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Government of Pakistan

Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resource

Geological Survey of Pakistan

Information Release No. 996

Mineral Resources of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA, Pakistan

M. Sadiq Malkani
Zafar Mahmood
M. Imran Alyani
Sohaib Iqbal Shaikh
Syed Jawad Arif

Issued by Director General, Geological Survey of Pakistan

Executive Summary 01
Introduction 03
Materials and Methods 04
Results and Discussion 04
Mineral Resources of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA 04
Mineral and Gemstone Resources of Northern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and 04
FATA Regions (Chitral-Tirich Mir Zones/Hindukush-Karakoram Block,
Kohistan Magmatic Arc, Northern Indus Suture and Khyber-Hazara/ Nw
Metallic and Non-metallic Mineral Resources 06
Gemstone and Jewelry Resources 16
Agromineral Resources 20
Cement Raw Material Resources 22
Ceramic Mineral Resources 22
Construction, Dimension and Decorative Stone Resources 23
Coal Resources 25
Petroleum Resources 25
Radioactive Mineral Resources 25
Geothermal Energy Resources 25
Water Resources and Dam Constructions 25
Mineral Resources of Southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA Regions 26
(Western Indus Suture, Kohat Sub-Basin, Northern Sulaiman Basin and),
Interfingering of Sulaiman and Kohat Basins/Kohat to Pezu)
Metallic and Non-Metallic Mineral Resources 27
Gemstone and Jewelry Resources 29
Agromineral Resources 29
Cement Raw Material Resources 30
Ceramic Mineral Resources 32
Construction, Dimension and Decorative Stone Resources 33
Coal Resources 33
Petroleum Resources and Revised Stratigraphic Setup 36
Radioactive Mineral Resources 40
Geothermal Energy Resources 40
Water Resources and Dam Constructions 41
Museums, Global and National Geoparks-An Innovation for the Sustainable 42
Development of Pakistan
Stratigraphy And Economic Geology Of Dhana Sar-Mughal Kot-Domanda- 43
Chaudhwan Section, Zhob And D.I.Khan Districts, Balochistan And Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa Provinces, Pakistan
Correlation of Revised Stratigraphic Set up (At Group and Formation Level) 44
of Kohat Potwar Basins with Sulaiman and Kirthar Basins
References 47


After the Balochistan, the FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province is richest in mineral resources.
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA host many metalogenic domains. Hindukush (-Karakoram)
basin is a part of southern extremity of Laurasia deposited mostly by Tethys sea with some
continental strata. The Karakoram suture separates it from Kohistan-Ladakh magmatic arc of Tethys.
Along the MKT, the Kohistan magmatic arc is subducted under the Karakoram block. The
Hindukush-Karakoram block has northern and southern sedimentary belts (low and high grade
metamorphic belts) separated by central batholith. This belt consists of Late Paleozoic to Cenozoic
sequence of slates, schists, quartzites and crystalline limestones. The Karakoram suture/Shyok suture
is represented by obduction of thrust slices of ophiolitic (mafic and ultramafic) rocks. The
Hindukush-Karakoram block contains showing and deposits of antimony, arsenic, polymetallic
sulphides, gold, radioactive minerals, sheelite, dolomite/ limestone/ marble, coal, graphite, and
gemstones (aquamarine, topaz, tourmaline, ruby, spinel, pargasite, epidote, garnet, etc).
Kohistan-Ladakh magmatic arc is a wedge shape located between the Hindukush-
Karakoram basin in the north and Indo-Pak continental plate (northern Indus suture) in the south.
This Tethyan belt subducted under the Hindukush-Karakoram block of Asian plate during Late
Cretaceous when stress of collision of Indo-Pak plate with Kohistan-Ladakh started. Being weaker
plate it subducted under the Hindukush-Karakoram block of Asia and resulted in the form of
Karakoram batholiths. On increasing further stress of collision, the welded part of Tethys on the head
of Indo-Pak plate subducted under the Kohistan-Ladakh belt forming its magmatic arc. It includes
the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The central part of arc is mainly
Kohistan batholith which consists of gabbro, diorite and granodiorite. The southern part now called
northern Indus suture (Main Mantle Thrust/MMT) which represents obduction of the lower part of
sequence with thick pile of thrust slices of ophiolitic (mafic and ultramafic) rocks. The northern
part of Kohistan terrain show gossans and alteration zones associated with volcanic rocks all along
the Karakoram suture. It contains anomalous traces of copper, lead, zinc, antimony and gold. There
are large vein type deposits of pyrite, stockworks of quartz veins containing disseminated grains of
galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, azurite, bornite, chrysocolla, malachite, pyrrhotite, etc.
There are several showings of massive magnetite or magnetite disseminated in amphibolites,
deposits of chromite, showing of platinum, small deposits of fluorite, realgar and orpiment
(antimony), showings of graphite, mica and talc.
Indus Suture Zone is divided into Northern Indus Suture (northern margin of Indo-Pak plate
generally trending east west; Mohmand-Dargai Malakand-Jijal Besham-Chilas-Haramosh-Astor-
Shontar-Burzil-Kargil-Tsangpo, etc) and Western Indus Suture (western margin of Indo-Pak plate
generally trending north south; Kuram-Waziristan-Zhob-Muslimbagh-Khuzdar-Lasbela, etc,
probably on the contact of Arabian-Indian seas). Northern Indus Suture located on the northern
part of Indus river and consists of mélanges include the blocks of ophiolites, blueschists, greenschist,
metavolcanics and metasediments in a mixture of sheared metasediments and serpentine. It is
characterized by showings and deposits of asbestos, chromite, serpentine, iron, peridot, emerald,
magnesite, talc, soapstone and platinum group of minerals associated with gold. Western Indus
Suture located on the western boundary of Indus River and it shows imbricated sequence of
Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks, mélanges and ophiolite. The Western Indus Suture

contains showing and deposits of asbestos, chromite, copper, fluorite, iron, lead-zinc, magnesite,
manganese, soapstone and talc, nickel, platinum and serpentine.
The high metamorphic Khyber-Hazara zone (northern part close to northern Indus suture)
include sedimentary fold and thrust belt with high grade metamorphism and granite, synite, and other
igneous rocks. This zone contains beryl, feldspar, fluorite, galena, garnet, graphite, magnetite,
magnesite, marble, quartz, sheelite, talc and gemstones. The gemstones include aquamarine,
moonstone, pink topaz, peridot, ruby, spessartine, garnet and tourmaline. The low metamorphic
Khyber-Hazara (southern part relatively away from northern Indus suture) includes Precambrian
metasediments (originated from Hazara shale and Tanawal sandstone) and fossiliferous Paleozoic to
early Mesozoic rocks which is affected by low grade metamorphism. This zone contains phosphate,
soapstone, marble, quartzite, gypsum, iron, manganese, coal, etc.
The southern part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA includes the Sulaiman basin,
Kohat sub-basin and interfingering of Sulaiman basin with Kohat sub-basin. It is characterized
by a thick shallow water sequence of Mesozoic pericratonic shelf carbonates, neritic shales and
volcanics, marine deposits with some terrestrial deposits; Cenozoic marine and continental deposits,
and Paleogene molasses (Shaheed Ghat, Toi and Kingri formations of Chamalang/Ghazij Group) and
Neogene molasses (Potwar Group, Vihowa Group). This zone contains bauxite/laterite, bentonite,
clays, coal, fuller’s earth, fire clay, glass sand, gypsum and anhydrite, iron ore, ochre, lead-zinc ores,
manganese, limestone/dolomite, shale and sandstone, gravel, oil and gas, oil shale, potash salts,
radioactive minerals, phosphate, rock salt and sulphur.


All the mineral resources (except the radioactive/nuclear minerals and petroleum) are responsibility
of federating units/provinces (Balochistan, Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Federally
Administrated Triable Areas (FATA), Capital Islamabad, Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir while
the Radioactive minerals and Petroleum (oil and gas) are under the jurisdiction of Federal
government of Pakistan. Keeping in mind the every province should to know the potential of their
mineral resources, so this report (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA) along with other three reports
(on Punjab, Sindh and Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan) are being written for the easy approach
and understanding of potential of individual minerals under every federation units.
At the time of independence in August 1947, Pakistan was generally perceived to be a
country of low mineral potential, despite the knowledge regarding occurrences of large deposits of
salt, gypsum, limestone, marble, etc. During 1950-1980, the geological community of Pakistan can
be credited with several major achievements in economic geology such as discovery of major gas
fields in Balochistan, uranium from foothills of Sulaiman Range in Punjab and southern KP, barite
from Balochistan and KP, chromite and China clay in KP, famous emerald in KP, copper-gold and
lead-zinc in Balochistan and KP. What has been found so far is much too small than what is expected
to be discovered in not too distant future (Jan and Gauhar 2013). From independence to so far many
economic geologists presented revised and updated data and papers on mineral deposits of Pakistan.
From the beginning of Pakistan, many geoscientists incorporated the new discoveries in the previous
records and reported the review of mineral/minerals of Pakistan or part of it. Gee (1949) presented a
summary of known minerals of northwestern India (now Pakistan) with suggestions for development
and use. Heron (1950) and Heron and Crookshank (1954) reported economic minerals of Pakistan.
Ahmad (1969), Ahmad and Siddiqui (1992), Kazmi and Abbas (2001) and recently Malkani and
Mahmood (2016a) presented a comprehensive report on mineral resources of Pakistan. Malkani
(2010a, 2011a) presented the mineral potential of Sulaiman foldbelt and Balochistan provinces
respectively. Recently many discoveries of fluorite (Malkani 2002,2004b,2012b,2015a; Malkani and
Mahmood 2016d,g; Malkani et al. 2007,2016), gypsum (Malkani 2000,2010a,2011a,2013a), celestite
(Malkani 2012c,2015a; Malkani and Mahmood 2016d; Malkani et al. 2016), coal (Malkani
2004c,2012a,2013b,2016a; Malkani and Mahmood 2016c,f; Malkani and Shah 2014,2016),
construction materials (Malkani 2016b), clay and ceramic (Malkani and Mahmood 2016e), gold-
silver associated with antimony (Malkani 2004a,c, 2011a), cement resources (Malkani
2010a,2011a,2013a), marble (Malkani 2004a,2010a,2011a), barite (Malkani and Tariq 2000,2004),
gemstones (Khan and Kausar 1996,2004,2010a), K-T boundary minerals (Malkani 2010b), copper,
REE, etc are made. Further recently the abstracts on minerals of provinces (except Balochistan detail
report by Malkani 2011a), like Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Malkani 2012d,2013a,b; Malkani et al. 2013;
Malkani and Mahmood 2016g), Sindh (Malkani 2014a), Punjab (Malkani 2012e), Gilgit-Baltistan
and Azad Kashmir (Malkani 2012d,2014b; Malkani and Mahmood 2016g), and areas like Sulaiman
(Malkani 2004a), Siahan-Makran (Malkani 2004a,d), etc are presented but detailed reports are
lacking. Ahmad (1975) and Malkani (2011a) reported the mineral resources of Balochistan Province
but other provinces were ignored continuously. Now Malkani (the principal author with vast field

work in all provinces and basins of Pakistan) along with his colleagues have taken this responsibility
and reported the updated mineral resources of provinces like Sindh (Malkani et al. 2017a), north and
south Punjab (Malkani et al. 2017b), Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan (Malkani et al. 2017c) and
north and south KP and FATA (here). Previously the KP Province was ignored and also received
little attention but the present authors filled the missing link. This report is handy, comprehensive
reviewed, easy access and easy to read for the researcher, mine owners and planners. This report will
add insights on mineral potential of north and south KP and FATA.


The materials belong to compiled data from previous work and also new field data collected by
Malkani (the principal author) during many field seasons and vast field work in all basins and all
provinces of Pakistan (Fig.1) about mineral commodities, lithology, structure, geological history,
paleobiogeography, geodynamics/tectonics, revised stratigraphy, paleontology, etc. The methods
applied here are many discipline of purely geological description.



Mineral resources of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and FATA are divided into northern and southern
parts for easy approach and understanding of readers, researchers, mine owners and planners. The
northern area includes different tectonometallic and sedimentary basins like Chitral-Tirich Mir zones
(Hindukush-Karakoram block), Kohistan magmatic arc; northern Indus Suture and Khyber-Hazara
(NW Himalayas). The southern areas of KP and FATA includes different tectonometallic and
sedimentary basins like northern part of western Indus Suture, Kohat sub-basin (western Upper Indus
basin), northwestern Sulaiman basin (upper part of Middle Indus basin) and interfingering of
Sulaiman and Kohat sub-basin (Pezu to Kohat).



The Chitral-Tirich Mir zone represents antimony from Krinj, Partsan and Awireth Gol; arsenic from
Lundkhu-Mirgasht of Tirich Gol valley; copper and gossan/red iron oxide coloration near Drosh
located in the Karakoram Suture/Shyok Suture like Gawuch Gol, Kaldam Gol, Gorin Gol and
Langer; Yarkhun valley (near Kunhar); Chapali, Chapchirag, Pakhturi and Rain of Mastuj; Imirdin,
Madashi, Shoghot, Prince Burhanuddin, Koghozi, Mogh and Kokil Gahirat; gold and associated
other minerals from Kaldam Gol, Shishi, Madashil, Shoghot, Pir Burhanuddin, Kogazi, Baig and
Awireth-Shogor-Sewakht-Krinj; lead-zinc from Parabeck, Imirdin, Muzhigram, Tashker and
Pakhturi of Tirich Mir zone, and Baig, Madashil, Awireth of Chitral; fluorite from Mirgasht Gol and
Yarkhun valley (NE part of Chitral); graphite from Shah Salim, Momi, Muzhigram village and
Burzin valley; mica/muscovite from Mogh village in Lutkho valley, Simik Gol, Gabar-o-Boch,
Imirdin, Kesu-Shera Shing north of Drosh and Kahdujal; potash and sodic feldspar from
pegmatites; tungsten from Miniki Gol area; mercury/cinnabar in the river sands; sulphur from
Muzhigram; aquamarine, tourmaline, garnet and quartz from Gobar-o-Bakh (Hindukush) and
aquamarine and garnet from Dao Ghari (Hindukush); indicolite (blue tourmaline) from pegmatite
of Garam Chashma (Chitral); large reserves of recrystallised limestone, marble, quartzite, schist,
slate stones and attractive granite.
The Kohistan magmatic arc includes the copper from Ashnamal, Lal Qila, Barwa Kambat,
Dommel Nissar (volcanogenic magnetite deposits), Mirkhani, Pana Kot, Usheri region and Bekarai-
Rokhan of Dir; iron ores from Ghazanosar, Shah Dheri, Mamarai-Saidu, Munda and Dammer
Nissar; gold from shear zone/Indus Suture, from porphyry type intrusives or altered carbonates, and
from Nomal, Gawuch, Drosh and Dir (Zaluka); fluorite from Chakdara (Dir) comprise fluorite
quartz veins cutting two mica granite gneiss; ruby /corundum from Timurgarha (Dir);
mica/muscovite from Khadan village north of Chakdara in Dir state; Bagarian west of Belega near
Hawa Gali, Gidarpur in Indus Kohistan and Khandong Banda (near Dir); china clay from Shah
Dheri (Swat); nickel from Malam Jabba; gold-silver-copper from Dir District; gossans along MKT;
large reserves of attractive granite, marble, recrystallised limestone, quartzite, schist and slate stones.
The northern Indus Suture represents the Chromite from Kot-Pranghar (Mohmand), Bucha
chromite (Mohmand Agency); Harichand-Sakhakot-Qila west of Dargai, Jijal north of Besham, and
Chilas; iron from Besham, Sherkot Kolai and Jijal; nickel from Souch (Kaghan) and Swat and
Shangla-Alpurai areas; asbestos from Sakhakot-Qila (Malaknd); magnesite from Sakhakot
(Malakand) and Pran Ghar (Mohmand); manganese (ophiolite related) mineralization in Kassai area
of Lower Mohmand Agency, Sakhakot-Qila, Prang Ghar, Qila, Behram Dheri, Narai Obe, Bucha,
Newe Kili and Hero Shah and Shangla area of Swat; Lahor-Pazang area, near Besham; graphite
from Norang and Babusar pass; PGE associated with gold in the Jijal layered ultramafic complex of
Besham area; niobium and platinum from Chilas, Jijal, Sakhakot Qila (west of Dargai);
mica/muscovite from Bagarian west of Belega near Hawa Gali and Gidarpur in Indus Kohistan;
peridot from Sapat-Kaghan-Naran; Tsavolite or green grossularite (garnet) is associated with
granitic schist in Jambil area of Swat, near Kot in Malakand and near Targhao in Bajaur agency;
beautiful honey yellow euhedral hessonite (garnet) are found in quartz-mica-schist near Targhao in
Bajaur agency; emerald occurs in northern Indus suture like from Mingora, Gujarkili and Shamozai
(Swat); other localities are Dandao, Kandao, Nawe Dand, Gandao, Kot and Mor Dara in Mohmand
Agency; Mamola and Mor Dara region (Arang Barang) in Bajaur agency; Makhad and Charbagh in
Swat; schorl (black tourmaline) and other precious gemstones; large reserves of recrystallised
limestone, marble, quartzite, schist, slate stones and attractive granite, intermediate, basic and
ultrabasic rocks.
The Khyber-Hazara/uppermost Indus basin (NW Himalayas) includes the bismuth,
cadmium and cobalt from Lahor and Pazang (Besham nappe); copper from Babusar, Phalkot and
Galdanian; iron from Besham, Abbottabad, Galdanian and Langrial; lead-zinc from Faqir Mohd
(Hazara), Hal, Kokal, Mihal, Paswal, Lahor, Pazang; Ushu (Swat); manganese ore from Galdanian,
Chur Gali, Shangla (Swat), Kassai (Mohmand Agency); niobium and platinum from Loe Shilman
of Khyber Agency; rare earth from Koga (Swat), Sillai Patti (Dargai), Loe Shilman (Khyber
Agency), Sakhakot-Qila (Malakand); tungsten from Oghi; barite from Kag, Aluli, Darwaza,
Kacchi, Faqir Mohd, Tipra (near Haripur); bentonite from Kohala in Hazara slates; fluorite from
Bicheha Kurd (Sherwan); Khyber-Hazara metasedimentary fold and thrust belt as disseminations;
graphite from Sherwan, Sper Tor (Landi Kotal), Loe Agra (Malakand); Haripur and Garhi Habib

Ullah of Hazara district; Shahidmena and Lowaramena of Khyber Agency, Majk to Kundi and Dheri
village in Mardan; gypsum from Dowatta (Hazara) and Macol (Abbottabad); kyanite quartz veins
in Jabba (Hazara), Kuza Banda at Oghi-Batgram road; Landakai at boarder of Malakand-Saidu
Sharif and near Tindodog in Swat; talc/soapstone from Jamrud (Peshawar) and Sherwan (Hazara);
magnesite from Kumhar (Abbottabad); nepheline syenite from Swat, and Mardan like Koga, Agari,
Landi Patao, Miane Kadao, Shoal, and Kharkai; uranium from Karakar (Swat), Ahl and Rajdhwari
(Mansehra granite), Loe Shilman, Silai Patti (Dargai in Malakand granite); Thakot near Besham,
Bunji; gold from Hall; rock phosphate from Kakul-Mirpur, Kalue-de-Bandi and Lagarban, Dalola,
Minind; mica/muscovite from Rajdhwari pegmatites, Tangali hill, Bagarian, Hawa Gali, Giddarpur
and Koga; lithium from Shengus of Nanga Parbat Massif; potash and sodic feldspar from Mingora
and Bunair in Swat, Rajdhwari pegmatite, Khaki, Doga, Trangri and Gidarpur areas of Hazara;
bituminous alum shale from near Shahidmena in Khyber Agency; silica sand from Abbottabad; the
unique pink topaz from Ghundao hillock of Katlang (Mardan); large reserves of recrystallised
limestone/marble from Swat and Mardan districts, Bajaur and Khyber agencies, and attractive
granite from Swat and Hazara; and large reserves of quartzite, schist, slate stones, etc. In short, these
areas need further exploitation of rich mineral and gemstones resources. India, Sri Lanka and
Thailand having less potential of gemstones than Pakistan are contributing a lot due to facilitation
from public and private sectors. The polishing facilities of gemstones in Pakistan will enhance the
values of gemstones and ultimately foreign exchange. It will also promote local use in jewelry


It is potash alum or kaolinite KAl (SO4)2 12H2O. It is used for preservation of skin, mordant in
dyeing, as an astringent in medicine and for removing suspended material from water. It occurs in
alum shale which contains pyrites and undergoing decomposition. Bituminous alum shale has been
occurring in shales of possible Carboniferous age near Shahidmena in Khyber Agency (Heron and
Crookshank 1954).

Tripoli, garnet, corundum, emery, aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, pumice, etc is chiefly used for
polishing. Abrasive cloth and papers are made from Tripoli, garnet, emery and common quartz
sands. Cutting sheets are made from industrial diamonds. Diamond is also used for glass cutters and
as dies for wire drawing. Dir and Swat has garnet rich rocks. Some red ochre can be used for
abrasives while most of ochre in Pakistan can be used for paints, etc.

