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Dungeons & Dragons Club

Article I: Organization Name
The name of this organization shall be Dungeons and Dragons
Club. The nickname shall be D&D Club.

Article II: Purpose and Goals

1. To join members together in playing the classic tabletop
game, Dungeons & Dragons.
1. For members to gain friendships and a sense of
community through playing with others.
2. To gain skills such as teamwork, confidence in speaking
up and leadership while in a fun environment.
3. For members to enjoy themselves and take a break from

Article III: Membership

Eligibility Standards, and Requirements:
Membership for Dungeons and Dragons club shall be open to
any and all student, faculty, and staff at Sam Houston State
University. Active membership shall be determined by
having an interest in playing Dungeons and Dragons and
wanting to interact with other members in the club. This
Dungeons & Dragons Club
organization will adhere to the Student Organizations Policy
Section 3.3 Specific Limitations on Rights and
Responsibilities of Student Organizations.

Section II: Executive Board Positions

All elected positions should be in good academic standing with
Sam Houston State University and maintain above a 2.0 GPA.
President – The President shall have the power to establish
and maintain operation procedures of the student
organization, call meetings, and answer for all actions of the
other officers.
 Presides at all meetings of the organization
 Obtains appropriate facilities for organization activities
 Prepares and files any report required
 Attends Recognized Student Organization Meetings
 Represents organization at official functions
 Maintains contact with organization advisor, alumni, national organization,
affiliated department(s)
 Remains fair and impartial during organization decision making processes
 Plan, delegate, and evaluate, set goals and create ideas, tone, and
 Understand and educate organization to adhere to campus and
organizational regulations
 Mediate conflict within organization (between officers and during serious
issues that HR cannot resolve)

Vice President – The Vice President shall assist the

President with all administrative duties and assume those
duties in the absence of the President.

 Assume the duties of the President as needed

Dungeons & Dragons Club
 Plans officer's orientation (keeping track that the officers get the training
that they need and do it in a timely manner)

 Coordinates organizational recruitment efforts

 Represents organization at official functions

 Remains fair and impartial during organizational decision-making processes

 Coordinates organization elections and the process of

interviewing/appointing individuals to the Executive Board

Human Resources – Human Resources shall moderate

between club members if there is an issue and refer members
to University resources if the issue is outside of the club.
 Mediate disagreements between players or between players and officers
 Direct club members to the Counseling Center if the issue does not pertain
to club disagreements
 Keep all information about club members confidential
 Refers and works with the president if there is an issue that needs
disciplinary action
 Represents organization at official functions

Secretary – The Secretary shall keep accurate and detailed

records of all meetings and affairs, send/transmit all official
Dungeons and Dragons Club correspondence, and coordinate
preparation and distribution of club flyers, handouts, and
 Keeps a record of all members of the organization, update organization
roster on OrgLINK
 Keeps a record of all activities of the organization
 Keeps and distributes minutes/agendas of each meeting of the
 Notifies all members of meetings
 Prepares organization's calendar of events
Dungeons & Dragons Club
 Prepares and files any report required
 Handles all official correspondence of the organization
 Represents organization at official functions
 Coordinates organization elections

Treasurer – The Treasurer shall receive and distribute

Dungeons and Dragons Club funds upon the authorization of
the President, in accordance with the financial rules and
regulations of Sam Houston State University and the laws of
the State of Texas. The Treasurer will make financial reports
at all Executive Board meetings, and at the General Body
meetings of Dungeons and Dragons Club and the
organization’s fundraising activities.
 Keeps all financial records of the organization
 Pays organization bills
 Collects organization dues
 Prepares and submits financial reports to the members
 Prepares an annual budget
 Prepares all budget requests for funds
 Is familiar with accounting procedures and policies
 Advises members on financial matters (i.e. vendors, ticket selling
 Represents organization at official functions

Social Media Coordinator – The Social Media Coordinator

shall run all social media accounts tied to the Dungeons and
Dragons club and assist the Secretary in increasing awareness
of the club and its meetings. Also, in charge of taking photos.
 Keeps all social media up to date
 Responds to questions asked on social media
 Posts about all meetings and events on social media
Dungeons & Dragons Club
Dungeon Master(s) – The Dungeon Master(s) shall run their
individual campaigns and take charge in getting to know the
members of their party.
 Specific responsibilities, goals, and values will be highlighted in the
“Dungeons Masters’ Channels” on Discord

Section III: Advisor Expectations

The Advisor will serve as a mentor to the Dungeons and Dragons
Club and work closely with the Executive Board to oversee the
functions of the organization. The Advisor will oversee the
transition of the Executive Board when the time comes for
appointing new Executive Board positions and will serve as a
voting member in all disciplinary procedures and constitution

Section IV: Committees

The only committee of the Dungeons and Dragons Club shall be
the Executive Board.

Section V: Elections
The Executive Board shall be determined by the current Executive
Board and Advisor of the D&D Club to serve a term of one year.
The term of office for all positions shall begin upon completion of
finals and end on the same day of the following year. Candidates
for D&D Club Executive Board positions must be D&D Club
Dungeons & Dragons Club
members. Candidates and position hopefuls will have to apply for
the position and be interviewed by the current Executive Board.
When elections are held for the vetted position hopefuls there will
be a general body vote. One half or over constitutes a win or
whoever has the most votes for that singular position.

Section VI: Disciplinary Procedures

Any member may be removed from membership for violation of
the purposes of the organization by a two-third vote of the
membership. All members must be notified of this pending action
at least one week prior to the removal decision. Written charges by
a member are to be presented to the Executive Board, who will
notify the member in question with enough opportunity given for
the member to answer charges at a meeting of the membership.
Voting for removal from membership is to be done by secret
ballot. The member in question must be notified immediately of
the outcome of the vote.

Article IV: Meetings

Section I: Schedule
General Body meetings shall be held once a week, with additional
meetings called by the President, as needed. Notice of additional
meetings must be given to all club members in the timeliest
manner possible, usually no less than one week out. The official
means of notifying members shall be agreed upon at the first
Dungeons & Dragons Club
meeting held after the election of the President. Executive Board
meetings shall occur when called by the President.
Meetings shall begin with general news about the organization and
then members will break into their parties and continue with their
separate campaigns.

Article V: Financial Procedures

Section I: Dues
There are no mandatory dues associated with the D&D Club.
However, yearly membership will expire on the first day of the fall

Section II: Activities

Some optional activities will cost money, members will be
informed of these optional activities in advance and told what
amount they owe to join in the activity. All left over money will be
put toward other activities.

Article VI: Risk Management

D&D Club will adhere to the Risk Management Guidelines
outlined in the SHSU Student Guidelines for organizational

Article VII: Amendments and Annual Review

Dungeons & Dragons Club
Section I: Amendments
Amendments to this constitution shall be adopted by a two-thirds
vote of the General Body (including the Advisor).

Section II: Annual Review

This constitution is subject to annual reviews by a representative of
the Department of Leadership Initiatives at Sam Houston State

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