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Small pox vaccine was first discovered by

a. Robert Koch b. Louis Pasteur
c. Lister d. Edward Jenner

2. The functions of plasmid are

a. DNA replication b. Protein synthesis
c. Cell wall synthesis d. None of the above
3. The etiologic agent of botulism is a
a. Neurotoxin b. Endotoxin
c. Enterotoxin d. All of the above
4. The bacterial cells are at their metabolic peak during
a. Lag phase b. Log
c. Stationary d. Decline

5. Protein particles which can infect are called

a. Virons b. Prions
c. Nucleoida d. None of these

6. The viruses that live as parasites on bacteria are

a. Fungi b. Commensels
c. Bacteriophages d. None of these

7. A population of cells derived from a single cell are called

a. Monclonal cells b. Clones
c. Protoplasts d. Sub culture

8. Staining material of gram positive bacterium is

a. Fast green b. Haematoxylon
c. Crystal violet d. Safranin
9. Cell wall of gram negative bacteria is
a. Thick b. Lipids are present
c. Teichoic acids are absent d. None of these
10. Teichoic acids and Teichuronic acids are found in
a. Gram positive bacteria b. Gram negative bacteria
c. Fungi d. None of these
11. Cell-wall is
a. Thick in Gram positive than Gram negative
b. Thick in Gram negative than Gram positive
c. Equal in both
d. In Gram negative cell-wall is absent

12. Infection that results in pus formation are called

a. Focal infection b. Acute infection
c. Pyogenic infection d. Chronic infection
13. Presence of viable bacteria in the blood stream is called
a. Viraemia b. Septicaemia
c. Bacteraemia d. Bactericidal

14. The major constituents in agar are

a. Fats b. Aminoacids
c. Polysaccharides d. Polypeptides

15. According to Pasteur statements which one of the following is true:

a. Living organisms discriminate between stereoisomers
b. Fermentation is a aerobic process
c. Living organisms doesn’t discriminate between stereoisomers
d. Both a and b

16. Prophylaxis of cholera is

a. Protected water supply
b. Environmental sanitation
c. Immunization with killed vaccines
d. All of these
17. A mutation that produces termination codon is
a. Mis-sense mutation
b. Neutral mutation
c. Non-sense mutation
d. Reverse mutation
18. During conjunction the genetic material will be transferred through
a. Cell wall b. Medium
c. Pili d. Capsule

19. Bacterial transformation was discovered by

a. Ederberg and Tatum

b. Beadle and Tatum
c. Griffith
d. None of these
20. Father of microbiology is
a. Louis Pasteur b. Lister
c. A.V. Leeuwenhock d. Robert Koch
21. Dengue virus is transmitted from man to man by the
a. Sand fly b. Ticks
c. Aedes aegypti d. Culex

22. Rancidity in spoiled foods is due to

a. Lipolytic organisms
b. Proteolytic organisms
c. Toxigenic microbes
d. Saccharolytic microbes

23. Mycoplasmas are bacterial cells that

a. Fail to reproduce on artificial meida
b. Have a rigid cell wall
c. Are resistant to penicillin
d. Stain well with Gram’s stain

24. Endotoxin produced by gram negative bacteria is present in

a. Peptidoglycan b. Lippolysacharide
c. Theichoic acid d. Inner membrane
25. Which one of the following is about Herpes viruses?
a. Icosahedral, with envelope, ds DNA
b. Polyhedral with envelope, ds DNA
c. RNA, helical with envelope
d. ds DNA, brick shape

26. Tumor inducing plasmids are extensively used in production of

a. Avirulent phases
b. Single cell proteins
c. Transgenic plants
d. Nitrogen fixing bacteria

27. The staining technique used to stain the metachromatic granules of Coryney bacterium
a. Giemsa stain b. Alberts stain
c. Acid fast staining d. Both a and b

28. Diagnosis of bacterial disease can be made by

a. Finding bacteria in pathological fluids
b. Isolation of bacteria by culture from exudates or blood
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
29. Staphylococcus aureus are characterized by
a. Formation of acid in sucrose, dextrose
b. Liquification of gelatin due to production of gelatinase
c. Strains are catalase positive
d. All of above
e. None of these

