Mechanisms of Dental Plaque Formation: Abstract-Much Effort Has Been Placed On Elucidating The

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A.AA. SCHEIE he adhesive potential of micro-organisms is considered
Department of Oral Biology to be an important ecologic and pathogenic determinant
Dental Faculty, University of Oslo in the development of infectious diseases. In the same
Pb 1052, Blindern way, microbial adhesion to tooth surfaces has been
N-0316 Oslo, Norway considered an important oral ecologic factor (van Houte et al.,
1970, 1971; Gibbons and van Houte, 1975). Much effort has
Adv Dent Res 8(2):246-253, July, 1994 been placed on elucidating the diverse mechanisms of microbial
adhesion to tooth surfaces. The obvious reason for this particular
interest is the anticipated role of dental plaque in the development
Abstract—Much effort has been placed on elucidating the of dental caries and periodontal disease, and the possibility for
diverse mechanisms of microbial adhesion to tooth surfaces. prophylactic interventions through interference with microbial
Both specific and non-specific types of adhesion have been adhesion.
envisaged. Pioneer colonizers represent a selected part of the The present paper is not intended to be a comprehensive
oral microflora, and it has been assumed that specific adhesin- review of all aspects of microbial adhesion to tooth surfaces,
receptor interactions between the microbial surface and the but rather a discussion of the clinical implications of our
pellicle account for this specificity. Whereas microbial adhesion present knowledge obtained from the numerous in vitro model
to tooth surfaces is a general prerequisite for initiation of studies.
plaque formation, microbial multiplication is probably the
dominant feature in the build-up of dental plaque. Local MICROBIAL COMPOSITION
environmental factors which influence the establishment and OF THE EARLY PLAQUE FLORA
composition of the ultimate plaque community are therefore of There is general agreement that the early plaque flora constitutes
greater importance than initial adhesion per se. The highly a selected part of the oral microflora, namely, the oral
individual and site-related characteristics of the plaque flora streptococci and, in particular, Streptococcus sanguis (Gibbons
illustrate the selective power of the environment. Environmental andvanHoute, 1975;Socransky^a/., 1977; Syed and Loesche,
conditions are not uniform. Thus, each site represents its own 1978; Theilade et al., 1982; Nyvad and Kilian, 1987;
distinct ecosystem, and the microbial composition at the site Macpherson etal., 1991). However, due to the recent changes
depends on the outcome of a variety of host-microbial and in taxonomy of the oral streptococci (Schmidhuber etal., 1987;
microbial-microbial interactions. The relative in vivo Kilian et al., 1989), variations in the nomenclature make
significance of these interactions is difficult to assess. comparisons of new and old data on the numbers of the various
streptococcal species difficult. By applying the revised
taxonomy, Nyvad and Kilian (1987, 1990) and Macpherson
and co-workers (1991) provide new insight. They performed
quantitative and qualitative studies of the early plaque flora in
vivo. Several enamel and/or root surface slabs were mounted
in appliances, allowing for comparisons of undisturbed plaque
developed for various time periods under identical conditions.
Both studies confirm the dominance of streptococci in early
plaque. This is the case for both enamel and root surfaces
(Nyvad and Kilian, 1987), in caries-active as well as in caries-
inactive individuals (Nyvad and Kilian, 1990), and for enamel
surfaces regardless of the presence or absence of sucrose
(Macpherson etal., 1991).
The studies revealed that the early colonizing streptococci
belong mainly to three species: Streptococcus mitis (Nyvad
and Kilian, 1987, 1990); Streptococcus oralis, the previous S.
sanguis 11 and Streptococcus mitior; and S. sanguis (Nyvad
This manuscript was presented at a Symposium entitled
"Mechanisms and Agents in Preventive Dentistry", held and Kilian, 1987, 1990; Macpherson etal., 1991).
October 28-November 1, 1992, in Chester, England, under The high levels of streptococci encountered in early plaque
the auspices of the Council of Europe Research Group on may be taken to support specificity of microbial adhesion.
