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Muslim Ummah and

Contemporary Challenges
Prof Dr. Anis Ahmad

*Prof. Ahmad is meritorious Professor and Vice Chancellor, Riphah International University, Islamabad. He is also
Editor of Quarterly Journal West & Islam, Islamabad. He can be contacted at and
1. The Ummah in Quran and
Emergence of Ummah: du’a of Syedina Ibrahim and
Syedina Isma’il alayhemassalatwa assalam:

“Our Lord. Make us Muslims to you, and make out of our

decedents a community (ummah) that submits itself to you,
and show us the ways of your worship and turn to us in
mercy. You are the off-returning, Most-Merciful.

Our Lord send amongst them a messenger of their own who

shall reherse your ayat (signs) to them and instruct them in
the Book and Wisdom and sametify them, for you are the
Exalted in Might, the Wise.
(al-Baqarah 2:128-129)
2. The Ummah of the middle path
and witness to mankind:
“And it is then that We appointed you to be the
community of the middle way (ummatan wasatan) so
that you might be witness to all mankind and the
messenger might be a witness to you”
(al-Baqarah 2:143)
3. Best Ummah
“You are now the best ummah brought forth
for mankind. You enjoin what is right (ma’ruf)
and forbid what is wrong (munkar) and believe
in Allah”
(al’Imran 3:110)
4. Does this ummah exist today?
4.1 Does this ummah exist today?
5. Contemporary Challenges

Marginalization of family values

Unipolarism and neo-

Globalization of economy, colonialism in the name of
education and cultures globalization, modernization
and westernization
5.1 Media War against Islam and the
“The underlying problem for the West is not islamic
fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilization whose
people are convinced of superiority of their culture and
are obsessed with inferiority of their power”

Samuel Huntington, The Clash of Civilization and

the remaking of World Order, P217, 1997.

Distortion of the basic Islamic teachings, separation

between Din & dunya secularism, individualization,
ethical relativism.
6. The current perception of the
7. Strength of the Ummah
8. Our Role
9. Our Strategy
10. Conclusion
Seeking Allah’s support by following Him and
His final Prophet’s commands, teachings and

December 29, 2011

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