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Planet Name: Castel 


Region of Segmentum: pacificus smelter

System: Koronus system

Suns: Giant red furibundus

Class : Feral Worlds Decuma Particular

Aestimare ! F400-G800

Segmentum : Solar

Gravity : human like (generated)

Primary terrain : rock

Government: lorde lige thantus Moross / the strongest rules

Population: 200.000

Demonym: Castellian

Major Imports: undifine

Major Exports: weapons / illicite substance


Created in 410 of the 41st millennium by Parcimus DEWAIN (A free-trader), it is lit by

Furibundus, a red giant. Little civilized, Castel is ruled by the law of the strongest and is
currently under the authority of Tantus MOROS, its Liege Lord.

Notable Characters:

-anastasia valen
-calcus calinnicus
-les 7 oracles
-precheur ywane

-precheur quintus darthon

-Tantus moros
-vladaym tocara
-Zigmund Salton

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