The Effect of Preterm Birth On Renal Development and Renal Health Outcome

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The Effect of Preterm Birth on Renal Development

and Renal Health Outcome

Amanda Dyson, MBBCh, FRACP, MMed (Clin Epi),*† Alison L. Kent, BMBS, FRACP, MD‡
*Centenary Hospital for Women and Children and Department of Neonatology, Canberra Hospital, Woden, Australia

Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

University of Rochester and Division of Neonatology, Golisano Children’s Hospital at URMC, Rochester, NY

Education Gaps
1. Clinicians should be aware that preterm birth is associated with a reduced
functional nephron mass, predisposing an individual to chronic kidney
disease and quicker progression to end-stage chronic kidney disease.
2. Patients and health-care professionals must take an active role in
protecting the kidneys of preterm survivors from further injury
throughout life.

Preterm birth is associated with adverse renal health outcomes including
hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and an increased rate of progression
to end-stage renal failure. This review explores the antenatal, perinatal, and
postnatal factors that affect the functional nephron mass of an individual
and contribute to long-term kidney outcome. Health-care professionals
have opportunities to increase their awareness of the risks to kidney health
in this population. Optimizing maternal health around the time of conception
and during pregnancy, providing kidney-focused supportive care in the NICU
during postnatal nephrogenesis, and avoiding accelerating nephron loss
throughout life may all contribute to improved long-term outcomes. There is
AUTHOR DISCLOSURE Drs Dyson and Kent a need for ongoing research into the long-term kidney outcomes of preterm
have disclosed no financial relationships
relevant to this article. This commentary does
survivors in mid-to-late adulthood as well as a need for further research into
not contain a discussion of an unapproved/ interventions that may improve ex utero nephrogenesis.
investigative use of a commercial product/

ABBREVIATIONS Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:
AKI acute kidney injury
CKD chronic kidney disease 1. Improve awareness of NICU professionals on how to protect kidneys of
CysC cystatin C
preterm infants from further injury, particularly during the period of ex
DBP diastolic blood pressure
eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate utero nephrogenesis.
FGR fetal growth restriction
2. Encourage surveillance of preterm survivors in childhood and adulthood
GA gestational age
GFR glomerular filtration rate to reduce obesity and observe for evidence of hypertension or insulin
LBW low birthweight resistance to minimize further “hits” to an already reduced nephron mass.
SBP systolic blood pressure

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3. Stimulate research in areas where there are gaps in the evidence, in
particular long-term follow-up of cohorts of preterm survivors into late

