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A Little

Reference Book

Quotes and

Key Words for

Using Quotes
 What is the context of the quote? Does it represent what most religious people
 Think about who said the quote. Is it directed at a particular person or group or
is it meant to be true for all people at all times?

 Why do you think the person said that quote?

 How could you apply the quote to what you are studying?

 Do you agree with the quote?

 Can you find a quote that contradicts the one you are using?

 What denomination of Christian might agree with the quote?

 If everyone followed the quote would the world be a better place?

 Is the reference correct? Try to find it to check.

The Bible – Old Testament, New Testament.
Old Testament = 39 books e.g. Genesis – creation story; Exodus, story of the Jews
New Testament = 27 books about Jesus. Some are about his life and sayings, others
are letters by St Paul to the early Church after Jesus died.
Paper 2 –
20 May a.m.
 Religious, philosophical and ethical studies.

 You must answer with the understanding that the main

religious tradition of Great Britain is Christianity – this
includes the Church of England (Anglican) with Roman
Catholics and non-conformists (Methodists, Baptists and Quakers)
giving alternative points of view.

 You must answer questions on:

o Theme A – Relationships and Families
o Theme B – Religion and Life
o Theme D – Religion, Peace and Conflict
o Theme E – Religion, Crime and Punishment

There will also be questions from Themes C and F – do not answer these
question units as we have not studied them!
Theme A – Relationships and Families
(Sex, Marriage and Divorce (including contraception, sexual relationships before marriage and homosexual
relationships); Families and Gender Equality)

Key Belief Christianity

“‘Do not have sexual relations with a
man as one does with a woman; that
is detestable.”
(God hates that!)
Human Sexuality Leviticus 18:22
‘‘Being a homosexual person is
neither morally good nor morally
bad: it is homosexual acts that are
morally wrong…’
Catholic Church
“The sexual act must take place
Sexual relationships before and exclusively within marriage. Outside
outside marriage of marriage it always constitutes a
grave sin.”
Catechism 2390
“Every sexual act should have the
possibility of creating a new life.”
Contraception and Family Planning Humanae Vitae, 1968
‘Any act that renders procreation
impossible is intrinsically evil.’
Catholic Catechism
“A man shall leave his father and
Christian Teachings about Marriage mother and unite with his wife and
the two shall become one”
Mark 10: 7-8
“What God has joined together, let no
man separate”
Mark 10:9
“Anyone who divorces his wife,
Divorce and Re-marriage except for being unfaithful, and
marries another commits adultery.”
‘The marriage bond has been made
by God…it can never be dissolved.’
Catholic Catechism
‘Anyone who does not provide for
their relatives, and especially for their
The Nature of Families own household, has denied the faith,
and is worse than an unbeliever.’
1 Timothy 5:8
‘The family remains the most
The Purpose of Families important grouping human beings
have ever developed….’
The Church of England website
‘Children, obey your parents in
everything, for this pleases the Lord.
Fathers, do not embitter your
children…or they will become
Relationships in Christian Families discouraged.’
Colossians 3:20 - 21
‘Listen to your father, who gave you
life, and do not despise your mother
when she is old.’
Proverbs 23:22
‘There is neither Jew nor Gentile,
neither slave nor free, nor is there
male and female, for you are all one
Gender Equality in Jesus Christ.’
Galatians 3:28
‘…with painful labour you will give
birth to children. Your desire will be
for your husband, and he will rule
over you.’
Genesis 3:16
Relationships and Families Keywords

Key Word Meaning

A sexual act between a married person
Adultery and someone other than their marriage

A Catholic Church ruling that a marriage

Annulment was never valid.

The offence of marrying someone while

Bigamy already married to someone else.

A legal ceremony giving a homosexual

Civil Partnership couple the same legal rights as a husband
and wife.

Living together and having a sexual

Cohabitation relationship without being married.

Intentionally preventing pregnancy from

Contraception occurring.

Divorce Legal ending of a marriage.

Educating children Bringing up children according to the

in a faith religious beliefs of their parents.

A family that extends beyond just parents

Extended family and their children and includes
grandparents and other relatives too.

A group of people who are related by

Family blood, marriage or adoption.

Controlling how many children couples

Family planning have and when they have them
Staying with your partner and only having
Faithfulness sex with them.

Acting against someone on the basis of

their gender – this can be seen as being
discrimination against the law.

Giving people the same rights and

Gender equality opportunities regardless of their sex.

Unfairly judging a person or group linked

Gender prejudice to their sex.

To be sexually attracted to members of

Heterosexual the opposite sex.

To be sexually attracted to members of

Homosexual the same sex.

Homosexuality Sexual attraction to the same sex.

How people express themselves as sexual

Human Sexuality beings

A legal union between a man and a

woman (or in some countries, such as the
Marriage UK, the same sex) as partners in a
Mother, father and children living
Nuclear family together as a unit.

The practice or custom of having more

Polygamy than one wife at the same time.

Pre-marital Sex Having sex before getting married.

Making a new life, bringing babies into

Procreation the world.
Protection of
Keeping children safe from harm

Having sex with a number of partners

Promiscuity without commitment.

