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Quiz w parach zrobić str 56

● being an optimist, pessimist be uplifting and hopeful, while a healthy dose of
pessimism can be realistic and wise.
● Achieving a balance of being realistic and hopeful can be a challenge.
● People who are optimistic generally have better health, age well, and live free of
many physical problems associated with aging.
● Because optimists believe they can handle whatever life throws at them, they're more
likely to enjoy significant measures of physical, mental and social health.
● However, this trait can also mean they take on more stress than pessimists because of
their tendency to see possibility and opportunity
2. Tekst przeczytaj
● Bias - inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way
considered to be unfair.
1e,homework, 57 2a, 57,
p 158 homework Grammar 4a, 142 , napisz 3 zdania z tym, B,c,d homework

Chapter 4C
2. What places do you associate with socialising?Meeting new people, creating new
3. At the dog park, where your dog (or your friend's dog) takes care of the introductions.
4. At an intramural sports club.
5. Wandering through the galleries of an art museum.
6. Attending a reading at a local bookstore or library.
7. At an after-work language class.
Good friend quality:
8. Honest. Among the traits of a best friend, honesty is easily one of the most significant.
9. Accepting. Great friends are accepting, even when their lives diverge from your own.
10. Low-Maintenance. ...
11. Non-Judgmental. ...
12. Loyal. ...
13. Respectful. ...
14. Trustworthy
15. They're Trustworthy. ...
16. They're Supportive. ...
17. They Accept You As You Are. ...
18. They Actively Listen. ...
19. They're Emotionally Available. ...
20. They Have Similar Interests. ...
21. They Show Up During The Tough Times. ...
22. They're Reciprocal.
23. Listening str 62, a,b,c,, 2,a,b,
24. Do you think its hard for you to voice your opinion?
25. Listening 3a,,b, ,d/62
26. We talked about changes, is it easy for you to propose changes/ introduce changes?
27. 5a,b
28. 6a,c homework
29. Str 68 Do you think that tourist attractions that are popular are overrated?
here are 4 different types of attractions in the travel and tourism industry. These are purpose
built attractions, natural attractions, events and heritage attractions. In the travel and
tourism sector, attractions are an important part as this is what bring in tourist from all over
the world.
Amusement parks, nature monuments,
There are three basic forms of tourism: domestic tourism, inbound tourism, and outbound
tourism. Domestic tourism refers to activities of a visitor within their country of residence
and outside of their home (e.g. a Brit visiting other parts of Britain).inbound tourism means
visits to a country by visitors who are not residents of that country. outbound tourism
means visits by residents of a country outside that country.
What do you usually include in your planning when i comes to trips?
What are important things when it comes to planning a trip?
1. Check-in with your doctor and insurance carrier. ...
2. Bring copies of your passport. ...
3. Leave a copy of your passport. ...
4. Register with your embassy. ...
5. Look up the monetary conversion before you go. ...
6. Make sure your credit card will work in the country you're visiting.

Monument - pomnik
Relics - an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical interest

Future perfect/continuous p. 142-143, additional sheet

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