Vol. 1 Issue 3

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1 ISSUE 3 MAY 7, 2011

The Infowars.com report also mentions Pieczenik having
Osama bin Laden’s worked directly with bin Laden in the late 70’s and early
80’s when the U.S. funded the terrorist in an effort to run
out the Russians from Afghanistan.
Death a Political Pieczenik told Alex Jones that the war in Afghanistan, which
ensued after 9/11, was contrived “with the agreement of
Ploy the bin Laden family, knowing full well that he would die”.
“And I think that Musharraf, the President of Pakistan,
spilled the beans by accident three months ago when he
May 1 2011, around 10p.m. CST, Obama announced the
said that Bin Laden was dead because his kidney dialysis
death of Osama bin Laden as a result of an operation the
machines were destroyed in East Afghanistan.”
Commander-In-Chief ordered. Obama declared, “Justice has
been done” and called the killing “the most significant In August 2002 Paul Joseph Watson reported for
achievement to date” in the war with al Qeada. prisonplanet.com of Alex Jones being told, from a high level
source inside the Bush administration, that bin Laden had
Since the tragedy of September 11, 2001, bin Laden has
died of natural causes; and the bin Laden family handed
been public enemy number one and a supposedly “ten-
over the body to the CIA. “They’re gonna roll him out right
year-long-manhunt” came to an end Sunday May 1, 2011.
before the election, that he’s on ice right now,” said Jones
However, much of the American public seems to be
quoting the republican.
ignorant of bin Laden having kidney disease and reportedly
passing away shortly after 9/11 May 3, 2011, Piezcenik returned to the Alex Jones Show to
reconfirm his statements concerning the death of bin Laden
December 26, 2001, Fox News reported that the Afghan
in the 2002 interview. “As a physician I had known that the
Taliban officially declared bin Laden dead the previous
CIA physicians had treated him and it was on the
month. Fox News’ report was based on a Pakistan Observer
intelligence roster that he had marfan syndrome,” Piezcenik
story which had reported of the terrorist’s death and his
told Jones.
burial within 24 hours in an unmarked grave.
Mafran syndrome is a genetic disease with no known
According to an article from The Corbett Report, bin Laden
permanent cure. The disease drastically shortens the
has been pronounced dead nine times including the Fox
lifespan of those who suffer from the syndrome.
News report, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid reporting
of being told that in 2005, bin Laden may have been killed With nine pronouncements of bin Laden’s death, neither
in a Pakistan earthquake that same year, and Obama’s one of the reports can be confirmed. Although the Obama
announcement Sunday night. administration claims to have a 99.9% DNA match of bin
Laden’s corpse, the body was buried at sea within 12 hours
Steve R. Pieczenik, a former Council on Foreign Relations
of the assassination. The swift riddance of the body brings
member and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State to Henry
into the question the authenticity of the terrorist’s death
Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Shultz, and James Baker
executed by Navy Seals.
revealed to the Alex Jones Show in April 2002 that bin
Laden had been dead for months, according to an The Obama administration claims that the quick burial of
infowars.com report. bin Laden’s body was carried out with respects to Islamic
law; however, according to The Laura Ingram Show, Laura

told her audience that Islamic law forbids a corpse to be Excerpt from Department of Homeland Security
buried in salt water.
Statement from Press Secretary Matt Chandler
The news of the death of Osama bin Laden brings closure to
“DHS issued an intelligence message May 5 to its federal,
many who lost loved ones in the World Trade Center
state, local and tribal partners about potential Al-Qa'ida
attacks, however, seems to have taken away attention from
contemplation in February 2010 of plots against the U.S. rail
the major issues which plague our nation at this very
sector. For the same reason, the Transportation Security
moment. With Obama having the lowest approval rating of Administration will issue a bulletin to rail sector
any U.S. president, our dollar losing its status as the world stakeholders. We have no information of any imminent
reserve currency, and the illegal war in Libya, it would seem terrorist threat to the U.S. rail sector, but wanted to make our
convenient for the Obama administration to distract us partners aware of the alleged plotting; it is unclear if any
from these issues and boast of the killing of the world’s further planning has been conducted since February of last
most wanted under his watch. Not to mention the fact that year.
Obama is facing reelection for 2012. Yes sir, how
convenient. We want to stress that this alleged Al Qa’ida plotting is
based on initial reporting, which is often misleading or
With 9/11 being the darkest day in American history, inaccurate and subject to change. We remain at a heightened
Obama has capitalized on the “killing” of bin Laden under state of vigilance, but do not intend to issue an NTAS alert at
this time. We will issue alerts only when we have specific or
his administration which may catapult him into a second
credible information to convey to the American public. Our
term after his destruction of our great nation. security posture, which always includes a number of
measures both seen and unseen, will continue to respond
But now with bin Laden’s death, we are now being warned appropriately to protect the American people from an
of retaliation of Islamic radicals against the U.S.; and with evolving threat picture both in the coming days and beyond.
what this article entails, this may set up the stage for yet
another false flag attack against America. Since Sunday, DHS and its partners have taken a number of
actions, including but not limited to: reviewing protective
Truth be told, it frightens me of the future following bin measures for all potential terrorist targets, including critical
infrastructure and transportation systems across the country;
Laden’s death under the Obama administration. As of now,
deploying additional officers to non-secured areas at our
we do not know of what is to come from Osama’s death, nation’s airports; and identifying any new targeting rules
but it would seem that more of our liberties will be stripped that should be instituted to strengthen the ways we assess the
from us, all in the name of security. The police state will risk of both passengers and cargo coming to the United
more than likely increase and we will gladly oblige for our States.”