Surface and Colloid Phenomena. However, both the number of micro-organisms available for
adhesion (van Houte and Green, 1974) and their inherent

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Mode Rate Time to Reach 10n Cells per mm2
10 105 106 107 108
Adhesion 1% perh lh 10 h 4d 40 d lyr
Growth 2 h gen. time lh 6h 12 h 24 h 36 h
0rstavikD, 1984.

ability to adhere determine the probability for adherence environments as a four-stage sequence. This also may serve as
(Gibbons and van Houte, 1975). Thus, caries-active individuals a schematic representation of the dynamic plaque formation
who show higher salivary levels of micro-organisms may also process: The first stage involves the initial transport of a
show a higher plaque formation rate (Ny vad and Kilian, 1990). bacterium to the tooth surface. Random contact may occur, for
The high levels of streptococci in early plaque may therefore, instance, through Brownian motions, through sedimentation
on the one hand, reflect the fact that they comprise a major of micro-organisms, through liquid flow, or through active
portion of the salivary flora. Streptococcus salivarius, on the movement of the micro-organisms.
other hand, is the most prevalent salivary streptococcal species, The second stage is the initial, reversible adsorption which
but constitutes only a minor portion of the plaque flora, thus results in the secondary minimum. These interactions are too
supporting the selectivity involved in early plaque formation. weak to provide firm attachment. They result from interplay
Actinomyces spp. are the most prevalent among Gram- between attractive van der Waals' forces and repulsive
positive rods, but constitute less than 10% of total viable electrostatic interactions. These interactions are influenced by
counts. Other Gram-positive rods encountered are pH and ionic strength of the suspending medium and are
Propionibacteria, Corynebacteria, and Rothia (Nyvad and determined by macroscopic, physico-chemical characteristics
Kilian, 1987). Interestingly, both the two previously mentioned of the interacting surfaces, i.e., the surface charge and surface
studies indicate variable and decreasing proportions of Gram- energy or hydrophobicity of the pellicle-covered tooth surface
positive rods during early phases of plaque formation. A lag and adhering micro-organisms.
time for replication (Macpherson et a/., 1991) or a relatively Once these forces have been overcome, it is thought that
slow growth rate (Nyvad and Kilian, 1987; Nyvad and biologically specific microscopic characteristics of the pellicle-
Fejerskov, 1987b) of the Actinomyces spp., was suggested to covered tooth and microbial surfaces become determinant for
account for this phenomenon. the following firm attachment, which constitutes the third
Ultrastructural studies by both scanning and transmission stage. The firm attachment is followed by surface colonization
electron microscopy confirm the cultural findings (Nyvad and and biofilm formation, which eventually reaches the "climax
Fejerskov, 1987a,b). However, whether the seemingly community" of dental plaque.
qualitative selectivity relates to specificity of the initial Experimentally, the four stages may be separated, and a
adsorption process or to varying ability to metabolize and grow number of model systems has been used to characterize the
on the tooth surface at initial stages is not ascertained. It was mechanisms involved in the separate events, with the assumption
shown by use of a vital fluorescence technique that the relative that they function similarly in vivo. In particular, the non-
number of viable micro-organisms was lower in the early specific, macroscopic surface characteristics of stage two and
(four-hour) than in later (24-hour) phases of plaque formation, the specific microscopic adhesin-receptor interactions involved
probably due to a high sensitivity to and accessibility for in stage three have been studied and provided important
salivary antimicrobial factors against early colonizers (Weiger knowledge. Nevertheless, data from such studies have not yet
et al., 1993). This latter observation supports the view that, led to a complete understanding of the processes as they occur
besides microbial adhesive properties, local environmental in vivo.
