News 2003 11

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Nutritional Anthropology™: Eating in Harmony with our Genetic Heritage

November 2003 The Bond Effect vol 6.11

Monthly Private Subscription Newsletter - $59.00 annually
Electronic edition - $18.00
Straight from the Shoulder Comment with no Advertising or Sponsorship.
We accept no reward from companies mentioned in this newsletter.
We are independent of commercial pressure and say exactly what we think.
Success Story: Don Foust. Seasonal Relief: Christmas Present Ideas, Prioritizing: Sugar Holocaust. Briefing:
Aspartame Quandary. New Service: Message Board. Cooking Quick Fix: Oil and Steam Stir-Fry. Q&A: Metabolic
Diet; Toxic Nightshades; Cocoa Butter; Human Biting Power; Jerusalem Artichokes; Tiger Nuts; Lactose Tolerance;
Canola Savvy; Pumpkin Caution. 5 Years Ago: Potato Savvy. Food Labels: “Low Fat” Fraudster Jailed; Monsanto
Opposes “Hormone Free” Label; Food Makers Oppose “Transfat” labeling. Hints: Ripening Persimmons. Tailpiece:
Man Survives 99 year Jail Sentence. Events

Success Story Prioritizing Briefing

From Don Foust . Aspartame Quandary
“The good news is that I strictly Q. How can you take such a
followed Natural Eating from relaxed view of aspartame?
five weeks ago. I started at a
weight of 252 lb (18 stone) for A. We hold no brief for compan-
ies like Monsanto (who hold the
5'-8½” and I’ve lost 22 lb -- so
patent) -- see our comments on
far. My blood pressure has gone milk hormone in ‘Food Labels’,
from 195/92 to 119/66. © Roger Latham
page 4. Yet we have to tease out
“How many sugars do you want, Bert?”
I just want to thank you for all British building workers were the hysterical emotion from the
the good stuff.” famous for their strong, sweet real evidence.
tea, so thick that the spoon Is there any basis for the anti-
Seasonal Relief “stands up straight”. Healthwise, aspartame hysteria? Its oppon-
They would be better off with a ents cite the fact that it contains
Christmas Present Ideas low glycemic sweetener. See minute amounts of methyl
Stuck for Christmas presents? ‘Aspartame Quandary’ this page. alcohol or ‘methanol’. They
Think about giving a Natural worry because, in overdoses,
Eating Book. Give us the details New Service methanol is toxic and can
and Geoff Bond will write a provoke headaches, dizziness
Our Message Board
special dedication. and blurred vision.
Do you have queries and exper-
Or Geoff’s new Audiotape pack- Naturally Occurring Methanol
iences you wish to share with
age of three 1-hour tapes What they do not say is that
other Natural Eaters? Visit
(normal price $39.95 – Special methanol occurs quite naturally and post
Christmas price $24.95) in plants, and the body has
your comment on the “Bulletin
Get in touch at the contact adaptations to handle it.
Board” link in the banner.
details on page 6. Continued page 4
November 2003 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 2

