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aN of Nurgle (with belp from Kich Curren, Irent Nigbman, & Joe Sleboda for good suggestions, ard members of the Warhammer 40K Internet Mailing List) ‘Tim heads the Games Workshop USA Customer Service Department, and also serves as the GW Internet rep. He served 10 years with the US Air Force and flying satellites. He now is having much more fun working for GW, even” though his parents are a bit confused by it all! Tim plays lots of 40K (Tyranids, Chaos-Nurgle, and Genestealer Cults are his favourites), and with the new Warhammer arriving is forming major Chaos-Nurgle and Skaven forces (with lots of Plague Monks, of course!). TUT VNn FAVOURED OF NURGLE 115 points (218 with Wargear Cards) Not all members of the Kenegade Legions are from those impossibly ancient Marines of the Heresy. Some are relatively recent additions to the Long War. Such is the case for Pestilaan, once a normal human but now the seml-daemonic Favourite of Nurgle, God of Decay. He started life as an ordinary child on a simple frontier planet, long ago cut off from the Imperium by Warp Storms. Without supervision, wild psykers grew Unchecked on the planet, though most were destroyed as witches or worse. Pestilaan’s powers were unknown toll, even himself, throughout his adolescence. It was not until an outbreak of the Festering Pox swept through his region that his differences appeared. He grow fascinated by the changes taking place to him and those around him, as all around developed pustules of greenish ichor, which would burst open as the disease tan lis Course. Observing the twisted patterns of growth, the obscene changes to the flesh, brought him delight. ‘Many of those ne watched died, but those who lived noticed that whilst he did catch the disease, it did not seem (0 actually weaken him as it did the others, His fellow villagers grew angered. and declared him a ‘Witch, and as was their custom buried him alive in a tomb of solid rock, far below the ground. There he was left to perish, surrounded by the dead bones of those whe had been condemned before him. He grew gaunt and thin, deprived of food and water. His mind, though, seemed t0 grow from a smouldering, ember into a burst into flame as his body weakened Strange dreams swept his brain from sleeping to waking, growing to obsessive visions of entire worlds made of rotting flesh grown from burst pustules of unearthly gods’ Without heing aware of his latent powers, he began (0 reach out with his untrained Psychic powers into the Warp - and was noticed. ‘The warp-entity that ie Nurgle detected the faint tendils of psychic energy reaching out, and tasted the savoury flavour of the mortal’s mind. Daemonic energies were projected back along the Warpline back (0 the source, and emerged into the universe of real space through a small cup the now wasted husk Of a mal Had been using tv gatlier water dripping from the ceiling. The plain cup grew into a large chalice, overflowing with pestilent Warp-foam. The withered form draw strength from the energies, and thus found favour in the cyes of the daemon. With {a small traction of its power a small flicker in the Warp ‘occurred, opening the Warp-storms and sending a plague-ship of Death Guard Chaos Space Marines towards the newly empowered mortal. ‘Months later, the dropship oozed out of the dimming sunset and landed on the planet. After brus! the Feeble opposition, the Plague Marines followed the Warp-trail to the tomb-cell, blowing it open with sustained plasma fire. Inside, they found something that was no longer human, The being that emerged into the faint light almost glowed with daemonic energies. His once-fair countenance now contained a single hhorn, projecting from the gangrenous brow. Both eyes had merged into a cyclopean orb. Wielding the bloated chalice above his head, he renounced his old life and declared himself now Pestilaan, Favoured of Nurgle. The Plague Marines recagnised their god's touch upon him, and lead him to the ships. As he stood before the dripping hatchway of the Thunderhawk Gunship, Pestliaan tured and looked back on the planet of his birth and rebirth and smiled. Rending his cup to the soll, he hestawed his bles upon all whu remained there. Then he se into the heavens. ‘Within two months the planet was rediscovered by the Imperium. Seven months later, the order for Frterminatus was given toa warld naw covered by waves of disease, with millions already dead and many more dying Pestilaan was immediately inducted into the Death Guard, who saw the light of thelr god shining in his eye. His reputation grew further when. after days of ‘communal meditation with daemons, he was gifted with a Plaguesword, which appeared before him from the Warp. Though too old to undergo their half- remembered genetic alterations to become a Chaos Space Marine, Nurgle’s energy allowed a suit of power armour to become bonded to his flesh. Wielding his Chalice, he now joins the Plague Marines in battle, Using ts unholy power as well as his own untrained but puissant psychic abilities. Mast impartantly, he is a Misible symbol of the favour of their god, as he grows closer to full daemonhood Dr ee rare Power Armour (3+ save) Bolt Pistol, Frag and Blight Grenades As a Champion of Nurgle, Pestilaan carries the Mark of Nurgle (included in his profile above). Note that this also means any wounds he causes count double for Nurgle Summoning points. Pestilaan can have 2 Wargear items. These must be the Chaos Reward Plaguesword and the Wargear card Chalice of Lives. Note his number of Attacks Includes the extra attack for the two clase combat weapons (Rolt Pistol 6 Playuesworu), Pestilaan is a level 2 psyker, representing his inexperience with using these Powers in battle. As he was never trained as a Marine psyker, he can only draw psychic powers from the Nurgle Powers deck, WARGEAR: PSYKER: Special Rule: Rapid Fire: As Pestilaan never received the specialist ‘Space Marine training. he does not benefit from Rapid. Fire rules, Demonic Constitution: Pestilaan’s body is slowly altering trom human to daemon, and tluctuates as it changes, sometimes swollen with bile and corruption, other times lean with running sores. Thus his number of starting wounds is variable, Add D3 to hie base number of 2 10 arrive at his Wounds total for the game, re- rolling this number at the start of each game in which he fights. AS his Doay Is partially daemonic, ne cannot be Possessed, though he does count as a living model for all other purposes. aA eV Mee elmo Cis ty ‘Chaos Cult Commander: Pestilaan may be chosen to ead a Chaos Cult army, representing a summons from ‘an emerging cult for his aid in battle. He can only be ‘chosen by Chaos Cults of Nurgle (all members must be followers of Nurgle as per page 17 of Dark Millennium). If chosen, he must be the army commander, replacing, the Demagogue. He has a Strategy Rating of 2, and his points are taken from the Characters allocation IF desired, he can bring a bodyguard of 3-9 Mague ‘Marines. chosen as normal from the Chaos Space ‘Marine list. They must remain within 6" of Pestilaan at all times, and are paid for out of Squads points allocation, PLAGUESWORD 15 points Nurgle hac gifted Pactilaan with a Plaguesword. It is identical to the ones carried by his Plaguebearers, and on a roll of 4 will kill outright any living foe it ‘wounds. It can also be used to patty. BLIGHT GRENADES 3 points The Death Guard who rescued Pestilaan soon returned to his home planet. and collected the heads of discased corpses they found. Fashioning them into bandoliers of pus-filled skulls, they presented Pestilaan with these new Blight Grenades, which he cherishes as reminders of his homeworld, These follow the normal rules for Blight Grenades. BLESSING OF NURGLE, 45 points Pestilaan benefits greatly from his patron god’s benevolent protection. He