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REVIEW LITERATURE: Poverty in the wealthiest countries in the

Background of the study
The research is focused on the social-psychological causes and consequences of poverty in the wealthiest
countries. I will conduct my research in England, which has the highest number of deprived parts in the
United Kingdom. The most deprived parts where I will study include Middlesbrough, Burnley, Kingston
upon Hull, Blackburn with Darwen, Stoke-on-Trent, Blackpool. Hackney, Nottingham with which are
among the most deprived parts. Research on deprived individuals areas within a district will be done in
seaside village Jaywick, the most deprived area, from 2021. According to, Jaywick
topped the deprivation list of 32,6440 neighborhoods across England. The paper represents a vital part of
developing a dissertation. It reviews the literature on addressing causes and establishment of poverty in
the wealthiest countries in the world.

Literature Review
Society sends out a message that poor people are not good enough. 'You're poor because you're no good.'
(Shafir 2012). This narrative creates feelings of inferiority to the poor since it is effortless for people in a
particular crisis to accept this kind of idea. According to Shafir, the poor aren't less able; they're
distracted.' According to him, emotional distractions can cause people to make the wrong decisions,
leading to poverty. Therefore, it is envisaged that the narratives of a selected group are analyzed to
encode psychological and sociological dynamics that play a role, either in stimulating and creating a
situation of poverty or enforcing a context of poverty.
Poverty is widely associated with high living standards, unemployment, discrimination, food insecurity,
government corruption, and environmental conditions. Methodologies used to reduce poverty focus on
the economics and government to fight poverty. United Kingdom antipoverty policies include:
 Early childhood programs.
 Minimum wage.
 Increased funds towards health and education.
 Creation of employment opportunities.
 Guidelines are based in the most deprived neighborhoods.
The policies have not addressed the poverty issue in the United Kingdom, and most residents lack daily
basic needs. In the United Kingdom, different strategies should be established to help reduce and create a
balance between the rich and the poor. Research on this field of poverty has been done and focused on
poverty in the economy and employment. However, in this era, poverty may be associated with social-
psychologic causes which affect poor people indirectly without their knowledge.
Lewis (1966) beliefs poverty is built on the assumption that the rich and the poor have different
behavioral norms and life patterns. The theory argues ta poverty among the poor is due to the
psychological behaviors associated with their state. Lewis(1966) proposed that the poor lack the
knowledge to plan for the future or spend money wisely. Cited by Samiti t al.(2012), Lewis(1966)
believes poverty can be transmitted from one generation to another because their offspring are socialized
with goals and values associated with poverty. According to McIntyre2002, the poor can end their
condition of their state. Bradshaw(2006) thought the poor are responsible for their rather than the
economics associated with poverty. 
Through the integration of social psychology, Addison et al., 2008) could help expand and deepen the
study. According to Davis and Sanchez-Martinez(2014), addressing common attitudes and patterns
among poor residents was biased. The theory argued the criteria used to manage the culture of poverty
were done in terms of wealth in the society. The idea pointed that the need for change among the poor
cannot happen if they are not ready to accept their value and attitudes towards their condition. The
theories are the appropriate means to understand the social-psychological behavior and the lack of
knowledge to change their poverty state. Loughhead et al. (2000) suggest that "a sustainable approach to
poverty reduction requires a combination of social development and social protection measures to ensure
that the improving poor continue to improve; the coping poor graduate out of their precarious state, and
the declining poor have an opportunity to reverse their condition."
Changing Approaches to eradicate poverty

The world bank group commits to reducing poverty rates using different analyses and research from
various proposals. The has used the economic growth based, investing in people and ensuring the poor are
from any unplanned risk.
The world bank should change the approach of handling poverty by engaging with social-psychological
experts and educating those who live in extreme poverty about the need to plan and have a change of life
in the future. Children who have grown in poverty tend to believe that poverty is part of their life.
Children should be taught that poverty is not inheritable and can be eradicated through learning. The
behavior of poor people feeling isolated from society by the rich and those living better lives should be
addressed. The social-psychological effects play a significant role in poverty alleviation in the world.

The poverty eradication method should not be generalized and use basic needs, improving the economy,
and creating employment opportunities only. More research should be done on more causes of poverty,
including the attitude and behavior of those affected by high poverty rates.
Lewis, O.(1966) The Culture of Poverty. Vilnius University Journals; Vol 215. No. 4 pp 1-25
Sameti, M., Esfahani, R.D., and Haghighi, H. K. (2012). Theories of Poverty: A Comparative Analysis,
Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review; Vol. 1, No.6.
McIntyre, L. (2002) The practical skeptic: core concepts in sociology. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield
Publishing Co.
Shaffer, P.(2008) "New Thinking on Poverty: Implications for Globalisation and PovertyReduction
Strategies." Real-World Economics Review; Issue 47.
Richardson, J.A., and London, J.K.(2007) Strategies and Lessons for Reducing Persistent Rural Poverty:
A Social-Justice Approach to Funding Rural Community Transformation. Journal of Community
Development Society; Vol 38, No.1.
Shaffer, P.(2008) "New Thinking on Poverty: Implications for Globalisation and PovertyReduction
Strategies." Real-World Economics Review; Issue 47.
What is relative poverty?.
Shafir, E., 2012, 'The psychological poverty trap,' HAARETZ, Sunday, November 18, 2012,
Kislev 4, viewed November 18, 2012, from   
https://commonslibrary.parliament.United Kingdom/research-briefings/sn07096/
The psychology of poverty - SciELO.
Poverty in the United Kingdom -
Understanding poverty

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