To The Reader

search out
Thank you again for reading YOU DECIDE! where you will
find certain truths not readily made available to the people.
Here every honest effort is put forth to gather such
information and present it in a manner for you to make
your own decision and not take my word for it. I implore
you to contribute to YOU DECIDE! through tips, ideas,
comments, and even criticism.

the truth! Mando Conde

Contact Info: you.decide27@gmail.com

Farenthold also voted yes on the abolishing of federal
Blake Farenthold financing of Presidential elections.

As a freshman Congressman, Farenthold has been doing

Our Congressman at Work quite well as far as his voting record and meeting with his
constituents, however, there are a few things which
concern me about our newly elected Congressman.
Last November citizens of
District 27 indicated the First is his vote on House Amendment 92 which would
need for change by electing prohibit the use of federal funds for NASCAR sponsorship.
Republican Blake Farenthold Although the amendment was rejected by the House,
rather than incumbent Farenthold voted against this amendment. How can
Solomon Ortiz. someone who sees the need to cut wasteful government
spending want to use our tax dollars to support a sport
Farenthold initiated an which does nothing for this country but distract the people
aggressive campaign from issues which really matter?
promising change and to
fulfill his obligations, as a Farenthold’s vote against Amendment 92 seems to
Congressman, for the contradict his pledge to use his position on the House
betterment of the district. Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to
Image: USACEpublicaffairs As a Tea Party candidate, investigate cases of waste and abuse of federal funds.
Farenthold saw the need
to cut government Farenthold’s vote to extend certain provisions of the
spending and remove federal regulations which have been PATRIOT Act raises another concern for me as a citizen. One
killing many jobs. extension would grant the FBI the authority to obtain
wiretaps from the secret intelligence court, known as the
While campaigning for the 27th district seat Farenthold sent Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court, without
three requests to the office of Ortiz challenging the identifying the target or what method of communication
incumbent to debates which would have taken place in would be tapped.
Kingsville, Brownsville, and Corpus Christi. Ortiz never
responded even though one request was sent as certified Another provision would allow, through FISA, for the FBI to
mail. With no response, Farenthold took action and claimed obtain library, banking, and medicalrecords of citizens
September 13-19, 2010 as “Chicken Week” urging without any confirmed connections to terrorism or
supporters of Ortiz to contact him to ask that he stop being espionage.
a chicken and agree to a debate. Along with “Chicken
Farenthold’s statements, regarding the extensions,
Week” Farenthold also sent 400 rubber chickens to Ortiz’s
conveyed concerns of finding a balance between civil
offices and launched the website: www.
liberties and keeping Americans safe, and ensured his
aggressive attempt to preserve our liberties before any long
These actions and ideals exhibit the strengths of a leader. term extensions are voted on.
They reveal the perseverance and commitment to the truth.
There may exist a balance between liberty and safety,
These are the some of the reasons why the residents in
however, Benjamin Franklin outlined it best by declaring
District 27 proudly elected Farenthold as our Congressman.
that anyone who wishes to give up security for liberty
Since taking office Farenthold has kept his word by voting deserves and will have neither.
yes to repealing Obama care, repealing the Form 1099
Farenthold is one of the few freshmen in the House who
Provision in the Health Care Law, and prohibiting federal
sits on three committees. Along with the Government
funding for Planned Parenthood and National Public Radio.
Oversight and Reform Committee, the Transportation and
Infrastructure Committee, Farenthold holds a sit on the the Constitution, protecting us from unwarranted and
Committee on Homeland Security illegal searches?

In early February 2011, Farenthold addressed Homeland Another factor which I take issue with Congressman
Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, during a Homeland Farenthold is his apparent loss of conviction and criticism
Security Committee Homeland Threat Outlook hearing, which carried him into office.
regarding border security, drug related violence in Mexico
crossing our southern border, and the TSA. During Farentholds campaign he condemned Ortiz’s
shortcomings as a Congressman, yet in a KIII interview with
When Napolitano minimized the amount of violence Joe Gazin, Farenthold appeared to defend Ortiz by saying
seething into the U.S. from Mexico, I was proud to see our the incumbent started off with good intentions as a blue
Congressman respectfully disagree. The southern border of dog Democrat but spent too much time on trips which
our District is out-lined by the Rio Grande River, therefore, ended in him losing touch with South Texas.
Farenthold knows full well of the violence crossing our
border. However, I was rather disgusted when Farenthold When Obama decided, on be-half of the United Nations, to
spoke of the TSA. initiate a No-Fly Zone (a deliberate and unlawful act of war)
in Libya, Farenthold only had the following to say:
Farenthold informed Napolitano of his 21 year-old
daughter’s encounter with the TSA. Farenthold referred to “Only Congress can declare war. While
his daughter’s pat-down, after her “misfortunate false President Obama can engage in military
positive” body scan, as “a sexual assault in most states” operations, he must first inform Congress
rather than claiming the TSA’s actions for what they are: and seek the advice and consent of those
Crimes. who were sent to Washington, D.C. to
serve the American public.”
Our Congressman seemed to encourage TSA’s “Trusted
Traveler” program; where travelers register for the program “I urge the President to work with
and pay user fees to avoid the invasive and unconstitutional Congress before furthering military
searches when he stated: operations abroad.”

“A trusted traveler program would seem I urge the President? I want a leader who demands justice
like it would pay for itself by user fees to and the adherence to our Constitution, rather than act as if
alleviate that burden on the people who he is filling out a suggestion card for his employer.
chose to take advantage of it.”

Apparently Farenthold believes we must pay for our

liberties and self-respect; all in the name of safety. Has our
Congressman forgotten of the right, declared through

Well Mr. Farenthold we are your employer and through the
power delegated to you by us, we demand that you
maintain your convictions and convey the agenda of
freedom and prosperity, which were endowed to us by our
Creator to live as sovereign individuals, to Washington.


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