INTRODUCTION production beginning at 10 weeks. (9) The fetus becomes

the main producer of amniotic fluid from around 16 weeks’
Fifteen million births occur before 37 weeks’ gestational age
gestation. (9) Maximal human kidney growth has been
(GA) worldwide each year. (1) Over the past decade, preterm
shown to occur toward the end of the second and beginning
birth rates in the United States have varied between 9.8%
of the third trimester between 26 and 34 weeks’ GA, (11)
and 11.4% and currently are at 9.9%. (2)(3) Around 2.8% of
with nephrogenesis complete by term GA. (12)
births are early preterm births occurring before 34 weeks’
Perinatal autopsy studies have demonstrated that there is
gestation. (2) Although this group experiences a greater
individual variation in the GA at which nephrogenesis is
proportion of long-term morbidity, all preterm infants have
complete; 1 group examined normally grown fetuses, dem-
higher rates of morbidity than their term-born contempo-
onstrating ongoing nephrogenesis at 31 weeks’ GA and
raries. (3) The preterm population is diverse in both GA and
complete nephrogenesis in all infants by 38 weeks’ GA,
the underlying cause for prematurity. Conditions associated
with some variability in those between 35 and 37 weeks. (12)
with an adverse intrauterine environment include preeclamp-
Another group demonstrated that nephrogenesis was com-
sia, multiple births, and chorioamnionitis, and account for
plete by 32 weeks’ GA in some fetuses. (13) Term infants are
38% of preterm deliveries. (3)
born with the total number of nephrons that they will have in
The renal consequences of preterm birth are becoming
their lifetime; optimizing nephrogenesis is advantageous
increasingly recognized and include a higher risk of chronic
for the long-term renal health of an individual.
kidney disease (CKD), (4) a quicker progression of renal
pathology, (5) and a predisposition toward hypertension. (6)
CKD is associated with significant morbidity and mortality NEPHROGENESIS IN THE PRETERM INFANT
and is estimated to affect 14% of the US population. (7) The
global burden of disease study highlighted that CKD is a Many preterm infants are born at a time when they are still
growing public health problem that is increasingly contrib- undergoing nephrogenesis, with some born before reaching
uting to global mortality. (8) As the preterm population their maximal period of nephron development. Nephron
surviving into childhood and adulthood grows, there is an development continues after very preterm birth with active
increasing need to better understand the renal long-term glomerulogenesis, characterized by the presence of baso-
effects of preterm birth and to identify ways to reduce philic S-shaped bodies, and continuing until 40 days’ post-
morbidity associated with preterm survival. natal age. (14) Extremely preterm infants more than 40 days
old who experienced acute renal failure (defined as a sus-
tained elevation in creatinine >2.0 mg/dL) have fewer
NORMAL RENAL DEVELOPMENT nephrons than preterm infants without a history of renal
Renal development begins with the differentiation of the failure. During normal kidney development, nephrons grow
pronephros in the third week of gestation followed by the from the corticomedullary junction toward a nephrogenic
mesonephros at 4 weeks of gestation. (9) The pronephros is zone situated below the renal capsule, forming nephron
nonfunctional in humans and involutes whereas the meso- “generations.” (13) The newest nephrons are therefore sit-
nephros transiently functions as an excretory structure until uated in the outer renal cortex. An autopsy study has
the definitive kidney develops from the metanephros. (10) recently shown that many preterm infants have abnormal
The metanephros gives rise to the ureteric bud which glomeruli in their outer renal cortex, implying that neph-
undergoes branching; through reciprocal signaling, the rons that develop ex utero may not develop normally. (13)
branching of the ureteric bud progresses, and the mesen- Autopsy studies have also shown that preterm birth is
chyme differentiates to form the renal vesicles. The renal associated with accelerated renal maturation and the pres-
vesicles ultimately form the glomeruli, tubules, and loop of ence of a larger proportion of morphologically abnormal
Henle of the mature nephron, with the first glomeruli glomeruli compared with gestation-matched stillborn con-
present from 9 to 10 weeks’ gestation and fetal urine trols. (13) It is clear that the number of nephrons that form in

