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Natural Eating: Eating in Harmony with our Genetic Heritage

June 2000 Nutritional Anthropology™ Volume 3.06

T h e B o n d E f f e ct
Private Subscription Newsletter
Bioarchaeology: Corn Clobbers Floridians Breaking News: The Book is Here! Natural Eating
Babies: Bouvet Baby Virtue label: Columbus Eggs Recipe: Spaghetti Salad Menu Test: airline
breakfast Questions: Raw Eggs, Soy Perspectives, Tuna Types, High Energy; Food Fraud: Linda
McCartney Sausage Kiddy Corner: Feeding Children Misconceptions: Saturated Fats
that the pregnancy went superbly
Bioarchaeology Stop Press well and the midwives were
extremely happy with progress.
Corn Clobbers Florida The Book is Imminent! Continued: page 5
Natives This ‘Bible’ to Natural Eating will be
In pre-Columbian times, the native available from us end June. Virtue Label
tribes of Florida lived a foraging
We are privileged to have the
existence. Clark Larsen PhD, prof- Not all processed foods are rubbish.
following endorsement from Dr
essor of anthropology at the Here we encourage a food producer
Christopher C Brown:
University of North Carolina has who is trying to do the right thing.
been studying the bones of ancient "Dogmatic theories are becoming Comments page 5.
Timuca, Guale and Apalachee suspect in the face of innovative
Their bone chemistry shows that
research by new thinkers like Geoff
Bond. Natural Eating is a
they had an extremely varied diet remarkable treatise providing FREE RANGE
rich in a wide range of plants com- extensive and convincing scientific Healthier Eggs
plemented by seafood and other support. I fully endorse Natural
animals. They drank from fresh Eating and hope that it will have a Naturally Rich in Omega 3
water streams and ate little or no significant impact on the future of Nutrition Facts:
corn (maize). nutrition as we know it" Serving size 1 egg (57g)
With the arrival of the Spanish CHRISTOPHER C. BROWN, MD, Calories 81
missions, the Indians were put to RESEARCH INSTITUTE Amount per serving
work – on the farms, in road Total fat 5.9 g
construction, on government Order now and benefit from the Saturates 1.4 g
buildings and military projects. pre-shop prices! See page 6 Monounsaturates 2.1 g
Their diet became much simplified Polyunsaturates 1.4g
and they were forced by the Natural Eating Babies Omega 3 0.7g
Spaniards into cultivating corn as a Omega 6 0.7g
The first families to have adopted Sodium 0mg
main staple. Natural Eating are multiplying! Here Total Carb. 0g
Result? Stunted growth, dental is an update. Dietary Fiber 0g
cavities (caries), anemia, chronic Total Sugar 0g
Baby Boomer Bouvet Protein 7.0 g
infections, osteoarthritis, scurvy,
parasite infections and generalized Congratulations to Jeanne Bouvet Vitamin E 12 mg
poor nutrition. who gave birth to a robust Now turn to Page 5
Source: Scientific American; June 2000; Alexandre weighing 3.6 kg (8.0 lb).
80-85. Jeanne and her husband Frederic
Comment: Page 5 have been Natural Eating disciples
for over three years. Jeanne reports
June 2000 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 2
Add the spaghetti and mix all the What happened to safe eggs? Why
Recipe of the Month ingredients well together. are public health officials now
urging us to eat only fully cooked
Nicole’s Pocket Cookbook is now Comment: shell eggs or to use pasteurized
available (details on back page). This dish is marked down to four egg products?
candles because it uses It is a story of greed, sloppy
Here we publish one of the recipes significant quantities of a grain hygiene and venal farming
extracted from the book. practices. And it’s recent. The
food, pasta. Nevertheless, the
problems only really surfaced in the
Spaghetti Salad damage is limited by using low late 1980’s.
glycemic, whole-wheat spaghetti.
serves 6 As an example, just listen to what
It also uses quite a lot of oil. farmers do to raise egg product-

All this is mitigated by the high ivity. They starve chickens until
Ingredients: percentage of vegetables. they lose 30 percent of their body
Salad. weight — and lose feathers. When
All in all a fine and tasty meal or
• 2 packets (16 oz, 455 g) feeding resumes, egg production
whole-wheat spaghetti (‘angel increases dramatically.
