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April 2006 The Bond Effect Newsletter Vol 9.



The Science and Art of feeding ourselves the way Nature intended
The Science of the feeding pattern that is right for the human species;
The Art of applying this knowledge in today’s world
Monthly Private Subs cription News letter – Annually: Hard Cop y $59.00 - Electronic $18.00
We are independent of commercial pressure and say exactly what we think.
Human Heritage: Policing the Forager Band. Legacy Foods: Medlar Fruit. Food Policy: Soy Health Claims Nixed. Quotation: Manipulating
the Masses’ Mass. Recipe: Onion Indulgence. Q&A: Osteoporosis Drugs; Daily Protein Intake; Weaning from Dairy Products; Goats’ Milk; Con-
serving Fish Oil. Letters: Natural Ea ting – Humbug-Free Information; Vegetable Soup Safely Cooked. Editorial: Humbug-free Information.
Hints & Tips: Eggs – Keep Cool not Cold; Eggs – Cage -free. Human Nature: Cheats – Revenge or Compassion. Being Human: Exercise
adds 3 Years of Life.

Human Heritage Legacy Foods Food Policy

Policing the Forager Band Medlar Fruit Soy Health Claims Nixed
What happens in a forager band In 1999 the FDA (Federal Drugs Ad-
when someone cheats or misbe- ministration) allowed manufacturers to
haves? There is no appeal to an claim that soy products might cut the
outside police force. Evolution pro- risk of heart disease. A year later, the
grammed human brains with a suite Heart Association recommended that
of behaviors which give optimum soy be included in the diet.
chance of survival for the band. But as more research emerged, the
We have paraphrased the following from American Heart Association decided to
Geoff Bond’s forthcoming book. review decades of studies.
… The forager band had a body of Their panel concluded that soy did not
unspoken laws. The band members reduce cholesterol, symptoms of
were constantly juggling self-interest, In our Newsletter of October 2000, menopause (such as "hot flashes"),
gift-giving, obligation, jealous watch- we lamented the disappearance of breast cancer, uterus cancer, prostate
fulness and anger with a fear of hos- so many wild plants from our food cancer, or postmenopausal bone loss 4.
tility and rejection. supply. The reason is not hard to Based on its findings, the co mmittee
find: they do not lend themselves to said it would not recommend using soy
In modern foragers like the San mass production techniques. isoflavone supplements in food or pills.
Bushmen, wrongdoing is not always
what might be expected. They don’t The same goes for many fruits. One "We don't want to lull people into a
think lying is particularly bad. Steal- such is the medlar. It was popular false sense of security that by eating
ing is so certain of discovery that it with the Greeks and Romans who soy they can solve their health prob-
lems”, says Dr. Michael Crawford,
rarely happened: “it would only lead made sure they had supplies
throughout their empires. chief cardiologist, University of Califor-
to trouble 1.”
nia San Francisco Medical Center.
On the other hand, breaking of re- However the medlar is not on any
agro-industrialist’s list. The reason? Our View? So much for demolishing
spect for ownership of a resource is the health claims. As our readers
severely sanctioned. The furious It does not keep well. In fact it
know, we go one step further and
“owner” killed the man who took passes from a bitter ripeness to de-
regularly publicize the harmf ul aspects
honey from the tree where he, as cay in a few days. It is best eaten
of soy – as we will summarize again
“finder”, had made his mark. when it has rotted for a while. This next month.
property was very familiar with an-
Other vendettas and disputes have cient English writers -- who clearly Next month: The Tro uble with Soy
arisen over the share of a major kill. expected their audiences to be famil-
There are no formal institutions for iar with it too: Quotation
enforcing rules, contracts or obliga- Manipulating the Masses’ Mass
tions, so individuals or little groups “… for you’ll be rotten ere you be “It's tempting to blame big food com-
have to take matters into their own half ripe, and2
that’s the right virtue of panies for America's obesity problem.