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the first 4 to 6 weeks after delivery is important in establish- parenchymal thickness has been shown to be closely asso-
ing the lifelong nephron mass of a preterm infant and that ciated with renal volume, (26) and renal cortical thickness
this should be supported as much as possible by avoiding has been shown to be correlated with renal function in
postnatal kidney injury. adults. (27) Currently, renal volume as seen on ultrasonog-
Preterm birth and reports of its effect on the glomerular raphy cannot be considered a surrogate for nephron
filtration rate (GFR) have been contradictory. Preterm number.
infants born before 32 weeks’ GA were found to have a Examining the effects of nephron mass on renal function
reduced estimated GFR (eGFR), measured using cystatin C is challenging; noninvasive estimates of GFR vary in accu-
(CysC) at term postmenstrual age. (15) In contrast, an racy. The gold standard plasma and urinary clearance stud-
extremely preterm cohort of less than 28 weeks’ gestation ies are accurate but invasive, whereas other noninvasive
at birth was shown to have an eGFR comparable to that of estimates of GFR have been shown to be accurate at pre-
term infants using urinary CysC despite having smaller dicting a population mean but not individual GFR, (28)
kidneys, leading the authors to conclude that this may be limiting their clinical usefulness at the bedside. Noninvasive
evidence of glomerular hyperfiltration and compensation calculated eGFR values are often used in clinical studies,
for reduced nephron mass. (15) because they are more acceptable to study participants. A
number of alternative biomarkers to creatinine have been
used to measure GFR, in particular CysC (29); however,
again, the accuracy of this biomarker to estimate GFR is
Nephrons are the functional units of the kidney; the neph- variable. The development of new real-time measured GFR
ron mass of an individual refers to the total number of using transdermal sensors that detect fluorescent filtration
functioning nephrons a person has at any given time. (16) markers may change the way in which both clinicians and
Data regarding normal human nephron number and den- researchers are able to measure and study the effect of
sity have predominantly been determined histologically nephron mass on renal function, as well as the impact on
from autopsy studies or from renal transplant donors. There both acute kidney disease and CKD. (30)
is large variation in nephron number and density between
individuals with 4- to 8-fold variations in nephron number
observed at autopsy. (10) The reason for this degree of var-
iability between individuals is not fully understood but is
likely related to an interplay among genetics, the environment David Barker first observed that in utero events are associated
of an individual during nephrogenesis, and renal insults that with adult disease and described the “Barker hypothesis,”
occur over the course of a lifetime. (12)(17) Nephron mass which underpins current theories around the developmental
naturally declines with age; a study examining the kidneys of origins of health and disease. (31) Brenner et al hypothesized
healthy renal transplant donors demonstrated a 48% differ- that this principle could be applied to kidney development,
ence in the nonsclerotic glomerular number between donors postulating that reduced nephron numbers could predispose
aged 19 to 28 years and those aged 70 to 75 years. (18) Older a person to hypertension. (32) Glomerular hypertrophy is
donors have more sclerotic glomeruli. (18) thought to occur in response to reduced nephron mass and
A reduced nephron mass has been associated with CKD glomerular hypertension (maintaining glomerular surface
(19)(20) and hypertension (21) in adulthood. Because it is area), leading to hyperfiltration, salt sensitivity, sodium and
not possible to directly measure nephron mass in living water retention, hypertension, and glomerulosclerosis.
subjects, kidney size, and in particular, kidney length and
volume, are often used as surrogate markers of nephron Support for the Brenner Hypothesis
mass. (22) Unfortunately, ultrasonography has been shown It has been demonstrated that glomerular surface area is
to underestimate true renal volume by a median of 24% similar between individuals with different kidney sizes,
(range 5%–48%) in an animal model. (23) It has been supporting the theory that glomerular hypertrophy occurs
proposed that measuring the renal parenchyma using ultra- in oligonephronic kidneys. (33) Glomerular hypertrophy has
sonography may be a more reproducible and potentially been shown to be more prevalent in populations with a higher
more accurate tool for estimating normal and abnormal risk of CKD, including Australian aboriginal and black pop-
renal development. (24) Normal kidney size and volume do ulations. (5) Glomerular hypertrophy has also been associ-
not differentiate between normal growth and compensa- ated with poor post-transplantation outcomes. (5) Autopsy
tory hypertrophy of an oligonephronic kidney. (25) Renal studies have shown a large variability in nephrogenesis in

