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Anznoo Wasim
University of Kashmir


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Vol: 1 | No.: 1 | June 15, 2011/Project Work
Special ways for special ones
Bijbehara, Apri 14: Donning in roll the school has 4 general line comming from far off places. religious education for moral devel-
white and blue colour apparel the teachers and 3 rehabilitation thera- Sometimes the school in col- opment of students along with Mu-
children in this 8 room, double sto- pists besides two caretakers to take laboration with other institutions sic and ADL (Activities of Daily
ry, concrete building are absorbed care of these students” revealed send their students for vocational Living) on daily basis. “Different
completely in their assigned tasks. school principal, Masarat Tabasum training outside their institute to kinds of therapies like Physiothera-
Although in their childhood they Andrabi. train them in other courses as well. py for Orthopedically challenged,
are yet different from other chil- All the students enrolled in the “Recently a group of ten students Speech Therapy for Orally im-
dren. Unlike other schools more si- school are provided with transpor- completed a six-months Computer paired students and Braille system
lence and little movement wel- for Visually impaired students
comes any visitor. They take are provided in different
you more seriously and care- grades” remarked Feroze Ah-
fully. They are of different age mad, one of the Rehablitation
groups, hues and colours but Therapist in the school. He
they are still similar in a cer- also maintained that students
tain way. They are tender and with intellectual imperfection
innocent like all other chil- are given lessons to change
dren. Yet they are the ones their behaviour. This helps
who can’t be described as a them grow normal and join
privileged lot. any mainstream institute.
This is what describes the However students with vi-
locale and inhabitants of sual or oral disability compul-
Helpline Special School for sively attend normal institu-
Differently Abled Children, tions in absence of any special
the first of its kind founded by schools. But due to resource
Humanity Welfare Organisa- and time limitations they are
tion, Helpline in south Kash- not given the due attention
mir at Bijbehara, Anantnag. there. “Prior to this I was at-
The school provides the much tending a local school but i
needed education to the spe- was unable to learn anything
cially abled children of the as due care was not provided
area. to me in the classroom of
The school, founded in the about 30 students” expressed
year 2007, besides basic edu- Saima Jan, a visually im-
cation imparts computer edu- paired student of 5th grade.
cation and vocational training Students are educated
to its students. The main aim and evaluated on the basis of
of this initiative is to make the differently moduled programs
children with disabilities inde- called IEP’s (Individualized
pendent so that they can’t be- Education Programmes). In
come burden on the society. this system of education
“These differently abled chil- programmes are made ac-
dren also have capacity to pos- cording to the capabilities
itively support the society. The and needs of the students.
only thing is to identify their “At the onset of the academ-
special traits and fine tune ic session different IEPs are
them” said chairman of the set for different students.
founding organisation, Javaid Ah- tation facility and charged mini- Diploma through Government Their progress is checked quar-
mad Tak, himself bedridden due to mally as per the economic back- Polytechnic College Srinagar” said terly to bring in any modifica-
spinal cord injury, while describing ground of their families. “Students Tak. There are other skills impart- tions if required and promoted to
the motive behind setting up this are charged very less taking the fi- ed to students to make them able to next grade after evaluation at
institute. nancial position of their families earn their livelihood. “The students the end of the session” said An-
Registered with Jammu and into consideration and it starts are trained to make various kinds drabi. She also reiterated the
Kashmir Social Welfare Depart- from a meagre sum of Rs 50 per of decorative items from waste need of inculcating the concepts
ment under Persons with Disabili- month” said Andrabi. She also ad- products like ice-cream sticks, jute of Time, Money and Seasons in
ties Act, the school has a staff mits that due to conveyance con- balls and waste paper” proclaimed the children who are suffering
strength of 20 persons for 35 stu- straints the school denies admis- Andrabi. from intellectual inefficiency.
dents on roll. “For 35 students on sion to a couple of students daily Moreover the school also offers Continued on P6
Morning Mail 2

