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Optimisation of maintenance strategy for rural road network using genetic


Article  in  International Journal of Pavement Engineering · April 2014

DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2013.806807

44 715

2 authors:

Binu Sara Mathew Kuncheria Isaac

College of Engineering Trivandrum Kerala Technological University


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Optimisation of maintenance strategy for rural road

network using genetic algorithm
a b
Binu Sara Mathew & Kuncheria P. Isaac
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum, Trivandrum, Kerala,
All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, India
Published online: 14 Jun 2013.

To cite this article: Binu Sara Mathew & Kuncheria P. Isaac (2014) Optimisation of maintenance strategy for
rural road network using genetic algorithm, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 15:4, 352-360, DOI:

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International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2014
Vol. 15, No. 4, 352–360,

Optimisation of maintenance strategy for rural road network using genetic algorithm
Binu Sara Mathewa* and Kuncheria P. Isaacb1
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum, Trivandrum, Kerala, India; bAll India Council
for Technical Education, New Delhi, India
(Received 29 January 2013; final version received 14 May 2013)

The objective of this paper is to develop an optimised maintenance strategy for the rural road network of Kerala state. This is
accomplished with the development of a bi-objective deterministic optimisation model which simultaneously satisfies the
objectives of both minimisation of total maintenance cost and maximisation of performance of the road network. The model
is capable of planning the maintenance activities over a multi-year planning period. The performance of the road network is
accounted using the composite index, namely Pavement Condition Index. The constraint-based genetic algorithm was used
as the optimisation tool since it very well takes care of the combinatorial nature of the network-level pavement maintenance
programming. The applicability of the model is illustrated using a case study for the rural road network of Kerala state in
India. The effort made through this research work to develop a suitable Pavement Maintenance and Management System for
rural road network can lead to the proper maintenance and upkeep of the rural roads, thereby triggering a positive impact on
Downloaded by [Binu Sara Mathew] at 02:28 11 June 2014

the Indian economy.

Keywords: pavement management system; rural road network; optimisation model; genetic algorithms; Pavement
Condition Index; pavement performance

1. Introduction due to the paucity of resources. These roads have to be

An efficient transport system is an essential prerequisite for managed within the available limited resources, in an
the overall economic development of a country. Consider- optimal manner, by making use of a Pavement Maintenance
able resources are devoted to the road construction and and Management System (PMMS).
maintenance, and hence the resultant road network has an Extensive research work has been carried out in the area
asset value that represents a significant proportion of of development of optimised maintenance decision support
national wealth. India’s road network, which is 3.3 million system for road networks using various techniques. Wang
km long, is the second largest road network in the world. and Fengxin (1997) developed a Network Optimization
Eighty-one per cent of the total network, i.e. 2.7 million km System model with the objective of maximising pavement
comprises low volume roads (other district roads and performance using fuzzy systems. Ferriera et al. (2002a)
village roads). The Government of India had launched a developed a segment-linked optimisation model, GENE-
major programme known as Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak TIPAV-D using genetic algorithm in a deterministic pavement
Yojana in December 2000, to ensure a complete rural management system to arrive at the least discounted cost
connectivity by providing ‘all – weather’ roads to rural maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) strategy for various
areas under which the rural roads are properly designed and segments in a road network. Ferriera et al. (2002b) also
maintained. developed a probabilistic segment-linked optimisation model
Road maintenance, which is a routine work performed together with a genetic algorithm heuristic with the objective
for the proper upkeep of road infrastructure, is essential to of minimising the total discounted cost of M&R actions.
ensure its continuous utilisation in an optimum manner Abaza (2005) proposed an optimum stochastic model for
during its design life. The current replacement cost of pavement management which deploys a non-homogeneous
existing rural road network according to the Rural Road discrete Markov chain for predicting the future pavement
Development Plan: VISION 2025 (2007) is estimated to be conditions for a given pavement system. Kuhn (2010) used
as Rs. 200,000 millions. The loss in the value of road assets approximate dynamic programming to manage a large
due to non-maintenance would be as high as Rs. 100,000 network of related sections of pavement, each one of which
million per year which is equivalent to 50,000 km of roads may be plagued by a number of different distresses. Jorge and
being eroded every year (Report on Working Group on Ferriera (2011) developed a new Maintenance Optimization
Rural Roads in the 11th Five Year Plan 2006). The need for System, called GENEPAV-HDM4, which was developed to
an effective and efficient management system of the rural integrate the Pavement Management System of the
road network has become a real challenge to the authorities Municipality of Viseu (Portugal). De La Garza et al. (2011)