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fetal life, thus supporting the hypothesis that the intrauterine offspring. (49) An Australian cohort study has demon-
environment influences kidney development. (12) strated an association between maternal alcohol use in
pregnancy and mild CKD in offspring during their 30s. (50)
Low Birthweight Many preterm infants are exposed to in utero medications
Birthweight has been demonstrated to be an important aimed at improving their survival and outcomes, a number of
predictor of nephron and glomerular mass. (12)(21)(34)(35) which may have an impact on nephrogenesis. Atosiban,
Low birthweight (LBW <2.5 kg) has been associated with which is an oxytocin receptor antagonist sometimes used
the development of end-stage renal failure, (36)(37) CKD, as a tocolytic to delay preterm labor, may reduce renal cell
(19)(38)(39) and a more rapid deterioration in renal function growth, renal vasodilation, and the carbonic anhydrase activ-
in patients with underlying kidney disease. (5) Some infants ity. (51) Corticosteroids have been shown to reduce nephro-
are LBW as a result of prematurity, others are term but have genesis in animal models and upregulate the expression of
experienced fetal growth restriction (FGR), and some are both angiotensin II and its receptors. (51) Antibiotics (in particular
growth restricted and preterm. Preterm birth is estimated to aminoglycosides) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
account for up to 80% of the LBW population. (40) FGR has also cross the placenta and may affect fetal renal function. (52)
various causes, including placental insufficiency and mater- Indomethacin is known to reduce amniotic fluid volume as a
nal smoking, which are often associated with an adverse result of fetal renal dysfunction. Indomethacin in a neonatal
intrauterine environment for a developing fetus. (41) The rat model has been shown to cause glomerular injury and
hypotheses underlying why LBW is associated with CKD vary reduce glomerular number in adulthood, suggesting that
depending on the etiology. In normally grown preterm indomethacin should be avoided if other less nephrotoxic
infants, it is likely a result of an interruption in normal organ medications are available. (53)
and vascular growth followed by ex utero nephrogenesis
altered by the postnatal environment. In term infants born
after a pregnancy complicated by placental insufficiency, the
fetal kidneys may not have received adequate nutrition or
oxygenation for nephron development. (42)(43) Many pre- Significant physiologic changes occur after preterm birth,
term infants are subjected to both the effects of being born which lead to structural and functional changes in the devel-
during nephrogenesis and by an adverse intrauterine envi- oping kidney. The renal perfusion pressure of a fetal kidney is
ronment for organ development. estimated to be around 3% of the cardiac output, which
increases to 15% after delivery. (54) A sudden change in
Maternal Diet and Nutrition glomerular vascular resistance has been proposed as a possible
Maternal diet and nutrition during pregnancy have been mechanism for glomerular injury after preterm birth. (55)
shown to influence fetal nephrogenesis. (44) Micronutrient
deficiencies, including vitamin A, iron, and folate, may Hyperoxia
affect human renal growth while macronutrient deficiency, Nephrogenesis and ureteric branching ordinarily occur in a
in particular protein deficiency, has been shown to affect hypoxic environment, with animal studies showing that
fetal renal growth in animal studies. (44) mice undergoing nephrogenesis in a physiologically hyp-
oxic environment had more ureteric branches and larger
Antenatal Drugs kidneys than those in a physiologically hyperoxic environ-
Smoking is a risk factor for preterm birth. Cigarette expo- ment. (43) Conflicting results demonstrating worsened
sure in pregnancy has a demonstrated dose effect, with the ureteric branching and smaller kidneys in a hypoxic envi-
more cigarettes smoked per day increasing the risk of ronment have been seen in a similar mouse model, raising
preterm birth. (45) Nicotine causes vasoconstriction and questions about whether kidneys respond to hyperoxia
reduces placental blood flow. Maternal smoking during differently during different stages of nephrogenesis. (43)
pregnancy has been associated with a smaller kidney vol- Another mouse model examining the effects of hyperoxia
ume and lower eGFR in school-age children (46) and a after preterm birth demonstrated a reduced glomerular
smaller kidney size in both fetuses and newborns. (47) A count in pups with retinopathy of prematurity exposed to
large retrospective cohort study in Japan found that mater- a hyperoxic environment, (56) again suggesting that hyper-
nal smoking was an independent risk factor for proteinuria oxia impairs nephrogenesis. The arterial oxygen tension
at age 3 years in offspring. (48) In animal studies, etha- increases suddenly after preterm birth, altering the envi-
nol use has been shown to reduce nephron number in ronment in which organogenesis occurs. Hyperoxia and