*Angel hair whole-wheat, organic
hair’ *) spaghetti is readily available in health The bottom-line is more eggs. But
• 3 avocados, medium size food stores such as Nature’s RX. In the this cruel practice also hugely
US look out for the Deboles brand of increases the percentage of
• 1 lb. (16 oz , 455 g) Roma Arrowhead Mills, 1-800 749 0730. salmonella tainted eggs.
tomatoes, seeded and diced
Menu Test How likely is it that the egg you are
• 7 oz (200 g) red and yellow bell eating is infected? Not great – it is
You are on a long flight and have
peppers, cut into strips estimated that one out of every
the following breakfast offered.
• 3 green onions, sliced How do you choose your meal? 10,000 eggs is infected. But con-
Vinaigrette Orange juice sumers have no way of knowing
which one! However, the odds are
• 4 tablesp. (60ml) olive oil Fresh Fruit
stacked against you if you are a
• 4 tablesp. (60ml) Canola oil And Either
resident of a nursing home. 85
Traditional Mixed Grill:
• 2 tablesp. (30ml) red wine percent of deaths occur there.
scrambled eggs, grilled bacon,
vinegar pork sausage, tomato, Hash- But healthy people can still eat raw
• 4 tablesp. (60ml) tomato juice brown Potatoes. egg. Here are some pointers:
• 4 cloves garlic, crushed Or • Always buy your eggs from a
• salt Chinese style breakfast: stir- chilled cabinet and keep them in
fried noodles, chicken, prawns the fridge. Salmonella does not
• pepper
and dim-sum multiply in eggs kept below 45°F.
Optional: And
• 1 can (6 oz, 170 g) pitted black • Buy free-range, organic eggs.
Croissant with butter and jam.
olives, rinsed and drained Coffee or Tea • Raw egg mixed with acids such as
• 4 tablesp. fresh basil, chopped Our answer next month lemon juice or vinegar is thereby
sterilized. Dishes such as our
Method: Reader’s Questions mayonnaise recipe will be safe.
Cook the spaghetti in a large • Buy pasteurized shell eggs. Some
saucepan, following the Raw Egg Safety companies such as Pasteurized
instructions on the packet. Eggs, L.P. of Laconia, N.H. are
Q. You use raw eggs in some of
Don't overcook. Rinse and drain in starting to supply them.
your dishes. How worried should
a colander. we be about food poisoning? • Buy supplier-certified salmonella-
In a large salad bowl combine the free eggs.
A. Eggs used to be safe. Parents,
ingredients of the vinaigrette. without worrying, could let their • Campaign your representative to
Add the tomatoes, bell peppers children lick the cookie-mixing tighten egg hygiene laws.
and onions. bowl. Consumers, without fear, Soy in Perspective
Peel the avocados, take out the could eat raw eggs in salad
dressings, egg nog and stuffing. Q. I was surprised by the article
stone and cut into ½ inch squares. last month that criticized soy
Sunny-side-up eggs with runny
Add to the other vegetables in yolks were great on toast. Our products –then I saw a TV program
the vinaigrette. Pleistocene ancestors ate raw eggs that made the same points. But
by the nest-load. isn’t it all rather alarmist?
June 2000 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 3
A study in rats suggests that IEH Assessment of Phytoestrogens in the
A. We make no bones about it – Human Diet; Final Report to MAFF; Nov. 1997
the soy producers are presenting genistein may prompt the growth of
Exposure of infants to phyto-estrogens from
their products in the most favorable breast tissue in males. soy-based infant formula; Setchell et al;
light. There are few to put the case The research community has Lancet; 1997; Jul 5; 350(9070):23-7.
for other side. The FDA meanwhile varying degrees of concern about a Tuna Types
is trying very hard to hold the "dark side" to soy consumption.
scientific ring. More research is needed on Q. There are many types of tuna.
This article was by way of humans rather than animals. Are they all equal in nutrient
redressing the balance. Its purpose Just so. To date, most of the quality?
was to point out that soy is not a research has been carried out on A. The main significance of tuna in
miracle food. We must not animals. This has been the pretext the human diet is its contribution of
mindlessly take the claims of the for the FDA and others to turn a ‘fish oils’ or the good elongated
soy industry at face value. blind eye to all the circumstantial omega 3 oils (see Misconceptions).
Our article drew on over 30 evidence.
