Test Grammar 1 Complete The Sentences With The Correct Word or Phrase

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1 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

Example: We went to Rome last week.
were went go
1. ‘Did they enjoy the party?’ ‘Yes, they _____.’
enjoyed did enjoy did
2 Yesterday _____ Saturday. Today is Sunday.
didn’t didn’t was was
3 I _____ a great film at the cinema last night.
saw ’m seeing see
4 _____ the football match yesterday?
You watched Did you watch Watched you
5 Sally _____ a book on the train.
readed read red
6 Where _____ Jimmy this morning?
was were did
7 I _____ my iPod last week.
lose lost losed
8 What time _____ Mr Carter leave?
was is did

2 Use the words to write positive (+) and negative (–) sentences and questions (?) with
there is / there are. Add some, any, a where necessary.
Example: a shop in the village (?)
Is there a shop in the village?
1 a swimming pool in the garden (+)
2 ghosts in the house (–)
3 cupboards in the kitchen (?)
4 a shower in the bathroom (?)
5 a television in the bedroom (–)
6 schools near our new house (+)

3 Underline the correct word.

Example: There wasn’t / weren’t any food on the table.
1 Was there any / a TV in your hotel room?
2 There was / were a good film on TV last night.
3 Are there any / a guests at the hotel?
4 There were / was a lot of people at the party.
5 Were / Was there a good restaurant near the hotel?
6 ‘Was there a ghost in your room?’ ‘No, there wasn’t / weren’t.’

4 Complete the sentences with a, an, some, or any.

Example: There are some strawberries in the fridge.
1 ‘I’m hungry.’ ‘Do you want __________ apple?’
2 Let’s make __________ bread this evening.
3 He’s a vegetarian. He doesn’t want __________ meat.
4 ‘Are there __________ bananas?’ ‘No. Pete had the last one.’
5 Do you want __________ sandwich?
6 There are__________ eggs in the fridge.

5 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets.
Example: My sister is younger (young) than me.
1 Your computer was _______________ (expensive) than mine.
2 Sara’s a _______________ (bad) cook than me.
3 I think the mountains are _______________ (beautiful) than the beach.
4 It’s _______________ (hot) in Greece than in Sweden.
5 Anton’s a _______________ (good) dancer than you.
6 Swimming in the sea is _______________ (dangerous) than swimming in a pool.
7 I’m _______________ (happy) now than when I was a teenager.
8This year’s course is _______________ (hard) than last year’s course.


6 Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: We drove from / to London to Cambridge.
1 Don’t run into / down the stairs!
2 An old man came up / out of the house.
3 The bookshelves are next to / between the sofa.
4 Don’t stand behind / in front of the TV. I’m trying to watch this programme.
5 Put those books in / over the cupboard.
6 I opened the door and walked into / on the room.
7 Our house is in front / opposite the park.
8 She put her purse out of / into her bag.

7 Write the past simple form of the verbs.

Example: do did
1 find __________ 7 fall __________
2 get __________ 8 drive __________
3 hear __________ 9 speak __________
4 wear __________ 10 write __________
5 take __________ 11 sit __________
6 say __________ 12 think __________

8 Find the odd word out.

Example: fridge armchair washing machine cooker
1 floor ceiling sofa wall
2 bed bath shower mirror
3 living room dining room shelf garage
4 armchair sofa couch cupboard
5 bedroom garden living room kitchen
6 study hall balcony stairs
7 tea coffee jam juice
8 banana carrot tomato pepper
9 pineapple strawberry cereal orange
10 rice milk butter apple


9 Read the text and tick () A, B, or C.

Last year my boyfriend Mark was forty and I wanted to get him a special present for his
birthday. Just before Christmas I saw tickets for a Bruce Springsteen concert for sale on
the internet. The concert was in Sheffield, about 25 miles away from where we live, and
Mark is a big fan of Bruce Springsteen so I decided to buy two tickets. They weren’t
cheap – I think I paid around £90 for each one. I wanted to surprise Mark, so I didn’t
tell him about it.

On the day of the concert, I told Mark that I wanted to do some Christmas shopping in
Sheffield. We left in my car just after lunch and spent the afternoon in a big shopping
centre. I bought Christmas presents for my family and a skirt for work. Mark looked for
some new jeans, but he couldn’t find any that he liked. By the time we finished
shopping it was nearly 6 p.m. and we were hungry so we had dinner in a Japanese
restaurant. After dinner we left the shopping centre and set off on our way home. On the
way we passed the concert hall and we could see the crowds of fans outside. Mark was
really surprised when I drove into the concert hall car park and gave him the tickets!

The concert was fantastic. We danced all night and Mark took lots of photos on his
mobile phone. Afterwards we bought a concert CD. We put it on when we got in the car
and we sang all of the songs as we drove home. We didn’t get back home until nearly
one o’clock in the morning and we were both really tired, but it was a great night and
Mark really enjoyed his surprise.

Example: Debbie and her boyfriend went to see a ___.

A film  B friend  C concert 
1 Debbie bought the tickets as ___ present.
A a Christmas  B a birthday  C an expensive 
2 She bought the tickets ___.
A at a shopping centre  B at the concert hall  C on the internet 
3 They arrived in Sheffield in the ___.
A morning  B afternoon  C evening 
4 Debbie didn’t buy ___.
A presents  B a skirt  C jeans 
5 They had something to eat ___ the concert.
A before  B during  C after 
6 Debbie gave the tickets to Mark ___.
A at the restaurant  B in the concert hall  C in the car park 
7 They ___ on the way back to their house.
A listened to the radio  B sang Bruce Springsteen songs 
C talked about the concert 

1 Listen to two friends doing a magazine quiz. Tick () A or B.

1 Milk is better for you than fruit juice.
A True c B False c
2 Scottish people have a healthier diet than English people.
A True c B False c
3 People are heavier in winter because they eat more.
A True c B False c
4 Short fat chips are better for your health than long thin chips.
A True c B False c
5 Eating lots of chocolate makes you feel relaxed.
A True c B False c


Describe the meals in your country. Answer these questions, then write a text. (75–100
1 What meals do people have? When do they have their meals?
2 What do people usually have for breakfast / lunch / dinner?
3 What types of food / drink are popular in your country?
4 Where do people shop for food?
5 Do people often eat out in restaurants?

We usually have … meals a day in my country: …

Writing total 10

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