Politics of upgradation

Students continue to suffer for lack of proper

education infrastructure

Bijbehara, Apri 20: Since past making basic requirements like and other necessary facualties. date the students of these extra
half a decade the state government teachers and classrooms available Higher Secondary School Sirhama classes we used to teach them under
is busy in upgradation of schools in to the stu- has same teaching staff strength the open sky. So whenever the cli-
the whole of valley. These schools dents” asked except few contractual lecturers mate is not favourable we used to
infact upgraded on papers but the Bashir Ahmad comming each year for some period send the students of lower classes
situation seldom changes on Pala, a local of time. “A contractual lecturer in back home” said Muhammad Ayoub,
ground. The infrastructure and resident whose each subject is Headmaster of recently upgraded
manpower of these schools is not
promoted proportionately. This
daughter is go-
ing to the same But the root cause of this sent for a brief
time period and
Middle School, Guree, Bijbehara.
Another Higher Secondary at
only helps these schools to go from
bad to worse. While the students
s c ho ol .T he
people are
malfunctioning of our there is not a
single perma-
Kullar has nothing which could
make it eligible to call it a higher sec-
are at the receiving end there
seems none to come forward from
question i ng
the serious-
education system came out nent lecturer ap-
pointed in this
ondary. It is housed in a two storey
building having only 8 rooms for
the establishment to drive them ness of the au- to be political in nature. “It is school although classes starting from 9th grade.
out of this mess. thorities in having a vacan- “Neither we have any laboratory nor
In zone Bijbehara 35 schools their efforts to actually the politicians who cy of two lectur- any Library available here. How
have been upgraded from Primary
to Middle in the past 6 years and 12
provide quality
education in make mess of every right ers in each sub-
ject” revealed
could we demonstrate the practicals
to the students incorporated in their
from Middle to High schools while
the High Schools of Sallar, Kullar,
their schools.
“Since govern-
thing here. They upgrade Ajaz Ahmad
Ganaie, a teach-
syllabus. It is sheer deception with
the students” said a Zoology Lectur-
Sirhama and Marhama have been
upgraded to Higher secondary
ment schools
have only chil-
schools senselessly in their er in the school.
er, Riyaz Ahmad Khan working on
contractual basis.
schools in the same period. The in- dren of poor and respective areas without also showed Almost none of these schools
frastructure at few places has been illiterate par- their disap- have the facility of loos. In many of
upgraded slightly but the manpower ents on roll so following any proper pointment as the schools students are made to sit
is same in most of these schools.
Some of the schools with huge
least attention
is paid towards procedure and conduct to they are not
given proper
on dusty, old mats. Schools like
Middle School Hugam and Mehand
number of students are supported
by only a couple of teachers. A pri-
their advance-
ment by the
drive a political mileage out attention in
the absence
are housed in 5 room buildings
with one room reserved for official
mary school established 4 years
ago in a 2 room quarter at a small
people at the
helm of affairs”
of it” explained Mohd Sultan of adequate
work. “Government schools are not
provided with least required mate-
hamlet called Batagund near Bi- said a local boy Parray, a retired ZEO. T h e rial and infrastructure that is the
jbehara has just 2 ReT (Rahber e Rizwan Hussain, a post graduate schools which main reason why the performance
Taileem) teachers for seventy five student of Botany at University of have been of these schools is dismal” said Dil-
students. “How can government Jammu. upgraded have posed another prob- shada Habeeb, Headmaster of Mid-
make tall claims of providing qual- Often these schools are without lem for their students. “As we don’t dle school Mehand.
ity education in its schools without any facilities of library, laboratory have sufficient space to accommo- Continued on P6
3 Morning Mail