Cooking Quick Fix Questions toxicity. Famously, the red berries

of deadly nightshade (bella-
Oil and Steam Stir-Fry Metabolic Diet donna) can be lethal. Tobacco,
In response to last month’s item Q. What do you think of William which is the black sheep of the
on ‘oil and water roasting’, many Wolcott’s Metabolic typing diet? nightshade family, needs no extra
readers have asked to be demonizing from us.
reminded about the similar A. Our views in general about this
method used for hob cooking kind of thing are very simple. As On the other hand, tomatoes and
vegetables. human beings, there is a pattern eggplant (aubergine) are just fine.
of eating that is right for our
In the cookbook, we refer to it as species. It is ludicrous to imagine However, the potato contains the
the “oil and water method”. In that our ancient ancestors were glycoalkaloid poison, solanine.
fact, it starts by steaming and carefully analyzing their We reported on that in our May
finishes by sautéing. ‘metabolic type’ before heading 2003 issue. Every year hundreds
off to the jungle to find food. of people are hospitalized with
Put ¼ inch of water into a large potato poisoning. In addition,
saucepan. Add the vegetables. Today, as human beings, we are potato is a ‘bad’, glycemic
carbohydrate (see “Know your
(If they are frozen, they might making major errors in 'fuelling'
our bodies. Until that is put right Potatoes” page 4)
not need any water at all.) all the rest is a waste of time.
"Rearranging the deckchairs on Bell pepper (sweet pepper) has
Add spices liberally: garlic, bay the Titanic”, is how we sometimes much lower concentrations of
leaves, oregano, thyme and so put it. plant poisons but some people
report food intolerances with
on according to taste.
Focus on Fundamentals them.
Stir in one teaspoon of olive oil To use another analogy: if you
according to the quantity of put diesel fuel into a petrol- The hot peppers, chili, tabasco
vegetables. engined car it will not work and cayenne signal their
properly. You will never correct aggressive nature by their very
the performance just by tweaking taste. It is wise to strongly limit
Cover tightly and cook on a high
the carburetor -- you have to their consumption.
heat. Stir occasionally. The change the fuel!
Cocoa Butter- Good or Bad
vegetables will cook perfectly in Q. I see that cocoa butter is a big
their own steam. Fundamentals Work component of many dark
After three or four minutes, People, of all metabolic types, get chocolates. Isn’t it just another fat
the most remarkable results -- and a bad one at that?
remove the cover and ’stir-fry’
simply by putting the right 'gas in
with a wooden spoon or spatula the tank'. We preach against
A. No -- for two reasons. First,
until all the water has micromanaging the incredible cocoa butter has quite a good
evaporated. complexity of the human meta- fatty acid profile. It has 33%
You can continue until some bolism or trying to second-guess monounsaturated fat (‘oleic acid’)
how it is trying to operate. and 33% of ‘stearic acid’, the
of the vegetables are tastily
innocuous saturated fat.
browned on the outside. Do not Get the fundamentals right and
overcook -- this is a quick the metabolic details will look There remains about 25% of the
process -- all done in five after themselves. potentially nasty, saturated fat,
minutes. The vegetables should Nightshades -- All Toxic? ‘palmitic acid’.
still be crunchy. Q. Can you explain about the
nightshade family of plants and However, and secondly, there is
their poisonous nature if any? very good news from another
This is a healthy way of front: the location of the palmitic
cooking: the vegetables are A. There are over 2000 species acid on the triglyceride molecule
done quickly and gently in their of nightshade plant, many of (p. 82 of the Natural Eating book).
own steam. which are very familiar to us and
which have varying degrees of
November 2003 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 3

