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Assessing Compatibility of the Predatory Mite Typhlodromus

bagdasarjani (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and Resistant Eggplant
Cultivar in a Tritrophic System
Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, P. O. Box 14115-336, Tehran, Iran.

Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 108(4): 501–512 (2015); DOI: 10.1093/aesa/sav032

ABSTRACT The fitness and population dynamics of predators depend on the quality of host plants
consumed by their prey. In this study, age-stage, two-sex life table parameters and predation rate of
Typhlodromus bagdasarjani Wainstein & Arutunjan were determined on two-spotted spider mite reared
on susceptible (‘Isfahan’) and resistant (‘Neishabour’) eggplant cultivars under laboratory conditions at
25 6 1 C, 60 6 5% relative humidity, and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) h. The means, variances, and stan-
dard errors of the life table and predation parameters were estimated using the bootstrap resampling
procedure. The value of the intrinsic rate of increase (r) of this predator on the susceptible eggplant culti-
var (0.1538 d1) was significantly higher than that on the resistant one (0.1175 d1). The value of the net
reproductive rate (R0) on the susceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars was 7.55 and 8.21 offspring,
respectively. In addition, the mean generation time (T) was 12.97 and 17.75 d, respectively. The age-
stage-specific predation rate (cxj) of all stages of the predator on the resistant eggplant cultivar was higher
than that on the susceptible one. In addition, the value of net predation rate (C0) on the susceptible and
resistant eggplant cultivars was 193.05 and 221.44 preys per predator, respectively. In addition, the value
of finite predation rate (x) on the resistant cultivar (7.005 preys per predator per day) was significantly
higher than that on the susceptible one (6.361 preys per predator per day). In conclusion, due to higher
finite predation rate on the resistant eggplant cultivar, the performance of the predator on this cultivar
was more than that on the susceptible one.

KEY WORDS eggplant, two-sex life table, consumption rate, finite predation rate, Typhlodromus

Integrated pest management (IPM) is a systemic emphasis on chemicals has not been successful. Inte-
approach in which interacting components (mainly grated management with focus on combination of
control measures) act together to maximize the advan- biological control agents and resistant plants can
tages (mainly producing a profitable crop yield) and be one of the efficient strategies to manage this pest
minimize the disadvantages (mainly causing risk to (Khanamani et al. 2014). Predatory mites of the family
human and environment) of pest control programs Phytoseiidae are economically important predators of
(Fathipour and Sedaratian 2013). IPM has also been phytophagous mites and insects in greenhouse crops.
defined as a pest population management system that Because of high ability of phytoseiid predatory mites in
uses all suitable techniques in a compatible manner to control of two-spotted spider mite, several species of
reduce pest populations and maintain them at levels them have been produced commercially worldwide,
below those causing economic injury (Kogan 1998). and used for two-spotted spider mite control. Typhlo-
A fundamental component of an IPM program for any dromus bagdasarjani Wainstein & Arutunjan is an
crop is an understanding of the compatibility of control effective predator of phytophagous mites and is an
tactics that we will integrate to control a target pest. indigenous widespread species of the Middle East with
Eggplant, Solanum melongena L. (Solanaceae), is high efficiency (Ganjisaffar et al. 2011a, Moghadasi
grown in both fields and greenhouses worldwide and is et al. 2014).
one of the main vegetables in Iran (Khanamani et al. Biological control and host plant resistance are often
2012). This crop is attacked by various pests including combined in integrated pest management programs
spider mites, especially the two-spotted spider mite, and are classically considered to be compatible. How-
Tetranychus urticae Koch. Due to biological character- ever, the interactions among plants, herbivores, and
istics, its control by using common methods with natural enemies are tightly entwined. Plant chemistry
can have profound bottom-up effects on the interac-
tions between herbivores and their natural enemies.
Therefore, differences in the quality of host plants may
in turn affect the top-down force strength, either in a
Corresponding author, e-mail: positive or a negative way (Hunter 2003, Soufbaf et al.
C The Authors 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