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hypoxia have both been shown to be deleterious to the become the focus of a clinical practice improvement proj-
outcomes of preterm infants and both should be avoided ect: the Nephrotoxin Injury Negated by Just-in-time Action
in the NICU whenever possible. (57) (NINJA). Implementing an initiative that triggers daily
creatinine measures in noncritically ill children who are
Nephrotoxin Exposure either receiving 3 simultaneous nephrotoxins or have re-
Nephrotoxic medications are widely used in NICUs world- ceived an aminoglycoside for more than 3 days has been
wide, (58)(59)(60) with the smallest and least mature infants shown to reduce AKI by 68%. (68) Trials of this approach
often experiencing the largest exposures. In a retrospective need to be conducted in neonatal populations.
review of infants born weighing less than 1,500 g, it was
demonstrated that the majority of nephrotoxin exposure Acute Kidney Injury
occurred in the first 40 days of age, which coincides with the Preterm infants have a high incidence of AKI; extremely
period of ex utero nephrogenesis. (60) It has been shown preterm infants of less than 29 weeks’ GA have been shown
that up to 87% of very-low-birthweight infants in NICUs to have an incidence of 47.9% using the modified Kidney
are exposed to more than 1 nephrotoxic medication, most Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria.
commonly gentamicin, indomethacin, or vancomycin, up to (69) The preterm population of 29 to 36 weeks’ GA, in
a total of 2 weeks in their hospital stay. (59) whom adverse long-term outcomes have been traditionally
Aminoglycoside antibiotics are widely used in the NICU, less concerning, has an incidence of AKI of 18.3%. (69)
often as empiric therapy for suspected early- or late-onset Although AKI has been independently associated with
infection. Aminoglycosides can accumulate in the kidney, mortality in a preterm population (<1,200 g or <31 weeks’
leading to high concentrations in the renal cortex and gestation), (70) as previously mentioned, it is also associated
ultimately leading to tubular injury. (61) Aminoglycoside- with reduced nephron mass. (14)
associated acute kidney injury (AKI) is generally felt to be Although some epidemiologic evidence exists to support
less prevalent in newborns than in older children or adults; an association between AKI and CKD in pediatric popula-
however, it can still lead to significant tubular damage and tions, (71)(72), more work needs to be done to show a causal
injury. (62) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications are link between pediatric or neonatal AKI and adult CKD. The
often used in preterm infants to treat a patent ductus IRENEO prospective cohort study has shown a reduced
arteriosus, and indomethacin may be used as prophylaxis kidney volume but no difference in eGFR at a median
for intraventricular hemorrhage. Both act as prostaglandin age of 6.6 years in former preterm newborns (<33 weeks’
inhibitors, which lead to vasoconstriction and reduced blood GA) who survived neonatal AKI compared with control
flow in renal and mesenteric vessels in addition to the subjects. (73) Although the investigators demonstrated no
intended vasoconstriction of the patent ductus arteriosus. difference in eGFR between groups, the overall population
(63) Animal studies have demonstrated that both ibuprofen had a high incidence of albuminuria and diminished eGFR.
and indomethacin reduce cyclooxygenase 2 and vasodilator Similarly, the Follow-up of AKI in Neonates during Child-
prostanoids, with indomethacin having a more profound hood Years (FANCY) study showed that extremely low-
effect than ibuprofen. (64) This reduces renal blood flow birthweight newborns who experienced AKI in the NICU
and often leads to oliguria. Ibuprofen use in preterm infants had a more than 4-fold increased risk of renal dysfunction at
has been shown to reduce GFR in the first month of age, (65) a median age of 5 years compared with control subjects (74)
whereas indomethacin use has been shown to increase and again demonstrated a high incidence of low eGFR
urinary podocyte and albumin concentration in the urine of less than 90 mL/min per 1.73 m2 (26%) in their entire
of preterm infants of less than 33 weeks’ GA compared with cohort. When possible, efforts should be made to prevent
preterm and term controls, suggesting that it causes glo- AKI in preterm populations.
merular injury. (66) Although ibuprofen was found to cause
glomerular injury in a neonatal rats, it did not result in Postnatal Nutrition
reduced glomerular number in adulthood. (67) The evidence to guide clinicians about what constitutes
A recent retrospective review of newborns weighing less optimal postnatal nutrition for ex utero nephrogenesis is
than 1,500 g and of less than 30 weeks’ gestation found that limited. Animal models have shown that increasing growth
the prevalence of AKI increased with decreasing GA, through overfeeding postnatally may lead to an increase
decreasing birthweight, and increasing nephrotoxic medi- in nephron mass without any improvement in the risk
cation exposure. (60) Given that nephrotoxin administra- for hypertension or renal dysfunction. (75) A rat model
tion is a potentially controllable risk factor for AKI, this has demonstrated that early postnatal overnutrition led to an