*Corresponding author. Email:

q 2013 Taylor & Francis
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 353

developed a simpler, yet useful network-level pavement 2.1 Maximisation of pavement performance
maintenance optimisation model, which is a Linear Pavement Condition Index (PCI) was used as the
Programme subject to budget constraints and the agencies’ parameter to measure the performance of the road network
pavement performance goals in terms of total lane-miles in and the objective function was formulated as follows:
each pavement condition state. All the studies discussed
above were carried out for major roads, and an optimal X
maintenance strategy addressing the constraints and Maximise : Z 1 ¼ PCIst : ð1Þ
limitations prevailing on rural roads has yet not been t¼1

Subject to
Major requirement of a PMMS is to develop a multi-
year pavement maintenance programme for the entire road X
network so as to maintain desirable performance within the X kst C kt # Bt ; ;t ¼ 1 to T; ð2Þ
available budget. The most suitable PMMS can be k¼1 s¼1
developed considering various combinations of mainten-
PCIst $ PCImin ; ;s ¼ 1 to S; ;t ¼ 1 to T; ð3Þ
ance treatments for each road stretch in the network for each
year of the analysis period, and hence an optimisation is PCIst # 100; ð4Þ
required to be exercised. Development of an optimisation
model satisfying the constraints associated with and X kst f0; 1};
Downloaded by [Binu Sara Mathew] at 02:28 11 June 2014

fulfilling the requirements of a rural road network is thus ð5Þ

essential for the proper maintenance management of these ;s ¼ 1 to S; t ¼ 1 to T; k ¼ 1 to K;
roads. Minimisation of maintenance cost and maximisation
of pavement performance are equally important objectives where
to be achieved for a road network. Hence, a multi-objective
model which simultaneously satisfies more than one PCIst ¼ PCIsðt21Þ þ X kst £ DPCIk ; ð6Þ
objective will be more effective than a single objective
PCIst ¼ MeanðPCIst Þ 2 s; ;s ¼ 1 to S; ð7Þ
optimisation model which can take care of only one
objective. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is an optimisation tool, where PCIst and PCIs(t – 1) are the PCI values of road stretch
used by many researchers for pavement maintenance s in the network at tth and (t – 1)th year, respectively. Xkst is
programming, which is based on the mechanism of natural a decision variable, which is ‘0’ when no action applied
selection. GA is customised to accommodate multi- and ‘1’ when an action k is applied on road section s at
objective problems using specialised fitness functions. time t. Ckt is the cost of carrying out the maintenance
GAs search from a number of points at a time in contrast to action k in the year t. Bt is the budget allocated for the
the single-point approach of traditional optimisation tth year. DPCIk is an improvement in the PCI due to an
methods. GA uses probabilistic transition rules to guide action k.
the search towards the optimum region of the search space A study has been conducted by the same authors to
and can process a large number of maintenance strategies at develop a pavement performance prediction model to
the same time (Chan et al. 1994, Liu et al. 1997, Yin 2000, predict the PCI value of the rural roads of Kerala state
Herabat and Tangphaisankun 2005). GA has thus proved to (Binu and Isaac 2011) and the same model as shown below
be an efficient tool in the pavement maintenance strategy has been used for this study.
optimisation. Hence, the main objective of this study is to
develop a deterministic optimisation model with the PCIt ¼ PCI0 2 3:682 £ ðPage Þ1:822 þ eð0:55£Page £CQÞ ; ð8Þ
objectives of maximising the performance of the road
network and minimising the maintenance cost using GA as where PCIt is the PCI of pavement at the end of a time
the optimisation tool. interval t. PCI0 is an initial PCI of pavement at the
beginning of time interval t. Page is the age of pavement at
the end of time interval time t. CQ is the construction
quality (quantified as a value between 0 and 1 for the rural
2. Formulation of optimisation model roads (Binu et al. 2010)).
The formulation of the optimisation model is carried The objective function of maximisation of perform-
out in such a way that a cost-effective maintenance ance of the road network as shown in Equation (1) was
strategy is arrived by preserving the performance defined by the summation of the mean PCI of all pavement
level of the road network at a desirable level. The sections minus the standard deviation of the PCI values
objective functions, namely maximisation of pavement in each year, over the analysis period as shown in Equation
performance and minimisation of maintenance cost, are (7). Major constraints for the optimisation model are given
described in subsequent article. in Equations (2) and (3). Equation (2) ensures that annual
354 B.S. Mathew and K.P. Isaac

