Grado Elrp Technical Proposal

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2021-- 2022
1. Project Summary
Project Title: Provision of Emergency Resilience and Livelihood Support to Food Insecure
Households and fishery schemes in greater Jonglei (Akobo County), (East and west), Jonglei state.

Organisation Information
Office Address
Telephone +21192744228/0927934440/+211918617784
Website N/A

Information of the Organisation Contact Person

Name of Contact Person MICHAEL MALOU KUEK
Title Executive Director
Telephone +21192744228/0927934440/+211918617784

1.1 Organisation Background

GRADO is a non-profit organization that was formed in 2019; then legally registered in 2021
under RRC of, NGOs, Societies and Associations ACT. It was initiated by a group of volunteers
who saw the need to address and champion the voice and needs of the marginalized and vulnerable
communities in the South Sudan. GRADO was founded as a result of increasing high level of
abject poverty, very poor health indicators, education, food Insecurity, malnutrition, and other
related socio-economic-political problems affecting the development of our new nation South

GRADO is run by a competent management team under the administration of a board of directors.
GRADO was formed with the main purpose of building the capacities and supporting
disadvantaged local communities through, agricultural activities; to bolster food security and,
Social Supports, and community led sustainable livelihood to restore hope and foster socio
economic and sustainable development in Jonglei state. GRADO operates in Jonglei, states for the
time being. However, GRADO is not limited to only Jonglei state; it intends to extend its activities
to other states in the long term. GRADO has its headquarters in Juba and field office in Akobo

Submission to WFP for 2021--- 2022 projects in Akobo County, Jonglei state, South Sudan

(Projects GRADO plan to implemented in South Sudan)
Start Project
Name and Address of Area of No. of
Name of Project Donor Type of Activity Date/End Budget
Referee at Donor Agency Implementation Households
Date (USD)
 To support
agriculture sector
through input
Distribution of emergency 1. Shereen Nasef, distribution
 Crops seed
fishing gears and agricultural Deputy Head of distribution in
tools to vulnerable households Programme, WFP Akobo County
for Sustainable Agriculture 2. Abdulaziz Noman, Jonglei state Akobo County, APR 2021-
1  Training to improve
5,000 $247,500
and Fisheries initiative in WFP/UN Head of (Bilkei Payam) APR 2022
Akobo County, Jonglei state partnership, agricultural and
fishing practices,
to strengthen hunger coping Planning & including basic post-
mechanisms capacities Reporting,WFP harvest, drying
techniques and
marketing to urban
Distribution of emergency  Support to
agriculture sector
livelihood fishing gears (lines through input
1. Shereen Nasef, Deputy
and hooks) and agricultural distribution
Head of Programme, WFP
tools to vulnerable households  Training in improved Akobo County, APR2021-
2 WFP/UN 2. Abdulaziz Noman, Head agricultural and
4000 $121,835
in Akobo east County to help (Nyandit payam) APR 2022
of partnership, Planning & fishing practices,
the people in strengthening
Repoting,WFP including basic post-
hunger coping mechanisms harvest and cooking
capacities. techniques

 Support to
Support to vulnerable agriculture sector
households through through input
1. Shereen Nasef, Deputy distribution
distribution of agricultural
Head of Programme, WFP  Training on Akobo county
tools: Axes, hoes, slashers, APR 2021-
3 WFP/UN 2. Abdulaziz Noman, Head improved (Dengjok/ Alaali 4000 $121,835
sickles, overall. Gumboots etc agricultural APR 2022
of partnership, Planning & payam)
for the returnees and practices, including
vulnerable households in basic post-harvest
Akobo. and storage
 Support to
agriculture sector
Distribution of Fishing and through input
Vegetables kits to support 1. Shereen Nasef, Deputy distribution Akobo County
vulnerable HHs with Head of Programme, WFP  Training in improved APR2021-
4 WFP agricultural and
(Buong/ Walgak 4,000 72,229.50
Training of agricultural Group 2. Abdulaziz Noman, Head APR 2022
fishing practices, Payam)
one Fishing group in Akobo of partnership, Planning &
including basic post-
county, Jonglei state Reporting,WFP harvest and cooking
 Support to
agriculture sector
Promoting Emergency Food through input
1. Shereen Nasef, Deputy
Security and Livelihood distribution
Head of Programme, WFP Akobo County
Response Project amongst  Training in improved APR 2021-
5 WFP 2. Abdulaziz Noman, Head agricultural and
(Diror Payam, 4,000 $ 270, 000
people Facing High Food APR2022
of partnership, Planning & fishing practices, Kaikuiny)
insecurity in Akobo County,
Reporting,WFP including basic post-
Jonglei harvest and cooking


2. Project Description: this project is intended to cover Jonglei State,
Population Census 2008.
Total Pop. 1,358,662, and area of implementation, Akobo County, POP,