It is used in the manufacture of alloys, antimony compounds, imparts hardness to final product,
storage batteries, making opaque white enamel and other sanitary wares, paint industry, medicine
and mordant in dying, bronzing metals and plaster casts, safety matches, percussion caps of
cartridges, tracer bullets and similar light signals, power transmission equipments, flame retardants,
rubber, plastic, glass and surma making eye black hair. Stibnite (antimony trisulphide Sb 2S3) is
reported from the Chitral state (Krinj, Partson and Awireth areas) and showing in Swat area. Sondhi
(1942) reported stibnite from the Krinj and Partson area of Lutkho valley, Chitral stibnite mines of

Angarum, Kamal Gol and Bakht Gol of Krinj locality is 3 km N of Krinj Village which is18 km N of
Chitral town. Partson antimony deposits of Sarikol shale with two copper-antimony showings is 6.4
km NE of Krinj Village. The stibnite veins are few centimeters (cm) to 1.5 meter (m) thick. Nath
(1944) and Calkins et al. (1981) reported Krinj antimony deposits occur in quartz-stibnite veins
along the faulted contact between Chitral slates and the overlying limestone and marble of the
Reshun Formation. The Krinj stibnite varies from 30 to 60 % in veins with antimony 32.9 to 37.6%
and the ore also contains small amounts of silver, gold, copper, lead, vanadium and Zinc.

Arsenic is produced mainly as a by product in the smelting of the copper and lead ores. The chief
mineral that yield arsenic are arsenopyrite, realgar, orpiment and tetrahedrite. Less important are
native arsenic, niccolite, cobaltite, smaltite, proustite and enargite. Short metal is an alloy of arsenic
and lead. Arsenic oxide is used in the manufacture of insecticides, such as Paris green, and the
arsenates of calcium, lead, manganese and magnesium. It is also used to counteract the iron
coloration in the manufacture of glass. Arsenic compounds are also used in the preservation of wood
and as pigments and in allopathic medicine. Orpiment and realgar are said to be used in ayurvedic
medicine. The orpiment and realgar are reported from Chitral region. They are associated with
marbles and calcareous shales of probable Cretaceous age. The Lundku and Mirgasht orpiment
deposits are located few kms to the north of Lundku in the Tirich valley, Malikho district (White,
undated). Lundku is about 120km from Chitral on the left bank of the Tirich Gol, about 5kms
upstream from its confluence with the Turikho River. Orpiment with some realgar occurs in veins in
the limestone and shale close to dike. The minerals are to be hydrothermal and ore of good quality.
Small deposits are also reported in the other places of Chitral states. It is being produced from KP
but now being hazardous minerals both arsenic and asbestos production is stopped.

It is fibrous form of mineral silicates of serpentine and amphibole group of rock forming minerals.
Due to its fibrous and fire proof property it has several industrial use like production of fire proof
textiles, clothings, brake linings, gaskets, electrical insulation materials, paper and other products.
Asbestos is associated with health hazard because person involved in prolonged occupational
exposure to heavy concentrations of asbestos dust, without proper protective devices, are liable to
contract asbestosis and even lung cancer. Small deposits and showing of chrysotile and tremolite
asbestos are found in serpentines of the ophiolitic complex in Boya, Kaniguran (Waziristan), and
Sakhakot-Qila area (Mohmand). The main economic deposits are located in the Sakhakot-Qila area
and most of the production comes from Prang Ghar, Qila, Behram Dheri, Narai Obe, Bucha, Newe
Kili and Hero Shah. This belt of asbestos bearing rocks extends westward into Khyber agency. The
asbestos from Sakhakot-Qila area is largely chrysotile with local occurrence of antigorite and
tremolite. There were about 15 mines in this region (Jehan, et al., 1997) but now it is banned due to
hazardous minerals for human beings (both arsenic and asbestos).

It is barium sulphate mainly used for weighting agent in drilling mud, barium chemicals, white
pigment and paper industry. It is deposited by hydrothermal solutions. Some barite deposits at Kag,
Aluli, Darwaza, Kacchi, Faqir Mohd, and Tipra (near Haripur),

These are found in altered pegmatite and granitic complex enclosing Proterozoic metasediments of
Lahor and Pazang area of Besham (Bi 0.2-0.8%; Cd 0.1-0.2%; Co 0.005%; Sn 0.12%; W 400 ppm;
Ashraf et al. 1980a; Chaudhry et al. 1983). It may occur in red iron oxide zones of Karakoram Suture
(Drosh-Sur Laspur-Shandor Top). It is mostly associated with cobalt and gold deposits.

Boron is associated with volcanics and lake deposits. So try should be made to analyze the volcanics
and lake deposits.

Chromite is the source of Chromium. It is mainly used for preparation of stainless steel, some
chemicals, chromium salts, wide range of industrial uses and refractory materials. It occurs as
extensive layer in layered intrusives while irregular and podiform/lenses in dunite of ophiolitic rocks
(Alpine type). Coulson (1940) mentioned the chromite in Pakistan which is first reported by
Vredenburg (1901) and its mining was started in 1903 in the Khanozai area and extended to
Muslimbagh in 1915 and in early twenties mining started in Sra Salwat area, 29 km south of
Muslimbagh. Now it is largely being mined in Balochistan and KP. It occurs mostly in the Indus
Suture belt. The Sapat mafic-ultramafic complex of Kohistan may contain some chromite.
Chilas chromite (Chilas District) is found in Chilas complex which consists of norites, ultramafics,
anorthosites, gabbros and diorites, pyroxene granulite facies. The ultramafics are dunite with
subordinate peridotites, pyroxenites and rare amphiboles. Jan et al. (1984) shows the complex
similarity with stratiform rather than alpine or concentric complexes, and reported thin layers of
chromite shows Cr2 O3 26%, Al2 O3 26%, FeO 37% and MgO 9%.
Besham Jijal chromite, Kohistan (District Swat) is located near Jijal (Kohistan District) on the
Karakoram highway. The Jijal complex consists of garnet granulites and ultramafic rocks. The
ultramafics are dunite, peridotite, diopsidite, vebsterite and chromitite (Jan and Windley 1990).
Several dozen chromite pods and lenses have been reported in ultramafic rocks in the northwestern
part of Jijal complex (Ashraf, et al., 1980a,b). The SDA estimated 0.6mt of ore reserves with Cr 2 O3
40-50%, Fe2 O3 12-18% (Khan and Ahmad, undated) and the Cr:Fe ratio ranges from 2.8:1 to 3.6:1.
According to Ashraf et al., (1980a,b) important deposits occur near Jijal, Shungial, Kokial, Taghtai,
Gabar, Mani Dara, Khairabad, Jag, Tangai, Chinari, Serai, Lomoto and Kot. Chaudhry et al. (1980)
reported nickel mineralization in ophiolitic rocks of Swat area.
Dargai chromite (Malakand District) consists of ultramafic cumulates consisting of harzburgite
(80%) and dunite (20%), and mafic cumulates consisting of gabbro with few layers of serpentine,
and ultramafic tectonites consists of harzburgite (90%+) and dunite (<10%). Chromite occurs as
laterally extensive layers (3-4.5m thick, upto 2km long) restricted to upper part of complex (Qila
deposits), irregularly shaped massive bodies (< 1m square) exposed in the western part of complex
and podiform, massive and irregularly shaped deposits with sharp contact (Hiru Shah deposit)
(Bogue 1962; Rossman and Abbas 1970). The main deposits occur at Hiru Shah, Barjo Kanri, Landi
Kand, Badasar, and Qila and have been intermittently mined. The Dargai chromite is high in iron and
low in chromite oxide, and low in Cr:Fe ratio, however some of the ore contains Cr 2 O3 45% and the
lower grade ore has been upgraded to concentrates with over Cr 2 O3 45%. The reserves are estimated

about 0.67mt (Khan and Ahmad undated, SDA). It was found economically feasible to process
20,000 tons of ore to produce 8,000 tons of basic chromite sulphate and 1,500 tons of sodium
dichromate and 300 tons of sodium sulphate annually.
Kot-Pranghar, Bucha chromite (Mohmand Agency) is found in the ophiolite complex associated
with Paleozoic metasediments, about 60Km N of Peshawar (Hussain et al., 1984). Melange show
randomly oriented blocks of greenstone, greenschist, pyroclasts and tuffites. It may be continuation
of Dargai sequence. Lenses, pockets and disseminations of chromite occur in ultramafic rocks near
the villages of Parai, Yousaf Baba, Auro Khawar, Bucha and Mohmand Gudar.

It is next to iron in demand. It is used in electrical industry, automobiles, airplanes, conductors,
circuit brakers, and many other specialized fields due to its high electrical and thermal conductivity,
durability, strength and high resistance to fatigue. It is used for alloys of non-oxidizing acid
solutions, in the construction, aircraft and marine industries, corrosion resistant vessels and tanks and
in ammunition where it is used in cartridges, shells casings etc. Tectonically copper is best suited
with subduction zone like Chagai and Kohistan magmatic arc, spreading centre located far south of
Pakistan and margins of lithospheric plates like Indus Suture (northern and western belts), and
Karakoram-Hindu Kush block. In these regions copper is intimately related to igneous intrusion and
volcanic rocks, and occur as (a) vein deposits with silver, gold and other metals (epigenetic,
polymetallic and metamorphic deposits in Chitral), (b) strata bound dissemination in volcanogenic
sequence (Kuroko type Ann Dhora deposit in Las Bela and others in northern region), (d) contact
metasomatic type, small deposits (Kundi-Baluchap and Mashkai Chah in Chagai area), (f) porphyry
copper molybdenum deposits (Saidak and Dasht-e-Kain in Chagai area), (g) complex, multiphase,
ophiolite associated massive sulphide (Boya, Mami Ragha and Spin Kamar in Waziristan) and as a
minor constituent in volcanogenic magnetite deposits (Dammer Nissar in Chitral and Chilghazi in
Chagai areas). Copper and other minerals may be found in alteration zones and gossans like Bela
ophiolite belt (Abbas and Ahmad 1974; Cu in Paha area of Lasbela), Waziristan ophiolite belt,
Chagai magmatic arc, Kohistan island arc and Tirich Mir zone of Karakoram block. The Chapali and
Yarkhun valley (Heron 1954), Dammer Nissar, Imirdin, Pakhturi, Parabeck and Rain (Ali 1959),
Ashganmat (white undated), Kambot and Lal Qila (Ahmed 1962) of Dir State; Mirkhani (White
undated) and Shichi (Rahman 1949 in White undated) of Chitral state; Robat (Heron 1954) of
Chagai; Sange Ghar, Zizha, Shin Ghar, Otman near Jalat Killi, Sulaiman Dawal and Ollaskar east of
Pakhraj Qila of Zhob valley (Heron 1954); Dainyor Nala, Jotial Nala, Murkui, Indus, Gilgit, Nagar
and Hunza rivers of Gilgit, Babusar, Dakar Pesar, Galdanian and Phalkot of Hazara, Amir Chah,
Amuri, Dalbandin, Kirtaka, Nok Chah, Koh Marani, Patkok and Saindak of Chagai, and, concretions
of malachite and azurite in Coal of Balochistan, copper in quartz vein in Khojak pass-Amran range
area and Chalcopyrite traces with stibnite in Silad area of Qila Abdullah; copper sulphides on the
contact of Dungan and ultramafic in Nisai area, and in magnetite lense in ultramafic in Tor Tangi
30km south of Muslimbagh; Katha, Musa Khel, Nilawahan and Warcha area of Salt Range (White
undated) and Johan in Kalat. The Saindak, Dasht Kain, Talaruk and Shinkai (Boya) deposits studied
in detail so far. Copper deposits at Dir and Drosh in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are also interesting.
Dir copper deposits represent a number of copper showings. The SDA has explored one of the more
promising ones in Bekarari-Rokhan area, a few Km NW of Dir. The mineralized zone occurs in
volcanics and extends for 30km in Kohistan magmatic arc. It is a fracture filling brecciated, vein type

deposit, apparently located along a fault zone. It contains malachite, azurite, chalcopyrite, and
bornite. Extensive pitting, trenching, and aditing have been carried out and several hundred ore
samples are analyzed. The result indicates total reserves of about 45mt with 0.4-0.6% of copper and
2-30 ppm silver (Khan and Ahmad, undated).
Drosh copper deposits contain several showings of copper within 8-10km of Drosh town. The
mineralization is in the Karakoram Suture zone (Main Karakoram thrust-MKT) has many localities
like Gawuch Gol, Kaldam Gol, Gorin Gol and Langer. At the Gawuch Gol locality 1.6km east of
Shishi river, thin mineralized quartz veins occur in the vicinity of Shishi fault, in sheared alteration
zones in chlorite schist of Gawuch Formation. This formation is intruded by diorites of Kohistan
batholith (Pudsey et al. 1985). Analyses of copper bearing quartz shows 150ppm silver, 3% copper,
0.5% lead and small amounts of antimony, zinc and vanadium (Calkins et al. 1981). At the Kaldam
Gol locality, 4.8km east of Drosh, copper occurs in a brown weathering breccia zone between marble
and siltstone beds of the Gawuch formation. The ore body extends for 100m and 2.4m wide. It is
apparently associated with a fault and contains chalcopyrite, galena and pyrite. Random analyses of
the ore showed 8.9% copper, 39.5 % lead, 5.6% antimony, 0.17% silver, and 4.3ppm gold (Calkins
et al. 1981). At Drosh, Shishi village, Pursat village and Beorail Gol, copper and other mineralization
occur in porphyritic volcanic greenstone, olivine basalt, and in carbonate veinlets in altered andesitic
lava flows. The analyses show high content of copper (upto 7%) and silver (upto 30ppm). According
to Khan and Ahmad (undated) the main copper silver mineralization occurs in carbonate rocks at the
contact of granodiorite and also with in the granodiorites. The main minerals are chalcopyrite,
chalcocite, tetrahedrite and malachite. SDA had done some exploration and evaluation of the Drosh
deposits. Based on 400m of aditing and analyses of 900 samples, they estimated reserves of 24mt of
the ore averaging 0.5% copper with silver ranging from 3 to 130 gms/ton. Porphyry copper
deposits may be expected in Kohistan and Hindukush-Karakoram belts. Pakistan has large deposits
of Cu but importing so far.

It is used as a flux in making steel, in the manufacture of white and coloured opalescent glass, in
enameling cooking utensils, for the preparation of Hydrofluoric acid and elemental fluorine and also
ornamental use. Fluorite is also reported near Mirgasht and Yarkhun in Chitral (Karakoram Block),
Chakdara (Dir; Himalayan crystalline zone) comprise fluorite quartz veins cutting two mica granite
gneiss (Sillitoe 1979), Bichoha Kurds near Sherwan (Hazara) Khyber-Hazara metasedimentary fold
and thrust belt where it occurs as disseminations in silicic dykes cutting schists of Hazara Formation
(Nagell, 1965).

It is used for the manufacture of crucibles, stove polish, foundry facings, lead pencil, paint, lubricants
and electrodes. For the manufacture of crucibles only flake graphite with graphite carbon in excess of
85% is used. It should be free from mica, pyrite and iron oxide. Amorphous graphite is used for paint
and foundry facings and for this high purity is not needed. Artificial graphite is manufactured in
large quantities from anthracite coal or petroleum coke in electric furnace. For lubricants, pencil and
electric purposes high grade material is essential. In Pakistan no economic graphite deposits are
found so far. Only amorphous graphite showings are found. Most of the accessibilities are difficult. It
is found in Shah Salin, Momi village, Muzhigram gol and Barzin valley of Chitral state; Norang and

Babusar pass, Sherwan, Haripur and Garhi Habib Ullah of Hazara district (Ali et al. 1964), Spar Tor,
Shahidmena and Lowaramena of Khyber Agency, Majk to Kundi and Dheri village in Mardan and
Agra in Malakand.


The red iron oxide coloration near Drosh located in the Karakoram Suture/Shyok Suture like
Gawuch Gol, Kaldam Gol, Gorin Gol and Langer; Yarkhun valley (near Kunhar); Chapali,
Chapchirag, Pakhturi and Rain of Mastuj; Imirdin, Madashi, Shoghot, Prince Burhanuddin, Koghozi,
Mogh and Kokil Gahirat. The reserves of iron ore in Pakistan are more than one billion tons while
the commercial mining capacity for iron is only 30,000 tons/year (Waliullah and Asharf 2013). Iron
minerals are commonly exploited for making steel and a number of other alloys. Iron is the 3 rd most
abundant element of the earth crust. It is found in a variety of geological environments like igneous,
metamorphic and sedimentary. In general iron ore occurs in banded sedimentary iron formation as
residual or replacement deposits, in oolitic limestone and sandstone, as igneous origin (magmatic
segregation of magnetite), pyrometasomatic deposits formed due to replacement of limestone or
volcanic rocks by magnetite near contact with intrusive igneous rocks. Pakistan has large iron
deposits occurring as lateritic beds showing disconformities, volcanogenic or contact metasomatic
ores. Iron have been reported from Himalayan crystalline belt (Abbottabad, Galdanian, Langrial and
Besham), Indus Suture belt (Shekran and Mona Talar), Kohistan magmatic arc (Ghazanosar,
Manarsi, Munda and Dammer Nissar and along MKT/Karakoram Suture). Ali (1963), Klinger et al
(1963) and Asrarullah (1978) reported iron deposits of Pakistan.
Dammer Nissar iron deposits are 32km S of Drosh in Chitral district. It has been explored by
Kidwai and Imam (1958) and later on studied by WPIDC (1970a) and Austromineral (1978). The
magnetite deposits (lenticular and irregular in shape) of metasomatic nature occur in garnet epidote
metavolcanosedimentary rocks intruded by granodiorite found close to MKT. The ore contains small
amounts of specularite. The gangue minerals include garnet, epidote, calcite, quartz, and rock
fragments. The ore contains Fe 50-65%, SiO2 4-15%, CaO 1-5%, Al2 O3 0.5-4% and Mn >0.5%. It is
a small deposit with 6.5mt reserves.
Galdanian iron deposits represents the ferromanganese ores of Hazara areas like Kakul and
Galdanian (more hematite and less Mn) and Chura Gali (less hematite and more Mn) occur in the
continental sedimentary sequences (red shale and siltstone and quartzose sandstone/quartzite of
Hazira Formation) may be formed from hydrothermal and hydrogenous source materials by
upwelling of anoxic deep ocean water into more oxygenated near surface water (Shah and Moon
2004). The principal author visited and also observed these deposits on the Lowari Top-
Thandiani/Kala Pani road.
Langrial iron deposits are located about 32 km south of Abbottabad. It is lateritic deposit hosted by
K-T boundary Indus Formation. The ore is 6-7m thick consisting of oolitic, lateritic or ferruginous
sandy materials. The ore is 45 km long and repeated 22 times. Accessory minerals include limonite,
calcite, iron, quartz and kaolinite. Mineralogically the deposit is divided in to three classes like
chamositic-limonitic type, hematite-limonitic type and lateritic type. The ore contains 9-50% iron
(average 30%), 9-60%silica, 5.7-30.05% alumina, 1-12% lime, 0.03-10.65% phosphorous, and 0.01-
0.82% sulphur (Khan and Ahmad undated 1966). The deposit is 30mt. Ali et al. (1964) reported
mineral deposits of southern Hazara.

It is used in refractories, ceramics and as gems. Kyanite and other minerals like sillimanite,
andalusite and topaz have similar properties and used to produce synthetic mullite refractories.
Mullite refractories are resistant to spalling, slagging and chemical reactions and have low thermal
expansion and reheat shrinkage. It is used in line furnace for melting of high copper brass and
bronze, copper nickel alloys and certain steels and other furnaces also. Kyanite crystals are good and
flawless, used as cheap gem. It is metamorphic minerals. It is found in gneisses and mica schists.
Kyanite quartz veins in mica schist are occurring in near south of Jabba in Hazara district. Kyanite
schists occur in south of Kuza Banda rest house at Oghi-Batgram road. It is estimated10% of rocks.
It is also reported near east of Oghi (Ali 1967) in Hazara District. It is found in Landakai (Tahirkheli
1959) at boarder of Malakand-Saidu Sharif and in Kyanite-quartz pegmatites near Tindodog police
post in Swat state.

Ali (1957) reported Pb-Zn-Sb from Swat area. Further 23 other showings have been located in
Lahor-Pazang area, near Besham. It is located in northern Indus Suture zone. The ore occurs in
veins and in metavolcanics and metasediments of Proterozoic Pazang Formation. The region is
intruded by Proterozoic to Permian granites. On the average the ore contains 3.1 to 3.4% of lead, and
4.2 to 6.2% Zinc. The reserves are estimated 1.5mt (Siddiqui et al, 1988). Bench scale processing
studies on the Lahor Pazang ore has been successfully carried by PCSIR Lahore, and metal
concentrates of up to 50% lead and 50% Zinc were obtained with a recovery of 57.78% and 56.45%
respectively. From this ore lead and zinc chemicals namely litharge (lead mono-oxide), lead nitrate,
lead dioxide, lead acetate, zinc carbonate, zinc oxide, and zinc chloride were manufactured. An
economic and commercial feasibility study and market survey by SDA has been carried out. It shows
that it would be feasible to exploit the Lahor Pazang ore if annually 24,000 tones of ore is mined and
processed to produce 240 tones of lead concentrates and 2,000 ton of zinc concentrates. It will
produce 28 ton of lead nitrate, 500 tons of zinc, 735 ton of zinc oxide, and 7,000 tons of zinc chloride
(Khan and Ahmad, undated). Lead-zinc mineralization has been reported from Northern area of
Pakistan (Karakoram block, Kohistan magmatic arc, Khyber-Hazara-Kashmir/Himalayan crystalline
belt, and Kohat-Potwar basin/fore land sedimentary fold belt). The estimated lead zinc reserves of
Pakistan are about 16mt, only small, sporadic mining of the smaller deposits in Chitral district have
been carried out. Pakistan has large deposits of Pb-Zn but importing so far.