hands. Squabbles break out for all the medlar .” - Shakespeare They've spent billions keeping their
kinds of reasons but they have to “That same fruit is ever longer products ever on our minds and in our
find ways to resolve them internally. worse, Till it be rotten 3.” - Chaucer. mouths. Personal responsibility has
limits in the face of a multibillion-dollar
We now understand that human so- The picture shows a Japanese vari- marketing whirlwind pushing countless
ciety (and eve n chimpanzee society) ety called “loquat” which can be high-calorie treats. They are putting
operates on a transactional basis. eaten fully ripe just as you see it. $36 billion into directing those choices,
Continued: Page 4 Here in Cyprus it grows in the and their methods are very effective."
hedgerows and the farmer’s markets Marion Nestle, nutrition professor, New
regularly carry supplies. Cont. p 4. York University.
Published by Natural Eating Co Ltd. © 2006 Geoff Bond
April 2006 The Bond Effect Newsletter Page 2 of 4
Recipes Questions your lean mass is 120 lb (80% of
Onion Indulgence Osteoporosis drugs
Q. My doctor says I must take cal- Taking the figure of 120 lb at the rate
YYYYY of half a gram per lb makes 60
cium tablets to ward off osteoporo-
Ingredients: sis. On the other hand my x-rays grams of protein to be consumed.
• 2 packets (10 oz, 280 g each) show calcium deposits. What to do? However, that is not the whole story.
frozen pearl (cocktail) onions I am supposed to take Actonel (rise- The more active you are, the more
• 2 oz (55 g) raisins, washed dronate sodium) once a week. Do muscle protein needs to be replaced.
you know anything about this tablet? If you are moderately active, (vigor-
• 1 T. coriander seeds
A. You’ve got calcium deposits? ous exercising 1 hour per day, 5
• 4 T. white wine days a week) that figure should be
That means you already have plenty
• 1 T. tomato paste of calcium in the body – it’s just in increased by 50% to 90 grams. If
• 2 T. balsamic vinegar the wrong place. Actonel is a drug you are a heavily trained athlete,
• 2 T. olive oil that slows down bone remodeling. In then the 60 grams should be dou-
bled to 120 grams per day.
• 1 T. fructose particular it puts a brake on the
bone-removing action of osteoclasts. Analysis Paralysis
• ½ tsp. turmeric
Whilst this might sound like a good Now you see why we say how hard it
• salt to taste idea, it does nothing about why your is to second guess everything? We
• fresh-ground black pepper body is not building that spare cal- just want you to follow the Natural
cium into bone. Eating pattern and all these matters
Method: To fix that you have to get all the should work out just right. That will
In a large frying pan spread out factors of lifestyle into place that are also avoid your concentrating the
deregulating healthy bone remodel- intake of protein-rich foods in just
the frozen onions in a single layer. one meal.
ing. See pages 145 – 150 of the
Sprinkle with the raisins and cori- Natural Eating Book! Weaning from Dairy Products
ander seeds and start heating the Q. My wife has stopped breast feed-
Bone demineralization is a lifestyle
onion on medium heat. disease. Trying to fix it with drugs is ing our one-year old son. How soon
In the meantime mix the wine with a cop out – and does not deal with can she stop giving dairy milk?
the tomato paste. Add all the re- the root cause. Moreover, Actonel is A. Right now! Our Pleistocene past
maining ingredients and mix well. not without drawbacks: it has a long programmed babies’ bodies to be
list of contraindications (see progressively weaned off human
Pour the mixture over the onions. ) mil k up to the age of about four
Bring slowly to a boil. years old.