has a fixed save of 4+ against all psychic powers and warp-based attacks, such as Vortex Grenades. Wraithcannon, Shokk ‘Attack Guns, and the like, Note that this save docs not nullify the power or attack. but only protects him, Move him to edge of any templates if he saves against them Pestilaan may also add +1 to his dle roll if subject to Dacmonie Attacks, representing his patron’s protective gaze. CHALICE OF LIVES 40 points ‘After being entombed on his home planet, Pestilaan Used a small cup to gather water dripping from the stone ceiling. His obsessions with decay drew Nurgle’s attention, who prolected some of the demons’ unholy éenergies into the cup, which grew into an unholy object bubbling over with pestilent warp-foam. Pestilaan began to draw sustenance from the normally lethal cenergies, keeping him alive for the long months before his rescue and Deginning his slow transformation into daemonhood. The Chalice can be used to both sustain Pestilaan, or Cause his enemies (v sicken and dic, During his shooting phase. Pestilaan can direct the energies from the Chalice towards his foes, spraying warp-foam from the Chalice. This counts as a normal shooting attack. It can be used in three different ways, depending on how far he wishes to spray the foam. Each attack type uses ‘one of the Flamer templates. Put the template used so. that its pointed edge touches his base and the rounded edge covers his target. All living beings under the template which do not carry the Mark of Nurgle are affected, those partially under it are affected on a D6 roll of 4+. All models affected must make an Immediate Leadership test using the chart below: ‘Template Used No. of Dice used in Test feavy Flamer Template T Flamer Template 26 Hand Flamer Template 3D6 If a model fails its test, it will tke 1 wound with no armour of field saves allowed, Models with saves “against paychic affects may attempt ta eave a8 normal IfPestilaan wins a round of Close Combat, he can force his opponent to drink trom the Chalice. trading all his hits for one single Leadership test on 3D6 as described above. When in close combat against a vehicle, if he Penetrates the hull or any other location with crew inside, he can (after resolving the damage for that location) alsa pour the Chalice inta the opening. forcing all crew inside to test a3 above on 206. Note that as carrier of the Mark of Nurgle, any wounds caused via the Chalice will count as double summoning, Points for Nurgle daemons. Nurgle has also empowered the Chalice with healing, abilities, via the foul warpefoam if ahways containg TF Pestilaan is wounded, place wound counters next to him as normal, but continue placing them even if he reaches his maximum number (as determined before playing). If he reaches his maximum number, place him cn his side: he can still be targeted by weapons, and hit in Close Combat as if he was taking Free Hacks. AC the end of that tum, he can attempt to heal his wounds by drinking from the Chalice. Roll a D6, and deduct this ‘number of wound counters. It this brings Pestilaan to Jess than his maximum, stand him up and he can Continue fighting. If he still has more than his maximum, even Nurgle's warp-foam cannot heal his grievous injuries and he is slain, Note that is he affected by a weapon that kills outright (such as Vortex. Grenle), the Chialive canmiot Le used! to save him. by the r ames inatantly a stupidity rt af each fall test. I this fails than the effects c PESTILAAN ONLY HARLEQUINS ONI g E a e 3 JTOUNN JO ONISSITE 10 :yBuino seunyee XINO 3T9UNN JO SNOIANWHO auOMSINDVTd N PCE ey iy we AV THE SLAUGHTERER OF KHORNE By Andy Foster Andy's unofficial contribution to the roll call of Chaos is a blood-drenched berzerker lord of the World Eaters Chapter. Bad news for the Imperium... Ibe barsh clang of metal on metal echoed along the black-ribbed corridor as the World Eater Marines marched to the airlock of the landing post. Ten thousand years of warfare bad not dulled their thirst to spill the blood of those who opposed their god. Khorne would have his trophies from the backwater mudball beneath their raiding ship. The general roar of angry snarls and vows of bloodshed ceased as one of the World Eaters shoved bis way through the crowd. Standing taller than even bis giant brethren, the man seemed almost Ogryn-like in nature. His armour was caked in the blood of millennia. the thick dreadlocked pelt of some buge beast flowed from bis skull-like helmet and in bis left hand he held an axe of Khorne's own forges, a terrible Daemon-blade whose very appearance hurt the ees. The Marines name was Scyrak, lnown as the Slaughterer, Chosen of Koorne and Slayer of Armies. Once be bad bad. apotoer name Due tie soat Long Joraosien a aberact foeon discarded in favour of war. Scyrak the Slaughterer was bis name and function both. He bad butchered all who stood before bim in the name of his God for ten thousand years or more. Cities and planets bad been shattered and split beneath bis chain-axe, over a million men, women, children and aliens bad been crushed by bis thick fingers, their beads taken as a sacrifice to Kborne's glory. Khorne had been pleased with Scyrak's work and had granted him the ability to grow damaged flesh anew. On the plains of Brantoz, Scyrak alone survived a bail of lascannon and bolter fire that slew bis entire company of World Eaters. Again and again be was hit by the massed fire of Pheonix marines. Throe times he seemed dead and each time be stood up again, screaming bis hatred and triumph. On that black night, as the storms lashed the city with Scyrake had felled over thirty Space Marines and two Dreadnoughts in combat, their armour as putty beneath bis fury. On the Tower of Antbarzis, Scyrak bad duelled with Ongorth Murderbeart, another Kborne Berzerker and former lieutenant commander of the World Eaters. Ongorth bad fought side by side with Scyrak at the battle for the Imperial Palace at the end of the Horus Heresy, and the two bad once been great friends. That meant nothing to either man as they fought each other atop the tower. Although Ongorth was possessed of even greater skill than Scyrak in combat, Scyrak's ferocity and strength enabled him to break the older man's neck, wrenching bis bead clean off; and claim Ongorth's Daemon-axe for himself, Ongorth's corpse was hurled to the ground many miles below as Scyrak bellowed pratse to his master for bis victory. Murderbeart’s ‘skull decorates Scyrak's personal trophy rack even now. In an ancient labyrinth of caves beneath the city of Damarond, Seyrak earned from bis god a Collar of Kborne after destroying a cult which followed the bated Slaanesh. Scyrak the Slaughterer became a name of terror. Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus, the byper-secret organisation within the Inquisition dedicated tases tie Deena ed toes Cee abe sleet vee rer appearances, although witnesses were feu. An Imperial Guard regiment under Inquisition 91 The Slaughterer of Kborne command escaped from a heavily defended landing platform reduced to five men at the hands of Scyrak's warband. Their account of the battle told how Scyrak bad been seemingly incinerated when bis Rhino transport bad been destroyed. The Rhino bad rolled down a rocky outcrop, coming to rest on its side. Scyrak bad smashed bis way out of the floor panels, bis armour on fire. He bad fallen to the ground, apparently dead. When next the Imperial Guard defenders glanced towards the wreckage of the Rhino, Scyrak was a mere twenty metres from the bunker. He charged the plasteel door, smashing it apart in a few mighty blows. Laspistols could not slow the Kborne Derzerker, let alone kill him. The five survivors bad managed to Bao cio dan pa ce danc ec ad ‘forces and the shuttle was met by an Imperial Battlecruiser. For their own protection, is aetatars Dope neie ae ted Uaioe core alts Pagel Fhekov Wrath. Wrath was to pursue Scyrak across the universe and back, sworn to rid the Emperor of this cancerous enemy. The Slaughterer stood as the drop-pod crashed through the night air to the ground. Ancient retro-systems fired at the last moment, cushioning the impact slightly but the land was a bad ‘one and the pod rolled and bounced on the plascrete surfaces of the city. It smashed through a pair of smoked glass doors and into an urban commerce centre. Electricity arced around the {mterior of the drop-bod and smoke eusbed from panel as the occubants were drop-pod, flashing into steam. In the distance, klaxons wailed, urging citizens to take cover in appropriate shelters. An armoured Chimera sporting the insignia of the Adeptus Arbites moved through the shattered Tass entrance to the mall, grinding fragments into dust beneath its solid track links A door slid open on its side and a unit of black-armoured troopers barrelled out, deploying into a defensive position within a second. The multi-laser on the Chimera’s turret tracked towards the crippled drop-pod in its watery nest. Sparks fizzed pathetically from some torn cables on the side of the rune-covered pod. Another Arbites man emerged from the Chimera. His armour was more decorative than the ‘other troopers, and an Imperial Eagle perched ferociously on bis belmet. The Captain signalled to bis men to advance. Tentatively, the five men approached the pod. Water lapped over the ruined wall of the fountain, spreading around their boots, reflecting the red light of nearby shops. Footsteps sprinted towards the Arbites team. Shotguns were raised instinctively. A civilian rushed past them, blind with panic. The Arbites exchanged relieved glances. One of the grim figures almost smiled. The Captain hollered impatiently. One of the team raised a bio-scanner towards the pod. The green screen showed nothing. “Moshi ta tenor, Se No Bie-imes eae af i the man said. The Arbites Captain rubbed chin thoughtfully. He would bave liked to open the pod to make sure of that but others were oe The city was under attack and there was no time for investigations now. He sneered to bimself at the failure of the ancient technology. The Emperor bad obviously made the pod fall to the ground as a demonstration of his power over Chaos. Captain Karjok reached a decision "Set melta-charges around it. Ensure no Chaos scum get to use this again." The Arbites set to work swiftly. As they bent around the pod, attaching the magnetic charges, a small electronic note sounded from one of the trooper's waists. The man, Montgomery, glanced at bis belt. At that moment, the water from the fountain reached a condutt panel on the wall nearby. There was a loud bang and the lights in the immediate area went out, The scene was now lit by the garish red and white strobes of a nearby vendor's window display. The note sounded again, 92 The Slaughterer of Kborne repeated itself. Again. It became a steady pulsing tune. The Arbiter raised up the dirge-singing bio-scanner, read the screen, looked at the pod. "Sir." be began. Karjok looked around as the drop pod blossomed open, bowling and creaking. Blasts of steam and smoke flew outwards from the pressurised chamber. A figure stood there, illuminated "Blood for the Blood God!" The Chaos Lord leapt, Daemon axe swinging down in a lethal arc that sliced an Arbiter cleanly in two across the chest from should to waist. Blood spraved and bones splintered. Karjok also yelled, ut his men. Shotguns flared in the abstract darkness. Bizarre dioramas reached out to seize Karjok's mind. The Chaos Marine thrusting a buge chain azz through Addamson's midriff. Hobkirk appearing to shoot tbe monster in the face. Inthe next, the traitor tearing Hobkirk's boad off with an almost casual backbander. Randall and Montgomery, one moment standing toe-to-toe with the Berzerker The next strobe seemed to show abborrent fascination, the Marine used Montgomery to club Lewis, as an Ogryn might use a ripper gun or lump of wood. The emergency lighting finally kicked in as the Marine fell upon the semi-conscious Lewis. The gore-strewn scene would bave made a lesser man wretch. Karjok was assailed by the stench of blood and the carbide from the shotgun blasts. He realised that the Berzerker bad actually been wounded during the combat. Even now, as be tore Lewls apart with bis hands, the man's bead seemed to be rapidly bealing. Scyrak realised that the last of the nearest men were dead. He reached around, grasping Morr Akbasb, the Daemon-axe. The bunger filled bim again. Through the red vision, Scyrak was aware that be bud been sbot again. He ignored the pain, looked around. Another loyalist martyr begged for sacrifice upon Khorne's altar of war. Scyrak was only vaguely aware of the squat shape of the Chimera bebind the Arbites Captain. His chain axe flared into life, oily smoke issuing from vents on the shaft, blood flicking from the teeth as they blurred around the edge of the bead. “Kborne! Kbooorrrnnnel” Karjok clicked the setting of bis plasma pistol up to maximum as the Berzerker charged at bim. For alll its size, the beretic could move incredibly fast. Suddenly, the Chimera's multi laser spewed into life, a barrage of ruby beams striking the gore-drenched chest of the maniac. Scyrak staggered under the deluge, = almost falling, The bullmounted beavy flamer vomited liquid fire, bathing the Chaos Marine with clearing rightrousness. Kajok addled bis ou volley of plasma to the attack. At long last, Scyrak fell, bis chest smashed open, skin blackened and crisp. Karjok breathed heavily in, This was some legendary Daemon from the warp. He must ensure its death. He drew bis power sword, comforted by the cold steel of the bandle. The Chaos Berzerker's skin bad paled again. His chest was closing. Karjok's eyes widened as he saw the man's giant hands twitch, close on the dark-bladed axe. He rushed forward, power sword beld bigh to cleave off the man's depilated, brutish bead. Scyrak thrust out the handle of bis daemon-weapon. The spearhead on the shaft punctured Karjok's carapace armour as though it were an eggshell, even as the power sword sliced into Seyrak’s chest. Scyrak lifted the agonised Captain bigh into the air on bis axe handle. Karjok's ears filled with the screams of the Daemon contained within. His belly was burning as be slipped slowly down the handle. Scyrak brought bis bead close to the speared man so that be could see the life leaving 93 The Slaughterer of Kborne ‘im. Karjok cried out and was dead. Warm blood poured bis wound, down the handle and onto Scyrak, who proclaimed bis triumph to bis God once more. ‘The ruined shell of the Chimera gave one final hreath of fire as Scyrak walked out of the ruined glass doorway. The crew were dead, decapitated after Scyrak walked out of the ruined glass doorway The crew were dead, decapitated after Scyrak carved open the armour of the tank with bis Daemon-axe. He breathed deeply in, smelling the blood and death upon the wind As be raised his eyes skywards, holding the corpse of the Arbites Captain aloft in tribute, he saw the dozens of World Eaters assault pods dropping like bail upon the planet This city contained a great many victims with which the World Eaters could pay tribute to Kborne. They would all die. He tossed the corpse to one side. A squad of guardsmen from the planetary defence force rounded the corner of a nearby building. Some of them saw the terrible figure on the sieps of the ruined commorcial contre and fired. Hefting bis axes in either band, Scyrak the Slaughterer, Chosen of Kborne, prepared to pay tribute to bis master. "Blood for the Blood God!" SCYRAK THE SLAUGHTERER, CHOSEN OF KHORNE, SLAYER OF ARMIES WORLD EATERS KHORNE BERZERKER LORD 180pts + 80pts Wargear = 260pts Scyrak the Slaughterer has fought in a million battles on thousands of worlds. Wherever he