It occurs in Bagarian, Hawa Gali, Giddarpur and Koga areas.

It is a magnesium carbonate. It also contains minor amount of silica and calcium carbonate as
impurities. It is used as refractory (withstand high temperature) in steel industry and foundries and in
the manufacture of magnesium salts. It occurs as alteration product of serpentinised ultramafic rocks
or as replacement deposits in dolomite or dolomitic limestone. There are several occurrences in the
Indus Suture belt showing small deposits or trivial showings. The stratabound replacement type
deposits in dolomitic sequences, are fewer but larger and of greater economic value. Van Vloten
(1963) reported magnesite in Pakistan. The very small deposits of magnesite are reported like

Sakhakot which is found as veins in serpentinised ultramafic rocks of the Dargai Klippe (Indus
Suture zone), Pran Ghar (Mohmand), 11,268,000 ton of magnesite (MgO 44.9-46.7%) of Sherwan
Kumhar (Karim and Ayub 2000) occurs as replacement deposits in dolomitic limestone of Cambrian
Abbottabad Formation. The main deposits occur at Malakand and Hazara in KP. It is found along
fractures, joints and faults in ultramafic rocks. It is formed by deep alteration of ultramafic rocks,
dolomite and even limestones. The Sherwan (Kumhar) magnesite deposit of Hazara has been
estimated 11.2mt of total reserves with good quality. It has been found suitable for the production of
refractory bricks and fused magnesium phosphate (Hirayama et al., 1995). The Kumhar deposits
(SiO2 1.72-1.75%; Fe2O3 0.48-1.16%; CaO 1.76-2.26%; MgO 43.97-44.06% and loss on ignition
50.19-50.26%) (Nagell 1965; Min-Koh 1981). It is being produced from Balochistan and KP.

Manganese ore has been used since antiquity. The ancient Egyptians and Romans made the first use
of manganese (pyrolusite, manganese dioxide) to decolorize glass and to control and produce colour
in glass and pottery. It is used in the glass, ceramics and chemical industries. Now its main use is in
the production of iron and steel as an alloying element with several nonferrous metals mainly
alluvium. It is extensively used to make dry cell batteries. The main minerals are pyrolusite
(manganese dioxide), rhodocrosite (manganese carbonate), rhodonite (manganese silicate), braunite
(manganese oxysilicate), psilomelane and wad. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa several small manganese
deposits occur in Hazara, Mohmand Agency and Waziristan areas. The ferromanganese ores of
Hazara areas like Kakul and Galdanian (more hematite and less Mn) and Chura Gali (less hematite
and more Mn) occur in the continental sedimentary sequences (red shale and siltstone and quartzose
sandstone/quartzite of Hazira Formation) while the rest of the manganese ores are generally found in
the ophiolitic sequences (Shah and Moon 2004) and volcanic rocks. Manganese deposits occur as
marine, chemically precipitated sedimentary ores, as secondary enrichment deposits and as
hydrothermal deposits. The deposits of manganese ore in Pakistan are associated with volcanic rocks
in the ophiolitic thrust belt of Indus Suture. The veins and lenses of manganese ore occur in the
volcano-sedimentary sequences of various mélanges, commonly at the contact of volcanic flows and
the overlying sedimentary rocks. It is characterized by cherty and jasperoid layers. In the Himalayan
region, the discontinuous lenses occur in red-bed hematitic sequence in the Cambrian Hazara
Formation. Hussain et al. (1990) reported ophiolite related manganese mineralization in Kassai area
of Lower Mohmand Agency and Shangla area of Swat. Manganese is found anomalous in iron
nodules. The ferromanganese ores of Hazara areas like Kakul and Galdanian (more hematite and
less Mn) and Chura Gali (less hematite and more Mn) occur in the continental sedimentary
sequences (red shale and siltstone and quartzose sandstone/quartzite of Hazira Formation) may be
formed from hydrothermal and hydrogenous source materials by upwelling of anoxic deep ocean
water into more oxygenated near surface water (Shah and Moon 2004). Manganese ore of Kot-
Pranghar area of Mohmand Agency is formed from exhalation of hydrothermal fluid along the mid
ocean ridge (Anjum, Shah and Arif 2012). It is being produced from Balochistan and KP.

The chief ore mineral is cinnabar (HgS). It is used as pigment, medicine and also antiseptics. The
liquid metal is used in scientific apparatus and vapor lamps. It is also used in gold mining industries

for recovery of gold from its ore. Cinnabar is reported in the sands of rivers in Chitral State (Heron
1954). It may be associated with Pb-Zn mineralizations.

The used mica is muscovite, phlogopite (yellow to green copper or bronze red) and Lepidolite (rose
red). Mica splits in to thin sheets which are strong, flexible, chemically inert, and transparent.
Muscovite is used in electrical, machinery and other industries. Transparent sheets are also used for
windows in coal, gas and oil stoves, gas lamps chimneys and lamp shades. Scrap mica is used in the
manufacture of wall paper, lubricants, fancy paints, electrical insulators and micanite. Phlogopite is
used as insulator in electrical apparatus. For commutators, phlogopite is preferred. Lepidolite is a
common source of lithium compounds. Muscovite occurs in granites and syenites and pegmatites and
also common in gneisses and schists. Phlogopite occurs in crystalline limestone, dolomite, schists
and serpentine. Lepidolite occurs in pegmatite veins, granite, gneisses and sands. Hayden (1914) and
Kazmi (1951) reported mica from different northern areas. Muscovite is found in pegmatites near
Mogh village in Lalkho valley in Chitral, Kesu-Shera Shing north of Drosh, Babaro Bosh and
Kahdujal in Chitral state; Khadan village north of Chakdara in Dir state; Bagarian west of Belega
near Hawa Gali, Gidarpur in Indus Kohistan, Rajdhawari (significant, 0.2-3%) and Tangali hill of
Hazara district (Ahmad 1969). The mica sheets are rather small, and sporadic mining has been done
near Mogh (32km NE of Chitral), and Kasu (NE of Drosh). In the Kohistan magmatic arc, mica has
been worked at Khadong Banda (near Dir). In the Himalayan crystalline zone, mica deposits have
been reported from Bagarian and Hawa Gali (Kazmi and Abbas 2001).

It occurs with lead and copper mineralizations. So this mineralization should be tried with copper
and lead mineralization of KP and FATA regions.

It occurs in Malam Jabba; Swat and Shangla-Alpurai areas (Ni 0.4-0.8%; Chaudhry et al. 1980),
Souch (Kaghan; Ni 0.017-89.6 ppm; Ahmad 1981) and Muslimbagh ophiolite range (Ni upto 0.85%;
Shams 1995).


It is reported from Loe Shilman carbonatite (Khyber Agency; Nb 0.01-0.03%; But 1981b), Chilas
(PGE +Au 800-2800 ppb; ),, Jijal (Pt 56-723 ppb, Pd 40-2276 ppb; Miller et al. 1991)l, Sakhakot-
Qila west of Dargai (Pt+Pd+Rh 5-23 ppb; Page et al. 1070; Ahmad and Bevan 1981).

Pyrite may be used for the source of sulphur in the manufacture of sulphuric acid. Pyrite is
disseminated in carbonaceous shale and coal in the Bagnotar-Kali Mati-Kala-Pani-Thandiani areas,
Abbottabad district. Further pyrite nodules are common in the shale/slates, limestone/dolomite, etc of
different ages.


It is found in the Punjab, KP and Balochistan. It is being produced from KP. It is a raw material for
Pakistan steel. Further the vast deposits of Tanawal quartzite are also found in Mansehra district,
Hazara. Many quartz veins reported in the northern Indus Suture, Kohistan magmatic arc, Karakoram
suture and Hindukush-Karakoram basin, other parts of reported area.


The rare earth elements (REEs) include cerium, yttrium, gadolinium, samarium, neodymium,
lanthanum, erbium and europian. Thorium is associated with this group as common in monazite-a
cerium bearing mineral. The use of REE oxides vary from petroleum catalysts and metallurgical uses
to the manufacture of ceramic and glass. Cerium, yttrium, and europium oxides are used in cathode
ray and colour television tubes, coating on camera lenses. Neodimium is used in high strength
neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnets. REE phosphate minerals are monazite (Ce, La, Th) PO 4
and Xenotime (YPO4), carbonate mineral is bastnaesite (Ca, La) CO3 (OH,F) and silicate minerals
are Allanite (orthite) (Ca,Ce, La) 2 (Al3+, Fe2+, Fe) 3 Si3O12 (OH). These are reported from Koga
(Swat; La 0.01-0.02%; Y 0.005%; Ce 0.079%; Ashraf et al. 1987), Sillai Patti carbonatite 30km west
of Dargai (La 0.04; Y 0.0.01-0.02%; Ashraf et al. 1987), Loe Shilman carbonatite (Khyber Agency;
La 0.005-0.055%; Y 0.04-0.006%; Nb 0.007-0.02%, Ta 0.006-0.01 %; Ashraf et al. 1987) and
Sakhakot-Qila (Malakand; very small amount of Ce; Ahmad 1986). Rare metals are those whose
average concentration is roughly less than 300 ppm in earth crust. Recently Qureshi et al. (2000)
reported significant occurrences of apatite (significant for phosphate fertilizer; P 2O5 2.5-12.6%),
uraninite U3O8 100-4000ppm, Rare metals (niobium Nb, lanthanum La, yttrium Y, vanadium V), and
Rare Earth elements (cerium Ce, neodymium Nd, praseodymium Pr, samarium Sm, gadolinium Gd)
in Loe-Shilman dolomitic carbonatite of Khyber agency. Previously calcitic carbonatite was thought
enriched in mineralization but dolomitic carbonatite are devoid of this mineralization. But here the
dolomitic Loe-Shilman is enriched these mineralization and elements. Loe-Shilman complex is
alkaline as other parts of NW Indo-Pakistan plate. In general carbonatite are one of the major sources
of rare metals, rare earth elements, apatite and some other minerals/elements. In this way the Tor
Ghundi syenite/micropegmatite of Loralai district is also significant for rare metals, REEs,
phosphate, uranium, etc. Khan T. et al. (2000) also reported enrichments of large ionic lithophile
elements (LILE; Rb, Ba, Th), high field strength elements (HFSE; Nb, Sr. Zr. Y), and light rare earth
elements (LREE; La, Ce, Nd) from the Ambela-Koga-Naranji Kandao granite-syenite-carbonatite
complex of Peshawar basin.


Talc is a hydrous silicate of magnesium while soapstone is an impure talcose rock in which talc is
intimately mixed with various impurities such as dolomite, serpentine and calcite. Soapstone and
Talc are mainly used in ceramics, paints, paper, cosmetic, plastic and insecticides. Soapstone
deposits occur in Parachinar area, Kuram agency; Jamrud, Khyber Agency; Derai, Swat district;
Sherwan, Abbottabad district. The Sherwan deposit is the major producer of soapstone in the country
but other deposits of KP have also started producing and are expected to increase the production as
the demand rises. Soapstone deposits of Kurram agency have been estimated to contain 1.6 million
ton of reserves (Badshah, 1994). The Golen Gol (Chitral) soapstone deposits are recently reported in
Shyok Suture (Ashraf and Khan 2013), formed by skarn type metasomatism of dolomite of

Cretaceous Reshun formation. Further the authors found soapstone/talc veins (Fig.5) in Butrasi area
of Mansehra district, Hazara.

Tungston is a silvery grey metal noted for its high melting point of 3410 0 C which is the highest of
all metals. At high temperature it shows highest tensile strength. It is one of the heaviest elements
(density 19.3) and has good corrosion resistance and good thermal and electrical conductivity. These
properties enable its extensive use in the manufacture of drill bits, cutting edges of various machines,
in electrical and electronics industries, in the manufacture of X-ray tubes, heating elements,
aerospace industry and in armour piercing artillery shells. It is also used in the manufacture of
chemicals, dyes, paints, enamels and coloring glass. The main tungsten minerals are sheelite
(CaWO4), ferberite (FeWO4), huebnerite (MnWO4), and wolframite (Fe, Mn)WO4. Most of the
tungsten deposits in the world are contact metamorphic deposits, pegmatites, replacement deposits,
hydrothermal fissure veins, stock works and related deposits or as placers. The tenor of tungsten ore
is less than 1.0%. Thus the low metal content and its irregular and erratic distribution in the deposit,
makes it difficult to use large scale, low cost mining methods. Tungston occurrences have been
reported from Oghi in Hazara District (Shams 1995), Minki Gol 35km NW of Chitral (W 0.08-
0.85%, Leake et al. 1989) and Amalaf (Chagai; Shams 1995; Siddiqui---). The Oghi occurrences
found in pegmatite and aplites cutting Precambrian Susagali granite show up to 3.2%W (Shams,
1995). Placer sheelite occur in the Siran River sand in Mansehra district (Zeschke, 1959b) and in the
Indus River in the northern areas where Austrominerals (1976) have estimated 96 tons of detritial
tungsten minerals in about 40 million tons of placers. Promising tungsten ore deposits occur in the
Miniki Gol area, 35 km NW of Chitral.


Pakistan has been blessed with vast deposits of precious and semi-precious gemstones (Table 2)
located mostly in Gilgit Baltistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, FATA, Azad Kashmir and Balochistan
(Fig. 3). The benefits of the overall strategy of value addition and branding is expected to trickle
down to all segments of the gems and jewellery industry from jewellery manufacturers, lapidaries,
gemstone dealers, and to gem miners at the lower end of the scale, culminating into increase in
exports, creation of new jobs, increase in foreign remittances, improving Pakistan image worldwide
and contribution to the exchequer (Khan 2013). Kazmi and Abbas (2001) and Ahmad (2004)
suggested to realize the significant potential of gems in Pakistan. Ali (1963) and Khan and Kausar
(2010) also reported gemstones in Pakistan. Many other workers reported gold and gems from
various parts of Pakistan (Fig. 3, Table 2). Pakistan is being produced and exported gemstones. Azad
Kashmir is also producing gemstones and other minerals like bentonite, beryl, fluorite, garnet,
hematite, limonite, margarite, mica, quartz, ruby, topaz and tourmaline.

The platinum group represents platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium. Gold,
silver and platinum group are called noble metals. They are refractory, chemically inert and exhibit
excellent catalytic activity. Gold and silver are being used for jewelry. Gold occurs mainly as native
metal, or alloyed with silver and other metal as tellurides or associated with the sulphides of iron,

silver, arsenic, antimony and copper. It also deposited by hydrothermal, metamorphic and
replacement deposits and also nuggets and grains in residual or placer deposits. The silver used as
photographic materials, in refrigeration and air conditioning industries. It is associated with copper,
lead, zinc deposits or in combination with gold. Platinum group metals are used in automobile
industry to reduce CO emission, in chemicals, petroleum refining, ceramics and glass, electrical and
electronic industries, in jewelry, in dental and medicine like treatment of cancer, arthritis,
radiotherapy, production of denture, etc. Platinum group are associated with mafic and ultramafic
rocks, also in placers. Small amount of gold is also recovered by panning in the upper Indus and its
tributaries. The production of copper along with gold will be started soon from Saidak porphyry
copper deposits. Ali (1951,59) reported alluvial gold and mineral in Chitral and Northern areas
respectively. In Northern areas under Gold Exploration and Mineral Assessment Project
(GEMAP), carried by Australian Assistance during 1992-95, the integrated sampling and
geochemical maps were prepared. Gold was detected in many hundreds of drainage cells
(tributaries). Among these 24 sites shows high anomalous gold. These anomalies are mostly
associated with major shear zone/Indus Suture and some are porphyry type intrusives or altered
carbonates (Clavarino et al., 1995). The upper reaches of Chitral, Gilgit and the Indus River in
northern parts of Pakistan are well known for the placer gold occurrences (Khan and Shah 2004).
The Bagrot valley (Miadad et al. 2012), Shigari Bala area of Skardu (Rehman et al. 2012) and Golo
Das and surrounding areas (Sheikh et al. 2012) of Gilgit-Baltistan seems to be significant for gold
and base metal mineralizations. Chitral district was studied by SDA for gold and silver prospects in
the Sewakht formation of Leak et al. (1989) in the Awireth-Shogor-Sewakht areas of Chitral, 6-8km
west, northwest and north of Krinj. This formation is faulted on both sides. To the east the Reshun
fault separates it from Krinj limestone and to the west it is faulted against Lutkho Formation along
the Pasti fault. This formation comprises of greenschist, limestones, ferruginous dolomitic carbonate,
phyllite, sandstones and breccias. This prospect contains significant amount of boulangerite, which
mainly consists of antimony, lead, gold and silver. Boulangerite samples from Shoghor show gold
upto 56gm/ton silver upto 700gm/ton and antimony upto 20%. The ferruginous dolomitic carbonate
bed shows appreciable amount of gold and silver. The area is 25km long and 16m wide between the
Sewakht and Awireth. The detail study by SDA with adits and channel samplings was carried for
gold and silver. It reveals 50,000 tons of boulengerite with gold upto 70gm/ton and silver upto
180gm/ton. The estimated reserves of gold and silver bearing ferruginous carbonates are about 50 mt
(Khan and Ahmad, undated). Dir district was studied for gold, silver and copper anomalies in the
Dir volcanic group near Zaluka village, 250km north of Peshawar (Hussain et al, 2000). The host
rock show subporphyritic to porphyritic sequence. Here is a 6m wide alteration zone containing
visible malachite and azurite. It also includes covellite, bornite and chalcocite. 12 samples yielded 3-
11ppm gold, 6-200ppm silver, 1-6.5% copper and 30-198ppm lead. Chondrite is a stony meteorite
contains chondrule (small rounded bodies of olivine or enstatine) embedded in a fine grained matrix
of pyroxene, olivine and nickel-iron. Besham area shows PGE associated with gold near Besham in
the Jijal layered ultramafic complex (Miller, et al., 1991). The layer/zone-1 include chalcopyrite,
bornite, pentlandite, supergene violarite and magnetite in rocks, clinopyroxene with 10-15%
bronzite, 2-3% disseminated sulphide with precious metals in ppb like Au 18-46, Pt 56-90, Pd 47-70,
Rh <2 and total PGE 246-249. The layer/zone-2 includes pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite as
inclusion in chromite and clinopyroxene in rocks. Wehrlite and chromite/chromitite and dunite with
precious metals in ppb like Au 35-275, Pt 99-402, Pd 40-720, Rh 2-10 and total PGE 365-1405. The

layer/zone-3 include chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, lesser pyrite and millerite, tetraauricuprite
and atheneite in rocks hornblende-clinopyroxenite-ilmenite+ postcumulus garnet with precious
metals in ppb like Au 76-2457, Pt 15-715, Pd 144-2275, Rh <2 -3, and total PGE 293-3597. The
layer/zone-4 include chalcopyrite, bornite, clinopyroxene cumulate in rocks Garnet hornblendite with
precious metals in ppb like Au 7-2130, Pt 64-221, Pd 80-417, Rh <2 and total PGE 647-2284. The
layer/zone-5 include pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, millerite, pentlandite in sulphide cumulate in
garnet-gabbro (5-10% sulphide, mineralizations) with precious metals in ppb like Au 339, Pt 723, Pd
1730, Rh <2 and total PGE 278 (Miller, et al., 1991).

It is a silicate of beryllium and aluminum and belongs to beryl group. It is reported from Lutkho
valley Chitral (Ali 1967), Talash Dir (Ahmad 1969), Indus Kohistan and Kaghan valley (Ali 1967).
It occurs in the pegmatites of NW Himalayas. Deeper colour varieties occur at Gabor-o-Bakh in
Chitral. These areas have good potential for deeper blue colour, high priced aquamarine and merits
further exploration and development.