30. Rapid bacterial growth phase is known as

a. Log b. Lag
c. Lack d. None of these

31. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure of:

a. Industrial wastes poured into water bodies
b. Extent to which water is polluted with organic compounds
c. Amount of carbon monoxide inseparably combined with haemoglobin
d. Amount of oxygen needed by green plants during night
32. The following organisms have been proposed as sources of single cell protein
a. Bacteria b. Yeasts
c. Algae d. All the three
33. Minimum growth temperature is
a. The growth of organisms at lowest temperature
b. The lowest temperature at which the microorganisms grow
c. The maximum temperature at which the growth is stable
d. None of these
34. Food poisoning is caused by
a. Clostridum tetani b. Clostridum Welchi
c. Diptheria d. Clostridium botulinum
35. Septicaemia is
a. Bacteria in blood b. Toxin in blood
c. Pus in blood d. Multiplication of bacteria and toxins in blood
36. Triple toxoid vaccine gives protection against
a. Diphtheria, tetanus and rabies
b. Tetanus, whooping cough, Tuberculosis
c. Whooping cough, tetanus and Diphtheria
d. Whooping cough, cancer and T.B.
37. Bacteria which need oxygen for growth are called
a. Thermophilic bacteria b. Microaerophilic bacteria
c. Facultative anaerobic bacteria d. Mycobacteria
38. The bacteria which are able to grow at 0°C but which grow at 20°C to 30°C, are known
a. Psychrophiles b. Facultative psychrophiles
c. Average psychrophiles d. Mesophiles
39. The organisms which can grow both in presence and absence of oxygen
a. Aerobes b. Anaerobes
c. Faculative anaerobes d. Strict aerobes
40. Peptone water medium is an example for
a. Synthetic medium
b. Semisynthetic medium
c. Differential medium
d. None of these
41. Which of the following method of sterilization has no effect on spores?
a. Drying b. Hot air oven
c. Autoclave d. None of these
42. The condition required for autoclave
a. 121oC temp.and 15 lbs. pressure for 20 min.
b. 120oC temp.and 20 lbs. pressure for 30 min
c. 150oC temp.for 1 hr.
d. 130oC temp for 2 hr.
43. In the medium other than nutrients, if any substance is used in excess, that medium is
a. Enriched medium
b. Special medium
c. Enrichment medium
d. None of these
44. The primary mode of transmission of poliomyelitis is
a. Oral route b. Blood
c. Milk d. Person to person
45. Mycotoxins are produced by
a. Bacteria
b. Fungi
c. Algae
d. Protozoans
1. Bacteria multiply by
a. Spore formation
b. Simple binary fission
c. Conjugation
d. Gametes
2. Bacillus is an example of
a. Gram positive bacteria
b. Gram negative bacteria
c. Virus
d. viroid

3. The bacterial sore throat is caused by

a. Staph aureus
b. Hemophilus spp
c. Strep pyogenes
d. Mycoplasma pneumoniae

4. Streptolysin O is
a. Antigen
b. Oxygen labile
c. Heat labile
d. All of these

5. Bacteria range in size

a. 2-5 micrometer
b. O.2 -5 micrometer
c. O.o2 –o.2 micrometer
d. All are incorrect

6. All the statements are correct about gram negative bacteria except
a. Contain thin cell wall
b. Lipids are present
c. Teichoic acid are present
d. None of above

7. Streptococcus pyogenes can be differentiated from other hemolytic streptococci on the basis of
a. bacitracin sensitivity
b. Erythromycin sensitivity
c. Aminoglycoside sensitivity
d. Penicillin sensitivity

8. Which of the following are not the symptom of gonorrhea

a. Conjunctivitis
b. Skin decolorization
c. Burning sensation while urination
d. Painful or swollen testicles
9. Neisseria gonorrhea is what type of organism
a. Fungi
b. Gram negative rods
c. Gram negative cocci
d. Bacteria
e. Both c and d

10. The bacterial pili are composed of

a. Proteins
b. Lipids
c. Carbohydrates
d. Minerals

11. What is the key test that separates staphylococcus from streptococcus species
a. Coagulase test
b. Urease test
c. Catalase test
d. None of above

12. The difference between gram positive and gram negative bacteria is show to reside in the
a. Nucleus
b. Cell wall
c. Cell membrane
d. Mesosomes