2012, Khanamani et al. 2014). Numerous studies on the resistant (‘Neishabour’) and susceptible (‘Isfa-
suggested negative associations between plant chemis- han’; as control) eggplant cultivars.
try and biological control agent fitness (e.g., Gunasena
et al. 1990, Reitz and Trumble 1997, Ode et al. 2004).
Materials and Methods
Hence, the study of interactions between host plant
cultivars and biocontrol agents is important in inte- Plant Cultivation. Our previous study comparing
grated pest management programs (Fathipour and seven eggplant cultivars indicated that Neishabour was
Sedaratian 2013). the least suitable for development and reproduction of
The life table parameters are powerful tools for two-spotted spider mite, whereas Isfahan was the most
analyzing and understanding the impact of an external suitable cultivar (Khanamani et al. 2013). Seeds of the
factor like host plant quality (e.g., Wermelinger et al. susceptible (Isfahan) and resistant (Neishabour) egg-
1991, Golizadeh et al. 2009), temperature (e.g., Tani- plant cultivars were obtained from Seed and Plant
goshi et al. 1975, Kheradmand et al. 2007), and Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran. The seeds were
pesticide sublethal doses (e.g., Jones and Parrella 1984; sown in 20-cm plastic pots filled with fertilized field
Hamedi et al. 2010, 2011, Alinejad et al. 2014) on soil and maintained in the greenhouse condition. Dur-
growth, survival rate, reproduction, and increased rate ing the experiments, no pesticides or additional fertil-
of a biocontrol agent population. Female age-specific izers were used.
life table of T. bagdasarjani has been constructed on Stock Cultures of Mites. To provide the stock
two-spotted spider mite reared on susceptible and re- cultures, the individuals of T. bagdasarjani were origi-
sistant eggplant cultivars (Khanamani et al. 2014). In nally collected from leaves of a mulberry tree located
the female age-specific life table, only female individ- in campus of Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares
uals are taken into consideration and any variable de- University, Tehran, Iran, and the individuals of two-
velopmental rate among individuals is ignored. spotted spider mite were obtained from the Iranian
However, there are many differences between male Research Institute of Plant Protection, Tehran, Iran.
and female in longevity, survival rate, predation rate, The two-spotted spider mite colony was maintained on
and pesticide susceptibility. The two-sex life table is ca- planted beans (Phaseolus vulgaris variety Khomein) in
pable of precise calculation of the age and stage struc- a greenhouse at 27 6 5 C, with natural humidity and
ture of a two-sex population (Chi 1988), and it provides photoperiod. Then, offspring of this colony were reared
the actual control efficiency of the entire population, on eggplant cultivars (susceptible and resistant) for two
i.e., both sexes are included. Thus, use of two-sex life generations before conducting the experiments. Also,
table can be extremely helpful in biological control the individuals of T. bagdasarjani were transferred onto
decisions. detached bean leaves infested with the different stages
The use of standard parameters for describing and of two-spotted spider mite as prey maintained in
comparing predation potential of predators is important a growth chamber at 25 6 1 C, 65 6 5% relative
in biological control programs. Intrinsic rate of increase humidity (RH), and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) h.
(r) is an appropriate index for describing and compar- Before beginning the experiments, the offspring of the
ing growth potential of populations. The predation predator were reared for one generation on two-
potential of predators cannot be properly described spotted spider mite fed on the susceptible and resistant
using intrinsic rate of increase alone (Chi et al. 2011). eggplant cultivars, separately. To provide colonies on
To accurately evaluate the effect of predation in a pred- these cultivars, the leaf discs taken from leaves of each
ator–prey system, we need not only to assess the cultivar were used. Each leaf disc was placed with the
growth potential of the predator but also its predation upper surface facing down on a cotton layer in a Petri
potential. Chi et al. (2011) pointed out that the finite dish (6 cm in diameter), in which a 5-mm-diameter
predation rate can be the standard parameter by hole was drilled. The leaf margin was surrounded by a
linking the finite rate of increase (k), stable age-stage cotton strip to prevent the escape of mites. The pre-
distribution (axj), and age-stage-specific predation rate pared Petri dishes were kept in larger dishes (8 cm in
(cxj). The finite predation rate takes both the intrinsic diameter). Water was added daily to the larger dishes
rate of increase of predator and the age-stage specific to keep the leaves fresh.
predation rate into consideration and then can be used Experimental Setup. All experiments were carried
to describe and compare the predation potentials of out under laboratory conditions at 25 6 1 C, 60 6 5%
natural enemies used in biological control programs. RH, and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) h. To obtain the
The finite predation rate can be used for comparison of same-aged eggs of T. bagdasarjani, 30 pairs of both
predation capacity among different predators under sexes of the predator were transferred from the condi-
the same condition or predation of a predator under tioned colonies onto a leaf disc of each cultivar. After
different conditions (Yu et al. 2013). 24 h, the deposited eggs were transferred individually
For implementation of integrated management pro- to the experimental units up to 80 replicates per treat-
grams against two-spotted spider mite in eggplant ment. The experimental units were similar to those
fields, it is necessary to evaluate compatibility of inte- used for predator culture, but in a smaller scale. The
grated components (biological agent and host plant 3-cm-diameter Petri dishes were placed in larger ones
resistance). Therefore, the aim of this study was to (6 cm in diameter) containing water. These experimen-
compare age-stage two-sex life table parameters and tal units were checked daily using a stereomicroscope,
predation rate of the predatory mite, T. bagdasarjani, and the development and survivorship of the different
July 2015 KHANAMANI ET AL.: Typhlodromus bagdasarjani AND RESISTANT EGGPLANT 503