factors have decisive impact on early plaque formation. Unfortunately, most studies have been performed in vitro,
often under conditions which are irrelevant for a clinical
MICROBIAL ATTACHMENT TO TOOTH SURFACES situation. It is extremely difficult to create in vitro systems
which simulate oral conditions. Minor alterations in the
General Considerations composition, the pH, or the ionic strength of the suspending
Classic studies have outlined two stages in microbial adhesion: medium, as occurs, for instance, in the presence of saliva, may
the reversible sorption, which is an instantaneous attraction of alter the adhesive properties in the system. Moreover, the role
micro-organisms to a surface, followed by irreversible sorption of saliva has often been neglected. An important point is that
which involves biologically specific reactions providing firm all surfaces in the oral cavity, including the micro-organisms,
adhesion of micro-organisms to the surface (Marshall et aL, adsorb salivary proteins, forming a protein film which may
1971). In a recent review, vanLoosdrechtefa/. (1990) illustrated alter surface properties and mask surface structures. Therefore,
schematically microbial adhesion to surfaces in aquatic the inherent effects of the surface characteristics of the naked

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tooth or micro-organism are probably limited. Saliva also

provides available calcium ions which may bridge opposing Role of Macroscopic Surface Characteristics
negatively charged tooth and microbial surfaces, thus providing Macroscopic cell surface characteristics relevant for microbial
non-specific binding (R0lla, 1976). Furthermore, saliva contains adhesion include surface energy, zeta potential, and
components with the ability both to promote and to inhibit hydrophobicity, which are interrelated phenomena.
microbial adhesion (Mandel, 1989). Theoretically, modification of the chemical characteristics of
Another point is that by employing laboratory strains, the tooth surface would seem to be an attractive non-
which is most often the case in model studies, one runs the risk antimicrobial way of controlling plaque formation.
of studying micro-organisms which have lost or modified
surface components involved in adhesion, such as surface Surface Energy
appendages and hydrophobicity. Also, caution should be used Critical surface tension (Glantz, 1969; Christersson et al,
in generalizing such data, since many reactions are strain- 1989) or interfacial surface free-energy (Busscher and
related rather than species-related. Thus, adhesive events in in Weerkamp, 1987) has been postulated as a driving force for
vitro model systems may well proceed through routes which initial adhesion of micro-organisms to solid surfaces.
have no or little relevance to the in vivo situation. Surface energy determinations are based on in vitro contact
Model systems are "clean systems" which allow for the angle measurements of the substratum (Glantz, 1969;
study of isolated factors, but they cannot mimic, in any way, the Christersson et al, 1989) or of the substratum and the micro-
individually varying physiological conditions at the various organisms (Busscher and Weerkamp, 1987). It is shown in
sites within the dentition. Thus, the mechanisms delineated in vitro that adsorption of micro-organisms depends on critical
simplified systems represent only fractions of the numerous surface tension of the substratum and the flow rate of saliva.
interacting and competing factors operating among the entire Very hydrophobic and very hydrophilic surfaces retain few
flora. Therefore, the relative in vivo significance of the various micro-organisms (Christersson et al, 1989), whereas surfaces
factors cannot be assessed in such studies. of medium critical surface tension (35-38 mN/m) retain the
Most model studies fail to account for the considerable highest number of micro-organisms from human whole saliva.
contribution to the plaque mass of microbial proliferation Adsorption of Streptococcus and Actinomyces spp. is similar
(Brecx et al, 1983) as well as the various environmental in this system, yet streptococci dominate in early plaque in vivo
factors which influence early stages of plaque formation. (Nyvad and Kilian, 1987, 1990; Macpherson et al, 1991).
In view of the complex environment within the oral cavity, By using hydroxyapatite made hydrophilic by various agents,
the true situation can be studied only in vivo. Clinical studies Olsson and co-workers (Olsson et al, 1990) showed, in vitro,
show that micro-organisms colonize as individual organisms. that adhesion of a hydrophobic S. mutans strain was reduced.