maintenance expenditure does not exceed the available 2000). The objective functions for the present problem
budget allocated for each year. The maintenance actions were hence normalised between 0 and 1 as shown below:
should be carried out in such a way that the PCI of the road
sections is above a minimum acceptable level as explained Z i 2 Z imin
Z *i ¼ ; ð12Þ
in Equation (3). Maintenance treatments should also be Z imax 2 Z imin
carried out in such a way that the PCI value of the road
stretches does not exceed the maximum value of 100 as where Z *i , Z imin , Z imax are the normalised objective
explained by Equation (4). Equation (5) defines the function and the minimum and maximum possible values
decision variable Xkst to be an integer of value either 0 or 1, of the objective Zi.
i.e. if a maintenance action k is carried out on a road stretch The classical approach to solve a multi-objective
s in the year t, then Xkst is 1 and otherwise 0. As different optimisation problem is to assign a weightage ‘wi’ to each
maintenance activities are implemented, the condition of normalised objective function ‘Zi’, so that the problem is
pavement is affected in varying manner resulting in converted into a single objective problem (Konak et al.
varying levels of improvement of PCI value. The effect of 2006). In this study, due weightages, ‘w1’ and ‘w2’ were
each maintenance action can be accounted in the given to each objective function based on the priority
performance of the pavement as given in Equation (6). assigned to them and combined to form a single objective
function. Since the individual objective function value was
normalised between 0 and 1, the maximum possible value
Downloaded by [Binu Sara Mathew] at 02:28 11 June 2014

2.2 Minimisation of maintenance cost of each of the objective function is 1. Similarly, each of the
weightages was also assigned a value ranging from 0 to 1
There is often a stringent limit on the availability of budget
such that the value of the sum of the two weightages is one.
for the maintenance of rural road network, and hence
Consequently, the combined objective function had a
minimisation of present worth of maintenance coast is an
maximum value of one. The combined objective function
equally important objective as that of maximisation of
was formulated as below:
pavement performance. Future maintenance cost was
discounted to the present value using the conversion factor Maximise : w1 Z *1 þ w2 Z *2 : ð13Þ
(1 þ r) – t. The objective function for the minimisation of
maintenance cost was formulated as follows: Subject to: the constraints given in Equations (2) – (5),
where w1 and w2 are the weightages given to the objective
Minimise : Z 2 ¼ X kst C kt : ð9Þ functions of maximisation of pavement performance (Z1)
k¼1 s¼1 t¼1
ð1 þ rÞt and minimisation of maintenance cost (Z~ 2 ), respectively.
The algorithm for the optimisation problem was coded
Subject to the same constraints as given by Equations (2) – using Net Beans 6.9.1 IDE in Java environment.
(5), where r is discount rate and t represents a specific year
in the analysis period.
In order to combine the two objectives, which are 2.3 Steps in GA
contrasting in nature, i.e. maximisation and minimisation, GA is an optimisation tool which can very well handle the
the minimisation problem was converted into a maximisa- combinatorial nature of network-level pavement mainten-
tion problem using the following transformation: ance programming (Fwa et al. 1994, 1996) and hence
1 adopted for this study. Various steps involved in solving
Z~ 2 ¼ : ð10Þ the optimisation problem using GA are explained in the
1 þ Z2
subsequent articles.
Thus, the second objective of minimisation of mainten-
ance cost takes the form as follows:
2.3.1 Coding of decision variables
1 First step of applying GA to any problem is the proper
Maximise : Z~ 2 ¼ X kst Ckt : ð11Þ
k¼1 s¼1 t¼1
ð1 þ rÞt representation of chromosomes. Solution coding defines
the way in which the attributes of a solution are
Since both objectives were in non-comparable scales, i.e. represented. For the present pavement maintenance
performance maximisation in terms of PCI value which programming problem, each chromosome represents a
varies between 0 and 100, and the cost minimisation in maintenance activity for a particular road section for a
terms of currency used, normalisation was required to particular year. Integer coding (0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , j) was
combine both functions into a single objective function. adopted to represent the genes (representing a mainten-
Further, there can be chances of domination of one over ance activity) so as to reduce the length of the strings. For
the other, if normalisation is not carried out (Fwa et al. each road stretch, there are T genes, representing
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 355