In this regard, not all varieties of
sources: peer review journals, The soy producers are turning tuna were created equal. These are
government publications (such as somersaults to find ways to rich in the ‘good’ fish oils. Go for
the FDA and the MAFF) and detoxify soy. Have they tortured it these in preference:
primary source books. These set into submission? Just about, in the
out the downside to soy – the case of soy protein. It is so highly • Bluefin 1.5mg/100mg
aspect that is glossed over by the processed that it barely qualifies as • White 0.9mg/100mg
soy producers. A selection of a natural food. These are only moderate:
references is given at the end of It is not for nothing that soy
this article. • Skipjack 0.3mg/100mg
products are rarely available raw –
Even so, in last month’s article, we not even the flour. Heating destroys • Light 0.3mg/100mg
even-handedly said, “soy can be many toxins. • Yellowfin 0.3mg/100mg
part of our eating pattern but treat it The story is very similar to that Either way, it makes little difference
warily and keep consumption other interloper to the human diet – if they are fresh or canned (in fresh
modest”. We even use soy-based grains (see the article on the water).
products in our recipes, where they Floridian Indians). In modest
can serve a useful purpose. Definitely avoid tuna canned in
quantities they are generally
omega 6 oils like sunflower, safflo-
Why is there an officially backed tolerated. In larger quantities they
wer, corn and peanut. That dest-
campaign to replace mammal meat drive out more nutritious foods and roys the fine omega 3/omega 6 bal-
by soy? Because it is the lesser of their anti-nutrients have a ance.
two evils! depressing effect on many aspects
Meat protein raises cholesterol of human biology. High Energy Intake
levels. Plant protein (of which soy However, we as Natural Eaters, Q. I need to consume 3000 to
is only one example) lowers chol- have our eyes raised to wider 4000 calories per day. How do I do
esterol levels. The FDA has horizons. The benefits of eating in that by eating naturally?
recently allowed soy protein harmony with our naturally adapted
products to make a health claim – eating pattern are far superior to A. The short answer is: you have
that soy protein helps reduce heart the mechanical substitution of one to eat a lot! This is a very high
disease. bad food by one that is only energy intake for a Westerner –
tolerated. corresponding to heavy manual
However, they stop short of saying
Bottom line: legumes, particularly labor for many hours a day.
that soy in general is health helpful.
Here is a summary of comments soy, were never part of the human Some forager tribes, such as the
from the FDA’s John Henkel. diet and there are drawbacks. As a Aché of Peru, do have this kind of
modest proportion of the diet they energy expenditure. How do they
FDA continues to monitor safety of
can be a tolerated, even beneficial, eat? Just more of the same: about
individual soy compounds. If new
addition. 20% (by volume) of lean animal
results suggest an increased risk,
Some Sources: food (don’t forget they eat the
the agency will modify its policies in
Anti-thyroid Isoflavones from Soybean; Divi et blood, brains, guts, everything) and
the light of the new information.
al; Biochem. Pharmacol; vol 54; 1997; pp 80% of low starch plant food.
The National Institutes of Health is 1087-1096.
Animal matter, being that much
studying, long-term, the safety of Handbook of Naturally Occurring Food
Toxicants; ed Rechnig; pp 81-100. CRC press, more energy dense provides up to
soy infant formula.
Boca Raton, FL, 1983 50% of calories even though it only
An FDA researcher, Sheehan is The USDA Trypsin Inhibitor Study; Rackis; takes up 20% of the plate. Nuts are
concerned that soy consumption Qualification of Plant Foods in Human an exception, being very high
may prompt goiter and thyroid Nutrition, vol 35, 1985.
energy density – eat a good
autoimmune disorders.
June 2000 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 4
handful of raw, unsalted nuts name gave credibility to her range That is the ideal – but what to do in
everyday. of processed foods. the modern world? Mercifully, the
Just eat copiously to the guidelines It is a name that should not be lent movement towards breast-feeding
set out in the Golden Rules lightly – and yet that is the case has made this practice not only
(Introductory Guide or the N E here. The formulators of this veg- acceptable but also practicable.
Book). Particularly avoid falling into etarian sausage have committed Today, mothers can give breast to
the trap of upping the intake of fats the most elementary nutritional their child in public places,
and bad carbohydrates. errors. First of all the real baddy – something unthinkable 50 years
hydrogenated vegetable oil. This is ago.