Valley temples in shambles

Srinagar, Apri 28: Locked, faded away and substituted by
neglected, deserteed, unclean stinging stillness.
with stinky ambience, whirled None to blame, but they need
in garbage, gaurded by barbed to give a second thought to the
wire, are the words which de- decision of reaching back to their
scribe none other than a Tem- homeland. If not for the sake of
ple situated in my birthburg. land but for that warmth and
The Temple which was once brotherhood which never allowed
buzzed, illuminated, reverbra- the two communities to colour
ted and taken utmost care of their hands with each other’s
by its devotees. Although the blood, whatever the situation
temple is there in replica as prevailed. If not for the sake of
left by its caretakers. But it beauty of kashmir but for the
only craves for devotees who sake of the rituals and customs
with belief bow their foreheads which were differentiating them
on its doorsteps, ring its bells from other Hindus. Those rituals
in devotion and admiration, and customs which were exer-
pray with pure heart for the cised by them only in this part of
peace of mind. The Temple land. The freedom of thought
still stand , calling unto its and belief which they enjoying
priests to sing in devotional here should undeniably return
tone the verses from Geeta them back.
and Mahabarata. To decorate The sacred places called
its walls, beautify its sur- Temples are waiting for them.
roundings the Temple stands The gods in these temples need
waiting its worshippers to be them. They want to be wor-
backThis is not the description shipped upon. Because their di-
of only temple of my birth burg. vinity costs nothing without
Same holds good for others showing humility and courteous-
across valley which remain ness. They need to be prayed
unattended after the mass ex- upon. They are ready to shower
odus of pandit community. their blessing on you. They have
They may have settled at plac- fixed their eyes on bells, to bap-
es with their kith and kin ex- tise with good fortunes, anyone
celling in different fields of ringing them in belief and hope.
prosperity. But religion also is They are waiting to be garland-
inseperable part of life which ed and prayed for wishes to be
balances all other aspects to fulfilled. They are waiting for
run life smoothly. The reli- the flowers which devotees sprin-
gious ethos of pandit commu- kle on them during ‘Pooja’. They
nity is ‘non-existant’ where are waiting to fill their laps with
they are living in bits and piec- all sorts of joy and happiness.
es. They lose their community But the only precondition is they
setup which was a cohesive need to be back.
force for them in valley. The Something need to be done,
flavour and charm of their fes-
tivals celebrated with muslim brethern is an The sacred places someone should come forward to
take care of these safe heavens on earth. Or-
entity never to be resurrected in the land they called Temples are ganisations like Panun Kasheer and others are
migrated What if they come across
with abundant career building opportunities waiting for them. there to struggle for the betterment of this com-
munity. But there is hardly one to heed for
there. Their children will never be identified as
‘True Kashmiri Pandits’. They will never wit- The gods in these these holy places. Darmath trust has take on to
do the job but visually they haven’t done more
ness with what traditional fervour and zeal the temples need them. to turn the situation to positive direction. Some
‘Shivratri’ was observed. How gifts and wal-
nuts were exchanged inbetween Kashmiri They want to be 20 temples which are very famous and visited
frequently by tourists are managed by them.
Pandits and Muslims would be an unwitnessed
part of their life. They will not know anything worshipped upon. These temples are having a lot of income in the
shape of money offered by visitors and hence
about their holyplaces with which their rich Because their feeding their caretakers themselves. Others
religo-cultural ethos were associated. Those
places which were enshrined by their ancestors divinity costs being the property of kashmiri pandits and le-
gally not permitted to lay hands on. Therefore
and kept beloved more than their lives. They
passed on them nicely to their inheritors but nothing without in this scenario it is imperative and beyond any
doubt that kashmiri pandits need to be back.
said with heavy heart that today they are showing humility Their courage and self ersteem would never let
claimed by none. The places of whorship which
were dazzled with elegant décor are today en- and courteousness. them to sacrilege these sacrosanct places. Their
ego and religious faith will not let them to re-
gulfeed by solitary hush. The festiveness has ject the call from their gods.
Morning Mail 4


