two are greeted by Reiner, Zeke, and Colt.
Inviting them to sit down, Zeke informs them that they have been placed in a dire situation. Marley's use of the power
of the Titans in their conflicts with opposing countries has led to foreign hatred for Eldians growing, to the point that it
once was during the days of the Eldian Empire. To counteract this, Zeke informs the Warriors that they are going to
have to devote themselves to Marley to prove that they have learned from their race's history. He also informs them
that, as evidenced during the battle at Fort Slava, conventional weapons are slowly surpassing the Power of the Titans,
and Eldians soon risk losing their strategic value for Marley. If this happens, Marley will soon be overtaken, and Eldians
will risk losing their human rights and be placed in a life-or-death situation. The only solution, according to Zeke, is to
retake the Founding Titan from Paradis Island, and use it to stabilize Marley's power, while at the same time crushing
the people of Paradis Island, who pose a threat to the entire world.

Pieck points out that restoring the Founder will not restore Eldia's status in the eyes of the world, and Zeke explains
that they will make the world aware of the danger posed by Paradis Island by having the Tybur family, holders of
the War Hammer Titan, as their spokespersons. Having been the first family to join Marley against King Fritz in
the Great Titan War, the Tyburs were given honorary Marleyan status in the Marley empire, and having never used
their Titan in any of Marley's wars against foreign countries, the world will be much more likely listen to anything they
have to say. Galliard is unhappy using the Tyburs, complaining that they have never fulfilled their duty to protect
Marley, and lead refined lives while their fellow Eldians are confined to internment zones, but Zeke and Reiner agree
that working with them is necessary to bring Marley back into power. Zeke informs the Warriors that the Tyburs are
currently holding a press conference to announce to the world that the Warriors will retake Paradis Island within a year,
and that failure is no longer an option for them.

Elsewhere, the Marleyan commanders listen in on the Warriors' meeting. Although they note that Galliard seems
unhappy with the plan, they agree that there was nothing wrong with what was said in the meeting, although Magath
is unhappy with how much information Zeke revealed. After the meeting, Reiner watches the Warrior candidates train,
and recalls more of his time as a candidate.
As the newly-chosen Warriors used their Titans in battle with an enemy nation, Marleyan officials observed from a safe
distance. They observed the abilities of the Female, Armored, Jaw, Beast, Cart, and Colossus Titans, and one official
admitted to nearly having some sympathy towards the inhabitants of Paradis Island, the future victims of the Colossus.
Magath conceded that the new Warriors' abilities far surpassed those of the previous Warriors due to their rigorous
training since childhood, but worried at the idea of entrusting children with retaking the Founder.

Later, Magath informed the Warriors that two of them, Zeke and Pieck, would be staying behind to protect Marley,
while Reiner, Bertolt, Annie, and Marcel would be sent to Paradis Island. After the meeting, an enraged Galliard
attacked Reiner, demanding to know what he did to get chosen as a Warrior. Reiner began taunting him, and Marcel
was forced to drag Galliard away, stopping only to apologize to Reiner.

A parade was held for the four Warriors, during which Reiner spotted his father among the crowd. He followed the man
to his kitchen. Reiner explained that, since he and his mother were now honorary Marleyans, they would be able to live
together with his father. He was interrupted by his father, who demanded that he leave, angrily telling him that should
Reiner's heritage be revealed, his entire family would be killed as a result.

On the day that the four Warriors departed for Paradis Island, Reiner said goodbye to his mother, who assured him that
his father would be praying for his success. As their boat departed, Reiner vowed that he would use the power he had
been entrusted with to exterminate the devils living on Paradis Island, and save the world.

Arriving at Paradis Island's borderline, Magath gave the Warriors some final instructions, telling them to head north
after sunset. The Warriors departed during the night, but were soon forced to set up camp after their lights went out.
Bertolt wondered whether it was true that the King of the Walls would not unleash the Founder, but Reiner implored
him to believe in Marley's research. Marcel was similarly dejected, and Reiner began to worry that his comrades were
having second thoughts about their mission, reminding them of all the harm the residents of Paradis Island brought to
the world. Ignoring Reiner's words, Marcel apologized to him again, confusing Reiner. Marcel revealed that Galliard, not
Reiner, was supposed to be chosen for the Armored Titan, and Reiner was only chosen after Marcel intervened, in order
to keep his brother safe.

Reiner was left dumbfounded, to the point that he was unable to react when a Titan, awoken by the rising sun, rose up
out of the ground and attacked him. He was only saved by Marcel, who pushed him out of the way and was grabbed by
the Titan instead. As Marcel was devoured, the remaining Warriors fled, with Reiner vowing to punish the devils of
Paradis Island and save the entire world.
Chapter 96: The door of hope
The Warriors lost hope for their mission after Marcel's death, but Reiner's determination to live and succeed spurred his
comrades on. Arriving at Wall Maria, the Warriors began their attack.

Two years later, Annie emphasized their need to retrieve the Founding Titan urgently, but Reiner was convinced that a
slow and steady approach would be best for humanity's sake. Planning to enter the Military Police Brigade to enter the
interior, the Warriors joined the 104th Training Corps.

After fleeing from the Titan that ate Marcel, Reiner stopped at a tree to catch his breath. Seeing
that Bertolt and Annie were not with him, he believed they may have been eaten with Marcel, and began to panic. His
thoughts were interrupted by a kick from Annie, who observed that this had been the first time Reiner had
outperformed her in a foot race. Annie told Reiner and Bertolt that, had they not fled, the three of them could have
captured the Titan and kept the Jaw Titan's power in their possession.

Annie ordered the two of them to follow her back, with the intention of retrieving the new holder of the Jaw Titan, and
then returning to the Marleyan ships that dropped them off to report their mission a failure. Reiner, remembering
his mother's words of encouragement, protested that they could not return. Annie corrected him, saying that he was
the only one who could not go back, as he would be forced to give his Titan to another Warrior for his failure. Reiner
pointed out that all three of them might be punished for their failure, before arguing that it would be pointless to
pursue the Jaw Titan's new owner, as none of their Titans would be fast enough to catch them in their new Jaw Titan
form. He also argued that the only way to ensure that none of them were punished would be to return from the mission
with some sort of success. Annie lost her temper, and began to beat Reiner, admitting as she did so, that she does not
care about Eldia or Marley, and simply wants to go home. When she finished, Reiner attacked her himself, managing to
tackle her to the ground and declaring that he would become Marcel and assuring them that they will all go home

Annie used her Female Titan's scream to attract nearby Titans and have them follow her to the Walls as she carried
Reiner and Bertolt. However, the original plan called for her to regularly switch carrying duties with Marcel, and his
absence lead to her running out of stamina before they can reach Wall Maria. Once they were finally in sight of Wall
Maria, Reiner switched places with Annie, using his Titan to carry his comrades the rest of the way to the Walls. Reiner
dropped Bertolt off at Wall Maria's gate and moved away to give Bertolt space to transform. Although Bertolt feared,
upon seeing the Wall, that he would not have the strength to destroy it, he successfully used his Colossus Titan to kick a
hole in the front gate. As Reiner watched, he became swarmed by Titans and began fighting them off before noticing
a stray Titan approaching Bertolt. Strangely, the Titan ignored Bertolt, and Reiner was able to reach him and carry him
and Annie to the top of Wall Maria, where he left them before going to destroy the Wall's inner gate. As he made his
way through Shiganshina District, Reiner reflected on his motivations for becoming a Warrior, and on Marcel's decision
to sacrifice himself to save him. As he prepared to destroy Wall Maria's inner gate, he decided that he did not want the
mission to end, as he still did not understand anything.

Annie awoke in a refugee camp inside Wall Rose with Reiner and Bertolt. Having completed part of their mission, they
resolved to become true Warriors.

While with the refugees, the three met a man from a small village in the southeast of Wall Maria that was destroyed by
the Titans. He explained to them that his village did not get word of Wall Maria being breached due to how isolated
they were. He told them about how he had not realized what was going on until he heard the Titans' footsteps and
opened a window to find one staring at him. He claimed that after that, he did not remember anything, other than the
fact that he left three children behind when they escaped. The man was later found hanging from a tree, having
apparently committed suicide.
As the three worked in a field, they discussed the revelation that the current Fritz king and his family were merely
stand-ins, hypothesizing that they were likely given noble status due to the fact that they are Eldians who were
not Subjects of Ymir, and could not be controlled by the Founding Titan. Bertolt suggested trying to find out the true
king's whereabouts from Fritz, but Annie pointed out that there was no way for them to get into the capital, as servants
were no longer being hired, and she would not be able to marry herself into one of the families due to her "filthy

Reiner decided that the only way to get close to the royal family was for them to become soldiers and join the Military
Police Brigade. Annie, unhappy with this, suggested instead to simply destroy the rest of the Walls, but Reiner
reminded her that if they did that, the Founding Titan could be forced to use its powers to unleash the Colossus
Titans within the Walls on the rest of the world.

The three eventually joined the military, being placed in the 104th Training Corps. On his first day, when asked by
his instructor why he had joined the military, Reiner declared that he was going to save humanity.
Chapter 97: From one hand to another
Following a close encounter between Annie and an elusive MP, the Warriors decided to breach Wall Rose after
their Training Corps graduation to make new progress. Recalling his past, Reiner nearly takes his own life, but decides
otherwise after remembering the importance of his role in the new Warrior candidates' lives. Falco is worried that he
will not inherit the Armor, but a wounded soldier named Mister Kruger assures him that it is best for him to live a long

After the unexpected arrival of the Tyburs, Magath speaks with Willy Tybur, head of the family, and learns of the
Tyburs' role as the true leaders of Marley. Worried about the fate of Marley and Eldia, Willy plans to reveal the truth to
the world at the coming festival. Meanwhile, Falco delivers a letter from Mister Kruger.

One day Annie tried to locate the true king of the Walls by tailing a member of the Military Police Brigade. She was
quickly discovered, and attempted to convince the man that she was his illegitimate daughter, come to reconnect with
him, but the man easily saw through her ploy. Lashing out in self-defense, Annie fled and managed to escape the man
through the sewers.

The next morning, the boys of the 104th Training Corps attempted to use Bertolt's abnormal sleeping position to predict
the weather, before they were sent on their way by Reiner. While eating with his fellow trainees, Reiner commented
on Eren's demeanor, prompting Jean to begin making fun of Eren for his poor performance with vertical maneuvering
equipment. This prompted Eren to criticize Jean for training only with the intention of getting as far away from
the Titans as possible, leading to a physical altercation between the two that Reiner is forced to break up. As he was
separating the two, Reiner and Bertolt both noticed the look of exhaustion on Annie's face.

That night, Annie informed them of her encounter with the Military Police member. Fearing that her face was seen,
Annie suggested that the three return to Marley and turn over what little information they had found. Reiner refused to
agree to this, arguing that what they had uncovered would not justify the five years they had spent on Paradis Island.
Reiner proposed instead to destroy Wall Rose, noting that they would have the perfect opportunity when their Training
Corps graduates in Trost District, as the Survey Corps will be leaving on an expedition that day. Once the Wall is
breached, the three would move into Wall Sheena with the rest of the refugees. Annie noted that Reiner's friends
would likely die in the process, but Reiner insisted that he did not care for any of his fellow trainees, a sentiment which
disgusted Annie. As the three headed back to the training grounds, Bertolt revealed that he was having a recurring
dream about the suicide victim whose story they stole.

Sometime later, as Reiner was training, he noticed Eren losing control of his vertical maneuvering equipment. As he
attempted to convince Eren to take a break, Eren, frustrated with his poor performance, asked Reiner what he needed
to do to improve himself. Remembering his own struggles as a Warrior candidate, Reiner advised Eren to not get
discouraged, and to keep moving forward, assuring him that if anyone would be able to exterminate the Titans, it
would be him.

Remembering all of his experiences of Paradis Island, Reiner prepares to commit suicide. However, before he can go
through with it, he is interrupted by the sound of Falco training outside. As he watches Falco leave, Reiner realizes that
the new Warrior candidates are his reason to keep on living.

As Falco laments the idea of Gabi inheriting the Armored Titan, he finds himself outside of a hospital for Eldian soldiers
who were traumatized during the Marley Mid-East War. One of the soldiers, who Falco had attempted to help upon
their return to Liberio, invites him to sit down with him. Falco notes that the man seems to be recovering well, and the
man admits that he is in fact not suffering from any form of psychological trauma and is only pretending to because he
does not want to go home to face his family. Noticing Falco's injuries, the man asks if they came from his Warrior
training, which Falco confirms. He admits that he likely will not inherit any of the Nine Titans which, to Falco's surprise,
seems to please the man. Falco tells the man that there is another candidate that he does not want to become a
Warrior, before lamenting that he will likely die without accomplishing anything meaningful. Moved by Falco's words,
the man begins to muse on what motivates everyone to step into hell, noting that some people are forced to by outside
forces, while others force themselves. He concludes that those who force themselves likely see something beyond the
hell they are placed in, but that they will never know what that thing is if they do not continue down that path.
Reiner is surprised to run into a breathless Falco outside of the Warriors' headquarters. When asked where he is going,
Falco simply states that he has left something behind at the headquarters and is going to retrieve it before leaving, with
a letter in hand.

Elsewhere, Magath is informed by Koslow that the Tybur family has come to pay him a visit. As the two go to meet their
visitors, they note that the Tyburs have brought their own guards, rather than Marleyan soldiers. Arriving at the room
where the Tyburs are staying, Magath is greeted by the family's current head, Willy Tybur. Speaking privately, Willy
asks Magath if he is able to tell which Tybur is currently holding the War Hammer Titan, but Magath insists he cannot
tell. Magath notes that the owner of the Warriors' headquarters left earlier that day after receiving instructions from
his superiors, and asks if this unusual behavior was involved with Willy's visit. Willy claims that he came to see the
statue Helos, the Marleyan hero who slayed the Devil of All Earth, praising the figure as the spirit of Marley. Willy is
taken off-guard by a snide remark from Magath about the statue being hollow, before asking Magath about his plans to
reinstate the Marley conscription system. Magath muses that Marley as a nation will not stop warring and expanding its
borders until it is completely destroyed and advises Willy that it is already too late for anything to be changed. Noting
Magath's insinuation, Willy reveals that the Tybur family is, as Magath suspects, currently in control of Marley.
However, he insists that Marley's penchant for war has always existed, and that the Tyburs merely enabled the nation
to do so as penance for their suffering under Eldian rule. Willy acknowledges that all of the negativity that has arisen
recently is a result of the Tybur's lack of action, but assures Magath that he intends to reveal the Tyburs' secrets at the
upcoming festival. Commenting that Marley needs another Helos, Willy entreats Magath to work with him.

Falco recalls the last thing the soldier, Mister Kruger, said to him before he left the hospital. Kruger had asked Falco to
leave the Liberio internment zone and mail a letter to his family for him, as any mail sent from inside the internment
zone would be searched before it was sent, and it will be discovered that he is faking his trauma. Kruger told Falco that
he simply wanted to let his family know that he was in Liberio, and that he was safe. Falco places the letter in a postbox
and goes about his way.
Chapter 98: Good to see
Following a military meeting one month after the war, the Warriors watch the candidates finish a training run, after
which Falco admits to Gabi that he has been trying to outrank her for her sake. The candidates later visit the site
of Willy Tybur's upcoming stage in Liberio, and nearby Tybur converses with Magath concerning the fate of Marley. In a
nearby hospital, Kruger meets Grisha's father.

On the eve of the Liberio festival, Willy announces that he will reveal his plan to solve the Titan problem tomorrow
night. The candidates enjoy the festival the next day, and before Willy's announcement Falco leads Reiner aside to meet
Kruger. Reiner recognizes Kruger as Eren Yeager in disguise, who is glad to see Reiner has made it home.

One month after the Marley Mid-East War, a military meeting is held where Reiner explains their possible methods of
invading Paradis Island, going into detail concerning benefits and weaknesses in all options. Tired of Reiner's
meandering explanations, the Marleyan officer cuts the meeting short. The Warriors head outside to contemplate the
merit of their leaders while watching the candidates train in the yard. As Pieck wonders about the Eldians' fate in the
future, Reiner notices Falco overtaking Gabi and the candidates celebration afterward, though Colt does not believe his
brother will be able to outrank Gabi in time. Galliard tells him that the selection standards are vague, and Colt replies
that the Marleyan military would not make such a decision and that there is no reason to turn Falco into
a Titan. Zeke interrupts and asks him if he is making light of the honor of inheriting one of the Nine Titans, Colt
apologizes, and Zeke guesses he is just being a big brother. The candidates leave the yard, and Zeke leads Colt aside for
a game of catch.

As the candidates depart, Gabi expresses her frustration with Falco's determination to beat her, pointing out that
the Grice family will be made honorary Marleyans anyway once Colt inherits the Beast Titan. Falco admits that he is
trying to outrank Gabi for her sake, which confuses her. Falco runs off in embarrassment, and the remaining candidates
visit the stage under construction in the Liberio internment zone, where the Tybur family will announce their plan for
war against Paradis Island for the sake of the Eldians' reputation. Udo notes the world's mutual hatred for Marley, as
well as the fact from his personal experience that other nations of the world despise the Eldians even more than
Marley. Gabi assures her comrades that they must do their best to win the favor of the ambassadors. Not far off, the
candidates notice Commander Magath speaking with someone.

In front of the stage, Willy Tybur expresses his pride in its construction. Magath presents him with information
concerning his "house," which Willy notes is in need of demolition. He congratulates Magath on his future promotion to
general of all Marley's military forces, though Magath humbly reminds Willy of his standing as the true leader of
Marley. Willy tells Magath of the weight his position carries, unable to let go of the responsibilities of his power.
Changing the subject, Magath informs Willy that some posts in his "house" were still usable, from whom he has learned
that his "house" may contain mice.

At the hospital, Falco pays Kruger a visit, who thanks him for delivering his letters over the past month. Falco notices a
baseball and mitt by Kruger's side, wondering if it was a gift from his family, and Kruger tells Falco that he will be
returning to his home after the festival. A man approaches them, and Falco takes his leave. The old man sits with
Kruger, introducing himself as a physician named Yeager, and he tells Kruger about the history of Falco's family and the
ties the boy's uncle had with the Eldian Restorationists as well as the group's fate. Yeager tells Kruger that to save their
family's reputation, Colt and Falco agreed to train as Warriors. He urges for Kruger to stop sending Falco on his errands,
lest the Grice family come under suspicion of treasonous actions once again, and he suggests Kruger should return to
his family without regrets. Suspecting Yeager might have regrets of his own, Kruger asks him about it, and Yeager
admits that he holds many regrets over the fate of his son and daughter. Believing that he was responsible for his
children's fates, Yeager suddenly starts to scream and some doctors escort him away. Left by himself, Kruger tosses his
baseball upward.
That night, on the eve of the festival, the candidates prepare themselves to serve the many ambassadors who have
come to Liberio. Udo becomes frustrated upon hearing some ambassadors speak ill of his race, and he accidentally spills
wine on the kimono of an ambassador from Hizuru. Worrying for Udo's safety, the ambassador plays it off as if she had
spilled it on herself, telling Udo to keep quiet. Elsewhere in the dining hall, Willy greets
ambassadors Ogweno and Nambia, along with other childhood friends, and Gabi realizes that he was the one
conversing with Magath earlier. The festivities come to a halt when the Marleyan ambassador greets the gathering with
a crude and awkward speech. He is gracefully sent aside by Willy, who gives his own speech to the ambassadors.
Expressing his desire to rid the world of the Titan scourge which has been the cause of concern for many nations, Willy
announces that he will declare his solution for the crisis tomorrow night following the Liberio internment zone festival.

The next morning, Gabi wakes up to the ruckus of the festival outside. Joining her friends, Reiner spends much of his
money paying for food for the candidates. By the end of the festival, Gabi is stuffed to the point where Reiner must
drag her away. Commenting on all the new experiences in her life, Gabi believes that something will soon change.

That night, the ambassadors gather before the Tybur stage awaiting Willy's announcement. Falco approaches Reiner,
asking to lead him aside for something. Galliard reminds him that they must be seated on time, but Zeke believes there
is enough time before the curtain will rise. Falco leads Reiner away to a basement where he introduces him to Kruger,
who remarks that it has been four years since he and Reiner had last seen each other. Reiner immediately recognizes
Kruger as Eren Yeager, and Eren admits that it is good to see that Reiner has made it to his hometown.
Chapter 99: Guilty shadow
Reiner is shocked by Eren's presence in Marley, and begins breaking down after Eren indirectly threatens the civilians
watching the festival above. Falco is instructed to stay in the room. Lord Tybur finishes his preparations, as crowds take
their seats. The presentation begins, and an apparent Marleyan soldier summons the Warriors on behalf of Magath.

Reiner questions Eren on why he came to Marley. Then they begin to listen to Willy's speech, where he recounts the
understood history of the world. Eren and Reiner continue talking, and Pieck and Galliard are led into a room, where a
trap door is pulled underneath them. Falco realizes Eren is from Paradis Island, whilst Willy declares that the known
history is a lie. He explains it was King Fritz who saved the world, and never actually posed a threat. He expands though,
that Karl Fritz' power has been stolen, and a rebel resisting world peace had appeared: Eren Yeager.

Years ago, Bertolt continued to discuss with Reiner and Annie about the suicide victim they came across and why he
told them his story. Annie mused that he wanted someone to forgive him for his past actions, something they do not
deserve since they abandoned Marcel. Bertolt theorized that he wanted to instead be judged by someone.

Back in the present, Reiner is still stunned to see Eren. Confused by Reiner's reaction, Falco asks Eren to confirm that he
and Reiner are supposed to be friends. Eren thanks Falco for bringing Reiner to him, mentioning that they have catching
up to do. He then asks Reiner to sit down. When he hesitates, Eren mentions that they can hear the stage very well
from where they are. He notes that the building above them, although located behind the stage, is full of people
anxiously waiting to see the play. Eren finishes by showing both Falco and Reiner his hand, which is now bleeding.
Realizing the gravity of the situation, Reiner finally sits down. When Falco tries to leave, both Eren and Reiner request
that he stay.

Right before the play begins, Willy Tybur is informed that it is time to head to the stage. He is greeted by Kiyomi
Azumabito and her bodyguards, and comments that he must look terrible, but she says that he is brave and hopes he
fulfills his duty without incident. After she departs, she tells her bodyguards that they are leaving.

In the stands near the stage, Reiner's mother Karina spots Mr. Leonhart, Annie's father. He comments that it has been
some time since they saw each other. They talk for a while and Mr. Leonhart mentions that Mr. Hoover had been
bedridden and says he heard he had died. Karina confirms it and says he had passed away peacefully in his sleep. They
reflect on how he was proud of his son devoting his life to Marley. When Karina mentions Annie as well, Mr. Leonhart
disagrees, reaffirming that his daughter is not dead but still alive.