immature stages were monitored. After emergence of age x and according Chi and Yang (2003) and Yu et al.
adults, females were coupled with males obtained in (2005) was calculated as follows:
the same experiment or taken from the colony on the
same cultivar. The couples were kept together up to Pb
the end of the study. The daily observations continued j¼1 sxj cxj
until the death of the last individual.
kx ¼ Pb (1)
Estimating Age-Stage, Two-Sex Life Table j¼1 sxj
Parameters. The life history data of all individuals
were analyzed according to the age-stage, two-sex life where b is the number of life stages. In addition, the
table theory (Chi 1988). The age-stage-specific survival age-specific net predation rate (qx) was calculated as
rate (sxj) (where x ¼ age in days and j ¼ stage); the age- follows:
stage-specific fecundity (fxj) or f(x, female) (daily
number of eggs produced per female of age x); the qx ¼ lx kx (2)
age-specific survival rate (lx) (includes both male and
female); the age-specific fecundity (mx) (daily number According to Chi and Yang (2003), the net predation
of eggs produced per individual, i.e., this number is rate (C0) gives the mean number of prey consumed by
divided by all individuals (males and females) of age x); an average individual predator during its entire life
and the population growth parameters (the intrinsic span, and is calculated as:
rate of increase (r); finite rate of increase (k); gross
reproductive rate (GRR); net reproductive rate (R0),
and mean generation time (T)) are calculated accord-
1 P
C0 ¼ sxj cxj (3)
ingly (Safuraie-Parizi et al. 2014, Goodarzi et al. 2015). x¼0 j¼1
Data analysis and population parameters were calcu-
lated by using the TWOSEX-MSChart program According to these, the total number of prey consumed
(Chi 2013b). The means and standard errors of the by a cohort of size N is calculated as NC0 .
population parameters were estimated by using the The transformation rate from prey population to
bootstrap procedure (Huang and Chi 2013). In addi- predator offspring (Qp) is the mean number of preys
tion, the life table bootstrap-values of T. bagdasarjani that a predator needs to consume to produce an off-
on the susceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars were spring (Chi et al. 2011), and is calculated as:
compared with t-tests using the TWOSEX-MSChart
Prey Consumption. Two-spotted spider mite C0
Qp ¼ (4)
immature individuals (except eggs) were used as a food R0
source in this experiment because T. bagdasarjani pref-
erentially feeds on the nymphal stage of its prey. To The stable predation rate (w) is the total predation
evaluate prey consumption of different immature capacity of a stable population whose total size is one
stages of T. bagdasarjani on two-spotted spider mite (Chi et al. 2011), and is calculated as follows:
reared on the susceptible and resistant eggplant culti-
vars, 15 prey nymphs were added daily to the experi-
1 P
mental units (Ganjisaffar et al. 2011b). These w¼ axj cxj (5)
experimental units were checked once a day, and the x¼0 j¼1
number of prey consumed by predators was counted
using a stereomicroscope. After recording prey con- where axj is the proportion of individuals belonging to
sumption, the same number of new prey was added age x and stage j in a stable age-stage distribution.
onto each disc. After the emergence of adult predators, Because the predator population itself will increase
the males and females were paired and 40 prey at the finite rate k, the total number of prey
nymphs were added daily to the experimental units for consumed will increase as kw. The finite predation rate
feeding of each pair (Ganjisaffar et al. 2011b). (kw ¼ x) describes the predation potential of a preda-
The number of consumed preys was recorded until tor population by combining its growth rate (k),
the death of both mites. Prey consumption of age-stage consumption rate (cxj), and stable age-stage
adult predators was related to the male and female structure (axj) (Chi et al. 2011), and is calculated as
together and share of each individual was considered to follows:
be 50/50.
Predation Rate Analysis. The daily consumption P
1 P
of all individuals, including males, females, and those x ¼ kw ¼ k axj cxj (6)
dying before the adult stage, was used to calculate the x¼0 j¼1
age-stage specific consumption rate (cxj). This is the
mean number of two-spotted spider mite consumed by Considering this, the intrinsic predation rate is
individual T. bagdasarjani age x and stage j. The age- calculated as lnðxÞ. In other words, the predation
specific predation rate (kx) is the mean number of two- capacity will increase exponentially
spotted spider mite consumed by T. bagdasarjani at (x ¼ eðintrinsic predation rateÞ ).

