Read and Speak Batch II #Article3

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Read and Speak Batch II #article3

To risk sth V to put something valuable or important in a

dangerous situation, in which it could be lost or
He risked his life to save her.

To squeeze sth into sth Phrasal to succeed in getting someone or something into a
verb small space or object, often by pushing or forcing
The car's quite full, but we could manage to
squeeze another couple of people in.
To shift sth V to change direction or move from one person,
position, or place to another
He tried to shift the blame onto his sister.

To sustain V to make something continue to exist or happen

for a period of time
She found it difficult to sustain the children’s
To maximize V to increase something as much as possible
The company is seeking to maximize its

To preserve V to keep something as it is, especially in order to

prevent it from decaying or being damaged or
We want to preserve the character of the town
while improving the facilities.
To be/ feel drained V To feel very tired
You look completely drained - why don't you go to
Ritual N something that you do regularly and in the same
way each time
Read and Speak Batch II #article3

• Set up a regular time for homework; make it a

Renewal N a situation in which something is replaced,
improved or made more successful
They felt the need to bring about a renewal of

To allocate V to use something for a particular purpose, give

something to a particular person etc, especially
after an official decision has been made
You should allocate the same amount of time to
each question.
Spiritual Adj connected with the human spirit, rather than the
body or physical things
Nurses must respond to the spiritual needs of
To compel someone V to force someone to do something
At school, we were compelled to wear uniforms,
which I hated.
To fuel sth V Something that fuels a feeling or a type of
behaviour increases it or makes it stronger
Her ambition was fuelled by her older sister's
Core value N a principle or belief that a person or organization
views as being of central importance.
The editor wants to attract more young readers to
the paper while maintaining its core values.

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