While they wait, Pieck notices many higher-ups in attendance including General Calvi and numerous ambassadors and
friends of the Tybur family. Colt states the power of the Tybur family is impressive, despite Galliard's comment that
they are still Eldians like the rest of them. As the ceremony begins, Udo and Gabi both notice that Reiner and Falco have
not yet returned. Just then, a soldier approaches and informs the Marley Warriors that Commander Magath has
summoned them. Underground, Falco realizes the play has started. Reiner asks Eren why he is in Marley. When Eren
replies that he is here for the same reason as Reiner, he does not have a choice, Reiner starts to break down and

Willy Tybur comes on the stage and tells the story of the bloody history of Marley and Eldia. The Eldians ruled the world
by utilizing the power of the Titans. According to their information, the number of people lost from then until now is
estimated to be three times that of the current global population, including the eradication of numerous ethnicities and
cultures. The Great Titan War began once the enemies of Eldia were all gone, using eight of the Titan powers to
constantly fight amongst each other. Then the Marleyan hero Helos aligned with the Tybur family to force King Karl
Fritz to flee the island, but he left with the powers of the Founding Titan in his possession. Willy goes on to discuss the
failed Paradis Island Operation with the return of only one out of the four Titans that were originally sent. Eren reminds
Reiner that he and his comrades were trying to save the world when they destroyed Wall Maria.
The soldier escorting Pieck, Galliard, and Zeke orders the latter to go to the front door and has the other two follow
him. Pieck tries to start a conversation with him but the man mentions that he was just sent in for security and has no
intention of talking with her. On their way there, Pieck spots her Panzer Unit, the soldiers who man the guns on
her Cart Titan. She briefly greets them before they continue to follow the soldier. Eventually, the soldier escorts them
inside. When Galliard asks where Magath is, the soldier brandishes a knife and triggers a trapdoor, trapping both Pieck
and Galliard underground.

Falco is curious about Reiner's behavior towards "Mr. Kruger," and asks himself how long ago they could have become
old friends. He then realizes that Eren and Reiner must have known each other from when Reiner was on Paradis Island.
Up above, Willy declares the truth for the first time: it was not Helos nor the Tyburs who were the heroes of Marley,
but King Fritz. A pacifist, he took pity on Marley and aligned with the Tybur family, fabricating the deeds of the hero
Helos. He reveals that they were behind the collapse of the Eldian Empire and mentions that the King's threat
of unleashing the Colossus Titans if their peace was disturbed was also a lie. His belief of peace would be carried down
with his successors, as well as freedom for Marley. The Founding Titans would be held to Karl Fritz's vow of renouncing
war, and if the day should come when Marley arrives to destroy Eldia, they would accept it. However, King Fritz's final
wish was for a brief paradise; a world without conflict.

As the crowd begins to wonder about this revelation, Willy proclaims that the desire for peace was destroyed by the
recent rebellion that has taken place on Paradis Island. Proclaiming that someone of non-royal blood has taken the
powers of the Founding Titan, he states the world is now facing yet another crisis. A rebel against peace is coming for
Marley, and his name is Eren Yeager.
Chapter 100: Declaration of war
Before the festival in Liberio, Willy Tybur and Theo Magath suspect their enemies are already hidden within Marley.
Willy intends to use the festival to draw them out by using himself as bait. Magath is concerned that he will be unable
to protect Willy, but Willy emphasizes the importance of having the Eldians of the internment zone become tragic
victims, including himself.

In the present, Willy continues his story about how the Tyburs sided with Karl Fritz and sold out the other Eldians to
Marley. Meanwhile, Magath is informed about the disappearance of the Warriors and deploys a search party. As Willy
warns of the danger posed by Eren Yeager and the Colossus Titans contained inside the Walls of Paradis Island, Eren
tells Reiner Braun that he now understands what Reiner went through while living with the enemy, but Reiner does not
want any excuses and accepts responsibility for what he did. Eren offers him a hand, but as Willy calls on the nations of
the world to join his fight, Eren transforms into the Attack Titan. He emerges from the building behind Willy and then
crushes him with his hand.

Some time before the festival, Willy Tybur discusses with Theo Magath about the possibility that Willy will be attacked
during the event. Willy explains that the Tybur family has been making efforts to improve the social standing
of Eldians around the world while focusing their attention on movements on Paradis Island, but they realized too late
that their enemies had crossed the ocean and arrived at Liberio. He suspects that there are conspirators aligned with
Paradis Island; although their identities are still unknown.

He explains his plan for using himself and the Marleyan military leadership as a bait to lure their enemies out during his
speech in the internment zone. Magath is concerned about the magnitude of the bait and the number of lives that will
be lost if the plan is enacted, but Willy replies that they will be mostly Eldians and if Magath is concerned he can put the
useless Marleyan officers in the danger zone in order to minimize the damage for Marley. Willy questions Magath's
sudden concern about the lives of the "descendants of Devils" given that the commander has sent countless more to
their deaths in battle.

Magath is still hesitant about risking such an important asset as Willy, but Willy points out that if he does not go out
there and speak, there will be no gathering of militaries, journalists, and ambassadors from various countries. He adds
that it is important that Eldians, including himself, assume the role of victims of an "unseen attack" in order to gain the
sympathy of the rest of the world. With this, they shake hands and agree to the plan.

In the present, Willy continues his speech, revealing how the Tybur family sided with Karl Fritz and sold the Eldians to
Marley in exchange for their own assured safety and a life of respect and freedom from persecution despite being
Eldians themselves. He admits that when he learned this truth after becoming the head of the Tybur family, he was sent
reeling at the realization that the Tybur family are nothing but petty thieves growing fat on unearned honor.

Meanwhile, Magath is informed about the disappearance of the Warriors, and orders his men to go search for them as
he tells to himself that the attack has begun.

Trapped underground, Pieck and Galliard evaluate their situation. Thanks to landing in a pile of straw, they only broke a
few bones from their fall, and they are already healing. The pit they find themselves in appears to have been designed
to confine Warriors, as it is too narrow to allow a Titan transformation. Some provisions were also left at their disposal,
including food and water. Galliard wonders about the intentions of the soldier who led them to the trap, and Pieck
reiterates that she has seen him somewhere before.

Willy tells the crowd that he is parting with his false glory because he understands the dangerous state the world is in
due to the threat posed by the tens of millions of Colossus Titans contained in the three Walls of Paradis Island. Even
though the Fritz family cannot use the Founding Titan due to Karl Fritz's vow, he discloses Reiner Braun's report that the
current holder of the Founding Titan, Eren Yeager, can activate that power despite his unclear relation to the royal
As Willy says this, Eren, Reiner and Falco Grice listen to his speech from the basement; with Falco perplexed after
learning Kruger's true identity and that he was tricked by him. Eren apologizes for this and confesses that the letters
supposedly sent to his family were in reality for his friends. While Willy expounds on the danger of the Colossus Titans,
a still confused Falco believes that regardless of what is happening, this is his and Reiner's best chance to retrieve the
Founding Titan now that they have the holder right in front of them.

However, he is once again left astonished when Eren claims that Willy's words are correct and that he is the "bad guy";
however, he also remarks that he once viewed the Warriors as the bad guys too. He remembers the time when
Reiner, Bertolt Hoover and Annie Leonhart breached Wall Maria, causing his mother's death along with the deaths and
suffering of many other people. He questions Reiner about his reasons, and Reiner reveals that it was in order to
infiltrate the Walls by taking advantage of the chaos. Reiner wanted to see what the King of the Walls would do next,
and ultimately retake the Founder to save the world.

Eren seemingly agrees with his reasoning, and Reiner reminds him of the day Eren said he would make it his mission to
see the Warriors "die the most excruciating death possible." Reiner wonders whether Eren has come to fulfill that vow,
but Eren denies this and states that he now understands Reiner's stance after crossing the ocean and living with the
enemy just as Reiner had done. He has seen that are good and bad people both within the Walls and across the ocean.
They are all the same. But Reiner was raised by ignorant adults who said the people within the Walls were demons and
the enemies of everyone. Eren does not blame Reiner, because he was a child when all that was beaten into him.

However, Reiner breaks down and exclaims that Eren is wrong. He accepts responsibility for having forced Bertolt and
Annie to continue with their mission after they wanted to retreat following Marcel Galliard's death; all because he
wanted to be respected and be seen as a hero. He accepts that he was wrong and pleads with Eren to kill him since he
cannot stand living anymore, admitting that he was ultimately the one responsible for the death of Eren's mother.

Meanwhile, Willy continues explaining that the world is in danger because of the Eldians' existence. He admits that he
resented his own blood and hoped for the extinction of the Eldians, but conversely, he does not want to die, and
encourages anyone who does not want to die as well to join him in fight against the Eldians of Paradis Island.

Hearing this, Eren stands up and holds out his wounded hand to Reiner. He asks him to stand up as well, reassuring him
that they are the same. They were born this way. A surprised Reiner does as Eren says, and Eren goes on proclaiming
that he will continue moving forward until all of his enemies are destroyed. As he says this, he begins his
transformation into a Titan in front of the terrified Reiner.

Just as Willy shouts out his declaration of war against Paradis Island, Eren's Titan form emerges from the building
behind him and crushes him with its hand.
Chapter 101: The war hammer titan
Eren in his Attack Titan form eats Willy's corpse and proceeds to massacre the festival attendees, as Colt and Gabi take
refuge from the human stampede by hiding behind a piece of debris; but Udo is crushed by the fleeing crowd after
attempting to rescue Zofia's body. the younger sister of Willy reveals herself as the true holder of the War Hammer
Titan and starts battling the Attack Titan, quickly taking the upper hand by impaling it with a spear that it made appear
from the ground, as Magath orders his men to get ready for the battle.

Meanwhile, Pieck and Galliard are rescued from the underground trap and informed about the ongoing events, but
decide to observe the situation for a bit before joining the struggle, and witness the appearance of the Survey
Corps heading towards the battle zone. The Attack Titan breaks free from the spear, but is immobilized by the intense
fire of the Marley artillery and then beheaded by the War Hammer Titan. Emerging from the headless body of his Titan,
Eren is asked by his opponent for his final words, but he gives Mikasa the signal to enter the combat. In a surprise
attack, Mikasa fires Thunder Spears at the War Hammer Titan's neck as other Survey Corps members ambush the
Marley soldiers. Eren thanks Mikasa for coming for him, and Mikasa asks him to come home.

After killing Willy, Eren in his Attack Titan form eats him and proceeds to attack the stands in front of the stage, as the
crowd flees in panic except for Calvi, who watches immobile and is quickly killed. Colt hurries Gabi and Udo to get up
and run, but they get distracted at the sight of Zofia's corpse crushed under a piece of debris. As Colt grabs Gabi to take
her out of the danger zone, Udo tries to rescue Zofia despite Colt's hurries, unaware of the human stampede rapidly
approaching behind him. Udo is then swallowed by the stampede and gets trampled to death, much to his friends'
horror, who take refuge behind a rock.

As the Attack Titan continues to wreak havoc, the younger sister of Willy watches the situation, and thanks her brother
for his work as the head of the Tybur family. She then transforms into the War Hammer Titan in order to battle Eren;
but before she can attack, Eren lands the first blow by punching her in the face and knocking her down.

Watching from afar, Commander Magath is informed by his men that the War Hammer Titan risks defeat, General Calvi
and the rest of the military command are presumed dead, and that the Warriors are still missing. His men urge him to
order the evacuation of the VIPs. However, Magath instead fires a rifle to signal the counterattack from Marley, and
orders his men to get ready for the battle.

The fight between the Attack and War Hammer Titans continues, with the latter using its power to make a large spike
emerge from the ground, impaling the Attack Titan from the abdomen and raising it several meters above the ground.

On the streets far enough from the zone of the battle, Colt and Gabi stop running, with the former carrying Udo's badly
injured body. Colt is uncertain whether or not Udo is still alive, but says that they should hurry up to the hospital
regardless, and laments not knowing where Falco is.

From the pit they are trapped in, Pieck and Galliard feel the rumblings caused by the battle. Pieck deduces
that Titans are probably fighting and that this is probably the reason why they were led away. At that moment, the
Panzer Unit comes to their rescue, and Pieck reveals that this is because she decided to take measures after noticing
that the soldier that would eventually lure them into the trap was suspiciously following them.

The two Warriors are taken out of the trap and informed by their rescuers about the battle between the War Hammer
and the Attack Titans. Pieck orders them to prepare the armor for the Cart Titan, and as Galliard attempts to join the
fight, Pieck stops him and asks him to observe the situation a little more. They are then shocked to see a group of
people advancing over them with anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipment.

The Attack Titan releases itself by breaking off the end of the spike that was impaling it, and barely avoids an attack by
the War Hammer Titan which attempted to strike it in the head with a hammer made of a hardened Titan substance.
The Attack Titan then prepares to charge against its enemy, but it is hit by the cannons of the Marley soldiers. Although
some of them are hesitant about killing the holder of the Founding Titan, Magath states that Marley will no longer be
relying on the power of the Titans and announces that their objective is to kill Eren Yeager, while the soldiers prepare
the anti-Titan artillery.
As the Attack Titan is shot, Magath wonders what is the enemy's purpose in sending the holder of the Founding Titan
right into the combat, since if it were to die there, they would lose the battle. Taking advantage that its opponent is
unable to move due to the constant shots, the War Hammer Titan attacks it again with its hammer, beheading it. Eren
then emerges from the Titan's wound, as the Marley soldiers are shocked to finally see his face.

The War Hammer Titan asks Eren for his final words, prompting Eren to tell Mikasa to launch her assault. Mikasa
appears from behind the War Hammer Titan and fires eight Thunder Spears at its neck, while other Survey
Corps members ambush the Marley soldiers. As Eren thanks Mikasa for coming for him, Mikasa asks him to come home.
Chapter 102: Too little, too late
Commander Theo Magath orders the Marleyan military to gather in order to fight the invaders from Paradis Island, but
as he ponders that everything is going according to Willy Tybur's plan to make the Eldians earn the hatred of the entire
world, the roof he was hiding in is exploded by the Survey Corps. Jean and Floch argue about the latter's disregard for
civilian casualties, while Mikasa asks Eren if he realizes that he has killed civilians too; but suddenly they see the War
Hammer Titan standing up again, and Eren comes up with a plan to defeat and eat it.

In grief for Udo and Zofia's deaths, Gabi goes to fight despite Colt's pleas, but on her way she runs
into Sasha and Connie attacking a convoy of reinforcements. While Mikasa distracts the War Hammer Titan, Eren
transforms back into the Attack Titan and discovers the crystallized younger sister of Willy controlling the Titan's body
from under the ground via a cable, and cuts off the connection. However, as he is about to eat her, the Jaw Titan bites
his nape and tries to eat him in turn. He is saved by Levi, and Galliard is quickly surrounded by more Survey Corps
members. The Corps are however attacked by the Cart Titan's Panzer Unit, and they are soon joined by Gabi and
the Beast Titan. The two enemy groups face each other, with Zeke calling for the Survey Corps annihilation, while Levi
instructs the Corps to survive.

Hiding inside a building, Commander Theo Magath makes a call to order an entire Marleyan army division and the off-
shore fleet to gather at the battlefield and seal off the internment zone, emphasizing that none of the "island devils"
of Paradis Island should be allowed to escape; and especially the holder of the Founding Titan, Eren Yeager.

After this, he reflects that the fates of the invaders are sealed, since they have earned the wrath of every major nation
that lost government officials during the massacre, and that the whole world now knows of the threat of the Eldian
Empire; all in accordance to Willy Tybur's plan. However, he realizes that the enemies are probably already aware of
this, and as he tries to figure out what they are planning, a bomb enters through the window and explodes near him.

As the room is blown up by the Survey Corps, the Marleyan soldiers located on the roofs try to shoot them, but the
Corps retaliate by shooting them with pistols attached to their anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipments. After
throwing a soldier off the roof, Jean Kirstein notices that another building has been exploded, and goes to
scold Floch and other Corps who are preparing more explosives, reminding them to keep civilian losses to a minimum;
but Floch replies that all people in the internment zone are enemies, since they have killed many more of the people of
the Walls. He states that Eren is an example of what they need to do.

Atop of the headless body of the Attack Titan, Mikasa questions Eren if he has an idea of what he has done, as he has
killed civilians, including children, and there is no way to undo that. However, Eren does not answer the question and
instead points out that the War Hammer Titan is still alive. Mikasa is shocked to see the Titan standing up, since she is
sure that she destroyed its nape completely, and the War Hammer Titan then fires a pike of its hardened substance
towards them. Mikasa quickly grabs Eren and flees away from the Attack Titan's body, barely avoiding getting struck.
Eren comes up with a plan to defeat and eat the War Hammer Titan, and asks Mikasa to distract the enemy enough for
him to enact it.

Outside a hospital, Colt begs a doctor to take a look at the badly injured body of Udo, but the doctor refuses, stating
that their beds are full and Udo is already dead. Disheartened, Colt puts Udo's corpse on the ground and asks Gabi to
stay with her family and get as far away from the plaza as possible while he goes to look for Falco, ensuring her that
the Warrior Unit will defeat the invading Titans. However, Gabi refuses, and says that she will go to fight too, because
she cannot understand why Udo and Zofia were killed. She then runs towards the battle zone, as Colt vainly tries to
stop her.

Finding a convoy of reinforcements, Gabi requests to be allowed in one of the cars, but the gate guards order her to go
home. At that moment, the area is attacked by the Survey Corps, who strike the soldiers with bombs and bullets. As
one of the guards tells Gabi to run, he is also killed by a sniper and Gabi spots his killer, Sasha Blouse, atop a nearby
Connie Springer comes to Sasha and announces that they have finished blocking that street, but Sasha reminds him that
he has forgotten to light his lamp. Connie then places a lamp in the corner of a roof and the two go to find their
comrades. Watching them flee, Gabi grabs the rifle left by one of the fallen guards.

Connie, Sasha and other Survey Corps members join Jean and Floch, reporting that they have taken care of the enemy
reinforcements, while Jean says that they have done the same with the enemies of that area. Sasha adds that the lights
are in place too, and Jean concludes that the plan is moving forward for now, as long as they can disable the War
Hammer Titan in time; but whatever happens after that is unknown and they will only figure it out if they survive the

As Mikasa fights the War Hammer Titan, Eren remembers that this Titan's body materialized from its feet up rather
than its nape, and deduces that its human body is located underground, in the point where it originally appeared.
Transforming back into the Attack Titan, he sees a hole in the street from where a long cable of flesh comes out,
attached to the War Hammer Titan's left heel. Eren puts his hand through the hole and grabs the crystallized body of
the younger sister of Willy connected to the other end of the cable, who has been controlling the Titan from there. Eren
severs the connection and the now inanimate body of the War Hammer Titan falls to the ground.

Alarmed, an injured Magath watches these events from behind a column, but just as Eren is about to eat the younger
sister of Willy, Galliard appears behind him in his Jaw Titan form and bites Eren's neck, trying to eat him and regain the
Founder. However, before he can bite through, his left jaw joint is slashed by Levi, preventing him from moving it. Eren
smashes Galliard against the building and tries to take him off his back, but Galliard manages to flee, realizing that he is
facing an Ackerman.

Galliard has not run too far when he is knocked down off the wall by Mikasa with her Thunder Spears, and is quickly
surrounded by more Survey Corps soldiers; amidst Galliard's shock to see the Corps fighting him despite him being a

The Corps are then in turn struck by shots fired by the Panzer Unit mounted on Pieck's Cart Titan; and while Eren is
distracted by the commotion, he fails to realize that the younger sister of Willy has been generating a new cable
towards the ground, from which the War Hammer Titan materializes again, impaling the Attack Titan in a tree-like
structure made of its hardened substance.

Before the Corps can react to this, they see Zeke Yeager approaching in his Beast Titan form, as Gabi runs towards Eren
holding the rifle and declaring that she will kill him. Zeke joins Galliard and Pieck before ordering them not to let
anyone escape and wipe them all out. At the same time, Levi orders the Corps to face their enemies and to survive.
Chapter 103: Assault
Falco awakens to see the Survey Corps and the Warriors engaging one another. He finds Reiner partially transformed
and unconscious in the rubble, and leaves to find him help. Mikasa unsuccessfully attempts to destroy the War
Hammer's crystal, and Eren is also unsuccessful in consuming it. As the fight continues, Eren emerges from his Titan
form, and immediately transforms again. Pieck and Galliard discuss their plan, agreeing to defend Zeke from the Survey
Corps. Zeke proclaims that Eren is not his enemy, and tells Levi that it is time to come out.

Falco reaches Magath, and alerts him to Reiner's state as Gabi joins them. Meanwhile, Marleyan battleships
approaching the harbor are destroyed when Armin transforms into the Colossus Titan from a boat nearby. Angered
by Bertolt's death, Galliard attempts to rush down the Attack Titan, yet is stopped by Mikasa. Jean readies a squadron
of Survey Corps soldiers to attack the Cart Titan. While Pieck is distracted, the Beast Titan's nape is slashed and
detonated, using explosives, by Levi. Jean's squadron and Sasha begin to attack the Cart Titan, killing its Panzer Unit,
and showering Pieck with explosives. Before Jean could deal the final blow, Falco rushes out onto the battlefield,
begging for the fighting to stop.

As the Marleyan Warriors and the Survey Corps resume fighting, Falco Grice emerges from the ruins of the building that
he, Eren Yeager and Reiner Braun were in. He looks around in horror at the fighting and destruction around him and
notices Eren's Attack Titan trapped inside the web formed by the War Hammer Titan. He is still in disbelief that Eren
deceived him and then wonders how he managed to survive. He turns around and sees an unconscious Reiner. He
remembers that Reiner bit his hand as he turned around and was able to partially transform to protect both of them.
He apologizes for being the cause of this and is curious as to why he has not fully recovered. Falco recalls Reiner's
behavior before transforming and realizes why Reiner has not begun to heal; the holder of a Titan power must have a
strong will to survive in order to regenerate quickly. He leaves Reiner to go find help.

Meanwhile, in the town square, Mikasa Ackerman fires a Thunder Spear at the crystal surrounding the younger sister of
Willy in hopes to blow it apart but it fails. Zeke Yeager launches more debris at the Survey Corps and two soldiers
charge at him only to be shot down by Pieck and her Panzer Unit. She orders the unit to conserve their remaining
bullets and to protect Zeke from behind. However, another soldier flies up out of range of the Panzer guns and prepares
to launch a Thunder Spear at Pieck. Porco Galliard scales a nearby building and slaughters the soldier in mid-air. He
emerges from his Titan and tells Pieck to be on guard for the Ackerman that was pursuing him.

While this is happening, Eren makes eye contact with the younger sister of Willy and tries to bite through the crystal,
but the Attack Titan's teeth break and shatter. Eren takes note that the material is similar to the crystal
surrounding Annie Leonhart and notes that while the War Hammer Titan has been able to trap him, he still has a way to

He jumps out of his Titan form and regenerates it once more, causing Galliard to question why he is using all his
strength and stamina. Pieck theorizes that despite Eren's actions, the Marleyan soldiers have blocked off all escape
routes available. The Warriors must advance with caution due to him containing the Founding Titan. Zeke agrees with
Pieck's theory and is able to repel the Survey Corps away. To the surprise of his fellow Warriors, Zeke proclaims that his
enemy is not Eren, but Levi is, and tells him to come out and face him. Falco is in awe at the sight of Zeke and is found
by Theo Magath who demands to know what he's doing there. As Falco informs him that Reiner is in the Plaza, Gabi
Braun arrives and overhears that Eren is responsible.

