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              The problem
Inclusion shouldn’t  be one of  a problems of the 21st  century but sadly it is .Exclusion due
to religious believes is common in Kenya .There has been some little evidence for growing
pro-terrorist attitudes and radicalization among the Muslim population in Kenya.Muslims are
about 11% of Kenya’s total population.  This form of injustice not only happens in Kenya but
also in other parts of the world.A good example is the France government ban on hijabs for
women under the age of 18.This has all been brought by Islamophobia which is exaggerated
hostility ,fear and hatred towards islam and Muslims that is perpetuated by negative
stereotypes resulting in bias, discrimination and the marginalization and exclusion of
Muslims from civic, social, and political life. 

In addition to Muslim men, women and children, those who share characteristics that have
been characterized as “Muslim”-whether it be language, clothing or skin color- are also
affected by islamophobia.Thus Sikhs, christian Arabs and Hindu Indians have been targets of
anti-Muslim animus.

This is a very sensitive topic since it deals with inclusion and is something most Kenyans
wouldn't think of when you bring out the topic.This topic revolves around different systems;
education, political,economical among many others. 

Data reported in 2010

The targeted audience affected by the problem

 The targeted audience for my multimedia presentation is the community that takes part in the
social injustice and the victims of circumstances.The community is the stakeholder for the
growing negative exclusion in the nation’When you go to Nairobi be cautious of people from
the NorthEastern”Was something a parent once told a child.
If the community is educated it eradicates religious injustices and help bring about an
inclusive society.The community determines who we are and grow to be.
The number of hate crimes targeting Muslims grew from 135 in 2013 to 154 in 2014.
Muslims take 11% of Kenya’s population.They also have to take a stand to stop the
unjustness.It’s their right as citizens to report any case of injustice to the authority.Since they
are affected by this they have to join hands together as a society a good example is The
Muslim Brotherhood found in Egypt and Syria.
Causes of the problem
The backbone of this act against human rights is the escalation of attacks by the al-Shabab
terrorist group believed to be Muslims (violent extremist).For many Kenyans Westgate a
pivotal incident that in much the same way as 9/11  9/11was for Americans.The escalation of
fear and outrage hardened anti-Muslim and anti-Somali  Perceptions among many
Kenyans.People tend to conflate al-Shababs to muslims.

The media also over emphasizes negative coverage and news pertaining to Muslim and Islam
leading to an exaggerated sense of threat and consequently fear and hate.An academic study
covered by The Washington post found that in a four year period 12% of domestic attacks
conducted by muslims received, on, average 449% percent more media coverage than 88% 
of attacks committed  by others.

Politicians play on peoples emotions and exploit their fear to actively instigate islamophobia
when it serves their own political interest. According to on September
19,2016 at a rally in Florida USA former US president Donald Trump reacted to explosions
over the weekend in New York and New Jersey and said “There have been Islamic terrorist in
Menesota and New York city and in New Jersey.These attacks and many more were made
possible because of our extremely open immigration system which fails to properly vet and
screen the individuals and families coming to our country.Got to be careful”
  Effects of  the problem
The injustice perpetrated toward Muslims has adverse effects on Kenya as a nation. 
(1)It has brought economical, social and political marginalization of Muslims and  Muslim
areas in Kenya.This  has provoked wide spread resentment and frustrations within that
community.Such grievances enhances radical militancy.
(2)It has brought poor relationship between Christians and Muslims.The relationship hinders
day to day activities and might cause religious rivalry in addition to the reduction of
development growth in the country since the citizens can’t work together,.If the repercussions
are not meet we might as well end up with WORLD WAR III
(3)The Muslims get discriminated in terms of education, economic and trade, civil rights and
they miss out in other opportunities in the community.This reduces their work ethic and
shows violation of chapter four part two of the constitution of Kenya.
(4)It also affects the mental state of the victim .Giving them a sense that they don't 
belong.Mental illnesses like mood disorders like (depression and bipolar disorder),personality
disorders, trauma related disorders etc
(5)Freedom of self expression.How can you express yourself, your culture, your religion
when the community is  against you?It makes the Muslim’s  feel guilty and awkward  about
their religion.In addition some tend to hide their religion.   
Why I need to design a solution
My main reason for designing a solution is to educate the public.The community should be
educated to stop the growing cancer affecting our community.When the community is aware
of the effects of this problem they will stop it.Some members of the community perpetrate 
this without the knowledge of doing so.
To empower the Muslims to fight back.The Muslims should fight back at the perpetrators
who commit the acts against them in peaceful ways.
To make global and national organizations aware of the problem. Organizations such the UN
together with Non-Governmental Organizations play a key role in the eradication of the
problem.They provide economical, educational and even mental support if needed.
To reduce its negative impacts on Kenya as a Nation.
To let the Muslims know that they are not alone.My solution. is to show them that they are
not alone.They should know that some members of the community are supporting them.This
my give the energy to resist the  Inhumanity.
To help atain the Sustainable Development Goal 8:Reduced inequalities.The Sustainable
Development goals provide a sustainable future for all.


