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Chapter 13

Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah mempelajari Bab 13, siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari

teks naratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang legenda rakyat sesuai konteks


2. Menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan

tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai

konteks penggunaannya.

3. Menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikan

tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai

konteks penggunaannya.

Look at the pictures below! Do you know who or where they are?
Discuss with your classmates!

Match the words with the Indonesian equivalents. Compare your

work to your classmate’s.

live hard (verb) mengenali

passed away (verb) kaya raya
raided (verb) hidup susah
pirates (noun) mengingkari
bravery (noun) menyerang
defeat (verb) menghancurkan
wealthy (adjective) membujuk
recognized (verb) keberanian
merchant (noun) mengutuk
denied (verb) pedagang atau
pleaded (verb) meninggal
cursed (verb) bajak laut
wreck (verb) mengalahkan

Listen to your teacherPRACTICE

PRONUNCIATION reading the following words. Repeat afterhim/her.

live hard : / lɪv hɑːrd /

passed away : / pæsd əˈweɪ /
raided : / ˈreɪdəd /
pirates : / ˈpaɪərəts /
bravery : / ˈbreɪvəri /
defeat : / dɪˈfiːt /
wealthy : / ˈwelθi /
recognized : / ˈrekəɡnaɪzd /
merchant : / ˈmɜːtʃ ə nt /
denied : / dɪˈnaɪd /
pleaded : / pliːdəd /
cursed : / kɜːrsd /
wreck : / rek /

Read the following text, and then answer the following questions.


In long time ago , in a small region in nagari Minangkabau, there lived

Buyung's family. Buyung lives in a small hut on the edge of the rice field with his
wife and son. Buyung's son is still small, he is named Indra. Everyday, Mr.
Buyung and his wife collect forest products and catch fish.

Indra often helps his parents both in the forest and in the sea. This makes
his parents proud. However, there are things that make them worried. In one
meal, Indra can spend half a basket of rice with a few dishes.

One time, the famine season came. Pak Buyung's family also had to
downsize. If there is no rice, they eat sweet potatoes or something else. The
difficulty in getting food made them almost give up. "Father, I'm very hungry,"
complained Indra. "If you're hungry, look for food in the forest or in the sea!"
Exclaimed the father. "You are still a child, but you eat a lot." The mother also
persuaded Indra to go to Bukit Junjung Sirih to look for forest products in Bukit.
Indra complied. Before leaving, he feeds his domestic chicken named Taduang.

Taduang is a smart chicken. Every time Indra returned, Taduang always

crowed to welcome his master. By noon, Indra returned home without bringing
results. After resting, he went to the sea to look for fish. Shortly after, the mother
also went to a headland, some distance from where Indra was fishing.

In the afternoon, the mother came home with lots of shells. Then, the
mussels are processed into food. "Wow, it really smells good," said the father.
"Are these clams enough for three of us to eat? Indra eats a lot. "

"What should we do?" Asked the mother.

"How about we eat quietly?" Suggested the father. The mother nodded.
Then, both of them ate the mussels gently.

Towards night, Indra returned. Indra is very hungry. Once inside, he

headed for the kitchen. How surprised he was when he saw his parents asleep in
the kitchen. Surrounding them were scattered dinner plates, rice baskets, and
clam shells.

How sad Indra's heart witnessed all that. He walked out of his hut while
crying. Seeing Indra's sadness, Taduang crowed many times, then flapped his
wings. A few moments later, Taduang flew into the air. Indra immediately held
onto Taduang's feet. When the Indian body was lifted, Indra's seated stone sat up
and raised. Then, the stone shot and hit one of the hills around the sea. The
impact formed an elongated hole. Quickly, sea water fills the hole to form a river


1. Why did Indra and his family have to live hard?

2. Give an example that indra was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy!
3. How did the merchant allow Indraget the food?
4. What happened after Indra knew his Parent eat the food first ?
5. How did Taduang do ?
6. What did Indra’s mother get ?
7. What made Indra sad and angry?
8. What did he do when Indra hungry ?
9. How did the curse happen?
10. What is the moral of the story?


• How should children behave to parents?

• Is there any religious teaching regarding this?

Complete the sentence EXERCISE
using the words from the box. You may
need to use more than one word for one sentence.

live hard raided pirate

bravery defeat wealthy
recognize merchant denied
pleaded cursed wrecked

1. Indonesian football team succeeded in AFC U-19 Championship. Our team

_______________________ South Korean team.

2. In our national flag, white means purity and red means ________________.

3. “Is that Anna?” “I can’t __________________________ her. She looks

different when she’s wearing kebaya and sanggul.”

4. The thief ______________________ stealing the motorcycle when he was

interviewed in the police station.

