Energy Diet and Footprint Analysis

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Energy Diet and Footprint Analysis

Gurjot Singh Bhangu


Hospitality- Hotel Operations Management

Energy and Environment Sustainability

Sonia Sankar Singh

November 26, 2021

Que 1- What were your impressions of the results? Were you surprised at the size of your

footprint? Do you think that the results are accurate? Why/Why not?

Ans 1-

 Well, I tried 2 surveys and the results were same but kind of mix up reactions. I was

worried, as well as, shocked. Here, are the results from two different surveys.

 From’s point of view, my personal Earth

overshoot day is May 26 and it would take 2.5 earths to survive if everyone would

adopt this way of living.

 From’s point of view, my carbon footprint is 8.87

tonnes as compared to 6.1 from the

former one.

 I am quite surprised and I think the results

are accurate in most kind of way. Base on

the comparison, it is clear that I spend and

waste in long quantity and the recycle rate

is low.

 It shows the difference in travel, but I can

tell you that I travel a lot like for 4-5 days

in a week.

 Talking about the food, I regularly eat

ready made food when I go outside or

return from work. I think I should switch

to home made food and should carry

fruits with me.

 For goods and services, I tend to get attracted by fancy clothes or brands, I should try

to not be a spendthrift and focus on essential items.

 Overall, the data is similar that I had a great deal in the house, food or other goods and


Que 2- Which areas are you making the largest impact, and needs improvement? (Food,

travel, housing, goods & services)?

Ans 2

 Well, according to both the surveys, I think I need improvement in every field, except

for mobility and that’s in one case.

 The largest impact is from the travel and goods category. I believe I had to cut the

money by not being an extravagant. I had to control my purchasing capacity by just

focusing on essential goods and control the travel by less travelling or by making a

flexible and convenient schedule.

Que 3- What steps and actions might you take to reduce the size of your ecological footprint?


 I should reduce the use of single use, disposable plastics. Single-use plastics like

straws, cups, and utensils aren't utilized for significantly longer. I should change to

reusable things, for example, reusable water bottle, reusable shopping pack, and

reusable cups. Yet, the best advance is to begin declining plastic.

 I should switch to renewable energy as it’s easy and affordable. It expands energy

supply and decrease reliance on imported fills. It likewise advances financial turn of
events and occupations in assembling, establishment, and the sky is the limit from


 Furthermore, by avoiding meat products. As meat industry is a significant

wellspring of ozone harming substance discharges, alongside its different issues like

creature government assistance, water-use, and land debasement. We can Reduce

your natural impression by appreciating vegan agreeable feast days and supporting

neighborhood meat sources.

Task- List five (5) most effective ways that you can help conserve energy. Describe each

method and why you choose it. Also describe why you think conserving energy in this way

will help improve our quality of life and support broader sustainability goals.


 I think energy consumption can be improved in food and housing category.

 Firstly, choose the right appliance in kitchen. Find the right equilibrium while

picking between a stove, a toaster, and a microwave. Frequently, more modest

machines are the most ideal decision. For instance, selecting to utilize a toaster rather

than a full stove implies you will at last utilize less energy to prepare a similar


 Secondly, be prepared for future use. In the event that you cook additional

segments, you can without much of a stretch warm later. By doing this, you won't

just save time the following day, you will likewise not need to stress over utilizing

any extra energy aside from what is needed to warm your food. Frozen home-

prepared dinners are additionally an incredible choice to inexpensive food since they

are frequently better and more affordable.

 Thirdly, wrap the water heater. On-request water radiators are frequently the most

productive decision, since water is possibly warmed when it's being used. For electric

boiling water tanks, take a stab at enveloping them by a protecting cover to lessen

heat misfortune.

 Fourthly, seal ductwork. Hot air can escape through joints in ventilation work. That

implies you're paying to warm places you would rather not (for example, an

incomplete storm cellar) and not getting hotness to regions you do (upper floor

rooms). Applying warming vent tape to all noticeable joints will help.

 Fifthly, fight phantom over consumption. Plug ledge apparatuses and electronic

gadgets into a power bar and program it to turn off around evening time. Recall that

TVs, link boxes, PVRs and game control center suck energy in any event, when

they're not being used. Having them all on a solitary power bar makes it simple to

turn them off before everybody hits the sack.

I believe energy conservation will help to improve quality of life and support

sustainability goals owing to the following benefits-

 Energy preservation can work on personal satisfaction through saving the

environment, prolonging the fossils life, and money related reserve funds.

 At the point when you limit your energy use, you bring down your effect on the

climate. The more we do without rolling out huge improvements, the more prominent

the danger of a dangerous global warning and environmental change become to our

regular routines. At the point when we consume petroleum derivatives, they make a

mind-blowing measure of ozone depleting substance outflows. These gasses, which

incorporate carbon dioxide, add up quicker than the environment can retain them,

which keeps Earth from having the option to keep a steady temperature appropriately.
 It's unavoidable that we will run out of petroleum products sooner or later despite the

fact that we depend so firmly on them as our essential energy source. Thusly, we

should start restricting our energy utilization now. The slower we consume these non-

inexhaustible assets, the additional time we need to foster elective energy

arrangements prior to depleting our petroleum products.

 It adds to carbon decrease which brings about limited climate change. It additionally

brings about work creation accordingly decreasing destitution which upgrades

practical livelihoods

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