Predation rate data were analyzed using the Table 1. The mean (6SE) two-sex life table parameters of T.
computer program CONSUME-MSChart (Chi 2013a). bagdasarjani on two-spotted spider mite reared on the susceptible
(Isfahan) and resistant (Neishabour) eggplant cultivars
The means, variances, and standard errors of predation
parameters were estimated using the bootstrap resam-
Parameters Susceptible (Isfahan) Resistant (Neishabour) t-value
pling method. In addition, the predation bootstrap-
values of T. bagdasarjani on the susceptible and R0 (offspring) 7.55 6 1.74a 8.21 6 1.69a 1.813
resistant eggplant cultivars were compared with t-tests GRR (offspring) 9.57 6 2.26a 13.24 6 2.53a 7.309
using the CONSUME-MSChart program. In addition, r (d1) 0.1538 6 0.0194a 0.1175 6 0.0132b 10.280
k (d1) 1.1665 6 0.0225a 1.1248 6 0.0148b 9.383
the Excel software was used to draw figures. T (d) 12.97 6 0.45b 17.75 6 0.46a 47.160
Regression and Correlation Analysis. Relation-
The means followed by the same letter in each row are not signifi-
ship between age and consumption rate of T. bagdasar- cantly different (t-test, P < 0.05).
jani throughout its life span on the susceptible and
resistant eggplant cultivars was determined with regres-
sion analysis using SPSS 16 software. In addition, cor-
relation between total prey consumption of adult fecundity (fxj) indicated the mean number of offspring
females and their total fecundity was examined using produced by individuals of the age x and stage j.
SPSS 16 software. Because only females produce offspring, there is only
the single curve f(x, female). In other words,
f(x, female) is daily number of offspring produced per
females age x. Therefore, the value of fxj is greater than
Two-Sex Life Table Parameters. According to mx in most of the time. According to these curves, the
the age-stage, two-sex life table theory, the population start of oviposition of the first female on the susceptible
parameters were calculated based on data of the entire and resistant eggplant cultivars occurred at the age of 5
cohort (Table 1). The value of the intrinsic rate of and 7 d, respectively.
increase (r) of T. bagdasarjani on the susceptible egg- Age-Stage-Specific Predation Rate. Age-
plant cultivar (0.1538 d1) was significantly higher than stage-specific predation rate (cxj) of T. bagdasarjani on
that on the resistant one (0.1175 d1). The value of the the susceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars is shown
finite rate of increase (k) was 1.1665 and 1.1248 d1 on in Fig. 3. Age-stage-specific predation rate is the mean
the susceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars, respec- number of two-spotted spider mite consumed by indi-
tively. The value of the net reproductive rate (R0) of vidual T. bagdasarjani at age x and stage j. For the non-
this predator on the susceptible and resistant eggplant predatory stages (e.g., egg and larva), their predation
cultivars was 7.55 and 8.21 offspring, respectively. Also, rate (cxEgg and cxLarva) are zero. In addition, total age-
the value of the gross reproductive rate (GRR) on the stage-specific predation rate is shown in Fig. 4, and
susceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars was 9.57 defined as the total number of two-spotted spider mite
and 13.24 offspring, respectively. In addition, the mean consumed by all individuals of T. bagdasarjani at age
generation time (T) on the susceptible and resistant x and stage j. According to the obtained results, the
eggplant cultivars was 12.97 and 17.75 d, respectively. larvae of this predator did not feed during the experi-
Mortality and Fecundity Curves. The age-stage- ment on the both susceptible and resistant eggplant
specific survival rate (sxj) of T. bagdasarjani shows the cultivars. Predator consumption rates on the both
probability that a newborn will survive to age x and susceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars increased
develop to stage j (Fig. 1). The probability that a new- with increasing age, and the highest daily consumption
born egg survived to the adult stage was 0.5 and 0.31 rate was related to adult female of the predator. But
for males and 0.38 and 0.41 for females on Isfahan and in general, the daily feeding of all stages of the
Neishabour, respectively. In addition, stage mortality of predator on the resistant cultivar was more than the
T. bagdasarjani on the susceptible and resistant egg- susceptible one.
plant cultivars is presented in Table 2. According to Age-Specific Predation Rate and Age-Specific
these results, immature mortality of T. bagdasarjani on Net Predation Rate. Age-specific predation rate (kx)
the resistant eggplant cultivar was higher than that on and age-specific net predation rate (qx) of T. bagdasar-
the susceptible one. jani on the susceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars
The age-specific survivorship (lx), age-specific are shown in Fig. 5. The age-specific predation rate is
fecundity (mx), and age-stage-specific fecundity (fxj) of the mean number of two-spotted spider mite con-
T. bagdasarjani fed on two-spotted spider mite reared sumed by T. bagdasarjani at age x. By considering the
on the susceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars are survivorship, the age-specific net predation rate
shown in Fig. 2. It showed that T. bagdasarjani could (qx ¼ lxkx) can be defined as the weighted number of
successfully survive and reproduce on the susceptible prey consumed by a predator at age x.
and resistant eggplant cultivars. The age-specific survi- Net Predation Rate and Transformation
vorship (lx) shows the probability that a newborn indi- Rate. Net predation rate (C0) and transformation rate
vidual will survive to age x and is calculated by pooling from prey population to predator offspring (Qp) of
all individuals of both sexes. The curve of lx is a simpli- T. bagdasarjani on the susceptible and resistant egg-
fied version of the curves in Fig. 1. Age-specific plant cultivars are shown in Table 3. Net predation rate
fecundity (mx) is the mean number of offspring pro- gives the mean number of prey consumed by an aver-
duced by individual at age x. But age-stage-specific age individual predator during its entire life span.
July 2015 KHANAMANI ET AL.: Typhlodromus bagdasarjani AND RESISTANT EGGPLANT 505