In the harbor, several navy ships prepare to set sail towards Liberio to provide aid for Marley. The Captain of one
notices a small fishing boat to the side and advises it to return, noting that it is currently dangerous to be on the water.
The sailor removes his hood, and it is revealed to be Armin Arlert. He looks at the ship and then transforms, obliterating
the ships and causing an explosion that is seen and heard in Liberio.

Gabi, Falco, and Magath stagger from the resulting shock wave, which is strong enough that even the Jaw Titan grabs on
to the roof to avoid being blown off. Pieck deduces that Paradis Island has taken Bertolt Hoover's life and his Colossus
Titan, driving Galliard into a rage. He breaks formation to charge at Eren head-on, hoping to once again take the
Founding Titan. Mikasa unsheathes her blades and defends Eren from Galliard. Jean Kirstein rallies the remaining
Survey Corp soldiers to neutralize the Cart Titan's guns as both Pieck and Zeke move to attack.
Suddenly, the Beast Titan stumbles and Pieck spots Levi on its neck, slashing open the nape and causing it to crash to
the ground. Levi delivers the final blow by dropping a bomb inside the open neck and grapples away. Magath pulls both
Gabi and Falco away as the bomb detonates.

The Marleyan forces are momentarily caught off-guard at the presumed death of their captain, and the Survey Corps
takes the opportunity to attack the Cart Titan. As the Panzer Corps fire wildly at the soldiers, Sasha Blouse takes aim
and kills one of the gunners. Pieck senses this and charges at Sasha. Jean swoops in, wishing for payback for the Cart
Titan nearly killing him in the battle of Shiganshina. He fires a Thunder Spear that deflects into one of Pieck's eye slots
and detonates.

The rest of the Panzer Unit is killed as a barrage of Thunder Spears is fired from above, gravely wounding Pieck. She
stumbles off the building and crashes near Falco, Gabi, and Magath. As Jean moves in for the kill, Falco runs over and
jumps on the neck of the Cart Titan to beg for him to stop.
Chapter 104: Victors
Armin Arlert emerges from the nape of the Colossus Titan, watching the destruction he just caused on the harbor, and
thinking that this is the same scene Bertolt witnessed 9 years before. Jean tries to finish off the Cart Titan with
a Thunder Spear, but he is hit by a burst of steam launched by the Titan and misses his aim. After an
unconscious Pieck emerges from the Titan, the Survey Corps try to attack her, but they are repelled
by Magath and Marleyan soldiers, allowing Falco and Gabi to escape with Pieck.

Eren and Mikasa have difficulty battling Galliard due to his Jaw Titan's speed, while Gabi and Falco take refuge inside a
building, while commenting on Pieck's injuries and discussing Reiner's status. They then see an airship approaching,
commanded by Hange Zoë, which is coming to rescue the Corps. Galliard attempts to attack the ship but Mikasa
ambushes him and slashes his legs, an opportunity which is taken by Eren who dismembers the Titan and uses its jaws
to break the younger sister of Willy's crystal and ingest her fluids. As he tries to eat the Jaw Titan too, Reiner is
awakened by Gabi and Falco's screams, and appears as an un-armored Titan. Eren quickly knocks him down but Reiner
manages to rescue Galliard. Eren comes out of the Attack Titan and flees towards the airship along with Mikasa, but
they are pursued by Gabi who is determined to kill Eren, as Jean orders the Corps to kill all enemies below.

The Colossus Titan walks through the destruction it caused on the harbor, and Armin Arlert then emerges from its nape.
As he prepares to leave the Titan's body with his anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipment, he comments that
this must be the same scene Bertolt witnessed during the Fall of Wall Maria.

Jean Kirstein continues his attack on the fallen body of the Cart Titan despite Falco's pleas to stop; however, just as he
shoots a Thunder Spear at the Titan in order to finish it off, he is hit by a burst of steam released from the Titan's
wound, and the Thunder Spear hits the ground instead. Jean wonders whether it was the steam which made him shift
its aim or if he truly missed.

A severely injured Pieck emerges from the Cart Titan into Falco's arms, and is witnessed by the Survey Corps coming off
the roof of the building, who quickly surge into the attack. However, they are repelled by Theo
Magath and Marleyan soldiers, and Jean orders his comrades to maintain the distance while Magath commands Gabi to
help Falco. As Marley's army continues fighting the Corps, Magath covers Falco and Gabi who escape carrying Pieck.

Infuriated by the seeming demise of Zeke and Pieck, Galliard's Jaw Titan charges against Eren's Attack Titan, evading an
ambush by Mikasa in the process. Eren punches him in the face but Galliard stops the punch by biting Eren's hand and
crushing it. He attacks Eren's face with his claws, ripping out one of his eyes, and Eren stops a second attack by using
the younger sister of Willy's crystal as a shield. Eren notices surprised that the Jaw Titan's claws were able to scratch the
crystal, and Mikasa attempts a new ambush but Galliard swiftly escapes again, with Mikasa commenting on his speed
and how he almost seems like a different Titan from Ymir's.

Taking refuge inside a building, Falco and Gabi watch astonished the state Pieck has been left in. Falco observes that her
injuries are so serious that her body is not repairing itself fast enough, and Gabi adds that the Cart Titan is not as tough
as some of the others, including the Armored Titan. Gabi asks Falco about Reiner, and Falco responds that he does not
know, as he was below the building behind the stage during Eren's attack, and he thinks that they should not disturb
him. Gabi is shocked at Falco's words, reminding him that Udo, Zofia and many others have been killed by Eren.

Gabi then notices something out of the window, and she, as well as Magath, Galliard and other soldiers are surprised to
see an airship coming to Liberio; with Jean and Connie relieved to see it arriving on time. The airship is piloted
by Onyankopon, a new ally under the command of Hange Zoë, following the path directed by the lights set earlier by
the Survey Corps, and is carrying Armin and other soldiers. Hange talks about Armin's plan of entering Liberio by using
the low-level airspace, moving alongside the lights to collect their troops; a very dangerous mission as everyone has
only one chance to board the ship, and the ship can also be shot down. Hange questions whether Armin is possessed
by Erwin's ghost to come up with such a risky idea, but Armin replies that he wishes this was the case if that could give
them strength; but at that moment, if they are unable to retrieve everyone and Eren, they will have no future.
Galliard deduces that the Corps plans to use the airship to escape and goes to attack it, but Mikasa was already
awaiting him to do so and ambushes him as he jumps, slashing his legs and making him lose his balance and fall to the
ground. Eren takes the opportunity to grab him by the hair with one hand as he removes the Titan's arms with the
other; he then puts the younger sister of Willy's crystal inside the Jaw Titan's mouth and presses his jaws, using them as
a nutcracker to break the crystal and crush the human inside, drinking her fluids as a shocked Galliard is unable to do
anything to stop him.

Gabi and Falco witness this scene in horror, and even more, when Eren attempts to bite through the Jaw Titan's nape in
order to inherit his powers as well. After Eren pummels Galliard to the ground and incapacitates him, the children
desperately yell for Reiner to save him.

Below the ruins of the building, Reiner hears their screams and mutters for them to stop and let him be in peace. As the
screams continue, he finally surfaces as the Armored Titan, but without any suitable armor. He heads towards Eren but
is punched and knocked down by him, although he manages to take Galliard away. Eren emerges from his Titan's body
and remarks that they are done. Mikasa tells Eren that they should go home as Reiner attempts to stand up. She grabs
Eren and they leave using her vertical maneuvering equipment. Eren watches Reiner fall down again and bids him

Deciding that she will not let them run away, Gabi takes a rifle and runs out of the building, claiming that she will kill
Eren, and the rest of the Survey Corps, as Jean orders the soldiers following the ship to not let anyone attack the ship
and to use all their remaining firepower to retaliate.
Chapter 105: Assassin's bullet
After Eren Yeager climbs onto the airship, he is aggressively placed under arrest by Levi. Meanwhile, the soldiers
protecting the airship prepare to board, with Jean leaving former Garrison commander Lobov outside to defend the
ship. In the airship, and despite taking six casualties, the Survey Corps begin celebrating the battle as a major victory
for Eldia.

Falco rushes after Gabi, who chases the retreating Survey Corps and then emotionally explains that she cannot forgive
those who destroyed her home. Spotting Lobov outside the ship, she shoots and kills him. She uses the corpses
tethered maneuvering gear to board the ship together with Falco. Gabi rolls inside the airship and fires at the
celebrating soldiers, hitting Sasha in the chest. The Warrior candidates are captured and taken to a room where they
find Zeke sitting with Eren. Zeke explains his plan has been successful except for a few miscalculations. Hange expresses
her disappointment in Eren for his actions that had forced the Corps to act, but Zeke argues that they now have both
the Founder and a Titan of royal blood. Connie then enters the room and tells the group that Sasha had just died.
Mortified, Jean blames Eren for dragging the Survey Corps into conflict as Eren suffers the emotional burden of death
once more.

Eren and Mikasa climb the netting onto the airship controlled by the Survey Corps, sharing a disheartened glance
with Armin, who helps Eren aboard. Insulting Eren's filthy appearance, Levi kicks him before having him restrained. Eren
offers no resistance, explaining that nothing he had written in his letters was wrong.

Outside, Jean orders the soldiers defending the ship to board and to let everyone know that their enemies have no anti-
aircraft weaponry. Former Garrison commander Lobov tells Jean to also go and stays to defend the
rear. Connie and Sasha help Jean up and inform him that the Corps has confirmed six fatalities. Floch tells them to
compare this to the damage dealt to Marley and then leads a rousing cheer for the Survey Corps soldiers, saying the
New Eldian Empire has had a major victory. Jean wonders how long they will have to continue fighting, but Connie
comforts him, saying to Jean and Sasha that they are special to him and that he is grateful they all survived.

Gabi rushes after the airship on foot, as Falco chases after her. After getting her to stop, Gabi emotionally recalls the
deaths of Udo, Zofia, and the two gate guards. She explains that people would spit on her just for being an Eldian, and
the reason she strove to improve herself is to show the world that Eldians are not bad people. Gabi is unable to forgive
those who trampled her home, and rejects Falco's notion that the enemy is acting in retaliation to a similar invasion of
their land by the Marleyan Warriors. As she calls them devils threatening world peace and Falco remembers Eren's
words to Reiner: that inside and outside the Walls, they are the same. Gabi returns to chasing the airship.

As Squad Lima enters the airship, Lobov spots Gabi running below. Gabi shoots him with her rifle, killing him with a shot
to the head. Lobov's corpse drops to the ground, though the wire from his anti-personnel vertical maneuvering
equipment stays attached to the airship. Testing the gear's trigger, Gabi asks Falco to tell the others of her bravery and
prepares to board the airship. Colt arrives, and rushes towards the two. Falco remembers Reiner telling him that he
would have to save Gabi, and grabs on to her as she activates the maneuvering gear.

As the Survey Corps finish celebrating, Gabi rolls inside the cabin and immediately fires upon the group of soldiers. The
bullet strikes Sasha's torso and she falls limply on her back, to the horror of Jean and Connie. Jean and Gabi take aim at
one another, but Falco tackles Gabi to the floor, causing her bullet to go astray and for Jean to miss his mark. An angry
group of soldiers restrains the two children as Jean and Connie rush to Sasha's side. Bleeding out and in shock, Sasha
makes a delirious comment about whether their food is ready, ending on "meat." Floch explains to Jean how the two
children made it onto the ship, and says he will toss them out. Jean rhetorically asks if it would stop the killing.

Meanwhile, Commander Theo Magath is informed by Koslow that Gabi and Falco have run away and have not returned.
Magath addresses Pieck, who says that she remembers the soldier who had trapped her and Galliard. She recognizes
the bearded soldier as a lady on the first missing survey ship to Paradis Island. Pieck remembers her as a follower
of Zeke Yeager.
Inside the airship, Levi has Yelena take off her fake beard. In the room next door, Gabi screams at the Survey Corps
soldiers, cursing the "devils" while declaring that they have not lost yet. Zeke's will would be continued by the true
Eldians. Tempering himself, Jean brings the two candidates to the room where Zeke sits by Eren, regenerating his limbs.

Zeke asks Gabi and Falco what they are doing on the ship. Falco questions Zeke's presence while Gabi is glad he is alive,
albeit captured. Jean explains what the children have done to those in the room, causing Mikasa and Armin rush out to
see Sasha. Hange leaves the piloting to Onyankopon and enters the room, asking Zeke if all has gone according to plan.
To the shock of the candidates, Zeke answers that it mostly done so, barring a few miscalculations, specifically the
candidates. Jean angrily asks Yelena about trapping the Jaw and Cart Titans, whose escape complicated their mission,
and she takes the responsibility for that. Levi explains that it led to the Beast Titan throwing more stones than planned,
and insincerely flatters Zeke for his dramatic improvisation. Zeke jokes back that Levi must have wanted to kill him, to
which Levi replies with a vague threat.

Eren believes that the successes of this battle, including killing Marley's military leaders, will have bought them time.
However, Hange disagrees, finding it more likely that the world will unite in a global offensive against Paradis Island.
Hange expresses disappointment in Eren, for abusing his trust in the Survey Corps to force them into action, and
betraying the Corps' trust in the process. Zeke argues that gathering the Founding Titan with a royal-blooded Titan will
make all of the sacrifices worthwhile by granting freedom for Eldia. At this time, Connie comes through the door to
break the news of Sasha's death. While Mikasa and Armin cry over her body, Eren asks Connie about Sasha's final
words. Being told "meat," Eren lets out an unhinged chuckle with a crestfallen look on his face. Jean blames Eren for
Sasha's death, saying she died because Eren had dragged the Survey Corps into battle. As those present watch, Eren
grits his teeth as he recalls Sasha's wish to recover stolen lands for livestock.
Chapter 106: Brave volunteers
Armin recalls how Paradis Island encountered the first of many ships sent from Marley and how the island decided to
form an alliance with Yelena and Zeke Yeager to fight Marley. The two sides begin to pool their resources to bring the
fight to Marley as they seize the many warships sent to Paradis Island.

He talks to the crystal holding Annie about how they buried their lost comrades and mentions Sasha's death, wishing a
peaceful option was available instead of always having to fight; elsewhere, Eren, who is slowly becoming numb to the
death and violence around him, resolves to continue fighting Paradis Island's enemies to the very end.

Holding onto a seashell, Armin recounts events from three years ago to an unknown listener. At that time,
a Marleyan scouting vessel approaches Paradis Island, preparing for landing. The captain resolves to inform Marley of
the island's situation, when suddenly, the Attack Titan bursts up from under the surface of the ocean, lifting the ship up
before bringing it crashing down on the shore. Hange delivers an overly enthusiastic welcome to the cowering soldiers,
inviting them to the island for tea as distinguished guests. Then, she and Levi bring in a captured soldier, from the
vessel's advanced party, who begs his captain to shoot the two.

The captain refuses to listen to Hange and berates them as devils; Hange then reminds him of Eren's Titan standing
behind him and asks how he plans on escaping. Refusing to yield to the islanders, the captain raises his weapon when
suddenly, a shot rings out. The captain falls over dead to everyone's surprise. Yelena, his killer, along with Onyankopon,
orders the others to surrender their weapons, before accepting a bewildered Hange's invitation to come ashore.

As the members of the Survey Corps look from afar, they wonder who the woman is and if they can trust them. Eren
admits that they were lucky he was able to obstruct the ship from landing. Inside the tent, Hange is amazed by the
weapons Yelena and Onyankopon have with them; they reply it is standard equipment for Marley soldiers and inform
Hange and Levi they have roughly one million soldiers and three fleets containing twenty-one battleships. They both
admit that Marley is capable to attack from the air as well; a shocked Hange asks why they have yet to come and
destroy Paradis Island if they have this capability. Yelena responds that Marley has many enemies, and they considered
Eldia to mainly stay contained by the Titans, expressing amazement when Levi makes an offhand remark that the
Eldians were able to kill all the Titans on the island. When Hange theorizes the two are spies who infiltrated Marley's
military, Yelena admits they were forced in but were given a purpose by Zeke Yeager when he managed to show them

At an assembly gathered between the heads of the military, Hange gives Zeke's demands in return for him helping the
Eldians; sharing technology for weapons, start relations between Paradis Island and other warring nations fighting
Marley, and provide support. When several members of the military object due to Zeke being their primary enemy for
so long, Darius Zackly muses that they would not easily switch to peaceful talks after such a long time at war.
However, Dot Pixis advises they listen to all the terms before ultimately deciding what to do.

When Zeke's secret plan is mentioned (which involves Eren's possession of the Founding Titan and a Titan possessing
royal blood), Eren admits that it is true and recalls his encounter with Dina Fritz's Titan. When Levi asks why Eren has
stayed silent about this, Eren admits it was for Historia's safety due to being unreliable information at the time; despite
Hange and Levi's disappointment in Eren's decision, Hange admits it does fall in line with Zeke's plan. Nile Dok is still
against it, with other members of the Military Police chiming in and calling for Yelena's death due to not being
trustworthy; Hange insists they need her forces to help them. Later, as Yelena radios to Marley under the guise of
needing help, numerous ships are sent to rescue them but are destroyed or captured by Eren or Armin's Colossus Titan.

As the two sides share advancements and train, Eren is at a shooting-range with both Armin and Mikasa; Armin states
both sides are getting to know each other and the harbor will be completed soon, so they can travel across the ocean.
Eren then asks Armin if he can see anything useful in Bertolt's memories while reflecting that his half brother only has
three years left to live. Armin says there is nothing of use he could see and sadly reflects that this course of action will
result in more deaths and hoped there was a peaceful way to clear the misunderstandings; Eren retorts the rest of the
world still views them as monsters and the Marley soldiers glare at their walls in contempt. He reaffirms his belief that
to buy them time, Paradis Island needs to do something to ensure there is no interference.
Back in the present, the airship returns back to Paradis Island and the survivors prepare to bury the deceased,
including Sasha. Meanwhile, the Military Police transfer Gabi and Falco into custody. All those present share sorrowful
looks, except for Eren who merely walks away. Armin admits that, despite intending to understand Eren more than
anyone else (even Mikasa), he does not truly know Eren anymore. Both sides have now suffered the same fate; total
destruction by an enemy force attacking their homeland and countless deaths. Knowing that Marley will retaliate soon,
Armin admits their path to reconciliation has been cut off despite not having any other choice. He looks up at the
unknown person and it is shown to be Annie Leonhart, still encased within her hardened crystal. Armin begs Annie to
respond in some way.

Outside, Zeke bemusedly states to Levi that the citizens of Paradis Island are calling it a victory despite not knowing
anything. Levi merely states to Zeke that he will send Zeke back to Marley in pieces and is content to wait until his
secret plan goes into effect. Zeke gives his thanks and asks if he is going to see Eren soon, noting that Levi is still glaring
at him. Mikasa leans on a tombstone, looking to the future, noting that Paradis Island and the Eldians will survive if
they fight. In a separate location, Eren washes himself while echoing the same statement, resolving to fight and fight
some more in order to win.
Chapter 107: Visitor
Hange visits Eren inside of his cell and recalls two years prior, when Kiyomi visited Paradis Island. Kiyomi reveals
that Mikasa is a descendant of a shogun. The military then have a meeting with her. She explains that Zeke had brought
them together. Zeke had told her of his true allegiances, having always been loyal to the Eldian Restorationists, despite
appearances. He offers Hizuru the opportunity to exploit the resources under Paradis in exchange for their cooperation
in his secret plan. Kiyomi divulges the details of this plan: to display the destructive potential of the Earth-shaking, to
spend 50 years modernizing Paradis, and to have Historia succeed Zeke as the Beast Titan, bearing as many royal-
blooded children as possible. Eren disagrees with the plan, although Historia reluctantly accepts.

Hange admits that they had found no solution, and questions Eren for acting alone. Eren reacts violently, explaining
Hange has no power over him or Zeke, before grabbing Hange's collar, asking her what she can do. At the
graveyard, Niccolo, Jean, Connie, and Mikasa talk about Sasha before meeting with her family. The Anti-Marleyan
Volunteers give Titan injections to Pixis, though he has them arrested due to the current uncertainty around them. Zeke
is taken to a Forest of Giant Trees to be held captive. Gabi fakes a seizure, and knocks out the investigating guard,
before escaping the prison with Falco. Reiner awakes, wondering where the two children are, and Historia sits outside
in a rocking chair, visibly pregnant, when a man implores her to go indoors.

As Eren cleans himself up, Hange visits him in his cell and asks what he is doing. She claims to have heard Eren saying
"fight, fight" to himself. Not getting any response, Hange tries to change the subject and notes Eren's new hair, but Eren
bluntly asks what she is here for. Hange reflects back two years ago when the Survey Corps met with the Anti-Marleyan
Volunteers. Despite completing the harbor and increasing goodwill between both sides, Levi still refuses for them to
meet with Eren. Soon, a ship arrived bringing Kiyomi Azumabito; Mikasa is jarred to see how much she reminds her
of her mother. Later in a meeting, Kiyomi shows a seal showing her bloodline, the same one that Mikasa has tattooed
on her wrist. Despite some reservations, Mikasa reveals it and confirms her heritage.

Kiyomi states that her ancestors were allied with the Eldian Empire due to friendly relations with the Fritz family and
the shogun of the nation of Hizuru. When King Fritz relocated to Paradis, the nation's reception plummeted and did not
improve over the years. She tells Mikasa that she is the hope for the nation of Hizuru. During a break in the meeting,
some members of the military express their doubts, but Dot Pixis says for now, they will have to go along with them.
When they reconvene, Kiyomi notes that it truly is a historic day for both sides, bringing up a discussion she had
with Zeke Yeager. He goes into his reasons for wishing to meet, as well as why he reported his parents to
the Marleyan government; as a token of his friendship, he presents part of the vertical maneuvering equipment to

Kiyomi mentions the island is roughly a hundred years technologically behind the rest of the world; she refers to the
ability to "rumble the world" and goes over three procedures Paradis must perform in order to protect themselves
while they catch up with Marley and the other nations: showing the world the destructive potential Paradis is capable
of, the involvement of Hizuru to help boost military involvement and finally, the continued possession of the Founding
Titan. Due to Zeke possessing royal blood, the final procedure would require Historia to become the next holder of
the Beast Titan and also to bear as many children as possible to continue the bloodline and ensure the safety of Paradis
for at least fifty years. After thinking it over, Historia agrees; this prompts Eren to refuse to accept Zeke's plan and for
them to consider all the options before deciding. Kiyomi understands and agrees to act as a mediator for Zeke.

Back in the present, Hange says they have not found another option; with Zeke's tenure ending and Marley planning to
attack sooner than expected, she again places the blame on the incoming attack on Eren for acting alone. Eren ignores
Hange and reminds her that he consumed the War Hammer Titan and can free himself at anytime. He turns to face her
and says she cannot kill Zeke either. Grabbing her by the collar, Eren slams Hange against the bars, screaming at her if
there is another way. Hange frees herself and calls Eren a rebellious pervert. Leaving, Hange is overwhelmed and states
the only mistake Erwin ever made was making her the new commander of the Survey Corps.

As Mikasa mourns Sasha at her grave, a commotion breaks out when a member of the Military
Police attacks Niccolo for visiting the graveyard. He tearfully asks if it is true Sasha died; Connie and Jean confirm it.
Then, Sasha's family approaches their daughter's grave. Niccolo mentions to Sasha's father that she appreciated his
food more than anyone, and offers to cook for him as well.