appears carnage ensues, the wholesale genocide of planets and solar systems. No pile of skulls is ever tall enough to slake Scyrak’s thirst for death. His armies do not take prisoners. They are Khorne's warriors, and praise their murderous god on the battlefield Scyrak rose quickly through the ranks of the World Eaters by merit of his incredible savagery even before the Horus Heresy. He was only too willing to turn upon an Emperor whom he saw as weak and (oo compassionate in favour of Warmaster Horus. When the World Eaters turned to Chaos, it was Scyrak who killed their Chief Librarian, sacrificing him to Khorne’s honour. A great many men, women and children have fallen to the hands of Scyrak in the ensuing years. Not even his own followers are safe from his fury. He has been known to slaughter those of his troops who should turn away from the enemy. "Cowardice is fur victims. Death o cowards!" he once declared shortly before killing ten of his best warriors after they fled from combat with an Eldar Avatar. Scyrak is an unstoppable killing machine in combat. Armed with a variety of deadly close combat weapons he favours axes above all, and carries a Daemon blade he took from a former World Eaters Lieutenant Commander after slaying him in combat. Khorne has been greatly pleased with Scyrak’s tally of dead to date and has gifted him with the power to regenerate wounds and granted him a Collar of Khorne to protect him from accursed Psykers. Your Chaos Army may include Scyrak the Slaughterer, but only as its Commander. Scyrak does not take orders from others. He may not be chosen as an ally. fern a: 0 ‘Scyrak the Slaughterer 4810) 47) WEAPONS _Scyrak is armed with a Chainaxe, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, and the Axe Morr’Akhash ARMOUR Chaos Armour (2+ save) WARGEAR — Collar of Khorne. 94 The Slaughterer of Kborne MARK Scyrak’s armour save is increased by +1 to 2+ on 1D6. In addition, he is OF KHORNE subject to the rules of frenzy. Such is the skill of Scyrak that he may parry even when frenzied. He is an awesome warrior who revels in his role as a sacred destroyer ot Khorne. STRATEGY — Scyrak has two strategies: fight and kill. Because of this, if Scyrak is used as an army Commander, his strategy rating is 4 (rather than 5 for a typical Chaos Lord). SPECIAL RULES ‘CHAOS SPACE MARINE. The usual Chaos Space Marine rules for rapid fire apply. However, note that Scyrak has special rules concerning Break Tests. See below. BIG, TOUGH, MAD & FRIGHTENING. Scyrak is bigger and tougher than most Chaos Space Marines, due in part to the large amounts of scar tissue over his body and his regenerative abilities. Coupled with his blood-soaked insanity, this means he ignores pain that would fell lesser warriors. This gives him 41 Toughness, included on his profile. In addition he is immune to psychology and cannot be broken. He passes any Ld-based test. However, his lust to spill blood has eroded the stability of his mind somewhat. His BS is reduced to 4 Scyrak the Slaughterer must always move towards the enemy, and may not hide. Hiding is something that cowards and the weak do. Cover may not be used if it happens to be in the way of the Scyrak model. He is a Berzerker, and fears nothing! Scyrak's reputation and blood-soaked visage is sufficient to terrify most enemies. He causes Fear as described in the Psychology Section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. FURIOUS CHARGE. Such is the ferocious enthusiasm of Scyrak the Slaughterer to get to grips with his foe that the may triple his move rate instead of only doubling it when he charges. He may only use this onus if it allows him to get into hand-to-hand combat that mn. He may not use it if he is unable to reach the enemy! PSYCHOLOGY. Subject to Frenzy and Hatred caused by The Axe Morr’Akbash. Otherwise immune to Psychology and cannot be broken. Scyrak’s insanity means he passes all Leadership Tests. In addition, he causes Fear. See above. LEADERSHIP. Any Chaos Space Marine within 12" of Scyrak may use his Leadership of 10 for the purposes of Leadership tests. However, any units within Scyrak’s line of sight that fail the test and break will immediately be charged by Scyrak if he is not in combat already. Scyrak will immediately fight a round of hand to hand combat in order to teach the cowards a lesson in Khorne's name. The opposing player controls Scyrak. The broken unit may not flee from hand to hand combat. Once they are down to less than 25% of their starting strength they are removed, as normal. Victory Points are awarded to the opposing player as normal. Any other Chaos troops who are broken and have line of sight to this event will automatically rally, for obvious reasons. After this, any broken Chaos unit will automatically rally if one model has line of sight to Scyrak. TACTICAL NOTE Although Scyrak is pretty damned lethal in combat, the fact he always has to move towards the enemy means you must be prepared to fight offensively (no, not calling your opponent names, I mean you have to actually get stuck in and fight, not hang around at the back shooting at things) Have plenty of close combat troops to back him up by getting rid of that Gretchin shield. There is nothing quite so irritating as having to spend three hundred points and an entire battle stuck in combat with a Gretchin mob, even if you do kill six a turn. Plus, the Runtherd might have that dreaded device; the Grabba Stick. This pretty much neutralises Scyrak’s awesome abilities. Your only chance is A: avoid it or B: it might miss. Be warned! Also, your cheaper combat troops will soak up some of that incoming fire because the Slaughterer is as much a target for your enemy as the average well-painted Dreadnought. They just can't resist it and he's not hard to kill with a lascannon, Think tactically, even if Scyrak doesn't. Use him in a Rhino or Land Raider or mount him on a bike to get him across that battlefield and into combat. But above all, Kill! Kill! Kill in the name of Khorne! Blood for the Blood God! 95 The Slaughterer of Khorne WARGEAR AND CHAOS REWARDS REGENERATION 30pts Khore’s power flows dough dhe body of Scyrak, allowing 1 manner as a Bloodletter of Khorne. If 5 the turns D6 roll 4-3 Any damage is taken as normal (remove him if he 1s dead - he will recover fully after the battle if you are fighting 4 campaign. Such is the power of Chavy) 4-6 — Scyrak growls, gets back up and regenerates any and all damage he has suffered in the battle so far, no matter how many wounds were caused or he had previously failed to regenerate. Restore him to full wounds. He cannot gain extra wounds from regenerating, just his normal three. WW regenerate mortal wounds int dhe samme -yrak is wounded or slain, roll a DG in the rallying phase at the end of NOTE: Ubviously, Scyrak may not regenerate ‘warp damage’ caused by Vortex Grenades and Distortion Cannon as he won't actually be on the table any more. Chances are he will return in some other part of the universe, such is the whim of the Chaos Gods, Scyrak the Slaughterer Only ‘THE AXE MORR'AKHASH 30pts Scyrak carries a mighty daemon axe containing the bound spirit of a Bloodthirster, a Greater Daemon ot Khorne. ‘The Daemon's rage and bloodlust imbues the wielder of the axe with +2 WS and +2 Strength. In addition, the bound Daemon's influence is sufficient to make the wielder hate enemies: in hand to hand combat, the wielder may re-roll any of his attack dice during the first round of combat. Scyrak the Slaughterer Only COLLAR OF KHORNE 30pts Scyrak wears a Collar of Khorne around his neck. The power of the Collar is to suck the energy of the warp from around it, fortifying the wearer and also protecting him from psychic attack. As a result, force weapons lose thelr strength bonus against Scyrak. The Collar of Khorne automatically nullifies any psychic power used against