The increase in number from 12-24 h is accounted for mainly However, when the same agents were tested clinically, only
by cell division (Ny vad and Fejerskov, 1987b). This is supported minor, statistically non-significant effects on plaque formation
by the calculations made by 0rstavik (1984, Table 1). According were obtained (Olsson et al, 1990).
to his assumptions, that 1% of the micro-organisms adhere per According to the model of interfacial surface free-energy,
hour and that the generation time is 2 h, the time to reach 106 the change in free energy as materials form interfaces is
micro-organisms would be 4 days by adhesion, but only 12 h important. Adhesion is favored if it is accompanied by a
by microbial growth. The importance of growth may be decrease in free energy of the system, i. e., interfacial free energy
overestimated and the role of adhesion may have been of micro-organisms, substratum, and suspending medium.
underestimated in these calculations, since the generation time Accordingly, low surface free-energy micro-organisms adhere
in plaque is generally longer than 2 h and only a few of the to low surface free-energy substrata, and high surface free-
micro-organisms in dental plaque are actually dividing energy micro-organisms to high surface free-energy substrata
(Critchley and Bowen, 1970). Moreover, the number of micro- (Busscher and Weerkamp, 1987). In vitro measurements show
organisms adhering may be higher than 1 %. Notably, the inter- large differences in the surface free-energy of individual
individual differences in plaque formation become evident microbial isolates (37.8-122.6 mJnr2, Weerkamp et al, 1989).
during the proliferative phase from 12-24 h (Nyvad and Most oral micro-organisms have high surface free-energy,
Fejerskov, 1987a), thus supporting the importance of microbial which theoretically implies that they adhere preferentially to
growth for dental plaque formation and for its diversity in surfaces with high surface free-energy, such as dental enamel
composition. (88 mJm2; Busscher and Weerkamp, 1987; Weerkamp et al,
Whereas microbial adhesion is a prerequisite for initiation 1989). Theoretically, lowering the surface free-energy of teeth
of plaque formation in vivo, microbial proliferation is probably would thus reduce colonization. Support for this assumption
the dominant feature in the build-up of plaque. Studies of has been found in in vivo comparative studies of plaque
plaque formation mechanisms should therefore include the formation on enamel (88 mJnr2), cellulose-acetate (58 mJnr2),
study of factors involved in the stage from firm attachment to and Teflon® (20 mJnr2) (Quirynen et al, 1989; Weerkamp et
the established biofilm, i.e., factors which affect microbial al, 1989). Significantly fewer micro-organisms colonized the
proliferation and intermicrobial binding. Teflon and cellulose-acetate surfaces than enamel, which has a
In the following, comments will be made on recent in vivo higher surface free-energy than the two synthetic test surfaces.
and in vitro findings, with particular reference to their clinical Also, low surface free-energy micro-organisms were found to
significance. colonize the low energy surfaces preferentially (Quirynen etal,

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1989; Weerkamp et al., 1989). Mean surface free-energy of essential surface structures of the micro-organism may be lost
micro-organisms adhering to Teflon, cellulose acetate, and upon repeated subculture, along with the loss of hydrophobicity.
enamel were 84 mJm2, 86 mJm2, and 93 mJm2, respectively Thus, no definite conclusions can be drawn from these two
(Weerkamp et al., 1989). Moreover, the adhesion to the low latter studies about the clinical significance of surface
surface free-energy surfaces seemed weak (Quirynen et al., hydrophobicity.
Interestingly, in a recent clinical study, the influence of ROLE OF MICROSCOPIC SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS
surface roughness was found to be more important for plaque
formation in vivo than surface free-energy per se. The rough Salivary Components
surfaces (13-15 |im) were more heavily colonized, and the Several salivary components have been shown to aggregate
plaque was at a more mature stage after six days than plaque on micro-organisms. This aggregating ability has been taken to
a comparable smooth surface (0.75 jam, Quirynen etal., 1990). support a role of certain salivary components in microbial
This corroborates the clinical findings by Nyvad and Kilian adhesion to the pellicle-covered tooth surface and to confer
(1987) and Nyvad and Fejerskov (1987b) that root surfaces are specificity to the adhesive process of the early colonizers
more heavily colonized than enamel surfaces, and underlines (Ericson and Magnusson, 1976). For instance, salivary
the modulating potential of the multitude of factors operating oligosaccharide-containing glycoproteins may serve as
in vivo. receptors for oral streptococci in the salivary pellicle (Gibbons
and Qureshi, 1978), and the salivary proline-rich protein 1 and
Zeta Potential statherin have been implicated as receptors for type 1 fimbriae
The zeta potential of an organism has also been described as of A. viscosus (Gibbons etal., 1988).