Where two sets of children (stepbrothers

and stepsisters) become one family when
family their divorced parents marry each other.

Marrying again after being divorced from

Re-marriage a previous marriage

Same-sex Marriage between partners of the same

marriage sex

People of the same sex who are raising a

Same sex parents child together.

Sex before
Sex between two single unmarried people
Sex between two people where one or
Sex outside
both of them is married to someone else:
marriage adultery, having an affair.

Sexual Having a fixed idea or image of how men

stereotyping or women should behave.

Safety and security – living in a society

Stability where people can live happy productive
A family, with children, that is formed
Stepfamily after a divorced or widowed person
Theme B – Religion and Life
(Abortion, Euthanasia, Animal Experimentation, Origins of the Universe, Value of the World, Use and
Abuse of the Environment, Use and Abuse of Animals; Origins of Life, Sanctity of Life, Quality of Life,
Death and the Afterlife)

Key Belief Christianity

“In the beginning God created the

The Origins of the Universe heavens and the earth.”
Genesis 1:1

“A good man leaves an inheritance

for his children’s children’
Proverbs 13:22

The Lord God took the man and put
him in the Garden of Eden to work it
and take care of it.’
Genesis 2:15

“God blessed them saying to the

man and the woman;
‘be fruitful and increase in number.
Dominion Rule over the fish in the sea and the
birds in the sky and over every living
creature that moves on the ground’”
Genesis 1:28
‘You made them rulers over the
The Use and Abuse of the works of your hands;
Environment     you put everything under

their feet.’
Genesis 8:6

“The earth is the Lord’s and

Pollution everything in it.”
Psalm 24:1

“The righteous care for the needs of

The Use and Abuse of Animals their animals.”
Proverbs 12:10

“God said ‘let us make man in our

own image to have authority over all
The Origins of Human Life living things … and God told man to
rule over all the earth.”
Genesis 1:26-30
“Before I formed you in the womb I
knew you, before you were born I set
you apart”
Jeremiah 1:5
Abortion “It does not matter whether you take
away a life that is born, or destroy
one that is coming to the birth. In
both instances, destruction is
Tertullian, a Christian writer

“You shall not kill”

Euthanasia 10 Commandments
Exodus 20:13

“For God so loved the world that he

gave his one and only Son, that
Death and the Afterlife whoever believes in him shall not
perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16
Religion and Life Key Words

Key Word Meaning

Abuse Misuse; of the world and the environment

A process of change where an organism or species

becomes better suited to its environment

A feeling of devout respect, mixed with fear or


Protecting and preserving natural resources and the


The act of creating the universe or the universe

which has been created

The cutting down of large amounts of forest usually

for business needs

Dominion Having charge of something or ruling over it

Eternity A state that comes after death and never ends

The surroundings in which plants and animals live

and on which they depend to live

The painless killing of a patient suffering from an

incurable and painful disease or an irreversible coma

The process by which living organisms are thought

Evolution to have developed and diversified from earlier forms
of life during the history of the earth
Christians who believe the statements in the Bible
Fundamentalist are literally true and believe there are certain
Christians Christian beliefs that are essential to the Christian
The increase in the temperature of the earth’s
Global Warming atmosphere (thought to be caused by the
greenhouse effect)
Christians who believe that the Bible’s authors were
Liberal Christians guided by God, but that not everything they wrote is
a literal account of what actually happened.

Naturally occurring materials such as oil and fertile

Natural Resources
land, which can be used by humans

Non-renewable Things the earth provides that will eventually run out
resources eg coal, gas, oil and other minerals

Making something dirty or contaminated especially

the environment

The general well-being of a person, in relation to

their health and happiness; also, the theory that the
Quality of Life
value of life depends upon how good or how
satisfying it is

Energy that comes from a source that does not run

Renewable energy
out such as wind or the sun

A duty to care for, or having control over, something

or someone

All life is holy as it is created and loved by God;

Sanctity of Life Christians believe human life should not be misused
or abused

Looking after the environment, so it can be passed

on to the next generation, on behalf of God

Sustainable Building and progress that try to reduce the impact

development on the natural world for future generations

All of time and space and its contents; includes

planets, starts, galaxies, the contents of the
intergalactic space, the smallest subatomic particles,
and all matter and energy
A person who does not eat animals or food produced
Vegan by animals (such as eggs); they will also not have
any animal products such as leather

Vegetarian A person who does not eat meat or fish

Marvelling at the complexity and beauty of the

Theme D – Religion, Peace and Conflict
(Violence, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Pacifism and individuals and organisations working for it, Causes
of war, Just War, Holy War, Religious Responses to War, Forgiveness)

Key Belief Christianity

“You shall not kill”

10 Commandments
Exodus 20:13
Violent Protest and Terrorism

Christians are told by St Paul to obey

the orders of their government.
(Romans 13)

“Do not repay evil for evil… do not

take revenge.”
Romans 12:17-19
Reasons for War
“For the love of money is a root of all
kinds of evil. Some people, eager for
money, have wandered from the
faith and pierced themselves with many
1 Timothy 6:10
“Faith groups in the UK are united in
their conviction that any use of
nuclear weapons would violate the
sanctity of life and the principle of
Nuclear War and Weapons of dignity core to our faith traditions.”
Mass Destruction Steve Hucklesby
“If there is a serious injury, you are
to take life for a life, eye for an eye,
tooth for a tooth…”
Exodus 21:23-34

