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What is Bullying ?

 PART 1: Take notes and present the first part of video (0:00sec – 0:24sec)

1) What is the nature of the document ?


2) What type of discrimination is presented in the video ?


3) Where does the scene takes place ?


4) Who can you see in the video ?


 PART 2: Take notes and present the second part of the video (0:25sec – 1:19sec)

5) What are the two definitions given of this part of video ?

______________________________ VS ______________________________

6) Tick the words related to bullying with a pencil :

□ Disagreement □ argument □ hurt □ bullied □ express views □ negative behaviour

□ humiliate □ power □ everyday life □ don’t make feel unsafe □ constructive □ harm

□ don’t make feel threatened □ control □ interact □ express opinions

7) Fill in the table below with the two TERMS of question N°5 :

8) Fill in the table below with the words from question N°6 :

C………………………………. B…………………………………..

 PART 3 : The 4 ways people can be bullied. (1:20sec – 2:23sec)

Listen and Complete the table with a pencil :

Type of bullying
Key words
 PART 4: Take notes and present the last part of the video (2:24sec – 2:57sec)

9) How many students say that they have been bullied ?

□One in three □One in two □ One in ten

□ One in four □ One in five

10) Complete the following sentence with the missing words

“Because of bullying, students may be to go to school and miss out

to . Students who are bullied may have self-esteem and
less in themselves, they are not allowed to reach their full
and, many times, they don’t know what to do or how to get .”

11) Who should you talk to about bullying ?


12) In your opinion, how should students be treated ?



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