Arvind Adiga’s White Tiger worth a ride

Progress made by India in the ously the grave cases of corruption perity. The book also reveals how desist from under the harsh cir-
fields of science and technology is and highhandedness common to the village life- its customs, tradi- cumstances of its ‘fast life’.
not enough to make your opinion all the institutions whether poli- tions and values- becomes impedi- The environment in metropoli-
about this ‘developing nation’. tics, judiciary, police or much talk- ments in the path of the develop- tan cities of this nation has also
There is something more which in- ed about corporate sector. Parallels ment of this class. How rural been dissected comprehensively.
fact beneath our nose is not given drawn in between the poor rural population is stacked under the Adiga has used a driver (named
the due attention but constructs and rich urban life has been done heavy burden of various implacable Balram) of a private car of a busi-
the ethos of this ‘progressing’ state. in a pure and pragmatic manner. impositions which ultimately ren- nessman, as a main character in
The rot engulfing this country that Amazing details of exploitation of ders this populace unproductive this novel. How the city life erodes
lies deep into its social, political poor at the hands of their wealthy and halts the growth and advance- his innocence gradually and tough-
and economic set-up merits to have masters and how their misery is ment of these areas. ens him so much that he commits a
an inquisitive look. This decay has made to metamorphose into the Migration of these countryside cold blooded murder of his master.
consumed badly the socially and luxury of those who owe them are labourers towards cities giving Although he was once respecting
economically deprived class of this impressive. These lucid details birth to slums there is the direct him so much and was of the belief
society. It has also encroached into craftily converged into an ever-in- result of the inhuman approach of that masters are equivalent to par-
the tenets on which the foundation ents for a servant. When his self
of this nation was laid by its archi- became indulged in various acts of
tects. debauchery remains mystery to
Much hasn’t been put in writ- this fellow.
ing on this subject, though it de- When once strange appearing
serves attention like any of the is- Delhi life drives him to embark on a
sues of ‘national interest’. The path which desecrates his soul and
expectations are high as far the corrupts his mind never gets re-
social fabric of this country is con- vealed. Balram runs away to Banga-
cerned but not something out of lore with the bag, full of cash and es-
bounds for its intellectuals. The tablishes his own Travel Company
White Tiger by Arvind Adiga, a there without having an iota of em-
novel in receipt of man Booker barrassment. Adiga has successfully
Prize, 2008 is really an exercise tried to display the proportion of in-
which demands appreciation in sensitivity a person acquires unde-
this direction. It is not only the con- sirably under deceitful city life set-
tent of the book which captivates a tings. He exemplifies it by presenting
person but the style of writing and the meanness of Balram as he was
use of language absorbs a reader so sure his action would cost him the
much that he feels attached with spiring account village land- lives of all of his family members in-
the characters somewhere where
mechanical relations cease to exist.
needs much analy-
sis supplemented
These lucid details lords towards
this class of so-
cluding his elder brother.
Adiga has also mentioned the
Adiga has beautifully but sarcasti- by good experi- craftily converged ciety. Major social set-up of this state for which
cally brought forth the shoddy state ence, devotion and causes of hun- he has used the metaphor of ‘Roost-
of affairs engrossed in the system articulation infact into an ever- ger and diseases er Coop’. He believes the social
of this country that the inhabitants
of this land has now accepted as a
all traits beauti-
fully expressed by
inspiring account can be traced to
the mode of life
bondages and long established,
deep ingrained values of the rural
fiat accompli.
Adiga has dwelt on the plethora
the author to lend
the book a predi-
needs much these ‘human
beasts’ are co-
areas of this nation as powers re-
sponsible for the under-perfor-
of subjects concerning everyone lecting touch. The analysis erced to live mance of its populace.
and everyday affairs constructing book thus de- there. In these How democracy works in this
the physical and psychological mands less exhibi- supplemented by neo-modern cit- country is not any boon but a bane
make-up of the society. Although
the author has taken a different
tion of concentra-
tion, thoroughly
good experience, ies dignity and
honour of this
for its people. Vote bank politics
and its dishonest politicians has
route while substantiating his ar-
guments yet there is no moment
mixed with enter-
taining bouts
devotion and human lot be-
comes subser-
made this institution a least trust-
ed one from which all other shades
where one can clearly counterfeit or hence evades any articulation infact vient to their of evil are radiated out. All this has
contradict him in clear terms. Adi- possibility of men- survival. Ev- reduced it into a money minting
ga has creatively made every major tal fatigue. all traits beautifully ery deed, irre- machine operated only by few men
institution of the country the sub-
ject matter of his novel. It compels
Adiga illus-
trates how blood
expressed by the spective of its
legal position,
with long hands. Voters are sold
like stocks before elections and
one to do nothing but to praise him
for such a skill and capacity which
and sweat of the
impoverished hu-
author to lend the which guaran-
tees them to
election manifestoes often repeated
special songs sung in election sea-
potentially promises of his augur- man lot is the book a fetch some- son to lure the gullible people.
ing into a writer the nation could strength of every thing in terms Lack of development in this na-
bank upon. edifice signifying predilecting touch. of cash or kind, tion is ascribed by author to the
The author describes humor- power and pros- is inevitable to Continued on P6
5 Morning Mail

Dwindiling reading habits

among Valley youth
Reading is a habit, develops gradu- Head of Department, University of TV or provide them any other gad- It is ascertained that an initia-
ally over a span of time in any per- Kashmir. He says “The culture of get to engage them, rather than tive is required to overhaul our ed-
son. It stays longer, develops per- reading is not well developed here providing any story or comic book ucation system by accommodating
sonality both creatively and as in west so children are not ex- to read. This could definitely have books or topics other than general
aesthetically. societies having huge posed to such environment which inculcated the habit of extra read- curriculum. Simultaneously the
readership are more developed and could establish this habit in the on- ing in them in their childhood and syllabus also needs to be worked
more empowered. Thus helping set of their developmental years”. would remain with then through- out anew to make it a bit flexible.
their nations to lead on the indices He also believes that the way out their life. There is a dire need to change our
of development. our education system has been de- The other ‘curse’ Professor Lily methods of evaluation and exami-
CONCERN: Valley having a vised is equally responsible for the thinks is responsible for this is ‘per- nation. Whether competitive or ac-
population of about 7 million people dismal performance. “Our teach- centage craze’. “Students only ademic, examinations should ex-
with 70% literacy rate is not show- ing and examination system has think of education in terms of per- hibit overall competitiveness of an
ing encouraging trend in its reader- lacunae in it. They are formulated centage they acquire in their ex- individual.
ship. Although a chunk of popula- to impart and check the superficial ams. Hence they only focus on their A sense needs to be nourished
tion is capable enough to crack the passionately in our kids from the
prestigious competitive examina- inception of their development.
tions at state and national level.
Yet the reading habit is not picking
A sense needs to be They should harbour a kind of
madness for the books. They should
up at the rate proportional to its
educated lot. nourished passionately in go after every new book hitting the
stalls. And this is well in target if