being an important surface characteristic in adhesion (Olsson It seems paradoxical, however, that the same salivary
et al., 1976). The zeta potential is determined by the nature and components which serve as receptors for microbial adhesion
number of ionogenic groups on the cell surface and depends on when parts of the pellicle would inhibit microbial adhesion
the pH and ionic strength of the suspending medium. A low by binding to microbial adhesins when they are present in
negative charge expectedly favors adhesion. According to this solution in saliva. Gibbons and co-workers (Gibbons 1989;
concept, the higher cariogenicity of Streptococcus sobrinus Gibbons et al., 1990) recently pointed to the conformational
over other mutans streptococci (de Soet et al., 1991) was changes which may occur in proteins upon adsorption to
ascribed to a comparatively smaller negative surface charge surfaces. They showed in vitro, for instance, ihatActinomyces
(van der Mei et al., 1991). However, adsorption to saliva- spp., which bind to proline-rich proteins in the adsorbed
coated glass surfaces was found to be the same for all tested state, fail to interact with the same proteins when present in
species, including S. sobrinus, regardless of both surface free- solution (Gibbons etal., 1990). The explanation may be that,
energy and surface charge (Busscher et al., 1992). upon adsorption, previously hidden molecular segments which
may serve as receptors are being exposed. Such "cryptitopes"
Hydrophobicity may be revealed by the adsorption of the molecule to the
Although microbial hydrophobicity is ill-defined (van der tooth surface, or by the enzymatic cleavage of terminal
Mei, 1989), hydrophobicity of micro-organisms has been residues. For instance, neuraminidase removes terminal sialic
implicated as being important for adherence. Various methods acid residues, resulting in exposure of galactosyl. This may,
have been used to measure microbial hydrophobicity, which on the one hand, reduce the adhesion of micro-organisms
varies widely among various species and strains. Hydrophobic which bind to neuraminidase-sensitive receptors such as S.
micro-organisms are attracted to solid surfaces by rejection sanguisandS. mitis strains (Liljemarker al., 1989),but may,
from the aqueous phase. It is suggested that ionic, ion-dipole, on the other hand, increase the adhesion of other successor
or hydrogen bond interactions may be stabilized by hydrophobic micro-organisms (Gibbons, 1989). Proteases, for instance,
bonds (Nesbitt etal., 1982). Fimbriae which may bridge gaps may cleave peptide bonds, thus exposing arginine residues,
between micro-organisms and tooth surfaces have been making them available for binding. The presence of proteases
associated with hydrophobicity. It has also been suggested that in crevicular fluid of periodontitis patients and elevated
lipoteichoic acid may confer hydrophobicity to the microbial levels of neuraminidase in oral fluids in patients with poor
surface. oral hygiene are taken to support a possible role in vivo (for
Hydrophobic streptococci adhere better to hydroxyapatite review, see Gibbons, 1989). Such mechanisms may also
in vitro than do less hydrophobic strains. Along this line, explain the rapid establishment of a complex microbial flora
hydrophobic strains of S. mutans persist to a higher degree than as observed in test subjects with neglected oral hygiene
less hydrophobic strains upon in vivo implantation in humans (Brecx et al., 1980). However, definite evidence for an in
(Svanberg etal., 1984). In contrast, however, hydrophobic and vivo function of cryptitopes is yet to be obtained.