Fig. 1. Age-stage survival rate (sxj) of T. bagdasarjani on two-spotted spider mite reared on susceptible (Isfahan) and
resistant (Neishabour) eggplant cultivars.

Table 2. Stage mortality (%) of T. bagdasarjani on two-spotted

was higher than that on the susceptible one (25.56
spider mite reared on susceptible (Isfahan) and resistant (Neisha- preys).
bour) eggplant cultivars Stable, Intrinsic, and Finite Predation
Rates. Stable predation rate (w) and finite predation
Cultivars Egg Larva–nymph Female Male rate ðxÞ of T. bagdasarjani on the susceptible and
resistant eggplant cultivars are shown in Table 3. The
Isfahan (susceptible) 0 11.9 38.1 50.0
Neishabour (resistant) 6.2 22.4 40.8 30.6
stable predation rate on the susceptible and resistant
eggplant cultivars was 5.454 and 6.227 preys per preda-
tor, respectively. In addition, the value of finite preda-
tion rate ðxÞ on the resistant cultivar (7.005 preys
The net predation rate (C0) of the predator on the per predator per day) was significantly higher than that
susceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars was 193.05 on the susceptible one (6.361 preys per predator per
and 221.44 preys, respectively. The transformation rate day). These results indicated that if the predator popu-
is defined as the mean number of preys that a predator lation is stable and the predator number is one, the
needs to consume to produce an offspring. The trans- predation capacity on the susceptible and resistant egg-
formation rate from prey population to predator plant cultivars will be 6.361 and 7.005 preys per day,
offspring on the resistant eggplant cultivar (27.92 preys) respectively. In addition, the intrinsic predation rate on

