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Two-Sex Life Table and Predation Rate of Propylaea japonica

Thunberg (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Fed on Myzus persicae (Sulzer)
(Homoptera: Aphididae)

Environ. Entomol. 32(2): 327Ð333 (2003)

ABSTRACT The life history data of the predator Propylaea japonica Thunberg at 25⬚C fed on Myzus
persicae (Sulzer) were collected in the laboratory. To take both sexes and the variable developmental
rate among individuals into consideration, the raw data were analyzed based on the age-stage, two-sex
life table. The intrinsic rate of increase for P. japonica is 0.1133 d⫺1. The net reproductive rate is 67.6
offspring and the mean generation time is 37.7 days. To incorporate the age-stage variability of the
predation rate with the two-sex life table, the daily predation rate of individual P. japonica of both sexes
was collected for each predatory stage. The net predation rate for P. japonica is 1199.5 aphids.

KEY WORDS life table, predation rate, Propylaea japonica Thunberg

THE COHORT LIFE TABLE gives the most comprehensive developmental stage does not necessarily equal the
description of the survivorship, development, and re- mean of total preadult developmental period for all
production of a population, and, as such, is fundamen- individuals, this inconsistency results in problems in
tal to both theoretical and applied population ecology. setting stage intervals on the age axis of the survival
The collection of life table data for relevant species at curve. Another problem is with age-speciÞc fecundity.
different trophic levels in a food chain is a basic and Because adults emerge at different ages and stage
important task for conservation (Bevill and Louda grouping is impossible in age-speciÞc life table, many
1999) or pest management (Naranjo 2001). The the- researchers have constructed the age-speciÞc fecun-
ory and methodology of the life table are discussed in dity based on “adult age.” When doing so, the fecun-
most ecology textbooks (e.g., Price 1984, Ricklefs and dity data of each individual were artiÞcially moved
Miller 1999). In the predator-prey system, because the forward or backward by assuming that all adults
stage structure of a predator population changes from emerged on the same day. In other words, the eggs laid
time to time and because there are nonpredatory by different individuals on different age (counted
stages (e.g., egg and pupal stages), the incorporation from birth) are summed to calculate the age-speciÞc
of both the life table and the stage-speciÞc predation fecundity (or the adult age-speciÞc fecundity). Be-
rate into the predator-prey model is worthy of study. cause the Þrst age of reproduction is crucial to the
It is also helpful in the practical application of preda- intrinsic rate of increase (e.g., Price 1984, p. 231), the
tion theory to biological control. artiÞcial nonoverlapping stage curves and fecundity
Hassell (1978) pointed out that the inclusion of the curve based on adult age will result in under- or over-
predator and prey age structure is an important step estimation of the population parameters. Further-
in understanding predator-prey relationships. Most more, in life table studies, there is usually some indi-
life tables, however, (Lewis 1942, Leslie 1945, Birch vidual mortality before the adult stage is reached. This
1948, Caswell 1989, Carey 1993) deal only with the mortality cannot be properly included when only the
survival and the fecundity of the female population. female population is considered. But those individuals
They ignore the male population and the contribution do cause damage on host plants (if it is an herbivore),
of male predators to predation. The traditional age- serve as food of predators (if it is a prey), or consume
speciÞc life table does not take stage differentiation prey (if it is a predator). It is inappropriate to ignore
into consideration and no proper way for stage group- their existence. Chi and Liu (1985) and Chi (1988)
ing can be found. The artiÞcially constructed non- pointed out that age-speciÞc life tables cannot prop-
overlapping stages cause many problems. For exam- erly describe the stage differentiation of insect and
ple, because the sum of the means of each preadult mite population and so developed an age-stage, two-
sex life table. For a proper description of the variability
Laboratory of Theoretical Ecology, Department of Entomology, of predation rate with age and stage, the daily preda-
National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan 402, Republic of
tion rates during the whole life history of a predator
Division of Crop Environment, Hualien District Agricultural Im- population should be analyzed according to the age-
provement Station, Hualien, Taiwan 973, Republic of China. stage structure of the life table. By using Propylaea