5. Captain Hook is the character of a famous ____________________ in the

story of Peter Pan.

6. In the past, __________________________ took their trading goods

around the country using sailing boat.

7. Some people in big cities have to __________________________ by

collecting plastic bottles to sell in the recycling factories.
8. When the hive was hit by a stone, the bees ___________________the boys
with their stings.

9. The car was badly ______________________________ in the highway

accident. Unfortunately, there were many injured victims in the accident.

10. In the past, only children from _________________________ families

could get proper education, while the poor were uneducated.


The text about Malin Kundang is narrative. Narratives are told

or written using this text structure: orientation, complication, and

Task 1:
Discuss with a partner the answer to the following questions!

1. When and where did the story happen?

2. Who were involved in the story?
3. What event started the plot of the story?
4. What happened next?
5. What makes the problem in the story get more complicated?

6. What is the climax of the story?

7. Was there any resolution of the story?
8. Was there any conclusion or message of the story?

Task 2:
Write the result of your discussion in the table below. Use the information
that you can find in the text “Singkarak Lake”.
Parts of the text Purpose Summary from text


Sequence of events


Sequence of events

Task 3:
Compare your work with other pairs. Share the result with the class.


Look at the excerpt from the text below. Pay attention to the words in the bold
type and italic.
In long time ago , in a small region in nagari Minangkabau, there lived
Buyung's family. Buyung lives in a small hut on the edge of the rice field with his
wife and son. Buyung's son is still small, he is named Indra. Everyday, Mr.
Buyung and his wife collect forest products and catch fish.

Indra often helps his parents both in the forest and in the sea. This makes
his parents proud. However, there are things that make them worried. In one
meal, Indra can spend half a basket of rice with a few dishes.

One time, the famine season came. Pak Buyung's family also had to
downsize. If there is no rice, they eat sweet potatoes or something else. The
difficulty in getting food made them almost give up. "Father, I'm very hungry,"
complained Indra. "If you're hungry, look for food in the forest or in the sea!"
Exclaimed the father. "You are still a child, but you eat a lot." The mother also
persuaded Indra to go to Bukit Junjung Sirih to look for forest products in Bukit.
Indra complied. Before leaving, he feeds his domestic chicken named Taduang.

Taduang is a smart chicken. Every time Indra returned, Taduang always

crowed to welcome his master. By noon, Indra returned home without
bringing results. After resting, he went to the sea to look for fish. Shortly after,
the mother also went to a headland, some distance from where Indra was fishing.

In the afternoon, the mother came home with lots of shells. Then, the
mussels are processed into food. "Wow, it really smells good," said the
father. "Are these clams enough for three of us to eat? Indra eats a lot. " "What
should we do?" Asked the mother. "How about we eat quietly?" Suggested the
father. The mother nodded. Then, both of them ate the mussels gently.
Towards night, Indra returned. Indra is very hungry. Once inside, he
headed for the kitchen. How surprised he was when he saw his parents asleep in
the kitchen. Surrounding them were scattered dinner plates, rice baskets, and
clam shells.

How sad Indra's heart witnessed all that. He walked out of his hut while
crying. Seeing Indra's sadness, Taduang crowed many times, then flapped his
wings. A few moments later, Taduang flew into the air. Indra immediately held
onto Taduang's feet. When the Indra body was lifted, Indra's seated stone sat up
and raised. Then, the stone shot and hit one of the hills around the sea. The
impact formed an elongated hole. Quickly, sea water fills the hole to form a river

The words in the bold type are called the adverb of time i.e.
adverbs to show the time signals of the events that happened in the
past. Write the adverb of time that you see in the excerpt on the list
below. Note that some adverbs of time are in the phrase form.

Example: once upon a time

1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________
Task 2:
Now, try to find other adverbs of time for the simple past tense that
you know.
Example: when I went to the yard
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________

Task 3:
Write sentences with the adverbs of time you have from the previous section.

Example: Mita went to Jakarta with her family last week.

1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________________


Task 1:
Have you ever heard any legend in your local area? What is it about? Try
to write an outline of the story by answering the questions below!
1. The story happened in _____________________ in ___________________.
2. The characters in the story were
3. The story started (how/why)
4. After that (what happened)
5. The problem became more complicated (how/why)
6. The climax of the story was
7. The resolution of the story was
8. The conclusion or message of the story was

Task 2:
Write the outline into a paragraph in the space below.



At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions

to know how effective your learning process is.

1. Do you comprehend the narrative text?

2. Do you know the type of language structure that you can use to tell a
3. Can you tell or write a story/legend based on the structure of narrative

If your answer is ‘no’ to one of these questions, see your teacher and
discuss with him/her on how to make you understand and be able to tell
or write about a story/legend.

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