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Poverty is one of the is richest countries in the world

Did you know even rich nations have people living in poor conditions regardless of
their high GDP per capita? United Kingdom ranked number 38in the world among the
richest countries with a GDP per capita of 44,300 US$. As of 2017, 20% of
Britons lived in poverty, including 8,000,000 working-age adults, 4,000,000
children and 1,900,000 pensioners. The JRF found nearly 400,000 more British
children and 300,000 more British pensioners were in poverty in 2016-17 compared with 2012–
Households are considered below the United Kingdom poverty line if their income is 60% below
the median household income after housing costs for that year. The figures are adjusted
according to the number of households since their income needs will differ.
Problem statement
According to Commons library Parliament, 18% of the population lived relatively low income
before house income. At the same time, 22% (14.5 million) were in relatively low income after
house income in 2019.
Poverty rates are high in households headed by Pakistan and Bangladeshi ethnic groups and
inadequate for white ethnic groups. The results suggest that extreme poverty in rich countries is
a hidden plague. Poverty creates inferiority since it is straightforward for people in a particular
predicament to accept this kind of thinking. To which Shafir comments: The poor aren't less
able, they're distracted.' He hypothesizes that emotional distractions can cause people to make
the wrong decisions, leading up to poverty.
Significance of the study
Theories about poverty often fall into two general categories: that the behaviors of poor people
reflect the best choices they can make in unfavorable circumstances and, alternatively, that
these behaviors result from a unique "culture of poverty" based on deviant values.
The sociology of poverty points to the nature, causes, and consequences of poverty.
Sociologists are exploring why poverty varies across countries, across urban and rural places,
and over time. Poverty sociologists have linked the products of poverty with many social
domains, ranging from the level of education to occupation and health. In addition, poverty
sociologists linked the roots of poverty in workplaces, families, neighborhoods, and politics.
Poverty has been associated with lower school achievement; worse cognitive, behavioral, and
attention-related outcomes in childhood; higher rates of delinquency, depressive and anxiety
disorders; and higher rates of almost every psychiatric disorder in adulthood. Poverty in rich
countries may seem to be an impossible thing to those living outside the countries. Foreign aids
to poor and hunger-stricken countries may hide the reality of the minority ethnic groups from
Pakistan and Bangladesh. Hence, addressing poverty is one way of achieving social inclusion
goals. At the same time, the need for an effective public policy that comprehensively addresses
the issues of poverty in the country. In the UNITED KINGDOM, debt is rarely shared equally,
affecting poorer people more than the wealthy, thus the poor are the most affected group. The
goal of this research is better to understand the psychological factors behind the context of
poverty. How do people feel and reason in the context of poverty? With this primary goal as the
point of departure, the research will endeavor to encode such sociological and psychological
driving forces that could be labeled as general psychological tendencies.
Literature Review
Society sends out a message that poor people are not good enough. 'You're poor because
you're no good.' (Shafir 2012)
This narrative creates feelings of inferiority to the poor since it is effortless for people in a
particular crisis to accept this kind of idea. According to Shafir, the poor aren't less able; they're
distracted.' According to him, emotional distractions can cause people to make the wrong
decisions, leading to poverty. Therefore, it is envisaged that the narratives of a selected group
are analyzed to encode psychological and sociological dynamics that play a role, either in
stimulating and creating a situation of poverty or enforcing a context of poverty.
A literature study will be an essential part of this research proposal. Literature dealing touching
on the themes of poverty, psychology, and sociology are consulted. With the recommendation
identified, a qualitative investigation will show the brief narratives of people with a history of
poverty to encode general psychological tendencies in these narratives.
Primary and secondary research methods will be utilized, generating preliminary data through
actual field research techniques. In contrast, secondary data is generated from works already
done in the field. Furthermore, the reliability and validity of this information are enhanced by
using both quantitative and qualitative techniques. 
This research will see questionnaires, field interviews, poverty program surveys, and in-depth
discussions. The study will aim to ensure that the public policy to be designed captures the
aspect and essence of poverty and subsequent reduction strategies in a broad perspective. In
open coding, a specific experience or emotion could be identified which seems to be the most
prominent in a particular participant's narrative.
The poverty rate has been increasing in parallel with globalization, which is characterized by
rapid technological developments and different political and economic balances. Although
aspects of information and technology facilitate human life, these advances do not bring the
same prosperity for everyone. Not everyone lives equally well or efficiently, and some masses
lack even the primary wants. Therefore, the poverty plague that affects large social groups and
its individual and social consequences have been overcome. Sociological and psychological
factors interact in creating or sustaining a context of poverty. While sociological factors seem to
be dominant in creating poverty, the mindset of individuals is more predominant in poverty
transition. The sociology and psychology of poverty is a much-neglected theme of research
among the minority group, needing further investigation. It is hoped this research will positively
affect those trusted with implementing strategies to reduce poverty among minority groups.
What is relative poverty?.
Shafir, E., 2012, 'The psychological poverty trap,' HAARETZ, Sunday, November 18, 2012,
Kislew 4, viewed November 18, 2012, from     
https://commonslibrary.parliament.United Kingdom/research-briefings/sn07096/
The psychology of poverty - SciELO.
Poverty in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia.

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