0046-225X/03/0327Ð0333$04.00/0 䉷 2003 Entomological Society of America


japonica Thunberg as an example, we studied its pre- Life Table Analysis. The life history raw data of all
dation on Myzus persicae (Sulzer) based on the age- 80 individuals of both studies were pooled and ana-
stage, two-sex life table. For a quantitative description lyzed according to the age-stage, two-sex life table
of the predation rate at population level, we calculated (Chi and Liu 1985) and the method described by Chi
the net predation rate as a population parameter of (1988). The means and standard errors of the popu-
predator by combining the survival rate and age-stage lation parameters were estimated by using the Jack-
speciÞc predation rate. knife method (Sokal and Rohlf 1981).
To avoid the tedious work of raw data analysis in
the age-stage, two-sex life table study, a computer
program TWOSEX (Chi 1997) designed in Visual
Materials and Methods
BASIC for the Windows operating system is available
Life Table Study. Propylaea japonica Thunberg at (Chung
(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) was collected on the Hsing University) and http://nhsbig.inhs.uiuc.edu.tw/
campus of National Chung Hsing University wes/chi.html (Illinois Natural History Survey).
(Taichung, Taiwan) and kept on potted Brassica jun- TWOSEX groups the raw data and calculates all life table
cea (L.) foliosa Bailey in an outdoor screened house. statistics. The age-stage speciÞc survival rate (sxj)
Excessive Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphi- (where x ⫽ age and j ⫽ stage), the age-stage speciÞc
didae) were offered daily as food source for the P. fecundity (fxj), the age-speciÞc survival rate (lx), the
japonica. For the life table study, P. japonica were kept age-speciÞc fecundity (mx), and the population param-
in a growth chamber (25⫾1⬚C, 65⫾5% RH and a pho- eters (r, the intrinsic rate of increase, ␭, the Þnite rate of
toperiod of 12:12 [L:D] h) for two generations. Then increase, ␭, er, R0, the net reproductive rate; T, the mean
55 eggs laid by 15 pairs of P. japonica in 1 d were generation time) are calculated accordingly. The mean
collected and kept in a growth chamber under the generation time is deÞned as the time length that a
same conditions. After the eggs hatched, the Þrst in- population needs to increase to R0-fold of its size (i.e., erT
stars were moved to individual rearing containers. ⫽ R0 or ␭T ⫽ R0) as the stable increase rate (the intrinsic
Single seedlings of B. juncea var. foliosa planted in rate r and the Þnite increase rate ␭) is reached. The mean
plastic pots (9-cm diameter, 7-cm height) were used generation time is calculated as T ⫽ lnR0/r.
as rearing containers. A reversed plastic cup (9-cm A text Þle (Propylaea_lifetable.txt) containing the
diameter, 5.5-cm height) was used as a cover. At the raw data of life history of P. japonica is also available
center of the cup bottom, a 4-cm diameter hole was cut at
out and covered with Þne mesh cloth for ventilation. Predation Rate Analysis. To take the variable pre-
The survival and development of P. japonica were dation rate among stages into consideration, the raw
recorded daily. Aphids of mixed stage were added to data of predation rates for the 25 individuals in the
maintain the daily food supply at 50 to 60 M. persicae predation study were grouped into a matrix C accord-
for each rearing container. After the emergence of ing to the age and the stage of the predator. The
adults, males and females were paired. Each pair of P. age-stage speciÞc rate (cxj) gives the mean number of
japonica was fed with approximately 100 M. persicae third-instar M. persicae consumed by individual P. ja-
every day. The fecundity and survival were recorded ponica of age x and stage j. In the age-stage, two-sex life
daily until the death of each individual. table (Chi and Liu 1985), the age-speciÞc survival rate
Predation Rate Study. To study the daily predation (lx), and the age-speciÞc fecundity (mx) for individual
rate, 25 eggs laid by Þve pairs of P. japonica in 1 d were aged x are calculated as
collected. The rearing method was the same as that
used in the life table study. For quantiÞcation of the

daily predation rate, 20 individuals of the third-instar lx ⫽ s xj [1]
M. persicae were supplied to the Þrst- and the second- j⫽1
instar P. japonica per day. For the third- and the
fourth-instar P. japonica, 30 and 50 individuals of the and
third-instar M. persicae were supplied, respectively.
For paired male and female P. japonica, 100 individuals

of third-instar M. persicae were supplied. Each day, the
s xjf xj
survivorship, fecundity, and predation rate of P. ja-
ponica were recorded and recruits of M. persicae were mx ⫽ , [2]
added to maintain the respectively daily food supply.