Research plan

It affects Muslims
and people who
Who does the Interview share the same
problem affect High Secondary/ Website: characterestics
Primary with them.

Websites: brought by,
Cause of the High Secondary Political
problem play,violent

Affects the
Some of the Secondary/ Books and existing Education and
problem’s effects Moderate Primary Knowlge on the even health
topic of inclusion
What digital
products catches
the eye of most Low Primary Observations Videos

What sdg is the
solution tring to Moderate Secondary Sdg nine:Inclusion

How manypeople Moderate Website: 21%jewish
have been Secondary 20%catholic
discriminated for 18%protestant
being thought as 25%no religion

How would you

rate the
effectiveness of
chapter 4 article 2 Low Primary Focus groups
of Kenya’s

Organizations that
help reduce Primary Existing knowledge UN and other
islamophobia Low on the topic. NGOs

Design tools used Website Visme
to create a High Secondary/ Canva
probable product Primary Conversation Loom

Ways of making electronic
my available to a High Secondary Website: media,social
number of people. infoentrepreneurs.or media and prints
g art and graft
The picture by JPV council artist Council Member Micah
Bazant in collaboration with Linda Sarsour shows a Woman
wearing a hijab and the words “NO MUSLIMS BAN EVER”
The image is pleasing in that the woman drawn looks beautiful and her smile pleases the
eye.The image is square in shape and seems as if it was drawn by pencil.The black and white
gives a good contrast and is liable for the message the image is sending.The graphics makes
the image feel alive in a sense that you feel the woman pleading.To some the colours might
be dull and sending the wrong message of doom and gloom.
The cost is likely to be cheap given the price of paper and pencils.The currency in terms of
Kenyan Shillings might fall somewhere between 100 to 300 but if drawn using an electric
gadget might be cheap.Art is expensive in terms of buying a hard copy might cost about 1500
ksh.The image might not be a good value given the number of people who see it.
The product will mainly get the eyes of people between ages 30 to 50 and art lovers.
The product is most likely to find its meaning in the hands of Muslims and religious activist
with the others viewing it as just art.The image is lest likely to affect the environment since
I intend to make the product appropriate for all ages that excludes dirty language and explicit
or obsence scenes and images.
it’s enviromentally friendly and its materials can be recycled,reused and is sustainable.Lets
just say it follows the 6rs recycle,reuse,repair,rethink,reduce,refuse. The picture is not
definate in
I intend to make the product appropriate for all ages that excludes dirty language and explicit
or obsence scenes and images.
size and would work well depending on the users environmemt and choice.The product is
safe and the risk of the consumer getting hurt is 99.99% which is minimal.The product would
best be hung on a wall if it is a hard copy or usage of minimal light when viewing it on a
screen.The product is used to sensitize people on islamophopia,Muslim hate and and
injustices being done to them.It shows Muslim strenght as much as it is creating
awareness.The picture gives you notice on what Muslims are facing in a rather indirect way.It
can be bettered by changing the words and making it more open and clear to understand.The
product cannot be accesable to people with visual imparement.They cannot or hardly see the
image and the words written.
ways-to-handle-anti-muslim-discrimination.aspx The
website was written by Wesley Baines.
The product has words written in black and a white background not forgetting the images
from various websites that match the topic being discussed.Generally it’s of good aesthetics
unless viewed differently depending on the user.Depending on the method you use to build
your website,the prices vary with website builders being the cheapest with hiring a web
designer being the most expensive option.Buying a website might fall between 100000 to
300000 kenyan shilings.
The product likely targets Muslims without any age bracket given that they can read and
understand English.Other people might not feel the need of using the website in that they are
not Muslims.It meats all the cyber safety regulations.The product cannot be used without
access to the internet and mobile electronic devices and people with disabilities like the blind
who only read braille.It is not inclusive in terms of abilities.The words aren’t that much and
they are easy to understand.The role of the website is to outline ways of handling anti-
Muslim discrimination by identifying eight best ways.It also gives support to Muslims and
other people undergoing discrimination on how they can cope and live healthy lives..The
advertisement in the website helps raise money it can also distract the audience from the
main topic.The website is accesable to many people from around the world.
e=tedcomshare The two million plus views video is by Suzane Barakat was posted in
2016.It takes only 14 minutes and 55 seconds.The video is taken in a conference with more
audience.It is both educational ,cometric and tragetic.The video is of good quality with the
right lighting.It iluminates to what the speaker is talking about.The video talkes about the
death of three young Muslims due to islamophobia and Muslim hate.It can be a little explicit
for minors because it talks of deaths caused by hate crime but it also can give one the strength
and courage to deal with such issues.