2.1 Background of the Project and Description of the Problem

This proposed project is contributing to the Emergency Livelihood Response Programme (ELRP)
that aims to save lives, protect livelihoods, enhance food production and strengthen the resilience
of vulnerable communities by building their coping capacity mechanisms. This project, responds
to address “perennial hunger phenomenon in Jonglei State with Pop. (1,358,662), (Akobo County
Pop, 136,210)”. The flood had destroyed harvest in 2019-2020 in Akobo and most parts of Jonglei
in a level that was unprecedented. Between May and July, 2020, to May, 2021, it was estimated
that nearly two thirds of the population (6.96) were/would be affected severely with food shortage.
Malnutrition levels remained worrying, with related global malnutrition above the emergency
threshold in many areas. According to forecasts from the latest IPC, 5.5 million South Sudanese
were estimated to be going hungry in early 2021-2022. The number of people in need of food
assistance is likely to increase due to catastrophic level of destruction caused by floods and erratic
rainfalls that have been devastating the country since 2019-2020. And 2021, About one million
people have been directly affected by floods, thereby destroying approximately, 91,000 metric
tons of potential harvests and decimated several hundreds of livestock from which many people
depend on; in greater Upper Nile and greater Bahr el Ghazal regions respectively. According to
the South Sudan Humanitarian Needs Overview (Humanitarian Programme Cycle 2021), of the
78 counties in South Sudan, 45 are in extreme need (level 4) and 33 are in severe need (level 3).
Some 30% of the counties in extreme need are in Upper Nile, followed by 21% in Jonglei and 15%
in Eastern Equatoria. Other parts of the country also have counties in extreme need. Out of the 33
counties at severity level 4 in 2020, 23 counties were also at level 4 in 2021, per the 2020 HNO
analysis. The 23 counties that appeared in level 4 in 2020 including Akobo county, Jonglei state.

2.2 Contextual Analysis of Akobo County

About 54% of the population were acutely food insecure as from January 2019-2021, according
to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis. This was mainly as a result of
intensified rainfall that led to severe flooding of the areas and most of the households. Preliminary
forecasts show that large areas of cultivated land were damaged due to the flooding and
waterlogging affecting an estimated 1210 households. This Phenomenon devastated Akobo county
and most parts of Jonglei significantly; and reduced food production in the affected areas.
Livestock health was also affected. Averagely, vulnerable households in Akobo county need
support to against the hunger gap– This is the period when households run out of reserved food
stocks and the next harvest–typically between March and August. The impact of the flooding could
result in a lean season starting as early as January 2020-2021. The increased food production gap
in heavily flooded areas could increase needs throughout the year and thus require more food
commodities to be delivered, just-in-time before the rains begin again after the first quarter of
2021. GRADO is therefore proposing to partner with UNDP, WFP, UNICEF and FAO to provide
emergency livelihood support to food insecure and displaced households in Akobo, Jonglei state
2.3 Objective
Outcome 1: Livelihoods of the most vulnerable households protected

2.4 Project Outputs, Activities and Workplan

2.4.1 Output
Increased access to emergency livelihood inputs by food insecure and displaced households to
maintain food production

2.5 The Main and Key Project Activities

1. Identification and registration of beneficiaries
2. Input Distribution Modality
a. Modality 1: Distribution of grain seeds, vegetable seeds and agricultural tools.
b. Modality 2: Distribution of Emergency Kits (Crop, vegetable and Fishing)

3. Provision of Basic Instructions on Agricultural and Fishing Practices

4. Strengthening Capabilities and Building Capacity (Resilience Light)
5. Monitoring and Evaluation: Post Distribution Monitoring, Post Planting and Post-Harvest
6. Reporting

2.6 Workplan
Activity Description
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Formation and Training of farmer and fishery Committees *
2 Mobilisation & Sensitisation of Communities at County/Payam Level *
3 Beneficiaries Identification/Registration *
Collect and Stock WFP and others Emergency Kits from Akobo and
4 *
Transport them to the Distribution Areas
5 Distribution of Inputs *
6 Guidance on Basic Instructions on Agricultural and Fishing Practices * * * * * *
7 Technical Trainings * * * * *
8 Rapid Post Distribution Monitoring *
9 Post Planting Assessments *
10 Post-Harvest Assessments * *
11 Submission of Interim Report * *
12 Submission of Final Report

2.7 Description of Output Indicators
Planned Activities Expected Output Output Indicators
Farmer & Fishery committees
Formation and Training of Number of AAP Committees formed 5 F&F
formed at Payam and Boma
AAP Committees Committees formed in each payam
Number of stakeholder engagement
Mobilisation & Sensitisation Communities mobilised at
meetings--- two meetings conducted in each
of Communities County, Payam & Boma level
Beneficiaries Identification
List of verified beneficiaries Beneficiaries registered are 21,000 HHS
and Registration
Collect, Stock & transport Emergency kits collected,
WFP/Others UN Agencies stocked and transported to
Emergency Kits distribution centres