It is a member of beryl group. It is fancied for its clear dewy green. It is due to Chromium content
and in fact a green beryl without chromium would not be accepted as an emerald. Emerald is
believed to posses healing power and to some people it is known as the healing stone. Mingora,
Gujarkilli and Shamozai areas of Swat District are well known producers of quality emerald. It is
found in ophiolitic rocks of mélange zone of northern Indus Suture. Mangora emerald deposits are
located in the northern edge of Mingora city. Two parallel north trending faults run through the area
are believed to be the main conduits for mineralizing solutions. Gubelin (1982) described the finest
emeralds in the world. The stone is famous for their brilliant, medium to deep green colour as well as
their unique transparency and are comparable to the finest Colombian specimens from Muzo. The
average size distribution of emeralds in production is approximately of the following order (Kazmi,
1995). Mellee (45.8%), 0.5-1 carats (ct) (32.7%), 1-2 ct (6.8%) and above 2 ct (14.7%). Average
grade size distribution show grading as excellent (5%), very good (12%), good (25%), fair (13%),
and Melle (45%). Gujarkili emerald deposits are located 24 km ENE of Mingora, 12km SSW of
Alpurai in Swat district. The deposit covers an area of about 10 acres. A number of northwest
trending faults with cross-cutting fractures and joints cut through the mineralized block and the
emerald industry largely occurs along these faults and fractures. Emerald production has been
increased from 5,939 cts (1986-87) to 78,330 cts (1990-91). Emeralds crystals are dark green
euhedral upto 100-2000cts in weight. This is very promising deposit which merits proper scientific
mining method and mine development (Kazmi, 1995). Shamizai emerald deposits are located 24km
west of Mingora at altitude of about 1500m. The mineralization is traceable about 2km along general
strike. It occurs in talc-carbonate schists of Indus Suture Melange under geological conditions very
similar to Mingora and Gujarkili. Emeralds are transparent with good green colour. Ann oddity
reported from this mine is the presence of bicolor emeralds. Private company has intermittently
mined the deposit. Other emerald deposits occur at Dandao Kandao, Nawe Dand, Gandao Kot and
Mora Dara in Mohmand Agency, Arang Barang in Bajaur Agency, Makhad and Charbagh in Swat
District. These deposits (except Charbagh and Makhad) have not been explored as yet (Kazmi and
Snee 1989). In short it has great potential for enhancing emerald production and mining activities in

Mingora, Gujarkili, Shamozai and introducing new mines in Mimola and Mor Darra region (Barang)
of Bajaur Agency. More emerald deposits can be discovered in 150 km long belt of northern Indus
Suture between Indus and Mohmand Agency.

The more common minerals are Pyrope (glowing red colour), almandine (brownish red to reddish
violet colour), rhodolite (rose red colour and strong luster), spessartine (most exquisite orange hue),
grossularite (brown, reddish brown, clear sparkling copper-gold to green), demantoid (unusual and
rare among garnets and fancied for its brilliance and fire with refractive index 1.89. As a birthstone
for those born in January, it symbolizes fidelity, friendship and constancy. It is reported from Hazara
area, Lutkho valley Chitral (Ali 1967). Gem quality almandine (red garnet) is found in Chitral
district. Tsavolite or green grossularite is associated with graphitic schist in Jambil area of Swat, near
Kot in Malakand and near Targhao in Bajaur agency. Beautiful honey yellow euhedral crystals of
hessonite are found in quartz mica schist near Targhao in Bajaur agency. (Kazmi and Jan 1997).
Several showings of green garnet, serpentine and actinolite in Malakand and in lower Mohmand
agency are reported (Ahmad 1969).

It belongs to olivine family. It is the birthstone for the month of August and it is said to put ghosts
and demons to flight, dispel melancholy and foolishness and to show the eternal paths to wisdom. It
is found near the Kohistan-Kaghan watershed to the NE of Naran. It occurs along shear zones and in
pockets in dunitic host rocks and are associated with clinochlore, magnetite and magnesite. It occurs
in the immediate hanging wall of the Indus Suture. It represents the basal cumulates of the Sapat
mafic-ultramafic complex (Khan and Kausar 1996,2010). It is transparent to translucent and pale to
dark yellowish green, rarely greenish yellow. It is medium to coarse grained with large crystals
reported measuring more than 10cm in length and upto 2kg in weight. Koivula (1994) and Jan and
Khan (1996) have presented physical data and microprobe analyses of the minerals. The Peridot is
mostly Fo91 in composition but ranges from Fo90 to Fo94. Jan and Khan (1995) suggest that the
mineralization may be related to hydrothermal solutions derived from post Tectonic Himalayan
leucogranites of Eocene age.

Its gem varieties are ruby sapphire (red), oriental amethyst (blue), oriental emerald (green) and
oriental topaz (yellow). It is found in the Timurgara Dir (Arbab et al. 1973) and Shah Dheri and
Kalam Swat (Ali 1967).

It belongs to corundum family and is popular due to the glowing red color. It is believed to
symbolize that it endows children born in the month of July with priceless gifts, namely freedom,
kindness, honor and dignity. Presently good quality ruby is a fairly rare gemstone and hence the most
costly of all the precious stones. Ruby also occurs in a 30km long belt of amphibolites extending
from Timurgara in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The ruby of this area is lower grade. After Burma, the
Hunza area is the only other region of the world that has produced blood red ruby. Cabochen grade
violet or indigo colored sapphires also occur with rubies. The blood red rubies in present day gem

market fetch the highest price. Thus there is great potential for development of ruby deposits in
Pakistan. The host marble of this region also contains the minerals like sapphire, spinel, pargasite,
margarite, phlogopite, chlorite, graphite, pyrite, rutile, dolomite, sphene, apatite, tourmaline,
plagioclase, pyrrhotite, quartz, calcite, and goethite (Okrusch et al., 1976; Gubelin, 1982).

Kyanite crystals are good and used as cheap gem. Detail in Kyanite in Industrial mineral.

It is YPO4; with REEs replacing Y. Xenotime is widespread accesory mineral in granite. It is
misidentified with zircon. It is associated with zircon, monazite, allanite and other REEs. It is
common detritial heavy mineral in sands and placer deposits. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province has
wide exposures of granite which may yield xenotime gemstones.

It is fancied for its glowing, fiery sparkle and its wide range of colors ranging from yellow to golden
brown, rose red to peach (Aro or Shuftalo) pink, blue to shining azure/sky blue and colorless to pure
white. The yellow variety resemble citrine (yellow quartz), but it is more attractive mainly due to its
higher refractive index (1.62), hardness 8, and specific gravity 3.5-3.6. They mostly found in
microcline-quartz-muscovite matrix. Topaz bearing pegmatites are found at Bulechi, Shingus and
Gone near Dessu in the Skardu area. Pink Topaz is deep red to orange rose. In fact this is the only
known naturally deep red or deep pink colored topaz in the world (Gubelin et al., 1986). It is
reported from Katlang Mardan (Arbab et al. 1972), Lutkho valley Chitral (Ahmad 1969). The
Katlang deposit (Arbab et al. 1972) is located in the Gundao hillock 4km north of the town of
Katlang, about 20km north of the city of Mardan, 60km NE of Peshawar. The Gandao hillock is
comprised of grey, thin to thick bedded Paleozoic crystalline limestones. The limestone contains
extensive stockworks of calcite and quartz veins which host the topaz mineralization. Pink topaz of
Katlang is unique stone unparalleled in the world. It is found in Pakistan and if properly and
correctly promoted in world market, its price can be very greatly enhanced (Kazmi and Abbas 2001).

It is famous for its beautiful colors, occurring in all possible hues and shades. The more common
hues are ruby red (rubellite), orange through brown to yellow, green and blue (indicolite). The gem
varieties include rubellite, dravite, elbaite and liddicoatite (Kazmi and O’Donoghue 1990). It is
believed to be stone for the October-born and is said to speed the writers’ flow of thought. It is
reported from Lutkho valley Chitral (Ali 1967) and Swat area (Ali 1967). Indicolite (blue
tourmaline) is found in the pegmatites of Garm Chashma (Chitral). Some of the best and fairly large
specimens of bicolor and tricolor tourmaline have been found in these pegmatites (Kazmi, 1995).
Several showings of black tourmaline in Malakand and lower Mohmand agency are also reported
(Ahmad 1969).


Bastnasite (CeLaCO3F-yellow brown hexagonal crystals)-a rare earth bearing gemstone reported in
Zagai Ghar alkali granite-a part of Warsak alkaline granite crops out in the Peshawar plain (Khan
and Kausar 2004).


The pegmatites from northern areas have yielded excellent specimens like light pink crystals of
fluorapatite, fluorite, green microcline, aquamarine, tourmaline, topaz, garnet, spessartine,
hambergite, morganite (rose coloured variety of beryl), goshenite, epidote, quartz (Kazmi and Abbas
2001). Black tourmaline/schorl is ubiquitous in entire gem localities of northern areas (Agheem and
Shah 2004). Islam et al. (2010) reported some other gemstones from Pakistan like agate, actinolite,
amazonite (feldspar/microcline), azurite, epidote, jadeite (nephrite is a jade), kunzite (transparent
variety of spodumene pyroxene), pargasite (hornblende), rutile/brookite, serpentine, turquoise
(phosphate minerals), sapphire (blue variety of tourmaline), lapis lazuli (lazurite, feldspathoid
group), tripoli (weathered chert/siliceous limestone), etc.


Pakistan is an agricultural country and fertility of cultivated lands is vital. Calcium along with N, P
and K are key elements for plant nutritions.

The solubility of phosphate in sea water increases with decreasing PH and temperature and for this
reason concentrated in deep cold water. Black bituminous shale, chert and other siliceous rocks are
best host of phosphate. The Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata of Indus basin show all these properties.
The exploration for phosphate should be accelerated because Pakistan is an agricultural
country and its demands are increasing. The Tertiary, Cretaceous and Jurassic sequence in Sulaiman
range were studied by Stanin and Hasan (1966). They found nodules with 5% P 2O5 in Domanda and
Drazinda shales, which are encouraging for further study. The Pabni Chawki and Naka Pabni were
studied by Stanin and Hasan (1966). The Rakhi Gaj area show nodules with 5-20% P 2O5 in Sangiali
group (Sangiali, Rakhi Gaj and Dungan formations) and lower Ghazij/Chamalang group (Shaheed
Ghat shale). Phosphatic nodules in Late Cretaceous Mughalkot formation near Indus Suture in Kurgil
area of Karim Kach River are found (Stanin and Hasan, 1966). It has been reported from the
Cretaceous sequence near Kohat (Chichali Formation), near Chhoi in Kalachitta Range (Kawagarh
Formation), Eocene Chamalang group and Paleocene Sangiali group (Sangiali and Rakhi Gaj
formations) in the Sulaiman foldbelt (Malkani and Mahmood 2016a). There is little or no economic
value due to its low P2O5 content (Ahmad, 1969) but indicates for large deposits. Further try should
be made because Pakistan is agricultural country and large money will be saved by reducing imports.
Hazara area is well known for phosphate deposits which have opened new vistas for fertilizer
industry to use indigenous phosphate rocks and save valuable foreign exchange (Waliullah, et al.
2012). The main deposits occur in Cambrian Abbottabad Formation and Precambrian Hazara
Formation, northeast of Abbottabad, along the western flank of Hazara Kashmir syntaxes (Hasan and
Ghaznavi, 1980). The Hazara deposits covers an area of 155 sq. km. Phosphate occurs in cherty
dolomite of Cambrian Abbottabad and Hazara formations. The phosphorites are of pelletal type and
commonly contain cellophane, dahlite, francolite, glaucophane, dolomite, iron oxide and pyrite in

various proportions (Hasan and Ghaznavi, 1980). These deposits show two lithological types like
cherty phosphorite of Abbottabad formation and silty calcareous phosphorite of Hazira Formation.
Kakul-Mirpur area covers 13 sq. km area in the 9.5 km east of Abbottabad. The phosphorite
horizon has a strike length of 516-607m with average thickness of about 4.5m. In this region there
are two phosphorite horizons, an upper one at the contact of Hazira and Abbottabad formations and a
lower one in the cherty dolomite of Abbottabad formation. Some phosphate mines in Kakul area near
Abbottabad are shown in Fig.5. The host rocks are tightly folded and faulted. This deposit has
1.08mt with P2 O5 content variation from 14 to 32% (Hasan and Ghaznavi, 1980).
Kalue-de-Bandi and Lagarban area is 40km northeast of Abbottabad. The phosphorite is found on
the both limbs of syncline. Western limb has 3,033m and eastern limb 1,062m outcrop length with 3
to 8m variable thickness. Southward near Kalue-de-Bandi, 32m below the main deposit, another
305m phosphorite horizon is exposed. The P2 O5 content of these deposits varies from 19 to 39%.
The Kalue-de-Bande has 8.3mt with p2o5 content 24-34%. The Lagarban has high grade 0.3mt ore
with p2o5 content 31% and low grade 1.7mt ore with p2o5 content of about 21%.
Dalola area is located 6km south of Garhi Habib Ullah. There are three phosphorite horizons in the
Hazira Formation with length of 1692, 152 and 303m with variable thicknesses of 3 to 23m. This
deposit is different from others. It is black, dense, silty, calcareous, cherty, non pelletal and contains
small amounts of manganese. The reserves are 9.2mt with variable P 2 O5 content 9 to 17 %. Sirban
Hill area; It is 6km from Abbottabad and has 455m strike length and 3.9 to 3.6m thickness. The
reserves are 1.9mt with variable p2o5 content 3 to 25 %.
In Minind area, the SDA developed a mine near Kakul. A crusher was also installed at site and
material was supplied to the National Fertilizer Corporation (NFC) at their Haripur Plant. Further
ground rock phosphate was also supplied to NFC plant at Jaranwala. The SDA developed another
mine at Rehala in the Tarnavi-Lagarban area for supply of 60,000 ton of rock phosphate to NFC
Haripur Plant annually.
Soban Gali, Paswal Mian and Banseri area is 25 km north of Abbotabad. Phosphate is found in
the Early Cambrian Abbotabad and Hazira/Galdaian formations. Phosphate beds are thin to thick and
associated with chert. The P2 O5 content of these deposits varies from 25-40% in the Ilyas and
Banseri mine areas (Waliullah et al. 2012). Qureshi et al. (2000) reported phosphate (apatite; P 2O5
2.5-12.6%), along with rare metals and REEs from Loe-Shilman complex of Khyber Agency.


A few meter gypsum beds are found in Hazara.


Pakistan is importing glass, glass ware and pottery. Pakistan has very large resources of silica sand
for manufacturing glass and glass wares. Further we have also large reserves of clays for
manufacturing pottery. So import should be ceased and try to use own country resources.


Pakistan is importing glass, glass ware and pottery. Pakistan has very large resources of silica sand
for manufacturing glass and glass wares. Further we have also large reserves of clays for
manufacturing pottery. So import should be ceased and try to use own country resources.

Clays/shales are used in earthenware works, brick making, mud houses, etc. Practically clays depend
upon physical properties and specific test must be made for specific requirements. Chemical analyses
have little value for the quality and its use. Various types of Clay deposits are found.

It is formed due to alteration of feldspars. It is used in the manufacture of tablewares, sanitary
fittings, tiles and electric insulators, paper filling and special type of cement. GSP has discovered and
studied in detail the Shah Dheri deposits (Moosvi et al., 1974; Kella, 1983; Griffith, 1987; Jafry
undated). The raw and washed chemical composition of Shah Dheri (Swat) deposits show SiO2 42-
58%, 46-48%; Fe2 O3 1-5%, 1-5%; Al2 O3 31-36%, 34-37%; CaO 9-13%, 3-7%; MgO 1-3%, 1-2%;
Na2 O 1-2%, 1-2%; K20 traces to 0.2%, traces to 0.2%, and loss on ignition 4-5% and 9-12%
respectively (Moosvi et al., 1974). The Shah Dheri deposits contain 2.8mt of raw china clay. In
Smaller deposits found from Dir and Hazara (Ahl) also. So far China clay is being produced from
KPK and Sindh.

The potash feldspar is associated with acidic group while sodic feldspar is associated with
intermediate and basic group. It is used in ceramic and glass industry. Large deposits of potash and
sodic feldspar occur near Mingora and Bunair in Swat district (Badshah, 1994). It is widespread in
pegmatites of Chitral areas. The commercial deposits are found in Rajdhawari pegmatite (Hazara).
Many small deposits are reported from Khaki, Doga, Trangri and Gidarpur areas of Hazara (Ahmad

It is rock consisting of albite and microcline feldspar and nepheline. It is used in the manufacture of
glass, ceramics, alkali carbonates, Portland cement and for extraction of aluminum. Its deposits occur
in Swat and Mardan districts. It occurs as intrusive bodies at several localities like Agari, Landi
Patao, Miane Kadao, Shoal, and Kharkai. The Agari deposit (Koga) being the largest one has been
investigated in some detail by Engineers Combined Limited (1979) and an average it contains
microcline perthite (39%), nepheline (30.6%), albite (12.9%), sodalite (3.9%), magnetite (1.6%),
garnet (0.6%) and calcite (6%). It is suitable for manufacture of colorless glass and for ceramic
purposes. Range analyses are after Khan and Ahmad (undated) like SiO 2 (59.92-61.65%), Al2 O3
(20.35-23.46%), Fe2 O3 (1.35-3.13%), K2 O (4.7-6.93%) and Na20 (6.12-10.68%). The alkali
composition and significant alumina content makes these rocks a good suitable for feldspar in the
glass and ceramic industry (Mikrch 1976). In Russia such rocks have been used for extraction of
aluminum, manufacture of Portland cement and soda ash. Pilot plant tests by Sarhad development
authority (SDA) and industrial scale tests by the industry have established the feasibility of its large
scale use in glass industry and ceramics. Mechanical treatment reduces the iron content to less than
0.1%. The estimated total reserves are 6,000 million tons. Reserves for material suitable for glass and

ceramics is about 82.78 million tones (Khan and Ahmad undated). According to the SDA the
ceramic industries have successfully manufactured china wares and have marketed this product.
SDA has also supplied calcined nepheline syenite for use in continuous steel casting. In Russia
nepheline syenite is being used in their alkali complex for extraction of alumina. Samples of Koga
syenite have been tested in Russia. The results suggest that an alkali complex based on this ore
would be feasible if an alumina plant of 270,000 ton capacity is installed with production of 3.9 mt
of Portland cement and 220,000 ton of potash and soda ash per anum.


These are extensively used in the construction industry, for decorative purposes in building facings,
bath rooms and for floor tiles. It is used for making handicraft items. The most commonly used are
simple marble, onyx or banded marble, various types of limestones and igneous rocks, mainly
granite, dolerite etc. Large reserves of recrystallised limestone and marble occur widely in Chitral,
Khyber Agency, Swat and Mardan districts of KPK, Bajaur and Khyber agencies of FATA
(Asrarullah 1963; Asrarullah and Hussain, 1985). Attractive and good quality quartzites (Tanawal
quartzite) found in Mansehra, Kaghan and vicinity areas of Hazara district and also it is being mined
near Mansehra. Attractive and good quality granitic rocks occur in Chitral, Swat and Hazara areas.
Granite is being produced from KPK, Sindh and Balochistan. Serpentine is found in the northern
Indus Suture zones as large deposits. It is being produced from Balochistan and KPK. Large deposits
of slate stone are found in KPK and being produced so far from KPK. These are being mined and
marketed under erotic trade names such as Golden, Trevera, Boutecenne, Verona, Black and Red
Zebra, Oceanic etc. The private sector exclusively deals with the production, processing and
marketing of marble and other decorative stones. Bilqees and Shah. (2004) evaluated the limestone
deposits of Kohat for a sustainable industrial development. Hussain (2004) reported Shekhai and
Lockhart limestones from Nowshera for construction purposes and Manki slate and Patala shale from
Nowshera can be lotted at 11500C for the production of structural light weight concrete.
To develop the marble and granite sector of Pakistan to make it a competitive player of the
international dimension stone market, Pakistan stone development company (PASDEC) has been
established to use modern technology, reduce stone wastage from 85% to 45% and to enhance the
processing facilities in the country for value addition to earn foreign exchange (Khan 2013). The role
of concrete industry can be used as remedy for the plastic waste disaster (Ali et al. 2012) and also
rubber waste (Shah et al. 2012). The energy saving and retarding land pollution by using waste
polymers in mortar. These polymers increase mortar thermal resistance while compressive strength is
deteriorated (Ilyas et al. 2012). Dilpazir and Bilqees (2012) evaluated the slates from Cherat Range
for use as structural light weight concrete aggregate. Limestone is the most abundant and massively
used industrial commodity globally as well as in Pakistan. The Lockhart, Sakesar/Margala hill,
Samanasuk, Sakesar and Nammal limestones are exploitable for economic revival of Pakistan
(Hamid et al. 2012). Known reserves in the country are 4 billion tons of marble and 2 billion tons of
granite. Roughly 82% of intermediate products from the mines are traded in local market with only
7% going for exports with marginal value addition. Infrastructural facilities including link and feeder
roads in marble and granite hosting areas have been worked out (Khan, B. 2004). Mineral resources
are non-renewable and therefore warrant a careful exploitation if sustainability is to be achieved.
Pakistan has more than 160 million tons of marble reserves, KPK posses 97% of these reserves.

Mardan, Swat, Buner, Nowshera, Malaknd and tribal areas are home to marble deposits. Ironically
most of the marble mining, quarrying, handling, cutting and polishing practices are primitive. For
example blasting is the only technique for mining and quarrying which can be replaced by Block
excavation to reduce the material loss to less than 7%. Blasting waste 35% of excavated rocks while
crude handling 11%, outdated technology in cutting and polishing about 27% loss. Apart from these
material losses the old fashioned mining and industrial practices are environmentally destructive. In
reality the exports decline if the values are compared to total excavations. Switching to modern
scientific methods of mining, cutting and polishing may require an initial substantial investment but
the returns are economically huge and environmentally noninvasive. Simply replace the blasting
methods by “Block Excavation” Modern technologies of marble cutting and polishing not only
minimize the wastage but also ensures greater market value locally and internationally. Marble
sludge from marble industries can be sold to the paint, construction and various other chemical
industries where it is used as filler (Riaz 2004). The marble, limestone, quartzite, granite, gabbro,
dolerite, sandstone, conglomerate, aggregate/gravel and clays/shale resources are found in the
reported area.