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increase in weight gain and 20% increase in nephron and tubular dysfunction compared with control subjects at a
number in overfed offspring compared with normally fed mean age of 7.5 years. (84) These findings suggest that pre-
offspring. (75) Despite their increased nephron number, term infants with nephrocalcinosis may be at an increased risk
overfed male rats were more likely to have hypertension, of developing long-term renal dysfunction into adulthood;
proteinuria, and glomerulosclerosis relative to controls. however, this has not yet been demonstrated in the literature.
Neonatal high-protein diets have been shown to be associ-
ated with glomerular hypertrophy and glomerulosclerosis Kidney Size, Growth, and Function
in an FGR rat model, (76) but to a lesser extent in an FGR As previously discussed, kidney size and volume are
piglet model. (77) used as noninvasive markers of nephron mass. Preterm
A single-center prospective cohort study demonstrated infants have smaller kidneys at term postmenstrual age
that postnatal growth failure is associated with a reduced than their term-born contemporaries; however, preterm
GFR relative to controls in a human preterm population. infants have been shown to have larger kidney-to-bodyweight
(78) Ensuring optimal nutrition in this population is chal- ratios, (13)(14)(15) potentially because of glomerular hyper-
lenging because human evidence supports the idea that trophy. A population of preterm infants has recently been
catch-up growth leading to obesity in preterm infants may shown to exhibit catch-up renal growth over the first
worsen the progression of proteinuric kidney disease and 6 months of age. (85) Preterm infants born at 30 to
that obesity and prematurity are additive factors. (79) A 32 weeks’ GA were shown to have smaller kidneys at term
cohort study examining 153 former preterm infants at a postmenstrual age than term-born controls; however, they
median age of 11.5 years demonstrated that rapid weight subsequently exhibited an increased renal growth rate,
gain in early childhood (>1 year of age) was associated with leading to similar kidney length at 6 months’ corrected
a higher body fat percentage and worsened metabolic age. (85) Their renal cortical regions grew more during this
markers of insulin resistance and hypertension relative to period of catch-up growth while their medullary regions
controls whereas rapid weight gain in infancy (<1 year of remained smaller. The cause for this catch-up growth is
age) was not. (80) uncertain; however, this suggests that while catch-up growth
may occur, this is not necessarily associated with normal
renal development.
A number of groups have examined former preterm
Growing evidence demonstrates that prematurity has an infants’ kidney sizes in adulthood. The renal volumes of
impact on long-term renal health (Table). As large cohorts of 20-year-old former premature female survivors (small for
preterm survivors continue to reach adulthood, more infor- GA and appropriate for GA) have been shown to be smaller
mation is being gained about their long-term medical (both length and volume) compared with term controls. This
outcomes. Although a number of preterm cohorts have association was seen irrespective of whether the study
been followed up into early adulthood, we are yet to fully participants were small or appropriate for GA at birth.
understand the effects of preterm birth on morbidity in (86) More recently, the Health of Adults Born Preterm
mid-to-late adulthood. (HAPI) cohort study performed in Canada showed that
adults born at less than 29 weeks’ GA had smaller kidneys
Nephrocalcinosis as young adults (average age 23 years) compared with
Preterm infants are at an increased risk for calcium depo- matched term-born controls. (6) Their renal volume cor-
sition in the kidney, known as “nephrocalcinosis.” This has a rected to body surface area was 10% lower than controls.
variable incidence in the literature and is thought to be There was no difference in eGFR between groups; however,
associated with decreasing birthweight (81)(82); increased young adults born preterm had higher albumin-to-creatinine
calcium, phosphorus, and ascorbic acid intake; and increased ratios (albeit still within the normal range) relative to term-
exposure to furosemide, dexamethasone, thiazides, and the- born controls, suggesting that they may have reduced glo-
ophylline. (81) A matched cohort study in Greece examined merular endothelial integrity. (6)
105 infants born before 36 weeks’ GA and found evidence of Prematurity has been demonstrated to have an impact on
mild tubular dysfunction and a reduced kidney length in kidney function. At 11 years of age, former preterm infants
those with nephrocalcinosis relative to controls at 1 year of have been shown to have a reduced eGFR measured by
age. (83) Kist-van Holthe et al also demonstrated that former urinary CysC and symmetric dimethylarginine compared
preterm children born at less than 32 weeks’ GA with neph- with term controls. (87) A Polish cohort study has shown
rocalcinosis were more likely to have mild renal insufficiency that in children born extremely preterm, eGFR measured

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using CysC was significantly higher in former preterm how these early changes in kidney function and structure
infants at both 7 and 11 years of age compared with matched manifest themselves in mid-to-late adulthood.
term controls. Their eGFR worsened slightly over time,
implying that long-term follow-up would be prudent. (88) Chronic Kidney Disease
Not all longitudinal studies have shown a reduction in eGFR A recent large Swedish cohort study demonstrated that
during mid-childhood. Vieux et al’s cohort in France (27–31 extremely preterm infants (<28 weeks’ GA) have a 3-fold
weeks’ gestation evaluated at 5 years of age) all had normal risk of developing CKD (odds ratio 3.01 [1.67–5.45]) and that
eGFRs in follow-up. (89) As many former preterm cohorts late preterm infants have a risk that is almost twice that of
continue to age, it is important to monitor their renal term infants (odds ratio 1.84 [1.62–2.08]). (4) This asso-
function longitudinally to gain a better understanding of ciation was strongest in childhood and persisted until

TABLE. Summary of the Effects of Preterm Birth on Renal Health


Antenatal period Maternal malnutrition Poor renal growth (44)