In the capital, Yelena and the other volunteer members hand over the Titan serums they were able to obtain from
Marley before being detained by the Garrison at gunpoint. Dot Pixis apologizes for Paradis' shortcomings but asserts
they cannot let Zeke be left to do as he wishes.

Levi brings Zeke to the Titan forest, mentioning that it is appropriate accommodations for him. Zeke asks Levi if he
could show Falco and Gabi this; Levi merely responds that Zeke's actions will depend on it.

Gabi is seen in her cell apparently suffering from a seizure and Falco asks the guard for help. Opening the door, the
guard is beaten by Gabi with a brick dislodged from the floor. Escaping, Gabi aims to return to Marley, ignoring Falco
and stating she cannot even trust Zeke anymore. In Marley, Reiner awakens and sees both Pieck and Galliard by his
bed; he asks where both Falco and Gabi are.

Back on Paradis, Historia sits on a rocking chair and is seen to be visibly pregnant. A man comes outside and insists that
she come inside, noting she must be more careful with her body.
Chapter 108: A sound argument
The MPs discuss Historia's unplanned pregnancy with a commoner working at her orphanage, that had forced them to
change their plans of immediately devouring Zeke. One MP believes Yelena had persuaded Historia, and
the volunteers have something planned. Around that time, Jean, Mikasa, Armin, and Connie discuss Eren, who suddenly
supports Zeke's plan, and who Connie finds to be a completely different person. While Connie angrily says they should
be prepared to have to cut him down, Mikasa reminds them of an event from the previous year that showed how much
he cares for them.

Last year, while building a train track, Hange brings news that Hizuru had been unable to open up a diplomatic path.
They regret other nations' unwillingness to see them in a positive light, and Mikasa suggests they should meet them
face to face. Later on the train, Eren brings up the topic of finding a candidate for his Titan powers. The
former 104th volunteer themselves, but Eren refuses, saying they are too special to him. In the present, Mikasa says
Eren is moving forward for their sake, but the others disagree, Jean saying he put them at risk and Armin explaining
they may need to have him eaten if he can not be trusted. Gabi and Falco rest by a stream, and fight over Gabi taking
off her armband. They meet another young girl and before Gabi can attack her, are convinced to go to her house.
In Marley, Magath briefs the Warriors of Zeke's likely betrayal. He explains that the world has banded together to form
a global military alliance that will destroy Paradis Island in six months. Reiner Braun, however, believes Marley should
attack immediately, to go against Zeke's expectations.

Nile and other higher-ups in the Military Police hold a meeting over dinner. They talk about the Garrison's successful
arrest of the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers, though Nile regrets having to restrain them despite their aid. One drunk
official, Roeg, teases Nile for his sympathy towards the Marleyans. He expresses that with the uncertainty
surrounding Zeke, who along with Eren has the power to manipulate their memories, they cannot be free. He says that
they should have gone ahead with the original plan to have Historia Reiss devour Zeke as soon as he had reached
the island; only Historia's pregnancy had ruined this idea.

Roeg bluntly puts that Historia is a low-born, Queen in name only, and they should not have let her become pregnant at
such an inconvenient time. Nile disagrees, saying that she has the right to choose her partner; a man from the same
area as Historia, and worked at her orphanage to amend his guilt of throwing rocks at her in his youth. A debate begins
around whether it is right to let the monarch of the land choose her partner, with Roeg continuing that it is likely
somebody coaxed Historia into becoming pregnant to delay her inheriting Zeke's Titan. He is certain that this
was Yelena, and wonders what the volunteers are planning. Roeg asks a Marleyan to fetch another bottle of wine,
with Niccolo handing a servant one by his recommendation.

Jean Kirstein, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert sit quietly in a room, with Connie Springer fiercely staring out of the
window. Jean is surprised by the arrest of the volunteers. He supposes it was inevitable due to the lack of knowledge
around Zeke's intentions; Eren, who had previously been against the plan, was now supporting it after a private talk
between them. Connie asks the others if they think that Eren is still himself at all. He does not think so, and says they
need to be prepared to cut him down should the need arise. Mikasa is shocked and says she will not let him, leading to
Connie giving her an intense glare, asking if she is choosing that side as well. Mikasa simply says it will not happen, as
Eren cares for them. She reminds them of an event that happened last year.

In 853, Eren had persuaded the 104th Survey Corps to help build a train track in the heat. As they work, Connie and Jean
wonder about what Hizuru had achieved in their dialogue with the rest of the world and hope that they could become
friendly with other nations. Hange Zoë and Levi Ackerman arrive on horseback, bringing word of the reply from
the Azumabito's. Negotiations had turned up empty-handed, with Hizuru wishing to keep its monopoly over Paradis'
resources, and other countries being unwilling to grant rights to Eldians, preferring the idea of keeping Paradis Island
pinned as the world's common enemy. Eren sadly supposes that they will have to move forward with the rumbling.
Armin regrets other nations' unwillingness to see them in a positive light, with Mikasa explaining it is because they had
not met face to face. Hange agrees, saying that they should meet other nations themselves to create an understanding
between them.
In the locomotive, the former 104th explore the idea of sneaking into Marley. Armin explains that Eldian is an
international language, meaning communication would not be too difficult. Eren wishes that they had more time for
this, as Zeke and his own tenure are fast ending. He says that soon, they will need to decide his own successor. Mikasa
volunteers, though is shut down by Jean due to her Ackerman-Hizuru heritage. He instead volunteers himself, though it
is decided as unlikely due to his potential in becoming a possible Commander of the Survey Corps. Connie
and Sasha also volunteer themselves, though bicker over their level of intelligence. Eren explains that he has no plan of
passing his powers onto any of them, as they are highly important to him and he wishes for them to live long lives.
Blushing at the situation, the train ride continues.

In the present, Mikasa continues that it is likely Eren proceeded with the attack on Marley to protect them, but Jean
explains this is unlikely as he had forced them to come to his aide on the front lines. Connie also adds that he had
caused Sasha's death. Getting worked up, he asks Mikasa how he thinks Eren had reacted to Sasha's death - by
laughing. Armin says that Mikasa and himself will try to talk to Eren. By examining how the coordinate had worked in
the past, he finds Eren will be in control when he activates the rumbling, meaning that it is important to examine whose
side he is on. Surprising Mikasa, Armin states that in the unlikely case Eren is against Paradis' methods, they have no
choice but to have him eaten.

As Eren and Zeke sit in their respective captivities, Gabi washes her face after running far from the prison with Falco.
Falco tells her to take off her armband, but she refuses. She wishes to find Zeke to learn about his motives, adding that
Falco can do what he wants. Falco snatches her armband, and Gabi reacts by wrestling him to the ground, fearing that
she is no different to the islanders without it. While she helps him back to his feet, a young girl asks them what they are
doing so early in the morning. Shocked, Gabi lies that they ran away from home, while secretly picking up a blunt rock.
Before she can act, however, the girl invites them to her home for a meal, with Falco taking the rock from her hand.

In Liberio, bodies are carried away from the former battleground. Commander Magath briefs the Warriors that after
looking at the Beast Titan's corpse, only Zeke's limbs could be found. He concludes Zeke had faked his death, and
escaped with the Survey Corps. This corresponds with Pieck's theory of Zeke having gathered co-conspirators, as well as
the recovered maneuvering equipment having bases in Marleyan technology. Galliard is shocked by Zeke's betrayal,
and Magath says the fight will not end here, as all major nations have come together to form a global military alliance.
Within the next six months, the world plans to conduct a scorched-earth operation on Paradis. Despite Colt Grice's
concerns about the candidates, Magath explains Marley should also wait, as going alone will repeat their defeat in
the past. Reiner Braun disagrees, explaining waiting is what Zeke expects, and will likely have a devastating response
planned. He slams his fist on the table, saying Marley should launch a surprise attack now.
Chapter 109: Guides
Kaya leads Falco Grice and Gabi Braun to the Blouse stables, which are run by Sasha Blouse's mother and father. The
two Warrior candidates pretend to be runaways and are allowed to stay for as long as they need. However, Kaya
reveals that she knows they are Marleyans and asks what her mother could have done to earn so much hate that they
would have a Titan eat her. Falco apologizes and explains Marley's long term invasion plan. Understanding that they
personally had nothing to do with it, Kaya offers to take them to Niccolo, who might be able to help them get back to

Meanwhile, Hange Zoë deals with insubordination from a number of Survey Corps soldiers who leaked sensitive
information to the press. Dot Pixis believes they might have been compromised by Yelena since there was a change
in Floch Forster while he was assigned to keeping an eye on her. Hange is disturbed that she finds herself in the same
position that Djel Sannes had warned her about years ago. On Hange's orders, Mikasa Ackerman locks up Louise, who
had become a soldier because she was inspired by Mikasa's rescue of her in the Battle of Trost District. Louise asks if
Mikasa became a soldier because she was in turned saved by Eren Yeager, but Mikasa tells her to keep her mouth

Falco Grice and Gabi Braun are taken by Kaya to a farm and are told to wait by the horse paddock. Gabi suggests they
use a horse to escape, but Falco believes that moving recklessly will get them caught. He would rather they stay for a
few days. When they are invited in, Falco advises Gabi to let him handle the talking.

The man inside asks what they ran away for and Gabi is surprised that he has what she considers a
southern Marleyan accent. Falco introduces himself as "Ben" and Gabi as "Mia," telling him that they are siblings who
ran away from home. The man tells them they are free to stay as long as needed and offers them some
breakfast. Lisa hands Gabi some food and when she pats her head, Gabi sharply smacks her hand away. Falco
apologizes and coaxes Gabi to eat.

Kiyomi Azumabito meets with Darius Zackly to congratulate him on the campaign against Marley. He in turn
thanks Hizuru for having trust in Eldia, and Kiyomi for being willing to visit given the scrutiny the rest of the world is
currently applying to Paradis Island. He invites her to return any time to "the most dangerous island in the world."
Zackly asks about a covered aircraft in the harbor and Kiyomi calls it the "world's first flying boat." It will also be the
first vehicle that will use iceburst stone as a source of fuel.

Outside a military facility, Hange Zoë is surrounded by reporters along with Flegel Reeves. They flood her with
questions about Eren Yeager being held captive in a cell and how residents are being told to leave Shiganshina District.
Hange defers all questions to the Military Police and, on reaching the gate, is confronted by Flegel, who asks if he can
still trust her. Hange tells him that everything they do is for the sake of the Eldian people.

Inside the building, Hange confronts the four soldiers who leaked the news about Eren Yeager's captivity to the press.
She asks Floch Forster why they did this, and Floch replies that it was to free Eren. The "rumbling" is what guarantees
their right to live, and by attacking Marley, Floch believes Eren saved the lives of every citizen in the new Eldian Empire.
Hange counters that it made the entire island a target for the rest of the world, and there is no guarantee the rumbling
will work. She admits that she went along with Zeke Yeager's plan, so the responsibility for being in this position falls on
her, but she cannot tolerate further insubordination and has the dissenting soldiers arrested. Hange remembers Djel
Sannes's words to her about how someone always needs to be in his role, but calms herself before giving in to her

Mikasa Ackerman locks Louise, one of the dissenters, in her cell. Louise talks with Mikasa and mentions how her actions
during the Battle of Trost District inspired Louise to join the Survey Corps. Louise uses that as justification to fight
against injustice. She asks Mikasa what her own reason was to join the Corps and if she was saved by Eren as well.
Mikasa merely tells her to be quiet and starts to leave. Louise salutes Mikasa, and the latter recalls the moment when
Eren saved her from the three kidnappers many years ago.
Dot Pixis visits Yelena and asks about her accommodations. He tells Yelena that they are in debt to her and the
other Volunteers, but mentions how Yelena seemed to be going out of her way to convince them that she is not a
threat, such as insisting on having soldiers around to watch her. Pixis also brings up that ten months ago, Yelena
attended a banquet in Trost District. The guard assigned to her was Floch, who exhibited a change after that day. Floch
accompanied her to her lodgings after the festivities wound down. Pixis also suggests that she may have met with Eren
at this time, since her lodgings were close to his home and this was the time that Eren began to take unauthorized

Gabi and Falco do chores at the Blouse stables when a horse starts nibbling on Gabi's head. Shrieking, she falls over and
asks why this is happening. Falco does not think they would be able to escape on one and suggests they wait here for
rescue since the Marleyan army will surely attack. Gabi asks Falco if he is mad at Zeke due to betraying Marley when
Kaya comes and says it is time for lunch.

They take a break by the paddock and Falco learns the farm they are at is for orphans who have lost their parents. Gabi
berates Kaya for her ancestors' actions and as she argues with Falco, Kaya mentions that she knows they are from
Marley. Hearing this, Gabi picks up a pitchfork and tries to attack her. As a few others approach, Kaya claims that "Mia"
was jealous of her becoming friends with "Ben." Seeing their confused faces, Kaya says she will not be reporting them
and leads the two to her old village.

She explains that it was overrun by Titans, and her mother was eaten alive. Kaya knows that it was the actions of
humans outside the Walls that caused this to happen, but she does not understand why. Gabi proclaims that Eldia was
responsible for numerous atrocities and Kaya should not feel like the victim. However, Kaya does not understand. Her
mother was born on Paradis and never killed anyone. She asks why her mother had to die in such a terrible way. Falco
reveals that her mother's death was casualty of an experiment to judge the strength of Eldia and apologizes. Gabi
berates Falco for revealing Marley secrets, but Falco ignores it. Kaya thanks Falco for his honesty and goes on to
mention how a girl saved her from Titans by using an axe and her own body as a human shield, and that allowed Kaya
to escape.

Kaya knows that if the girl was still alive, she would want to help Gabi and Falco, and since Kaya wants to be like her,
she will help them as well. She will take them to meet a Marleyan at a restaurant the Blouse family has been invited to;
then, the two of them might be able to get back to Marley.
Chapter 110: Counterfeit
Zeke tells Levi about the time he transformed the citizens of Ragako into Titans. Levi questions him over this, though
Zeke professes that he had acted to avoid suspicion. Yelena tells Pixis about her secret meeting with Eren. She explains
that she only wanted Eren to recognize her and made a few requests. She claims that her actions had been for Eldia's
sake though Pixis is wholly unconvinced that she is being truthful. Hange meets with Onyankopon, and discovers that
he is unaware of Yelena's actions. Hange releases him and has him accompany her. Hitch discovers Armin while he is
visiting Annie's crystal. They walk together to the military headquarters, and find a large mob protesting for Eren's

Mikasa joins up with Armin to request permission to visit Eren from Zackly. He denies them, due to believing Eren is
under Zeke's control. Shortly after leaving, an explosion occurs in Zackly's office, killing the Commander-in-Chief and
three others. Later that night, the military branches meet to discuss the developments, when a soldier rushes in and
tells them that Eren had escaped. On a mountain path, Eren assembles with his Survey Corps followers, who had
orchestrated Zackly's assassination. Eren tells the group that they are to locate Zeke. The next morning, while the Corps
ride out, Pieck sits reading a paper, having successfully infiltrated the Walls.

At their camp in the Titan Forest, Zeke Yeager tells Levi Ackerman about the method he had used to turn the citizens
of Ragako into Titans. Zeke, Pieck, and a small number of Marleyan soldiers located the small village and chose to target
it. The soldiers released a gas diffused with Zeke's spinal fluid and the wind quickly made it engulf the village. He
explains that once a subject of Ymir inhales this gas, they are paralyzed and etched with a coordinate. On his command,
the "paths" sends Titan bodies to these coordinates, with Zeke able to impose his will on their Pure Titans due to their
connection with his Beast Titan. Levi admonishes Zeke over his lack of concern for human life, though Zeke professes
that he needed to carry out the attack to avoid Marley's suspicion. He asks Levi when he will be allowed to carry out his
experiment with Eren, but Levi lacks the authority to answer. Both agree that it would be a mistake to wait around too
long, however.

Yelena admits to Dot Pixis that she had secretly met with Eren. Apologizing for having hidden this from them, she
explains that she had grown impatient due to the Walls' lack of urgency. As Eren felt the same as her, they had easily
come to the agreement that the military needed to be stirred up. When Pixis asks her why she had not spoken to
the Survey Corps directly, Yelena confesses that she had desired to be recognized by Eren, and that she had not
conferred with the other volunteers. She says that Eren's attack on Marley was a justice better than she had imagined,
and that together they were witnessing history in the making. Yelena finishes by apologizing for going behind the
military's back, but swears that all her actions are for the sake of Eldia. Despite Yelena's show of emotion, Pixis is
wholly unconvinced, telling her that a good lie would have mixed in truth.

Onyankopon meets with Hange Zoë, and expresses his disappointment that the Walls are doubting the volunteers.
Hange apologizes for this shortly before panickedly telling him about the secret meeting. Onyankopon shows himself to
have been unaware of this, though does not deny that it was likely. On Hange's request, he explains his understanding
that Yelena had organized the volunteers, and had shown her loyalty to Zeke through her ruthlessness towards
dissenting or suspect Marleyan comrades. Hange finds it strange that Yelena had previously lacked compassion towards
Marleyans, yet was later outspoken in convincing the Islanders to respect the captive soldiers' human rights. Believing
Onyankopon to be trustworthy and innocent, Hange releases him from captivity and has him accompany her.

Hitch Dreyse discovers Armin Arlert while he is attempting to touch Annie Leonhart's crystal. Embarrassed, Armin
insists that she had gotten the wrong idea and he was only attempting to unlock memories. They walk together to the
nearby military headquarters, discussing the news headlines that displayed the public's growing distrust in the military.
Outside the front gates, they find a large mob protesting for Eren's release. Hitch informs Armin that it was a similar
situation outside all Corps offices in the area.
As Hitch is called to help garrison the gate, Mikasa Ackerman joins up with Armin. Walking past some Survey Corps
recruits, they travel up to Darius Zackly's office, to request permission to visit Eren. Zackly denies them, under the
grounds that Yelena had admitted to having unauthorized contact with him, making it likely that Eren is under Zeke's
control. He requests that they keep this fact secret. Shocked, Mikasa asks what will happen to Eren, but is unanswered
by Zackly who only stares at his "custom chair." When asked about his chair, he explains that he had new recruits bring
it to his office just now, as he had nowhere to put it. Despite Armin's plea, Zackly ends their meeting, explaining that
the situation requires great caution.

Mikasa and Armin think about what Zackly had told them, and find it likely that the military is already looking to
replace Eren. While Mikasa and Armin debate over whether to listen into Zackly's following meeting, an explosion
occurs in his office. Zackly is defenestrated by the explosion, his dismembered corpse landing in full view of the
protesters outside. In spite of the brutality, the crowd begins celebrating and gladly begin a chant of "devote your

At night, the military branches congregate to discuss the recent development. Roeg reports that the blast had killed
four people in total and it is likely that a bomb had been planted in Zackly's "custom chair." Armin details that Zackly
had mentioned recruits moving his chair, and reveals that he had personally seen new Survey Corps members leaving
the building beforehand. Suddenly, a soldier bursts in to disclose that Eren had used his Titan powers to escape from his
underground cell. As an order to fully mobilize a search is given, Mikasa fearfully wonders to Armin what is going on.

On a mountain path, Eren walks towards his group of followers from the Corps. Floch Forster, who had been broken out
of prison by co-conspirators, informs him that they have more followers, including a group who had assassinated
Zackly. Floch hands Eren his black hooded jacket, voicing that he is the only one capable of saving the Eldian people.
Eren frankly gives the command that they should locate Zeke. In the morning, the military ride out, and Armin
encourages a dejected Mikasa that Eren will understand them. The carriage rides past Pieck, who reads a newspaper in
disguise, having once more infiltrated the Walls successfully.
Chapter 111: Children of the forest
The military has lost over one hundred soldiers due to the defection of Eren Yeager and his followers. Acting
Commander-in-Chief Dot Pixis has Hange Zoë and Nile Dok secure the personnel who either know of Zeke Yeager's
whereabouts or protect the Queen's residence. Pixis reveals that he plans to negotiate with the "Yeagerists" by offering
them knowledge of Zeke's location and that he hopes to bring the two sides together for the sake of Eldia's survival.

Hange takes the remaining members of the 104th with her to investigate a restaurant after noting the line of work
taken up by many of the Marleyan prisoners of war. The Blouse family arrives at that same restaurant,
where Niccolo now works. Midway through their meal, Falco Grice and Gabi Braun reveal their identities to him, as
Gabi tries to warn him of the upcoming Marleyan invasion. However, she admits to killing Sasha Blouse, causing Niccolo
to attack her in grief. Falco protects her, taking the blow of a wine bottle that breaks over his head. Sasha's
father manages to talk everyone down, realizing that both sides have lost people they cared about. Defeated, Niccolo
asks Hange to wash out the unconscious Falco's mouth, because he suspects the wine has Zeke's spinal fluid in it.

Nile Dok holds a military meeting and confirms that over one hundred soldiers have escaped from prison, as have the
guards looking after them and have also freed Eren Yeager. Certain they were behind the murder of Commander-in-
Chief Darius Zackly, he refers to the anti-Corps organization as the Yeagerists and asks Hange Zoë what their goal is.
Hange reveals that their one and only goal for now is to reunite Eren with Zeke Yeager and the killing of Zackly was to
demonstrate their resolve. Roeg questions how they managed to put together the "Yeagerists" in such a short time and
concludes that numerous soldiers trust in Zeke's support. Hange theorizes that their recent attack is also in part due to
the military devising a plan to have a soldier loyal to the military try to inherit the Founding Titan from Eren without
informing the Survey Corps. Nile replies that it would not have been hard to imagine the results if they had. Roeg
demands to know how Hange will take responsibility for this. Hange states that she will accept any punishment but
deems it highly irresponsible to remove her from the Corps.

Just then, acting Commander-in-Chief Dot Pixis enters and reminds them that they have a visitor and they should not be
bickering among themselves. He asks how many know the whereabouts of Zeke, and Hange replies that includes Levi
Ackerman and thirty soldiers stationed with him, along with three soldiers in charge of supplies and herself. Pixis orders
her to bring the three in and asks Nile about the safety of Historia Reiss's residence, knowing that the Yeagerists will try
to reach her. Nile plans to confirm while Pixis entrusts Armin Arlert to fortify their defenses. When asked if he had any
long term plans, Pixis reveals they should surrender to Eren, but not submit to the Yeager brothers. He intends on
negotiating with the Yeagerists by putting Zeke's location on the table. He also informs them that they would be
watching over the "rumbling" experiments and notifies them that no mentions of the murder of the Commander-in-
Chief will be made during these negotiations.

After dismissing the other soldiers, Pixis goes to Kiyomi Azumabito and apologizes for her having to see this exchange
and asks her to stay by the harbor for her own safety. She gets a hold of Mikasa Ackerman and asks that she go to
the Azumabito ship in case something happens. While appreciating the concern, Mikasa vows to stay and fight as
an Eldian. Kiyomi insists that they came there only for her sake but Mikasa dismisses her claims saying that she did not
care about who led the nation as long as the rumbling succeeded. Kiyomi agrees that the Azumabitos will be done for if
the rumbling fails, losing Hizuru's trust and being overrun by debts. She laments the bad reputation the Azumabitos had
earned during the times of great turmoil but assures Mikasa that regardless of what might become of the nation, she
wants to protect Mikasa.