Because each larva was kept in an individual rearing s xj

container during the larval stage, the daily predation j⫽1
rate could be recorded for each individual. However,
because adult male and female were kept as pairs, we where ␤ is the number of life stages and sxj is the
ignored the difference between sexes and one half of age-stage speciÞc survival rate, i.e., the probability that
the daily predation rate of a pair was assigned to both a newborn survives to age x and stage j. The age-
male and female as long as both of them remained speciÞc predation rate (kx) is the mean number of
alive. If one sex of a pair died, the daily predation rate prey consumed by P. japonica of age x and can be
was assigned to the living one. calculated as
April 2003 CHI AND YANG: LIFE TABLE OF PREDATION RATE OF Propylaea japonica 329

␤ Table 1. Means of developmental periods (d) and predation
rate (number of M. persicae) of each stage of P. japonica
s xjc xj
j⫽1 Developmental Predation rate
kx ⫽ [3] Stage period (d) (no. of M. persicae)

n Mean SEM n Mean SEM
s xj
Egg 73 3.0 0.1 23 Ð Ð
Larva 58 6.9 0.1 20 97.4 6.9
Taking the survival rate into consideration, the age- Pupa 53 4.2 0.1 18 Ð Ð
Adult female 24 52.7 5.6 9 1593 326
speciÞc net predation rate (qx) gives the weighted Adult male 29 54.7 4.4 9 1515 304
number of third-instar M. persicae consumed by pred-
ator of age x and is calculated as
q x ⫽ k xl x . [4] For any age x, a newborn can survive only to one of

From equations 1, 3, and 4, it is obvious that the stages, therefore, it is always true that 冘 sx j ⱕ1

in Fig. 1. Some researchers have ignored the variable
qx ⫽ s xjc xj [5] developmental rate and have used the rounded means
j⫽1 of each stage to divide the life span into nonoverlap-
ping stages (for example, Fig. 8.5 of Pianka 1994, 153;
We then deÞne the net predation rate (C0) as the
Tables 4-4, 4-5, 6-14, and 6-12 of Carey 1993). Chi
summation of the qx over all age groups giving
(1988) discussed the problems and errors in ignoring
stage overlapping. The age-stage fecundity (fxj) gives
冘冘 冘
␦ ␤ ␦

C0 ⫽ s xjc xj ⫽ k xl x , [6] the number of offspring reproduced by individual

x⫽0 j⫽1 x⫽0
P. japonica of age x and stage j per day (Fig. 2). Because
only female adults reproduce, there is only a single
where ␦ is the last age of the population. Although the curve of fx4 in Fig. 2. The age-speciÞc survival rate (lx),
net reproduction rate R0 represents the mean number the age-speciÞc fecundity (mx), and the age-speciÞc
of offspring reproduced by an individual during its life maternity (lxmx) of P. japonica are also plotted in
span, the parameter C0 gives the mean number of prey Fig. 2. If the same raw data were analyzed using tra-
consumed by an individual during its life span. It is a ditional female age-speciÞc life tables (Lewis 1942;
demographic parameter that represents the predation Leslie 1945; Birch 1948), it would be impossible to
capacity of the predator population, including all in- view the changes of the stage structure, because tra-
dividuals of both sexes and those that died before the ditional life tables ignore male individuals and the
adult stage. The ratio of the net predation rate to the variable developmental rate among individuals (i.e.,
net reproductive rate gives the transformation rate the stage differentiation). Many researchers organize
from prey population to predator offspring. We deÞne the fecundity data based on adult age (for examples,
this ratio (Qp) as: Fig. 2 of Tsai 1998, Fig. 3 of Riudavets and Castañé
1998, Tsai and Wang 2001). However, ignoring the
Qp ⫽ [7] differences in preadult development results in errors
R0 in the fecundity curve. It is very easy to prove the
Qp gives the number of prey needed for the produc- errors accompanying the fecundity curve based on
tion an offspring from a predator. adult age or the artiÞcially constructed nonoverlap-
For the time-consuming work of the raw data
analysis of predation rate, a computer program
CONSUME (Chi 2001) is designed in Visual BASIC
and is also available at the previously mentioned
web sites. An example Þle containing the raw data
of daily predation rate of individual P. japonica (Þle
name: Propylaea_consume.txt) is also available at

