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Fall 2021 Mechanics of Fluids

Homework 1
Due 5pm 9/24/2021

Problem 1
For each quantity listed, indicate dimensions using mass as a primary dimension, and give
typical SI and English units:
a) Power
b) Pressure
c) Modulus of elasticity
d) Angular velocity
e) Energy
f) Moment of a force
g) Momentum
h) Shear stress
i) Strain
j) Angular momentum

Problem 2
^ ^
⃗ = 𝑎𝑥 3 𝑖̇ + 𝑏𝑥𝑦 3𝑗̇ where a = 1 m-2s-1 and b = 1 m-3s-1. Find the
A velocity field is given by 𝑉
equation of the streamlines. Plot the streamlines that pass through the points (2, 0.25), (2, 0.5)
and (2,1).

Problem 3
Calculate velocity gradients and shear stress for y = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 m, if the velocity
profile is a quarter‐circle having its center 0.6 m from the boundary (See figure below). The
fluid viscosity is 7.5 x 10-4 Ns/m2.
𝑢 𝑦
The velocity profile is given by ( )2 + (0.6𝑚 − 1) = 1

Problem 4
Determine the gage pressure in kPa at point “a”, if the liquid A has a SG = 1.20 and liquid B has
SG = 0.75. The liquid surrounding point “a” is water, and the tank on the left is open to the
atmosphere. The definition of specific gravity (SG) =  /  H2O.
Problem 5
Water flows downward along a pipe that is inclined at 30 degrees below the horizontal, as
shown. Pressure difference pA = pB is due partly to gravity and partly to friction. Derive an
algebraic expression for the pressure difference. Evaluate the pressure difference if L = 5 ft and h
= 6 in.

Problem 6
The gate shown is hinged at H. The gate is 3 m wide normal to the plane of the diagram.
Calculate the force required at “A” to hold the gate closed.

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