Outside, the senior members of the Survey Corps along with Hange discuss the current situation. Jean Kirstein asks
Hange if she is fine with entrusting everything to Eren and Zeke, which she refutes. She states that they need to figure
out Zeke's intentions to avoid making bigger fools out of themselves. For this, she takes them to a restaurant which she
claims to be a suspicious line of work for Marleyan prisoners of war.
At a restaurant, Niccolo replies to another Marleyan that his guests are right on time. Mr. Blouse arrives with
his family along with Falco Grice and Gabi Braun. Gabi starts to get nervous but Kaya assuages her fears by telling Gabi
and Falco that Niccolo is a Marleyan and that he can be trusted. As they start eating, Falco and Gabi are amazed by how
great the quality of food is. In the kitchen, Niccolo is informed he has visitors from the Survey Corps. He tries to excuse
himself, but agrees when Onyankopon reveals that the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers had been detained and they have
questions to ask him. Jean notices a bottle of wine that is usually served to the Military Police and tries to get a sip.
Niccolo swiftly grabs it and demeans him as an Eldian, surprising the others there. Falco pretends to be sick so he and
Gabi have an excuse to leave their dinner. They find Niccolo in the basement and reveal their true identities.

Surprised, Niccolo asks why they are here and Gabi excitedly proclaims that they smuggled aboard the airship the
Survey Corps used in the Raid on Liberio. Putting together who they are, Niccolo asks if they have killed anyone,
perhaps a female soldier and Gabi victoriously claims that she brought her down. Horrified that the killer of Sasha is in
front of him, Niccolo swings a wine bottle at Gabi, which strikes Falco in the head as he tries to protect her. He punches
Gabi and brings them to the dining room, revealing to the stunned Blouse family who they are. Niccolo offers the knife
to Mr. Blouse asking him to avenge his daughter and if he would not do so, Niccolo would himself.

The Survey Corps hears the commotion and rushes in. They are surprised to see the girl who shot Sasha and plead with
Niccolo to stop where he is. Overwhelmed with grief, Niccolo holds a knife to Falco's neck and threatens to kill him. This
infuriates Gabi who implores Niccolo to come back to his senses and not lose to the island devils. Just then, Mr. Blouse
requests Niccolo to hand over the knife which he then passes over to his wife, who compels Niccolo to let go of Falco.
Mr. Blouse says that Sasha grew up as a hunter in the forests and he was responsible for sending her outside of the
forest to become a soldier. However, he eventually realized that the whole world was a larger forest and Sasha had
ventured too far into it, which led to her inevitably losing her life in a foreign land. He decided to spare Gabi's life as a
way to stop the cycle of violence which led to the loss of his daughter.

Niccolo lets go of Falco and slouches as he is held by Jean and Connie. Gabi is stunned to see that they harbor no ill
feelings toward her. As Mikasa attends to her injuries, Kaya attempts to attack Gabi, but is stopped by Mikasa. Niccolo
slumps over and, admitting it may be too late, he asks Hange to wash out Falco's mouth with water. When asked why,
Niccolo reveals that all the wine in the bottles has probably been infused with Zeke's spinal fluid.
Chapter 112: Ignorance
Niccolo is grilled for information concerning the wine. From this, Hange Zoë realizes that Zeke Yeager has lied about his
spinal fluid paralyzing its victims. As Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert reassure Gabi Braun that they do not want to
kill her, Eren Yeager walks into the room. Meanwhile, the other Yeagerists enter the restaurant, led there by another
Marleyan worker. They restrain those present and revealing that they refuse to negotiate with Dot Pixis. They demand
that Hange leads them to Zeke.

While Gabi sits nervously, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin sit down to talk. Armin questions Eren over attacking Liberio. Eren
declares that he chose to do so of his own free will, though Mikasa disagrees, believing that he is being manipulated.
Angered, he begins chastising the two for lacking freedom: Armin for being manipulated by Bertolt Hoover's memories,
and Mikasa for her Ackerman heritage. He explains that the Ackermans were designed to protect Eldia's Kings, and as a
result, the family instinctively protects one they recognize as their host. Speaking in disgust, Eren tells Mikasa that he
has always hated her. Armin and Eren begin a fist fight, though the former is quickly beaten. Elsewhere, Levi
Ackerman is informed about Darius Zackly's death, and tells the courier to let Pixis know of his plan to have Zeke eaten.
As Levi is lost in his thoughts, Zeke darts off and lets out a scream. Levi's comrades fall from the surrounding trees,
transformed into Titans.

Jean slams Niccolo against the wall and demands to know what he meant by Zeke's spinal fluid being in the wine.
Niccolo mentions that, while having no proof, the amount of wine shipped by the survey ships was more than what a
short-term surveying voyage would require. He goes on to reveal that Yelena ordered him to serve the wine to
members of the Corps, starting with the high-ranking officers. To his knowledge, Yelena was acting alone although he
did not know about the other volunteers. Onyankopon reassures Hange that he was oblivious of this. Connie objects
and mentions that Eldians freeze up the moment they consume Zeke's spinal fluid just as what had happened
in Ragako but Hange bitterly mentions it was what Zeke had told them and due to no one else being present, there is no
way to confirm the validity of this claim. Hange says that if they were to believe that such a telltale sign of being dosed
with Zeke's spinal fluid exists, no one would suspect of being poisoned by it unless the sign came about.

Niccolo affirms Jean's claim that he had no proof for it, but he says that it was common knowledge to
any Marleyan soldier in what manner Zeke's spinal fluid had been used in the past. Niccolo recalls how about ten years
ago, Marley took down an enemy nation's capital city in one night by sending several hundred Eldians into the capital
after administrating Zeke's spinal fluid to them and all it took was one scream from Zeke for the Eldians to transform
into Titans and utterly destroy the place.

When Jean asks why Niccolo stopped them from drinking the wine, he responds that he is not sure why he did that. He
reveals that the original plan was to survey the island of devils and save the world. He becomes distraught on
seeing Mr. Blouse and regrets trying to kill Gabi. Mr. Blouse expresses his concern over Ben but Hange states that they
will act assuming Niccolo is right and orders everyone present to remove their jackets and to not touch their faces or
mouths, telling Onyankopon to inform Mikasa and the others of this.

Mikasa and Armin sit with Gabi at a table, who asks them why they protected her after she killed Sasha and knocked a
guard unconscious with a rock; she asks Falco to be taken as a prisoner and for them to kill her. Armin muses that her
ideology reminds him of Eren, who unexpectedly appears in the doorway. He silently raises his right hand, showing his
palm has been sliced open and bleeding.

As the others clean Falco, Onyankopon calls out for Hange to come to him; when the others come out they witness
the Yeagerists having Onyankopon at gunpoint and Floch demands Hange to take them to Zeke. She asks if they heard
the proposal from the Corps, but Floch reveals they refused it and will not negotiate, on Eren's command. Niccolo
notices his co-worker Griez and asks him whether he was the one who brought the Yeagerists there. Griez disregards his
question and accuses him of getting too close to the Eldians. When Hange tries to negotiate and reveals the wine
bottles have been contaminated with Zeke's spinal fluid, Floch merely scoffs at it; Griez, mentions they have no proof
and calls Niccolo delusional while the other Yeagerists restrain the Corps members and the Blouse family. Jean suggests
it is part of the enemies' plan, but Floch mocks the MPs claiming it will just make them look even more stupid. Stunned,
Hange asks how he knew about the MPs drinking the wine without them mentioning it. Floch tells them to be quiet,
with a grin on his face and informs Eren they are leaving.

Inside, Eren tells Armin and Mikasa that he wants to talk in a quiet setting and that Eldia's problems can be solved
without any conflict; he does however request that they have their hands on the table at all times. Armin questions
Eren if Zeke and Yelena were the reason behind him launching an attack on Marley all by himself. Eren merely replies
that he is free and did it of his own free will. Mikasa claims that he is being controlled and recalls how he saved her
from the kidnappers who killed her parents. Ignoring this, Eren reveals that he learned a lot from Zeke while in Marley
and asks Armin if he is still visiting Annie. He adds that if memories play a role in forming who a person is, that means
part of Bertolt's memories have become part of Armin too. He condemns Armin of being soft and useless in contrast to
his former self who used his judgment to lead them to the right answer.

When Mikasa interjects, Eren reveals that during his time in Marley he even learned about the Ackermans. He explains
by the Eldian empire's experimentations with the subjects of Ymir, an accidental byproduct, the Ackerman clan, came
into existence who were capable of partly manifesting the strength of a Titan, in human form. As the Ackerman clan
was designed to protect Eldia's king, an Ackerman awakens their instincts once they recognize an individual as their
host. When Eren ordered Mikasa to "fight" in the cabin, all the necessary conditions were fulfilled and her instincts
were awakened. This heightened her physical abilities, which was fueled by the experiences of the past Ackermans, all
because she accepted Eren as her host.

Finally, he mentions that Ackermans find themselves fighting their true self at times, which can manifest as severe
headaches. Armin sees Mikasa is too shocked to react and tells Eren to stop; ignoring him, Eren reminds them that he
hates only two things in the world: anyone not content with truly being free and obedient cattle. Calling her both, he
vehemently tells Mikasa that he has hated her since he was a kid. As Mikasa starts to cry, Armin lunges over to attack
Eren, only to be stopped by Mikasa and slammed against the table: both are horrified by this and Eren merely repeats
that it is due to Mikasa's lineage. Armin punches Eren in the face and is sent into a shelf. After Eren beats him and
mentions he would never last in a fight, he orders all of them to be taken and travels with them to Shiganshina District.

In the Titan forest, Levi meets with several members of the Survey Corps up in the trees and learns about both the
death of Zackly and of Pixis's plan. He internally fights himself for having saved Eren so many times and his many
friends and comrades have been killed over nothing. He tells the two Survey Corpsmen they will capture a Yeagerist and
transfer Zeke's power to them until Historia is ready. Levi orders them to go inform Pixis and descends from the tree.

Barely looking up, Zeke asks if there is any wine left at the camp. Levi replies there is not, prompting Zeke to bemusedly
state Levi comes up with the worst punishments. Levi walks away and grimly steels himself to kill Zeke, confident that
he will not get away with the numerous Corpsmen in the trees. Composing himself, Levi internally tells Erwin that he
will finally be able to fulfill the vow he made all those years ago when he notices Zeke running into the forest. Suddenly,
Zeke lets out a piercing scream; horrified, Levi can only look as the numerous Survey Corps soldiers above him begin to
fall out of the trees and transform into Titans.
Chapter 113: Savagery
Due to Falco Grice and many soldiers being stunned, Dot Pixis and Hange Zoë both worry, realizing Zeke Yeager must
have transformed a group of Titans. In the Titan Forest, Zeke bids Levi Ackerman farewell while making his escape with
an escort of three Titans, and leaving Levi to face his former comrades. At first, Levi is hesitant, though he soon steels
himself to sacrifice the horde and begins ripping through them. He later catches up to Zeke and forces him to become
the Beast Titan; however, Levi takes advantage of the Titan Forest to defeat him. Zeke's unconscious body is dragged
out of the forest.

Floch Forster and the Yeagerists bring Hange along with them to Keith Shadis, in order to seize control of the Training
Corps. Through a speech and threats of imprisonment to those who do not comply, Floch convinces the trainees to join
their cause and beat Shadis up for representing the old system that will lead to Eldia's defeat. On a wagon, Zeke wakes
up to find himself trapped with a Thunder Spear in his stomach connected with a wire to his neck. Levi begins to chop
Zeke's feet to prevent him from turning into a Titan. In intense agony, Zeke asks where his glasses are, beginning to
have a memory of Tom Ksaver as he slips back into unconsciousness.

A numbing sensation ripples through several officers of the military due to Zeke Yeager's scream. It is powerful enough
to cause Dot Pixis to drop his cup in bewilderment. Those affected are in both the Garrison and the Military Police
Brigade. In a carriage driven by the Yeagerists, Falco Grice wakes up, saying that he feels like electricity shot through his
body. Hange Zoë realizes from his words that Niccolo's suspicion about the wine is correct and that Zeke must have
used his power.

In the Titan Forest, Zeke leaves Levi Ackerman behind to face the combined might of the Survey Corps soldiers who
have been transformed into Titans. He taunts Levi and asks him if he would truly cut apart his own men when they have
done nothing wrong. Levi realizes that Zeke's spinal fluid must have been in the wine, which his soldiers had been all
too happy to drink. He also pieces together that what Zeke had told them about people becoming numb on coming into
contact with his spinal fluid is also a lie.

The former soldiers move more quickly and intelligently than ordinary Titans, which Levi theorizes is probably because
of Zeke's influence, and he is initially taken back by their quickness and increased ferocity. Forced to fight his
subordinates in order to survive, Levi ponders if his subordinates are aware of their actions, as he is surrounded by
them in mid-air.

As he departs, Zeke laments their present circumstances, which cannot be properly called a battle or a war. He states to
be disappointed that he and Levi never learned to trust each other, but chalks it up to them coming from different
worlds and that Levi does not truly understand what it means to have the world preparing to attack Paradis Island. Zeke
lets one of the Titans carry him away as he considers how his half-brother Eren Yeager is the only person who is capable
of understanding him. He wonders if Eren remembers where the two of them are supposed to meet.

However, before he can escape the forest, a bloodied and angry Levi catches up to him, now armed with Thunder
Spears. Zeke uses one of his remaining Titans to attack him, but Levi slices through it. In horror to have to face Levi
again, Zeke bites his hand to transform into the Beast Titan and tears apart his last remaining Titan to use pieces of its
skull as ammunition to throw at Levi. Noticing that there are no more Titans around, Zeke asks Levi if he really killed all
of his own men.

Levi leaps through the trees, cutting down branches far above the Beast Titan's head to use as diversion. He says that all
Zeke needed to do was sit back and read, and asks him what made him think that he would not kill his own men. Levi
supposes that Zeke simply has no idea how many friends the Survey Corps has had to kill just to get where they are
now. He fires his Thunder Spears into the Beast Titan's nape, severely wounding Zeke and blowing him out of his Titan
entirely. Levi grabs Zeke's broken body by the head and drags him away, saying that he will not kill him yet.
In Shiganshina District, Keith Shadis prepares the 109th Training Corps for a practice defense against invading Titans.
However, some of the trainees find this a useless exercise given that their enemies are no longer Titans, but other
humans from outside the Walls. One of them whispers to his companions that they should be training to use guns and
form an Eldian army. The trainee feels that their instructor is stuck in the past. Another trainee adds that their best
chance is for the Yeagerists to seize power. He feels that they should want a leader willing to make cold-hearted

Their training exercise is then interrupted by the arrival of Floch Forster and the Yeagerists, who are also leading a
captive Hange with them. Floch points his gun at the group and says that they will now be following his orders. Keith
tries to take him to task, but Floch fires a warning shot near his foot to shut him up. Floch explains that this has nothing
to do with Keith personally, but calls on the Training Corps to join the Yeagerists. He asks them if they are willing to
save Eldia and join them with Eren as their leader.

A few step forward and salute, pledging their hearts to Eldia. Floch then orders them to beat Keith until he can no
longer stand, as proof of their resolve, since Keith represents the old order the Yeagerists are trying to get rid of.
Anyone who does not participate will be sent to jail. Horrified, Hange tries to get him to stop, but Keith says to let it go,
as he claims that the trainees will be no match for him. A short while later, Keith lies battered on the ground and Floch
congratulates the Training Corps on a good job. He then tells Hange to lead them to Zeke, but notices that she is not
paying attention to him.

Elsewhere, the members of the Survey Corps who were detained at the restaurant are waiting in prison. Inside a
building with elegant windows, Eren takes a look outside.

Zeke wakes up to find himself lying gravely injured in a wagon with Levi sitting on a bench beside him. Levi tells him not
to move and informs Zeke that the Thunder Spear impaled in his stomach is tied to a detonator around his neck. One
wrong move and he will be blown in half. Zeke looks over his own body and vomits, and Levi almost pities him as he
draws his blades.

He cuts off half of Zeke's foot and when Zeke screams, Levi tells him to shut up as he cuts off more chunks of his legs.
Levi explains that he has to do this otherwise Zeke will turn into a Titan. In agony, Zeke asks about his now missing
glasses and where they might be. Levi is unsympathetic and tells him that he no longer needs them.

As he falls unconscious, Zeke remembers when he was a boy playing catch with another Eldian, Tom Ksaver. He asked
Zeke if he was going to become a pitcher when he grew up. Zeke replied that he had a mission to do.
Chapter 114: Sole salvation
Zeke recalls his childhood and how he was forced to become part of his parents' plan to free Eldia from Marley. He
becomes friends with Tom Ksaver, a member of the Titan research team and vows to inherit the Beast Titan from him.
He goes on to say he will ensure the success of the plan to take back the Founding Titan. After recalling his memories,
Zeke triggers the Thunder Spear, detonating it and catching Levi by surprise.

Grisha and Dina take their young son Zeke atop one of the towers outside the Liberio internment zone and show him
the city they live in. Grisha tells Zeke that as Eldians they are forced to live their lives inside what amounts as a birdcage
instead of being able to see the rest of the world, and asks him if he would not like to leave that place, with Zeke
replying that he does. They are then found by a maintenance man who douses them in water upon seeing their
armbands, reproaching them for the Eldians' alleged past crimes and telling them that they should have been
exterminated instead of giving birth to more children. As they walk through the streets, amidst more hostility from
the Marleyan citizens, Grisha hugs his son and tells him that the outside world is like this, and if he cannot stand it, he is
going to have to change it.

The newest batch of Warrior cadets are seen training while two men watch from afar. One of them, Tom Ksaver, asks if
his successor will be among them. After noticing Zeke trailing behind the others, the other man, Theo Magath,
comments that he does not seem to have the guts to be a Warrior.

After the training, Zeke is taken to his grandparents by his mother and father, who ask him how his training went. He
admits it was really tough, but they are confident that he can become a Warrior, since he has a special power, and most
of all, he is their son. As he enters the house with his grandmother, Zeke overhears part of the conversation
between his grandfather and his parents. Mr. Yeager asks them if those "social dancing club" meetings they go every
night to are really that important to prevent them from spending more time with Zeke, but Dina trusts that one day
Zeke will understand what they are actually doing for him.

Mr. Yeager tells Zeke the story of the tragic fall of Lago, a large Marleyan city that was destroyed by Titans 1200 years
ago, continuing with the devastation of Monte and the ravaging of Valle; all of which were wiped out by the Eldian
Empire over the course of a single day, resulting in hundreds of thousands of Marleyans killed. Zeke interrupts the story
in annoyance, and his grandfather wonders whether Grisha has been really teaching him Eldia's true history. Zeke
replies that Grisha has been telling him the same things he learns at school. Mr. Yeager asks him if he wants to become
a Warrior and fight for Marley, and Zeke concurs without conviction. He is taken to his bed by his grandfather, but
before leaving, he stares at a picture of his deceased aunt Faye.

A few days pass and after getting his training done early, Zeke notices a father and son playing in the street while
walking home. Hoping to do the same with Grisha, Zeke goes to see his father, who instead has him study more about
their history.

After he gets belittled by both Magath and several other cadets, Zeke leaves the training area in low spirits. He spots a
baseball rolling towards him and Ksaver calling him to pitch it back. Ksaver notices how talented Zeke is in throwing and
offers to play catch with him, introducing himself as a Titan researcher as well as the holder of the Beast Titan. Zeke
smiles for the first time that day after Ksaver continues to remark on his pitching and plays catch with Ksaver for the
rest of the day.

That night, Zeke overhears part of a plan made by both Grisha and Grice and is transcribed to become part of it to try to
become a holder of one of the Marleyan Titans. He goes back to the training area, but still falls behind the others: Zeke
notices his parents there observing but starts to cry as they leave after seeing him struggle to keep up; unknown to
Zeke, Ksaver notices this as well.

Zeke overhears his parents arguing about his performance and later tells Ksaver about this. Ksaver mentions that Zeke
did not seem to truly want to be a Warrior and mentions how pointless it would be for him to become one due to the
numerous drawbacks; he goes on to say that he became one just so he could understand the mysteries behind the Nine
Titans and that as honest people, they are not fit to be fighters.
After overhearing the Marleyan authorities are close to discovering the Eldian Restorationists and a harsh reaction from
Grisha, Zeke becomes conflicted and goes to Ksaver for advice. Ksaver then decides the best thing for Zeke is to go to
the authorities and accuse his parents, citing their poor treatment of Zeke for all these years. After Zeke eventually does
so, he is accepted by his peers.

As time passes, Ksaver's health begins to fade, and he reveals his motivations for becoming the Beast Titan, along with
why he joined the Titan research team: to find a grand way to kill himself after losing his wife and child. Zeke resolves
to inherit the Beast Titan from Ksaver and to make sure the plan to recover the Founding Titan is successful.

Back in the cart, Zeke finishes recalling his memories of Ksaver; Levi overhears part of his muttering and brushes it aside
as delusions. He muses that Zeke being eaten by a Titan seems to be a merciful fate for him after killing so many of his
comrades, but Zeke says that he saved the lives of the children they would birth from this cruel world. As Levi stops the
wagon and goes to continue cutting off Zeke's growing legs, Zeke suddenly screams out Ksaver's name: then, without
warning, he jerks his head back and activates the triggering mechanism of the Thunder Spear lodged in his abdomen.
Levi is blown into the air as Zeke's body is split in two by the resulting explosion.
Chapter 115: Support
Floch Forster, Hange Zoë, and a number of Yeagerists are traveling to a Titan Forest when they hear the explosion
caused by Zeke Yeager triggering a Thunder Spear. Zeke believes he is dying and he thinks back to his shared mission
with Tom Ksaver and his meeting with his brother, Eren Yeager. Before he dies, a mysterious Titan crawls up to him and
tears open its belly, stuffing Zeke inside. Hange and Floch find the remains of Levi Ackerman as Zeke emerges from the
Titan, fully healed.

Meanwhile, Yelena has Dot Pixis and other dissenting members of the military assembled in Shiganshina District. Eren
goes to meet with the imprisoned Gabi Braun, to have her send out a distress call to Marley in exchange for saving Falco
Grice. However, a disguised Pieck stabs the prison guard and pulls a pistol out, pointing it at Eren.

As Floch Forster and the other Yeagerists escort Hange Zoë, they hear an explosion off in the distance. As they ponder
what it could be, Hange recognizes it as an explosion caused by a Thunder Spear. Zeke Yeager has been gravely injured
to the point that only his head and part of an arm remains attached to his torso. He notices that the area around him is
quiet and he realizes he is losing not only his hearing, but his vision as well.

As he lays dying, Zeke remembers his conversation with his friend and mentor, Tom Ksaver, regarding how to get
around Karl Fritz's vow to renounce war. If a Titan of royal blood comes into contact with the individual who possesses
the Founding Titan, they will be able to draw out its power. However, Zeke would not be able to use the power himself.
The decision would remain with the individual who possesses the Founder. Ksaver tells Zeke to think of himself as a key
and to find an individual he would trust with the Founding Titan.

Some time afterward, Zeke ate Ksaver and became the new inheritor of the Beast Titan. He put on Ksaver's glasses and
called him "father," promising to find a suitable person for their plan.