Results and Discussion

The developmental periods and predation rates for
each stage are given in Table 1. Because of the variable
developmental rate among individuals, the survival
curve of a cohort usually shows signiÞcant stage over-
lapping. The age-stage survival rate (sxj) of P. japonica
is given in Fig. 1. This gives the probability that a
newborn will survive to age x and stage j. There are Fig. 1. The age-stage speciÞc survival rate of P. ja-
signiÞcant overlaps between curves of different stages. ponica.

Fig. 2. The age-speciÞc survival rate (lx), the age-stage speciÞc fecundity (fi4) of the female adult stage, the age-speciÞc
fecundity (mx), and the age-speciÞc maternity (lx mx) of P. japonica.

ping stages. If we assume there is only one life stage 1981), the intrinsic rate of increase (r) of P. japonica
and one sex, i.e., the age is counted from birth and all is 0.1133 ⫾ 0.0091 d⫺1 (mean ⫾ SEM), the Þnite rate
males and those died before the adult stage are as- of increase (␭) is 1.118 ⫾ 0.010 d⫺1, the net repro-
sumed to be females with zero fecundity, we can ductive rate of P. japonica (R0) is 67.6 ⫾ 17.0 offspring,
construct the age-speciÞc survival curve (we call it and the mean generation time of P. japonica is 37.7 ⫾
here ly) and fecundity curve (we call it my), which 2.0 d. It results in some degree of discrepancy between
take all individuals of the cohort into consideration the estimated means and their deÞnition. For example,
and without assuming that all adult emerged on the according to the relationship between r and ␭ (i.e.,
same time. The age-speciÞc survival curve (ly) and er ⫽ ␭), ␭ should be e0.1133 ⫽ 1.11997. But the estimated
fecundity curve (my) are the true life history of the mean of ␭ by Jackknife method is 1.118. Moreover,
cohort. They will be exactly the same as lx and mx in according to T ⫽ lnR0/r, T should be ln67.6/0.1133 ⫽
Fig. 2, which are based on the age-stage, two-sex life 37.2 d. However, the estimated mean of T by Jackknife
table. But the age-speciÞc survival curve (ly) and fe- method gives 37.7 d. A more detailed discussion con-
cundity curve (my) cannot describe the stage differ- cerning the general application of the Jackknife
entiation and stage overlapping. Furthermore, we can method can be found in statistical books (e.g., Sokal
calculate the intrinsic rate of increase using ly and my, and Rohlf 1981). Discussion on speciÞc application of
and this intrinsic rate will be exactly the same as what the Jackknife method on the population parameters
we get using two-sex life table in the following text. can be found in Meyer et al (1986).
However, if the age-speciÞc survival rate is con- The net predation rate C0 for P. japonica is 1199.5 ⫾
structed based on the means of nonoverlapping stages 212.3 aphids. The Qp for P. japonica fed on M. persicae
and the age-speciÞc fecundity is constructed based on is 17.7. This means that it needs 17.7 prey for the
the adult stage, they will be different from the lx and reproduction of one predator egg. This Qp gives an
mx in Fig. 2. If the life history raw data is organized demographic estimation for the relationship between
according to the model of Caswell (1989, p. 83), it will the reproduction rate and predation rate of predator.
result in the same problem as using adult age, because The age-stage speciÞc predation rate (cxj) of P. ja-
CaswellÕs model classiÞes individuals by age within ponica are give in Fig. 3. In general, the daily predation
stages. Chi (1988) discussed in detail the differences rate of an adult is higher than that of a larva. However,
between the traditional female life table and the age- the age-stage speciÞc predation rate did not decrease
stage, two-sex life table. with the aging of the adult. The curves of the age-
When all 80 individuals are used to calculated the speciÞc predation rate (kx) and the age-speciÞc net
population parameters, the intrinsic rate of increase predation rate (qx) are given in Fig. 4. Because eggs
(r) is 0.1123 d⫺1, the Þnite rate of increase (␭) is 1.119 and pupae of P. japonica do not consume prey, there
d⫺1, the net reproductive rate (R0) is 67.6 offspring, are two obvious gaps in kx and qx (the two arrows in
and the mean generation time (T) is 37.5 d. Because Fig. 4). When the survival rate is taken into consid-
the mean generation time is calculated using T ⫽ eration, the age-speciÞc net predation rate (qx) of the
lnR0/r, there is no discrepancy in the relationship adults increases at Þrst, then gradually decreases with
among r, R0, and T. However, if the means and stan- the age-speciÞc survival rate (lx). The changes of pre-
dard errors of the population parameters were esti- dation rate with age and stage means that ignoring the
mated by using the Jackknife method (Sokal and Rohlf age and stage structure of the predator population will
April 2003 CHI AND YANG: LIFE TABLE OF PREDATION RATE OF Propylaea japonica 331