Simmer covered for approx. 40 Daily Protein Intake There are many compounds in milk
minutes, or until the onions are
Q. What do you think the daily pro- from other creatures that babies’
cooked, but still slightly crunchy. tein intake should be (in grams) - bodies don’t handle too well. That is
'they' say for females 30-50g? why cows’ milk formula has got a
Comment: bad reputation. So the short answer
A. Much of our protein intake is hid- is: don’t even start!
Onions are a wonderful, nourishing den. If you are following the Natural
supervegetable. This is an inter- Eating precepts, you will be obtain- The reverse of the coin is that she
ing protein even from salads and can continue with a good quality
esting way of preparing them with
vegetables. A 2lb assortment will formula milk. In America you have to
a sweet taste. yield some 15 grams, and quite a bit be careful to avoid soy-based for-
This dish is great as a kind of rel- more if there is a focus on protein- mula milks. Most other countries ban
ish to serve with other vegetable rich vegetables such as Brussels them because of their harmful effect
sprouts and broccoli. Protein-rich on babies’ health. [Next month we
dishes or with concentrated foods, foods actually contain only 25% pro- explain why in The Trouble with Soy]
such as the olive cake (see tein on average. Nutramigen is an example of one
‘Healthy Cooking with the Bond We are against trying to microman- formula milk that is both soy-free and
Girl’ – now downloadable from age your nutrient intakes – it is just cow’s milk free. ) impossible to second-guess every- However, in our view, all this is op-
Unlike conventional relishes, this thing that is going on. In the case of tional from the age of about 12
protein it is just as important to avoid months. Simply move onto solids –
dish can be eaten freely. The small consuming too much as too little. puréed as necessary, and use plain
amount of raisins gives taste and
However, to answer your question, a water as a drink.
some sweetness without increasing sedentary human needs about half a Goat’s Milk
glycemic power significantly. gram of protein per pound of lean Q. How about goats’ milk? I really
body mass. So if you weigh 150 lb love my goat yogurt.
and you have 20% body fat, then
April 2006 The Bond Effect Newsletter Page 3 of 4
A. Why especially goat’s milk? Why cooking very well. guiding us through the minefield of
not donkey milk, sheep milk or even A number of studies have examined nutritional claims made by food
human milk? This is just another fad. this very question. They looked at manufacturers. And at times even
All milks without exception are unfit canned fish of various kinds and ex- shocking.
for humans (or any other weaned amined those that also employed Your publication is unique and an
mammal) to be consuming – even heat treatment. oasis in a desert of food misinforma-
human mil k is no good for non- They found that the oils did not oxi- tion - Keep it coming.
babies. dize and concluded that “canned cod Chris Parsons OBE
With that blanket condemnation, let liver [for example] is a very good See also our Editorial, this page
us put goat’s milk under the micro- source of omega-3 oil, particularly Vegetable Soup Safely Cooked
scope. with respect to DHA”. Furthermore, I have found a great book called
The main thing to note is that goat’s the tiny quantities of “oxidation prod- Soup Alive!, written by a cancer sur-
mil k is much more like cow’s milk ucts in the canned products tested vivor named Eleanor Rosenast6. Her
than it is like human milk. remain at a level producing no per- goal is to preserve as much of the
ceivable health hazard”.5 enzymes and nutritional content in
These are the main interesting in-
gredients: This is comforting news, because we the vegetables as possible. She
cannot always use fresh fish and therefore processes them in a
Calcium: mg/100ml anyway, we are always going to blender and then adds them to the
Human milk: 33 cook it. stock. The heat never gets above a
Goat’s milk : 130 simmer.
Cow’s milk 125 Letters
I've made a curry-flavored spinach,
Casein We receive many emails from readers. apple, and almond butter soup
(‘bad’ protein): g/100ml We might edit them for readability and
(YUM!). It is delicious.
Human milk: 0.4 space. Please indicate if you do not wish
to be identified.