Dolomite occurs in Precambrian Hazara Formation, Triassic Kingriali Formation, Jurassic
Samanasuk limestones and Eocene Chorgali Formation. The major dolomitic deposits are Kachi
Haripur (Abbottabad Fm. Large), Sherwan (Abbottabad Fm. Large), Wagh (Precambrian, MgO
21.02%, CaO 31.43%, Large), Ghundai Tarako Mardan (Paleozoic, MgO 19.21%, CaO 31.33%),
Khyber Agency (Khyber Fm., Shagai limestone, MgO 20.01%, CaO 30.1%, Large), (Kingriali Fm.
MgO 20.2-21.6%, CaO 28.9-31.3%, 900 mt).


Igneous along with some metamorphic rocks are found in the Khyber-Hazara crystalline zone,
Northern Indus Suture. These large deposits of igneous rocks can be used for construction and other
purposes. Igneous rocks like granite, gabbro, dolerite, serpentine, agglomerate are being used.
Tanawal quartzite is prominent in metamorphic rocks.


The coal potential Coal potential of Kali Mati (Harnoi/Bagnotar)-Kala Pani coalfields (Hazara area)
is being reported first time by a reconnaissance visit of present authors and it needs follow up for
further detailed information. It is a newly developed coalfield. This Hazara Coalfield (Fig. 5) is
located on the eastern vicinity of Abbottabad town. The Hazara Coalfield is hosted by K-T boundary
and Early Paleocene Hangu Formation. The Patala Formation is being considered here as synonym
of Hangu Formation because both are lateral facies and same basin and also continuous same
stratigraphic horizon. The coal quality is interpolated like Cherat coalfields due to its nearby
location. The tentative reserves estimated are 3.75mt because no detail work is done so far. The
break up of estimated coal reserves show 0.25mt measured, 0.5mt indicated and 3mt inferred (Table
5). One thick horizon of carbonaceous shale with some coal/graphite (Fig.5) is also found on the
Mansehra-Besham road, Mansehra district, Hazara.


The petroleum resources are not significant due to occurrence of most of igneous and metamorphic
rocks. However some areas of Hazara are slightly significant for exploration.


The uranium (uraninite, pitchblende), thorium minerals like monazite (Ce, La, Th) PO 4, thorianite,
etc occurs primarily in the igneous rocks especially in granitic rocks of northern Indus Suture,
Hindukush, Kohistan and Khyber-Hazara areas. As secondarily it is found and at places enriched in
the foreland sedimentary fold and thrust belt. It is expected in clastic sandstone of different ages
because of porous and permeable nature. It is found in Chitral area but enriched in Gilgit-Baltistan. It
is also found in Kohistan magmatic arc like Karakar and Maraghzar (Swat) and also Khyber-Hazara
areas like Ahl and Rajdhwari (Mansehra granite), Loe Shilman (30km w of Warsak), Silai Patti
(35km W of Dargai in Malakand granite), Bunji and Thakot near Besham (Moghal, et al. 1997).
Placer deposits especially the beach sands are very significant for the exploration of monazite,
zircon, bastnaesite, etc.


Geothermal hot spring sites are located in northern areas. All the thermal water are neutral to slightly
alkaline. Na is dominant cation in all cases with different anions like HCO 3, SO4 and mixed type.
The results indicate a good potential of these resources for industrial, domestic, electricity
generation, heating and dry ice making purposes (Rafiq et al. 2004; Bakht 2000).

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has a lot of surface and ground water. The northern KP has a lot of potential
for larger and smaller dams for water storage and diversion dams for power generation. Due to
increasing of population and energy demands it is vital to develop small and large dams for water
storage for agricultural and domestic purposes and diversion dams for power generation.



The Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonics orogeny and geodynamics of Indo-Pakistan subcontinent
(Khan et al. 2003; Malkani 2011) is responsible for the existence of economic mineralizations. The
reported area includes different tectonometallic and sedimentary basins like the Kohat sub-basin
(western Upper Indus basin), northern Sulaiman basin (upper part of Middle Indus basin) and
northern part of western Indus Suture. The mineral resources of Kohat sub-basin and adjoining
western Indus Suture include uranium from Parachinar (Kurram Agency), Qabul Khel (Bannu
Basin); fire clay from Paniala (D.I.Khan); silica sand from Nowshera and D.I.Khan; rock and
potash salts from Eocene Bahadur Khel Salt Formation in Kohat and Karak; bituminous alum
shale from Jatta and in a gorge near Dozha Banda in Kohat area; antimony from Zaimukht hills of
Kurram valley; chromite from Boya (Waziristan;); talc/soapstone from Kharwala Nala
(Gujarghuna;Sufaid Koh-Parachinar; Kurram Agency); copper from Shinkai (Boya) and Mami
Rogha Waziristan; complex, multiphase, ophiolite associated massive sulphide (Boya, Mami Ragha
and Spin Kamar in Waziristan); Gujarghuna Parachinar (Kurram) Agency; asbestos from Boya and
Kaniguram (Waziristan); gypsum from Lachi, Mamikhel, Jatta, Bahadur Khel and Panoba of Karak
and Kohat, Saiduwali, Paniala, Domanda and Drazinda (D.I.Khan); sulphur from Kohat (Panoba,
Jatta and Dandi); iron, laterite and bauxite from Mazari Tang and Marai Bala (Kohat), Samana
Range 16km from Hangu, Nizampur and Pezu; manganese ore from Thal, Shinkai Waziristan;
bentonite from Karak; decorative limestones/marble, dolomite, cement, construction, dimension
stones deposits from Kohat-Karak and Khisor ranges and coal from Hangu, Cherat, Dara Adamkhel
and Karak areas.
The mineral resources of northern Sulaiman basin (Shirani area, F.R. D.I.Khan) represents
millstone from the hard and compact quartzite/sandstone of Pab formation; various types of clay
deposits from Chamalang/Ghazij, Kahan and Vihowa groups; thick immense reserves of fuller’s
earth expected in Domanda and Baska formations; silica sands; ochre, limonite, iron, fire clay
from Chitarwata, Rakhi Gaj, Vitakri, Drazinda formations and Vihowa group; phosphate,
uranium/metatyuyamunite in the coal and sandstone bearing formations like Mughal Kot, Pab,
Vitakri, Sangiali, Rakhi Gaj, Toi and Kingri formations and Vihowa group; expected uranium and
iridium anomalies in the Cretaceous-Tertiary/K-T boundary laterite, muds and coal especially in the
Vitakri Formation; Paleocene Dungan limestone as marble; coal; and huge cement raw materials
like limestone, clays/shale and gypsum. The Shirani area shows huge deposits of easily minable
(200m depth to exposed surface) limestone which are being estimated as round about 58 billion tons
with breakup as Jurassic 50 billion tons, Cretaceous 1 billion tons, Paleocene 2 billion tons, and
Eocene 5 billion tons; vast resources of clays/shale in the Cretaceous Sembar, Goru and Mughalkot
formations, Paleocene Rakhi Gaj, Eocene Shaheed Ghat, Toi, Kingri, Drug, Baska, Domanda and
Drazinda formations, Oligocene Vihowa and Chaudhwan formations, etc. show huge deposits of
easily minable (200m depth to exposed surface) shale estimated as round about 511 billion tons with
breakup as Cretaceous 10 billion tons, Paleocene 1 billion tons, Eocene 400 billion tons and
Oligocene-Pliocene 100 billion tons. The present investigations represent 3 billion tons gypsum
estimated (surface and subsurface) deposits from Shirani areas of D.I.Khan district and 0.1 billion
tons expected further north from South Waziristan. Easily minable (upto 50m depth) resources of
gypsum are 77 million tons (mt) in D.I.Khan (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) and about 5 mt in South
Waziristan (FATA). The quality of Sulaiman gypsum is good as impurities are less. The chemical
analyses of Baska gypsum show that CaO content varies from 29.44 to 33.65%, SO 3 from 44.65 to
47.78%, H2 O from 16.30 to 18.99% and other impurities are less than 2%. There are 12-15 beds of
gypsum in Baska Formation of Chamalang (=Ghazij) group with cumulative thickness of 20 to 25
metre. Main environments of gypsum beds show platform type supratidal environments. Considering
50 meters very easy mining depth, the Mughalkot-Ragha Sar-Khowara Khel (D.I.Khan) gypsum
deposits show 44 mt and are located on western limb of Drazinda syncline and accessible from
D.I.Khan. Domanda-Drazinda-Drabin (D.I.Khan) gypsum deposits show 33 mt and are located on
faulted eastern limb of Drazinda syncline and accessible from D.I. Khan, while South Waziristan
gypsum deposits may show about 5 mt which are the extension of Shirani gypsum and are located on
foothills of eastern Sulaiman foldbelt and accessible from D.I.Khan. The deposits of gypsum and

cement resources of Shirani areas of northern Sulaiman foldbelt are feasible due to availability of
inexhaustible gypsum and cement resources, and favorable central locations in Pakistan. Further its
suitability will be strengthens by the close occurrence of cement raw materials which will be
provided to industry by belts and not by trucks. Vast areas of saline land in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and
Pakistan can economically be made productive again.
The water and agricultural land resources of the D.I. Khan, Laki Marwat, Karak, Bannu
(North Waziristan) and Tank (South Waziristan) areas are too much but needs its utilization. Surface
water resources wasting as flood suggests for small dams constructions which hold its vast plain and
barren areas. Further exploration in southern areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is promising for celestite
in Eocene limestone, fluorite and trackways of reptiles (dinosaurs, pterosaurs, crocodiles, etc) and
birds in Jurassic Chiltan, Loralai and Samanasuk limestones due to vicinity occurrences. The
inexhaustible deposits of construction and dimension stone resources are found in areas. Petroleum
developments in northern Sulaiman foldbelt and Kohat sub-basin are also encouraging. In short,
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA may be a prince or pauper with respect to development of his
natural resources. The natural resources like mineral, petroleum, vertebrate fossils (dinosaurs, whale,
Baluchitheria, etc), solar, forest, wind, water, land, agriculture, tourism, etc can play significant role
for the development of southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA, and ultimately for Pakistan.


It is potash alum or kaolinite KAl (SO4)2 12H2O. It is used for preservation of skin, mordant in
dyeing, as an astringent in medicine and for removing suspended material from water. It occurs in
alum shale which contains pyrites and undergoing decomposition. Bituminous alum shale has been
occurring in shales of Jatta and in a gorge near Dozha Banda in Kohat area (Heron and Crookshank

It is reported from Zaimukht hills in the north of Thal of Kurram valley.

Small deposits and showing of chrysotile and tremolite asbestos are found in serpentines of the
ophiolitic complex in Boya, Kaniguran (Waziristan). But now its production is banned due to
hazardous mineral.

Boya chromite (North Waziristan) is found in ophiolitic rocks occur west of Razmak. It is thrusted
over the Jurassic to Cretaceous sediments. Various members of this sequence like ultramafic rock,
gabbros, sheeted dykes, pillow lavas, pelagic sediments, and plagiogranites are found. Chromite
occurs as lenses, segregated stringers and disseminated grains. The chromite lenses are upto 6m long
and 0.5 to 1.0m thick. Chromite occurrences have been reported from Mami Rogha, Sherkai, Madar
Aglad and Tut Nari (Khan et al., 1982). Asrarullah (1957) reported first note on North and South
Waziristan geology, and Asrarullah (1961) reported chromite and its mining in Pakistan.

Boya copper deposits is located in the west of Razmak, in the vicinity of Shinkai and associated
with ophiolites, volcanics and mélanges of Waziristan igneous complex (Khan et al, 1982; Badshah
1985, 1994; Beck et al, 1995). It comprises of basal ultramafic, an intermediate zone of gabbros and
dolerites and an upper zone of volcanics, interspersed with tectonic slices of mélanges and intruded
by granites and diorites. Many (15) showings occur in a sheet breccia in contact with dolerite sill,
along the margin of ultramafics. Copper minerals occur in quartz veins at Kambat Gabbari, Mami
Rogha, Sarpunga and Papure Tip. At Papure Tip the copper is found in the alteration zones at contact
of sedimentary and volcanics. At Lwagi and Dangar Konr, the copper mineralization is in the diorite,
granodiorite and volcanic rocks. The primary sulphides including pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite are
associated with hypogene secondary sulphides and oxides of iron and copper. According to Badshah
(1985, 1994), ninety two test holes revealed average copper content 0.386% with inferred reserves of
120mt upto depth of 159m.

Iron has been reported from Kohat and Potwar (upper Indus) foldbelt (Mazar Tangi, Kalabagh, Pezu,
Samana Range, Nizam Pur). Ali (1963), Klinger et al (1963) and Asrarullah (1978) reported iron
deposits of Pakistan. Rashid et al. (1965) reported mineral of eastern Kohat and Fatmi (1966)
reported ironstone in Lumshiwal formation in Samana Range.


It may be explored in the western Indus suture like north and South Waziristan and Kuram agency.


It may occur in Waziristan ophiolites.

Many quartz veins may be found in western Indus Suture areas.


Soapstone deposits occur in Parachinar area.

It is found in Indus placer.


The beautiful chert, jasper, flint, other pebbles and cobbles are commonly found as detritial/placer in
the conglomerate/conglomeratic sandstone of the area. Further Waziristan ophiolite and associated
areas are also significant for gemstones.

It may be found in Indus placers.


Pakistan is an agricultural country and fertility of cultivated lands is vital. Calcium along with N, P
and K are key elements for plant nutritions.

The Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata of Indus basin show all these properties. The exploration for
phosphate should be accelerated because Pakistan is an agricultural country and its demands
are increasing. The Tertiary, Cretaceous and Jurassic sequence in Sulaiman range were studied by
Stanin and Hasan (1966). They found nodules with 5% P 2O5 in Domanda and Drazinda shales, which
are encouraging for further study. The Shirani area of D.I.Khan district show nodules with 5-20%
P2O5 in Sangiali group (Sangiali, Rakhi Gaj and Dungan formations) and lower Ghazij/Chamalang
group (Shaheed Ghat shale). Phosphatic nodules in Late Cretaceous Mughalkot formation near Indus
Suture in Kurgil area of Karim Kach River are found (Stanin and Hasan, 1966). It has been reported
from the Cretaceous sequence near Kohat (Chichali Formation).

Its mineral is halite (sodium chloride) formed by evaporation of sea water in restricted shallow
basins. Chemical analyses of Khewra rock salt show NaCl 98.65%, CaSO 4 0.41%, MgSo4 0.40%,
Na2 SO4 0.24%, moisture 0.11%, insolubles 0.03%, undetermined 0.16% (Griffiths, 1987). It occurs
as large deposits in Eocene Bahadur Khel Salt Formation in KP. A certain amount of rock salt has
been exported to Afghanistan and India from time to time. It is being produced from Punjab and

Potassium salts (K2O 9-14.4%) seams are associated with rock salts (Heron and Crookshank 1954) of
Eocene Bahadur Khel Salt Formation in KP (Rashid et al. 1965). So far brine is being produced from

The area has vast deposits of limestone and marl both can be used for fertilizer because lime is best
fertilizer for acidic soil which neutralizes the soil acidity. Calcium is essential element for normal
growth of plants and activity of nitrifying bacteria (micro-organisms) and it regulates the supply of
phosphorous for plants. Its deficiency can accumulate Al and Mn upto harmful concentration.

It has multi-uses like soil conditioning, cement resources, etc. Pl. sees in cement resources.

It is found in the air. It is being used for Urea production. Pakistan should increase the urea industry
due to agricultural country.


Cement raw material includes limestone 75% and clays/shale 25% for clinker preparation and further
it needs Gypsum 5% as retarder. Cement Industry raw materials are huge in Sulaiman foldbelt.
More than a dozen cement industries should be installed in the Dera Bugti, Harand, Barkhan, Kohlu,
Loralai, Musa Khel, Rajan Pur, D.G.Khan and D.I.Khan districts due to close existence of its raw
material like limestone, gypsum and shale. At present only one cement factory is working in Zinda
Pir D.G.Khan district. Further its suitability will be strengthens by the close occurrence of raw
materials which will be provided to industry by belts and not by trucks. This is feasible due to
availability of inexhaustable raw materials, peaceful and favourable locations. It is located in the
centre of Pakistan and ideal location for all provinces. It is a strong need to fulfill the cement
requirement of country and earn foreign exchange through cement export for the development of

Limestone is extensively used as crushed stone for concrete aggregates, road metal and rail road
ballasts. It is the basic raw material for cement. Limestone is also used in steel mills as fluxing agent,
soil conditioner, as a source of lime, chemical raw material and as dimension stone. It is also used for
building, statuary, monumental and ornamental purposes. The inexhaustible reserves of limestone are
found in Pakistan (Gauher, 1966). At some places it occurs near railway track for easy transportation.
Present research show huge deposits of easily mineable (200m depth to exposed surface) limestone
of Sulaiman, Kirthar and Balochistan basins which are being estimated as round about 1205bt with
breakup as Jurassic 490bt, Cretaceous 75bt and Paleocene 18bt, and Eocene 622bt (Malkani 2016b;
Malkani and Mahmood 2016). The rocks generally contain 50% calcium oxide, less than 5% silica
and less than 1% iron oxide making suitable for cement. A small fraction of resources are being used
by cement industries in Pakistan. Pakistan has the lowest per capita consumption of cement. Further
Pakistan is paying a lot of earning every year for calcium chemicals. It is highly desirable to take
step for extending cement, lime and calcium chemicals industries, so that the country will be self-
sufficient and able to export these materials to earn exchange.

Vast resources of shale are found in Pakistan (Table 4) like Jurassic Spingwar, Cretaceous Sembar,
Goru, Mughalkot and Vitakri formations, Paleocene Rakhi Gaj, Eocene Shaheed Ghat, Toi, Kingri,
Drug, Baska, Domanda and Drazinda formations, Oligocene Vihowa and Chaudhwan formations,
etc, along with many formations in Kohat and Potwar and also in Kirthar basins. Vast and huge
deposits of easily mineable (200m depth to exposed surface) shale/clays of Sulaiman, Kirthar and
Balochistan basins are being estimated as round about 5799bt with breakup as Jurassic 33bt,
Cretaceous 418bt, Paleocene 27bt, Eocene 4131bt and Oligocene-Pliocene 1190 bt (Malkani 2016b;
Malkani and Mahmood 2016).