13. Enterotoxin responsible for food poisoning is secreted by

a. Enterococci
b. Entamoeba histolytica
c. Enterobacteriaceae
d. Staphylococci

14. The cell wall of bacteria is composed of

a. Pilli
b. Plasmid
c. Peptidoglycan
d. All of these

15. What sexually transmitted infection can be transmitted to a new born from a mother during
child birth
a. Gonorrhea
b. Herpes
c. Syphilis
d. Chlamydia
16. What is the key test that separates staphylococcus aureus from other staphylococci
a. Urease test
b. Coagulase test
c. Growth on blood agar
d. Mannose fermentation

17. Extrachromosomal double standard circular DNA molecule in bacteria is

a. Transposons
b. Plasmid
c. Intron
d. Both b and c

18. Lipid content is more in

a. Gram positive
b. Gram negative
c. Same in both
d. None of these

19. The order to stain in gram staining procedure is

a. Alcohol, crystal violet, iodine solution, safranin
b. Crystal violet, iodine solution, alcohol, safranin
c. Iodine solution, safranin, crystal violet, alcohol
d. All are incorrect

20. Food poisoning is caused by

a. Clostridium tetani
b. Diphtheria
c. Clostridium welchi
d. Clostridium botulinum

21. Blood agar medium is

a. Enriched medium
b. Enrichment medium
c. Selective medium
d. Differential medium

22. Mycobacterium tuberculosis stains well with acid fast stain, but not with gram stain.which one
of the following is most likely reason for this observation
a. It has large no of pili
b. At has large amount of mycolic acid
c. It has very thin cell wall that prevent the purple dye
d. To thin to be seen in gram stain

23. The function of plasmid

a. DNA replication
b. Protein synthesis
c. Cell wall synthesis
d. None of above

24. What is the most common infection is caused by staphylococcus aureus

a. Staph enterotoxicosis
b. Folicullitis
c. Toxic shock syndrome
d. Osteomyelitis

25. Bacterial capsule is composed of

a. Polypeptide
b. Polynucleotide
c. Polysaccharides
d. Polypeptide and polysaccharides

26. Gram negative bacteria appear as

a. Pink
b. Violet
c. Both
d. None of above

27. Mycoplasma are bacterial cells that

a. Stain well with gram stain
b. No cell wall
c. Fail to reproduce on artificial media
d. Are resistance penicillin

28. Bacterial spore are

a. Weakly acid fast
b. Strongly acid fast
c. Alcohol fast
d. Non acid fast
29. The action of alcohol during gram staining
a. Allows the color
b. It adds color
c. Decolorized the cell
d. None of above

30. Each of the following organisms is an important cause of urinary tract infection except
a. Klebsiella pneumonia
b. Escherichia coli
c. Bacteriodes fragilis
d. Proteus mirabilis

31. The characteristics shape of bacterial cell is maintained because of

a. Capsule
b. Cell wall
c. Cell membrane
d. Slim layer

32. Bacterial ribosome are ……………….. in size

a. 70s
b. 80s
c. 60s
d. Can be either 70s or 80s

33. Staphylococcus aureus is most frequently isolated from what body site
a. GIT
b. Vagina
c. Genitourinary tract
d. Nostrils

34. All are the properties of M.tuberculosis except

a. Slow growing
b. Resistance to acids and alkalis
c. Multi drug resistance
d. Produce exotoxin but not endotoxin

35. Which is the most serious pathogen within the genus staphylococcus
a. Staph epidermidis
b. Staph saprophyticus
c. Staph homnis
d. Staph aureus

36. M.tuberculosis is
a. Spore forming
b. Rod shape
c. Non capsulated
d. Slow growing
e. All of above

37. Coagulase test is used for

a. Salmonella
b. Staphylococcus
c. Bordetella
d. Pneumococcus
38. The microorganisms which are permanent residents of certain body sites are
a. Bacteria
b. Fungi
c. Normal flora
d. Both b and c

39. The bacteria which cause cholera

a. Vibrio
b. Helicobacter
c. Borrelia
d. Proteus

40. A patient develops explosive watry diarrhea 24 hours after eating seafood. What bacterium is
most likely involved
a. Campylobacter fetus
b. Shigella flexneri
c. Salmonella typhimurium
d. Vibrio parahemolytic

41. Most cases of tuberculosis present with

a. Pulmonary disease
b. Renal disease
c. Disseminated disease
d. Cerebral disease

42. Of the following antibiotics, which one is the most appropriate to treat a severe necrotizing skin
infection caused by an MRSA strain of staphylococcus aureus
a. Amoxicillin
b. Ceftriaxone
c. Exfoliatin
d. P V leikocidin