Scyrak the Slaughterer or which includes him in its area of effect. Champions of Khorne Only Cursed is the Heretic! Forever will he burn in the Emperor's fury! From: Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Prime Fhekov Arnold Wrath To: Inner Order Grand Masters Security: Alpha Prime All available evidence points to the presence of our hated foe, Scyrak. The city of Greater Derbai was ransacked. Over a million citizens were killed or sacrificed to the foul Dark Gods. Survivors are few or none. Those discovered so far have been honourably executed to preserve their souls. A tactical analysis suggests that this attack heralds the start of another wave of Chaos raids in sector twelve. | recommend Adeptus Astartes units are sent to defend Hiveworlds Pollax and Soneillion as these contain the highest population centres. ‘Our enemy seeks sacrifices to the Blood God. | will hunt him down and exterminate him in the name of our Emperor, blessed is his vision. The pure of mind will conquer the corrupted! + +e» RECORD ENDS +++ 96 VYYYVVVTYYVPTYYVYTYTYYY DOH BUTCHA’S KLINIE MYVTTTIVTTTTITINYYY by Andy Foster YOu WIL Clipper NEED: A pin vice with smatt drill bit, Supergiue Khdrn the Botrayer's Body (1997 Annuat, page 128, wxle 70318/1) Kharn's Backpack (1997 Annual, page 128, code 703184) Khorne Icon Bearer Body (1997 Annual, page 129, code 70323/1) Khorne Berzerker Chumpton 2 (1997 Annual, page 129, code 703: Dragon Ogresin.'C (1997 Annual, page 283, code 73003) Chaos Knight Standard Bearer (1997 Annual, page 285, code 73004/3) Chaos Knight Banner Top (1997 Annual, page 285, code 730044) Ix World Eaters Shoulder Pad (1997 Annual, page 130) OPTIONAL: Forest Goblin Spider Rider 1 (1997 Annual, p253, cue 075490/4) Start hy using the clippers to remove the small pin on the bottom of Knarn’s shoulder pad which his s normal arm is attached to. Dill a hole here to be used to pin the new arm in place later. Remove the pin where Khdm's head attaches as well Again with the clippers, carefully remove the swords from the leg of the Khorne Rerzerker Champion 2 The best way to do this is to first clip the left from the body at the groin to just beneath the sword hilts, then end the leg out until it breaks off This should ensure that the hilts come cleanly off. If they are still on the body when the leg breaks, don't panic. You can remove them with a sharp knife for later. Kemove the Champion's upraised arm a¢ the elbow pad/shoulder pad joint, using a knife and ensuring you get all of the cable attached. Drill a nle in the end of the arm and pin it to Khimn’s body so that the cable now tucks behind Kharn’s shoulder pad Remove as much of the Banner pole from the Chaos Knight as. you can. This will be used on Scyrak’s backpack Glue the Banner top to it. Drill a hole into the pole’s base. Drill a hole inte the top of the hack pack and pin the banner in i Remove the head of Khien’s Chainaxe. Remove the Axehead from the Dra Chain Axe son Ogre Axe. Drill and pin this to the sluafi of Kharn’s Glue the swords you removed fi nn the Berzerker Champion to Kharn's left leg having carefully moved the chains out of the way by first cutting them away from the leg and then bending them back slighty Remove the head from the Icon Bearer's body with the knife and! attach it onto Khan's body facing the desired manner (I had it facing slightly upwards as though screaming in triumph, which Scyrak docs a lot off), and glue the World Eaters shoulderpad into place. Glue the back pack and banner pole on, ‘You now have a complete Scyrak the Slaughterer model ready to be painted in appropriate colours. If you like you. can use the large spearhead from the Spider Rider by pinning it to the bottom of Scvrak’s Axc. Other uptiony are to use Kharn’s chain-axe instead of the Berzerker's, and if you have another of Khdm's axes spare from another conversion, you can model it so that you have a double headed axc Instead of giving Scyrak an impressive banner, which should be tattered and wartorn, you could use some Terminator Trophy Rarks or make your own with wire and spare oddments from your bits bua Take a look at Space Wolf models for ideas on how to model other trophies onto Scyrak’s armour such a9 animal pelis Or at the 40K Chaos range for anything you can liberate from a Terminator or suchlike IF IT MOVES - CONVERT IT, IF IT DOESN'T - CONVERT IT This is without doubt Andy Foster's motto. We featured Andy’s superb Scyrak the Slaughterer last issue and we just had to find out if he bad more of the same. So, in true journo fashion, we jumped in the motor and took it for a spin to our Derby store where you can find Andy at work, As you can see from the miniatures here and on the back covers of this issue Andy can't leave miniatures as they are and just has to convert them. Having discussed the subject in length we conclude that Andy is in dire need of aversion | therapy... The Chaos Lord at the top of the page goes under the name ‘Evil Lord Skult-fore- face’ as Andy bad been watching lots of Earthworm Jim cartoons when creating him! It was made from Kbarn's body, An Undead head, Abbadon's sword and topknot. The gun was created from a variety of sources The Chaos Sorceror Lord opposite is effectively an Abaddon/Abriman hybrid with the wings coming from a Tyranid Gargoyle. The wings are supposed to be an ornate addition to the Chaos armour The Chaos Terminators above are simply recpositioned miniatures. Our favourite ts the leader who is beckoning to his enemies with bis lightning claw to ‘come and have a go if you think you're hard enough! Chaos Spiky Bits NURGLE WAR ALTAR David Cain isthe current Warnammer world champion and recently he travelled down from Seatland to the studio te ply a tillian tawle against Gordon Davidson which apeared as a bale report in While Devash 190. David browsht with bm his converted Leman Rust, the Nurgle War Altar. Yes there is a ‘Leman Ross underneath all those Nurelings! As you ean sce the Norgle War Altar looks absolutely briliant, owe simply could not resist showing all you Journal readers what David spends his spare me doing and provide rules fur thio new Chaos toy at tc samme time. You can Find rules for the Nursle karo page 10, with the deadly launcher and the it pny Canin a 10se Lusty Weapons of ‘var the Lascannon andthe battle eannon, the Neale War Alaris teady to roll! There is a multitude of sniniaiure pars that have been used to make this stunning tank. Answers ‘on a postcard if you can same them all, noi you Davia! ib NURGLE WAR ALTAR By David Cain I'you have soen the pituros of David Cain's fabulous Nurgle War Altar on the inside Gont cover ofthis issue then you will Know what this artile is all about. If you have not seen the pictures then I suggest ‘you look now otherwise a foul plague will beset ou and your face will become covered in Thnileand yrmeckin will Ten sorey for rambling. hom are tha rs hy the fist Warhammer Champion, David Cain. Unique amongst the Chaos Gods, Nargle takes great amusement in the petty effigies that are constructed in hie hhonour, His gaze will dwell a while on such eonstruction$ and 9s such they act fax a beacon ta all followers and ‘worshippers of Nurgle. (On dhe war tomn batleields of the 4st Millennia, such War Alears ute found ‘built onto the back of vehicles to allow the priests of Nurgle to spread disease ‘and pestilence over a wide area. Most ‘commonly, Nurgle’s followers utilise ‘tanks so thi the Priest gains a measure of protection from the vehictes imposing firepower. A captured Leman Russ is a particular favourite although any vehiele the cultists have will suffice ‘The Nurgle War Altar in 40K ‘The War Altar ean only be included in the Chaos army if it includes atleast ‘wo squads of Nurgle ortetates oops (Nurgle Space Marines and/or squads led by 8 Champion of Nurale, not Ducmons however). The War Altar is a unique vehicle