our kids from the

People here love to debate is- parents are ready to walk this ex-
sues ranging from their internal tra mile. Teachers particularly who
matters to international affairs teach at primary level should take
with great zeal at Barber Shops
and other shop fronts. But they inception of their it as their responsibility to aware
students about the benefits of extra

development. They
lack adoration for literature and its reading. They can bring some liter-
allied branches. The two decade ary material like short stories,
long conflict may have played a role comic books into classrooms and
in the extension of such a behav-
iour. However it is not the only rea- should harbour a kind of recite there. This could also make a
remarkable difference.
son to put blame on.
History bears testimony that
readership in Kashmir was always
madness for the books. Other measures which can be
fruitful in this direction include ex-
posing our children to external en-
less but whatever miniscule size of
population reads was of great im-
They should go after vironment. Create avenues or plat-
forms where they can have
pact. With the advent of time peo-
ple failed to absorb it in their cul- every new book hitting interaction with the students of
outside states. This could give them
ture. This perhaps can be attributed idea about the challenges and pos-
to our lack of imagination and pru-
dence. And people here are hardly
the stalls. And this is sibilities of reading beyond the ex-
amination point of view.
aware of its consequences as there
seems no need of it at any juncture well in target if parents CONCLUSION: All said, the
time is to act now. It is not any-

are ready to walk this

in life. thing to discuss or debate only. Ef-
CAUSES: There is no paucity forts are demanded at both indi-
of reasons to which this lackdaisi- vidual and collective level,
cal approach of the masses can be
ascribed to. Different opinions ra- extra mile. household to state level and local to
regional level. Negligence at any
diate out, converging at a point stage can sabotage the whole pro-
that this flaw hasn’t any positive information of the person not the curriculum. They seldom get any cess, which is least affordable.
connotation as far the intellectual overall knowledge” he asserted. time to look at other things as they The inevitable consequences in
upliftment of this community is This means we are heading to- always try to find shortcuts to absence of any corrective measures
concerned. Although our youth wards the wrong direction. We are achieve the desired” she regretted. are that society will be unable to
have proved their metal in every only churning out informative not CURE: For every ailment un- produce intellectuals who can
field, they cease to envisage the educated individuals. der the sun there is a remedy avail- think of any new social order. We
benefits of extra reading. Thus hin- Other opinions regarding lack- able to it. The only struggle one is will be producing only literates
dering their advancement towards lustre approach emanates from supposed to do is to choose the most whose creative faculty would be
this important facet of knowledge. Head of Department English, Uni- appropriate one. Experts also for- dead. They will be suffering, what
The causes believed to be in- versity of Kashmir, she puts the ward some solutions to correct this experts call ‘an atrophy of imagina-
strumental in shaping such an at- onus on parents particularly the historical malpractice of our soci- tion’. Chances are bright that it will
titude in us are few in number. working mothers. Professor Lily ety. They are sure about the effec- lead to incompetitiveness which
Many people critisize the way chil- Want explains it by quoting the ex- tiveness of such measures in case will progress from generation to
dren are brought up here. Among ample of working mothers who pre- they are implemented in letter and generation, hence contaminating
them is Abdul Majeed Muzmar, fer to make their wards sit before spirit. the whole community.
Morning Mail 6