Figure 1. Coding of solution for the optimisation model.

maintenance actions for T years for that road stretch. 2.3.4 GA operators
Thus, the solution string consists of (S £ T) number of GA uses mainly three basic operators to generate new
chromosomes, where S is the total number of road solutions from existing ones, namely (a) reproduction, (b)
stretches and T is the analysis period. Coding of the crossover and (c) mutation.
solution is schematically represented in Figure 1. The proportionate reproduction operator was used in
Downloaded by [Binu Sara Mathew] at 02:28 11 June 2014

this study, where a solution string was selected for the

mating pool with a probability proportional to its fitness. In
2.3.2 Constraint handling crossover operation, generally two chromosomes, called
Constraints of an optimisation problem which is being parents, are combined together to form a new chromo-
solved by GA should be handled carefully so as to ensure some, called ‘offspring’. In order to preserve some of the
feasibility of solutions. In the present optimisation good strings that are already present in the mating pool, all
problem, those solutions which did not satisfy the strings in the mating pool are not used in the crossover
constraints, especially the budget and pavement perform- process. When a crossover probability, defined here as ‘Pc’
ance constraints (Equations (2) – (5)), were handled by the is used, only (100 £ Pc)% strings in the population are
‘penalty and repair’ methods. The penalty method used in the crossover operation and 100 (1 – Pc)% of the
converts a constrained problem into an unconstrained population remains as they are in the current population. A
problem by penalising the objective function (Goldberg one-site crossover was adopted for this study by randomly
1989). The repair method initially tries to repair the choosing a crossover site along the strings and by
infeasibility of a solution several times until the solution exchanging all bits on the right side of the site between
becomes a feasible one or till the repair becomes parents. The mutation operator introduces random changes
impossible. In this study, the budget and pavement into the characteristics of chromosomes. Mutation is
performance constraints were checked simultaneously for generally applied at the bit (gene) level. The mutation rate
all individual genes for an infeasible solution and the ‘Pm’ which decides the number of bits to be muted (i.e.
position of genes which made the solution infeasible was probability of changing the properties of a gene) is
identified and repaired. The feasibility of the repaired generally very small. To exercise mutation, a random
solution was again checked and if not satisfied, the repair number between 0 and 1 generated and if it is less than the
process was repeated for a specified number of times till it mutation probability, then the bit is randomly changed.
became feasible. After the specified number of trials, if the Application of these three operators on the current
solution still remained infeasible, then the fitness of the population creates a new population and this complete
solution was penalised by a quantity proportional to the cycle is called a ‘generation’. This new population was
degree of constraint violation so as to make its rank low used to generate subsequent populations and finally
and consequently a less feasible solution. yielding solutions that are close to the optimum solution.
The process was repeated till convergence was achieved
and the best solution of the last generation was stored as
2.3.3 Fitness function the optimal solution. The procedure of the optimisation
Fitness in biological sense is a measure of the reproductive problem using GA is shown in Figure 2.
efficiency of chromosomes. Solutions with higher fitness
values will have higher probability of being selected to
successive generations. For maximisation problems, the 2.4 Studies on variation of PCI due to a maintenance
fitness function can be considered to be the same as the action
objective function and the fitness value is the value of the When a maintenance action is carried out, the PCI of the
objective function. road will change. It is not necessary that the PCI will
356 B.S. Mathew and K.P. Isaac

treatment should be available to model the actual

deterioration behaviour thereafter.