The body can only absorb the fat as ‘girasol’. There are no figures bad cholesterol raiser and a nasty
that is sitting in position 2. In for glycemic index, but we have allergen in its own right.
cocoa butter, position 2 is almost the feeling that, like the turnip, it
completely occupied by harmless is reasonably low. Even if the body can be ‘forced’
monounsaturated fat. The bad Tiger Nuts to continue to produce lactase
palmitic acid is located in Q. What are Tiger Nuts and (which digests the nasty allergen
positions 1 and 3 and so is lactose) long after it should have
where can they be found?
poorly absorbed into the body -- stopped, it does not mean that
which is good. the body enjoys the experience.
A. They are a kind of under-
Better to take away that
ground tuber, akin to Chinese
Dr Serge Renaud (of Lyon Diet unnecessary stress.
water chestnuts, the crunchy
Heart Study fame) observes1 that opalescent vegetable familiar in
this explains why dark chocolate Chinese dishes. Finally, this phenomenon is only
consumers suffer no harmful observed amongst northern
health effects. Their blood Europeans. It does not occur in
Tiger nuts and water chestnuts
contains very little palmitic acid are members of the ‘sedge’ family most other races. Even with
but does have raised levels of of plants. They mostly grow in Europeans, the ability to produce
harmless monounsaturated fat. lactase under constant goading
marshy areas and are very
But yes, it is still empty-calorie wanes. That is why milk drinkers
common in Africa. We can be
fat, so do not overdo it! often succumb to lactose
sure that our ancient ancestors
Human Biting Power intolerance in middle age.
were eating lots of them. That
Q. You claim that the human jaw makes them good for us too. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AND
is not designed to crush bones HEALTH ON DAIRY!
like a hyena can. Yet, in an Look out for them in ethnic food
epileptic fit, the sufferer can inflict areas of supermarkets and ethnic Canola Savvy
the most terrible bites. food outlets. Q. Is canola a genetically
modified version of rapeseed?
Lactose Tolerance Persists?
A. We are all familiar with stories Q. You claim that humans are not Where can I get organic rape-
about how frail mums lift the made to drink milk after weaning. seed?
family car off a crushed child. Yet studies show that the
In truth, when we are intestine can be forced to A. No, Canola is not necessarily
controlling our muscles continue secreting the enzyme genetically modified. Canola is
voluntarily, we can only mobilize lactase (which digests lactose), simply the variety that has been
about 30% of their potential. just by continuing to consume bred by normal means to remove
Under panic circumstances, the milk. the ‘bad’ fat, erucic acid. All
body mobilizes, involuntarily, up canola and rapeseed oils are
to 100%. required to be like that now.
A. There are a number of hidden
The reality is that, voluntarily,
assumptions in this question. Check for
humans have a low biting
strength whereas a hyena has a the debunking of a whole range
First, many more digestive of canola myths.
much higher voluntary biting
processes stop on weaning apart
strength. from lactase production. The Always go for organic canola or
enzyme rennin, which is rapeseed oil when you can. By
If a hyena had to wait for an
responsible for separating milk definition, it will not be genetically
epileptic fit each time he wanted
into curds and whey, is stopped. modified. It will often be virgin oil
to eat, hyenas would rapidly go Other enzymes are stopped too.
extinct. from the first cold pressing.
For example, those that digest
Jerusalem Artichokes the curds (consisting of casein This is the ideal specification but
Q. What are Jerusalem and fat). you will need to look in health
artichokes? You mentioned them food stores for it. In the USA,
in September’s article about wild Other components of milk, apart such a product is made by
plant authority, Dr Gunter Nöll. from lactose, are also harmful. ‘Spectrum Naturals’. In UK and
We are all familiar with the France, a common brand is
A. It is the root of a kind of drawbacks of milk fat. But in ‘Emile Noël’ made by Provence
sunflower and is known in Europe addition, milk protein (casein) is a Régime SA.
November 2003 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 4