This is just a quick overview. This
question is of interest to many implicated in so many diseases, Of course it is unthinkable in the
heavy exercisers, so we are including cancer, that even the West for the vast majority of
planning a more detailed most venal manufacturer is rushing mothers to breast feed after about
description for later publication. to eliminate it from his products. 12 months, let alone to pre-
Yet here, in the poor memory of masticate pap for a two year old.
Food Fraud Linda McCartney, hydrogenated So what is there to be done?
Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing vegetable oil is brazenly Fortunately, the companies that
Deceit is everywhere in processed announced as the second most make formula milk are getting a lot
foods. Here is an egregious important active ingredient! If Linda cuter about making a product that
example. McCartney really believed that imitates human milk as closely as
hydrogenated vegetable oil is good possible. They have come a long
Linda McCartney for you – and practiced what she way in 50 years. No more cow milk
SAUSAGES preached – then it is not surprising allergens, a much better ratio of
that she got cancer… fats to proteins and a much better
GMO Free! composition of vitamins, minerals
Then there is the emphasis on
Suitable for Vegans wheat protein (the greatest allergen and essential fatty acids.
The McCartney Family verifies that around), more ‘vegetable’ oil, high They do not, however, mimic the
glycemic glucose (that’s the fact that the composition of
this product meets the standards and dextrose) and finally a super-dose mother’s milk changes as the baby
beliefs of Linda McCartney. of salt. gets older. For example, in the first
It is a tragic-comedy really – all weeks of life, a baby cannot utilize
This product has been created to
that emphasis on ‘soya free’ and the essential fatty acids, linoleic
remove soya and every effort has acid and alpha-linolenic acid.
‘GMO free’ when the really serious
been made to eliminate other issues have not been addressed at During this time, the mother’s milk
ingredients that may have been all! contains compounds that
compensate for this.
genetically modified. AVOID
Secondly, the mother’s milk
Ingredients: Next month’s Food Fraud: Star Kist
contains antibodies and other
Tuna in Spring Water.
Water; Textured Wheat Protein; compounds that protect the baby
(contains starch) (21.5%), Hydro- Kiddy Corner from disease early in life. Again,
genated Vegetable Oil, Wheat and formula milk cannot provide these.
Pea protein, Rusk, Vegetable oil, We receive many queries from So the message is, breast-feed if
Vegetable flavorings, stabilizer: mothers anxious to know how to you can, and for as long as you
E464, Dextrose, Fermented rice. can. Then move onto, and
feed their children.
Energy per sausage (40g) 86 cal, supplement with, the best formula
Here we serialize the relevant
protein 8.7g, carbohydrate 2.9g, fat milk you can find.
segment of the new Natural Eating
4.6g (saturates 1.9g), fibre 0.6g, Book. What about solid foods? The first
sodium 300mg. principle has to be, eat naturally!
Part One
The more the baby eats in
Comment: Baby/toddler accordance with the general
Linda McCartney made a name for Up to the age of about three years principles enunciated in this book,
herself as a crusader against the old, human babies are lactivores. the better.
excesses of industrial food They are designed to work on The second principle is, people like
production. She died a tragically human breast milk. In primitive to eat what they have always
early death at the age of 56 from societies, babies are not weaned eaten. The best start in life that you
breast cancer. She was a until they are about three years old, can give your baby is to give him
vegetarian activist and set up a although solid foods, partially pre- the taste for healthy foods. Get him
business to commercialize masticated by their mothers, are used to eating healthy foods at this
vegetarian foodstuffs. Her celebrity introduced slowly from about 12 stage, and that liking will stay with
months. him for life.
June 2000 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 5
Get your baby used to healthy Jeanne of course is breast-feeding
From Page One and expects to keep it up for as
foods, and that liking will stay
with him for life. long as practicable.
Corny Floridians (cont.)
The first good habit to instill is, yes, The midwives are also pleased at
Comment: the rapidity with which baby
the eating of vegetables. No need
to make special arrangements, just This is a re-run of the agricultural Alexandre regained his weight after
take what you, as a Natural Eater, revolution in the Middle East, some the normal 24 hour weight drop.
eat every day and reduce down to 10,000 years earlier. A cereal- Next Month: The Georgiades
a form appropriate to the child’s based diet is a recipe for poor Family
stage of development. nutrition, sickness and disease.
