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Fill In the Blanks Using And, So, Because, But o Or

o I could not go out last night ___I was too busy.

o could not go with my friend ___ he went without me.
o My friend went to the cinema to see a film ___the film the film wasn’t very good.
o The cinema was full of people ___ they were all looking.
o I like people ___I don’t like smoke.
o Do you want an orange juice ___ a guava juice?
o It was my birthday ___he didn’t send me a card.
o I didn’t write to him ___he didn’t write to me.
o The new department store is now open ___it is offering big Discounts.

Complete The Short Story Below with Appropriate Cohesive Devices

Mary could not go out with me _________invited Anne instead. Anne was very happy to
acceptmy invitation _______the film was very popular. Anne and I had a good time ___next day Mary
was very angry. Do you love me or do out love Anne? she asked me. I like both you ___Anne I
answered. Look said Mary. You go out with me ___you go out with Anne. You can’t love both me
______Ann eats the same time Why not? I answered ___not fair.; Asked Mary if she would go out
with me tonight ___she said that she had a new boyfriend and didn’t want to see me again because I
didn’t really love her. I phoned Anne ___she said she was busy so now I’m alone.

Combine The Following Pairs oF Sentences To Be One Sentence

o Bob is an only child ___He is very independent.

o You have to bring your examination card. ___, you cannot join the exam
withoutthe examination card.
o She went to work. ___She didn’t want to go.
o My cat was hungry. ___it had not eaten since breakfast that day.
o A book can be a lot of fun. ___A book can be boring.
o Andy watched her favorite TV show. ___Andy went to bed.
o Karen and Sally are best friends. _____Karen and Sally have many things in
o They made plan to go to the beach. ___They couldn’t do it.
o I couldn’t sleep that night.___, I was too tired the next morning.

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