1 Ballast

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1 Ballast (N)

-Heavy material used to make a ship steady or control the rising and falling of a vessel like a balloon.

.2 Buoyant (ADJ)

-Able to float.

.3 Clamber (V)

-To climb awkwardly.

.4 Detach (V)

-To separate from.

.5 Eerie (ADJ)

-Causing uneasiness; strange or mysterious.

.6 Fathom (N)

-A length of six feet, used in measuring the depth of water.

.7 Pique (V)

-To arouse or excite.

.8 Probe (V)

-To poke or prod.

.9 Realize (V)

-To be aware of.

.10 Rupture (V)

-To split or break.

.11 Sphere (N)

-An object with all points on its surface equally distant from its center; A ball or globe.

.12 Submerge (V)

-To go underwater.

.13 Tedious (ADJ)

-Seeming to go on for a long time; boring.

.14 Ultimate (ADJ)


.15 Unscathed (ADJ)

-Completely unharmed.

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