43. Which of the following is the most appropriate to distinguish streptococcus pyogenes from
other beta hemolytic streptococci
a. Ability to grow in 6.5% NaCl
b. Activation of c reactive protein
c. Inhibition of bacitracin
d. Inhibition of optochin

44. Which of the following is not true regarding mycobacterium

a. Waxy cell wall high protein content
b. Gram stained
c. Slow growing
d. L.J media requirement

45. Doubling time of mycobacterium is

a. 14 hours
b. 18 hours
c. 15 min
d. 20hours

46. Tuberculosis is transmitted through

a. Infected air
b. Infected water
c. Infected hands
d. Infected food

47. The main purpose of performing throat culture is to detect the presence of which one of the
a. Neisseria meningitides
b. Staphylococcus aureus
c. Streptococcus pyogenes
d. Both a and b

48. Commensalism
a. Both organisms benefit from symbiosis
b. Neither organism derives benefit or harm
c. One organism benefit at the expense of the other
d. One organism benefit, the other derives neither benefits nor harm

49. Which of the following bacteria cause anthrax

a) Bacillus cereus
b) Bacillus anthrax
c) Corynebacterium
d) clostridium

50. Which of the following bacteria cause anthrax

e) Bacillus cereus
f) Bacillus anthrax
g) Corynebacterium
h) Clostridium
51. Neisseria meningitides caused
i) Meningocemia
j) Meningitis
k) Both a and b
l) gonorrhea

52. The bacterial pili are composed of

e. Proteins
f. Lipids
g. Carbohydrates
h. Minerals

53. What is the key test that separates staphylococcus from streptococcus species
e. Coagulase test
f. Urease test
g. Catalase test
h. None of above

54. The difference between gram positive and gram negative bacteria is show to reside in the
e. Nucleus
f. Cell wall
g. Cell membrane
h. Mesosomes

55. Enterotoxin responsible for food poisoning is secreted by

e. Enterococci
f. Entamoeba histolytica
g. Enterobacteriaceae
h. Staphylococci

56. The cell wall of bacteria is composed of

e. Pilli
f. Plasmid
g. Peptidoglycan
h. All of these

57. What sexually transmitted infection can be transmitted to a new born from a mother during
child birth
e. Gonorrhea
f. Herpes
g. Syphilis
h. Chlamydia
58. What is the key test that separates staphylococcus aureus from other staphylococci
e. Urease test
f. Coagulase test
g. Growth on blood agar
h. Mannose fermentation

59. Extrachromosomal double standard circular DNA molecule in bacteria is

e. Transposons
f. Plasmid
g. Intron
h. Both b and c

60. Lipid content is more in

e. Gram positive
f. Gram negative
g. Same in both
h. None of these

Q1 How normal flora is beneficial to human beings?

Q2 How will you process the specimen of CSF for N.Meningitidis?

Q3 How will you process the specimen of Sputum for mycobacterium


Q4 How will you process the specimen of urethral discharge for


Q.5 Write down the important properties of staphylococcus.

Q.7 Write down the important properties of streptococcus.

Q.8 Enlist the normal flora of mouth.

Q.9 How will you process the specimen of throat swab for phyringitis?

Q.10 How will you process the specimen of diarrheic stool for E.Coli?
Q.11 How will you process the specimen of throat swab for Streptococcus pyogenes.

Q.12 Write down the important properties of Kliebsella pneumonia.

Q.13 Write a note on bacterial capsule.

Q. 14 How plasmid play role in the pathogenesis of bacteria.

Q. 15 Discuss oxidase and urease biochemical tests.

Q. 16 What are the differences between gram positive and gram negative bacteria?

Q. 17 Write down the important properties of salmonella.

Q.18 Draw flow chart of sterilization.

Q.19 Write down the important properties of viridans streptococci.

Q.20 Enlist the normal flora of following:

a) Vagina
b) Skin
c) intestine

1. Define sterilization and dis infection. What are factors on which affect sterilization by
2. Write a note on types of bacterial infections?
3. What are the approaches to laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases?
4. What are important components of bacterial cell wall? Enlist them and write a note on
outer membrane of Gram –ve organism.
5. Classify culture media.
6. How chemical agents act for killing microorganism? Discuss their action in disruption of cell
7. Describe the factors which required for bacterial growth?
8. What are environmental conditions for bacterial growth?

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