and as such cannot be further enhanced by the addition of fmtaoe vehsele urd ‘High Priest Rancidguts Rancidguts has been the High Priest of [Nurgle for more than eight hundred years having risen from a lowly cult member to his powerful position Rancidguts has been gilted with the ‘Throne of Nurgle which is mounted on hs captured Leman Kuss, Plaguelury. ‘The High Priest of Nurgle isa level 2 psvker and as such gets 2 psychic powers. He is equipped with flak ‘armour and is armed with laspistol ‘and earries two Wargear cards which fare force rod and the throne of Nurglc, War Altar: The effects of the slime ‘the altar plate and the: precenne ‘of fics ond Nurglings makes hand to ‘hand combat with the Priest fraught with difficulties. Any would be ‘attackers mast first bypass the Rancid Appendages (see below) and can then ‘choose to attack the Leman Russ or the High Priest himsell ‘The altar acts as the focal point for ppsyehic enengy and helps to fortify the Tiuk between warp space and dhe physical presence of Daemons. For the eran the High Pricer ean dryer 3 ‘extra warp cards after the cards forthe psychi phase have been dealt. Divine Influence: Followers of Nurale take heart when the War Altar ‘accompanies them to battle because they sonse their deity watching over them, To represent this the following special roles aply to all troops within 6" of the Nurgle War Alta Any Nurgle Daemons within 6” of the altar at the star of the Chaos players Inn fan a: damn eam fn the entire turn instead of the normal 44 roll, ‘Ay followers of Nurgle (urge Space Marines or squads led by @ Nurgle CCarapton) within 6° of tho altar at the start of the Chaos players to roll on the table below. Tust roll onee and apply the results to all the followers within 6”. The effects last for a Compete ture: unt the end ot the ‘opponents tun. If the War Altar is destroyed or the Priest is killed each individual Nurgle Decmon within G” must pass u Li test cor be immediataly baniched back 0 the \warp. For the reminder ofthe tum and the following tum, those Nurgle Daemons which survived tis test only receive a 5+ Daemonic aura save. ‘After this tne save returns to normal. ‘Nurgle troops within 6” must pass a beak test (on their normal La) o will, be broken. ‘Rancid Appendages. ‘The armoured surface of the Leman ‘Russ 1s no longer recognisable as itis, ‘ovened wid sie, wells, poWeEL SAS, ‘poisoned whips, tentacles and rotating blades. In addition monstzous High Priest Rancidgu ‘ereatures and daemonic enttios burst im forth from its rotting armour slashing Foree Rod 15 and biting. ‘Throne of Nurgle 28 ‘The effects of these appendages are 4 fold. Ablative Armour: The mechanical ‘and living protrusions from the rouing ‘surtave ot te tank act to adsorb the ‘energy of incoming shots. As such the firot hit to penetrate the armour ia ‘completely ignored. Causes Terror: The tank/altar causes Terror, Therefore troops wishing 1 ‘charge the altar must pass & Terror test todo, Poisoned Blades: In hand to hand ‘combat with the tank, attackers must roll under their Initiative characteristic 6 always fails) to avoid the poisoned blades. If they pass the test they can attack the priest or the tank. If they fai the Initiative test they suffer an automatic strength 4 hit from the poisoned blades with an armour save at-1, They are pushed away from the lank and cannot attek this tara, [Nurgles Rot: Any non-Nurgle aligned ‘model (not vehicles) coming into jcontaet withthe tank contract Nurgles Rot. Atthe end of each turn roll on the Norgles Rot table above for each affected model. Armour saves do not apply unless its enclosed armour such as Power armour, Terminator armour Ela Axjext aint, NURGLE WAR ALTAR ‘Making your Nargle Ws cs le War Altar ee If you choose to fake your own BM Norsle War Altar Femember to uy and keep it simple-and add the dota Iter Tic mo mals is as. essenuial fur ‘making models such asthis where a lai of Piling in ogres, ‘TmyselPdo pot know what all the bls David used on ins Tapuious ‘miodel are bur here"s few Bits E do know of. A Leman Russ batticiank kit, Throne from Nurgle Palanguin, Greater ‘Daemon of Nargle,an Epie Titan rocket laupolior a Mose Garsant Iya Canon sates UE “Nurglings and anything else dat son elly ke Alla these poets ‘ar available from those helpful ‘chaps from mail order ‘Your Noreke Wa Alvar does not have fo be mounted on @ Leman Russ, [could be on a Rhino or Predator. whichover takes your Taw. NURGLE’ ROT NURGLE’S KUL NURGLE’S. ROT NURGLES ROT TABLE Result “The Disease is killed off by the immune ystems. Disease dormant. No effect this wen. Roll again next tum. Nurgles Rot begins to spread. Love | Wound. Roll azain next tur if sll alive. ‘pres rampant. Lose D> Wounds. Roll again next turn if sll alive, ‘Sponson mounted weapons ‘The sponson mounted heavy bolters found in the normal Leman Russ are frequently muted to give more postlence orientated firepower. Yomit spray cannon: (Looks remarkanly like an Fie Titan eoeket launcher!) Uses the heavy flamer template, This ‘ean be placed anywhere within te normal 180 degree fire arc with the row end touching the eannen Anybody under the template is ‘automatically hit and anyone partially tunder is it ona 4 ‘Those affected suffer @ Strength 3 hat ‘ith no armour save allowed. s WARGEAR CARD ‘Rot launcher: (ating Jamilianty t0 the Epic Moga Gargant mega “The launcher has a range of 30", A 2" template is placed at the point of impact. Anybody under the template is hit automatically and anybody partially under is hit ona 4+. Those affected have now contracted Nurgles Rot. Place a Nurgles Rot counter besides them and at the end of cach tum roll on the Nurgles Rot table above for each affected model Fieki proteots those sested in the throne from id gives a 4+ unmodfieable sive ‘against all shots which hit the Throne and the psychic fialé will nullify all psychis poners HIGH PRIEST OF NURGLE ONLY ftom the ettantions of eneny Psykers. The | directed at tha war altar on the roll of 4+. incoming shals and tre psyche field protects the Throne and the Wat Altar itis mourted u20n Conversior Fi ‘The Throne cf Nurcleincorpouates a Conversion Field and a psychic feld. The Comer Permission is granted to photocopy this page if you want to NURGLE WAR ALTAR TrwaMO TO Th ad oS % 1 ‘@Bin © auorTL yank, uedeank uceuods 06H {eH'Y 22M 918M NO INO ayU O1 WO MK JF KoFMEP SHA KE>00IOKA or pouns 5} UO SsIALKA ease See ES Nor ‘sma. a co er dh seu 6y era: ae, mez oom: ¢ oaz += ze92 00 owes ones ‘oq ShwwOU ‘sejdue wow feuds yon fe@.2 soniye oor toysoO7N ~~ oe gO Hayoune Ou ea ere eye rT Be bean ‘Awuds yutos payin uowuols uo pur saysuRzy you 291uNA tosuods iQ) SNodvam ‘SUANNND BNIEVM BOVISSTOENN Y YUBA UG ANINVA 39VdSSTOENN Mayo OaNOTUL 'AdAL .91:033dS 1SV4 133dS LVEWOD vas AOTS ‘_NawanoW aAvS aovwva Zia SHLONAHLS amva wwe VLVG J1SIH3A UVITV UVM ATDUNN WOLF LORDS KVALNIR SILVERCLAW AND BEREK THUNDERFIST By lan Pickstock Kvalnir Silverclaw is one of the oldest and most respected Wolf Lords in the Space Wolves at present. Wearing terminator armour and carrying an awesome chainfist, one of Kvalnir's most noteable victori ‘Thunderfist is one of the most famous Wolf Lords in Space Wolf Thunderwolf Company tls reputation with hs powerfist earn’( hin Atal Welcome 19 the Model Mutilator. Where we take lots of fincly made Citadel Miniatures, ehop them up into little pieces, add some Super Glue, season witha ite filler, sti into a fine paste with various knives, saws, end drills and pour into our imaginations and see what monstrosities we ean come up with. ‘This issue I show you how to make two special Space Wolf ‘haraotera es 1 az colleting a Space Welt foros at present. 