Julie Tenenbaum
Goat’s milk: 2.5
Cow’s milk: 2.8 N.E: Humbug-free Information Thanks for letting us know about the
The magazines Food & Drink, Good cookbook, Julie. The principle is
Saturated Fat sound: if you must cook then keep
Food, Healthy Eating, The Diner,
(palmitic acid) g/100ml temperatures low and cooking time
Vegetarian ... are all well produced
Human milk: 22.6 short.
and at ti mes fairly informative. BUT
Goat’s milk: 28.9
is the flimsy information that they Editorial
Cow’s milk: 26.3
publish concerning nutritional values
and dietary requirements enough? ... Humbug-free Information
Lactose: Chris Parson’s letter (this page)
(“Bad” sugar) g/100ml Of course it isn't. They all offer some raises a fundamental point. All co m-
Human milk: 7.0 alternative so called 'healthy option' mercially available sources of nutri-
Goat’s milk: 4.7 recipes which, if you read them care- tional information are tainted.
Cow’s milk: 4.8 fully, still often contain ingredients
that are anything but healthy. Food magazines get their money
So with the exception of lactose, from advertisers. What do they ad-
humans are less worse off consum- So where can we go for factual, vertise? Mostly high mark-up sup-
ing human mil k than either cow’s or sound, competent, and non com- plements, manufactured fake food,
goat’s milk. mercially based guidance about the quack remedies and expensive
food we eat? W here on even the gadgets.
But we balk at drinking human milk –
best stocked newsagents shelves do
and with good reason. Weaned hu- Editors of such magazines cannot
we find publications that offer such
mans simply don’t have the digestive afford to upset their advertisers. So
advice and information? ... Well try
apparatus, biochemistry or nutritional their editorial matter is at best bland,
as you might, you won't -- and be-
needs for the consumption of all uncontroversia l and meaningless. At
lieve me -- I've tried.
those bad ingredients: casein, lac- worst, it is dece ptive, misinforming
tose, and palmitic acid. Even as a retired journalist I've done and platitudinous humbug.
what all we 'journos' do when we
Give milk from any source, (and its We know to our cost. In the early
want some reference or another. We
products) a wide berth. days we tried submitting articles to
scan the 'International Publications
Conserving Fish Oil Directory'.. But between 'The As- such magazines. They were univer-
Q. Is the fish oil in canned fish all tronomer' and 'Zoological Monthly' I sally rejected -- on the grounds that
right, or does it deteriorate? haven't to date found anything of use they “do not fit editorial policy”.
A. The short answer is that fish oi ls, there either. That is why this newsletter takes no
namely DHA and EPA *, are quite Enter and take a big bow Natural advertising. We cannot afford to dis-
stable and survive canning and Eater - you deserve to. Your con- tort our remarks or worse, tell lies, at
stantly updated information by way the behest of paymasters.
of a monthly online newsletter is fas- Until we find an altruistic benefactor,
Docosahexaenoic acid and Eicosapen- cinating. It is extremely helpful in that is why we have to charge com-
taenoic acid respectively.
April 2006 The Bond Effect Newsletter Page 4 of 4
paratively high subscriptions just to fulfill an evolutionary functio n impor- chimpanzees, wolves and humans
cover our costs. tant to early human survival. with social “feelings”.
Hints and Tips Our View? This is an intere sting We feel these as emotions such as:
twist on the “social feelings” that we obligation to someone for a favor
Eggs: Keep Cool not Cold talk about in the segment “Policing received; rightful dues for favors
Most people don't understand that the Forager Band” (page 1). Men
given; outrage against cheating and
you don't need to refrigerate eggs. were the “enforcers” in our Pleisto-
injustice; revenge against cheaters;
They can easily last several weeks cene past. The women would have retribution to redress a wrong.
unrefrigerated. They taste and cook seen men who felt “empathy” for
better too. People (“grudgers”) who are emo-
cheaters as effeminate losers. Not
Eggs: Cage-free tionally driven to retaliate against
good mates and so less likely to get
those who cross them, even at a
Caged battery egg-laying hens are their genes into the next generation.
cost to themselves, are more credi-
cramped into a space about 3/4 the
Being Human ble adversaries and less likely to be
size of a sheet of notebook paper.