The community at large is the products generals audience since the story is to open the
communitys eyes on crimes happening today that are being ignored and turned into
something else.The product works well because it gives you the knowledge of what is
happening around the world through a real-life experience.The product also shows us a good
example of a world without religious discrimination.This shows that achiving inclusion in our
community is possible when each one of us plays their role in the society putting the hatred
behind. .The video is in a social media platform making it easy to be accesable to a large
number from around the globe.Internet connection is the main hinderance to accesing the
product.People with internet who account to 3.7 billion of the world’s population are


From my research I have learnt that excclusion of Muslims and islamophobia has grown
rampant and is spreading not only in Kenya but mostly in the United States of America and
Europe.This does not only happens to Muslims alone but also to people with the same
culture ,characterestics and even appearance.This is all brought by violent extremest the al-
Shabab in Kenya political players and the media.Its uncountable effects bring about many
challenges to the economic and social growth of our nation.

From looking at the other products I have been inspired to create a multimedia presentation.It
is a presentation the uses several different forms of communication to pass information..
They are easily accesable and can be shared to any electronic gadget..The product can be
posted in social media platforms which has up to 4.48 billion users according to product can also be displayed during public gatherings in the community
like in the chief barazas the mosques ,churches and many other events.

According to my research the best design tools to use to create the product is powtoon and
canvaPowtoon is a website and Canva is an application.These tools have various features you
can add to your presentation like photos ,videos ,audio ,text etcetera and are very effective in
addition to being easy to use and have different templete.With this design tools you a can
create animation narrations,GIFs, videos and many more.Both tools need access to the
internet to be used.
There is nothing harder than satisfying different members of the community with different
likes and dislikes but according to my observations many people like watching videos ,
looking at photos and listening to audio.I would prefer to incoperate all those media to appeal
to my client.To be certain that my product is good I aspire to test it with a small number just
to be certain.The product is to feature people of different races, religion and the audio is to
help people with visual disabilities and video to those with hearing imparement to make it
inclusive to the members of the community. I intend to make the product appropriate for all
ages that excludes inopropriate language and explicit or obsence scenes and image for it to
be accesable to minors.
My product is to mainly create awareness on Islamophobia , Muslim exclusion , hate crimes
against Muslims and radicalization.I intend to bring out the nature of the problem and show
people that we are all equal .There is no superior religion and culture and everyone is equal
and right and that should not be the need of discrimination and radicalization. In addition to
that it is to empower more activist to help combat the growing cancer our community is

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