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Liceul Teologic Baptist Emanuel Student: .......................................

English class Grade: 12th

Teacher: Cristina-Ada Stoian

Term Paper


I. Rewrite the following sentences in Reported (Indirect) Speech: 2p

1.“I’ll send you a postcard.”

He told us that he ................................................ us a postcard.

2.“We’ve bought a new car.”

They told us that they ........................................................ a new car.

3. “I don’t speak German.”

She said she ............................................ German.

4. “You failed your art exam.”

She said that I ..................................... my art exam.

5. “I’ve already read this book.”

He said he ......................................... read that book.

6. “You look nice.”

He said that I ......................................... nice.

7. “We’re going ice skating.”

They said they ..................................... ice skating.

8. “I arrived before you.”

She said she ............................................... before me.

9. “Don’t leave so soon!”

She asked me ............................................. so soon.

10. “Did you enjoy the music?”

They asked me if .................................... the music.

II. Match the sentences with the appropriate reporting verb and then rephrase them: 1p

deny warn advise suggest order

1.You should try drinking some hot milk to help you sleep.

He ...................................................................................... to help me sleep.

2. Don’t stand too close to the animals, Oscar. They bite.

She .......................................................... because they bite.

3. Emma! Tidy up the kitchen immediately.

She ..................................................................... the kitchen immediately.

4. Why don’t we go rollerblading in the park tomorrow?

He ........................................................................ in the park the next day.

5. Honestly, I didn’t eat all the biscuits.

He ......................................................................... all the biscuits.


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