Fig. 2. Age-specific survivorship (lx), age-specific fecundity (mx), and age-stage-specific fecundity (fxj) of T. bagdasarjani
on two-spotted spider mite reared on susceptible (Isfahan) and resistant (Neishabour) eggplant cultivars.

the susceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars was Discussion

1.850 and 1.946 preys per predator per day,
The population dynamics of predators depends on
the quality of host plants consumed by herbivores. The
Regression and Correlation. Consumption rate secondary metabolites in plant tissues can directly
data of T. bagdasarjani throughout its life span on both affect the growth and development of herbivores (Sol-
the susceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars are fit- eimannejad et al. 2010, Soufbaf et al. 2010, Karimi
ted to the cubic regression model (Fig. 6). The regres- et al. 2012), and they can indirectly affect performance
sion models explained 94.6% and 98.6% of variation on of their natural enemies. The negative impact of host
the susceptible and resistant cultivars, respectively. plant chemistry on natural enemy fitness includes
In addition, the obtained results from the correlation reducing survivorship, clutch size, body size, and
analysis showed a positive relationship (at the 0.01 level) fecundity (Ode 2006). Therefore, herbivores on differ-
between total prey consumption of adult females of ent host plants often differ in their susceptibility to nat-
T. bagdasarjani and their total fecundity on both the sus- ural enemies (Lill et al. 2002, Zvereva and Rank 2003).
ceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars. However, the Thus, it is necessary to study interactions among differ-
correlation coefficient (r) on the susceptible cultivar ent host plant cultivars and biological control agents
(0.788) was higher than that on the resistant one (0.583). before implementation of a biological control program.
July 2015 KHANAMANI ET AL.: Typhlodromus bagdasarjani AND RESISTANT EGGPLANT 507

Fig. 3. Age-stage predation rate (cxj) of T. bagdasarjani on two-spotted spider mite reared on the susceptible (Isfahan)
and resistant (Neishabour) eggplant cultivars.

The obtained results in current study indicated that cultivars). If secondary plant compounds are responsi-
different eggplant cultivars (susceptible and resistant) ble for the differences between eggplant cultivars in
can affect performance of T. bagdasarjani, either in suitability for two-spotted spider mite, these com-
a positive or negative way. The results revealed adverse pounds are also toxic for T. bagdasarjani in which the
effects of two-spotted spider mite reared on the resist- concentrated compounds in the nymph of two-spotted
ant eggplant cultivar on the predatory mite T. bagdasar- spider mite affected this predator.
jani survivorship and population growth rate compared The intrinsic rate of increase (r) of arthropod popula-
with those reared on the susceptible cultivar. In addi- tions depends on species-specific life table parameters
tion, reproductive performance and immature survival such as age-specific survivorship, time to first reproduc-
rate of T. bagdasarjani was lower on the resistant egg- tion, daily fecundity, and sex ratio (Carey 1993). The age
plant cultivar than those on the susceptible one. The of first reproduction plays an important role in the
observed differences could be due to differing morpho- intrinsic rate of increase. If fecundity remains constant,
logical and chemical composition of the herbivores’ a shorter preoviposition period will result in a higher
host plants (susceptible and resistant eggplant intrinsic rate of increase. In our study, T. bagdasarjani

Fig. 4. Total age-stage predation rate of T. bagdasarjani on two-spotted spider mite reared on the susceptible (Isfahan)
and resistant (Neishabour) eggplant cultivars.

fed on two-spotted spider mite reared on the susceptible T. bagdasarjani on the resistant eggplant cultivar
eggplant cultivar had shorter total preoviposition period (Neishabour) was significantly lower than that on the
and higher daily fecundity, so the obtained intrinsic rate susceptible one (Isfahan) in both procedures.
of increase (r) on the susceptible eggplant cultivar was Although the intrinsic rate of increase (r) has indeed
higher than that estimated on the resistant one. been used as a key demographic parameter to describe
Our results indicated a difference between the same the population growth potential under environmental
life table parameters of T. bagdasarjani estimated by conditions, a high intrinsic rate of increase does not
two-sex (this study) and female-based (Khanamani necessarily represent an efficient predator (Yu et al.
et al. 2014) methods. These differences are due to the 2013), because a predator population with higher
fact that the age-stage, two-sex life table includes the intrinsic rate may have a lower net predation rate. To
male populations but the female age-specific life table measure the efficiency of a natural enemy, we must
deals only with female populations. In other words, consider not only its intrinsic rate of increase but also
female age-specific life table neglects the male popula- its predation rate. Despite the lower intrinsic rate of
tion as well as the variable developmental rate among increase of T. bagdasarjani on the resistant eggplant
individuals; therefore, the stage overlapping, stage mor- cultivar, its daily prey consumption was higher than
tality, and male survival rate could not be calculated. that on the susceptible one. In addition, the net preda-
In spite of these differences between female and tion rate of the predator on the resistant eggplant culti-
two-sex methods, the intrinsic rate of increase (r) of var was higher than that on the susceptible one.
July 2015 KHANAMANI ET AL.: Typhlodromus bagdasarjani AND RESISTANT EGGPLANT 509