As time passed, Zeke recruited Yelena and the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers. He learned that Eren Yeager possessed the
Founding Titan and that Eren's father, a doctor, was missing. Zeke realized that his biological father had not died when
he was sent to Paradis Island and that he must have acquired the missing Attack Titan. From there, Grisha must have
fed the Founding Titan to Eren. Zeke realized that his father had done the same thing to Eren that he had done to Zeke,
and so he promised Eren that he would rescue him.

Years later, they met up in Marley while Eren was pretending to be an injured soldier. Eren told Zeke about how he
obtained his father's memories and how Grisha had killed the Reiss family to ensure he could take away the Founding
Titan. Eren understood that if any of the Reiss children remained alive he could have been fed to them so they could
regain the Founder, and that they were able to live because those children died. However, Eren told Zeke that he
disagreed with Grisha's plan and that if the Eldians had never been born, none of them would have had to suffer. Eren
agreed to cooperate with Zeke's plan.

After remembering that he gave Eren a baseball as a token of their agreement, Zeke begins to slip away, envisioning
a young girl in tattered clothes holding a bucket. One of the Titans he had created regenerates, and crawls up to his
body. It rips open its abdomen and picks up what remains of Zeke, shoving it into the wound.

At Shiganshina District, Yelena and the Yeagerists have rounded up Commander Dot Pixis and the other Eldian military
members and tied different colored cloths around the arms of the military. Pixis assumes this is to reveal who drank the
infused wine and who could be deemed as a threat; after some banter, Yelena glares at Pixis and, due to not trusting
Zeke, claims they must be punished for their actions.

Floch, Hange and the others approach the remains of the wagon and notice the Titan in the distance; Hange then spots
a body near the river and despite warnings, goes over and is horrified to see that it is Levi Ackerman. Floch brushes it
off as fortunate and goes to check for a pulse, but Hange reveals that he is dead due to absorbing the blast of a Thunder
Spear detonation at point-blank range. Floch then notices the Titan begin to evaporate and a recovered Zeke steps out
in a daze; Hange uses this opportunity to escape with Levi's body and jumps into the river. Floch asks Zeke what
happened, and he recalls waking up in an unknown land, where a little girl rebuilt his damaged body out of the soil that
surrounded him. He notes that it felt like it took years, but it was done almost instantly. Zeke concludes that what he
experienced must have been the paths. He also reveals what happened to the Survey Corps soldiers that were escorting
him with Levi and goes to meet up with Eren.

In a prison cell, Gabi Braun recalls the reactions of the Blouse family and is surprised when Eren appears with two
Yeagerist members. He orders her to cooperate with him if she wants Falco Grice to survive, but then one of the
soldiers plunges a knife into the throat of the other; the soldier is revealed to be Pieck and holds Eren at gunpoint as
she closes the cell door.
Chapter 116: Above and below
Pieck lowers her gun and tells Eren Yeager that she cannot shoot him because she suspects that he has a way to use
the Founding Titan to defeat Marley, and she wishes to liberate the Eldians in the internment zones. As a proof of her
intentions, she offers to show Eren the location of her fellow spies in Paradis. Meanwhile, Yelena fills in
the captured Survey Corps soldiers on the details of Zeke Yeager's euthanasia plan for the Subjects of Ymir.

Eren accepts Pieck's offer, and the latter takes Eren and Yelena to the roof of the prison. However, it turns out to be a
ruse to lure Eren outside so Porco Galliard can attempt to eat him. Galliard is unable to do more than sever Eren's legs
though, before Eren transforms into his Titan. Overhead, an airship fleet led by Theo Magath appears and identifies the
smoke signal from Pieck and Galliard, announcing that they have located the Founding Titan.

As Pieck aims her pistol at Eren Yeager, she orders Gabi Braun to take the dead soldier's rifle and to point it at Eren. She
then tells Eren to take his hands out of his pockets or she will shoot him. Eren calls her out, saying that if she truly
wanted to, she would have already done so, but Pieck's mission is to capture the Founding Titan, which means that she
cannot kill him without eating him. Violating her mission would doom not just her, but her entire family. Pieck makes a
show of raising her gun and giving up but says that she had another reason she could not fire. If Eren has the Founding
Titan, he might be able to defeat Marley.

Meanwhile, several members of the Survey Corps have tea inside their prison cell along with Niccolo and the Blouse
family. Connie Springer asks Armin Arlert if he can use his Colossus Titan to get out, but Armin replies that he could, but
if he did so he would blast the entire town and that his Titan is not very precise. Jean Kirstein asks why Eren hit Armin
back at the restaurant, and Armin explains how Eren verbally hurt Mikasa Ackerman, so Armin attacked him. Though
Jean pushes for details, Mikasa refuses to elaborate. Jean suspects that Eren would not do that without a reason and
wonders if there is something else that Eren has in mind.

Yelena, Onyankopon, and Griez arrive outside their prison cell and Yelena greets them as the heroes of Shiganshina.
Connie yells at Onyankopon for siding with Yelena, but Onyankopon is unsympathetic, considering that he had been
under house arrest and in much the same situation not long before. Jean suspects that Yelena is feeling good
considering that so much has gone according to Zeke Yeager's plan. They attacked Marley, they got the support of
the Eldian people, and they used the wine spiked with spinal fluid to control the military. With the Founding Titan they
can destroy Marley and get revenge for their homelands. Jean calls this the real reason they came to Paradis Island.

Griez says they civilized this island, which was a century behind the rest of the world. This sparks an argument with
Niccolo, who calls him a rat who sold them out. Griez is unrepentant though, expressing his dislike for repeatedly
hearing about Niccolo's affection for Sasha Blouse and calling her both a harlot and a descendant of devils.

Yelena ends Griez's frustration by swiftly shooting him in the head. She bows as she offers an apology to the imprisoned
soldiers. She has no use for anyone who would curse the Eldians as devils and clarifies that the Anti-Marleyan
Volunteers' goal has never been about revenge. Instead, they wish to save both Eldia and Marley from the chain of
hate. Yelena then explains Zeke's euthanasia plan to them.

Back in Gabi's cell, Pieck explains to Eren why she became a Warrior, and how she would like to show her father a
bright future before her term is up. For that to happen, she needs to crush Marley, so she would be willing to help.
Beside her, Gabi grapples with the fact that Zeke masterminded the attack on Marley, and now Pieck is also talking
about becoming a traitor. She asks what they have been fighting for.

Pieck asks her if they are Marleyans or Eldians, and when Gabi says they are honorary Marleyans, Pieck corrects her,
saying they are Subjects of Ymir, which is the one inescapable truth. No matter what they say they are, they will always
be people who can turn into Titans. They can keep proving they are "good Eldians" all they want, but they will never be

Hearing this, Eren asks Pieck to prove that she is willing to help him. She offers to show him where the other infiltrators
are in this town, but they will have to go on the roof for her to point at them.
In their cell, the captured Survey Corps soldiers absorb what the euthanasia plan means for the Eldian race. Yelena calls
it a peaceful end. When Jean points out that the population will eventually dwindle to nothing more than the elderly,
leaving their country unprotected, Yelena says that they will still use the rumbling as a deterrent. The royal family and
the Founding Titan will be maintained, and Historia Reiss already has a successor. The Founder will only need to be
passed around until the end of that child's lifetime.

Jean is skeptical that plan will work, and Yelena admits that there are no absolute guarantees, but she is certain that
Zeke and Eren will end the threat of the Titans, leaving an impact on human history, long after they are gone. As Armin
breaks down and cries at the nobility of the plan, a soldier runs up to Yelena to notify her of enemy infiltrators.

The Yeagerists suit up in anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipment, making enough noise that Nile Dok notices
the commotion in his cell where he is being held with Falco Grice and a number of other dissenting soldiers.

Eren leads Pieck and Gabi upstairs through the main hall, where Pieck waves at the crowd of Yeagerist soldiers below,
which includes a disguised Porco Galliard. As they continue up the building, Eren reveals that Falco is also being held
here and that he has been affected by Zeke's spinal fluid. Pieck asks Eren why he knows about Zeke's special ability and
if he might know any other secrets. She does not feel that Zeke has been entirely upfront with his fellow Warriors.

They reach the roof before Eren answers, and Pieck and Gabi head outside while Yelena warns him not to trust Pieck.
Eren says he does not, the same as another woman he knows. He then tells Pieck to point to the enemy's position.

Pieck clasps Gabi's trembling hand and smiles at her, before turning around and pointing at Eren.

The roof beneath him rumbles and jaws emerge through the stone in an attempt to eat him. Galliard's Jaw Titan fails to
capture Eren, severing his legs at the knees, and Eren transforms into his Titan before Galliard can attack him again.
Galliard lands on the roof and protects Pieck and Gabi from the force of Eren's transformation.

Gabi is surprised that Pieck did not actually betray Marley. Pieck tells her that while she does not trust Marley, she does
trust her friends. She has Gabi look up, and above them is a fleet of airships led by Theo Magath. Magath sees the
smoke signal from Pieck and Galliard, notifying the Marleyan military that they have found the Founding Titan. He says
that it is time to get revenge for Liberio.
Chapter 117: Judgment
The Marleyan military's air force invades Paradis, while Eren Yeager continues battling Porco Galliard, who is soon
joined by Reiner Braun in his Armored Titan form. Pieck and Gabi Braun reunite with General Theo Magath and Colt
Grice, and inform them of Falco's whereabouts and their belief that Zeke Yeager may be of royal blood, concluding that
they must not allow him to come into contact with Eren to prevent the latter from activating the Founding Titan's

Reiner and Galliard have a hard time subduing Eren, who manages to keep them at bay using the War Hammer Titan's
abilities. Eventually, the tide turns with Pieck and Magath coming to their aid with the Cart Titan's artillery. Just after
Reiner unsuccessfully attempts to bite Eren's nape, he is struck by debris from the Wall thrown by Zeke's Beast Titan,
who tells Eren to leave the rest in his hands.

Inside the prison where the Survey Corps and other military prisoners are being held, the walls begin to rattle
and Armin Arlert remarks that the Titans have started to move.

Above Shiganshina District, Marleyan soldiers parachute down from their airships along with their
equipment. Pieck calls out to Porco Galliard to break the chain holding her to Gabi Braun and he complies by severing
her wrist from her arm before turning his attention back to Eren Yeager. No longer shackled to Gabi, Pieck throws
herself off the roof to give herself the room she needs to transform. As Eren and Galliard fight, Pieck carries Gabi away
inside the mouth of the Cart Titan.

Eren is caught off guard by the Marleyan surprise attack and Yelena yells for him to leave his Titan so he can hide
indoors and use the War Hammer Titan's power to escape underground. However, realizing that this attack has to be
the work of Reiner Braun, he ignores Yelena and jumps over the side of the building to walk out into the streets of
town. She orders the Yeagerists with her to mobilize and protect Eren.

Reiner parachutes down from above, his hand bleeding, and transforms into the Armored Titan. He faces off with Eren
and the two begin fighting.

Spotting Theo Magath, Pieck brings Gabi over to him, where he embraces and then reprimands her for entering enemy
territory without permission. Colt Grice is with Magath and asks Gabi about his brother, Falco. Gabi informs him that
Falco accidentally drank Zeke Yeager's spinal fluid and is currently locked up. Pieck provides additional information
regarding the number of detained Eldian soldiers who also drank the spinal fluid, and that Zeke appears to not be
around. She suspects that Eren cannot use the Founding Titan's power at the moment, otherwise he would have
already done so.

This causes Gabi to remember the conversation between Zeke and Eren on the airship as they were coming back
from Liberio; how they now had both the Founding Titan and a Titan of royal blood. Colt and Magath begin to realize
that Zeke could possibly be of royal blood, and Pieck agrees that it could be true, given his unique powers, so they
cannot let Zeke and Eren come into contact.

As Gabi worries over Reiner fighting Eren, Magath tells her not to worry. They will eat the Founding Titan and end the
hundred years of resentment between the Eldians and the rest of the world. He climbs onto the Cart Titan's back, which
is now carrying a large artillery cannon that Pieck had put on while they were talking.

Eren and Reiner continue fighting, but even though Eren shatters much of Reiner's armor, the Armored Titan does not
stop. Galliard attacks Eren from behind and Reiner grabs him from the front, but Eren uses the power of the War
Hammer Titan to impale them both on hardened spikes. The Yeagerists move in with Thunder Spears to finish off the
Armored and the Jaw Titans, but before they can fire, a large shell pierces the head of Eren's Titan.

On top of Wall Maria, Magath calls for another shot to be loaded into the artillery cannon on Pieck's back. His artillery
shell ruined the brain of Eren's Titan and compromised his abilities, giving Reiner and Galliard time to break free.
Meanwhile, the Marleyan military provides cover fire in the form of soldiers on the ground and guns in the airships
above. The Anti-Marleyan Volunteers are shocked that this operation could have been put together in less than a
month, given that the Marleyan heads of the military should have been killed.
Magath fires another shell at Eren, forcing him to keep using his power, knowing that the War Hammer's stamina can
be quickly exhausted. This gives Reiner a chance to get close and he thinks about how all of them have suffered. No
matter how much they struggle, they will inevitably die in a few years regardless of what happens. Galliard lunges at
Eren, and when Eren hurls him away, Reiner finally pins Eren down and prepares to bite open the nape of his Titan.

Eren refuses to give up, however, and screams as he tears the Armored Titan's head from its jaw. Reiner falls back as a
large boulder shatters against his Titan's body. Zeke has arrived, already transformed into the Beast Titan. He tells Eren
that he did a good job holding out, but now it is time to leave the rest to him.
Chapter 118: Sneak attack
Zeke continues his barrage attack, destroying numerous airships and keeping the Cart Titan at bay.
Meanwhile, Gabi and Colt attempt to save Falco and break him out of prison, while the Survey Corps are forced to join
some unlikely allies. As they try to reach Eren, Pieck and Magath deal a devastating blow to Zeke and his Beast Titan.

Zeke begins throwing a barrage of boulders, striking the various Marleyan airships and causing them to crash. At the
edge of the rooftop, Yelena is overwhelmed with joy at the sight of their destruction. The Beast Titan then proceeds to
throw several projectiles towards Pieck, causing her to dive over the side of the Wall. She advises against fighting the
Beast Titan at the moment but General Magath refuses, declaring that he will personally pass judgement on Zeke for his
betrayal. Just then, Floch and a group of Yeagerists arrive and split into two groups in order to flank them.

Galliard lays among the ruins of several buildings and notes that the blow he suffered from the Attack Titan was more
severe than anticipated. Nearby, Reiner lays defeated within the mangled remains of the Armored
Titan and Eren continues to approach Zeke up on the Wall. Colt and Gabi witness this and Colt orders Gabi to retreat to
the evacuation airship; Gabi refuses, wishing to help Colt break Falco out of prison. As the battle rages overhead, many
of the imprisoned members of the Military demand to be released. In the back, Nile sits with Falco and proposes it is a
rescue attempt to free him; Falco bitterly states that Marley would never do that for a mere Eldian. Nile then mentions
that Falco has a chance to return home to his family, while himself and the others likely will not and soon be turned
into Titans.

Soon, Onyankopon arrives and releases the locked up members of the Survey Corps, begging they help
Eren. Connie furiously slams him against the wall and begins to choke him while refusing to help; Armin tells Connie to
release him and then after hearing his defense, agrees that Onyankopon had no part in Yelena and Zeke's plot.
Onyankopon suggests they help Eren and Zeke, without whom, Paradis would be in danger from the world's armies.
Mikasa weakly agrees on helping Eren, believing it is because of her Ackerman bond to him. Armin responds by saying
that he believes Eren lied to them, and the euthanasia plan sounded nothing like Eren. When Connie questions why
Eren sided with Zeke and Yelena, Armin replies that he had to in order to protect the island with his rumbling. By
awakening the hundreds of Titans inside Shiganshina's Wall and annihilating the world's major military forces, no other
force would dare to attack Paradis for the next fifty years.

Jean admits to being envious of Eren in the past, but refuses to see him die just yet. Connie agrees to help as well and
they set out to rescue the other prisoners. They easily take out the Yeagerists guarding the other soldiers, releasing
them. Connie finds Instructor Shadis lying wounded on a bed, who claims to have fought a bear and insists that Connie
forget about him and leave. Meanwhile, Dot Pixis commands the soldiers without the black armband to gear up with
the vertical maneuvering equipment, whereas the ones who drank the wine, would fend off the enemies on the front
lines. Mikasa puts on a set of vertical maneuvering equipment alongside Louise, who tells Mikasa that she is glad that
they are both carrying the same goal and that she can fight by her side again. Mikasa then folds the scarf given to her by
Eren and leaves it behind.

As the soldiers evacuate the area, both Falco and Nile spot Colt and Gabi nearby; Nile brings him over and tells the
three to flee before joining his comrades. As they take refuge inside a nearby home, Gabi goes over the numerous acts
of kindness and charity she has witnessed on Paradis and finally understands the drastic change in Reiner's behavior:
the Eldians on Paradis are indeed no different from those in Marley. Falco then admits his unwitting role in the Raid on
Liberio and, knowing he likely will be turned into a Titan, admits his feelings to Gabi and why he became a Warrior
candidate. Colt proposes that Zeke may relent from transforming everyone if he is aware Falco is among those who
consumed the spinal fluid and just before leaving, Gabi tears off the black armband from Falco's arm.
As the Survey Corps face resistance from both the Marley forces and the Yeagerists, Galliard attempts to ambush Eren
only to get pelted by more stones from the Beast Titan. Zeke then observes the charred remains of the Cart Titan and
silently laments that Pieck was killed in such a manner. As Floch and the Yeagerists cheer their success, several
members are suddenly shot by Marleyan snipers. Then, Zeke notices the gun barrel of the Titan artillery cannon atop
Pieck is directly facing him; Pieck gives the word and Magath fires, blowing a hole through the right shoulder of the
Beast Titan and injuring Zeke within the nape. As Zeke falls off the Wall, Magath becomes frustrated that he does not
have another clean shot, fearing that Zeke may let out a scream if he still shows any signs of life.
Chapter 119: Brothers older and younger
Zeke Yeager begins to stir after falling from the top of the Wall as Eren fends off Porco Galliard's Jaw Titan. As Armin
Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, and the military try to fight off the invading Marleyans, Zeke is horrified when Colt
Grice reveals that his younger brother, Falco, has ingested some of Zeke's spinal fluid.

However, this does not stop Zeke from using his scream to transform Falco and all the affected members of
the Eldian military into Titans. Falco's Titan attacks Reiner Braun on Zeke's orders, buying Eren time to get free. Reiner
believes it would be all right to allow Falco to inherit his Armored Titan, but Galliard emerges from his Titan and
sacrifices himself instead. Eren escapes from Reiner, but is then shot by a tearful Gabi Braun.

As the members of the Marleyan army continue their attack, Reiner recovers and spots Eren approaching the
prone Beast Titan. Galliard lunges and halts the Attack Titan by grabbing and biting into its leg. This prompts the Attack
Titan to ruthlessly beat down on the Jaw Titan, striking the nape several times and critically wounding Galliard. Eren is
then shot once more by Magath atop the Cart Titan; before he can fire again, the Yeagerists come from behind and
begin to strike the Cart Titan.

Noticing the Cart Titan's position, Armin and Mikasa are pinned down by gunfire from several soldiers; Connie launches
a Thunder Spear and orders they take out the Marley soldiers before going to the Cart Titan. Commander Pixis and Nile
Dok of the Military Police lead the assault while Yelena silently gazes out from above.

Inside the nape of the Beast Titan, Zeke's entire back has been destroyed from the rounds fired from the Cart Titan. He
notices he is now on the ground and begins to get to his feet. As the Armored and Attack Titans continue to fight each
other, Reiner grabs Galliard in an attempt to wake him; after grabbing the area around the Jaw Titan's nape, Reiner
unexpectedly transfers the memory of Marcel revealing he tried to protect Galliard from becoming a Warrior. This
raises Galliard out of his stupor, but is overcome with emotion and unable to speak.

As Zeke is about to summon the Titans, Colt arrives with Falco, pleading to let Falco get clear from the sound radius so
he will not be affected: while stunned and remorseful that Falco consumed some of his spinal fluid, Zeke still lets out a
piercing scream: this transforms Falco, Commander Pixis, Nile, Roeg and all the affected Eldians throughout Shiganshina
District into mindless Titans. The Titans soon turn towards the numerous Marley soldiers and easily kill them before
they can respond. Reiner notices a transformed Falco charging towards him on orders from Zeke and begins to try
fighting him off.

Zeke gets shot through the head once more but Armin and Mikasa take the Cart Titan by surprise, killing the soldiers
accompanying it. Noting it is impossible to fight off both Falco and Eren, Reiner notices the latter trying to escape and
grabs his heel. Seeing Zeke not moving, Reiner begins to remove the armor around his nape so Falco can bite through
and receive his Armored Titan; however, Falco stops biting upon spotting an injured Galliard stumbling towards him
and Reiner. After a few words on the sacrifice Marcel made, Galliard allows himself to be consumed by Falco and
instead transfers the Jaw Titan to Falco. Reiner strikes Eren in blind frustration, but he is surprised to see Eren hardened
his body, trapping him while he tries to escape; Reiner tries to crush Eren but is shot in the hand by a Thunder Spear,
causing it to explode.

As Zeke and Eren try to make their way to the other, Eren notices out of the corner of his eye that a tearful Gabi has
picked up the deceased Colt's rifle. Before anyone can react, she shoots a round into Eren's neck, decapitating him as a
horrified Zeke cries out nearby.
Chapter 120: A fleeting moment
After being decapitated, Eren Yeager wakes up in the coordinate, where all the paths converge. Zeke tells him this is
possible because he was able to catch Eren's head in his hand before Eren completely died. He tries to get Eren to
command Ymir to sterilize the Eldian race, but Eren refuses, saying that he only pretended to go along with Zeke's plan
in order to end up here.

However, Zeke is not bound by the vow to renounce war, and Ymir only responds to someone of royal blood. Eren is
just a key so Zeke can unlock the Founding Titan's power. Though disappointed in Eren, Zeke chooses to blame their
father Grisha for brainwashing him and resolves to save Eren by forcing him to witness their father's memories.
Contrary to Zeke's expectations though, he discovers that Grisha was willing to set aside his mission to retake the
Founder in favor of staying with his family. Not only that, but Zeke learns that Grisha never stopped thinking about him.

In the middle of the battle in Shiganshina District, Eren Yeager's decapitated head lands in the outstretched hand of his
brother, Zeke. This causes Eren to wake up in the desert realm accessible via the paths, where he sees a pillar of light
that branches out across the heavens. There he meets an older version of Zeke who sits chained on the sandy ground.

Zeke informs Eren that this is the coordinate, where all paths converge. He believes that this realm is where members
of the royal family came whenever they used the Founding Titan's power. Zeke is uncertain how long he has been
waiting for Eren to awaken, but feels as though it has been years. Though Gabi Braun succeeded in blowing Eren's head
off, Zeke was able to make contact with him in the real world before Eren's life ended, allowing the two of them to
succeed in gaining the Founder's power.

A girl in a ragged dress approaches them and Zeke calls her Ymir, the Founder, because he does not believe anyone else
would be wandering this place. He believes she creates all the Titans here, where she is allowed an endless amount of
time, before the Titans are sent to the physical world.

