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The encyclopaedia Britannica argues that Gilgamesh's best of all known ancient

Mesopotamian heroes. However, there are a lot of tales about this. Stories, including the

Akkadian community, have been informed on the information of Gilgamesh. According to

the encyclopaedia Britannica, the whole group has been illustrated as an odyssey. Odyssey

refers to the king that never thinks of death. The king never sees an end. The full extent

context of the king's epic is found in twelve incomplete tables of the Akkadian languages,

which are located at Nineveh in the Assyrian king library. The poems of Gilgamesh and the

epic tables were the Gilgamesh who was the ruler at Uruk in the Mesopotamia south. This

happened during his early semi of the 3rd millennium. He was, therefore, a recent age of

Agga, the Kish leader. The writer argues that Gilgamesh of Mesopotamia is amongst the

Sumerian kings after the flood reigning.

Kris Hirst gives a good illustration of Gilgamesh as a legendry warrior king. Kris argues

that at the beginning of the story, Gilgamesh is a young prince in the Warka. He describes

Gilgamesh as the prince fond of chasing women and carousing. There is always a complaint

to the gods of the Uruk by the citizens about Gilgamesh. The citizens decide to distract the

prince by using a large hairy creature.

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Kris argues that Gilgamesh seeks immorality severally in a lot of places. The places

include the establishment of a barmaid across the sea coast of the Mediterranean and via a

visit to the Noah Mesopotamia, who took immortality after the survival from the great flood.

Gilgamesh is seen weeping bitterly and later gives up his quest and goes back to Uruk. When

the king dies, he is considered the god of the underworld. Kris illustrates that the epic journey

of the king did not only occur in the epic of Mesopotamia but also about a half-human and

half king god.

Joshua argues that Gilgamesh is the half mythic ruler and king of Uruk in Mesopotamia.

The semi-mythic king is well known as the Epic of Gilgamesh. The quest motif for the

meaning of life is initially explained and illustrated in Gilgamesh as the hero king. This

leaves Gilgamesh's kingdom following the passing away of the king's best friend, whose

name is Enkidu. Joshua argues that Gilgamesh's father is believed to have been the king

Lugalbanda priest. Gilgamesh's mother is also believed to have been the goddess Ninsun.

However, Gilgamesh is also thought to be a demi-god who has lived the most extended life.

He is also thought to be possessed of strengths of the human superhero.

R. C. Thompson refers the Gilgamesh as the name of the legendary king of the city

summer of Erech. He insinuates that the legendary king was a great historical figure. He later

became a legend in the epic hero in his excellence. The writer in this source argues that the

legendary king must have lived in the southern part of Mesopotamia during the end of the 4th

of the start of the 3rd millennium BC. Gilgamesh was the greatest hero of his time. According

to the writer, Gilgamesh ruled his Uruk city tyrannically.

Frank Lorey argues that epic was formed as a poem. In the poem, the central character is

Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh is considered a heroic person. According to the king of the Sumerian

list, Gilgamesh was the earliest dynasty of Uruk existing for 1236 seasons. However, this
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period is not considered a challenge compared with the pre-flood patriarchs of the holly book

age. The writer argues that Gilgamesh was the king who lived an average life span compared

to today's life.

Classic literature writers refer to the epic of Gilgamesh as the ancient poem of

Mesopotamia, which originated from the Sumerian legends. The writer identifies Gilgamesh

as a very harsh ruler who abuses his power by sleeping their women. This leads to a rivalry

between the cruel king and the goddess of creation, Aruru. Gilgamesh is caught sending

prostitutes to seduce and take Enkidu, his best friend. The king is saddened by the sad death

of his best friend. Being a hero, Gilgamesh is later considered the god of the underworld after

his death.


K. Kris Hirst. “The Myth of Gilgamesh, Hero King of Mesopotamia”. The Myth of

Gilgamesh, Hero King of Mesopotamia (, 2019

Encyclopedia Britannia.“Gilgamesh Mesopotamian mythology.” 2017

Classic literature. “The Epic of Gilgamesh” The Epic of Gilgamesh - History

(, 2015

R. C. Thompson. “The Epic of

Gilgamesh (1930)”

Frank. L”The Flood of Noah and the Flood of Gilgamesh” The Flood of Noah and the

Flood of Gilgamesh | The Institute for Creation Research (

Joshua J. Mark. “The Eternal Life of

Gilgamesh” (2018)
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