Read and Speak Batch II #Article6

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Read and Speak Batch II #article6

To get into sth Phrasal to become interested in an activity or subject, or start being
verb involved in an activity
She's been getting into yoga recently - she does three classes a
To resonate with Phrasal to remind somebody of something; to be similar to what
someone verb somebody thinks or believes
These issues resonated with the voters.

to manifest V To put sth into your physical reality through thought, feelings,
and beliefs
innermost Adj most secret and hidden
This was the diary in which Gina recorded her innermost
thoughts and secrets.
To spout V to say or repeat something, often in a way that is annoying for
other people
The man was spouting nonsense about people trying to spy on
crappy Adj of very bad quality
He had a series of crappy jobs.
manual Adj manual work involves using your hands or your physical
strength rather than your mind
In the past, new technology has mainly displaced manual

To observe sth V to see or notice somebody/something

She observed that all the chairs were already occupied.
grateful Adj showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person
I'm so grateful (to you) for all that you've done.
To condition V to make a person or an animal think or behave in a certain
someone to do sth way by influencing or training them over a period of time
To be conditioned Many women are conditioned from birth to be accepting
to do sth rather than questioning.
Read and Speak Batch II #article6

To work your ass Slang Work extremely hard.

To open up your Phrase If something opens up your mind to new ideas or experiences,
mind to sth it makes you more willing to accept them or try them.
It's not necessarily that I understand all of it or believe all of it
for sure, but it's opening my mind to so many more
To come down to Phrasal to depend on a single important point
sth verb What it comes down to is either I get more money or I leave.

skeptical Adj doubting that something is true or useful

I'm a bit skeptical about his chances of success.
consciousness N the state of being aware of something
They have succeeded in raising consciousness on many issues.

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