cloverworm, Plathypean scabra (F.) (Lepidoptera:

Noctuidae). Fourth instars and adults of O. insidiosus
could prey upon second-instar caterpillars. However,
no stage of O. insidiosus was able to feed upon third
instars of the caterpillar. Hu and Frank (1997) com-
pared the feeding rates of adults and larvae of Þve
Philonthus species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) by
measuring their consumption of eggs and larvae of the
horn ßy, Haematobia irritans (L.) (Diptera: Musci-
dae), and found that P. longicornis devoured more
prey eggs than larvae, but P. ventralis devoured more
larvae than eggs. Milne and Walter (1997) reported
that second-instar larvae of Frankliniella schultzei
Trybom (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) consumed sig-
niÞcantly more eggs than any other life stage.
Fig. 3. The age-stage speciÞc predation rate (cxj) of P. McConnell and Kring (1990) observed signiÞcant
japonica fed with the third nymphal stage of M. persicae. differences between the number of nymphs and adults
of aphids consumed by Coccinella septempunctata L.
(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Schmaedick and Shelton
result in signiÞcant errors in the predation model. As
(1999) reported that Pieris rapae (L.) (Lepidoptera:
Getz and Haight (1989, p. 347) pointed out, if the sexes
are split at an earlier life stage, then the equations can Pieridae) eggs and Þrst instars suffer variable mortality
be modiÞed accordingly in the age-stage, two-sex life from arthropod predators in cabbage Þelds. All of
table analysis. After the life table study is completed, these facts about the stage-speciÞc predation rate
it is possible to separate the sexes from the egg stage were not taken into consideration in simple predation
based on the raw data. This was not necessary for this models, e.g., the Lotka-Volterra predation model and
work, because the larval period is relatively short com- its derivatives. Simple models are inappropriate for
pared to the adult stage. the study of the predator-prey relationship of age-
The age-stage variability of predation rate of pred- structured populations. Therefore, it is safe to say, for
ator and that of vulnerability of prey have been ob- age-structured or stage-structured populations, that it
served in many studies. For example, Isenhour and is impossible to build realistic predation models with-
Yeargan (1981) reported that adults of Orius insidiosus out the knowledge of the age-speciÞc predation rate
(Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) killed signiÞcantly more or age-stage predation rate.
Þrst-instar soybean thrips, Sericothrips variabilis Furthermore, many generally known facts point out
(Thysanoptera: Thripidae), than adult thrips, and the importance of a stage-structured population
adult females killed more thrips than did adult males. model and life table for studying predator-prey rela-
Clements and Yeargan (1997) reported that all stages tionship. For example, Radwan and Lövei (1982, 1983)
of O. insidiosus fed on eggs and Þrst instars of the green and Roy et al. (1999) reported the stage structure of

Fig. 4. The age-speciÞc survival rate (lx), the age-speciÞc predation rate (kx), and the age-speciÞc net predation rate (qx).
The summation of all qx (area under the qx) gives the net predation rate (C0). The two arrows points out the gaps in curves
of kx and qx, because eggs and pupae of P. japonica donÕt consume prey.

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