1 Jenown thia sounds really comy but it's tcue, Having looked through the new Space Wolves Cadex book I decided in a rather unorthodox manner to make my own Wolf Lord and Great Company. I already had this conversion in mind, not wanting some wimpy WS 7 Wolf Lord with a boring old normal chainfist, I devided to abuse my position entirely by euing my characier pubiishea in the Journal complete with & couple of full colour wargear cards, The Drill Most conversion work in this article is done using an electic ‘modal drill, and these models are mado extremely e33y to build with one. Drills are available from DIY stores for about £30 sud since becoming « proud owner of one ofthese machineries of destruction I have deen accused of sounding like hysterical dentist (I'm told that maniacal laughter can really irate on your nerver). includes defeating an Avatar in hand to hand combat! Berek tory, Wolf Lord of the the trameThunderfist Mating Kynar Silverctaw To make your Kvalnir model you will need the following ‘miniatures: Wolf Guard sergeant in terminator armour, Long Fang sergeant and Ragnar Blackmane. The fist thing 10 da is to remove the head from the Long Fang sgt. This can be quite tricky as in order 19 remove the head with the beard you will, hhave to make a diagonal cut from the back of his neck to the auiddle vf his chest, With this dune, you should be able 1 Temove the excess meual using dhe drill with a router. After this, you now have wo remove the helmet from the Wolf Guard gf. 'The beet nny tr dn the fe tn ext the Fenn the ent ith a saw, this should give you amice lt surface with which ‘you can hollow out the rest of the helmet. Once again the best ‘way to do this is to use the drill with the router. You will have to drill quite deep in order to make the head fi. Now simply slue the headin the hollow, you shouldn't need o use any filler as any gaps in the join can simply be painted black. This reas shadows dha give the Head dep and he feting that. Is part of a body in terminator armour. The final stage i810 make the Long Fang, the Long Fang is made using a normal sleginltc will she-thataynat hi stertntEard Bite chainsaw bit ghied on in ite place, You cen pi the join if you like, but I find just glueing it is enough. Youll probably break it ducing painting, just glue back on, after a couple of breaks the Super Glue builds up, not only providing a super-tough join but filling any gaps in the join giving a super-smooth finish at the same time (Of course I wouldn't pay too much atin Wy Uhis gibberisls as Pre just diuppal my Kelas ofl Ie side of my computer and guess what snapped off, yes me Long Fang!) Berek Thunderfist Well I'm not sure if it has hit you yet... that’s right to make Kvalnir Silverclaw you need io buy Ragnar Blackmane just {or his sword. This T wu wld is rather eatravagant for you rmorial gamers. So I have decided to knock up another Space Wal? character nsing the Ragnar model. Namely that of his former boss Berek Taunderfst, The only thing that I think is absolutely neccesary to do is to get rid of what's left of Ragnar’s sword arm and glue a Power glove there instead. OF ‘course this will jus look like Ragnar with « power-fist. But after doing Kvslnir youl now be armed with your drill, so get chopping. ‘My suggestions aro to get rid of Ragnar’s head and left ‘shoulder pad for starters, as these are what identify the mods} as Ragnar. Trv replacing the head with a snazzy Space Marine helmet, the shoulder pad can be replaced with a plastic shoulder pad and a nice chunky plasma gun in his left hand ‘wouldnt go amiss. Another option is rouse a plastic powerfist and power sword/axe eic. This means you will have to put the ‘powerfiot on tho left hand. Ae you can cea my Berek “Thunderfist is made up of the remnanis of several figures that Ive dug out of the bottom of my bitz box. After you have finished Berek if any one tells you Berek still looks Tike Ragnar, then you only have this o say ws Uren. "When Derk bic it, you didn't think Raganr would got a new suit of Power Asinour, did you? Noh, Ragnar gor Rerek's old suit with a litle piece of Plastel to cover the hole that Berek left through!” ‘Well that’s dis laid Lit over, ia mostly delling and a lot of sawing, If this isthe fizst conversion you've done using an clectic model drill you'll now know what a useful part of any ‘mad modellers weaponty itis. 'am currently working on some [Eldar conversions and maybe some Brestonian Pegasi Knights ‘bat you'll have to wait and see. OF course just like everything with the Journal, you don't want to listen 18 us al he time, So if you have an idea for a conversion or a special character or ‘model then drop usa line WOLF LORD BEREK THUNDERFIST BN SoA SMa alk cece Your army may include Berok Thunderfist as its commander instead ofthe Wolf Lord. Berek Thunderfist was the former Wolf Lord of Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company. The actual wolf totem chosen by Berek when he became Wolf Lord was that of the Thunderwolf. Bur after many baules the wolf brothers of the ‘ThuuderwolE company dubted him Berck Thunderfist. Many ‘battle would see Berek leaping into the thick of combat, mighty power fist dashing foes left and right. crackling with power as tiny ighining ares danced across its surface. All around the Fang it was rumoured that Berek was in some ‘way touched by the Thurdet wolf wid dat Mis power fist was the claws ofthe Thunderwolf itself. Of eourse we all know that Rorok simply ‘neglected! to wire his power fist properly. ceeusing the excess energy to build up on the surface of the ‘wespon, Despite his huge powerfist and his lighting speed in close combat, Berek met his end defending the Vault of Seorets from the Thousand Sons. een ee Borok “Thunderfst 10 WEAPONS. Berek Thunderfst is armed with a bot pistol, powerfiat and frag grenades. Herek may chose any additional ‘assault weapons from the Space Wolf Wargear list, as printed in the Space Wolves Codox Book. ARMOUR. Berek Thunderfist wears power armour (3+ save on 18). EQUIPMENT. As a Mighty Hero Berek Thunderfist may cary up to three Wargear cards. These may be chosen from the ‘Wargear cards as you wish. STRATEGY RATING. If you have Borek Thunderfst us Your army commander he has a strategy rating of 5. SPECIAL RULES SPACE MARINES. The usual Break Tost and Rapid Fire ‘special rules epply. In addition, the Space Wolves Acute Senses and Hatred also apply (see Space Wolves Codex book), LIGHTNING RRACTIONS. Rerek Thunderfist is renowned for his lightning quick reactions. If Berek ties in clase combat, then roll A D6. On a roll of «4 or more Berek ‘wins the combat regardless of initiauve and gains one hit ‘against his opponent, WOLF LORD KVALNIR SILVERCLAW Your army may include Kvalnir Silverclaw as its commander instead of the Wolf Lord Kvvslnir Silvercaw is one of the lngest serving Wolf Lords in the history of the Space Wolves, his long and distinguished career spans live centuries. As a Blood Claw and a Grey Honter, Kvalnie performed with the honour and valour worthy of a Space Wolf. But Kvalnir hardly looked like Wolf Lord sao only whon Kevan wea promoted to the Long ange that the spirit of Ruse scemed to low through Kealnir ‘with renewed vigour. Kvalaiz quickly rose to the ark of Sau. som eins one, Maske} ey Seton ists Kvalnir spent a century as Long Fang sergeant and iss probably the ost nspring part o sag, ‘Kvainir’e Pack was an awe inspiring sight om tho batdlfiola tend many taloo coho around the Feng sbout ther exploits, Not only did Kvalnir's pack provide deadly heavy weaponry, standing resolutely on high round spitting forth fire and 2, Kvalnic’s Long Fangs also provided a vital ig point. In many battles when the Space Wolves wore forced to fall beck, it would be behind Kvalnir that she Wolves would reform, Kvalnir's Long Fangs would lead ihe oxher Long Fangs to greater deeds of heroism, on many an occasion the foul enemies of Russ have been repelled by the unrelenting rain of firs provided by Kvalnir'sinapiod lasdarchp ofthe ook. Not once in his century asa Long