Pope Benedict XVI said that

The Just War Christians shouldn’t ignore an evil

“Put your sword back in its

place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who
Holy War and Religion as a Cause draw the sword will die by the sword.
of Violence Matthew 26:52

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for

Pacifism and Peace-making they will be called the sons of God.”
Matthew 5:9
“Love your enemies and pray for
Religious Responses to Victims of those who persecute you.”
War Matthew 5:44

Key Word Meaning

Aggression Attacking without being provoked

Weapons that have living organisms

Biological Weapons or infective material that can lead to
disease or death

Frightening people who are weaker

Bullying than yourself

Weapons that use chemicals to

Chemical Weapons poison, burn or paralyse humans and
destroy the natural environment

Bringing a fight or struggle to a

Conflict Resolution peaceful conclusion

Exploitation Taking advantage of a weaker group

Stopping blaming someone and/or

Forgiveness pardoning them for what they have
done wrong

Greed Selfish desire for something

Fighting for a religious cause or God,

Holy War probably controlled by a religious

Justice Bringing about what is right and fair

A war which is fought for the right

Just War reasons and in a right way

Nuclear Weapons Weapons that work as a result of a

nuclear reaction causing extensive
damage to people and property

The belief that all disputes should be

Pacifism settled by peaceful means

An absence of conflict, which leads to

Peace happiness and harmony

A person who works to establish

Peacemaker peace in the world or a certain part
of it

The action of trying to establish

Peacemaking peace

An expression of disapproval, often in

Protest a public group

Bringing together people who were

Reconciliation opposed to each other

Deliberately harming someone as a

Retaliation response to them harming you

Treating a person or their

Respect beliefs/feelings with consideration
and understanding

Acting to prevent harm to yourself or

Self-defence others

The unlawful use of violence, usually

Terrorism against innocent civilians, to achieve
a political goal

An international group of countries

The United Nations set up to promote world peace and

Using actions that threaten or harm

Violence others

Fighting between the nations to

resolve issues between them

Weapons of Mass Weapons that can destroy large

Destruction areas of land and kill many people.

The ending of war throughout the

World Peace world (the basic aim of the United
Theme E – Religion, Crime and Punishment
(Causes of Crime, Corporal Punishment, Capital Punishment, Forgiveness, Aims of Punishment,
Treatment of Criminals, Law and Justice)

Key Belief Christianity

“You have heard that it was said to

the people long ago, ‘You shall not
Good and Evil Intentions and murder, and anyone who murders will
Actions be subject to judgment.’ 
Matthew 5:21

“Let everyone be subject to the

governing authorities, for there is no
Reasons for Crime authority except that which God has
established. The authorities that exist
have been established by God.”
Romans 13:1

Christian Attitudes to “There is neither Jew nor Gentile,

Lawbreakers and Different Types neither slave nor free, nor is there
of Crime male and female, for you are all one
in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:28

“But if there is serious injury, you are

to take life for life, 24 eye for eye,
Retribution tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot
for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for
wound, bruise for bruise.”
Exodus 21:23-25
“Do not take revenge, my dear
Reformation friends, but leave room for God’s
wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to
avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.”
Romans 12:19
“Not only so, but we  also glory in

Christian Attitudes to Suffering our sufferings, because we know that

and Causing suffering to Others suffering produces
perseverance; perseverance,
character; and character, hope.”
Romans 5:3-4
“And one of them struck the servant
of the high priest, cutting off his right
Christian Attitudes to Causing
suffering to Others ear. But Jesus answered, “No more of
this!” And he touched the man’s ear
and healed him.”
Luke 22:50-51

“Whoever spares the rod hates their

Christian Attitudes to the
Treatment of Criminals – Prison,
    but the one who loves their children
Corporal Punishment and
is careful to discipline them.”
Community Service
Proverbs 13:24
“Jesus said, “Father, forgive them,
Christian Attitudes to Forgiveness for they do not know what they are
doing.” And they divided up his
clothes by casting lots.”
Luke 23:34
“Whoever sheds human blood,
Christian Attitudes to     by humans shall their blood be

the Death Penalty shed;

for in the image of God
    has God made mankind.”

Genesis 9:6
Religion, Crime and Punishment Keywords

Key Word Meaning

A recurring compulsion to engage in an
Addiction activity regardless of its bad effects

Capital Punishment The death penalty for a crime or offence

Crime An act against the law

The idea that punishments should of such a

Deterrence nature that they would put people off
committing crimes

Judgement The act of judging people and their actions

The due allocation of reward and punishment

Justice – the maintenance of what is right

Rules made by Parliament and enforceable

Law by the courts

The idea that punishments should try to

Reform change the criminals so that they will not
commit crimes again

Rehabilitation Restore to normal life

Responsibility Being responsible for one’s actions

The idea that punishment should make

Retribution criminals pay for what they have done wrong

Sin An act against God

My Notes

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