Fig. 5. Age-specific survivorship (lx), age-specific predation rates (kx), and age-specific net predation rates (qx) of
T. bagdasarjani on two-spotted spider mite reared on the susceptible (Isfahan) and resistant (Neishabour) eggplant cultivars.

Table 3. Predation rates of T. bagdasarjani on two-spotted spider mite reared on the susceptible (Isfahan) and resistant (Neishabour)
eggplant cultivars

Parameters Predation rate (preys/predator)

Susceptible (Isfahan) Resistant (Neishabour)

Net predation rate (C0) 193.05 6 15.16a 221.44 6 20.75a

Transformation rate (Qp) 25.56 6 5.87a 27.92 6 5.53a
Stable predation rate (w) 5.454 6 0.181b 6.227 6 0.260a
Finite predation rate (x) 6.361 6 0.262b 7.005 6 0.321a
Total cohort predation (NC0) 8107.89 10850.51
The means followed by the same letter in each row are not significantly different (t-test, P < 0.05).

Fig. 6. Regression curves of consumption rate of T. bagdasarjani throughout its life span on the susceptible (Isfahan) and
resistant (Neishabour) eggplant cultivars.
July 2015 KHANAMANI ET AL.: Typhlodromus bagdasarjani AND RESISTANT EGGPLANT 511

There are some possible reasons for higher prey enable the proper description of stage differentiation.
consumption rate on the resistant cultivar than suscep- An accurate description of the survival, development,
tible one as 1) smaller size of prey (two-spotted spider and predation capacity of a predator can be achieved
mite) on the resistant cultivar than susceptible one; with the age-stage, two-sex life table (Yu et al. 2013).
therefore, the predator needs to consume more preys In conclusion, understanding the role of host plant
for its development (Cogni et al. 2002); 2) increasing chemistry in multitrophic interactions is a key to our
movement of two-spotted spider mite nymphs on the ability to assess the strength of top-down forces on her-
resistant cultivar, thereby increasing exposure to the bivore populations. Our results revealed that the sus-
predator (Kaitaniemi 2004, Kaplan and Thaler 2010). ceptible and resistant eggplant cultivars can affect
The morphological characteristics (such as trichomes) performance of T. bagdasarjani. Due to higher finite
of the resistant cultivar are possible factors, which could predation rate of T. bagdasarjani on the resistant egg-
have prevented the spider mites from feeding on the plant cultivar, the performance of the predator on this
leaf surface and hence had promoted their movement. cultivar is more than the susceptible one. In addition,
The transformation rate from prey population to the resistant eggplant cultivar alone can reduce popula-
predator offspring (Qp) provides a demographic estima- tion density of two-spotted spider mite versus suscepti-
tion of the relationship between the reproduction rate ble one (Khanamani et al. 2013); thus integration of the
and the predation rate of a predator. The transforma- resistant eggplant cultivar and predatory mite would be
tion rate on the resistant eggplant cultivar was higher more efficient.
than that on the susceptible one. The higher transfor-
mation rate from prey population to predator offspring
on the resistant eggplant cultivar could be due to the Acknowledgments
smaller size of the prey (two-spotted spider mite) on
the resistant cultivar compared with the susceptible The financial and technical support of this research by the
Department of Entomology, Tarbiat Modares University, is
one, or deficiency and lack of some essential nutrients
greatly appreciated. We are also grateful to Prof. Hsin Chi for
for egg production in the consumed preys. In addition, his assistance in data analysis.
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