He calls government inter- transferring a piece of land to can definitely make sharp
vention imperative as the his organisation identified for difference on the ground.
process is highly cost ridden the establishment of college Humanity Welfare Or-

and also for wide-area cover- cum residential complex even ganisation, Helpline is a Non
age. after completion of all neces- Governmental Organisation
Nodoubt students are feel- sary formalities for more running on public donations.
ing at ease in this particular than a year now. In addition to this Special
school but still the prescribed Despite clear guidelines School, it runs public welfare
standard in the absence of from Supereme Court of In- campaigns like environment
Although the initiative is proper infrastructure has not dia and Rehabilitation Coun- safety awareness, awareness
applauded by one and all but been yet achieved. “Currently cil the state government re- about the rights of disables,
the void has not been com- we are putting up this school mains unmoved on the plight providing financial and ma-
pletely filled. “This is a good in a rented building and of this populace. “There must terial help to poor and need-
step and demands apprecia- therefore we have limited op- be a rehabilitation centre in ful students. The volunteers
tion but it is not enough” said tions to make modifications every zone with atleast two of this organisation helps in
Feroze. He demanded empa- in its design” admits Tak. Si- special educators to cater this immunization of children
thetic approach from intellec- multaneously he blamed es- significant section of popula- during pulse polio and other
tuals and civil society to- tablishment for non-utiliza- tion. Besides this all legisla- health campaigns. It is col-
wards this important issue. tion of funds and only tions pertaining to the well laborated in most of its en-
“The present model in vogue providing a chunk of it to being of disables must be im- deavours including in the
here is Charity based instead “blue-eyed” persons on “polit- plemented at an earliest by running of this special school
of Human Model practised ical affliations”. Tak also cas- our state as well” explained by a Delhi based organisa-
elsewhere” lamented feroze. tigated government for not Feroze. This he suggested tion- Child Rights and You.

Students the school” exclaimed

Ashfaq Ahmad Dar, a
student of 8th grade in
revealed Abdul Hameed
Shah, Zonal Education
Officer (ZEO) Bijbehara.
lessly in their respective
areas without following
any proper procedure

the school. Other stu- However he fails to give and conduct to drive a
dents also protested any satisfactory answer political mileage out of
along Ashfaq for not about the malpractice of it” explained Mohd Sul-
shifting their school to upgrading schools well tan Parray, a retired
Students of Govern- any feasible location. before time of upgrading ZEO.
ment Middle School Boys Authorities seem to its infrastructure and Every effort which
Bijbehara, few meters be aware about all these enhancing its manpow- can streamline the edu-
away from Zonal Educa- shortcommings but they er. cation system anywhere
tion Office Bijbehara, try to prove themselves Many reasons came else proves out to be
are complaining of sev- innocent and helpless in to surface on exploring more disastrous here.
eral hardships as the this matter. “Primary the main cause behind The nub of this whole af-
school is housed in a pri- education is necessary to this problem. But the fair lies in our impru-
vate, partially gutted be imparted free every- root cause of this mal- dent planning and wrong
building for the previous where and measures are functioning of our educa- policies. This only leads
15 years. “The school is in place to upgrade any tion system came out to us towards more disor-
damaged and not reno- school along with infra- be political in nature. “It der. Hence need is to
vated properly. Class- structure and manpow- is actually the politicians have a relook on all this
rooms are poorly lit and er. It takes time as every who make mess of every and work selflessly so
there is no facility of government process has right thing here. They that we could also envis-
electricity available in its own course to follow” upgrade schools sense- age a better future.

thousand destinies in In- whatever means he is able to smoothly interconnect such
dia. take. The author gives the diverse subjects into one
Now there are just two feel that on earth the rela- compact and complete novel.

castes- Men with big bel- tions are only based on mate- Distributing the content cre-
lies and Men with small rial calculations. The rele- atively into chapters with
Bellies and only two desti- vance of any person among headings as if periods of sto-
nies- eat or get eaten up. his inmates is until the per- rytelling (First Night, Third
Regarding the life of those son is worth earning. Once Night, etc) is a very unique
who live on the mercy and he exhausts or becomes im- way. This makes it easy to
corruption and red-tapism bounty of elites, author has paired during this course his read and understand.
which has spread its tenta- come up with the bold conclu- fate becomes like that of an No doubt one can have
cles at every level. Every per- sion. Adiga has compelled old horse, which is neither divergent opinions with re-
son rich or poor has his mus- these people to have determi- suitable for stable nor for spect to the real essence be-
cles stretched to pounce on nation and will to break slaughter house. hind the compilation of this
anything he is able to snatch these shackles to free them- Put it simple the book is novel. It can only serve as
from other beings. Adiga has selves forever. He makes it straightforward and truth- fodder for a good debate
summed-up this phenome- amply clear that the only way ful in its account. It is a pack- which in my opinion is a sign
non in the oft-quoted lines- out is everyone should overt- age in itself. You can’t help of its being a nice piece re-
In olden days there ly or covertly came out of this yourself without applauding cently added to English lit-
were thousand castes and predicament employing the efficiency of author to erature.
7 Morning Mail
Women on wheels