2.4.1 Increment in PCI of pavements due to various

maintenance actions
It was decided to conduct a survey among experts to collect
the required information regarding the variation in PCI of
pavements due to various maintenance actions by ‘Delphi
technique’. In this approach, opinion was sought from
experts to arrive at the effect of various maintenance actions
on PCI for roads in different conditions. Since the effect of a
maintenance activity is varying for pavements in different
conditions, first an effort was made to classify the
pavements in different condition states based on their PCI
values. A questionnaire was prepared requesting the experts
to classify the pavements into different condition states,
Downloaded by [Binu Sara Mathew] at 02:28 11 June 2014

such as excellent, very good, etc. based on the PCI value and
to quantify the effect of four maintenance actions
considered in the study on the pavements in different
condition states. The effect of maintenance action was
quantified in terms of improvements in PCI of pavements in
different condition states. Average value of the improve-
ments in PCI based on the expert opinion was worked out
and is shown in Table 1.
Minimum targeted performance level of the road
network was defined by selecting a minimum PCI value
Figure 2. Sequence of operations for the optimisation model below which PCI of any of the road stretches was not
using GA. supposed to fall.

improve to the maximum value of 100, and it is observed

that the improvement in PCI will depend on the PCI of the 2.4.2 Effect of maintenance treatment on the pavement
pavement before maintenance. The variation in PCI of a performance
rural road due to a particular maintenance action has not An approximate procedure was adopted to model the post
been studied so far in India. Deterioration mechanism of treatment deterioration of pavements. Improved PCI of the
pavements after a maintenance treatment differs from that roads after each maintenance treatment was worked out by
of new pavements. The data regarding the deterioration adding the increments in PCI for each maintenance
of the pavements after carrying out each maintenance treatment as suggested in Table 1 to the present PCI. The

Table 1. Effect of maintenance action on the condition of pavement in terms of PCI based on expert opinion

Improvements in PCI due to various maintenance actions

Shoulder maintenance Pothole patching Patching and slurry seal (pre-mix carpet)
Present pavement condition (K1) (K2) (K3) (K4)
Very good PCI .80 NA NA NA NA
Good PCI 70– 80 2 5 10 15
PCI 60– 70 2 5 10 25
Fair PCI 50– 60 2 10 25 35
PCI 40– 50 2 10 25 45
Poor PCI 30– 40 2 15 35 50
PCI 20– 30 2 15 35 60
Very poor PCI 10– 20 2 20 45 70
PCI ,10 2 20 45 80
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 357

Table 2. Details of road stretches selected for the case study.

PCI of the road

Road Age as on Construction stretches in the
stretch ID 2009 (years) quality (CQ) year 2009
1 6.2 0.625 7.00
2 6.0 0.750 15.5
3 5.8 0.750 19.6
4 5.5 0.750 27.4
5 6.0 0.625 11.5
6 5.0 0.625 36.5
7 5.8 0.750 19.6
8 5.8 0.563 14.6
9 5.8 0.563 14.6
Figure 3. Effect of maintenance treatment on the performance 10 4.9 0.750 40.5
of pavement in terms of PCI. 11 5.2 0.625 32.9
12 5.0 0.625 36.5
13 5.8 0.750 19.6
effect of a maintenance action was accounted in terms of 14 6.0 0.563 10.0
15 6.0 0.625 11.5
decrease in the age of pavement. The procedure adopted for
Downloaded by [Binu Sara Mathew] at 02:28 11 June 2014