Maternal smoking Increased risk of preterm birth (45)
Smaller kidney volume and eGFR at school age (46)(47)
Proteinuria at 3 years of age (48)
Maternal alcohol consumption Mild CKD in offspring in their 30s (39)
Perinatal period Low birthweight Increased risk of end-stage renal failure (36)(37)
Increased risk of chronic kidney disease (19)(38)(39)
More rapid decline in kidney function when there is
underlying kidney disease (21)
Ex utero nephrogenesis Abnormal glomerulogenesis (26)(40)
Acute kidney injury Reduced nephron mass (14)
Mortality (70)
Postnatal growth failure in very-low-birthweight infants Reduced GFR relative to term controls (78)
Childhood and Preterm birth Renal size and function Smaller kidney size relative to term born controls (6)(86)
adulthood Larger kidney to bodyweight ratio relative to term born
controls (13)(14)(15)
Renal function Increased risk of nephrocalcinosis (81)(82)
Higher albumin to creatinine ratios than term born controls
in young adulthood (6)
Reduced eGFR relative to term born controls at 7-11 years of
age (87)(88)
Increased risk of chronic kidney disease persisting into mid-
adulthood (4)
Hypertension Alterations in the function of the renin-angiotensin system
Higher blood pressure than term controls in childhood and
adulthood (92)(93)(94)(95)
A greater hypertensive effect in former preterm women
than men (95)(96)
Increased salt sensitivity (ie, blood pressure changes in
relation to a high salt diet) (97)
Nutrition Obesity is an additive risk factor to prematurity for
proteinuric kidney disease (79)
Greater risk of insulin resistance (99)

eGFR¼estimated glomerular filtration rate; CKD¼chronic kidney disease.

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midadulthood in all groups. There was a strong inverse The incidence of hypertension was also increased in those
association between GA and CKD, which included children born preterm. The reason for this association is not fully
born at what is typically considered full term at 37 and 38 understood. Studies published since this systematic review
weeks’ GA. This study relied on medical coding data to make have continued to demonstrate increases in both SBP and
a diagnosis of CKD, which means that the investigators diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in those born preterm.
could have under- or overestimated the true incidence of Edstedt Bonamy et al showed that both SBP and DBP were
CKD in this population. Importantly, 24% of those who higher (although not abnormal) in children born preterm
experienced acute renal failure in the neonatal period (27% compared with control subjects at 6 years of age. (93) An
of whom were preterm) were subsequently diagnosed with individual patient meta-analysis including 9 international
CKD. cohort studies recently demonstrated a 3.4 mm Hg increase
in SBP and a 2.1 mm Hg increase in DBP in adulthood
Hypertension in those born with very low birthweight compared with
Preterm birth is associated with an increased risk of hyper- control subjects, (94) with a larger hypertensive effect
tension. The underlying etiology of this association is not noted in former preterm women than men and in those
fully understood and is likely to be multifactorial. Prema- infants whose mothers had preeclampsia. A cross-sectional
turity and exposure to antenatal steroids have been associ- study of 5,232 young adult women in Sweden (mean age, 18
ated with alterations in the function of the renin-angiotensin years) showed that those born preterm had an elevated SBP
system. (90) A recent cohort study showed that angiotensin and mean blood pressure relative to those born at term.
I levels are elevated in preterm infants relative to term (95) A meta-analysis performed by Parkinson et al also
infants and that changes in blood pressure in preterm showed an association between increased SBP and DBP
infants occurred in association with changes in renin and affecting women more than men. (96) Some observational
angiotensin peptides, (6) which were not seen in term evidence shows that some preterm infants may exhibit salt
controls. Alamandine, a vasodilatory counterregulatory pep- sensitivity (ie, changes in blood pressure with a higher salt
tide moderated by the renin-angiotensin system, (91) has diet). (97)
also been shown to be elevated in hypertensive preterm Hypertension causes glomerulosclerosis and is a risk
survivors but not in hypertensive term-born participants. It factor for CKD and progression to end-stage CKD. (98) In a
has been theorized that this represents a counterregulatory population that begins life with fewer nephrons, ensuring
cardiovascular and renoprotective activation in preterm that hypertension is both detected and treated appropriately
survivors. is important. Evidence shows that preterm infants, partic-
A meta-analysis of observational studies found that pre- ularly those born small for GA, are at an increased risk for
term birth is associated with a 2.2 mm Hg increase in insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. (99) Diabetes is
systolic blood pressure (SBP) compared with term controls. also strongly associated with end-stage CKD, (98) making
(92) These studies were from different countries and it important to identify those with insulin resistance early
reported outcomes at varied ages until early adulthood. to avoid nephron loss.