Fang sergeant did Kvalnit’s| Pack fall back in the face of the enemy or lose a single Long, Fag The uriginal Cour Long Fangs are now pan of Rvalnt's ‘Wolf Guard, forming their own unit of Wolt Guard, thoy bear the sears of many battles fought by Kvalnir’s side and itis their devotion to hien that led them to tade in their much Towed heavy weapons for deadly lightning claws, Kvalir’s clovation to Wolf Lord happened vitualy overnight ‘unvsual in thet Kvalnir became Woif Lod witht fs Uecouing a neuter uf bis former Land's WOIE Guaud. Te was during the Fifth Great Hunt, the Space Wolves were fighting a ‘campaign to push the foul hordes of Chaos further into the Fye fof Terror. The Space Wolves ween in embittered eemtTet with their hated enemy the Thousand Sons. The Silverclaws, then lee by Jacgar Silverclaw were driving back the Thousand sons ‘withthe spit of Kuss betund them, Jaogar and his Wolt Guard were leading the Silverclaws to a great vietory, when the foul forces of Tzeentch sprung a deadly trap. Out of the warp ‘Saproun ile Fed epyrnerty tng Feud al deakeporc be called forih the donizens of Tzsentch. ‘All manner of wvisted creatures erackling with the dark magic of Tzeentch were summoned as a deep man in the material tuniverse opened in front of Jaeger. They were upon Jaeger tnd his Wolf Guard within «blink of sn eye, Jacgar knew his time 2 over and fought with the ferocity of « comecod wolf, From his vantage point Kvalnir saw this foul deed wafold before his very eyes, in 2 matter of moments the Silverclaws" attack was repulsed and the Silverclaws started to fall back. 24 eee ee ‘campaign would be wt risk, Kvaluit videred ‘Long Fang Packs io sand firm, from their postion they poured freupon the Chaos Spawn which were still emerging fram tha oar in reality. Slawly the Spawn etaried tm retreat, whila Runepriests combined their wills to close the Warp gate. The zest of the Silverclaws zalied around Kvalniz and reeurged to ‘win the battle and drive the ‘Thousands sons further into the Eye and eviet them from yet another homeworld Due to the tragedy of losing the entire Wolf Guard, the unit from which new Wolf Lords are chosen. Logan Grimnar bestowed the honour of Wolf Lord upon Kvalir for showing ‘great courage and leadership and saving the Wolves of Fentis, from almost certain defeat, Kvainir was allowed to chose his Wolt totem for his company, but decided to keep the name Silverclaw. Since he had led the Silverelaws to victory in the ‘Great Hunt, 20 the Slverolaws they would romain, nd Pa parr) WEAPONS. Kvaini Silverelaw is armed with storm bolier and another weapon chosen from the Terminator Special ‘Weayor uuu the Waigess List in the Space Wolves Carlen book (uot Cyclone Missile Laue. ARMOUR. Kvslnir Silverclaw wears Terminator amour (G+-save on 206). EQUIPMENT. As a mighty Hero Kvainir Silverclaw may cary up to three Wargear cards. One will aways be The Long Fang. « mighty chaifit. Tho othor two muy be ohoasn from the Wargear cars if you wish, STRATEGY RATING. If you have Kvatnir Sivereiaw as {Your amy commander he has a strategy rating of Kvahir Silvercaw SPECIAL RULES: SPACE MARINES. The usual Break Test and Rapid Fire spreinl relee apply Im nddition, the Space Walune Acnts Sensor and Hatred also apply (wee Space Wolves Codex bok). dah 42 Points fnstanding sere To tbo 20 for armour pone fveourted orn he Long Fang's armour penetration ia Gesecontstony HOLE IEE Pay ada acd Sa “The thology to bull ammo Feeds was developed in the Dare age of tecinclagy and has long since been los AS & [An ammo teed can only be atached to storm boliers arc Biacmia cure and alons the User to ino The See © Copyright Games Workshop Lid 1994 All rights meerved ST S bed WARGEAR CARD Oe AOe Ls 2 18) eae lS) Sh6 Master| Mage | High Mage | Lord |M Permission to photocopy for persninal use only. WARHAMME #0,.000 SPACE WOLF VEHICLES By Ian Pickstock Over the last few months, I’ve heen busying myself with adding a few vehicles to my Space Wolf army, the v astute readers will lave nuticed a couple of dient ou last issue's back cover, As you cau see I Inave guue mad. What with unlimited access to Leman Russ kits and lots of cheap lead bits, I have succeeded in chopping up about 5 or 6 tanks. But in my defence I have made 5 or 6 tanks, they just aren’t the tanks which you were expecting, So some of the conversion may be a bit excessive from a money point of view, but I thought you may be interested in having a look at them and maybe help to spark a few ideas of your own. ‘One of my favourite parts of painting hobby for me is building, converting and painting Warhammer 40,000 tanks. ‘Tanks make great focal points for an army and are really effective in the game of Warhammer 40,000. In this short article [ will tell you something about where I get my ideas from and how T go about realising them. I won't go into too. much detail, as some of my methods are slightly ad-hoc and involve cutting a few comers. Also T have deliberately made ail the conversions eatontionately expensive iu the lope that after reading this you'll want to go and make your own conversions instead of making faithful reproductions of mine. Afterall, the reason for converting a model isto finish with a tunique miniature that no one else has. “So go and make yer ‘own and don't copy mine. grrr! 12 Why Convert? Converting your models is a great way of making a totally unique model for your aumy. Sy how do we get our unigue ‘model? Starting from scratch would be very difficult indeed and take great modelling skills. I know for fact that Ihave a great deal of trouble cutting a perfect circle out of a sheet of plastic. Let alone enough circles to construct something complicated like a turret ring. or the mechanism that allows the guns to g0 up and down, But of course we want the turets and {guns fo move on our conversion. So we take various bits from different models to build our own model. Some bits are chosen for their practical purpose. Whilst others are chosen for their aesthetic appeal. For example with the fully armoured ‘Razorback, I used the turret and the Imperlal Eagie front plate because they looked good and helped me achieve the fee! that I ‘wanted 10 capture. But I kept the rear of the Leman Russ hattleeannon, as it had the mechanism that gave the turret guns heir vertival uaverse, The main thing to remember is just about anything goes. It doesn’t have to look sleak and streamlined (unless your doing Eldar tanks), remember tanks should look mean and nasty, the Uglier the better’ I say. by dhe way, sticking toad of lascamnious un duess'¢ Cou You'll probably have noticed by now that all my tanks are based on the Rhino, With the Leman Russ accessory sprue the possibilities for converting and enhancing the Rhino are endless. So why is the Rhino such a great vehicle for converting? To answer this question we need only look at modern day armoured vehicles. Of all the types of armoured Vehicle the APC has always proved the most adaptable, Modern armed forces have adapted theit APC to fulfil variety and this holds true for the Rhino APC in Warlumner 40,000, the addition of racks of missiles turn the APC into a ‘mobile anilliery piece - the Whirlwind, The addition of turret mounted weapons to turn the APC into a battle tank - the Razorback and the Predator. These are but a few examples drat, already heen aclapted far hoth Warhammer 40,008) and PIC games system. If you look through books and Jopedias on tanks and armoured vehicles you'll find APCs that have been adapted for all manner of purposes including Armoured Recovery Vehicles. minefield layers, and. anti-aircraft support weapons. Books like these are a great source of inspiration and ideas. ‘These books are available at local libraries or my be purchased from those bargain, bookstores for about £3 - £5, the

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