accounting the effect of maintenance treatment on the

further performance of the pavement is illustrated in Figure
of Rates (2008) of Kerala State PWD are shown in Table 3.
3. As seen from Figure 3, the PCI of a road section at an age
The major distresses noticed in the study stretches were
of 5 years is 39.0 and if a treatment of slurry seal is carried
only functional and hence the maintenance treatments
out at this stage, its PCI increases by 35.0 and reaches a
considered do not include pavement strengthening
value of 74.0. The effect of the maintenance treatment on
treatments. The discount rate for the present optimisation
the road section is accounted as the reduction in the age of
model was assumed as 4% (Priya 2008).
pavement and the new age is taken as the age corresponding
to a PCI of 74, which is 3.2 years. Further deterioration of
the road section was calculated using this new age as the
basis. If there was no treatment carried out in any year, then 3.1 GA parameters selected for the case study
the age at that time was simply incremented and the The number of solutions in each generation (population
deterioration was estimated as before till any treatment was size) should be carefully chosen and hence a parametric
carried out for that stretch of the road. The age of the road study was carried out on a sample road network to select
corresponding to the new PCI after each maintenance the GA parameters and the minimum population size
treatment was back calculated in the algorithm using the which yielded the best result was found to be 800 and
same deterioration equation in terms of PCI (Equation (8)) hence the population size was fixed as 800. The crossover
by trial and error process. Thus, whenever some treatment probability was fixed as 0.85 and mutation probability was
was carried out for a road, its age thereafter has to be reset to selected as 0.005. Both the budget and performance
an age corresponding to the improved PCI and the further constraints were handled using ‘penalty and repair’
deterioration was to be accounted from that age. method. Total number of repairs was limited to 100 and
if the solution could not be repaired at this stage, the
objective function was penalised heavily so that its fitness
3. Case study reduced drastically. Stopping criterion defines the
The feasibility of the proposed model was established by condition of termination of search and was set as the
conducting a case study for the rural road network which moment when there is no further improvement in the best
was used for the development of PCI prediction model for
a 10-year analysis period (Binu 2012). The road network Table 3. Maintenance treatments selected for the study.
consisted of 15 road stretches, each of length 0.5 km with
an average age of 5.7 years and construction quality (CQ) Code Cost (Rs in
Maintenance treatment assigned lakhs/lane/km)
of selected road stretches varies from 0.5625 to 0.75. The
pavement condition data in the year 2009 were used to Do nothing K0 0.000
calculate the PCI values of the road stretches in the Shoulder maintenance K1 0.250
beginning of the analysis period. Age and PCI values of Pothole patching K2 0.500
Patching and slurry seal K3 2.438
the road stretches as on the year 2009 and the CQ are Resurfacing with pre-mix K4 4.310
tabulated in Table 2. Maintenance treatments considered carpet (20 mm)
in this programme and their cost/lane/km as per Schedule
358 B.S. Mathew and K.P. Isaac

Table 4. A typical optimised maintenance programme for the rural road network selected for the case study (minimum PCI: 40, ratio of
priority: 0.5/0.5).
stretch Optimised maintenance actions for the road stretches
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2010 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 0 2 2 4 4 4
2011 1 1 0 4 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 1 1
2012 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2
2013 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3
2014 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2
2015 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3
2016 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2
2017 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3
2018 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2
2019 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3

Note: where 0 – do nothing; 1 – shoulder maintenance; 2 – pothole patching; 3 – patching and lurry seal; 4 – resurfacing with pre-mix carpet.

solution value for the last 10% of the total number of performance and minimisation of maintenance cost is
Downloaded by [Binu Sara Mathew] at 02:28 11 June 2014

generations. shown in Table 4. The total maintenance cost was set not
to exceed Rs. 25 lakhs for any year of the analysis period.
An effort was made to observe the distribution of the
3.2 Experimentation of the optimisation model
maintenance cost requirement over the analysis period for
Main input parameters of the optimisation model developed the maintenance programme shown in Table 4 and is shown
include the age and CQ of the roads in the network, the ratio in Figure 4. The road network selected for the case study
of priority assigned to the two objectives of maximisation consisted of roads with age ranging from 4.92 to 6.17 years
of performance and minimisation of maintenance cost, the without any maintenance action being carried out till the start
minimum expected performance level of the network in of the analysis period. Consequently, the maintenance cost
terms of PCI value, maximum budget level allocated and requirement for the first year of analysis period is as high as
the discount rate selected for the estimation of the present 25% of the total maintenance cost and the maintenance cost
worth of maintenance cost. The model was run using the required over the rest of the years is more or less constant.
initial input parameters, namely age and CQ of the road
stretches of the rural road network used for the study in
the development of deterioration models. Condition of 3.2.2 Effect of priority assigned to objectives on the
the roads at the end of year 2009 was used as input to the maintenance decisions
optimisation model and the PCI of the roads was then
The maintenance decision will depend on the priority
calculated using Equation (8). Analysis period for the
assigned between the two objectives, namely performance
maintenance programme was chosen as 10 years, i.e. from
and maintenance cost. When performance is assigned
the year 2010 to 2019. The budget allocated, the minimum
higher priority and maintenance cost assigned a lesser
required performance level of the road network and the
priority selected for the maximisation of pavement
performance and minimisation of maintenance cost were
then specified. The initial population for the problem was
generated by random process and the sequence of
operations using genetic algorithm as shown in Figure 3
was then performed. The optimised maintenance pro-
gramme was selected as the best solution in the final pool of
solutions when the stopping criterion was satisfied.