Corn (maize) is perhaps the worst Virtue Label Appraised
Today’s food processors are a
of all.
good substitute for the masticating
jaws of the mother. (But no one
knows if the mother’s saliva is
Cereals (grains) are lacking many
essential proteins; they are high
Columbus Eggs
significant!) glycemic and totally deficient in a There are two good things about
wide range of micronutrients. Their these eggs: they are free-range and
Essential lifelong habit number antinutrients (e.g. lectins, rich in omega 3 oils.
one: eat vegetation every day. phytates and amyl-amylase The significance of free-range is
inhibitors) stunt growth, inhibit developed in ‘raw egg safety’ on
Part Two of feeding children mineral absorption and disrupt the page 2. They are humanely prod-
continues next month. endocrine system. uced and they are less likely to be
The techniques used by Dr Larsen salmonella infected.
Misconceptions are similar to those used in the Most important is their omega 3
study of the original farming content. It is achieved by allowing
“Everybody needs some saturated revolutionaries in the Middle East: the hens to feed on naturally
fat in the diet” • analysis of bone-carbon occurring vegetation, supplement-
Wrong! There are only two fats that isotopes, (differentiates between ed by a feed rich in flax seed (itself
are essential in the diet – alpha- cereal consumption and green rich in omega 3).
linolenic acid (18:3) and linoleic plant consumption); Just look at the figures: there is a
acid (18:2). They are both
• analysis of bone-nitrogen iso- perfect balance, 1:1 of omega 3 to
polyunsaturated fats. omega 6. Furthermore, the quant-
topes (differentiates between
Other helpful oils are simply seafood and land animal food) ities (0.7g each) are close to the
elongated variations of the omega optimum amount for healthy fatty
3 series: EPA, eicosapentaenoic • microscopic examinations of acid metabolism.
acid (20:5ω3) and DHA, bone lesions (identifies anemia,
malnutrition, and bacterial As a bonus, these eggs also
docosahexaenoic acid (22:6ω3) contain a good dose of vitamin E –
(found in oily fish). 12mg – close to the RDA.
Saturated fats (all with formulae of • scanning electron microscopy of
tooth wear (identifies diseases Compare this to the average
the form XX:0) are almost without impoverished battery hen’s egg: a
exception harmful to health. and malnutrition);
derisory 0.06 mg. of omega 3 oil
Monounsaturated fats, all of the • microscopic examination of and a pathetic 0.6 mg. of
form XX:1 tend to be innocuous – dental Retzius lines (whose Vitamin E.
famously represented by olive oil malformations indicate the
(18:1). quality of childhood nutrition); Always go for free-range,
omega 3 rich eggs!
But not all. One monounsaturated • superficial examination of teeth
fat, erucic acid, (22:1ω3) is toxic to for dental cavities;
humans. It used to be present in • examination of joints (to identify
rapeseed oil, whence its arthritic conditions and the
unsuitability (in the past) for human pattern of heavy labor)
Varieties of rapeseed have now
Bouvet’s Baby (cont.)
been developed which do not form Fred and Jeanne are both appalled
erucic acid. To get away from its by the poor diet on offer in their
poisonous connotations, rapeseed French clinic. Husband Fred
oil has been re-branded as Canola Bouvet has been ferrying daily
oil in North America. supplies of fresh fruit and salads to
his wife.
June 2000 The Bond Effect Newsletter page 6

The Natural Eating Book

The Book will now be available from us end June. It will be on end Natural
July and the bookstores end August. Eating
Those who buy from us now will receive the discount.
Write to us, without commitment, either on-line or at the contact addresses below. Nutritional Anthropology:
Eating In Harmony
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The Introductory Guide The Newsletter

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Nicole’s Pocket Cookbook Yearbook 2000

A selection of delicious recipes conforming to Natural The collected edition of 12 monthly newsletters from
Eating Precepts. Breakfast/brunch/anytime dishes, April 1999 to March 2000. Recipes, News Up-dates,
soups and stews, salads, desserts, sauces and dips, Hints and Tips, Humbug Debunking, Food/Disease
lunch/dinner/anytime dishes. Connections and much more.
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Upcoming Illustrated Talks

Geoff Bond is on tour in Europe during the Summer
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Community Centre, Amersham, Bucks, UK. 11:30 a.m. to 12:15
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