Exercise Adds 3 Years to Life exploited in the future…
Organic, cage-free eggs are an in-
credible source of high-quality nutri- People can add three years to their All this adds up to saying that we
life from something as simple as cannot take social emotions in isola-
ents. They cost more but it is well 8
tion. In modern foragers, the San
worth it. They are not only healthier, brisk walking a half-hour every day .
One of the study's most important Bushmen have not been observed to
their production is more humane.
findings was that people actually show much gratuitous kindness, or
Many businesses such as America genuine generosity 9.
Online, have converted their can- walked a lot less than they thought.
teens to the use of cage-free eggs. On average, where they were sup- Western society sees kindness and
posed to walk 150 minutes a week generosity as “desirable” behaviors
Human Nature they were actually walking only 90 and tries to inculcate them into chil-
Cheats: minutes a week – yet were still dren at an early age. However, they
achieving the health benefits. need to be balanced by feelings of
Revenge or Compassion?
outrage and revenge on cheats who
What do you feel when a movie vil- Moral? Aim high: to exercise every would exploit them.
lain is blown away or a queue day and you'll probably do four or
jumper gets a ticket? It probably de- five days. In the terms of this study, Next month: How alpha-male mon-
pends on whether you are a man or that already achieves significant key “enforcers” maintain social co-
a woman. benefits. Of course, compared to our hesion of their troupe.
naturally adapted exercise pattern,
When cheaters get their come- this is still a pitifully low target. (See Legacy Foods
uppance men feel pleasure, women Natural Eating Book, Chapter 11)
Medlar Fruit
feel sorry for them. So finds a study
From Page 1 The fruits look like a yellow green-
led by Tania Singer at London’s Uni-
gage. Inside they have large, shiny
versity College 7. Reward areas in the
Human Heritage brown seeds like overgrown apple
brains of male volunteers -- the
pips. The frui ts actually decay on the
same areas that delight in food, Policing the Forager Band tree. Then they are good to eat --
drugs or sex -- lit up when cheaters … Favors are given and received,
they have a sweet/tart taste.
were given jolts of pain. The revenge deals are done. The society can only
effect did not surface in the brains of function if these understandings op- Upcoming Private Events
female volunteers, in fact they felt erate properly. In this way, nature
Geoff will be speaking to private au-
sympathy for the cheaters’ pain. programmed all creatures that have diences in London and Cyprus.
The researchers suggest that empa- to live in social groups such as Those attending can contact us for
thy and i ts opposite probably both more details.
12 monthly issues: electronic $18.00 per year. Hard Copy $59.00.
email:; Cancer Support Site:
Tel: +357 99 45 24 68; Skype: gvlbond; fax: +1 360 851 3662
Association Science Advisory for profession- 7 Singer, T; Empathic neural r esponses are
als from the Nutrition Committee. Circulation. modulated by the perceived fairness of others.
1 Marshall L; Sharing Talking and Giving in: 2006 Feb 21;113(7):1034-44.
Kalahari Hunter Gatherers; Lee & DeVore; Nature. 2006 Jan 26; 439 (7075): 466-9.
5 Kolakowska A, Canned cod liver as a 8
Harvard U.P.; 1998 Perri, M; Archives of Internal Medicine (No-
source of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, with vember 15 2005)
2 Rosalind. As You Like It, Act III, Scene II, a reference to contamination. Nahrung.2002
line 44, Feb; 46(1): 40-5. 9 Marshall L; Sharing Talking and Gi ving in:
3 The Reeve's Tale, The Canterbury Tales Kalahari Hunter Gatherers; Lee & DeVore;
6 1993, Woodbridge Press, Santa Barbara, Harvard U.P.; 1998
4 Sacks FM et al; Soy protein, isoflavones, California
and cardiovascular health: an American Heart

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