3.2.1 A typical maintenance programme for the rural

road network
A typical maintenance programme obtained for the road
network keeping the minimum expected performance
level of the road network at a PCI value of 40 and Figure 4. Distribution of maintenance cost requirement over
assigning equal priority for both maximisation of analysis period.
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 359

Table 5. Effect of varying ratio of priority levels of pavement

performance to cost minimisation

Ratio of priority Percentage Percentage

of performance to increase in total improvement
maintenance cost maintenance cost in average PCI
0/1 – –
0.3/0.7 0.3 0.3
0.5/0.5 6.6 16.3
0.7/0.3 19.6 24.2
1/0 44.6 32.9

Figure 5. Variation of total maintenance cost with varying maintenance cost was reduced to 30%, the maintenance
priority of pavement performance and maintenance cost. cost increased to 19.6%, whereas the PCI increase was
only 24.2%. The incremental increase in the maintenance
priority, the maintenance cost will be high and the road cost was quite high, when the priority of performance was
network will have a better PCI value. Therefore, a trade- assigned a weightage of 70% (ratio of priority: 0.7/0.3) and
off between the two priorities is essential whereby the 100% (ratio of priority: 1/0), when compared with the case
Downloaded by [Binu Sara Mathew] at 02:28 11 June 2014

pavement can be maintained at a reasonable level with of weightage of 30% (ratio of priority: 0.3/0.7) and 50%
minimum cost. Hence, the ratio of priority of the two (ratio of priority: 0.5/0.5).
objectives was varied to find out the resultant maintenance
cost and average PCI of the road network. The results of
the analysis are shown in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. It 4. Conclusions
can be observed from Figures 5 and 6 that the average PCI Rural roads, which play a vital role in Indian economic
of the road network for an equal priority (0.5:0.5) for both system, need immediate attention with respect to its
objectives is as high as 65, which is a reasonable maintenance and management. This study is a pursuit
performance level for a road network and the total towards the development of a comprehensive, scientific
maintenance cost amounts to Rs. 88.25 lakhs. When PMMS for rural roads. An effort was taken to develop a
priority assigned to performance is 0.7 and 1.0, the PCI deterministic optimisation model satisfying two objec-
value increases to 70 and 75, respectively, and the total tives, namely maximisation of pavement performance and
maintenance cost increases to Rs. 100 – 120 lakhs, minimisation of maintenance cost. For optimising
respectively. A further analysis of the results of maintenance programming of rural roads, the major
maintenance cost and PCI value in terms of the percentage constraints considered were the budget and the perform-
increase was carried out and is shown in Table 5. From ance level of the road network. GA was used as the
Table 5, it can be observed that the percentage optimisation tool to take care of the combinatorial nature
improvement in average PCI for a priority level of of pavement maintenance programming and the algorithm
0.5/0.5 over a priority level of 0/1 is 16.3, which is for the optimisation problem was coded using Net Beans
achieved with an increase in the maintenance cost of 6.6%, 6.9.1 IDE in Java environment. Pavement performance in
but when the priority of performance was given a high the optimisation model was accounted in terms of the
weightage of 70% and the weightage to priority of the composite index, PCI and a model was developed for the
prediction of PCI. A case study was conducted using the
developed optimisation model for a rural road network
comprising 15 road stretches in Kerala state. It was
observed from the analysis of the results of case study that:
. The deterministic bi-objective optimisation model
developed in this study can be used effectively to
arrive at an optimal maintenance programme for a
rural road network.
. A bi-objective model, with an equal priority for
minimisation of maintenance cost and maximisation
of performance, will guarantee a reasonable
performance level for the rural road network.

Figure 6. Variation of the average PCI of the road network with The flexibility in the formulation of the optimisation
varying priority of pavement performance and maintenance cost. model permits the incorporation of various performance
360 B.S. Mathew and K.P. Isaac

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