Figure. Timeline of nephrogenesis outlining potential opportunities to support renal development in preterm infants. AKI¼acute kidney injury; CKD¼
chronic kidney disease.

e732 NeoReviews
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Many gaps remain in our understanding of the effects of
preterm birth on long-term renal health. As preterm cohorts
Interventions aimed at improving the long-term renal health are followed up into mid-to-late adulthood, we will gain further
of preterm infants need to be multipronged (Figure). The knowledge of their risk profiles and renal complications, which
starting point of any preterm infant’s increased risk of will continue to help guide future research, intervention, and
mortality and morbidity is the point at which they are born therapies. As new technology such as real-time measured
early; any intervention aimed at reducing the risk of preterm transcutaneous GFR becomes available, we may be able to
birth is therefore of huge potential benefit. A large proportion better identify and target our highest risk populations and
of preterm birth remains unexplained; however, there are ensure that they receive appropriate follow-up.
interventions that have reduced the incidence of preterm
birth in specific high-risk groups, the details of which are CONCLUSIONS
beyond the scope of this review. (100) Given that many Preterm birth leads to a reduced functional nephron mass and
preterm infants experience the “double hit” of both preterm to maladaptation of the kidney. This in turn predisposes
birth and growth restriction, interventions that reduce risk preterm survivors to reaching the threshold of glomeruloscle-
factors for FGR are also of benefit; this includes smoking rosis at which renal function declines earlier in life. There is
cessation, advice during (and ideally before) pregnancy with still a lot to learn about the effects of prematurity on the kidney
regard to smoking, drug use, and good maternal nutrition and how to best support the kidneys of preterm survivors,
both around the time of conception and throughout preg- which should remain a focus for ongoing research. Currently
nancy. The first 1,000 days is an international public health many opportunities exist for clinicians to avoid further con-
initiative aimed at optimizing the nutrition of infants from tributing to nephron loss in preterm infants. These include
conception to their second birthday to reduce their risk of avoiding neonatal AKI and nephrotoxin exposure during
programmed noncommunicable diseases. (101) Other obstet- nephrogenesis; educating preterm survivors and their fami-
ric interventions such as screening for the risk of preterm lies about lifestyle risks that may contribute to nephron loss;
preeclampsia and providing aspirin to those who qualify and educating primary health care professionals about the
could potentially reduce iatrogenic preterm birth. (102) importance of reducing obesity, screening for hypertension
Once preterm birth has occurred, attention should be and insulin resistance, and avoiding nephrotoxins in former
given to reducing renal injury during ex utero nephrogen- preterm children and adults.
esis. This includes reducing the risk of sepsis in the NICU,
which is associated with AKI, avoiding hyperoxia, and
reducing exposure to nephrotoxins. The evidence around American Board of Pediatrics
what constitutes optimal nutrition for nephrogenesis is Neonatal-Perinatal Content
limited; however, human milk feeding (either expressed Specifications
maternal milk or banked breast milk) has been associated • Know the clinical manifestations, imaging, and laboratory
with a reduction in hypertension in adolescents born pre- features of renal failure in the neonate.
term in nonrandomized studies. (103) • Hypertension.
Ideas for novel drug and stem cell therapies aimed at • Know how prenatal diagnosis of renal abnormalities affects
prolonging nephrogenesis in preterm infants are being postnatal management.
discussed and explored in the literature (104)(105)(106); • Know the recommended supportive and corrective treatment of
however, at this stage (to our knowledge) these have not anatomic abnormalities of the kidneys and urinary tract in infants.
progressed to preclinical trials. • Recognize the clinical manifestations of anatomic abnormalities
Given the increased risk that preterm survivors have for of the kidneys and urinary tract in infants.
hypertension and decreased insulin sensitivity, this popu- • Know the effects of drugs such as cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors,
lation should be followed throughout childhood and adult- angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, prostaglandins, and
catecholamines on renal function (antenatal and postnatal).
hood to ensure that they receive appropriate diagnosis and
• Know the changes in glomerular and tubular function that occur
treatment. Health-care professionals and people born pre-
during development, including the handling of glucose, sodium,
term should receive education and advice regarding their
potassium, calcium, bicarbonate, and phosphate.
increased risk for CKD and the importance of lifestyle

Vol. 20 No. 12 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9 e733

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The Effect of Preterm Birth on Renal Development and Renal Health Outcome
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The Effect of Preterm Birth on Renal Development and Renal Health Outcome
Amanda Dyson and Alison L. Kent
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