Pumpkin Caution Food Labels Monsanto Forces “Hormone

Q. What is the status of pumpkin? Free” Relabel
Is it a conforming food? “Low Fat” Fraudster Jailed Monsanto has succeeded in
The food label is the sole, flimsy another attack on label
A. No -- it is too glycemic for that. line of defense that we have transparency. Dairy farmers who
Even the basic pumpkin has a against the tide of garbage that is sell “Hormone-Free” milk have
‘bad’ glycemic index of around 75 in manufactured food. been banned from saying so.
-- just as bad as sugar itself. It is It is vital that the labels be The FDA upheld Monsanto’s
often cooked into flans and honest -- but the temptations to argument that all milk contains
puddings using lots of sugar -- cheat are great. It is good to hormones even if they are
even worse. know that the authorities naturally occurring ones.
Pumpkin is sometimes mis- sometimes crack down on the Monsanto of course makes
guidedly recommended because fraudsters. the artificial hormone “rBST” that
it is rich in certain micronutrients Robert Ligon, executive of stimulates cows to produce far
such as beta-carotene and lutein. Nutrisource Inc, was jailed for 15 greater volumes of milk than
However, these important months for fraudulently claiming nature intended.
nutrients are equally available that the baked goods he sold to
health food stores were low fat. Our View? A win for rapacious
from other, better, foods that are agri-business and a setback for
low-glycemic. Doughnuts were labeled as
containing three grams of fat (135 honesty in labeling. Fortunately,
We are not being party poopers milk consumption is not a pre-
for Thanksgiving -- we waited calories) when they actually
contained 18 grams of fat (530 occupation for Natural Eaters.
until afterwards before replying!
Just have a symbolic helping and calories). Hints and Tips
focus on the turkey and Brussels Further comment: Those who Ripening Persimmons
sprouts. eat doughnuts cannot expect a lot
This is the season for per-
of sympathy from us. But think
simmons (also known as ‘sharon
From this Newsletter about this: the best foods are
fruit’ or ‘kaki’.) They are
5 Years Ago ones that don’t require food
deliciously sweet (and undoubt-
labels at all -- like fresh fruits,
Know your potatoes edly glycemic) when slushily ripe.
vegetables and salads.
But they are often sold when they
When it comes to glycemic
are hard, unripe and incredibly
index, not all varieties of potato The best foods are ones that astringent.
are created equal. If you want to do not require food labels. This can be fixed. Just put
eat the occasional potato, then them in the freezer overnight and
Transfat Label under Siege
play safe by choosing the let them thaw out the next
In September, we reported that
following varieties: from January 2006 Americans will morning. They will be soft and will
Fingerlings: Ruby Crescent, find transfat identified on food have lost their bitterness. This
Russian. labels. also works with unripe plums,
Round Red: La Soda, La Touge, Not before time you might kiwis and even avocados.
Red Norland, Red Pontiac. think. But on October 9 th, the US There are no published figures
National Food Processors for persimmon’s glycemic index.
These are better still if ‘new’ and
Association filed suit against the However, we know that they have
are still of ‘waxy’ consistency. a high sugar content: 9% glucose
FDA to oppose this measure.
Especially Avoid: plus 9% fructose. We recommend
They are frightened that
Russet varieties: including consumers will be ‘put off’ by the that you eat persimmon frugally --
Arcadia, Burbank, and Idaho. transfat stigma. just as a sweetmeat.
Today’s Comment: So yes, you are on your own. From Page 1
Over the past five years, the Do not ever imagine that the food
potato’s shortcomings have been suppliers have your interests at Briefing
found to be even more grave. heart. Aspartame Quandary
See ‘Nightshade’, page 2. Better For example, fresh orange juice
to avoid them altogether. Food suppliers are secret contains 12 mg of methanol per
opponents of the consumer 12 oz glass; tomato juice 18 mg
per glass. Alcoholic beverages
have even more: red wine
November 2003 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 5