21,000 households to be
 Number of households to be supported
provided with vegetable
with crop seed are 21000 HHS
seeds kits
 Number of households to be supported
 21000 households provided
with vegetable seed are 21000 HHS
with vegetable kits
Distribution of Inputs  Quantity of assorted crop and vegetable
 21000 households to be
seeds and tools distributed 6000 metric
provided with assorted
emergency kits and tools
 Quantity of fishing kits to be distributed
 21000 households to be
are 21000 kits for 21000 HHS
provided with fishing kits
Basic Instructions on Basic instructions on
Number of beneficiaries to be instructed are
Agricultural & Fishing agricultural and fishing
300 fishermen
Practices practices to be conducted
 Number of demo plots are 5 farms
Technical Agricultural trainings
Technical Trainings  Number of beneficiaries to be trained are
to be conducted
300 agriculturalists
Rapid Post Distribution Post distribution monitoring to Post Distribution Report to be completed at
Monitoring be conducted the end of the project
Post planting assessment to be Post-Planting Assessment Report to be
Post Planting Assessment
conducted completed at the end of the project
Post-harvest assessment to be
Post-Harvest Assessment Report to be
Post-Harvest Assessment conducted in the end of the
completed in the end of the project
Fish Harvest Assessment
Fish Harvest Assessment Report to be
Fish Harvest Assessment Conducted to be completed in
completed in the end of the project
the end of the project
Submission of Interim Interim Report Written and Interim Report to be conducted in the end of
Report Submitted the project
Final Report to be Written and
Final Narrative and Final Report to be
Submission of Final Report Submitted in the end of the
completed in the end of the project

2.7 Methodology
The project will be implemented in three phases.

The first phase will entail preparatory activities aimed at raising awareness and building ownership of
the project. These will include mobilisation and sensitisation activities and formation of AAP
committees at County, Payam and Boma level. The targeted communities will be sensitised on proposed
distribution modalities, their steps and processes. The preparatory phase will also include training of
staff and volunteers on the two distribution modalities. The trained staff and volunteers shall proceed to
establish and train Farmer & Fishery Committees at payams and Bomas. The phase will climax with an
official launching of the project at county level.

The second phase of the project entails activities aimed at providing the targeted households with
emergency and livelihood inputs. This phase will be preceded by the identification and registration of
beneficiaries, collection, stocking and transportation of inputs to the respective distribution centres;
mobilisation, selection, training and engagement of seed fair traders at Payam and boma level. Two
days before the provision of the emergency livelihood inputs, the registered beneficiaries shall be
verified and issued with vouchers or tokens by the project team with the assistance of the trained
volunteers. The targeted households will be supported with emergency livelihood kits through direct
distribution with crop kits. All the targeted 21000 households will directly be provided with vegetable
kits, while directly be provided with fishing kits.

Distribution Plan
As we await the outcome of the feedback, we propose to work with WFP and the Food Security Cluster
to develop a distribution plan that avoids duplication and conflict in distribution strategies, but enhances
effective and efficient distribution. Using the table below, we shall determine the specific beneficiary
bomas and their respective number of beneficiaries.

CK VK FK Total
Payam Boma SF HHs
To be To be To be To be
Buong Kuer- Diew
done done done done
To be To be To be To be To be
Diror Kaikuiny
done done done done done
To be To be To be To be To be
Bilkey Chaan
done done done done done
To be To be To be To be To be
Dengjok Wuthpiny
done done done done done
To be To be To be To be To be
Nyandit Burmath
done done done done done

The third phase of the project will entail instruction and training activities aimed at empowering the
targeted beneficiaries with agricultural, fishing practices, post-harvest, preservation and cooking
techniques. The technical trainings will be undertaken at the demo plots set up for each targeted Boma.

3.0 Monitoring and Evaluation

All implemented activities will be closely monitored and supervised by designated project officers and
volunteers. GRADO will employ all FAO relevant tools or templates to ensure the right beneficiaries
are selected, registered, receive the right inputs in the right amounts; that the beneficiaries effectively
use the inputs given to them; and that the project is well implemented. Crosscutting issues like gender
parity, conflict sensitivity, and climate change or consistencies with national and regional FSL and
poverty reduction policies and priorities shall be taken into consideration. GRADO proposes to use
FAO tools to ensure effective implementation of the project. These tools include a beneficiary selection
criterion, beneficiary registration form, distribution list form, post distribution monitoring form, post
planting monitoring form, and crop harvest assessment form. A post-distribution monitoring (PDM)
during the distribution of inputs shall be conducted to obtain a rapid feedback from the beneficiaries the
timeliness of the distribution, quantity and quality of inputs provided.
The results of the PDM shall be reported in the Interim Report. A post planting assessment shall be
conducted 30-45 days after the input distribution. Crop and fish post-harvest assessment shall be
conducted shortly after harvests to collect information on input supported, land preparation, planting
time, area planted, training and sensitisation, performance of crops, and yield and production estimate.

We propose to work with the State, County, and Payam leadership and officials to ensure effective
implementation of the proposed project. We shall specifically work with County Commissioners, Payam
Administrators, County Agriculture Departments, the Relief Rehabilitation Commission, local chiefs,
women and youth groups.

Declaration and Signature

I hereby certify that all information contained in this proposal is accurate and true. This proposal is not
currently and has not been previously funded by another institution.

Date: 24th June, 2021 Signature: MichaelMalouKuek

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