When Eren inquires about the chains Zeke is shackled by, Zeke explains that they represent the vow to renounce war
and thus Eren is the only one who can currently walk freely within the desert realm and, as such, command the
Founder. Zeke pleads with Eren to go ahead and have Ymir rebuild Eldians so that they can no longer have children.
However, Eren refuses, revealing that he had only pretended to go along with Zeke's plan so that he could end up here,
in the coordinate.

Severely disheartened, Zeke asks Eren while he would do such a thing, and Eren replies that it is because he was born
into this world. Eren asks Ymir to lend him her strength, but she ignores him and kneels before Zeke.

Zeke laments Eren's mentality as brainwashing by their father, Grisha, but stands up, removing the chains around his
body. He explains that he learned many things while waiting for Eren to wake up, and that he can create anything in
this land as long as he with his royal blood wills it. Unlike the past members of royalty who accessed it, Zeke entered
the coordinate without being tainted by Karl Fritz's ideology, and thus he has learned how to nullify the vow to
renounce war. Though Ymir is powerful, in actuality, she simply submits to anyone with royal blood. While they are
here, Zeke has the power of the Founder and Eren was simply the key that let him in.

Chains appear around Eren as Zeke explains that he is glad to hear how his younger brother truly feels, but he still does
not blame him. Zeke had Tom Ksaver as a surrogate father who rescued him from Grisha. He believes Eren needs
someone to rescue him as well, and thus Zeke plans to use the power of the Founder to "fix" Eren.

He does this by forcing the two of them into Grisha's memories, where they see Grisha and Carla Yeager playing with
the newborn Eren. Zeke plans to show Eren how his father had sown the seeds of nationalism into him, and he is clearly
dissatisfied with how Grisha enjoyed life with his new family as if his old one had never existed.

Zeke shows Eren how his father used his position as a doctor to treat a government minister and get close to those in
power. Even though things would go horribly for his family if he was ever found out, Grisha still took the risks. He even
found the basement beneath the chapel where the Reiss family would hold their succession rituals. However, he did
this years before the day Wall Maria was breached.
They see Grisha ultimately went back to his family, and Zeke concedes that Grisha did seem to love them enough that
he set aside his mission to retake the Founder. He muses that perhaps Grisha had learned from his past mistakes, but
Zeke brushes that aside because now Eren is doing exactly as Grisha would have.

The two of them stand in the Yeager family basement and talk near a sleeping Grisha when their father stirred,
apologizing to Zeke. He looked up in the direction where Zeke stands by a cabinet. Both Eren and Zeke are surprised
that Grisha in his memories seemed to be able to see Zeke, asking if he was there. Confused, Grisha sat back down and
dismissed the vision as a dream, because he could not imagine why a bearded old man would be his son.

Zeke regards his father with disbelief as Eren reaches for the door to the basement, prompting Zeke for the next
Chapter 121: Memories of the future
Continuing through Grisha Yeager's memories, Zeke comes to accept that Eren has never been manipulated by their
father. However, Eren sends his father memories of the fall of Wall Maria through the Attack Titan, prompting his visit
to the Reiss family the night the Wall falls. Though his father hesitates at the idea of killing the entire family, especially
the children, Eren goads him into doing it, reminding Grisha of everyone who has died to get him this far.

The connection breaks between Zeke and Eren in the present, and Zeke is shocked that Eren manipulated the stealing of
the Founding Titan, which was only possible because Zeke took him into Grisha's memories. However, he realizes that
Eren cannot see everything, because he did not know that he would be unable to command the Founder inside
the paths, so he commands Ymir to remove the ability for all Subjects of Ymir to reproduce.

Still inside Grisha Yeager's memories, Zeke is surprised that Eren was raised without the same indoctrination he
received. Given Eren's freedom to choose, Zeke is puzzled that Eren would betray him and carry out his father's plans
when he received the Attack Titan without being told a thing.

However, Eren replies that he has always been this way. The two of them arrive at the memory where Eren killed two
of the three robbers who had kidnapped Mikasa Ackerman while they were children, and Zeke is as surprised as Grisha
by the bodies. As Grisha scolds Eren as a child, the present day Eren explains that Zeke expected the two of them to be
similarly scarred, but Eren fights because that is who he is, and not what his father made him. He is different from Zeke,
who Eren sees as a man who can only define himself by his willingness to deny a father who died years ago.

Zeke chooses to express gratitude instead, because Grisha opened his eyes to the dangers of Eldia. He begins to leave,
but Eren does not immediately follow, instead watching his childhood self wrap a scarf around Mikasa.

As they go through more memories, Zeke persists in his refusal to give up on Eren. He does not think much of Grisha's
writing on the back of the photograph that he eventually stores in a journal in the basement, and the two of them
watch the Yeager family as the childhood Eren expresses his desire to join the Survey Corps. The young Eren talks about
not wanting to be ignorant of the world outside the Walls and wants to carry on the work of those who sacrificed their
lives, so they did not do so in vain. Grisha then offers to show Eren his secret in the basement after he gets home.

But when Grisha leaves, he becomes bothered, seeing a vision of the evacuation of Shiganshina District during the fall
of Wall Maria. This prompts him to return to the chapel where he had previously discovered stairs leading
underground. He follows them down and finds the members of the Reiss family gathered in the cavern below.

Grisha explains that he is an Eldian, and a Subject of Ymir, who has come from beyond the Walls. He asks the King of the
Walls to kill all the Titans attacking the Wall before his family and the other people within the Walls can be eaten.
Frieda is initially distressed by his words, but then her expression smoothes as the will of the First King takes over. She
refuses to help Grisha, calling this a time of judgment. The rest of mankind is too weak in the face of the power of the
Titans, so in order to protect the world, the Eldian people must accept their sins and perish.

Still watching, Zeke believes that he would get along with Frieda, but is aware that the Reiss family will soon be
slaughtered. Eren had previously said seeing this memory had made him lose hope in his father, and Zeke asks Eren if
that was a lie, but Eren does not reply. He stares intently at Grisha who is becoming increasingly agitated.

Grisha wants to know how this can be atonement when the people are ignorant of their history and had no part in what
happened. Frieda agrees that this is not atonement, because they can never replace the lives they took, but they can
prevent the taking of future lives outside the Walls. As long as Eldians remain ignorant, they will be the only ones to

Sensing something behind him, Grisha just barely turns to see Eren glaring balefully at the Reiss family. Even Zeke
notices something is odd with his brother.
Oblivious, Frieda continues her speech and informs Grisha that even if he were to take the Founding Titan from her, he
would not be able to use it. Grisha admits he knows this, and shares with her the Attack Titan's own power. It is able to
see into the memories of its future inheritors, and through them, it can know the future. Frieda is not aware of this
because the vow to renounce war prevents her from using the full power of the Founder.

Grisha tells Frieda that he will take the Founding Titan from her and end the royal bloodline, setting the future that he
already knows is going to happen, but his hand shakes as he grips his scalpel to injure himself. It falls from his hand and
clatters to the cavern floor. Grisha sobs that he cannot kill children. He is a doctor and he is supposed to save lives.

Zeke is puzzled, because he is aware that the Reiss family died. The past should not have changed.

The Reiss family begins to rally from their hiding places, shouting for Frieda to kill Grisha and protect them, as Eren
walks up to his father. Still glaring, he demands that Grisha stand, and asks if he forgot why he had come here in the
first place. Eren brings up all the things that Grisha had set aside over the years; revenge for Faye, Dina Fritz, the Eldian
Restorationists, Kruger. He repeats what Kruger had previously asked Grisha, that he was the one who started this
story, was he not?

This convinces Grisha to take up his scalpel and stab it through his hand. He then murders the Reiss family, with
only Rod Reiss escaping.

Grisha leaves the chapel and his Titan, taking a syringe of Titan spinal fluid with him. He collapses, telling Eren that he
killed the Reiss family and asks if he is happy now, if this is what he wanted. Grisha wants to know if this was what he
truly had to do in order to save Eldia. But Eren does not reply. Grisha sobs, asking why Eren did not show him
everything. He saw the Walls being destroyed, but not whether Carla is safe.

After a moment, he asks if Zeke is there, and tells him that everything will go Eren's way instead of Zeke's. Grisha saw
Eren's memories of what is to come, and cannot believe it. He looks up, and truly sees Zeke this time. He stands up and
apologizes for being a terrible father. Despite Zeke's apprehension, Grisha embraces him. He tells Zeke that he loves
him and wishes he had spent more time playing with him. Overcome, Zeke calls him "Dad" and Grisha warns him that
he has to stop Eren.

The connection between the two brothers breaks and they find themselves back in the desert realm of the paths. Zeke
is shaken, but Eren is undaunted and tells him that they have not yet gotten to the part where he eats Grisha.

Zeke realizes now that Eren is the one who pushed Grisha to kill the royal family, and by extension, the rest of the
world. But considering that the Attack Titan can transcend time, he is surprised that Eren also showed Grisha events
that were unfavorable to him. Zeke concludes that Grisha was willing to steal the Founding Titan, even though he could
not use it, because of a different memory Eren had shown him.

Eren thanks Zeke for making his plan possible by bringing him into Grisha's memories. When he kissed Historia Reiss's
hand four years ago, he saw inside Grisha's memories, and within them, he saw his then future self and the sight of
things to come.

Zeke panics and shouts for Ymir to steal the ability to reproduce from all Subjects of Ymir, causing the girl to turn away
and walk towards the Coordinate. He tells Eren that he does not know what kind of future he saw in Grisha's memories,
but he did not see everything, just as he did not know that he would be unable to use the power of the Founder here.

Eren's wrists are still shackled, but he frees himself by pulling so hard he rips off both thumbs. As he chases after Ymir,
Zeke tells him that it is pointless, and that nothing in this world can stop her.
Chapter 122: To you, 2,000 years ago
Two thousand years ago, Ymir was a slave in service to an Eldian tribal leader named Fritz. When she took the blame for
an escaped pig, his men hunted her for sport. She fell into a chasm beneath a tree while trying to find a safe place to
hide, and merged with an unknown substance below, which transformed her into a Titan. Fritz kept her as his slave,
forcing her to work the land for his people, wage war on his enemies, and to bear his children. When she died, he fed
her body to their daughters to ensure her power would be passed on for generations to come.

In the present, Eren Yeager calls out to Ymir, saying that she does not have to be a slave and obey Zeke's orders. She
has the ability to choose. He believes she is the one who led him here, and that she has been waiting for 2,000 years.
Though Zeke tries to stop them, Ymir hears Eren and lifts her head in tears. Outside of the paths, Wall Maria shatters,
revealing the multitude of Colossus Titans inside.

Frieda Reiss tells her sister Historia that she should be like the girl in her storybook, because she is kind and always
thinking of others.

However, the girl lives in a harsh time when her people are enslaved by the Eldian tribe. When one of the slaves lets a
pig escape, Fritz, the tribal leader calls for his slaves to identify the culprit or he will gouge out an eye from each of
them. The other slaves point to a single girl, Ymir. She is surprised, but bows her head and takes the blame.

As a result, she is set loose in a forest and chased by hunters on horseback with dogs and arrows. Blood runs from one
of her eyes and she is struck multiple times, but she still runs until she finds a gigantic tree with a crevice at the base of
its trunk. Ymir walks inside and stumbles into a chasm, where she falls headfirst and lands in water. A spindly substance
is beneath her, lined up with her spine, and tendrils of it reach up to her back as she drifts down.

The forest erupts and the tree falls as Ymir emerges as a Titan.

Fritz keeps Ymir as a slave and puts her to work. By the time she is an adult, she has built roads, cultivated the land, and
made bridges between mountains, allowing the Eldian tribe to prosper. Fritz decides that she will bear his child and
sends her to annihilate the people of Marley, which she does with brutal effectiveness.

Time passes and Ymir bears children for Fritz in between fighting his battles. When Marleyan officers kneel before Fritz,
one of them rises in retaliation and throws his spear at him. Ymir intervenes, letting the spear impale her through the
shoulder. She collapses in front of Fritz as her daughters look on in horror. Fritz is surprised, but asks what she is doing
since a spear should not kill her. He commands her to rise, calling her his slave once more, but she does not.

Fritz cuts up Ymir's body and has their daughters, Maria, Rose, and Sheena eat her remains. He commands his
daughters to bear children and multiply so the blood of Ymir does not die out. When they die, they are in turn to have
themselves fed to their own children, so the power is forever passed down and the Eldians will rule the land through
their use of the massive Titans.

In the present, Eren Yeager grabs hold of Ymir while they are inside the paths and tells her that it ends now. He asks her
to lend him her strength so he can put an end to this world. Eren tells her that she is a person, not a slave, and that she
has the right to choose rather than to serve.

Seeing this, Zeke panics and runs after Eren. He yells his command a second time for Ymir to sterilize all Subjects of
Ymir and reminds her that he is the one with royal blood.

Before he can reach them though, Eren cradles Ymir close and asks if she was the one who led him here. She must have
been waiting for 2,000 years for someone to come. Tears in her eyes, Ymir lifts her head.

Back in Shiganshina District, a long spinal cord connects Eren's decapitated head with his body, even as his head rests in
Zeke's hand. Though the battle continues, Wall Maria begins to shatter beneath and around the combatants. The Wall
crumbles, revealing the Colossus Titans inside, as the skeleton of another Titan rises in front of Gabi Braun.
Chapter 123: Island devils
The Survey Corps explores Marley for the first time and learn about the political situation in the outside world. Eren
Yeager is quick to pick up on the injustices that the minorities in Marleyan society suffer, whether they are Eldians in
the internment zone or immigrant refugees. Hange Zoë hopes to find allies so they can declare Paradis Island's desire
for peace and avoid having to go along with Zeke Yeager's plan, but that hope is dashed when the "Association to
Protect the Subjects of Ymir" makes it clear that they still consider the Eldians on the island to be worthy of hate.

Back in the present, Eren has unleashed all of the Titans of the Walls. Armin Arlert realizes it is far more than needed if
Eren's only intent is repelling the current invasion. Mikasa Ackerman wonders if Eren has always been this way and they
never noticed, or if there was something different they could have done or she could have said to avoid coming to this
moment. Using the power of the Founding Titan, Eren announces his intention to kill everyone in the outside world in
order to protect the people of Paradis.

Mikasa Ackerman remembers when she and the other members of the Survey Corps went abroad for the first time.
Though everyone has said that Eren Yeager has changed, she wonders if that is true and perhaps he has been the same
person the entire time.

When the Survey Corps arrives in Marley, the soldiers are disguised to blend in with the local population but they are
surprised to see towns and people beyond the Walls. Onyankopon greets them and offers to guide them to Kiyomi
Azumabito's estate. Connie Springer, Sasha Blouse, and Hange Zoë are shocked to see a car for the first time, and
behave as though it is some kind of animal. Levi Ackerman encourages Onyankopon to intervene before they try
feeding one carrots.

In the middle of this, Mikasa finds Eren staring off into the distance. Armin Arlert tries to get Eren to liven up by
reminding him that they are finally in the world outside the Walls, but Eren does not seem excited about it. Mikasa
wonders if they never noticed this change in Eren, or that perhaps they did not want to notice.

The Survey Corps samples ice cream for the first time, and Mikasa encourages Eren to try it. He recognizes it
immediately due to his father's memories, but also remembers that Eldians in the internment zone rarely get to eat it.

As they take in the sights, Levi catches a young boy with a fez lifting Sasha's purse and tells the kid that it does not
belong to him loud enough that others overhear. The Marleyan crowd takes it poorly. The boy is an immigrant who
does not speak their language, and the Marleyans assume he must have snuck aboard a ship and discuss making an
example of him to discourage others.

Sasha tries to intervene, saying that she has her purse back so no damage is done, but the Marleyans are still hostile
and insinuate that the boy could be a Subject of Ymir who slipped in from another country. Seeing the boy's fear, Levi
scoops him under one arm and clarifies that he never said the child was a pickpocket and the purse is his older sister's.
Nobody buys the excuse, but Levi and the other soldiers run off with the boy. Though happy to be free, the boy thanks
Levi by stealing his purse before leaving.

At Kiyomi's estate, she listens to the story of what happened to them along the way and confirms that blood testing has
improved, and as a result of that, Subjects of Ymir who have escaped internment are constantly being discovered. Being
a Subject of Ymir used to be proof of one's status in society, but when the Eldian Empire crumbled, those same people
were chased out of their own countries. Because of this, Kiyomi says it will be difficult for them to form friendly
relationships with other nations.

Armin is still hopeful though, so they avoid implementing Zeke Yeager's plan and Historia Reiss will not have to bear
children to serve as royal-blooded Titans. Hange wants to observe the "Association to Protect the Subjects of Ymir" in
hopes that they will be friendly enough for Paradis Island to declare they seek peace.

Mikasa notices that Eren has left their meeting with Kiyomi and goes outside to look for him. She finds him looking at a
cluster of refugee tents. At first, she begins to reprimand him for going outside alone when he is their enemies' most
wanted target, but then she realizes that he is looking at the boy who stole from Sasha and Levi, as well as the boy's
Eren tells her that these tents are where these people live after losing their homes to war. The people here are like the
two of them. One day life stopped being normal and everything was taken away. He asks Mikasa why she cares about
him so much, whether it is because he saved her when they were kids, or because they are family. Mikasa stammers
and begins to say that he is family, when the boy's father walks up to them.

The man offers them something warm to drink as the rest of Eren and Mikasa's friends find them. Disappointed at the
timing, Eren instead gestures that they all should join him and the refugees. They enjoy a meal together and after the
two groups warm up, it turns into a party. Jean and Connie run out to bring more alcohol, and other refugees join the
group. Mikasa and Armin have a good time while Eren smiles. Eventually, Hange, Levi, and Onyankopon find their
soldiers passed out among the refugees.

Later, the forum for the "Association to Protect the Subjects of Ymir" goes poorly. A speaker defends only the Subjects
of Ymir who are not Eldian, and tells everyone to reserve their hatred for the "devils" of Paradis Island.

Mikasa realizes that was the day that Eren left their side. Later, they would receive a letter from him saying that he
would entrust everything to Zeke. She wonders if there was any other choice they could have made, or if she had
answered differently when Eren had asked her what he meant to her, that could have avoided the battle they find
themselves in now.

In the present, Mikasa and Armin are in the ruins of Shiganshina District after the Walls have crumbled and the Titans of
the Walls have broken free. In the distance she sees a massive skeleton that dwarfs even the newly freed Titans and
notices that it seems to have appeared where Eren was. Beside her, Armin shouts to make himself heard over the
rumbling and tells Mikasa that Eren must have control of the Founding Titan. He believes that Eren will use it to stop
Marley's invasion. But as Armin looks around, he realizes that it is not just the Wall around Shiganshina that has been
destroyed, but the rest of Wall Maria, which is unnecessary if all Eren intends to do is repel the current attack.

Eren then reaches out to all Subjects of Ymir by using the Founding Titan's power. His voice reverberates in their minds
and he explains that he has unhardened all the Walls on Paradis, freeing the Titans within them. He intends to protect
the people of Paradis, because its people gave birth to him and raised him. However, the rest of the world desires their
extinction, and Eren cannot abide by that, so he intends to trample the lands beyond the island until all life beyond
Paradis has been eliminated.
Chapter 124: Thaw
Gabi Braun leaves Reiner behind so she can save Falco Grice, and rescues Kaya from a Titan along the way. Kaya, in
turn, covers for Gabi when a soldier suspects she might be from Marley. The two are conflicted over why they helped
each other and Gabi remains with the Blouse family while heading to safety.

Meanwhile, Connie Springer abducts Falco to feed to his mother to make her human again, leaving Jean
Kirstein, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert to handle the newly formed Pure Titans, which have moved on to
killing Eldian soldiers after they finished with the Marleyan ones. With assistance from a newly freed Keith Shadis they
succeed in gathering all the Pure Titans together at the top of the fort in the middle of town and annihilating them
with Thunder Spears. Floch Forster returns to restrain Yelena and the other Anti-Marleyan Volunteers. Inside the fort,
Armin meets up with Gabi, who lets him know that the Founding Titan undid the hardening on the Armored Titan at the
same time as the Walls came down. Armin realizes that this means Annie Leonhart is now free as well.

In Liberio, Annie's father sags to his knees in the marketplace in reaction to Eren Yeager's declaration that he would be
sending Titans from Paradis Island to kill everyone else in the world.

Back on Paradis, Gabi Braun leads her cousin, Reiner, on a search for Falco Grice. Reiner believes that Falco was
kidnapped following his emergence from his Titan since Jean Kirstein and Connie Springer would not want to leave
someone as valuable as an inheritor of one of the Nine Titans behind. Weakened by having the armor of
his Titan stripped off by Eren's removal of the Walls, Reiner collapses and laments that he was unable to stop Eren from
destroying the world.

Gabi helps him to an empty building and Reiner tries to get her to flee to the Marleyan airships, but she asks him what
good would it do. All the people in their family are going to die, so they have to kill Eren to stop this. Reiner does not
believe this is possible though, because the Founding Titan is able to control all Titans and Subjects of Ymir as it sees fit.
After he passes out, Gabi covers him with a blanket and leaves food in arm's reach before deciding that she will rescue
Falco on her own. She takes Colt Grice's anti-Titan rifle with her when she goes.

On a rooftop, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Jean, and Connie surround a captive and unconscious Falco. Jean
expresses disbelief that Eren has chosen to slaughter the rest of the world, but acknowledges that the hatred against
the island would disappear with their deaths. The one thing the outside world feared the most, has happened because
they tried to kill the people of Paradis. Disturbed by this line of thinking, Jean asks for confirmation that there truly was
nothing they could have done. Eren has rejected Zeke Yeager's euthanization plan and rejected sacrificing Historia Reiss,
so he must be doing all of this to protect them; his friends, who he has said are more important to him than anyone.

The four are broken out of their ensuring depression by the sight of Eldian soldiers fighting with the newly formed
Titans. Armin is surprised since Eren should be able to control them if he has command over the Founder. Before they
can head in to help, Mikasa asks Jean what he intends to do with Falco. Jean suggests they feed him to a Titan to save
someone since Falco had just inherited the Jaw Titan, and Connie interrupts to say they will feed him to his mother.
Armin argues against this since it will start a new conflict between them and the Warrior Unit, but Connie refuses to
listen. When an approaching Titan distracts the group, Connie escapes with Falco, leaving the rest to deal with the

At the fort, Yelena wonders why Zeke is not in control of the approaching Titans.

In the streets of the city, the Blouse family and Niccolo flee from one of the newly created Titans and Kaya accidentally
falls down a set of stairs. The Titan pursues her, giving Kaya flashbacks to when her mother was being devoured right in
front of her. Frightened, she asks for her sister to save her. As the Titan lunges for her, it is shot through the mouth by
Gabi, causing it to fall. She jumps in front of Kaya and jams her rifle down the Titan's throat so she can blow out the
nape. Startled, Kaya briefly mistakes Gabi for Sasha Blouse, to the latter's confusion.
Gabi explains to Niccolo that she came back to rescue Falco when an Eldian soldier sees them and demands to know if
Gabi was the one who killed that Titan and if she is the kid from Marley. Kaya covers for her, saying that Gabi is a part
of her family and Niccolo claims that he used the gun since he was trained as a former Marleyan soldier. As the Eldian
soldiers lead them to safety, Gabi asks Kaya why she covered for her. Kaya does not answer, instead asking why Gabi
saved her when Kaya is supposed to be a devil. Gabi tries to correct her, saying that she herself is the real devil. She
killed a lot of people just to earn praise. Niccolo tells the girls that there is a devil inside of all of them, and that is why
the world has turned out this way.

