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Alaysia is a multi-ethnic country.

The native Malays, as well as considerable concentrations of Chinese

and Indians, are the predominant ethnic groupings. When traveling through the country, it is evident
that the ethnic groups have maintained their beliefs, customs, and way of life. Public holidays are the
most important celebrations for each tribe.

Despite the fact that children attend the same schools and eventually work in the same offices, few
marry outside their ethnic group. Families tend to socialize within their own ethnic group as a way of
preserving their own traditions and ways of life. Notwithstanding their ethnic diversity, there are
cultural similarities.

Group Behavior

Malaysian society is significantly more collectivist than Western nations, and people see themselves as
belonging to groups (i.e., their family, business or ethnicity). These groups reflect or define who their
members are, and they usually demand a great level of allegiance. Although if their interest’s conflict,
the group’s interests normally take precedence. Additionally, members of a group expect to be treated
differently than non-members of the group. An individual obtains a sense of belonging, protection, and
unity in exchange for their loyalty. Because we live in a collectivist culture, feelings of shame and pride
can be felt both individually and collectively

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