Gypsum is CaSO4.2 H2O and anhydrite is CaSO4. Alabaster is fine grained and compact snow white
to light smoky white with low hardness (1.5-2) and low specific gravity (2.2). Gypsum is used as
retarder in cement, as a fertilizer, as filler in various materials such as paper, crayons, paints, rubber,
etc and in the manufacture of plaster of Paris for which purpose the mineral is heated to expel some
of its water of crystallization and then ground up. Calcined gypsum is extensively employed in the

building trade for the production of various types of plasters, sheets, and boards and for stucco work;
it is also used as polishing beds, in the manufacture of plate glass, and as an adulterant of foods. Very
large deposits of gypsum are found in Pakistan. Gypsum is found in Azad Kashmir, Hazara, Karak-
Kohat, D.I.Khan-Waziristan, Punjab, Balochistan and Sind. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK)
gypsum is reported from Kohat sub-basin, Khisor Range and small showings from Hazara. Very
large reserves of Jatta gypsum (4.7 bt) have been reported from Kohat region. Gypsum beds are 15-
60m thick and extend in a 55km long belt. Main deposits occur at Braghdi, Shiwakki, Jatta, Nashpa-
Chanda, Mami Khel, Manda Daud Shah, Lachi, Bahadur Khel, Karak, Banda Spina-Dhand, Idal
Khel and Malgin (Kazmi and Abbas 2001; Hussain and Karim 1993).
Saiduwali Khisor gypsum deposits occur 3km NW of Saiduwali (D.I.Khan district) as alternating
beds of dolomite and gypsum with 150m thickness (Heron 1955). These Cambrian Khisor Formation
gypsum beds dipping NW are found on the base of Khisor thrust fault near the general ground
surface and seems feasible for cement industry. The present investigation shows 5.5mt upto 50m
easily mineable depth, and 220 mt reserves upto 2km depth but deposits will more than this estimate
and the gypsum strata on other side of fault is expected subsurface.
Recently Malkani (2013a) reported very large deposits of gypsum from D.I.Khan and
Waziristan. He reported 3 billion tons gypsum estimated (surface and subsurface) deposits from
Shirani areas of D.I.Khan district and 0.1 billion tons expected further north from South Waziristan.
Easily minable (upto 50m depth) resources of gypsum are 77 million tons (mt) in D.I.Khan (Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa) and about 5 mt in South Waziristan (FATA).
Mughalkot-Ragha Sar-Khoara Khel (D.I.Khan) gypsum deposits show 44mt (upto 50m depth;
Malkani 2013a) and are located on western limb of Drazinda syncline and accessible from D.I. Khan.
Domanda-Drazinda-Drabin (D.I.Khan) gypsum deposits show 33mt (upto 50m depth; Malkani
2013a) and are located on faulted eastern limb of Drazinda syncline and accessible from D.I. Khan.
Waziristan gypsum deposits may show about 5mt (upto 50m depth) which are the extension of
Shirani gypsum and are located on foothills of eastern Sulaiman foldbelt and accessible from
D.I.Khan (Malkani 2013a).
Malkani (2011a) reported 26 billion tons (1bt=1000mt) and Malkani and Mahmood (2016a)
reported 28.5 billion tons of estimated reserves (measured, indicated, inferred and hypothetical),
which are the first largest deposit in Pakistan. The breakup of total gypsum reserves includes
14.5bt in Balochistan Province (Barkhan 4.25bt, Kohlu 5.5bt, Sibi 1bt, Dera Bugti 1.75bt, Musa Khel
2bt); 11bt in Punjab (Rajan Pur 2bt and D.G.Khan 9bt); and 3bt in KPK (D.I.Khan). The Balochistan
Province with detail as Barkhan District includes Lakha Kach or Rakhni 1bt, Kodi More-Nodo-
Ishani-Gadumra 2bt, Khurcha 0.25bt, Anokai-Bahlol 0.5bt and Bala Dhaka-Karher Buzdar 0.5bt;
Kohlu District includes Nisau-Safed 3bt, Kahan-Khatan 1bt, Mawand 1bt, Lunda-Bahney Wali
0.25bt and Janthali 0.25bt; Dera Bugti includes Sham-Kulchas, Phailawagh-Jiandari, and Pirkoh
1.75bt, Sibi district includes Spintangi 1bt; and Musa Khel district includes Drug-Toi Nala-Zamaray
2bt, Kingri 1mt and Chamoz Khan Mohd Kot 1mt; Punjab province with detail as Rajan Pur district
2bt and D.G.Khan district 9bt; KPK province with detail as D.I.Khan district 3bt and South
Waziristan 0.1bt. Malkani (2000) reported 588.4mt of easily minable reserves upto 50m depth,
Malkani (2010a) reported 675mt while the present investigation show 764mt. Easily minable (upto
50m depth) resources of gypsum are 451mt in Balochistan (Barkhan 121.3mt, Kohlu 228.7mt, Musa
Khel 57mt, Sibi 16mt and Dera Bugti 28mt), 231mt in Punjab (Rajan Pur 33mt and D.G.Khan

198mt), 82mt in KP province (D.I.Khan 77mt and Waziristan 5mt). So far gypsum is being produced
from Punjab and KP.


Pakistan is importing glass, glass ware and pottery. KP has very large resources of silica sand for
manufacturing glass and glass wares. Further KP has also large reserves of clays for manufacturing
pottery. So import should be ceased and try to use own country resources.

Clays/shales are used in earthenware works, brick making, mud houses, etc. Practically clays depend
upon physical properties and specific test must be made for specific requirements. Chemical analyses
have little value for the quality and its use. Various types of Clay deposits are found.

It was formerly used for fulling or cleaning woolen fabrics and cloth, its absorbent properties causing
it to remove greasy and oily matters. Its modern use is reefing of oil and fats. It is nonplastic,
greenish grey, bluish grey and greenish brown clay with soapy feel. It is use for fulling valued for its
decolorizing and purifying properties. Bentonite of some quarries of Pakistan can be for drilling mud
and seepage/leakage control barrier in water retaining structures (Zamin et al. 2012). It is non
swelling type of clay with white, grey and brown colours and high calcium %. To convert them into
swelling type, it is converted into sodium bentonites by Base Exchange process (PCSIR 1963). Large
deposits of Eocene fuller earth are found in Shirani area, F.R. D.I.Khan. It is being produced from
Punjab, Sindh, KP and AK.

It is resistant to shrinkage, abrasion and corrosion under high temperature and withstands thermal
spalling. It is very low in iron oxide content <2% and high in alumina (24-45%). Punjab is the main
producer and consumer of fire clay. The main areas of production are Mianwali, Sargodha and
Attock districts. It is also found from D.I.Khan district. These are residual sedimentary deposits. The
fire clay beds are associated with many coal horizons in the Sulaiman foldbelt. The possible Ochre,
limonite, iron, fire clay from Chitarwata, Rakhi Gaj, Vitakri, Drazinda formations and Vihowa
group of north eastern Sulaiman Foldbelt seems to be significant. It is being produced from Punjab
and KPK.

It is used as an abrasive, for the manufacture of glass and some chemicals. It is used in refractory, in
sinter and allied complexes of steel mills and has metallurgical applications. Quartzose sand free of
impurities is used as silica sand or glass sand. Silica sand deposits of Mianwali district is the main
producing deposit of the country but large deposits of silica sand occur also in Nowshera, D.I.Khan
and Abbottabad districts of KPK. Datta Formation of Jurassic and its equivalent formations contain
thick beds of silica sand Khisor and Marawat ranges, between Paniala and Pezu (Raza And Iqbal,
1977). In Hazara high grade silica sand occurs as thick layers within a 150 meters thick sequence of
metamorphosed calcareous sandstone at Mand Kachcha (Raza and Iqbal 1977). Large lenticular

bodies of silica sand occur in meta sediments in Mohmand agency. Pakistan steel alone used 80,000
tons annually from Thano Bula Khan. The demand of silica sand is likely to increase in the
production of iron and steel and with expansion of glass and other user industries. D.I.Khan deposits
show SiO2 (92-99%), Al2 O3 (0.18-5.77%), Fe2 O3 (0.1-1.2%), CaO (0.38-1.68%) and Mg0 (0.1-
1.60%) (Hussain 1976; Griffiths 1987).


Vast and huge deposits of easily mineable (200m depth to exposed surface) limestone, sandstone and
shale of Sulaiman (including the northern part of Sulaiman foldbelt under the territory of KPK),
Kirthar and Balochistan basins are presently estimated by Malkani and Mahmood (2016a) as the
limestone deposits are round about 1205bt with breakup as Jurassic 490bt, Cretaceous 75bt,
Paleocene 18bt, and Eocene 622bt; the shale deposits are 5799bt with breakup as Jurassic 33bt,
Cretaceous 418bt, Paleocene 27bt, Eocene 4131bt and Oligocene-Pliocene 1190bt; the sandstone
deposits are 5730bt with breakup as Cretaceous 1129bt, Paleocene 15bt, Eocene 953bt and
Oligocene-Pliocene 3640bt (Malkani 2016b). The Lockhart, Sakesar/Margala hill, Samanasuk,
Sakesar and Nammal limestones are exploitable for economic revival of Pakistan (Hamid et al.
2012). Known reserves in the country are 4 billion tons of marble and 2 billion tons of granite.

Dolomite occurs in Precambrian Hazara Formation, Triassic Kingriali Formation, Jurassic
Samanasuk limestones and Eocene Chorgali Formation. The major dolomitic deposits are Kachi
Haripur (Abbottabad Fm. Large), Sherwan (Abbottabad Fm. Large), Wagh (Precambrian, MgO
21.02%, CaO 31.43%, Large), Saidu Wali Khisor Range (Salt Range Fm. MgO 20.11%, CaO
31.05%, Large), Ghundai Tarako Mardan (Paleozoic, MgO 19.21%, CaO 31.33%), Khyber Agency
(Khyber Fm., Shagai limestone, MgO 20.01%, CaO 30.1%, Large), (Kingriali Fm. MgO 20.2-21.6%,
CaO 28.9-31.3%, 900 mt), Kohat.


Igneous along with some metamorphic rocks are found in the Khyber-Hazara crystalline zone,
Northern Indus Suture. These large deposits of igneous rocks can be used for construction and other
purposes. Igneous rocks like granite, gabbro, dolerite, serpentine, agglomerate are being used.
Tanawal quartzite is prominent in metamorphic rocks.


Ahmed et al. (1986), Ghaznavi (2002) and Malkani (2012a) reported coal of Pakistan whereas
Malkani (2011a) reported coal of Balochistan. Pakistan represents Pre-Cambrian to recent strata with
different tectonometallic and sedimentary basins. Pakistan has large reserves of coal but the deposits
need to be exploited for provincial and national development. Coal resources and their discoveries
are necessary in order to meet increasing demands. Share of coal in energy sector of Pakistan has
increased from 6.5% (2003-04) to 7.6% (2008-09) and but later fell back to 6.7% (2010-11).
Considering growing energy needs, this figure should have been more than its predecessor.
Balochistan province tops coal production with a 58% share. Pakistan is ranked 7th internationally

regarding lignitic coal reserves but, unluckily, Pakistan steel industry has imported from 2.84mt to
4.27mt coal per year between 2006 and 2011 (Pakistan Energy Year Book 2011, published in 2012).
This expenditure can be saved and spent on research and technology development. Furthermore,
thermal power plants should be installed to use indigenous coal reserves to increase electrical power
supply, keeping in view the population increase. Developments for coal resources are necessary due
to increasing energy demand in Pakistan, whereas in Pakistan, many coal fields remain under-
developed. To develop these coalfields, it is necessary to create the technology to use the mixed
lignitic, subbituminous and bituminous coal because majority of the reserves are lignitic in Pakistan.
The Thar coal deposit of Sindh is lignitic and available in grand quantity. Its development should be
started on trial basis initially as vertical shaft mining method. Alternatively, open pit mining could be
opted for but ground water may cause trouble in this regard.
Due to the present energy crises in the world and particularly in Pakistan, the government and
power generation sectors have shown keen interest in the indigenous coal resources for its utilisation
in the electric power generation, cement and other related industries. The development of coal will
have an important multiplier effect by creating a number of supporting industries which will provide
additional employment for skilled labour, income for the mining community and experience with
new and modern technologies. Production of domestic coal will reduce the demand for imported
fuels which drains an inordinate percentage of Pakistan’s scarce foreign exchange resources. Coal
from different areas of Pakistan generally ranges from lignite to high volatile bituminous. These
coals are friable with relatively high content of ash and sulphur. Coal of Pakistan is being used for
cement, sugar, steel, brick-kiln, domestic supply and by other industries including, Water and Power
Development Authority. Pakistan is ranked 7th internationally in having lignitic coal reserves. Most
of the world’s lignite coal is found in Asia and Pakistan is tops lignitic coal-bearing countries in
Asia. 97% of coal reserves of Pakistan belong to lignite and remaining only 3% are sub-bituminous
to bituminous. So far, out of an estimated 475bt of sub-bituminous and lignite reserves of the world,
46.7% occur in Asia, 34.9% in Europe, 9.6% in America and 7.7% in Australia. The recoverable
reserves of lignite in Asia are as follows: Pakistan, 36.9%; Indonesia, 31.6%; China, 27.4%; India,
2.8% and Thailand, 1.2%. The percentage of lignite to hard coal in Asia is represented as follows:
Pakistan, 97%; Thailand, 83%; Indonesia, 58% and India, 3% (Ghaznavi, 2002). The percentage of
hard coal to over all reserves in Asia is as follows: Pakistan, 3%; Thailand, 17%; Indonesia, 42% and
India, 97%. Major coalfields of Pakistan are located in Fig.4. Working coal mines in Balochistan are
Mach, Sor Range-Deghari, Narwar-Pir Ismail Ziarat, Khost-Shahrag-Harnai Duki, Chamalang-
Bahlol and Kingri coalfields whereas a non-developed coalfield is situated in Toi Nala (Ghoze Ghar)
with total reserves of about 458.7mt; working coal mines in Punjab are Makerwal and Salt Range
coalfields with total reserves of about 235mt; working coal mines in Sindh are Lakhra and Meting-
Jhimpir coalfields whilst non-developed coalfields are Sonda-Thatta, Jherruck, Ongar, Indus East,
Badin and Thar coalfields with total reserves of about 185,457mt; working coal mines in KPK are
Hangu/Orakzai, Cherat, Dara Adamkhel, Gulakhel and Bagnotar-Kala Pani (Abbottabad, Hazara)
coalfields and those of non-developed coal fields in the same region is the Shirani coalfield with total
reserves of about 130.49mt and, lastly, working coal mines in Azad Kashmir are Kotli coalfields
with total reserves of about 8.72mt (Table 5). With this, the grand total reserves of Pakistan are about
186,289.91mt. A few coalfields in Balochistan and most coalfields in Sindh are non-developed. Due
to the prevalent energy crises, it is necessary to find new coalfields, utilise explored coalfields and
introduce semi-mechanisation in coal mining to keep up production as well as its cost at competitive

levels. Due to recent discovery, the coal reserves of Balochistan have increased from 196mt to
458.2mt (Malkani, 2011,2012a). The present research resulted as grand total reserve of 186,288.05mt
coal in Pakistan. Out of these, 3479.86mt have been measured, 12023.93mt have been indicated and
56953.96mt inferred whereas hypothetical reserves are about 113832.30mt (Malkani 2016; Malkani
and Mahmood 2016a,c). The coalfields of KP and FATA are hosted by Early Paleocene Hangu
Formation in Karak, Hangu-Orakzai and Cherat (Ahmed et al., 1986, Warwick et al., 1995, Malkani
2012a). Karak coalfields are the subsurface extension of Makerwal (Surghar coal fields). Gula Khel
is the one such example. The coal deposits of Bagnotar-Kala Pani of Abbottabad Hazara are a new
Hangu Coalfields are found in the Kohat and Hangu districts and tribal Orakzai agency. Most of the
mines are in tribal agency while some are in other settled areas. Hangu is connected with Peshawar
via Kohat and Dara Adam Khel. Hangu Formation consists of predominantly terrestrial reddish
brown, cross-bedded and bioturbated sandstone interbedded with bluish grey shale, coal,
carbonaceous clay and limestone. The coal seems to be directly proportional to clay. In Darwazai
and Dauli areas, the clay is maximum (8-10m) and coal is also maximum as more than 1m. In the
southern part the clay and coal are relatively less. Further south in Uch Bazar, the clays and coal are
missing showing that the southern limit of swamp was Kasha and Shahu areas whilst eastern limit
seems to be in Kachai area. The southern limit is obscured by thrust fault and western limit is not
known. Coal is also reported from Torawai area. It shows high ash and high sulphur representing
paralic environments. The coal rank in southern part is low (subbituminous B) as compared to
northern part (low volatile bituminous). All the sedimentary structure supports a back barrier and
shore line (paralic) environment (Shah, 2001). The coal seam thickness varies from 30cm to 3m but
0.6-1m is common. The estimated reserves reported are 81mt with 1mt measured, 4mt indicated and
76mt inferred
Cherat Coalfield was considered in Patala formation from previous literature but now in K-T Hangu
Formation. The localities are Shekhai, Jabba Khattak, Bakhtai and Shah Kot areas of Cherat Range,
Nowshera District. Bakhtai area produces lower and upper coal seams whilst Shah Kot Bala and
Jabba Khattak are producing only lower main coal seam. Shekhai area is abandoned now. The
heating value of Jabba Khattak coal is 6400BTU/lb (Hussain et al., 1990; Ahmed, 1953). GSP drilled
a hole in 1990 in Bakhtai area but encountered carbonaceous shale/lignitic coal. Here, the sulphur is
mostly pyretic with some organic sulphur. Coal is associated with calcareous argillites, indicating
lagoonal environment. Hussain et al. (1990) estimated reserves like 6mt of Bakhtai-Shahkot, 0.7mt
of Shekhai and 1.04mt of Jabba Khattak with total 7.74mt of Cherat Range coal field. The mining
water and roof collapse due to argillatites are the main problems.
Gula Khel coalfields are hosted by K-T to Early Paleocene Hangu Formation in Gulakhel area of
Karak district which is the subsurface extension of Makerwal and Surghar range coal. The quality of
coal, environment and other details are mentioned in Makerwal coalfields. According to present
investigation, the total reserves of Gulakhel coalfields are 30mt (Table 3) with detail as 25mt inferred
and 5mt hypothetical whilst the measured and indicated reserves are mentioned in Makerwal
coalfields of Mianwali district (Malkani 2012a).
Dara Adam Khel coalfield is first time reported by Malkani (2012a, 2013b) on his reconnaissance
visit of this deposit. It is a newly developed coalfield. Dara Adamkhel Coalfield is located on the
vicinity of Kohat-Peshawar road, close to north of Kohat Tunnel, south of Peshawar. The Dara
Adamkhel Coalfield is hosted by K-T boundary and Early Paleocene Hangu Formation. The Hangu

Formation generally consists of continental reddish brown, cross bedded and bioturbated sandstone
interbedded with bluish grey shale, coal, carbonaceous clay and limestone. The coal quality is
interpolated between the Hangu and Cherat coalfields due to its central location. The tentative
reserves estimated are 3.75mt because no detail work is done so far. Malkani (2012a) mentioned the
break up of estimated coal reserves show 0.25mt measured, 0.5mt indicated and 3mt inferred (Table
Shirani coal (F.R.D.I. Khan) is described by Malkani (2010a; 2011a). It is located in the
northeastern extremity of Toi coal basin. This area shows the M-type thrusted Takht Sulaiman
anticline (general trend NS; the Jurassic Sulaiman group is the highest peak forming in the area and
limbs formation extends upto subrecent and recent strata) which are followed by Shirani (Drazinda)
syncline and Domanda-Drabin faulted anticline with general trend of NE. Here, the Toi coal is found
in the transitional limb of Takht Sulaiman anticline and Shirani syncline. The northern part of Shirani
area like the Khoara Khel, Shin Mandai and its close vicinity areas show the best exposures of 3
carbonaceous shale horizons in Toi Formation and the central horizon/coalseam may prove a 6 inch
to 1 foot coal seam at depth. Two or three shallow drill holes are done by PMDC and FATA but no
encouraging results have been encountered. Considering the thin coalseams, the tentative estimated
reserves of Shirani coal are about 0.5mt (Table 5) with detail as 0.25mt measured and 0.25mt
indicated reserves. At Khoarakhel, the private company is trying to mine the coal. The southern part
of Shirani area like Mughalkot, Nispura and Ragha Sar areas show no best exposures of coal except
one foot carbonaceous, which is noted in the Toi River close to Mughalkot. Further minor coal
showings are also found in the Latest Cretaceous Pab and Vitakri formations, Early Eocene Baska
Formation, Late Eocene Domanda and Drazinda formations and Oligocene Chitarwata formation in
Shirani areas. Field study and other data show that the Toi coalseams are generally thin and
lenticular which indicates that the major parts of these coals are deposited in the near shore and
marginal marine environments of deposition (Malkani and Sajjad 2012, Malkani 2012a).


Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is now contributing significant amount of hydrocarbons (18.32% oil and
2.14% gas) in the primary energy supply of Pakistan (Hanif et al. 2012), after the first discovery well
in 1999 which is recent and new relative to adjoining Potwar basin. Indus Basin (533,500 km2)
subdivided in to northernmost (uppermost) Indus, northern (upper) Indus, Central/middle Indus and
southern/lower Indus basins. The rectangle shape Sulaiman Basin is the largest basin of main Indus
Basin and consists of more than 170,000 km 2, while the triangle shape Kirthar basin more than
120,000 km2, square shape Kohat and Potwar basin more than 100,000 km 2and almost square shape
Khyber-Hazara-Kashmir basin more than 100,000 km2. The western Indus suture (Lasbela-Khuzdar-
Quetta-Muslimbagh-Zhob-Waziristan-Kuram) and northern Indus suture Mohmand-Swat-Besham-
Sapat-Chila-Haramosh-Astor-Shontar-Burzil Pass-Kargil), Kirana and Nagar Parkar areas shows
more than 50,000 km2.
Khyber-Hazara-Kashmir Basin (northernmost/uppermost Indus) consists of basement
Indo-Pak shield parts, metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous rocks ranging in age from Precambrian
to recent. Due to disturbance of igneous rocks and metamorphism, tectonics and igneous activities,
the petroleum chances are negligible to very small. The Khyber-Hazara-Kashmir basin is the lateral
extension of Kohat-Potwar basin in the Paleo-downward slopes. In the Kohat-Potwar basin the

alternating terrestrial and marine conditions were dominant while in the Khyber-Hazara-Kashmir
basin the marine conditions were common showing occurrence on relatively deep sea. For example
in the case of terrestrial Datta Formation which is terrestrial in upper Indus and marine in uppermost
Indus. The comprehensive and revised stratigraphic setup of Khyber-Hazara-Kashmir (uppermost
Indus) Basin represents Precambrian Hazara Formation (=Salkhala formation), Mansehra Granite,
Tanawal Quartzite; Cambrian Abbottabad (mainly dolomite) and Hazira (shale, ferromanganese
beds) formations; Triassic Kingriali (synonym Chalk Jabbi; dolomite) of Musakhel Group; Jurassic
Datta (sandstone) and Samana Suk (limestone) formations of Surghar Group; Early Cretaceous
Chichali (green shale/mudstone) and Late Cretaceous Kawagarh (limestone) and Infra Tertiary
boundary and K-T boundary Indus Formation (bauxite, laterite, etc) of Chichali Group in south
western part while in north eastern part the Panjal Formation (=Mughalkot/Bibai formation near
Ziarat area of western Sulaiman basin) including volcanics; Early Paleocene Hangu (Patala is a
synonym) and Late Paleocene Lockhart (rubbly, nodular limestone) formations of Hangu Group;
Early Eocene Nammal (green shale/muds) and Sakesar (coeval and also synonym of Margala Hill
Limestone; rubbly and nodular limestone) formations of Nammal Group; Early-Middle Eocene
Chorgali (marine shale and dolomite/dolomitic limestone) and Kuldana (alternating red and green
shale and limestone; transitional marine and continental) formations of Kuldana Group; Miocene-
Pliocene Chinji (red clays), Nagri (grey sandstone) and Dhok Pathan (alternation of sandstone and
maroon/red muds) formations of Potwar Group; Murree formation is correlated to Chinji, Nagri and
Dhok Pathan formations, their transition can clearly be observed in Dodial (north of Mir Pur)
anticline. From Dodial to other parts of Azad Kashmir, Murree hills and also northern part of Potwar,
the observed is Murree formation (synonym Kamlial) and in the southern thrusted limb of Salt Range
the Chinji, Nagri and Dhok Pathan formations of Potwar Group are well exposed. The Pleistocene-
Holocene Lei Formation (mainly conglomerate-coarse elastic facies; previous lower Soan) and
Holocene Soan (clay, sandstone and subordinate conglomerate-relatively fine elastic facies; previous
upper Soan) formations of Soan Group are exposed in Kotli-Mir Pur areas of southernmost
Kashmir, concealed at places especially in the valleys and plain areas by the Subrecent and Recent
fluvial, eolian and colluvial deposits. The stratigraphy of Khyber area has needed to be revised.
Kohat Potwar Basin (Northern/upper Indus) consists of Precambrian to recent sequence
more than 15km thick. It consists of eastern Kohat and Potwar fold and thrust belts. It shows a large
number of oilfields. The revised stratigraphic set up of Kohat Potwar Basin represents Precambrian
Kirana Group (a part of Indo-Pak shield) and Salt Range Formation (marl, salt and gypsum;
=Hazara/Salkhala slates), Cambrian Khewra group consists of Khewra (sandstone), Kussak
(dolomite, siltstone and sandstone), Jutana (dolomite) and Baghanwala (red shale alternated with
flaggy sandstone) and Khisor Formation (thick gypsum in the base and shale in the upper part); Early
Permian Nilawahan Group consists of Tobra (Tillitic facies in eastern Salt Range, fresh water facies
of siltstone and shale with pollen and spore flora, and a complex facies of diamictite, sandstone and
boulder beds increase in westernsalt range and Khisor range), Warcha (speckled sandstone with
some shale, Dandot is synonym) and Sardhi (greenish grey clay with some sandstone, siltstone and
limestone); Late Permian Zaluch Group Amb (sandstone), Wargal (limestone) and Chidru (shale,
quartzose sandstone with minor limestone). The Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks may extends into
middle (Sulaiman) and Lower (Kirthar basins). The Triassic Musakhel Group consists of Mianwali
(marl, limestone, sandstone, siltstone and dolomite), Tredian (terrestrial sandstone) and Kingriali
(dolomite, limestone, dolomitic limestone, marl, sandstone and shale; Chak Jabbi is synonym)

formations. The Jurassic Surghar Group comprises of Datta (terrestrial sandstone), Shinawari
(shale, limestone) and Samanasuk (Limestone and minor shale) formations. The Cretaceous Chichali
Group represents Chichali (green shale and sandstone), Lumshiwal (cross bedded sandstone and
shale of continental origin), Kawagarh (marl and limestone- lateral facies of Lumshiwal Formation in
downward slope) and Indus (laterite and bauxite, pisolitic, oolitic and green chamositic/ glauconitic
materials, ironstone, ferruginous and quartzose sandstone and claystone and fire clay) formations.
The Paleocene Hangu Group consists of Hangu (synonym Patala; shale, sandstone and coal) and
Lockhart (relatively fine nodular limestone as compared to Sakesar limestone) formations. The Early
Eocene Nammal Group of Potwar sub-basin and eastern Kohat sub-basin consists of Nammal
(green shale and muds) and Sakesar (coarse nodular/rubbly limestone) formations. The Panoba
Group of western Kohat sub-basin consists Panoba (shale; equivalent to Shaheed Ghat shale of
Sulaiman basin), Chashmai (green shale and sandstone; equivalent to Toi Formation of Sulaiman
basin), Gurguri (brown shale and sandstone; equivalent to Kingri Formation of Sulaiman basin),
Shekhan (limestone, shale; equivalent to Drug rubbly limestone of Sulaiman basin), Bahadurkhel salt
and Jatta gypsum. Actually in the western Kohat the stratigraphy of Sulaiman basin is extending. So
the terms of Chamalang/Ghazij and Kahan groups should be used in the western Kohat sub-basin.
Chamalang (Ghazij) Group of Sulaiman basin represents Shaheed Ghat (shale), Toi (sandstone,
shale, rubbly limestone and coal), Kingri (red shale/mud, grey and white sandstone), Drug (rubbly
limestone, marl and shale), and Baska (gypsum beds and shale) formations. The Early-Middle
Eocene Kuldana Group consists of Chorgali (shale and limestone and dolomite) and Kuldana (shale
and marl with minor sandstone, limestone, conglomerate and bleached dolomite) formations. The
Miocene-Pliocene Potwar Group (=Siwalik Group) include the Chinji (red and maroon muds),
Nagri (sandstone) and Dhok Pathan (alternation of sandstone and red/maroon/brown muds)
formations. The Pleistocene-Holocene Soan Group for the Pleistocene coarse clastic Lei
(/Mirpur/Kakra) Conglomerate (massive conglomerate) and then Holocene mixed fine and coarse
clastic of Soan Formation, concealed at places especially in the valleys and plain areas by the
Subrecent and Recent fluvial, eolian and colluvial deposits.
Sulaiman Basin (Central/middle Indus) consists of exposed Mesozoic to recent sequence
which is about 18 km thick. The Sulaiman Basin terminated in the south by the Khairpur-Jacobabad
High line and in the north by Sargodha High line to Pezu to Kohat, in the east by Indo-Pak Shield
exposures and in the west by western Indus Suture (Axial Belt). It consists of Sulaiman fold and
thrust belts, Sulaiman depression, southern Punjab monocline, Sukkur Rift areas like Kandkot main
horst and Panno Aqil Graben. It contains two giant fields like Sui and Mari. The revised stratigraphic
setup of each basin is as follows for understanding the petroleum resources. This basin contains best
reservoir (permeable sandstone/limestone/ conglomerate), source (mostly shales) and cap (mostly
shales) rocks briefly mentioned here. Triassic Khanozai Group represents Gwal (shale, thin bedded
limestone) and Wulgai (shale with medium bedded limestone), Jurassic Sulaiman Group represents
Spingwar (shale, marl and limestone), Loralai (limestone with minor shale), Chiltan (limestone) and
Dilband (ironstone, etc) formations, Lower Cretaceous Parh Group represents Sembar (shale with a
sandstone body), Mekhtar (sandstone, commonly called lower Goru, exposed in Mekhtar area of
Loralai District), Goru (shale and marl), and Parh (limestone) formations, and Upper Cretaceous
Fort Munro Group represents Mughal Kot (shale/mudstone, sandstone, marl and limestone), Fort
Munro (limestone), Pab (sandstone with subordinate shale) and Vitakri (red muds and greyish white
sandstone) formations. The Paleocene Sangiali Group represents Sangiali (limestone, glauconitic

sandstone and shale), Rakhi Gaj (Girdu member, glauconitic and hematitic sandstone; Bawata
member, alternation of shale and sandstone), and Dungan (limestone and shale) formations; Early
Eocene Chamalang (Ghazij) Group represents Shaheed Ghat (shale), Toi (sandstone, shale, rubbly
limestone and coal), Kingri (red shale/mud, grey and white sandstone), Drug (rubbly limestone, marl
and shale), and Baska (gypsum beds and shale) formations, and Early-Middle Eocene Kahan Group
represents Habib Rahi (limestone, marl and shale), Domanda (shale with one bed of gypsum), Pir
Koh (limestone, marl and shale) and Drazinda (shale with subordinate marl) formations, Oligocene-
Pliocene Vihowa Group represents Chitarwata (grey ferruginous sandstone, conglomerate and
mud), Vihowa (red ferruginous shale/mud, sandstone and conglomerate), Litra ( greenish grey
sandstone with subordinate conglomerate and mud), and Chaudhwan (mud, conglomerate and
sandstone) formations, and Pleistocene-Holocene Sakhi Sarwar Group represents Dada (well
developed conglomerate with subordinate mud and sandstone) and Sakhi Sarwar Formation (poorly
developed conglomerate with subordinate mud and sandstone, while in centre of valleys the mud is
dominant) concealed at places especially in the valleys and plain areas by the Subrecent and Recent
fluvial, eolian and colluvial deposits.
Kirthar Basin (Southern/lower Indus) consists of exposed Precambrian to recent rocks
(Malkani 2010a,2012k; Malkani and Mahmood 2016b) more than 15km thick. It consists of Kirthar
fold and thrust belts, Jacobabad-Khairpur high/horst (Sukkur Rift), Kirthar depressions and Sindh
monocline. The main reservoir rocks in Sindh monocline are Cretaceous Mekhtar
Sandstone/Mekhtar Formation (Lower Goru sandstone) and from Karachi Depressions production is
from Paleocene Ranikot group limestone and sandstone. The Cretaceous Mekhtar
Sandstone/Mekhtar Formation (commonly called lower Goru sandstone) was named by Malkani
(2010a) as member but Malkani and Mahmood (2016b) upgraded it as Mekhtar Formation (Mekhtar
Sandstone) for sandstone well exposed in Mekhtar area of Loralai District, Balochistan (Sulaiman
foldbelt). It is found in subsurface in Sindh as Lower Goru sandstone. In Kirthar depressions and
Jacobabad-Khairpur high/Sukkur rift zone it may be from Eocene Habib Rahi and Paleocene Dungan
limestone. This basin contains best reservoir (sandstone/limestone), source (mostly shale) and cap
rocks (shale) briefly mentioned here. Triassic Khanozai Group represents Gwal (shale, thin bedded
limestone) and Wulgai (shale with medium bedded limestone), Jurassic Sulaiman Group represents
Spingwar (shale, marl and limestone), Loralai/Anjira (limestone with minor shale),
Chiltan(Zidi/Takatu; limestone) and Dilband (iron stone) formations, Early Cretaceous Parh Group
represents Sembar (shale with a sandstone body), Mekhtar (sandstone, commonly called lower
Goru), Goru (shale and marl), and Parh (limestone) formations, and Late Cretaceous Fort Munro
Group represents Mughal Kot (shale/mudstone, sandstone, marl and limestone), Fort Munro
(limestone), Pab (sandstone with subordinate shale) and Vitakri (red muds and greyish white
sandstone) formations. Paleocene Ranikot Group represents Khadro (sandstone, shale, limestone
and volcanics), Bara (sandstone with minor limestone, coal and volcanics) and Lakhra (limestone
and shale) formations; Early Eocene Laki Group represents Sohnari (lateritic clay and shale, yellow
arenaceous limestone pockets, ochre and lignite seams) and Laki (shale, limestone, sandstone,
lateritic clay and coal) formations, Early-Middle-Late Eocene Kirthar Group represents Kirthar
(limestone, marl and shale) and Gorag (resistant and peak forming limestone with negligible shale
and marl) formations, Oligocene Gaj Group represents Nari (sandstone, shale, limestone) and Gaj
(shale with subordinate sandstone and limestone) formations, Miocene-Pliocene Manchar
Group/Vihowa Group represents Chitarwata (grey ferruginous sandstone, conglomerate and mud),

Vihowa (red ferruginous shale/mud, sandstone and conglomerate), Litra ( greenish grey sandstone
with subordinate conglomerate and mud), and Chaudhwan (mud, conglomerate and sandstone)
formations, and Pleistocene-Holocene Sakhi Sarwar Group represents Dada (well developed
conglomerate with subordinate mud and sandstone) and Sakhi Sarwar Formation (poorly developed
conglomerate with subordinate mud and sandstone, while in centre of valleys the mud is dominant)
which are concealed in the valleys and plain areas by the Subrecent and Recent fluvial, eolian and
colluvial deposits. Thar is represented by eolian sand dune deposits.


It is also found in Parachinar (Kurram Agency), Qabul Khel and Eagle hill (southern plunge of
Surghar anticline located eastern part of Bannu Basin), Shanawah (near Karak). Cutoff grade of
uranium is 0.03% and maximum grade is 0.1%. So far known deposits of uranium in Pakistan are
small in size and high cost. The main sources of uranium are interstratified ash beds, which contains
uranium bearing feldspar (Moghal, et al. 1997).
Primary Radioactive minerals like uraninite, thorium, etc (with grey colour) may occur in
igneous rocks and as detritial in sedimentary clastic rocks, and Secondary Radioactive minerals
(tyuyamunite, carnotite, etc with yellow colour) commonly existed and enriched by water at places in
cavities or open spaces in the Vihowa group and may be found in coal bearings and sandstone
formations like Mughal Kot, Pab, Vitakri, Sangiali, Rakhi Gaj, Toi and Kingri formations. The
fluviatile cross bedded sandstones of the Vihowa group host the uraniferrous placers. It is traced
along 190 kms NS oriented outcrop along the foot mountains of Sulaiman fold and thrust belt, in the
territory of Dera Ghazi Khan, Rajan Pur and Dera Ismail Khan. Further north it extends to Pezu,
Bannu, Karak, etc. Radioactive primary and secondary uranium mineralization are commonly existed
in the Vihowa group and in other sandstone formations like Mughal Kot, Pab, Vitakri, Sangiali, and
Rakhi Gaj formations. The Sandstone of Toi and Kingri formations have source from northwest and
can not be ignored. Iridium anomalies can be found in the KT boundary laterite, muds and coal
especially in the Shirani area of D.I.Khan district. The U may also be hosted by coal and sandstone
formations like Mughal Kot, Pab, Vitakri, Sangiali, Rakhi Gaj, Toi and Kingri formations in Shirani
areas are promising. Uranium, thorium and iridium anomalies can be found in the Cretaceous-
Tertiary/K-T boundary laterite, muds and coal especially in the eastern Sulaiman foldbelt in Vitakri
Formation. Recently Qureshi et al. (2000) reported significant occurrences of uraninite U3O8 100-
4000ppm along with apatite, rare metals and REES in the Loe-Shilman dolomitic carbonatite
complex of Khyber agency. Like this, the Tor Ghundi nepheline syenite/micropegmatite of Loralai
district is also significant for uranium, rare metals, REEs, phosphate, K2O, etc.


Geothermal hot spring sites are located in northern areas. All the thermal water are neutral to slightly
alkaline. Na is dominant cation in all cases with different anions like HCO 3, SO4 and mixed type.
The results indicate a good potential of these resources for industrial, domestic, electricity
generation, heating and dry ice making purposes (Rafiq et al. 2004; Bakht 2000).

Pakistan has a lot of surface and ground water. Surface water is represented by rivers, lakes, dams
and surface runoff during and just after rains/heavy rains. Ground water aquifers occur in
unconsolidated and consolidated sediments, in the fractures and pores of igneous and in metamorphic
rocks. At places, the water aquifers are confined but mostly occur as open aquifers. Many wells in
Drabin areas (in District D.I. Khan), etc., yield water representing confined/peizometric water
aquifers. Hard rocks like igneous and metamorphic rocks have fractures due to thrusting created by
geodynamics of Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. These fractures host water and, at places, yield as water
springs, which is especially common in northern areas. The glaciers in the northern areas are also the
main source of water for Pakistan. Hard rocks like sedimentary rocks of Indus basin have a good
bedding plane, porosity and fracture, hosting water and have a yielding capacity due to its primary
and secondary permeability. These fractures host water and at places yield as water springs, which
are especially common in northern areas whilst rare in Sulaiman foldbelt. The middle
Indus/Sulaiman basin has hard rock exposure in the Sulaiman foldbelt whilst plunging subsurface in
southern Punjab. In subsurfaces, the Punjab plains have about 15km maximum thick zones of
consolidated rocks which are underlain by the Indo-Pakistan shield rocks (igneous and
The following geological formations in Sulaiman basin host water aquifer and are also
permeable due to primary and secondary porosity and can yield water in best way: the Triassic Gwal
(shale, thin bedded limestone) and Wulgai (shale with medium bedded limestone) formations,
Jurassic Sulaiman group representing Spingwar (shale, marl and limestone), Loralai (limestone with
minor shale), Chiltan (limestone) formations, Early Cretaceous Mekhtar (sandstone), Goru (shale and
marl), Parh (limestone) formations whereas Late Cretaceous Fort Munro group represents Mughal
Kot (shale/mudstone, sandstone, marl and limestone), Fort Munro (limestone), Pab (sandstone with
subordinate shale) and Vitakri (red muds and greyish white sandstone) formations; the Paleocene
Sangiali group represents Sangiali (limestone, glauconitic sandstone and shale), Rakhi Gaj (Girdu
member, glauconitic and hematitic sandstone; Bawata member, alternation of shale and sandstone)
and Dungan (limestone and shale) formations; Early Eocene Chamalang (Ghazij) group represents
Toi (sandstone, shale, rubbly limestone and coal), Kingri (red shale/mud, grey and white sandstone)
and Drug (rubbly limestone, marl and shale) formations; Late Eocene Kahan group represents Habib
Rahi (limestone, marl and shale), Pir Koh (limestone, marl and shale) formations; Oligocene-
Pliocene Vihowa group represents Chitarwata (grey ferruginous sandstone, conglomerate and mud),
Vihowa (red ferruginous shale/mud, sandstone and conglomerate), Litra (greenish grey sandstone
with subordinate conglomerate and mud) Chaudhwan (mud, conglomerate and sandstone) formations
and, finally, Pleistocene-Holocene Sakhi Sarwar group represents Dada (well developed
conglomerate with subordinate mud and sandstone) and Sakhi Sarwar Formation (poorly developed
conglomerate with subordinate mud and sandstone, while in centre of valleys the mud is dominant)
concealed at places especially in the valleys and plain areas by the Subrecent and Recent fluvial,
eolian and colluvial deposits (Malkani 2012a).
Pakistan has mountainous areas to catch rain water and plain areas for irrigation but most of
surface water is being wasted as flood. The construction of major dams mostly remains problems of
consensus. The increase in population demands an urgent need for the construction of smaller dams,
diversion dams for hydel power plants and check dams in each province, districts and even at Tehsil
levels in order to end conflict providing enormous facilities including irrigation and domestic use. In
plain areas where recharge is needed, check dams may be constructed on main rivers/small

nalas/ruds. Further, at the mouth of main rivers situated in valleys, especially in Daman areas, radial
tributaries may be constructed to provide rain/flood water for cultivation in barren plain areas in its
vicinity. The Daman area of Sulaiman foldbelts is mostly barren and fertile but demands for water
management (Malkani 2012a). There are numerous perennial streams of mountainous areas in
Pakistan with suitable water gradient and potential should be used for small diversion type hydel
power plants to overcome the shortage of electricity/power/energy crises. So the small diversion
dams for hydel power are vital for the sustainable development of Pakistan and Khyber



Pakistan represents Precambrian to recent marine and terrestrial strata. Pakistan includes Gondwanan
and Laurasian parts. So its paleontology, paleobiogeography, geodynamics and tectonic evolution are
critical among world scientists because its Indus Basin was attached to Gondwana in the past but
now connected with Asia. Pakistan is museum for many significant invertebrates and vertebrates. We
should construct large museums with bones where the national and international researchers,
students and visitors can access easily. For example the dinosaur bones are in GSP Quetta Museum
where access is difficult. The world scientists take interest to work in Pakistan and our students get
abroad higher studies scholarship, all these go to the development of Pakistan. The recent finding of
fossils of walking whales (Gingerich et al. 2001) and basilosaurids-king of the basal whale (Malkani
et al. 2013), baluchitheres-the largest land mammals (Malkani et al. 2013), dinosaurs and
mesoeucrocodiles (Malkani and Anwar 2000; Malkani et al. 2001; Malkani 2003, 2004e, 2006a,b,c,
2007b,c,d,e, 2008a,b,c,d,e, 2009a,b,c,d,e, 2010a,b,c,d,e,f, 2011b,c, 2012f,g,h,i,j, 2013c,d,e,f,g,h,i,
2014c,d,e,f,g, 2015b,c,d,e,f,g, 2016c,d; Malkani and Sun 2016; Wilson 2010; Wilson et al.
2001,2005), pterosaurs (2013c, 2014d, 2015c), many footprints and trackways of small and large
theropods and herd of titanosaurian sauropod dinosaurs (Malkani 2007a,2008a,2014c,2015c,d,e,f),
first trackways of titanosaurian sauropod dinosaurs from Asia found from Pakistan (Malkani 2007,
2008a, 2015c,d,e,f), articulated atlas-axis of titanosaurs (Malkani 2008b), first osteoderms of
titanosaurs reported in Asia found from Pakistan (Malkani 2003b,2010c,2015c,g,h), large
proboscideans and other vertebrates (Malkani 2014e,2015c; Malkani and Sun 2016; Raza and Meyer
1984, etc) from Pakistan are unique gifts for the world.
Pakistan has wonderfully exposed diverse tectonic elements like convergent collision of
Indo-Pakistan with Asia (continent-continent collision), Chaman-Uthal regional transform fault and
active subduction like convergent of Arabian sea plate with Balochistan basin of Tethys sea plate,
different types of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, sedimentary rocks and minerals,
typical sedimentary and tectonic structures, diverse topography like sea coast in the south, plain areas
in the central east, some world class peaks more than 29000 feet above sea level such as K2, Nanga
Parbat, broad peak (Falchan Kangri) and Tirich Mir, many Muztagh (group of maintains) from east
to west in Karakoram are Batura, Hispar, Panmah, Baltaro, Siachen, Rimo and Saser, many glaciers
(more than 1km deep) like Siachen (74km) Baltaro (62km), Batura (58km), Godwin Austin, Biafo,
Chogolisa, Gondokhoro, Hispar (53km), Yazgil etc. many mountainous peaks surrounded by
pleasant and heaven valleys in the north and west, many localities of Paleozoic to recent flora and
invertebrates, Mesozoic and Cenozoic vertebrates, terrestrial and marine Cretaceous-Tertiary

(Malkani 2010b) and other boundaries, rich mineral, gemstone, petroleum and other natural
resources, variable four season (summer, autumn, winter and spring), severe summer in plain while
pleasant in mountainous areas, pleasant winter in plain and severe in mountainous areas; many
glacier bearing mountains and many rivers like Indus, Jhelum, Zhob, Kech, etc offer unmatched
opportunities for research, exploration and development (Malkani 2015b). The Pakistan represents
both Gondwanan as well as Laurasian geo-heritage. In short Pakistan has large exposures of
geoheritage and paleobioheritage. In some case these heritage are being destroyed like the footprints
and trackways of dinosaurs in Pakistan. Now it became necessary to protect the geoheritage and
paleobioheritage of Pakistan as national and global geoparks (Malkani 2015b, c) which is an
innovation for the sustainable development of science and Pakistan.