hydrophilic strains of 5. mutans were found to implant equally
well in a more recent study in hamsters (Olsson and Emilson, Microbial Adhesins
1988). Notably, induction of streptomycin resistance into the The prevalence of microbial species on a surface has been
micro-organism being implanted, as was done in the human found to correlate with the organism's inherent ability to
study (Svanberg et al., 1984), may impair colonization adhere to the surface (Gibbons and van Houte, 1975). General
(Bammann et aL, 1978). It also cannot be excluded that microbiologic research has revealed that most micro-organisms
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possess a vast number of adhesins which may bind factors may affect subsequent plaque accumulation, as shown
stereochemically to complementary receptors on the interacting by the well-established microbial shift taking place within
surface. Adhesins often are associated with filamentous dental plaque with time (Ritz, 1967).
appendages or fimbria, or with high-molecular-weight proteins The microbial load on tooth surfaces in caries-active
extending from the microbial surface. Electron microscopic individuals is found to be higher than in caries-inactive
studies of dental plaque reveal that early colonizers of the tooth individuals (Nyvad and Kilian, 1990). Moreover, distinct
surfaces are connected by microbial surface fimbriae (Nyvad differences appear as to the relative proportions of the various
and Fejerskov, 1987b). Fimbriae which can act as adhesins streptococcal species between caries-active and caries-inactive
often possess hydrophobic domains consisting of non-polar individuals. Caries-inactive individuals are colonized by higher
amino acids which confer adhesion. numbers of S. sanguis and lower numbers of 5. mitis and S.
In vitro studies suggest that the fibrillar, hydrophobic mutans than are caries-active individuals. The numbers of S.
surface-protein PI is involved in both salivary aggregation oralis, on the other hand, are similar in caries-active and caries-
and in adherence of 5. mutans to saliva-coated hydroxyapatite inactive individuals (Nyvad and Kilian, 1990).
(Lee et al, 1989; Bowen et al, 1991). It would thus be Colonization is also dependent on the surface structure. For
expected that a mutant lacking this protein would adhere less instance, root surfaces are more heavily colonized than enamel
well to teeth. However, the PI-deficient mutant was found to surfaces, and a more advanced stage of development is reached
colonize rat teeth as well as the intact parent strain when the earlier than on enamel surfaces (Nyvad and Fejerskov, 1987b).
rats were fed a high-sucrose diet (Bowen et al, 1991), The sequence of colonization and the relative proportions of
indicating a diversity of adhesive mechanisms for one microbial the various species are, however, similar on enamel and root
strain. The results again demonstrate the shortcomings of surfaces (Nyvad and Kilian, 1987; Nyvad and Fejerskov
model systems and the often-seen inconsistencies of in vitro 1987a).
and in vivo findings, due to the variability and range of The potential selective power of a micro-environment and
prevailing in vivo environments. the adaptability of the microflora may well be demonstrated by
the emergence of aciduric bacteria such as mutans streptococci
Intermicrobial Co-aggregation and lactobacilli in a niche created by a loosely fitted orthodontic
Species- or strain-specific co-aggregation based on cell-to-cell band (Arneberg et al, 1984). Within four weeks, the proportion
recognition has been shown to occur among a diversity of of mutans streptococci emerged from less than 1 % to more than
micro-organisms in vitro. The so-called "corn cob" structures 10%. Similarly, lactobacilli emerged from undetectable levels
observed microscopically in dental plaque have been taken as to 1-10%. Another example is the powerful selection of the
evidence for the importance of such co-aggregations in in vivo microflora in an infected root canal, shown experimentally in
plaque formation. However, in a recent study by Skopek and monkeys by Fabricius and co-workers (Fabricius et al, 1982).