contains at least 25 mg of further than sugar and starches Tailpiece

methanol per wine glass. for the cause.
Life Sentence for Longevity
Additive no Worse No Litigation
In comparison, an aspartame Aspartame has not yet been Frenchman Jean Dupont is
tablet contains just 2mg of implicated in even one death in hoping for a fresh start after,
methanol. A 12 oz can of diet the 35 years. Moreover, we are incredibly, serving out a 99-year
cola contains about the same living in a highly litigious environ- sentence. He was jailed for killing
amount of methanol as the same ment. If anyone could make a his mother’s lover in 1904 when
amount of orange juice -- 12 mg. convincing case that aspartame he was just 14. Now 113 he says:
FDA Tests had made them sick, class-action “I want to make up for lost time. I
Aspartame is made of two lawsuits would be flying. hope to find a wife and have
proteins, (‘phenylalanine’ and Methanol Intolerance children in the years I have left”.
‘aspartic acid’) which occur quite In an early, skeptical, review of
The details of Dupont’s lifestyle
naturally in the body. The two the data, Dr W. Monte, professor
proteins are joined by a molecule of Food Science at Arizona State are not divulged. However, we do
of methanol. Aspartame has University, points out5 that there know that people who live to
passed the toughest tests that the is a very wide range of tolerance extreme ages are never fat. They
FDA could devise . levels in humans to methanol. have had a high plant diet; mod-
Europe Too Some people are considered erate stress; and a good social
The FDA is not alone. The Europ- ‘methanol hypersensitive’. network. Dupont’s French prison
ean Union too has subjected asp- Vitamin B Deficiency must have done a good job. By
artame to testing and approved it Much more interestingly, such today’s lights, he had a harsh
for use as a food additive (E951). methanol hypersensitive people sentence. He is lucky to get a
The skeptical French have have been “cured” when folate second chance; we wish him well.
accepted3 a safe daily intake of deficiency has been corrected.
40 mg per kg body weight per Folate is a B vitamin found, guess Upcoming Public Events
day. That corresponds to 3000 where, in green leafy plant food. Contact us for further details.
mg (or 150 tablets) per day for a Adaptation See ‘Info’ below or page 6
168 lb (12 stone) person. We often talk about how plant TALK
Responsible Consumption predators (like humans) develop "Fear Not Cancer!” Revolutionary
Of course nobody expected resistance to plant toxins (like Insights for Avoidance and Recovery.
adolescents to begin consuming methanol). This is a beautiful Thurs, Jan 8, 2004, 9:30 am
diet cola by the gallon. We cannot illustration of how our bodies Mizell Senior Center
condone such a massive mobilize folate as an antidote to 480 S. Sunrise Way,
consumption, but the use of a few methanol -- both substances Palm Springs
aspartame tablets during the day found in our naturally adapted Entry: Open, Free
to sweeten a cup of tea or coffee food supply. Info: 1-888-240-3493
is well within the healthy body’s The Bottom Line? Aspartame is Keywords: Foust, message board,
tolerance limits. naturally present in plant food aspartame, oil and steam, metabolic, Wolcott,
metabolic, nightshade, coca butter, epilepsy,
Sugar Worse (as its components phenyl- bite, Jerusalem artichokes, tiger nuts, lactose,
We can be sure that, had sugar alanine, aspartic acid and Canola, Spectrum, Emile Noël, pumpkin, potato,
fingerling, russet, Ligon, fraud, transfat,
been obliged to take the same methanol.) Far more of it is Monsanto, rBST, persimmon, sharon, kaki, Jean
tests, it would have been banned consumed through plant food Dupont, methanol, longevity.
as a lethal substance. than even a dozen sweetener
According to a major study4 by tablets in tea or coffee. 1
Renaud; Le Régime Santé; Odile
Dr. William Grant, sugar intake As the lesser of two evils, Jacob; Paris 1995.
may account for over 150,000 aspartame is a far better bet than 2
Am J Clin Nutr; 1987; 46; 204 - 15
premature deaths from heart sugar. If you are worried about 3
French Food Safety Agency;
disease in the US each year. The ‘aspartame sensitivity’, eat up Assessment Report; May 7, 2002
sugar provokes extreme levels of your greens anyway, but also try 4
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
insulin. This, in turn, irritates the switching to an alternative low- 1998;13:95-104.
liver into producing a tidal wave glycemic, biological sweetener 5
Woodrow Monte; Aspartame and the
of triglycerides and cholesterol. such as stevia. You can also try public Health; J Appl Nutr. Vol 36,
Sufferers who have high levels of reducing your dependence on no 1, 1984.
these substances need look no sweeteners generally.
Prices valid until February 28, 2004
T he Bond E ffect Natural Eating


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“Natural Eating” and “Nutritional Anthropology” are registered trademarks of Geoff Bond. © 2003 Geoff Bond. Editor: Geoff Bond.
Printed and published by Natural Eating LLC, PMB 171, 420 N. Nellis Bvd. #A3, Las Vegas, NV 89110, USA

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