Spun to deprivation
tion to propound. “The traders
while manufacturing this hand-
icraft item use machine and
hand-made fibres simultane-
ously to increase the value of
shawl, as it is labelled as hand-
made only” revealed Wani. This
he believes fetches these traders
the handsome price for the prod-
ucts which turns their fortunes
The women, who initially
prepares the yarn to feed this
industry only gets a rupee per
knot, which contains at least
eleven threads of about one and
a half feet in circumference.
While as the F&C agents also
get a meagre sum at an average
of 15% for all their hard work.
“It is since I started spinning
that only one rupee was award-
ed per knot. Nodoubt the price
of wool has been reduced by 50%
but it hardly helps” said Mubee-
na, who is in her forties. “It is
not understood why concerned
Government department (La-
Srinagar, May 16: Rotate this ers with their hands. “It is actu- bour and Employment) doesn’t
wheel for whole day and your This business ally the electric looms which do take notice of this malpractice.
earnings will not be more than
rupees ten to fifteen. Still there
has nothing the maximum part of the work.
They are time and cost efficient
It is annoying to see these poor
women suffer as this work has
are thousands of Kashmiri par- lucrative. It is and slashes down the rates of bad impact on their health also”
ticularly rural women whose
fingers never feel tired spinning
tiring and workers who do it with their
hands” said an F & C agent Mu-
expressed Wani.
It is more than difficult to
on this otherwise penny produc- fetches hammad Sultan Wani of Bijbe- run the domestic affairs on this
ing wheel. Is it their compulsion
or gullible nature which has
nothing. It is hara, who is providing wool to
some 200 women of his locality.
petty venture. The women who
need to support their families
stiffened the stand of traders so this trade So it becomes imperative to has daily uphill task to meet
much that no hike has been reg-
istered in the wages from the
which made trace out where these under-
privileged workers are exploit-
their basic requirements. “This
business has nothing lucrative.
past couple of decades? Although my daughter ed. If the shawl, the basic mate- It is tiring and fetches nothing.
the price of commodities made
from this spinned wool has in-
to leave her rial of which is prepared by
these spinning wheel turning
It is this trade which made my
daughter to leave her studies
creased many folds during the studies and women is sold as expensive as and help me in this particular
same period.
While the people associated
help me in gold. Then what hinders the
traders to trickle down these
work, as it was getting harder to
support her” said Aisha, a wid-
with this trade at higher eche- this particular fortunes to the grassroots level. ow at Bijbehara.
lons are well-to-do and lives a
very luxurious life, it is only
work, as it “Actually this shawl making
process is bit treacherous and
There is some scope where
authorities can intervene to put
poor, basic workers who get pea- was getting involves a number of persons at end to the miseries of this ne-
nuts. This facet of Kashmiri
handicraft industry although
harder to various stages of completion.
This greatly enhances the pro-
glected lot. It is imperative to
have a relook into the tenants of
much more popular, has noth- support her. cessing cost which hinders esca- this trade and take steps to re-
ing to attract the basic workers. lation of wages of these workers” store dignity and well being of
“It is only if five to six hours a The people who act as for- said Abdul Majeed Shah, the the women associated with this
day are spent on spinning wool warding and commissioning (F & owner of Shah and Sons, Haw- trade. If departments like La-
can it amount for rupees ten to C) agents put blame on electric al, Srinagar, who export Kash- bour and Employment can take
fifteen per day” lamented looms installed by many traders miri handicrafts to Middle East its job more seriously, it is not
Mubeena Akhter of Zablipora, in the wake of keeping pace with for past two decades. far from reality that this ven-
Bijbehara who is associated the modern technology. But Meanwhile the people asso- ture would also prove to be lu-
with this art of spinning for the same is not aesthetically equal ciated with the business at low- crative and more dividends giv-
past 12 years. to the work done by poor work- er strata have different assump- ing for its workers.
Morning Mail 8