Back at the fort, Surma is nearly eaten by a Titan when he is saved by Keith Shadis who berates the soldiers for not
remembering the training he gave them. He orders them to put on some vertical maneuvering equipment and follow

Mikasa, Jean, and Armin reach the fort and begin killing the Titans around it. Jean orders everyone to move to the top
floor to concentrate the Titans in one place and has the soldiers arm themselves with Thunder Spears. Once they are
prepared, he has them fire all at once, wiping out the Titans. They do the same again, with a fresh wave of Titans led
over by Keith and the soldiers he saved.

Shiganshina District is in shambles and surrounded by Wall Titans, but the battle appears to be over. Nearly all the
Marleyan soldiers have been wiped out and all the Pure Titans are gone. Onyankopon asks Jean what Eren intends to
do and Jean says it is exactly what it looks like, causing Onyankopon to realize that this likely means his homeland is

Floch Forster returns, having survived the Walls coming down, and tries to put a cheerful front to Jean, despite Jean's
pointed distaste for him. He says he cannot die in the moment of the Eldian Empire's return and walks up to Yelena,
who is sitting dejectedly in a chair. Floch points a pistol at her and says to gather the volunteers. They will all be
restrained, much to Jean and Onyankopon's surprise.

Inside the fort, Armin and Mikasa are pleasantly surprised that Sasha's father is all right, and even more surprised to
see that Gabi has returned. Gabi tells them that she no longer wants to fight them. She just wants Falco and then she
will leave. However, Armin explains how Connie has taken Falco to save his mother. Gabi is devastated, but still does
not want to give up on him. She latches on to the idea that Eren could change Connie's mom back if Armin asked him.
With the Founding Titan, he should be able to do anything. After all, he removed the armor from the Armored Titan.

Armin is surprised to hear this and presses Gabi to tell him when did it happen. Gabi tells him that it was when the
Walls fell, and Armin remembers that Eren said he would undo all the hardening.

In an underground room, the crystal surrounding Annie Leonhart has shattered. She coughs and wakes up to find
herself lying on the floor.
Chapter 125: Sunset
Hitch Dreyse reunites with Annie Leonhart and the two leave Stohess District, following in the wake of the
departing Wall Titans. Annie shares her story with Hitch; how her father adopted and trained her, and how determined
she is to reunite with him.

In Shiganshina District, others deal with the aftermath of the battle. Keith Shadis tries to convince the trainees to side
with the Yeagerists until they have the opportunity to rise up, Armin Arlert leaves with Gabi Braun in hopes of
saving Falco Grice from being fed to Connie Springer's mother, and Floch Forster has the Anti-Marleyan
Volunteers imprisoned so they can contemplate whether or not to help the Eldians of Paradis Island. Outside the
city, Pieck and Theo Magath are approached by Hange Zoë.

In Stohess District, Hitch Dreyse and other members of the Military Police Brigade dig out survivors from the rubble left
behind by the waking Wall Titans. The Titans are not hostile to humans, and are walking in a line that will take them
away from the island, but the human population is split over Eren Yeager's actions in waking them. Some blame Eren
for the deaths caused by the crumbling Walls, and others defend them as an acceptable sacrifice.

Seeing the civilians begin to clash, one of the MPs tells Hitch to return to headquarters to bring back recruits and
weapons. While she organizes that effort, she notices a trail of liquid on the floor coming from the basement and then
ending at a closed door. Hitch opens the door and is immediately assaulted by Annie Leonhart, who threatens to cut
open her neck. However, Hitch is able to break free and throw Annie over her shoulder.

Hitch panics, trying to think of a way to restrain Annie before she transforms, only to realize that Annie has already
injured herself and can turn into the Female Titan at any time. Annie uses this to threaten Hitch into obeying her, but
Hitch calls her bluff, claiming that Annie is too weak to do that right now. Someone knocks on the door asking Hitch if
she is all right as Hitch makes up her mind.

A short time later, Hitch and Annie are in the stables where Hitch prepares a horse so Annie can leave. She claims this
works out for her since she will no longer have to stand guard over Annie's resting place in the basement, and Annie
replies that this way she will no longer have to listen to Hitch talk about men either. Surprised, Hitch realizes that Annie
has been conscious the entire four years she has been inside her crystal. Annie describes it like being in a dream, and
she would hear both Hitch and Armin Arlert as if they were far away. She then found herself thrown out of her slumber
as she heard Eren's voice. Annie asks if he is serious about destroying the world.

Hitch says he is, and as they ride out she tells Annie to look at the Titans' wake. She feels that the only worthwhile job
she has done as a soldier has been to clean up corpses and rubble, in the aftermath of both Annie and Eren. Hitch asks
Annie how she feels seeing all the bodies trampled for the sake of her plan, and Annie says she had a lot of time to
think about it while she was in her crystal, and she realizes how little the Warrior Unit thought at all. They were praised
for killing anyone outside of Marley's borders and saw themselves as atoning for their deeds as Eldians. But even
though the Warriors were supposed to stop the rumbling, Annie tells Hitch that she never cared about saving the world.

Annie was abandoned shortly after birth due the blood tests that showed her mother having an affair with an Eldian,
and she was adopted by an Eldian man from another country. He trained her mercilessly to become a Warrior in order
to improve his own lot in life, and she paid him back by making sure he could never walk properly again. Despite that,
he was happy, because it meant she could kill her enemies, even unarmed.

Because of her training, everything stopped mattering to Annie, even her own life, until the morning the Warriors were
to head to Paradis Island to retake the Founding Titan. That was when her father apologized to her and said that
everything he taught her had been wrong. None of what she had earned them, her status as a Warrior or being
honorary Marleyan citizens, mattered as long she came back to him.

Annie tells Hitch that her father is waiting for her, and others have people just as important to them too. She knows she
has committed irredeemable sins, but thinks that she would still do them if it meant returning to her father. Hitch
appreciates Annie's openness with her, but is afraid that at this point, if Annie gets back all she will find will be rubble
and corpses.
Meanwhile, in Liberio, the Eldians in the internment zone bunch up around the Public Security Authorities at the gate.
Annie's father is at their head and tries to explain to the security officers that Eren Yeager is coming and has activated
the rumbling. However, the officers are skeptical and accuse the Eldians of conspiring to escape. They begin to arrest
the Eldians present, but Mr. Leonhart thinks of his daughter and her promise to return, which drives him to fight back.

Back in Shiganshina District, Keith Shadis and a few of the trainees overhear gunfire from the Yeagerists who have
gathered to take over the fort. Surma suggests that they run, but Keith argues against it. Since the people support the
Yeagerists, the Yeagerists will soon take over the island and there will no longer be a place for people like Keith. He tells
the trainees to side with the Yeagerists to keep themselves safe and then rise up when the opportunity comes.

Elsewhere in Shiganshina, Armin prepares to chase after Connie Springer in order to save Falco Grice. Even if it might
not work out, he feels obligated to do everything he can in order to win Gabi Braun's trust. Reiner and the Cart Titan are
still somewhere in the area, and having Gabi on their side could make a difference in whether the two groups could
work together. Armin is weary, and would rather not be doing this, but if he does not, it could have a massive effect on
humanity's future.

As he gets up to leave, Mikasa Ackerman asks him what she should do and Armin tells her to help Jean Kirstein and to
think for herself for once. When she asks him about Eren, Armin blows up in frustration over their collective
helplessness and how many people are still in danger. He is clearly overwhelmed and tells Mikasa that they are no
longer in a place to think about Eren, who is a lost cause. When Mikasa apologizes, Armin catches himself and laments
that he was the one saved instead of Erwin Smith. Erwin would not have snapped like that. After Armin leaves, Mikasa
notices that the scarf she had previously set aside is now gone.

Outside, the Blouse family is seeing Gabi off, and Mr. Blouse assures her that Connie would hesitate to feed Falco to his
mother, so she should be able to make it in time to save him. Kaya says farewell to "Mia" and, embarrassed, Gabi
reveals her real name. Gabi then rides away with Armin.

At the top of the fort, Floch Forster shoots one of the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers in the hand to enforce their new
position with the Yeagerists. He explains that Eren told him of his plan to manipulate Zeke Yeager ten months ago and
Floch rounded up comrades to help Eren's cause. Floch tells the volunteers that protecting their homelands is now a lost
cause, but they will be welcomed as Eldians if they choose to fight for the sake of the island.

When the volunteer he previously maimed objects, Floch shoots him in the head even as he praises him for refusing to
submit in the face of a bullet. However, Floch says that pride is not worth dying for, and that submission is okay. He
gives orders for the volunteers to be taken to their cells where they will have time to think.

Mikasa comes up the stairs to see the volunteers being led away and asks what happened. Floch summarizes his stance
that Eren is wiping out the problems outside of the island, so Floch sees his own role as wiping out any resentment that
remains inside of it. He tells Mikasa and a shell-shocked Jean that this is freedom and that they do not have to fight any
longer. Floch reminds Jean of his dream to become an MP and tells him that he can do that now, but insults Jean's
former attitude after Jean asks if their fight is over. Mikasa then asks what happened to Hange Zoë and Levi Ackerman,
and Floch tells her that they were killed by Zeke.

Out in the wilderness, Connie is riding with Falco under the pretense that he is taking Falco to safety so he can get his
amnesia treated. Falco is grateful since he has a gap in his memory of what happened after meeting up with Gabi and
his older brother, Colt. However, he cannot shake the feeling that he has met Connie before.

Also in the wilderness, Pieck and Theo Magath watch the Marleyan airships retreating. Magath thinks it is a smart move
since they can warn the rest of the country about what has happened, but Pieck is demoralized since there is no longer
a way to stop the marching Wall Titans.

Hange calls out to them and Pieck, still partially inside her Titan, moves to attack her when Hange asks for them to wait.
She emphasizes that she is unarmed and motions behind her to a sled being pulled by a horse, saying that they do not
need to worry about her companion either, since he is a harmless man who refuses to die.
Chapter 126: Pride
Upon meeting up with Theo Magath and Pieck Finger, Levi Ackerman and Hange Zoë suggest they combine their forces
in order to defeat Zeke Yeager and the Yeagerists. Elsewhere, Connie Springer tries to feed Falco Grice to his mother in
order to restore her life as a human, but he is foiled by Armin Arlert, who attempts to sacrifice himself in Falco's place.

Pieck rescues Yelena and Onyankopon from execution and also smuggles out Jean Kirstein while Mikasa Ackerman,
Armin, Connie, and Annie Leonhart find Reiner Braun. He is surprised to see them with Gabi and Falco, and Connie
informs him that they are now a united front that intends to save the world.

Hange Zoë lures and shoots a Yeagerist soldier who comes looking for her companion. She then returns to camp where
a severely wounded Levi Ackerman is resting, unconscious. Hange surmises that the only reason he survived his injuries
is due to his Ackerman heritage. Hange fears that they will be unable to stop the Yeagerists, even if Eren Yeager defects
from Zeke and wonders if their time has come.

Hange begins building a sled for Levi's transportation when Eren uses the Founding Titan to speak to all Subjects of
Ymir. Levi then wakes up and immediately demands to know where Zeke has gone. He is bothered that he did not
realize Zeke was prepared to die and that it made him careless. Noticing the sled, he asks Hange about it and comments
that despite her doubts, she is unable to stay out of the action.

After encountering Theo Magath and Pieck Finger, Levi says that their interests align. They all want to stop Zeke.
Magath is cautious, but willing to listen. Hange theorizes that Zeke is trying to win over Eren so he can use the Founding
Titan. Though she knows the Founding Titan is incredibly large and seems impossible to beat, Hange feels that makes it
all the more necessary that they work together.

That evening, Connie Springer and Falco Grice make camp for the night. Connie contemplates how he should feed Falco
to his mother to turn her into a human again. Feeling conflicted over killing a child, he wonders if Sasha Blouse would
have understood. The next morning, they arrive at Ragako and Falco reveals that he overheard Connie talking to himself
the previous night. He asks why Connie took him here, while pretending that he did not know who Falco was. Falco asks
if Connie is going to try taking revenge for Sasha's death.

Connie tells Falco that what happened with Sasha was part of a military engagement, and he knows that, but shows
Falco his mother anyway without telling the boy who the Titan used to be. He suggests that Falco help him clean the
Titan's teeth, by climbing up on a support beam.

Before that can happen, Armin Arlert and Gabi Braun arrive on horseback. Gabi shouts that Falco has inherited the Jaw
Titan and that Connie is trying to feed him to the Titan. Connie reacts by grabbing Falco and holding a blade to his
throat. He starts climbing the ladder to the beam above his mother, pulling Falco along with him, as he defends his
actions to Armin. Gabi urges Falco to use the power of the Jaw Titan to escape, but Falco is confused since he does not
know what happened to Porco Galliard.

Armin thinks on how he has failed to live up to Erwin Smith's legacy and begs Gabi to forgive Connie. He anchors his
wires to a support beam right above Connie's mother, intending to sacrifice himself instead of Falco. Seeing this, Connie
lets go of the boy and pushes Armin out of the way before he can fall into his mother's mouth.

Connie realizes that even if his mother became human again, she would have suffered if she had become the Colossus
Titan. She told him to become a great soldier, but instead he almost killed a child and one of his friends. Connie decides
that he still wants to be a soldier his mother would be proud of, so he suggests that he and Armin go save some people.

Meanwhile, Mikasa Ackerman finds Louise in the infirmary, wearing her missing scarf. Louise can no longer go outside
due to the shrapnel now embedded in her stomach from the battle, but she still believes in the Yeagerist cause and has
no regrets. When she met Eren once, he told her to throw the scarf away, but she held on to it. Mikasa tells her to give
it back. As she leaves, Louise tells Mikasa that she became a soldier because she admired her.
Outside, Floch Forster announces that the time of Eldian persecution has come to an end. Jean Kirstein appears to have
sided with the Yeagerists, but Mikasa watches from within the crowd. Citizens begin celebrating, and Armin, Connie,
Falco, and Gabi get some food before they continue their plan to group up with Reiner Braun. When they sit down, they
realize that Annie Leonhart is sitting next to them scarfing down a pie. Upon noticing them, Annie becomes visibly
uncomfortable and Connie is shocked by what a sloppy eater she is being. Hitch Dreyse comes over and notices that
Annie is gone, having left a note saying she left with her former comrades and thanking Hitch for having spoken to her
for all those years.

Floch and Jean take Yelena and Onyankopon to the roof of the destroyed headquarters and prepare to execute them.
Onyankopon disputes Floch's reason for killing him, saying how he had hoped that saving Eldia would save his
homeland instead of destroying it. He pleads his case to the gathered crowd, but is silenced when Jean shoots four
times into the ground, barely missing Onyankopon. Jean complains about his aim, and as Floch asks what he is doing,
the Cart Titan begins plowing through the crowd.

Seeing the Titan, Jean pushes Floch out of the way, before being swallowed by the Cart Titan along with Yelena and
Onyankopon. Floch orders the Yeagerists to follow them and is surprised to see Mikasa is missing as well.

At the bottom of the fort, Mikasa and Connie react to the four gunshot signal sent by Jean and continue their operation.
The two of them along with Annie, Armin, Gabi, and Falco have a pair of wagons loaded with weapons and food.
Knowing that all the attention is currently on the other side of the fort, they drive off. As they leave, Annie notices a
figure in an upper window is watching them.

After meeting up with Magath, Levi, and Hange, the three who were inside the Cart Titan's mouth clean themselves off
in a river. Onyankopon asks Jean when they allied with Marley and Jean replies that it was just last night. Surprised,
Onyankopon asks why he gave up a future with the Yeagerists and Jean gives him a vague reply about how
some bones would never forgive him if he did not. When Yelena inquires why she was brought too, Hange reveals that
it was a personal request from Magath.

The team with the wagons finds Reiner in the room where Gabi left him and Annie kicks him awake. Reiner is surprised
to see her again and starts to panic after seeing his former friends surrounding him. Gabi and Falco calm him down,
saying that they are all on the same side now, and Connie tells him that they do not have any time; they are going to
save the world and require Reiner's help to do it.
Chapter 127: End's Eve
The remnants of the Survey Corps, Marleyan military, and Anti-Marleyan Volunteers gather in a small and wary group
to stop Eren Yeager, but several of them find it difficult to understand and trust one another given that they have been
fighting for so long. Annie Leonhart is concerned that Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert have no alternative if
reasoning with Eren fails, and Jean Kirstein learns the truth behind the death of Marco Bott. But they also realize that
they have only been fighting because none of them took the time to talk before, and they are now.

Hange Zoë's plan is to go to the harbor and retrieve Kiyomi Azumabito's flying boat so they can approach the Founding
Titan, but once they are on their way, Pieck Finger returns from scouting ahead to announce that the Yeagerists are
aware of their plans and have already taken over the harbor.

Jean Kirstein imagines a world where his life as a soldier is over, and he is living in peace with his wife and child thanks
to the battles they have fought, but he cannot ignore the knocking on his window from Hange Zoë, letting him know
that she is outside. Reluctantly, he comes out to meet Hange and Mikasa Ackerman.

Hange briefs the two of them on Levi Ackerman's present condition and how they have joined forces with Theo
Magath and Pieck Finger in order to stop Eren Yeager. She no longer considers herself their commanding officer, given
the destruction of the island's military structure, but Hange wants their help, feeling that her current team is powerless
without their assistance or that of the Nine Titans.

Mikasa agrees, hoping to spare Eren from any additional attacks, even if he ultimately means to protect her or Paradis
Island. Jean is skeptical. Even if they stop Eren, that will not end the world's hatred of them. That will take decades to
end, and Eren would only possess the Founding Titan for another four years due to the Curse of Ymir.

Hange and Jean debate over the hypotheticals, and whether they could realistically buy time by stopping Eren. Jean
points out nothing they have tried so far has worked, which is why Eren decided that it was necessary to wipe out the
rest of the world. Hange snaps, refusing to accept or support genocide as solution.

She apologizes a moment later, and acknowledges that her own idealism led Eren to his current path. Hange wanted to
run away and forget everything, but she is still the 14th commander of the Survey Corps and she cannot forget her
devotion to the freedom of humanity. Most of her comrades died without knowing the truth about the world outside
the Walls, and she wonders if any of them would be so narrow-minded as to only wish for freedom for those on the
island. She believes they have only one chance to stop the slaughter, and it is now.

Jean agrees, saying that he is still a member of the Survey Corps.

The following night, after the rescue of Yelena and Onyankopon, a diverse group consisting of the Survey
Corps, Marleyan soldiers, and Anti-Marleyan Volunteers gather around a campfire while Hange is cooking. She
encourages them to help her out instead of staring each other down, while Magath marvels at the fact they are united
at all, given the time they spent trying to kill each other. He does not understand why the Survey Corps is willing to help
him, given that they will get a world of freedom if they simply let Eren go.

Hange reminds him that they do not want genocide, which Magath misconstrues as seeing the side of justice,
prompting Jean to bring up all the Titans Marley has sent at them over the years. Jean says that is why they fought so
hard, and Magath retorts that thanks to their dedication, Marley's fears about Paradis have come true.

As the two dig deeper into historical grievances, Hange calls an end to their bickering, reminding them that none of the
people present saw anything that happened two thousand years ago. She explains for Magath's benefit, that the group
of them in the Survey Corps have lived in the outside world for a few months so they cannot go back to being ignorant
"island devils."

Annie Leonhart asks if that means Eren's friends are capable of killing him now. Mikasa does not believe that killing him
is the only way to stop him, but Annie is not deterred. She pushes Mikasa and Armin Arlert for a last resort plan should
Eren not listen to reason, but they do not answer. Annie believes they will end up fighting again if the Warriors try to
kill Eren. She doubts Mikasa in particular has ever considered anything to be more important than him.
Mikasa rises to the bait. Annie flicks out the barb on her ring so she can injure herself, but before they clash, she tells
Mikasa that she understands how she feels. The only reason she wants to stop Eren is to protect her father. If Mikasa
can convince Eren, so much the better, and they should not fight until it comes down to that. Mikasa agrees.

Hange announces that the stew is ready, and lays out the plan as everyone eats. They are going to rely on Kiyomi
Azumabito's flying boat to approach the Founding Titan, but before that, they need to locate the Founder itself. Magath
says that is why he requested Yelena's capture. However, Yelena is uncooperative. Connie Springer is surprised,
expecting that she would want to save her homeland, but Magath and Pieck reveal that is not the case. Yelena is
Marleyan. Disillusioned with her own country, she came up with a story after she met Zeke Yeager, one which would
paint a picture of her saving the world with a prince.

Yelena is unbothered by the truth, and explains that she does not see her actions as any different from the ones they
are currently taking. They also say they are saving the world, and in her eyes they are using it as an excuse to pretend
their hatred for each other never existed. She calls out how Reiner Braun and Annie killed numerous citizens of Paradis,
including former comrades, and how the Survey Corps in turn wrecked havoc on Liberio, taking few casualties because
they were so effective against military and civilians alike. Yelena does not omit more personal wounds either, such as
how Jean nearly killed Falco Grice, and Gabi Braun succeeded in killing Sasha Blouse.

Jean breaks the silence by telling Hange the stew is great and asks for seconds. He expresses gratitude for Yelena airing
their grudges so they can put them behind them, but she does not let him off easily, suggesting that he ask about Marco

Annie begins to explain that she was the one who took off Marco's vertical maneuvering equipment, but Reiner adds
that she only did so under his orders. Marco had overheard Reiner and Bertolt Hoover speaking and they were afraid of
being found out, so they removed his gear and left him to be eaten by a Titan.

Jean asks if Marco had said anything to them at the end, and Reiner replies that Marco said, "We haven't even tried to
talk this out yet." It is the reason that all of them have been fighting against each other. If they had talked sooner, this
bloodshed could have been avoided. Hange says that it is not too late to start. Though they would not have imagined it
before, they are all eating around a fire now.

Reiner still feels guilt over Marco's death and does not want forgiveness, but is unable to stop talking about his feelings
even though Jean no longer wants to hear about it. After an unrequested apology, Jean gets up and throttles Reiner.
Connie and Armin have to pull him away and he accidentally kicks Gabi when she tries to protect her cousin. The shock
of hitting her gets Jean to stop.

Falco runs up, asking if she is all right, but Gabi turns to Jean and tells him that they wanted to slaughter the people of
Paradis so the world would accept and forgive them, but now everyone they care about is going to be taken away
because of it. She apologizes and asks Jean and the other Survey Corps members to help them stop the rumbling.

Jean asks to be let go and stalks off into the woods. Gabi despairs over his departure, and in the woods, Jean holds his
head in agony.

The next morning, Jean lets Gabi know that he does intend to help them, and they leave for the harbor in a pair of
wagons. He apologizes to Gabi for kicking her, but does not apologize to Reiner, who accepts that. Pieck approaches the
group in her Cart Titan after having scouted ahead, and informs them that the Yeagerists have captured the harbor.
They must have gone ahead using the steam engine and they are currently prepared for battle, with soldiers equipped
with anti-Titan gear.

Inside the harbor, Floch Forster stands behind a captive Kiyomi with a pistol in hand.

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