Dhana Sar-Mughal Kot-Domanda-Chaudhwan section is located transversely on the eastern limb of

Takht-e-Sulaiman anticlinorium. The axis of anticlinorium and strike of its strata is generally north
south. Dhana Sar area is located on the core of anticlinorium under the territory of Zhob District,
Balochistan Province while the Mughalkot, Domanda-Chaudhwan areas are located on the eastern
limb of anticlinorium under the territory of D.I.Khan District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. The
oldest core formations exposed in this section are Jurassic Sulaiman Group representing Loralai (thin
to medium bedded limestone with minor shale) and Chiltan (thick bedded to massive limestones)
formations. The exposed limb stratigraphy in ascending order is Early Cretaceous Parh Group
represents Sembar (mainly shale), Goru (marl and shale), and Parh (limestone with minor shale)
formations, and Late Cretaceous Fort Munro group represents Mughal Kot (shale/mudstone,
sandstone, marl and limestone), Fort Munro (limestone), Pab (sandstone with subordinate shale) and
Vitakri (red muds and greyish white sandstone) formations. The following Paleocene Sangiali group
represents Rakhi Gaj (Girdu member, glauconitic and hematitic sandstone; Bawata member,
alternation of shale and sandstone), and Dungan (thick limestone with minor shale) formations; Early
Eocene Chamalang (Ghazij) group represents Shaheed Ghat (shale), Toi (sandstone, shale, rubbly
limestone and coal), Kingri (red shale/mud, grey and white sandstone) and Baska (gypsum beds and
shale) formations, and Middle Eocene Kahan group represents Habib Rahi (limestone, marl and
shale), Domanda (shale), Pir Koh (limestone, marl and shale) and Drazinda (shale) formations,
Oligocene-Pliocene Vihowa group represents Chitarwata (grey ferruginous sandstone, conglomerate
and mud), Vihowa (red ferruginous shale/mud, sandstone and conglomerate), Litra (greenish grey
sandstone with subordinate conglomerate and mud), and Chaudhwan (mud, conglomerate and
sandstone) formations, and Pleistocene-Holocene Sakhi Sarwar group represents Dada (well
developed conglomerate with subordinate mud and sandstone) and Sakhi Sarwar Formation (poorly
developed conglomerate with subordinate mud and sandstone, while in centre of valleys the mud is
dominant) concealed at places especially in the Chaudhwan valleys and plain areas by the Subrecent
and Recent fluvial and eolian deposits. The significant mineral commodities found in this section are
huge deposits of gypsum, very small coal deposits and petroleum seepage and huge cement resources
and construction and building materials. The area consists of ideal places for cement industry
installations and small dams for water storage.


Kohat Potwar Basin represents Precambrian Salt Range Formation (marl, salt and gypsum),
Cambrian Khewra group consists of Khewra (sandstone), Kussak (dolomite, siltstone and
sandstone), Jutana (dolomite) and Baghanwala (red shale alternated with flaggy sandstone) and
Khisor Formation (thick gypsum in the base and shale in the upper part); Early Permian Nilawahan
Group consists of Tobra (Tillitic facies in eastern Salt Range, fresh water facies of siltstone and
shale with pollen and spore flora, and a complex facies of diamictite, sandstone and boulder beds
increase in westernsalt range and Khisor range), Warcha (speckled sandstone with some shale,
Dandot is synonym) and Sardhi (greenish grey clay with some sandstone, siltstone and limestone);
Late Permian Zaluch Group Amb (sandstone), Wargal (limestone) and Chidru (shale, quartzose
sandstone with minor limestone). The Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks may extends into middle
(Sulaiman) and Lower (Kirthar basins). The Triassic Musakhel Group consists of Mianwali (marl,
limestone, sandstone, siltstone and dolomite), Tredian (terrestrial sandstone) and Kingriali (dolomite,
limestone, dolomitic limestone, marl, sandstone and shale; Chak Jabbi is synonym) formations.
Musakhel Group is correlated with the Khanozai Group of middle/Sulaiman and Lower/Kirthar
Indus basins. Khanozai Group represents Gwal (shale, thin bedded limestone) and Wulgai (shale
with medium bedded limestone) formations. The Jurassic Surghar Group comprises of Datta
(terrestrial sandstone), Shinawari (shale, limestone) and Samanasuk (Limestone and minor shale)
formations. Surghar Group is correlated with the Sulaiman Group of middle/Sulaiman and
Lower/Kirthar Indus basins. Sulaiman Group represents Spingwar (shale, marl and limestone),
Loralai (limestone with minor shale), Chiltan (limestone) and Dilband (ironstone, laterite and brown
beds) formations. The Cretaceous Chichali Group represents Chichali (green shale and sandstone)
and Lumshiwal (cross bedded sandstone and shale of continental origin) and Kawagarh (marl and
limestone- lateral facies of Lumshiwal Formation in downward slope) and Indus (named by Malkani
and Mahmood 2016 as Indus Formation for laterite and bauxite (pisolitic, oolitic) and green
chamositic/ glauconitic materials, ironstone, ferruginous and quartzose sandstone and claystone and
fire clay) formations. Chichali Group is correlated with the Parh and Fort Munro groups of
middle/Sulaiman and Lower/Kirthar Indus basins. Parh Group represents Sembar (shale with a
sandstone body), Mekhtar (sandstone, commonly called lower Goru, exposed in Mekhtar area of
Loralai District), Goru (shale and marl), and Parh (limestone) formations, and Fort Munro Group
represents Mughal Kot (shale/mudstone, sandstone, marl and limestone), Fort Munro (limestone),
Pab (sandstone with subordinate shale) and Vitakri (red muds and greyish white sandstone)
formations. The Paleocene Hangu Group (named by Malkani and Mahmood 2016b) consists of
Hangu (synonym Patala; shale, sandstone and coal) and Lockhart (relatively fine nodular limestone
as compared to Sakesar limestone) formations. Hangu Group is correlated with the Sangiali Group of
Sulaiman basin and Ranikot Group of Kirthar basin. Sangiali Group represents Sangiali (limestone,
glauconitic sandstone and shale), Rakhi Gaj (Girdu member, glauconitic and hematitic sandstone;
Bawata member, alternation of shale and sandstone), and Dungan (limestone and shale) formations.
Ranikot Group represents Khadro (sandstone, shale, limestone and volcanics), Bara (sandstone with
minor limestone, coal and volcanics) and Lakhra (limestone and shale) formations. The Early Eocene

Nammal Group (named by Malkani and Mahmood 2016b) of Potwar sub-basin and eastern Kohat
sub-basin consists of Nammal (green shale and muds) and Sakesar (coarse nodular/rubbly limestone)
formations. Nammal Group is correlated with the Panoba Group of Kohat sub-basin,
Chamalang/Ghazij Group of Sulaiman basin and northern Kirthar basin and Laki Group of southern
Kirthar basin. The Panoba Group (named by Malkani and Mahmood 2016b) of western Kohat sub-
basin represents Panoba (shale; equivalent to Shaheed Ghat shale of Sulaiman basin), Chashmai
(green shale and sandstone; equivalent to Toi Formation of Sulaiman basin), Gurguri (brown shale
and sandstone; equivalent to Kingri Formation of Sulaiman basin), Shekhan (limestone, shale;
equivalent to Drug rubbly limestone of Sulaiman basin), Bahadurkhel salt and Jatta gypsum.
Actually in the western Kohat the stratigraphy of Sulaiman basin is extending. So the terms of
Chamalang/Ghazij and Kahan groups should be used in the western Kohat sub-basin. Chamalang
(Ghazij) Group represents Shaheed Ghat (shale), Toi (sandstone, shale, rubbly limestone and coal),
Kingri (red shale/mud, grey and white sandstone), Drug (rubbly limestone, marl and shale), and
Baska (gypsum beds and shale) formations. Laki Group represents Sohnari (lateritic clay and shale,
yellow arenaceous limestone pockets, ochre and lignite seams) and Laki (shale, limestone, sandstone,
lateritic clay and coal) formations. The Early-Middle Eocene Kuldana Group (named by Malkani
and Mahmood 2016b) consists of Chorgali (shale and limestone and dolomite) and Kuldana (shale
and marl with minor sandstone, limestone, conglomerate and bleached dolomite) formations.
Kuldana Group is correlated with the Kahan Group of Sulaiman basin and western Kohat sub-basin
and Kirthar Group of Kirthar basin. Kahan Group represents Habib Rahi (limestone, marl and shale),
Domanda (shale with one bed of gypsum), Pir Koh (limestone, marl and shale) and Drazinda (shale
with subordinate marl) formations. The Early to Middle Eocene Kahan Group consists of Habib Rahi
(limestone, marl and shale), Domanda (shale), Pirkoh (white marl, limestone and shale) and
Drazinda (shale) formations, this group is well exposed in Sulaiman basin and Kohat sub-basin.
Kirthar Group represents Kirthar (limestone, marl and shale) and Gorag (resistant and peak forming
limestone with negligible shale and marl) formations. The Miocene-Pliocene Potwar Group
(=Siwalik Group) was named by Malkani and Mahmood 2016b) include the Chinji (red and maroon
muds), Nagri (sandstone) and Dhok Pathan (alternation of sandstone and red/maroon/brown muds)
formations. The Potwar Group is correlated with the Vihowa group (except Oligocene Chitarwata
Formation) of Sulaiman basin and Manchar Group of Kirthar basin and Murree Formation of
northern Potwar and southern Azad Kashmir. Kamlial formation is upper part of Murree formation
(alternating sandstone and red/maroon mud units). Oligocene-Pliocene Vihowa Group represents
Chitarwata (grey ferruginous sandstone, conglomerate and mud), Vihowa (red ferruginous
shale/mud, sandstone and conglomerate), Litra (greenish grey sandstone with subordinate
conglomerate and mud), and Chaudhwan (mud, conglomerate and sandstone) formations. The
Oligocene terrestrial Chitarwata Formation of Sulaiman basin is correlated with the marine Gaj
Group which represents Nari (sandstone, shale, limestone) and Gaj (shale with subordinate sandstone
and limestone) formations. The Pleistocene-Holocene Soan Group (named by Malkani and
Mahmood 2016b) for the Pleistocene coarse clastic Lei (/Mirpur/Kakra) Conglomerate (massive
conglomerate) and then Holocene mixed fine and coarse clastic of Soan Formation. Soan Group
consists of coarse clastic with relative to Potwar Group. Soan Group is correlated with the Sakhi
Sarwar Group of Sulaiman and Kirthar basins. Sakhi Sarwar Group represents Dada (well developed
conglomerate with subordinate mud and sandstone) and Sakhi Sarwar (poorly developed

conglomerate with subordinate mud and sandstone, while in centre of valleys the mud is dominant)

Map of Pakistan showing major mineral localities: Legend

Copper Iron Lead-Zinc Barite

Chromite Magnesite Gold Coal

Fluorite Celestite Gypsum Uranium

Sulphur Manganese Salt Phosphate

Mica Soapstone
Graphite Asbestos

Silica Sand Fuller Earth

China clay Fire clay

Fig. 1. Map of Pakistan

showing major mineral
localities of FATA and
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


Gold-silver-platinum Peridot Aquamarine

Emerald Topaz Ruby Garnet

Tourmaline Moonstone Pargasite Fluorite

Quartz crystals Flint,Chert and Jasper Corundum

Saphire Spinel Kyanite Vesuvianite

Figure 2. Map of Pakistan

showing gemstone and
jewelry resources of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa and adjoining
Gilgit Baltistan, Azad
Kashmir, Balochistan and


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Malkani M.S. 2013a. Natural resources of Southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA regions (Kohat sub-basin and part of northern
Sulaiman Basin and Western Indus Suture), Pakistan-A review. Abstract Volume, Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources of the
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA, February 11, Peshawar, Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, Special volume 2013, 30-

Malkani M.S. 2012k. Revised lithostratigraphy of Sulaiman and Kirthar Basins, Pakistan. Abstract Volume and Program, Earth
Sciences Pakistan, Baragali Summer Campus, University of Peshawar, June 23-24, Pakistan, Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 45
(2), 72.

Malkani M.S. 2013b. Coal and petroleum resources of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA (Pakistan)-An overview. Abstract, Sustainable
utilization of Natural Resources of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA. Abstract Volume, Sustainable Utilization of Natural
Resources of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA, February 11, Peshawar, Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, Special
Volume 2013, 27-29.

Malkani M.S. 2013c. New pterosaur from the latest Cretaceous Terrestrial Strata of Pakistan. In; Abstract Book of 9 th International
Symposium on the Cretaceous System, September 1-5, Metu Congress Center, Ankara, Turkey, 62.

Malkani M.S. 2013d. Dinosaurs and Crocodiles from the Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystem of Pakistan. In; Abstract Book of 9 th
International Symposium on the Cretaceous System, September 1-5, Metu Congress Center, Ankara, Turkey, 114.

Malkani M.S. 2013e. Geodynamics of Indo-Pakistan Subcontinent (South Asia). In; Abstract Book of 9 th International Symposium on
the Cretaceous System, September 1-5, Metu Congress Center, Ankara, Turkey, 36.

Malkani M.S. 2013f. Paleobiogeographic implications of Cretaceous dinosaurs and mesoeucrocodiles from Pakistan. In; Abstract
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Malkani M.S. 2013g. Depositional environments of Cretaceous strata of Indus basin (Pakistan). In; Abstract Book of 9 th International
Symposium on the Cretaceous System, September 1-5, Metu Congress Center, Ankara, Turkey, 66.

Malkani M.S. 2013h. Major Bioevents and extinction of land vertebrates in Pakistan; Cretaceous-Tertiary and other boundaries. In;
Abstract Book of 9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System, September 1-5, Metu Congress Center, Ankara, Turkey, 44.

Malkani M.S. 2013i. Latest Cretaceous land vertebrates in Pakistan; a paradise and a graveyard. In; Abstract Book of 9 th International
Symposium on the Cretaceous System, September 1-5, Metu Congress Center, Ankara, Turkey, 41.

Malkani M.S. 2014a. Mineral resources of Sindh Province, Pakistan. Abstract Volume, Earth Sciences Pakistan, Baragali Summer
Campus, University of Peshawar, August 29-31, Pakistan, Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, abstract volume, 57-58.

Malkani M.S. 2014b. Mineral and gemstone resources of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan (Pakistan). Abstract Volume, Earth
Sciences Pakistan, Baragali Summer Campus, University of Peshawar, August 29-31, Pakistan, Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences,
abstract volume, 58-59.

Malkani M.S. 2014c. Titanosaurian sauropod dinosaurs from the Latest Cretaceous of Pakistan. In abstract volume; 2nd symposium of
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Malkani M.S. 2014d. Theropod dinosaurs and mesoeucrocodiles from the Terminal Cretaceous of Pakistan. In abstract volume; 2nd
Symposium of International Geoscience Program 608 (IGCP 608) “Cretaceous Ecosystem of Asia and Pacific” September 04-06,
2014, Tokyo, Japan, 169-172.

Malkani M.S. 2014e. Records of fauna and flora from Pakistan; Evolution of Indo-Pakistan Peninsula. In abstract volume; 2nd
symposium of International Geoscience Program 608 (IGCP 608) “Cretaceous Ecosystem of Asia and Pacific” September 04-06,
2014, Tokyo, Japan, 165-168.

Malkani M.S. 2014f. Dinosaurs from the Jurassic and Cretaceous Systems of Pakistan: their Paleobiogeographic link. In Abstract
Volume of 1st Symposium of IGCP 632 “Geologic and biotic events on the continent during the Jurassic/Cretaceous transition” and 4 th
International Palaeontological Congress, September 28 to October 03, 2014, Mendoza, Argentina, 872.

Malkani M.S. 2014g. Terrestrial Ecosystem from the Mesozoic Geopark of Pakistan. In Abstract Volume of 6th Symposium of
UNESCO Conference on Global Geoparks, September 19-22, Stonehammer Geopark, Saint John, Canada, 56.

Malkani M.S. 2015a. Mesozoic tectonics and Sedimentary Mineral Resources of Pakistan. In: Zhang Y., Wu S.Z., Sun G. eds., abstract
volume, 12th Symposium on “Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (MTE 12), and 3 rd Symposium of International Geoscience Program
(IGCP 608) “Cretaceous Ecosystem of Asia and Pacific”, August 15-20, 2015, Paleontological Museum of Liaoning/Shenyang
Normal University, Shenyang, China, 261-266.

Malkani M.S. 2015b. Geodiverse and biodiverse heritage of Pakistan demands for protection as national and global Geoparks: an
innovation for the sustainable development of Pakistan. In: Zhang Y., Wu S.Z., Sun G. eds., abstract volume, 12 th Symposium on
“Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (MTE 12) and 3 rd Symposium of International Geoscience Program (IGCP 608) “Cretaceous
Ecosystem of Asia and Pacific” August 15-20, 2015, Paleontological Museum of Liaoning/Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang,
China, 247-249.

Malkani M.S. 2015c. Dinosaurs, mesoeucrocodiles, pterosaurs, new fauna and flora from Pakistan. Geological Survey of Pakistan,
Information Release No. 823: i-iii,1-32 (Total 35 pages).

Malkani M.S. 2015d. Titanosaurian sauropod dinosaurs from Pakistan. In: Zhang Y.,Wu S.Z., Sun G. eds., abstract volume, 12 th
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“Cretaceous Ecosystem of Asia and Pacific” August 15-20, 2015, Paleontological Museum of Liaoning/Shenyang Normal University,
Shenyang, China, 93-98

Malkani M.S. 2015e. Footprints and trackways of dinosaurs from Indo-Pakistan Subcontinent-Recent Advances in discoveries from
Pakistan. In: Zhang Y., Wu S.Z., Sun G. eds., abstract volume, 12th Symposium on “Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (MTE 12), and
3rd Symposium of International Geoscience Program (IGCP 608) “Cretaceous Ecosystem of Asia and Pacific” August 15-20, 2015,
Paleontological Museum of Liaoning/Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang, China, 186-191.

Malkani M.S. 2015f. First Trackways of Titanosaurian sauropod dinosaurs from Asia found from the Latest Cretaceous of Pakistan:
Recent Advances in discoveries of dinosaur trackways from South Asia. In abstract volume of 2nd Symposium of IGCP 632 “Geologic
and biotic events on the Continent during Jurassic/Cretaceous transition” September 12-13, 2015, Shenyang, China,86-88.

Malkani M.S. 2015g. Osteoderms and dermal plates of titanosaurian sauropod dinosaurs found from Pakistan; Reported first time in
Asia. In: Zhang Y., Wu S.Z., Sun G. eds., abstract volume, 12th Symposium on “Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (MTE 12), and 3 rd
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Malkani M.S. 2015h. Titanosaurian (Sauropoda, Dinosauria) Osteoderms: First Reports from Asia. In abstract volume, 2nd Symposium
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Shenyang, China, 82-85.

Malkani M.S. 2016a. New Coalfields of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, FATA and Azad Kashmir. Abstract Volume, Qazi, M.S.,
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Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, 53-54.

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Malkani M.S. 2016c. Vitakri Dome of Pakistan-a richest graveyard of Titanosaurian Sauropod Dinosaurs and Mesoeucrocodiles in
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