co-workers (Skopek et al, 1993), co-aggregation was found to When the microbial strains were isolated from the canal,
have only limited effect on in vivo plaque formation. The grown and re-inoculated in equal proportions into 12 canals,
results, on the other hand, pointed to the importance of other the almost exact microbial distribution as found initially was
environmental factors, such as microbial growth (Skopek et re-established (Fabricius et al, 1982). Though plaque on
al, 1993). unprotected surfaces constitutes more open systems than these
two examples, each site represents distinct ecosystems with
INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS characteristic environmental conditions which support the
As outlined in the previous sections, in vitro model studies growth of a characteristic microbial community adapted to the
reveal a vast variety of factors involved in microbial adhesion environment. The gradient of mutans streptococci within the
to surfaces, but to what degree they are operative within the dentition illustrates this very clearly (Kristoffersson et al,
complex environment of the oral cavity is uncertain. The 1984).
influences of environmental conditions and of microbial- Marsh (1991) showed the impact of the pH, the carbohydrate
derived components for microbial adhesion—and in particular supply, and the presence of fluoride on maintenance of the
for the subsequent growth of plaque micro-organisms—have homeostasis of a mixed culture in a chemostat. A carbohydrate
often been overlooked in such model studies. Their importance challenge had little effect at neutral pH, but when pH was
is clearly demonstrated in the marked inter-individual allowed to fall following carbohydrate metabolism, S. mutans,
variation in plaque formation rate and the highly individual Lactobacillus, and Veillonella dispar increased and became
characteristics of the structural composition of dental plaque at the dominant species. This environmental selective pressure
the various locations within the dentition (Nyvad and Fejerskov, could be counteracted by addition of low levels of NaF (1
1987a, 1989). This underlines the wide variability of host and mmol/L) to the system (Marsh, 1991), showing the ability of
microbial factors and their possible multiple interactions, the microbial mass to adapt to changing environmental
which may affect both microbial adhesive properties and conditions.
microbial growth. First, environmental conditions and microbial
interactions affect the microbial growth rate, which in turn may Role of Sucrose
affect the microbial surface structures involved in microbial With the presence of glucosyltransferases in saliva and pellicle
adhesion (Knox and Wicken, 1985; van der Hoeven et al, (Rolla et al, 1983; Scheie and Rolla, 1984; Scheie, 1985;
1985, Table 2; van Loosdrecht et al., 1990). Second, such Scheie etal, 1987), sucrose may be an environmental factor of

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Growth Conditions of Minimal Infective Dose Adherence*
the Inoculum Sucrose Glucose Sucrose Glucose
Chemostat lxlO5 5xlO 7 107 7
Batch 5xlO 5 5xlO 7 129 82
van der Hoeven et aL, 1985
* Number of adherent cells (CFU) per 106 inoculated cells.

great importance (Rolla et aL, 1985). Due to the universal use whereby a "climax community" is reached within a shorter
of sucrose, the primary surface for microbial colonization in period in the presence of sucrose.
vivo may in fact be a glucan-covered tooth surface. In the
presence of sucrose, glucan formation by glucosyltransferase CONCLUSION
adsorbed to teeth or to micro-organisms may hide potential Numerous in vitro studies have provided circumstantial
specific adhesins and receptor sites. But, on the other hand, evidence for a diversity of potential adhesive mechanisms for
glucan also may provide receptors for a number of micro- microbial adhesion to teeth. Though adhesion is essential in the
organisms possessing glucan-binding proteins. Moreover, non- colonization of the tooth surface, environmental factors are
adhering or loosely adhering micro-organisms may possibly quantitatively more important for the ultimate composition of
be entrapped in the glucan meshwork forming in the presence dental plaque. The composition of dental plaque at a given site
of sucrose. This may explain why the minimal infective dose depends on the outcome of a variety of competing microbial-
of 5. mutans T2 in conventional rats was found to be significantly microbial and host-microbial interactions. The relative in vivo
lower in the presence of sucrose than in the presence of glucose significance of these interactions is difficult to assess due to
(Table 2), and why chemostat- and batch-grown cells adhere lack of appropriate in vivo assays.
equally well in the presence of sucrose, whereas adhesion of
batch-grown cells is higher than that of chemostat-grown cells REFERENCES
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Downloaded from at University of Victoria on August 27, 2015 For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

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