Kashmir bat industry on bad pitch

Experts call for upgradation of manufacturing plants
Srinagar, May 29: Cricket bats, with short quality of bat drops drastically. “The shape of
handles, long blades and made of willow wood, the bat has immense significance. It determines
are something which experts believe can im- the balance of the bat which is of utmost impor-
prove the economy of this financially starving tance as far as quality of bat is concerned. And
state. This medium sized industry has a poten- manufacturers here are illskilled in shaping
tial to give fillip to our industrial sector if cer- upliftment of this important industry. and balancing the bat well” asserted Rasool.
tain measures are taken to improve and stream- Players also believe that in the absence of Although the manufacturers are not pro-
line it. There is a vast scope in market for its required technology the bats made in valley be- ducing any quality products which could meet
promotion and being successful but sincerity come heavy as compared to its counterpart. “If the international standards still they are con-
and dedication in our efforts are tent with the little they achieve. “Almost
demanded to materialize this all of the traders succeed in selling their
dream into reality. products to the tourists comming here at
As cricket is a game which exorbitant rates. This hinders their ca-
has gained much popularity for pacity to think of exporting their goods
the past few years by the intro- to the actual international market” ob-
duction of short-version (Twenty- served Salroo. He also believes that ab-
Twenty) of the game. Besides this sence of better marketing techniques
the introduction of other leagues like advertisement and publicity are real
like IPL (Indian Premier League) impediments in preventing this busi-
and County Cricket has made it ness from flourishing.
round the year phenomenon. But As the market value of ‘A-Grade’ Eng-
cricket bats made from Kashmir lish Willow bat starts around Rs 25,000,
Willow are not in such demand. there is no need for them to cater to the
It is actually its counterpart, local market. Simultaneously Kashmir
English Willow (made in Eng- Willow gets undervalued as the same peo-
land) which is holding the centre ple associated with the trade smuggles the
stage. raw blades outside state in the wake of ban
Various suggestions are put imposed on it by the state government.
forth by the connoisseurs of this “The traders themselves illegally transfer
trade to bring this product at par the raw material to Jalandhar or some
with English one. “The cricket other area and sells for peanuts there.
bats made here are equally good This slashes down the price of bats made
but we only lack some techniques here as they process it in a much better
used in procurement and season- way” explained Qaisar.
ing of this wood” said Nazir Ah- There are ofcourse some grey areas
mad Salroo, President Kashmir where both traders and government
Cricket Bat Manufacturers Asso- needs to work in consonance. Govern-
ciation and Member All India Mi- ment needs to live upto the expectations
cro, Small and Medium Entre- of the traders and they also should be de-
preneurs (MSME). voted towards the upliftment of this indus-
However Cricketers have something else to 1100 gram bat is made from Kashmir Willow it try. “The processing and seasoning plant being
add the tale. “Quality of bats made here is not will be exceptionally thin and hence develops developed by government at National Highway
good as they are not processed well. In the ab- cracks easily even on playing ordinary shots Sethar in district Pulwama should be completed
sence of technology the moulding and finish of while the English Willow bats of same weight immediately without any further delay. This could
bats is not of good standard. This makes these are good in thickness and does well” revealed surely enhance the quality of our product” de-
bats less preferable” said Syed Humayun Qa- Parvaiz Rasool, the only batsman from J and K manded a Cricket bat manufacturer, Muhammad
isar, former J and K Ranji player and Sports Ranji team who has represented state in both Hussain at Sethar, a village whose 70% popula-
Broadcaster, Radio Kashmir Srinagar. North Zone team for Deodar and Duleep trophy. tion is associated with this trade.
Blame is also put on the insincerity and cal- The other complications which mar this in- Some other major and minor steps like com-
lousness shown by the people involved in this dustry are also material in nature.”The handle pletely barring the smuggling of raw material out-
trade. “We have achieved ISO 9000 trade mark of the bat is made up of pieces and inbetween side state, employing skilled personell in prepar-
for our products but the manufacturers are not them are rubber bands which lend it a bit flexi- ing this commodity in a standardised manner.
fair with their job. NO banding and upgradation bility. The ordinary handles they insert in the Using quality material in the shape of wood which
of products is done and there is also not a single blades of Kashmir Willow bats are very stiff and can be accomplished with the help of our experts
moisture testing and seasoning plant which im- therefore illadvantaged” remarked Qaisar. at Agricultural Universities. And using quality ac-
pairs the quality of the bat” admits Salroo. He While preparing the blade there are certain cessories like handles, grips etc which are most
maintained that government needs to be sensi- technical aspects which strictly need to be ad- recommended can indeed make this industry a
tized on these issues to take steps towards the hered to. On overlooking these parameters the lucrative one.

This tabloid is based on the project work

as part of the MA Programme in Mass Communication and Journalism, session 2011
at MERC University of Kashmir
Superviser : Malik Zahra , Reporter/Editor : Wasim Anznoo , Layout : Aga Shahi

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